Undercovers (2010) s01e09 Episode Script

A Night to Forget

You have outdone yourself, Warner.
These sample stones are impeccable.
And there are many more.
My factory is the only place that cuts to this level of perfection.
You won't find a stone like this anywhere.
Do we have a deal? [Inhales deeply.]
We might.
The deal was for three million.
This looks short.
I thought your price was a bit high.
You're a wise man, Kaminsky.
Be grateful.
You cannot just sell this contraband anywhere.
You can take this deal, or you can eat it.
We do have other people interested.
Shh, shh, shh, shh, shh.
Here, sweetie.
[Phone vibrating.]
Leo again.
I really don't need to hear anymore about his vacation in "Sexico" city.
I know.
I've been to Mexico City enough in my life.
And doesn't he realize we have actual responsibilities? His whole life is a vacation.
Wait, you don't wish your life was like that, doing all sorts of insane things? Are you stifled and bored? A little bit.
I was just playing! Come on.
Nobody's stifled.
I already did all that crazy stuff.
Most of it with Leo.
[Phone vibrating.]
Are you serious? Do not pick up the phone, sweetie.
Come on.
You're having a good time, Leo, we get it.
[Scraping sounds over phone.]
Hello? - [Moans.]
- Leo! Sam.
Thank God.
I need your help.
We're not coming to Mexico, Leo.
Are you drunk, man? It's 8:00 in the morning.
Ugh, I'm not drunk.
I think I've been drugged.
I can't see straight, and my heart's racing.
Better not be playing, Leo.
No, I'm not.
Just get here, man.
There's something seriously wrong with me.
Can you find a doctor? Where are you? I don't know, I don't know.
Some--some room.
Okay, look around you, Leo.
Are you in a hotel? Can you find something with an address? All I can see is an angel out the window.
Angel? Aw, man.
Oh! What's happening to me? What? What is it? Sounds like Sounds like a stampede.
Leo, where are you? Leo? What do you think? Was he drunk? Was he joking? Even Leo wouldn't pull a prank like this.
And he didn't sound drunk.
He just sounded out of it.
[Phone ringing.]
[Dog whimpers.]
He's not answering.
Okay, we'll go.
I'll ask Lizzy to look after Waldorf.
For Leo's sake, we can't let Shaw know about this, but if he's not dying, I'm gonna kill him myself.
Okay, where the hell is he? Don't worry, we'll find him.
Maybe you were right.
Maybe he was on a bender.
I'm talking about Hoyt, not Leo.
He's ten minutes late.
He's never been ten minutes late.
He--there he is.
Hey! I'm sorry I'm late, sir.
I understand the urgency of the situation.
But I do have a good excuse for my tardiness.
I've been triangulating Agent Nash's cell signal and have narrowed his location down to a three-block radius.
That's the best I could do, seeing as how his signal was so weak and then it just stopped transmitting altogether.
Did you talk to Shaw? [Clears throat.]
Shaw does not need to know about this.
All right? This is not a C.
approved mission.
We're just here to find Leo and make sure he's okay.
Look, if you're not cool with this, you can leave right now, and we can pretend it never happened.
Pretend it never happened.
Pretend it never happened.
I'm going rogue with Steven Bloom.
Check another one off the bucket list.
All right, let's go.
It's getting way smaller and way smaller.
We've driven around these blocks three times.
Are you sure this is the right area? Ma'am, I don't mean to brag, but I am the best triangulator since Pythagoras.
It's an old reference, but it still holds up.
I still don't understand how we're searching for a stampede and an angel.
Is it possible that Agent Nash was hallucinating? Anything is possible.
Great, then we have nothing.
No location, no clues at all.
We could start checking the hotels.
What's that? That.
That is an Aztec drum circle.
It's a way of preserving the ancestral tradition.
It came out quite some time ago-- Do you think maybe it's Leo's stampede? A stampede? Definitely! Okay, stampede discovered.
Maybe we should split up.
Look for some kind of church or anything that would have an angel.
But it has to be near the drums.
Right around here somewhere.
Like that.
The beer ad? I could totally go for a cold one right now.
If you look at it from the right angle, the woman, the clouds, the light behind her head I could see an angel.
Wow, that is impressive, sweetie.
Thank you.
Okay, so we got the stampede, we got the angel.
And there's only two buildings who have that line of sight.
Gotta be one of those hotels.
I'm downloading both hotel registries to look for Agent Nash.
Dennis Munson? It's one of Agent Nash's favorite aliases.
It's the only match.
This should be it.
[Lock beeping.]
Oh, God.
Leo! Leo? - Leo! Leo! - Leo! Wake up! Leo! Leo, wake up! Ahh! Ohh.
Sam, what the hell are you doing here? Leo, you called us.
You said you were drugged, and there was something wrong.
Oh, really? Doesn't sound like me.
You don't remember? Nope, not so much.
But my head is pounding.
A cold compress would be great, thanks.
What the hell is going on here? You were drunk? No.
Maybe, I don't know.
You tell me.
What did I say on the phone? You didn't say anything about this.
Oh, my God.
Oh, no.
Undercovers 1x09 A Night to Forget I don't remember anything.
Not who she is, not where I met her, not why she's lying dead on my hotel room floor.
How is that possible? Maybe you had too much to drink and passed out.
In order to lose that much time, Agent Nash would've had to drink the equivalent of 14 bottles of vodka.
Not the tiny little minibar ones.
Could that be what killed the girl? Seems unlikely.
She's got bruising on her neck and petechiae under her eyelids.
Looks like she was strangled.
Guys! I did not murder that girl.
You know me.
I am no murderer.
Maybe someone did drug me.
Maybe whoever tried to kill me killed the girl.
But unless we have proof that somebody tried to kill you, it doesn't look good.
Look, if we just figure out what I've been up to for the last 24 hours, I bet we can find out who's responsible for this.
If we call the agency for help, they'll never believe this.
I've known him for 15 years, and I barely believe it.
Guys! Check out what I found on the floor in the corner.
And this key was on the nightstand.
No identifiable features.
Oh, please tell me no one else is in there.
Look how cute she is! Are you kidding me? [Laughing.]
Right? Steven Bloom here.
I need a favor.
A retrieval crew sent to the Hotel de la Jolla, room 347.
An unidentified female.
Is that possible on the D.
? Thanks, man, I owe you one.
Okay, according to the portable tox screen, Agent Nash's blood is clean.
Now, whatever drug it was, if there was a drug at all, is now entirely out of his system.
We need to figure out where Mr.
Nash was yesterday.
And we only have a car key and a mask.
Well, don't forget about Meredith.
Okay, doesn't have any tag.
Just trying out some stuff, see if it fits.
Come on, Stevie, we've done more with less.
We have? Yeah, not really.
I'm gonna check out the jai alai matches tonight.
Maybe place a bet.
What the hell, Leo? Okay.
We don't know for certain that's me.
He is wearing a mask.
Bank robbed, police are searching the city for the tiger man.
Aw Are the Blooms around? No.
I thought they were in San Francisco With you.
At the emergency budget meeting.
Right, right, well I had some business here in town, so I won't be going.
Didn't realize they had left already.
When exactly did they leave? Uh, earlier this morning.
They were in a big rush.
What is so urgent about a budget meeting anyway? [Laughs.]
I wish I knew.
Did they say when they'd be coming back? No.
They just said they had to go immediately.
But I can tell them that you stopped by if they call.
No, that won't be necessary.
Sorry to bother you.
No, it's no bother at all.
[Phone ringing.]
Hey, everything okay? Yeah, it's fine.
How's the meeting going? You know, boring.
What are you gonna do? Are you really at a budget meeting? What do you mean? Well, the hotel guy came by.
He tried to cover, but I totally figured it out.
Okay, truth.
We rushed out to help Leo.
He's been on a drinking binge.
Hey! Why didn't you just say so? I would've understood.
I know.
Hey, do me a favor.
Don't tell anyone else we spoke, okay? Thanks.
Love you.
Do you have to badmouth me to your sister-- Shaw knows we're gone.
What? We're basically all accessories in this now.
Guys, it only looks like I killed someone and robbed that bank.
[Knocking on window.]
Here he is.
What have you got for us? You guys are gonna look great in these.
No one will suspect you.
[Dog whimpers, growls.]
Insurance adjusters? I'm sorry, I thought they were already here.
We're from the home office in L.
They send us in for random checks from time to time when something goes wrong.
Come with me.
So how much was taken? We don't know exactly.
Just whatever was in the one safe deposit box.
So you don't know what was inside and you haven't been able to contact the box's owner? Unfortunately, all the information we have about the box has led to dead ends.
We suspect it was initially opened under an alias Are you all right? Oh, I'm fine.
The smell coming from that box is making me light-headed.
Yes, it gave me a headache earlier.
We should probably step away.
Uh, police think an ammonia-based explosive was used to open the box.
So how did he break into the vault? And whose key is that? Yes, ourBank manager, Marcos.
Uh, the police think it was a two-man operation.
And Marcos gave his key to the tiger man before fleeing the country.
We cannot find him.
Nice place the bank manager has here.
Hey, guys.
I just want to say thanks for coming all this way to bail me out.
I know it looks bad.
Yeah, but maybe this is a wake-up call, you know? Maybe there are some things I need to change in my life.
The drinking, the womanizing And I know the agency would never back me up 'cause I wasn't here on business.
And if this all goes sour, I'll be separated from duty.
Maybe even end up in a Mexican jail where, with my looks Uh JustIt means a lot that you're here.
You're family, Leo.
Of course we're here.
And we're gonna solve this.
It's our heads on the block now, too.
Well, thank God you two were just sitting at home doing nothing on a Saturday morning, huh? Hello? We're in.
We'll check the downstairs first.
It's still wet.
Someone just had a glass on the table.
This guy's gotta be in there somewhere.
What is it? The painting is off-center.
Nothing in this house is off-center.
Check this out.
What do you think it controls? Let's find out.
Ay dios mio! There's a lot of people looking for you, Marcos.
He kidnapped Claudia.
My beautiful Claudia! I know how it looks.
It was my vault key.
But I've done nothing wrong.
You--you have to believe me.
Why do you even have a safe room? I'm the manager of a bank in Mexico City.
People like to take hostages and rob banks.
A-and I was hiding, because he said he was coming back.
Better safe than sorry.
Please, don't arrest me! I told you we're not police.
Okay? We're investigators with the insurance company for the bank.
[Clears throat.]
Who carry guns.
Marcos, we might know where Claudia is, but we need a description.
What color hair does she have? She has brown hair.
Some blonde in it.
The deceased has brown hair.
Big, beautiful brown eyes.
Oh, no.
That's affirmative.
Anything else? You have a photograph? Of course.
Claudia's the dog.
Claudia's the dog! Thank God.
Totally a Claudia! Look at this face! We think we can get her back.
But we need to know what happened last night.
I'm telling you-- I didn't rob the bank.
The man who took Claudia did it and must have framed me.
What happened? He pulled up in his car and forced me into my house and asked me for the key to my bank vault.
Then he stole my car and kidnapped Claudia to keep me from calling the police.
He promised to return her in a few hours.
But he didn't.
And now I don't know if she's even alive.
Claudia! [Shouting in spanish.]
[Laughing and smooching.]
Claudi, Claudi, Claudi! One more thing.
If the guy took your car, where's the car he arrived in? It's parked just out front.
Great, I stole an Aston Martin, too.
Larry Martin.
That's who the car is registered to.
An American businessman, runs a little place in town called Larry's Lair.
Good name for a brothel.
I'm just guessing! I've never been.
I don't think Well, your guess is correct.
Did you know that brothels have websites now? You can actually make a reservation online instantaneously.
So what's the plan? Should I start up an account? We need to go to the brothel and find out how and why Leo took that car.
Actually, you know what? I'm pretty good with ladies of the night.
I mean, they really dig me.
That's why you pay them.
To dig you.
It's me, Kaminsky.
We just received the transfer now.
It appears we have a deal, Mr.
We'll start working on the shipment today.
Prepare the crates for delivery, and, uh Tell the workers to start more production.
Anna, I didn't mean to ruin your cake.
Ah, it's basically still batter.
You took it out early.
The oven dinged.
That's because I set it so I could check.
[All talking at once.]
Got news for you, slim, the cake is ruined.
Baking powder's been activated.
You can't just stick it back in the oven.
Also, I can't seem to get in touch with the Blooms.
Have you spoken to them at all? They're not answering their phones.
Sometimes they just stop answering.
It's annoying, isn't it? Incredibly.
And now I have to go get a new cake.
And obviously, I can't leave these two alone, or nothing will get done.
Wait, you run the hotel or something.
You're good with management, right? What are you getting at? If you could just help me out for, like, 30 minutes, tops, while I run and get a new cake-- no, I don't think this is a good idea.
Take out the pasta and check on the short ribs and keep these two from destroying the place until I get back.
Oh, and you don't need to answer the phones.
If Sam calls and knows I left, she will kill me.
30 minutes.
Great! You are a lifesaver.
Heh heh.
Where do you keep the knives? Tell me something, when you woke up today, did you ever think you'd be standing outside of a brothel in Mexico City? Wouldn't have been my first guess, but that's what happens with Leo.
Well, at least we're at a brothel together.
Never thought I'd be saying that in my life.
[Indistinct chatter.]
- Hola.
- Hola.
So she was cute.
Oh, crap.
What? Okay, just follow my lead.
- Cristos? - Hey, Barry! [Laughing and clapping.]
- Cristos! - Hey, my friend.
The greatest playboy in all of Greece.
Ah, it's been a while, huh? A new location and a new name.
Larry! Yeah, I had to retire Barry.
Too many people looking for me.
So now it's Larry.
So what brings you to Mexico City? And always with such a pretty lady.
Well, this one takes the cake.
Where'd you find her? In a club in Rio.
Serving drinks.
Now she serves Cristos.
Ha! Ha.
I'm just here doing the usual, mixing a little business with pleasure.
But I came right here when I heard there were problems last night.
Some bad things happened, no? This guy.
This guy always knows everything that's going on.
He is full of surprises.
You know me.
So tell me what happened last night so I can make it right.
This guy stole my car and one of my girls-- Oksana, the prettiest one! How can someone steal a girl? This guy goes up to room three with Oksana.
Next thing I know, they're gone and so is my Aston Martin.
Bitch must've taken my keys.
Tell me how this girl look, Oksana.
I can put some of my best guys on this.
Pshaw, I can show you right now.
Oksana, huh? Oksana.
So you guys up for having some fun? I know how you used to be, Cristos.
You haven't changed a bit.
Ah, no, no, no, no no, no, no.
What do you say? - No, thank you.
- Sounds good.
Can we have a girl in room three? Ha! I like this one! Room three, it is.
Ha! SoCristos.
Always a pretty lady? [Chuckles.]
How long have you known this guy? Where'd you meet him? Too many questions at once.
And what did he mean by how you used to be? How far did you take this brothel thing in the past? Okay, it's not what you think, babe, okay? I promise.
I mean, sure, I had to do some things I may not have chosen to do, but you know, it was a long time ago.
I didn't know you then.
I was crazy.
There's nothing here.
No trace of Leo at all.
Hold on, what is this? Look, some kind of napkin from a hotel with Oksana's name and address on it.
Some bluish stain.
I know where this came from.
So you actually stayed here before, huh? Wait! With Leo! Only a few times.
Now, look around.
Notice anything about most of the drinks? They're all blue, like the stain.
Electric blue lemonade, specialty of the house.
I had a lot of those in my time here.
Okay, then.
You, drunk, in a mexican hotel, with Leo.
That's great.
So Leo obviously was out here.
We need to find out if anyone saw him talking to somebody.
No? Gracias.
No? Gracias.
[Speaking spanish.]
Hey! Hey! Hey! [Groans.]
[Horns honk, tires squeal.]
Go around! Why are you running from us, huh? You know this guy? That guy said we were cool.
He said if I gave him some info, he wouldn't rat me out.
Who are you? Ricardo Martinez.
So you know this guy, huh? No! No, he knew me.
I was kind of a smuggler, okay? But that's in the past.
So you gave him some information so he wouldn't turn you in? Look, I'm pretty hooked up.
So I gave him the scoop on a deal I heard was going down.
What deal? Yeah, yeah, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait.
Some arms dealer named Kaminsky has a huge deal with one of the cartels.
It's supposed to be going down in, like, the next 24 hours.
Come on, man.
Warner Kaminsky works in Europe.
But he comes to Mexico on business a lot.
I knew he had this thing for this prostitute in town.
So I gave your guy the address.
What was the deal for? Something to do with some diamonds.
Look, that's all I know, I swear.
Okay, can I go now? Get out of here.
Go! So Leo was on vacation, he gets a tip about this deal, and just like Leo, decides to stop it on his own.
He used Oksana to get closer to Kaminsky.
So the safe deposit box must've been Kaminsky's.
Ooh, this deal is big.
It's dangerous.
Maybe Oksana got caught in the crossfire.
Because whatever was in that safe deposit box almost got Leo killed, too.
Probably the diamonds.
Where would he have stashed them? [Together.]
The hotel room.
So no one can know this is a store-bought cake.
Sam will freak if she found out.
And how did you learn to use a knife so well? Oh, I just Picked up a few tricks at the Culinary institute of America.
Ha, the C.
We don't call it that.
[Phone rings.]
Excuse me.
Shaw here.
Do you know where the Blooms are? Trying to ascertain that now, sir.
I just got word that Steven Bloom ordered a body removal crew to Mexico City.
If you're not careful, Mr.
Shaw, you'll have to turn that leash into a choke chain.
I'm on it, sir.
Look, let's say I robbed the bank, okay? What'd I take? I mean, think about it.
It has to be in the hotel.
That's where we need to go.
No, no, no.
Absolutely not.
We cannot risk you getting exposed.
Who knows what else you may have done? Okay, the police may have your picture all over the precinct.
And Agent Bloom said-- Oh, forget about Agent Bloom! Actually, don't.
Let me tell you a little something about the Agent Bloom I remember, if I may.
You may.
That Agent Bloom, he wouldn't be sitting in some safe house.
If he had a hunch about something, he'd follow his instinct and go.
I mean, you remember Tokyo, right? Yeah, yup, yup.
'Cause it was-- - You don't remember, do you? - No.
And you call yourself a mentee.
Let's just say if he would've waited for orders in Tokyo, a lot more heads would've rolled.
That doesn't make sense.
Like Tokyo, there are obviously lives at stake here, or I wouldn't have done all that craziness.
So let's go to the hotel right now.
It's what your mentor would've done.
Ah Otherwise, I'm gonna knock you out and go anyway, so So I don't have any choice.
- No.
- Yep.
All right, I'll take the bedroom.
Hey, guys.
Fancy seeing you here.
He totally made me do it.
You never even went to Tokyo, did you? Relax.
We've got an explanation.
You were on a mission last night.
Acting insane, but on a mission.
What? Hola.
How did you even find out about this? When someone on my team calls a body removal crew to a hotel in Mexico City, you can be damned sure I'm gonna hear about it.
Now Would someone care to enlighten me as to why those people were in this room? Here's the thing, sir.
It was actually completely my fault.
Mostly my fault.
And I would love to tell you exactly what happened, I'm just having a memory issue right now.
Actually, we just got some pretty useful information that can help explain most of what happened.
We did? It all has to do with Warner Kaminsky.
Kaminsky? You know how long I've been trying to take that guy down? Do you have any idea what I'd do to get a shot at him? It all started yesterday when the cabana boy told Leo Kaminsky had a deal going down involving diamonds.
Ricardo told him about the deal and about Kaminsky's favorite prostitute.
We do all have our favorites, right? Leo tracked Oksana down and left with her, stealing her pimp's Aston Martin as a getaway.
Oksana must've told him about a safe deposit box she opened for Kaminsky.
So Leo decided to get into the bank's vault.
Thus the bank manager.
Leo forced the bank manager to give up his vault key, taking Claudia the dog hostage to keep the guy from calling the police.
Then Leo broke into the bank wearing the mask, and stole whatever was in the safe deposit box hoping it would lead to Kaminsky.
But on his way out, he tripped the alarm.
I would never trip the alarm.
Come on.
Maybe whatever knocked you out started affecting you, but you made it back here where Oksana was waiting.
You wound up unconscious, and she wound up dead.
That's the most ridiculous story I've ever heard.
And even if it's true, it still doesn't exonerate Agent Nash of murder, which I assume we need to do before the federales come crashing in here.
Sir, but rather than dwell on that, I think we should focus on capturing Kaminsky and stopping whatever, uh, whatever deal he's got, uh I'm sure you do think that.
But unless you can tell me what was in that box, where it is now, and why that woman is dead, we have nothing to go on.
When we were at the bank, whatever had been in the box made me feel light-headed.
Maybe that's what made Leo mess up and trip the alarm.
So, what, I brought back some kind of poison or something? The dead fish in that tank would seem to suggest that.
- The diamonds.
- I got it.
- No! - No! Okay, I guess we'll wait for the fish body removal to get here.
We don't know what's on those diamonds.
They could be what killed the fish.
And Oksana.
Actually, they did.
When I got back to the hotel, I took one of the diamonds out of the container.
I--I started to feel sick.
So I--I put it back, and I--I went over to the bathroom.
When I came out, I saw Oksana lying on the floor, and she had all the diamonds in her hand.
She was obviously gonna steal them.
So I went to check on her.
But I started to feel like I was gonna pass out, so I took a towel, I scooped up all the diamonds, and I put 'em in the fish tank.
Then I must've passed out.
I knew I didn't kill anyone.
So the diamonds are coated in poison? No--what if those diamonds aren't diamonds at all? What if they're actually some kind of crystallized toxin cut to look like diamonds? Toxicology on Oksana confirms poisoning as cause of death.
Toxin's highly lethal, causing violent asphyxiation and the appearance of strangulation.
We need to find Kaminsky's plant and stop that shipment before there are wholesale deaths.
If the toxin's cut exactly like a diamond, there are only a few places in the world that could do that.
So we use the cut to track where it's made.
Already on that.
It's been a long time, Carlton.
It has indeed, my friend, how you been? It's amazing work.
Based on the style and cut, there are only two plants that would cut a stone this way.
One's in South Africa.
But it's still operational.
But there's a diamond factory that closed a few years ago that he still could be using.
In Antwerp.
[Thumping dance music.]
bon soir! [Truck beeping.]
Where Kaminsky? There he is.
Leo and I will go after him.
You and Hoyt find the toxic diamonds.
[Distant thud.]
Don't move.
What did you do? I didn't do anything.
And now you have no proof I did.
There's nothing here, Agent Bloom.
It smells just like the safe deposit box.
We got Kaminsky, but he erased the files.
We have nothing on him.
Did you find anything? We're too late.
The shipment's gone.
We got nothing, too.
The toxin is out there, we don't know where it's headed, Kaminsky won't talk, we got nothing.
And he's not scared of us.
He knows we can't link him to the toxin.
If we don't get that shipment back soon, who knows how many people will die? We just have to hope Hoyt can find some way to trace-- Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa.
Who have you two become? The old Samantha and Steven wouldn't even be having this conversation.
They'd have Kaminsky dangling out of a third-story window by now.
Yeah, that was me.
We have a bad guy handcuffed to a chair back there.
Now is not the time to take our foot off the gas.
It's just like they say in torture school: Less rules, more tools.
They don't say that.
No, but it rhymes.
Do you really want to argue semantics again? Or do you actually want to finish a job and save the lives of thousands of innocent people? Oh! I am so sorry, I forgot.
You guys are married.
I'll just take care of this.
We can handle it.
You go check on Hoyt.
I gotta give it to you.
Your toxin is very clever.
Made to look like a diamond.
It means easy shipping, huh? Easy killing.
What toxin? Last chance.
Tell me where the toxin's headed.
I told you, I have no idea what you're talking about.
And you can't keep me here.
You've got no evidence.
I was hoping you would say that.
Come here, you son of a bitch! Aah! Oh! You're gonna tell me where I can find the toxin, every last bit, or you're gonna truly appreciate your work.
Look what I found.
You forgot one.
You're Americans! You cannot do this! Stop! Please! Do you have something to tell us? I'll tell you whatever you want! Come here! Why don't you write it down for me, huh? Come here.
Here you go.
This is where the shipment is headed.
And this is how to I.
And now, get that thing away from me.
This? This is just a regular diamond.
You're lucky.
When I was younger, I probably would have used a real toxin.
In all fairness, she even had me believing it.
I don't know how you did it, but Kaminsky's shipment was intercepted before it could be distributed.
It's been safely disposed of.
I knew they had it in 'em, sir.
You can thank me later.
Kaminsky and his entire crew have been imprisoned, and we have some leads on his network of buyers.
Oh, by the way, Agent Nash, the next time you go on vacation, stay on vacation.
And you two, next time he calls, don't answer.
Well, you still thinking about giving up womanizing and drinking after all this? Are you kidding? I just busted a major crime ring, so whatever I'm doing is obviously working.
Hey there.
Hello to you too.
Mmm! Oh.
I want you to know that I have been through it before, and you will be fine.
If you want, we can go to a meeting together.
You feel great afterwards.
Sounds great.
Let's do it.
Oh, fantastic.
Aa meetings are always better with company.
What a crazy couple of days.
No crazier than you dangling a guy out of a window.
Okay, first of all, it was a girl.
And second of all, I can't deny it, I was a different person back then.
I did what I had to do on missions, even if it was reckless.
I guess I was a bit like Leo.
Leo's a good guy and a damn good Agent.
It just sometimes gets him into trouble because the job is all he has.
Sort of like-- like it used to be for us.
I actually don't miss that feeling, being all alone out there, doing whatever I wanted, like Leo does.
Having you to lean on out there is what makes it fun.
I know.
You know I wouldn't go back there for anything, right? I wouldn't have come back if I couldn't do it with you.
It's better this way.
That's true.
You know, back in the old days, I would have been in that brothel by myself.
We should talk about that.
Yeah, right.
Remember, it was all in the line of duty.
Next time we're in Greece, remind me to tell you a couple of stories.
I will.

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