Tower Prep (2010) s01e09 Episode Script


1 Previously on Tower Prep My odyssey's here, trying to figure out what's really going on at this school.
Who's your other roommate? You know his name? To us, he the Great Unknown.
There's no such thing as a Cyclops.
- What's the problem? - I was just trying to go to orientation.
- Orientation's closed.
- There are rumors that there are outsiders trying to infiltrate the school.
Tower Prep's secrets reach all the way to the foundation of Tower.
Down in the tunnel.
- C.
- Corvus Tower.
You're gonna find out the things that Norman couldn't.
Be careful.
In dreams begin responsibilities.
In dreams begin responsibilities.
Señor Guapo, did you just speak to me? Yes.
In fact, I did.
Oh, no, Señor Guapo.
This is how it started last time.
And you remember how that ended, don't you? With a parole officer.
In dreams begin responsibilities.
Yes, yes.
You keep saying that, but what is the Wait a second.
That is not your voice.
When did you learn how to speak English? Oh, well, uh No comprendo.
Gabe, who are you talking to? Señor Guapo keeps saying, "In dreams begin responsibilities," but he won't tell me what it means.
Señor Guapo, what does it mean? Now you don't wanna talk? Okay, okay.
Why are you always trying to embarrass me in front of my friends? Why don't we just ask our other roommate what it means? The Great Unknown? But he's never arou The Great Unknown.
Hey, what's your real name? My name really is the Great Unknown.
They're letting me leave Tower Prep.
Can we at least see your face before you leave? No.
I'm a hideous freak.
Whoa, whoa, whoa.
You're not coming in here till we solve one mystery.
Headmaster? It totally makes sense.
No, it doesn't.
Hey, how's it going? S'all right.
Gabe, why are you in your underwear? I don't know.
I guess I forgot to put my clothes on.
Don't be late for class.
What is that up there? What is it? Where does this elevator go? Close my door.
Señor Guapo, can you hear me? Why are you talking to your sock monkey? Dude, I was having this crazy dream where we were going to class, and then we were in the tunnels, and then there was Elevator with yellow doors? You, too? Um, wait.
In your dream, was I, uh was I just in my underwear? No, you weren't.
And even if you were, that's not something I would ever tell you.
What was in your elevator? I woke up before the doors opened.
Me, too.
Hey, what do you think this means? It doesn't mean anything.
It was just a dream.
It's not like it really happened.
You know, in my dream, the Great Unknown - In my dream - Me, too.
Maybe we're still asleep, and this is still part of the dream.
I'm wearing my jammies.
In my dream, I usually just wear my underwear.
"To sleep, perchance to dream.
" Ah.
There's the rub.
Or is it? Perhaps the real rub is not knowing why humans must sleep, let alone why we dream when we do.
Neuroscientists can explain what is happening in our brain when we sleep.
However, they cannot explain why.
Enter psychology.
That's why I've asked you to keep a journal of your dreams.
Now, Miss Sato, would you be so kind as to share with us your dream from last night? Well, I was sitting in this very class, and you were asking me to describe my dream from the night before.
And then my friends and I are heading to our next class Make way for Suki, the most popular girl at Tower Prep.
In dreams begin responsibilities.
But my voice isn't my voice.
It's an old man's, and it sounds all scratchy like an old recording.
Somehow the hallway disappears, and we're down in the Well, we're someplace really dark, and we come across this elevator with yellow doors.
I'm so scared.
Don't worry.
I'd never let anything happen to you.
Um, and then I don't remember what happened next.
But the elevator doors start to open, and Wh-What's inside? I don't know.
That's when I woke up.
- Mr.
- It's just both me and Gabe also had dreams with a yellow elevator in it.
I don't know.
Kind of weird.
Not at all.
As students who attend the same school, it is not unusual that you would each share some real-life stimuli stimuli which would then make its way into each of your subconscious dream states.
But none of us I don't think have ever seen this yellow elevator before.
I mean, look, let's say even if we have seen this yellow elevator before, I mean, why are we having dreams about it now? Our psychological makeup, like our fingerprints, are unique to each one of us.
What means one thing to one may mean something different to another.
So, in the case of Miss Sato, the yellow elevator door may represent a desire to escape an unpleasant situation.
The yellow door may represent the sunshine of freedom, whereas for Mr.
Forrest, the yellow doors may represent, let's say, a fear of wetting the bed.
Well, um, how come she gets the sunshine of freedom, and I getpee? I don't care what psychology says.
We're all dreaming about this yellow elevator for the same reason we wanna escape.
All of our subconscious minds are telling us this elevator is somehow the way.
Ever since we started keeping a dream journal, I haven't had any dreams.
Hey, guys, this will help us with our dream analysis.
- What is it? - It's an old record.
What's a record? "Wh-What's a record?" You s-serious? Um, it's, uh It's like a hard copy of a musical download.
Anyway, this one is Whoo, it's a goody.
Cokie Tower and the Hypnotic 5.
Song entitled "Meet Me in My Dreams Tonight and Wake Me When We're in Love.
" Mmm.
Don't be afraid.
What? What are you looking at, eyeball? - Huh? - What is that? I don't know.
- You've never seen anyone do the Charleston before? Huh? Maybe you need a pair of these, buddy.
I think that dance is called the cretin, Gabe.
Guess what? Suki wants some of it.
- Me? Yikes.
- Come on, Sukes.
Don't question it.
Just get on up, and let's do the jig.
All right.
- Just spin.
- Whoo! - Oh, yeah.
- Just turn.
Meet me in my dreams tonight And wake me when we're in love - That's That's, uh You and I could always be together - That's Señor Guapo.
- Turn it off.
- Guys, in my dream last night, Señor Guapo was talking to me, and his voice was this guy's voice, the guy who's singing on this record right now.
And in my dream, whenever I talk, I sounded just like this guy, too.
You both must've heard this record somewhere before.
No, we've never played this before.
You both heard voices in your dreams you thought came from out of nowhere but actually has a real-life source.
Maybe you didn't hear it off that record, but you definitely heard it somewhere.
If the voices in your dreams have a real-life counterpart, then maybe the elevator does, too.
Are you saying the yellow elevator really exists? I don't know.
I mean, maybe we passed it when we were down in the tunnels or something, and it was just too dark to notice.
But our subconscious Sees all.
I once dreamed I was in a magical world where everybody I met was a puppy.
But when I woke up, I never actually tried to find that place, because, you know, it was just a dream.
Yeah, well, if you had seen the elevator in your dreams, then maybe you would understand why we're so compelled to find it.
Uh, not really.
I mean, look, I see the elevator in my dreams, too.
Okay? Frankly, I don't understand what we're doing.
I mean, everybody's dream ending with everyone screaming at what's inside the elevator.
Why would we want to be screaming? Our subconscious is trying to tell us we have unresolved issues with something associated with that elevator.
Yeah, but I have unresolved issues with everything.
Why single one thing out? We'll know in a second.
Access denied.
A retinal scanner.
The first ones were made in the '80s, but this looks like it was made a lot earlier.
Someone's coming.
Go, go, go.
You guys know that kid? Must be a new student.
Guys, that's why you've seen the elevator.
That's how we were all brought to Tower Prep.
If I wasn't brought through here, maybe that's why I haven't been dreaming about it.
If this is how they bring new students in, that means this elevator's are way out.
Oh! Attention students Breakfast will be served in 15 minutes.
It's okay.
It's okay.
Look Where - I know you're probably feeling a little confused right now, but I just wanna let you know that you're gonna be fine.
Take it easy.
Whoa, whoa, whoa.
Look, now, I bet you were probably at home playing a game on your computer or watching TV or something something that involved using or being near an electronic device made by Sato Systems.
Then you heard this screeching noise, and the next thing you know, you're waking up here.
Well, the same thing happened to me.
You're at a school called Tower Prep.
Now, I didn't have anyone to help me through this, so I'm trying to be here for you.
- Hey, Ian, is - Whoa, whoa, whoa! Is our new roomie up yet? - This is our other roommate Gabe.
- Oh.
Gabe, this is Conner.
Sorry, man.
Welcome to Tower Prep.
Look, Conner, is there anything you can remember about last night? Being on a gurney? - A yellow elevator? Anything? - What? N-No.
Look Look, I don't care about that.
How do I get out of here? You can't.
Getting out Let's just say that requires some planning.
And, uh, just so you know, uh, you're gonna have to wear the, uh, school uniform.
They're pretty strict about that.
I don't know where I am or how I got here, but I am not wearing a sweater vest.
Good morning, Conner.
For your first meal, please enjoy your favorite eggs over easy and blueberry pancakes.
They know my favorite breakfast? That's creepy.
Yeah, well, most of it is.
On the other hand, there's a perfect ratio of blueberries in your pancakes.
Guys, this is Conner.
Conner, these are our friends Suki and C.
Conner is our new roomie.
Roomie? I'm a prisoner.
Look, I don't understand you people.
You're walking around, acting like nothing weird is going on here, like it's normal to be taken away from your homes and families and brought to some bizarre school.
You don't know why, what for.
You don't even know where it is.
I'll never get used to this.
No matter how long I'm kept here, I'm not gonna adjust or be comfortable with Hey, these these eggs aren't over easy.
I keep asking him if he remembers anything about last night, before the elevator, but he's just like all of us before we got here.
His mind seems to have been erased or something.
He's not who he says he is.
He's difficult to read.
He's not lying exactly, but he's pretending or trying t New students, orientation begins in 30 minutes.
What happens if I blow off that orientation? Oh, uh, I tried that and got taken straight to Headmaster.
- You don't wanna do that.
- Headmaster? What's that? He runs the school.
Well, then, that's the guy I wanna see.
Uh, you pretty much wanna avoid Headmaster at all times.
I wanna see Headmaster! Somebody take me to the head cheese! I've got questions, and I want answers! - Security alert.
Security alert.
- What is wrong with you people? Why aren't you questioning what they're doing to you here? What are they doing to you here? Oh, no! - Okay.
Come on now.
Oh, no! Don't take me to Headmaster, whatever you do.
- Get down.
- I'm so scared.
- All right.
It's over.
Take him away.
Never gets old.
Never gets old.
How did you get that information on me? That's not in a typical school record.
- This is not a typical school.
- Oh, really? I hadn't noticed.
Don't most schools have giant walls around them so students can't escape? - Nice.
- I'm not sure I know what you're referring to.
You're like the rest of the students here.
You don't know anything.
Is that why you've got that goon of yours following me around, asking me questions? I have a goon? What goon? - That Ian kid.
- Goon? He keeps bugging me if I remember anything about some yellow elevator.
Yellow elevator.
You and Mr.
Archer share many similarities.
That's why I've assigned you as roommates.
It's pretty obvious he works for you.
So I wish that you would tell me, what is this school? Who runs it? What's it for? That's why.
Now, school policy is that all new students, on arrival, are to view the orientation video.
Understood? Yes, sir.
And then he asked Headmaster if I was one of his goons.
Yeah, he called me a goon.
So, wait.
You were spying on him? You were the one who told us he's not who he said he was, he was a Headmaster plant.
Headmaster stuck him in with Gabe and I to bust us on what we know about the school.
If Conner was working for Headmaster, why would they carry on their act in Headmaster's office? Yeah.
But then there was this weird moment near the end of their talk.
Headmaster leaned in and whispered something to him.
What did he whisper? Well, I don't know, Gabe.
He was whispering.
But Conner mentioned something about the wall around the school.
What about it? Well, I was with Conner ever since he woke up, and then he went straight to Headmaster's office.
Now, I never mentioned anything to him about the wall, and he didn't see it for himself, so how does he know it was there? So, how did your meeting with Headmaster go? Oh, it was good.
Kind of weird.
I bet.
Can I trust you? Both of you? Well, Conner, you can trust us, if we can trust you.
Tower Prep orientation video.
I thought they showed that at the orientation theater.
They do, and they did.
I saw it this afternoon.
So, how is it on your computer? I saw something in it that made me wanna check it out further, so I hacked in the computer and found it.
Whisper? You hacked into Whisper? Well, what's on the video? I I never got to see it.
Good afternoon, and may I be the first to officially welcome you to Tower Prep.
I'm Headmaster, and that's all you'll need to call me.
Now, if I play it in reverse and take out the high end In dreams begin responsibilities.
That's Señor Guapo's voice.
And the voice Suki heard.
There's definitely a subliminal message there.
How did you know the Headmaster put it there, or if it's hidden like that so Headmaster wouldn't know about it? Hmm.
I realize that you have many questions, and so this orientation video is intended to answer those very questions.
That got by me today.
Who's that old guy? I feel like I know him from somewhere.
You know, that image it looks like it was specifically put there after Headmaster said, "Answer some of these questions.
" Like someone saying there are other answers to find than what Headmaster's offering.
Where have we seen that color? The yellow elevator again.
All right.
So, what do we have here? A huge mystery we have to solve or a Headmaster trap? Hack in Whisper.
I just I don't know.
I mean, if Conner really is a Headmaster plant, I just don't think that he would've shown us the hidden message in the orientation video.
Unless he didn't hack her.
Maybe Headmaster gave it to him and Conner just told us he hacked Whisper.
I mean, if it all leads to some deception for the four kids voted most likely to escape, or find out some huge secret about this school Suki, can you zoom in for me? Yeah.
You think that's this guy's eye? If it opens the elevator, then, yes, I do.
Now you're all buying into Conner's information? Because of an eyeball paperweight? Look, everything else could've been set up or planted since we met, since before we started talking escape Conner, the image of the old man in the video, the yellow elevator But this paperweight deal Guys, this thing has been in here since before you even met me.
It's true.
It was here when the three of us found the room.
That and the Cokie Tower record.
If you buy that, then you can't believe Conner is a Headmaster trap.
We never would've found that voice in the orientation video or this old guy, whoever he is.
If you think it's too elaborate to be a trap, then Conner is not a plant, and he should be working with us.
She's right, Ian.
I mean, he's good.
We could really use him.
You were keeping an eye on him until he called you a goon.
Don't grudge just because Conner thought you worked for Headmaster.
All right.
How about this? We take him into the tunnels, but we don't show him the observatory.
This is ours.
And if this thing opens the elevator and helps advance our escape plans, then, and only then, do we bring him here.
- Okay.
- Okay.
What are you doing? Going out on a limb and trusting you.
Come on.
Come on.
So these tunnels go everywhere throughout the school? Well, we haven't explored them all, so we don't know for sure, but yeah.
Cornelius Tower.
- Access granted.
- C.
Cornelius, not Corvus.
What are you doing? Come on.
It's definitely not an exit.
You tell me I must've been here last night, but I have no memory of this place at all.
This proves they're doing experiments on us.
Something tells me they're not just doing regular physicals.
- Gabe, come on.
- What? - Oh, come on.
That didn't scare you.
- Not funny.
Guys, this place is nothing, all right? It's probably just a place they brought us to to listen to Cokie Tower and the Hypnotic 5.
Come on, baby.
Let's get our swing on.
Let's just dance.
Everyone just swing it out, man.
I'm gonna crank up the old music here, all right? Crank it up.
Crank up the music.
Oh! Gabe! Gabe! Gabe! Gabe.
Where am I? Where am I? What is this place? - Hey.
How did I get here? - Get up.
You don't remember coming up here? I just The last thing I remember was using the eyeball from the observatory to get in the elevator.
This is where it led to? Wait.
This isn't an exit.
This is probably where they bring us to erase our memories about getting here.
Someone's coming up here.
- But that's the only way out.
- Hey, over here.
Come on.
Ian, right here.
Incomplete information.
Voice password required.
In dreams begin responsibilities.
Cornelius Tower.
It's been a long time.
Access granted.
Where are we? I think we're outside.
I can see stars.
Oh, my G.
We're at Graceland.
This must be Cornelius Tower's office, the founder of Tower Prep.
Architectural sketches of the school.
They even show the tunnels.
Maybe they'll show a passageway out of here.
Look at this.
Judging from this one, we're definitely on a peninsula, not an island.
Well, at least we know now we don't have to build a boat or a raft to get out of here.
I'm trying to help you.
Listen to me! Get away! I'm trying to help you! I forgot where I left off, so let's just start from the beginning.
I was born Cornelius Augustus Tower, the spoiled brat of an enormously rich rubber baron.
My early life was uneventful and boring, so let's just move on.
My first love has always been fiction.
I had dreams of becoming a novelist, but my attempts at writing only led to my first nervous breakdown.
But while recovering, I became obsessed with psychology, and it was not long before I became a psychologist myself.
At the advent of World War I, with my personal experience with schizophrenia, I was recruited to be a spy.
Behind enemy lines, I befriended, then shot down, Manfred von Richthofen, the Red Baron.
After the war and my second nervous breakdown, I sought excitement in a series of new, unrelated careers.
For a while, I fronted my own jazz band.
Cokie Tower and the Hypnotic 5.
So meet me in my dreams tonight And wake me when we're in love Then I became a stage magician - known as Towerdini.
- Guys.
Gabe? Ian.
While on tour in the Far East, I was introduced to older forms of magic, learning the ancient arts of mysticism and the old Indian rope trick.
While I was in India, my father came to me in a dream and told me of his death and that he had left me his fortune and a mysterious and unexplored peninsula.
While recovering from my third nervous breakdown, I dreamt of turning the land into a paradise for technological advances and the preservation of all creatures.
Strange how in dreams begin responsibilities.
I traveled the globe, bringing back any rare or near extinct species, occasionally making headlines.
But those hoaxes were just subterfuge to make people think I was some crazy fool so they would pay no attention to what I was really doing here.
For my main concern was collecting a special group of human beings to create a haven where they could improve and advance our That can't be the end.
He was just gonna start talking about the school.
There's still more room on it.
Yeah, it sounds like he was just about to have his fourth nervous breakdown.
Honestly, do you think we should be at all concerned that the founder of our school happens to have, like, a bit of a rocky relationship with his sanity? Well, brilliant thinkers were often thought to be insane just because people couldn't understand their genius.
Why? Why? Doesn't sound like he really understands his own either.
Who do you think he was making this recording for? Or why? He did mention his love of fiction.
Maybe this is all just one big story? Or maybe another hoax just to cover up the real history of the school.
Maybe it's even something more disturbing.
Like what? Like maybe all this is true.
I still say the guy's nuts.
Look, he agrees with me.
I cannot believe the betrayals, infiltration from within.
My friends, loyal staff, fired, exiled, killed.
This hostile takeover by these corporate lackeys They don't appreciate what I've created here.
Taking something pure and noble and corrupting it.
They've taken my students.
They're turning them into They're turning us into what? How much of that do you think is true? - Half.
- Yeah.
- Which half? - Okay.
All I know is there's a lot of stuff to go through here.
And who knows if we'll ever get access to this room again.
We should carry as much of this out of here as possible, keep it in a safe place in our rooms.
I'll hide it.
We don't even know if it's safe to go out there.
I mean, there could still be someone in that lab.
I say we take our chances.
If we have to fight our way out, so be it.
Right? There's three of us.
How many guys could be in that lab? Um, technically, there's two of you.
There are five of us.
If any trouble breaks out, we've got your backs.
Really, it seems kind of You in or out? Go, go, go, go, go! Get out of my lab! Get out of here! - Go! - Gabe! Gabe! No! Gabe! Noooo! Wait a minute.
Why am I not wearing any pants? Really? How do you fall asleep during that? Oh, come on.
It's just some crazy old guy rambling about his life.
Come on.
Gabe, come on.
Come on.
Good job, guys.
We made it.
Look, about where we store this stuff.
We have a place that only we know about.
You know what? Tell me later.
Go put this stuff there now.
I'll make sure Ceej and Suks get back to their rooms.
Come on.
We gotta get out of here.
Can't be found down here.
Hey, Conner.
Conner! Conner.
Meet me in my dreams tonight And wake me when we're in love You and I belong Conner, how did you know about the door that led to Tower's office? It's like you already knew it was there.
I couldn't have got into it without your help.
Thank you.
You're not who you say you are, are you? Who is? Where you going? I have to leave sooner than I had hoped.
I've been found out.
"Found out"? There are people out there exiles loyal to the ideals on which Tower Prep was founded.
They wanna see this institution returned to what it once was, but they need some reconnaissance before they can retake control.
That's why I was sent here.
I am a scout, Ian.
You've helped us out, but now I have to go.
- Take us with you.
- We'll be back.
- We're going with you.
- Ian, in dreams begin responsibilities.
Tower learned this the hard way.
It's a warning he put into the orientation video.
We wanted to make sure you heard, so I showed you.
Once you have a dream, it becomes a responsibility to make sure that that dream comes true.
Responsibility to anyone who is affected by it.
In escape begins responsibility.
Did your side give us these dreams? No.
No, escape is on all your minds.
But C.
didn't dream about the elevator.
We'll meet again.
My liege.
Your what? - What's that for? - The old Indian rope trick.
Let me come with you.
Security check.
Stay there.
Look in the closet.
We're clear.
Alert everyone.
Search the grounds.
Yes, sir.
Where is he? He wasn't who you thought he was, was he? What Hopefully we'll find something from the stuff we took in Tower's office that'll clear everything up.
Well, where did you put it all? We put it all right here.
Could Conner have stolen it when he left? No, he didn't know about the observatory.
Yeah, well, he found out somehow.
He took everything.
Not everything.
What, that? He left us that one picture? One lousy picture? Ian, what's wrong? That's me.

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