Average Joe (2023) s01e10 Episode Script

You Must Be Joe

Oh, my God, you two.
- Look at them.
No, no, no, but seriously,
happy anniversary, you two.
Come on, 25 years.
That's unbelievable.
- Man, thank you, Touch.
- Well, what about me?
It is my 17th birthday.
- Yeah, that's not that big
an accomplishment.
You grew up in the burbs.
- Don't listen to him.
Girl, you know we love you.
- That's right.
- I love you too.
- Happy birthday.
- That's right,
happy birthday, baby.
Thank you.
Yes, yes, we gotta.
- Oh, yes!
- No.
- Come on!
- No, no.
- We could make fun
of the singers.
You know everybody knows
that the 'Burgh
has the best worst singers
on the planet.
- That's right. That's right.
- Can we? Can we, please?
- No, karaoke is creepy.
You got all these freaky people
standing up there
looking all awkward and shit,
fucking up Smokey
and Luther
and Marvin's songs.
- Boom-boom-boom ♪
- Exactly.
- No, I don't want to do that.
- I know, but it's my birthday.
- Oh, wow, she's straight-up
playing the birthday card.
- Look at that.
- Dude, you can't say no now.
- I can't? Watch this.
How'd I do, huh?
- Well, you know what?
I'ma say yes.
We are going to karaoke
because it is
our daughter's birthday
and we love her,
and if her father doesn't
get in there right now,
he ain't getting no ass later.
- Ma!
- Whoa, she's straight-up
playing the pussy card.
- Leon!
- Ow! What?
- Oh, my God. 17.
- Wow.
- Ah, she needs to learn
at some point.
Not this point.
So you're just gonna
put me out there like that.
- Well
- Fine, we will go.
- Yes!
All right.
- But I'm only doing it
for Jenn, though,
for her birthday, that's it.
- Oh, I got to ♪
Fall in love
with a girl like you ♪
'Cause you can't run
and you can't hide ♪
But you and me,
we're gonna touch the sky ♪
Mambo Number 5!
- Don't give him no high fives.
Come on.
- Thanks! Thank you!
- Okay.
- All right, y'all,
let's keep it going for Willy
and his mom.
Okay, coming next to the stage,
we have--
y'all, put your hands together
for Joe Washington.
Come on, Joe.
- Oh, yeah. Joe.
- No, he--no, he not.
Hell--hell no.
- Come on, Joe.
- Who did--
Who did--you--
- You did this thing,
didn't you?
- It's your time to shine,
my man.
Come on.
- No, I'm--no.
- Listen, y'all, let's give Joe
some encouragement.
Can we? Let's give Joe
some encouragement.
- Come on, Joe!
- Come on, Joe. Come on, Joe.
- The sooner you get up there,
the sooner it's over.
- No. Why?
- Well, 'cause he called
your name.
You gotta get up there, man.
- Oh, I was just--
- Whoo!
- This is so corny.
Oh, come on.
- This is gonna be good.
- Oh, wait.
What the hell?
- Always and forever ♪
Each moment with you ♪
- Did you know about this?
- No, no, I didn't.
- What is going on?
- That somehow came true ♪
And I know tomorrow ♪
Will still be the same ♪
'Cause we've got
a life of love ♪
That won't ever change and ♪
Every day ♪
Love me
your own special way ♪
Melt all my heart away ♪
With a smile ♪
- Always forever love you ♪
- Hoo-hoo ♪

- Always forever love ♪
- You ♪
Fore-ever ♪
- Yes!
- Go, Dad!

You hit like a ho.
Just warming up, Joseph.
Just warming up.
Saving my best for when
your daughter rejoin us, huh?

- Jenn.

- Yes.
That's right.

- Hey.

Let me get one of those.

- Good?
- Yeah.
- Thank you.
- Ah.
- Your sonDimitri
has he always been
a disappointment to you?
- He pretended
not to be afraid.
But he was a scared child.
- Huh.
I know how he felt.
I know how he felt.
Did you know my father?
- Ah, no more than anyone
who worked for me.

- My father was like you.
- Angry.
- Uh-huh.
- Impatient.
- Uh-huh.
- Did not suffer fools.
- Oh, no, no, no, no,
no, no, no.
Did not "suffer fools gladly."

2 Corinthians 11
That's it.

- And like your son
I, too,
spent my whole life
trying to make my father proud
and win his love.
But it never happened.
Not because
I didn't do anything
or couldn't do anything.
That wasn't it at all.
It was because of something
he wouldn't allow himself to do
when it came to me.
He would not allow me
in this world
being unprepared.
He wouldn't do it.
He knew how hard it was
in this world, so
he didn't want me
to be a victim.
He loved me from a distance
'cause he didn't want me
to be weak.

He did everything with me
that you did not do
with your son.
Dimitri was not prepared.
You did not prepare him.
And for that reason,
he's dead because of you.

I failed my son.
His death is my shame.
But I did not want to raise him
the way my father raised me.
Your father
loved you from a distance.
Mine despised me up close.

My father's routine
was to beat me every morning
before school
with fist, with chain,
with pipe, anything.
And as I lay there
spitting blood,
my insides burning
from the pain,
he would say to me,
"The worst part of today
is over.
Goand enjoy your day."
Can you imagine?
Every day,
this is how it started.
Then, uh, one morning,
was a Wednesday,
he came to my room
to beat me like usual.

But this day
was not like
all the other days.
He was angrier.
Gloves on.
He only wore the gloves
when he was trying
to break something in my face--
a nose,
a cheek,
my teeth.
For Christmas this year,
my mama
had given me a parovoz--
a choo-choo train,
you call it.
And when my father
stepped into the room,
gloves on,
ready to hurt me,
I was standing on chair,
hiding behind door
so I was same tall.
And when he turned and saw me,
I smashed that parovoz
right into his face.
He fell to the floor.
I jumped off chair,
and I kept smashing, smashing,
smashing, and smashing
that parovoz
into his head
until his head was no more.

I was nine years old
when I beat my father to death.

I was going to kill you today,
But after what you told me
about my son,
I have reconsidered.
I decide to take you
with us to Moscow, huh?
So you can watch your daughter
give birth to my grandson
and then you can be there
as I slowly beat her to death
right in front of you

Aw, not thisbitch again.

Put the gun down.

- You're not going to shoot me.
- You're right.
- Jenn, Jenn,
what are you doing?

- If I kill my baby,
Nicolai won't take me
to Russia.
His plane, which has
your daughter on it,
well, there'd be no reason
for it to land.

- Put the gun down.

- You have to choose:
are you gonna keep
being a killer
working for that monster,
or are you the mother
who doesn't bow down to the man
who took your daughter
away from you?

When you look
at your little girl,
what do you want her
to see in you?

- Shit.
- Hello?
- Shit, shit. Yeah, um
Hello, Officer.
What can I do for you?
- We got a call someone was
passed out in their vehicle.
Just need to make sure
you're doing okay.
- Uhyeah, no, I'm fine.
I just, um,
had a couple drinks earlier
and didn't want to drive home.
- I see.
I'm gonna need you to step out
of the car, please.
- Come on,
that won't be necessary.
- Now, please.

- Okay.

- Hands where I can see them.

Right this way, ma'am.
- You mind
if we search the car?
- Don't you need, like,
probable cause or something?
- Are you interfering
with our investigation, ma'am?
Okay, well,
y'all just gon' make
something up and do it anyway.
I watch "Live PD."
Go ahead, shit.

- "Live PD," huh?

License and registration
in the car?
- Yes, in the car, yes.
- Okay.

- I'm lying. I'm lying.
I'm lying.
I'm lying, okay? I--
UmI don't even drink, okay?
I followed my husband here
after he got off work
because he's--
Oh, God.
Oh, God,
what am I gonna do now?
- Ma'am, calm--
calm down, please.
- I followed him here
because he said
that he was having drinks
with the boys after poker,
but he was not here
with the boys.
He was here with that bitch
from his office,
that white bitch Mary Elizabeth
or Elizabeth Mary
or whatever the fuck it is!
She look like she's 15, okay?
And the way that he looks
at her
The way that he touched her--
I don't have anywhere to go.
What am I gonna tell
my children?
- Okay, okay.
Oh. Can you get her off?
- Yeah. All right.
All right, ma'am, ma'am.
Ma'am, ma'am.
Ma'am, come on. Come on.
- You smell nice.
- Hey, you know what?
You know what I think
we should do?
- You're kind of handsome.
- You should go home
or go to a friend's home.
You just can't stay out here
on the street, okay?
Watch your head.
- Okay.
- Watch your head.
- Ow.
This is how they do it
on "Live PD."
- Okay.
- Ma'am, you cannot sleep here.
No sleeping in the car, please.
- Okay, yes.
Thank you.
Thank you. I'm sorry.
I'm so sorry. Please.

Larry, fuck.


What am I doing?

Please come home.

Oh, shit. Fuck.
Oh, shit.

No! No!

Oh, shit.
Fuck, fuck.
- Touch, it's okay.
- No, no, no, no,
don't shoot her.
Hit-Bitch is with us.
That's what I call you.
I call you Hit-Bitch.
- Fantastic.
Oh, shit.
Thanks for that.
Let's get your father
and finish this shit.

Come on. Come on.
Come on. Come on.
Come on. Come on.

Come on!

- You plumber-cunt-fuck
Come on.

- This is how I killed
your fucking son, motherfucker.

- Aah! Aah!
- Yeah.
- Aah!

- Oh, Daddy.
Oh, Daddy.
- Hey, baby. Hey.
Oh, baby.
Ah, we did it.
He's dead.
Nicolai's dead.
It's over.
Oh, shit.
That bitch is with them.
- No, no, no, no, no, no.
She's with us. She's good.
- What?
- She's with us now.

- Ow. Ow, baby. Ow.
- Oh, sorry.
- Looking good, buddy.
You know what, Touch?

Never felt better in my life.

- Jesus, Pam.
You feel better?

- Yeah.

- So, um
thanks for your help
back there.
I do hope you see
your daughter soon.
- Thank you.
- And if you ever need anything
from me, seriously,
please don't ask.
Really hope we never see
each other again.
You're just
really bad news.

- Jenn!
- Mom?
- Baby?
Oh, baby.
Are you okay?
Did they hurt you?
- No.
- No?
I love you so much.
- I love you too, Mom.
- Sweetheart.

- I love you.
- Thank you.

- Natasia.

- Natasia.
- Governor, Governor, Governor.
I know he owned your ass.
- I don't know what you're
talking about, Detective.
- Okay.
You should do well in prison.
Have a nice day, Governor.
- Wait.

What do you want?

- Oh, God.
Baby, come here.
- Oh.
- Oh!
Oh, I was so worried, baby.
- I know. I know.
I know.
- Yeah.
You're okay?
- Yeah.
- Okay, you said on the phone
everybody else is good, right?
- Yeah, yeah, yeah,
everyone's okay.
Jenn, Ange, everybody's good.
It's over, baby.
It's all over.
- I love you.
I got good news too.
I found it.
- Found what, baby?

That's cocaine.
- Heroin.
- Sorry, baby, I just
been killing Russians
for the last 18 hours,
so I'm a little confused.
Why do you have
so much fucking heroin?
- I found Teddy's hideout.
He must have done
what he's seen them Russians do
all them years:
turn money into product.
He must've taken
the $10 million he stole
and turned it into heroin
and then turned that heroin
into even more money
and just kept doing that shit
over and over again.
- Jesus Christ.

How much heroin did you find?

You can do this.


- Can I help you?
- Um, yeah, sorry.
Uh, is Donna home?
- Donna?
I'm--I'm sorry, who are you?
- I'm an old friend of Tess,
Donna's mom.
Donna might remember me
as Touch.
Yeah, it's an unfortunate
nickname, I know.
Real name
is Benjamin Tuchawuski,
Touch for short.
- Umyou--you're the one
who's been
dropping off the envelopes
all these years.
- Yeah, mm-hmm.
- I see.
Come in, Benjamin.
- Thank you.
I'm Tess' mom,
Donna's grandmother.
I'm Margaret.
- Yeah, of course.
It's nice to meet you,
- Donna moved in with me
after Tess passed away.
- I know.
I'm sorry.
- It was never easy for Donna
after that happened.
I tried everything I could do
to help her,
you know, but nothing
could bring her mom back.
- No.
She missed her so much.
- She was in so much pain.
First it was just alcohol
and then pills.
- Mm.
- And then four years ago,
on Tess' birthday,
Donna took her own life.

- I'm sorry.
I--I--I didn't know that.
- Donna had such a vivid memory
of what happened that morning.
And she spent
every day with the memory
that she killed her mother.

You were Tess' boyfriend
when it happened.
- Yeah.
- And it was your gun.
- Yeah.
- And you covered it up.
And you made it look
like my daughter's death
was a suicide
so you could protect yourself.
- No. No.
I'm sorry.
I'm sorry.
If I could go back, you know--
- Oh, but you can't.
And--and all this time,
you've been--
you've been trying
to buy forgiveness
with your envelopes of money.
You killed my daughter
because you left your gun out
for a little girl to find.
And you--
you killed my granddaughter
with your--your cowardice
and your lies.

You took everything from me.
Just take the money and go.
Just get out of my house.
- Margaret, please.
- No.
If you were half the man
you think you are,
you would go home
and put a gun in your mouth
and just give an old woman
some peace.
Just get out of my house.
Get out of my house!

- Control, gate to the yard.
Outer gate unlocked.
Control, gate to the yard.
Outer gate unlocked.

- Oh.

I'm so sorry.
- No.
No, don't apologize.


- Come on.

- You look good.
- I know.

So where we going?
- I'll tell you
when we get there.

- Ooh-ooh-ooh-hoo ♪
Ooh, ooh, ooh ♪
Ooh-ooh-ooh ♪
Ooh, ooh ♪

Wife and kids,
household pet ♪

Army green was no safe bet ♪

The bullets scream to me ♪
From somewhere, mm-mm ♪
- Here they come
to snuff the Rooster ♪
Aw, yeah ♪

Yeah, here come
the Rooster ♪
Yeah ♪
You know
he ain't gonna die ♪
I don't know
who your supplier is, but
their dope is, uh,
- What the fuck?
This is half
of what we agreed to.
Where the fuck is my 50 grand?
Chill, baby.
- Don't call me baby.
And don't tell me
to fucking chill.
- I could only get half
of the money tonight.
- But show me where you keep
your stash.
Let me see that it's real,
I'll get you the rest
of the money, no problem.
- Okay, um,
I'm just trying to figure out
exactly how to say this.
Go fuck yourself.
- I said chill.
- And I said go fuck yourself.
- Hey, you clearly don't know
who the fuck I am.
So here's the deal.
You take me to your stash,
or I kill you
right fucking here.
Are we good?
- Are we good?
- Yeah.

- Now, fucking drive.

I can't find the fucking keys.
- Hurry the fuck up.

- I'm looking!
Aah! Aw, fuck!
Fucking bitch!

Fucking bitch!
Get back here!
It's okay.
It's okay. It's okay.
It's okay.
Stay with me.
We're gonna be okay.
You're gonna be okay.
We're gonna be okay.
Cat, Cathy, just hold on.
Hold on.
Hold on.
I'm coming right back.
I'm gonna be right back.

I'm--I'm a--I'm a--

- A fucking cop.

- Chi-town,
do what you want ♪
We came to rock ♪
Ooh, that's hot.
Hot, hot, hot, hot,
hot, hot, hot.
Chi-town, do what you want ♪
We came to rock ♪
What you want, want, want,
want, want, want, want ♪
Ange, Jenn, pizza!

- Joe, I've been
trying so hard to make sense
of all we've been through
these last few weeks,
but I cannot.
You almost got Jennifer
killed--our daughter--
and that is just something
I can never forgive.
I once told someone
you need to be a ride or die,
not a run and hide.
I was your ride or die
for 30 years, Joe,
and that--that just wasn't
good enough for you.

Jenn and I are going away
for a while.
She needs this.
I need this.
I hope you can be good
to yourself.
Goodbye, Joe.

Oh, dear God, no!
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