Bleach s01e10 Episode Script

Episode 10

Raise your eyes you can see shooting stars up in the night sky Raise your eyes you can see shooting stars up in the night sky One, two The sound resonates Into my heart, so hard and deep A field of stars spans endlessly And through it I carve a passageway In step with time as generations change Close your eyes and listen closely Shooting stars stream on silently until the goodbye Keep the light inside of you, never give up don't ever lose Transcend time and you will prove, there is a special place for you A blaze of glory is there, It's all a part of our estate; life is our story to create Raise your eyes you can see shooting stars up in the night sky Wishes speak from ages old by voice of light Throughout the age, never fade away A secret fire, a scream of light, voices calling through twilight Cast your thoughts to the wind, hang your wishes on the moon Live your life with all your strength for dreams will reach you very soon Raise your eyes you can see shooting stars up in the night sky Wishes speak from ages old by voice of light Throughout the age, never fade away Someday your dream will find its place somewhere Keep shining like a star Good evening, everyone.
For this week's "Burarei" we're broadcasting live from an abandoned hospital in Karakura where ghostly screams are heard.
What will we witness tonight? And now, let us welcome him to the stage! The charismatic medium of this new century The messenger from the Underworld MisterDonKan'onji! Spiritsare always with you! Live Broadcast of Special Program Checking Out Spiritual Hot Spots: Ghostly Screams in an Abandoned Hospital Bohahahaha! Huh? There's almost no reaction.
Don't you know what this means? B-Burarei Correct! Isn't it a fun show? Then, Ichigo, can you join - Bohaha-- - Banzai! T-Tatsuki! What is it? C'mon, I’ll join you on the "Bohaha" thing.
Why? Yo! Ichigo! - Asano here.
- And Mizuiro.
Bohahaha! Not going?! Why?! It's the best Japanese TW program on! And it's coming to Karakura Town for a live broadcast! You'd have to be dead to be a citizen of this town and not go! So I'm a zombie.
Big deal.
Now, get lost.
I even asked Rukia! Hello Ichigo.
Look, Rukia Bohahaha! Oh no I'm too embarrassed to do it.
Oh come on, Rukia.
Do it.
That woman! She's adding to her repertoire of tricks.
Kan'onji! He's so cool! How are you all? I’ll let you babies listen to the cries of the spirits tonight! Well, Mr.
Kan'onji? How is this place? This place reeks with the smell of spirits.
This really Smells like bad spirits! Bohahaha! Bohahaha! Cut to commercial! I hate shows about spirits.
Everyone, please follow the guide to the spirit purification hall! Kurosaki! Huh? Umm I'm sorry about the other day.
For what? Tatsuki said that you don't like these kinds of programs.
I didn't know.
It's all right.
I don't mind.
Bohahahahaha! Look at those guys, even though they know I hate it.
But you still came.
Why is that? My dad and sister are big fans of this show.
And that's why you came? I guess.
Couldn't just let them come alone.
You're very kind, Kurosaki.
Huh? Isn't it normal? Uh-huh, you're right.
It's normal.
Hey Orihime! We're leaving you behind! Tatsuki, wait! Geez all these people! All caught up in this.
What's the matter, Ichigo? Bohahaha! Why you--! Now now, what's that serious look for? Take advantage of this and enjoy it.
Shut up, I'm always like this.
You must be exhausted from school and Soul Reaper work.
There will be hard battles ahead.
Use this opportunity to spread your wings.
Rukia, you By the way, just what is this festival about? You came along without knowing?! Geez, are there really spirits in an abandoned hospital like this? Why? If there were, wouldn't you Soul Reapers have helped it cross over? Not necessarily.
Spirits that inhabit a place like this are usually Fixed-location jibaku spirits.
Since these spirits assimilate into the earth, they're rarely detected by the Soul Society or Soul Reapers.
There is only one condition under which Fixed-location jibaku spirits show themselves.
When humans invade their territory.
What's the matter, Chad? Do you hear something? Huh? C-Cut it out, Chad.
You're giving me the creeps.
Maybe it's just your imagination.
Maybe Sorry, I'm just imagining it.
I shouldn't have come, after all.
Huh? What's wrong, Karin? Nothing.
It's the cry of a Fixed-location jibaku spirit.
It seems there is one, after all.
It's not a Hollow's cry? You're aware that the occurrence of Hollows follows several patterns.
One is when a Fixed-location jibaku spirit who feels a strong attachment to this world is left alone and ends up becoming a Hollow.
Such as this spirit.
Then he's called a Plus, one on the verge of becoming a Hollow a Demi-Hollow.
He feels like a Hollow to me, that's for sure.
But he's not wearing that white mask.
Also, the hole in his chest isn't fully opened yet.
The hole in a Hollow's chest signifies that the heart is lost and has become a mass of simple instincts.
The skull-shaped white mask shields the bared instincts from the outside world.
Neither of these is necessary if the heart is still intact.
When a human dies, the chain of fate is severed from the body.
Usually the spirit waits for a Soul Reaper to guide it, but if they have regrets and cannot let go, their chains become bound to the object of their regret.
This Demi-Hollow's heart is being held by the hospital.
This hospital is mine! I won't let anyone have it! You guys better not come in! I'm going to become a rich man here! - And I'm gonna ride a pink Cadillac, - What a disgusting spirit! - and drink pink Dom Perignon! - Coming back from commercial! Something's about to begin! Spirits are always with you! - Bohahaha! - Bohahaha! Hey, is this okay?! Don't get excited.
It usually takes several months to become a Hollow.
Now then, the time has come for Mr.
Kan'onji's purification of the spirit! We don't want the spirit to become agitated with this many people around.
We can do the Konso after the festival.
But There is a frightening scream just before one becomes a Hollow, it will be in much pain.
Does that Demi-Hollow look to be suffering to you? Huh? Who are you?! Are you going to taint my hospital, too?! You've got guts! Look at that weird hat!! Doesn't look like it to me.
You see? Unless the partially closed hole in his chest is damaged in some way, it’ll take another half a year to become a Hollow.
I’ll let you cross over peacefully, baby! Ohhh! There it is! The Super Spirit Cane! For him to use it at this early stage is truly unusual! What's he doing?! That fool! It will only speed up the process of becoming a Hollow! Yes! Kiru-kiru-au-nan, au-maku-kiru-nan! Stop it! What's that guy doing? Security! Hurry it up! This way! Transform into a Soul Reaper! Get her! Let go! No! Let me go, dammit! Who did that?! Hello Get a clogs and hat dude? Don't just sit there.
Hurry and go! R-Right! Hey! What happened?! Why are you here? Yes? Move, leave this to me.
Hey you! Stop it! What?! Mr.
Kan'onji is flying through the air! W-What's with you, boy?! Can you see me too? Of course! I'm the charismatic medium of this new century! I see! You're dead, and you're a fan, huh, boy? You're gonna get it, punk! Don't tell me I'm too late?! He disappeared?! Yeah! Mission complete! - No way! - The soul purification is complete! No In the instant a Demi-Hollow turns into a Hollow, it disperses then reforms in another location.
Furthermore, if his heart was held by this place Kan'onji! Kan'onji! Kan'onji! Yeah! Thank you! Above you, Ichigo! Look up! W-What is that?! That's called a Hollow, and Hmm I feel it, I feel it! It reeks of a super dangerous spirit I get it! You must be the evil boss come to avenge that soul! Not really T-The pain Let me eat you! - Hold it! - Huh?! Run, boy! Come on, bad spirit! Don Kan'onji, the charismatic medium of the new century, will take you on! I’ll devour you! What're you doing?! Why didn't you run away, boy? You're the one who should run away! Huh? Run?! What are you saying? Damn! Just as I thought.
Wonderful! although the conditions are the worst.
So, what will you do? Golden chance! Get away! What's going on?! - Mr.
Kan'onji did some unusual moves - I see - then went into the building! - So that's how you're going to fight.
The glass at the entrance is shattered, and the walls are destroyed.
Kan'onji must be battling with some unknown force! Don't worry.
A Hollow of that level won't be a problem for Kurosaki.
But! It's not good to create too much of a fuss.
Besides, Kan'onji seems to have a bit of power.
Let's let them handle it.
W-Why are we running away, boy?! You're the one who said to run! I meant only for you to run! I cannot run away! Huh?! Why should I run while you stay?! Explain that! Well Well, I I am the hero, that's why! Huh? Are you aware of the ratings that my show pulls in? I'm not gonna bother answering.
Correct! 25%.
One in every four citizens watches my show.
And many of those viewers are children! The children watch my every move and become inspired.
They see me stand up to evil spirits and understand what courage is.
Do you understand, boy? I cannot run away when these children are watching! Kan'onjiyou're Now, let's go back and fight that monster.
Wha--?! Fool! You can't! What if the audience gets involved?! That spirit is going after people with high spiritual energy, like you and me.
Without a doubt, it's gonna come after us.
And if we fight here, at least no one in the audience will get hurt! Boy I'm amazed You've thought it through that far? - Boy! - Hold it! It's here! Let me eat you! Huh?! Not enough room! Damn! This room is too small to use my Zanpaku-to! W-What's this?! I can't get it off! Damn! I can't get him! Huh? Arghh! Hey! Are you all right, boy?! He came again! Huh? Run! Kan'onji! D-Dammit! H-Hey! Kan'onji Are you hurt, boy? Get outta here! You can't handle him! Boy! Huh?! I know my power, and I know the difference in power between the enemy and myself.
But I have been impressed by you.
You put the safety of others first.
Great! You are my comrade, let me call you "friend.
" Errthat's all right.
Arghh! Kan'onji Style Ultimate Technique! Cannon Ball! Kan'onji! Even if this body is blown apart, if I can die as a shield for the kids of the future, I shall have no regrets in life.
Friend! Hold it! Sorry, but this is the end! You did it! Great! Magnificent! Magnificent! Magnifi--! Kan'onji.
Don't get too excited.
Huh? Why, boy? You defeated the monster! You should rejoice! Huh? What?! No way! He's the one who What's this? That's a Hollow.
When the chain that links his soul is broken and a hole opens up in his chest, the spirit becomes a monster without conscience, a Hollow.
Chest? Hole? No What have I been doing all this time? I am ashamed of myself.
Hey, quit crying, Hero Everyone's waiting.
What's wrong? Answer their cheers.
That's a hero's duty, right? Boy Oh! Mr.
Kan'onji's soul purification seems to be over! Mission Complete! Bohahaha! Bohahaha! Way to go, Kan'onji! Boy, that was a magnificent battle.
I admire your courage and power.
Lend me your strength from now on, too.
Oh, wellonce in a while, sure.
Thank you.
From today, you are my number one pupil! That's a demotion! Though the voyage must continue on May seas always be calm When the cycle of the moon has renewed may it shine It's light to guide your boat I offer this voyage a prayer With each new day that still awaits On vividly shining seas To the end of the journey Rukia and I headed out to exterminate Hollows, - but someone beat us to it.
- Bohahaha! I'm Don Kan'onji! Now everyone repeat after me! - A mysterious figure watches us - Bohahaha! I can't hear you! - Shut up, will you?! - One more time! - Please, go home, I'm begging you! - Bohahaha!
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