Blood Ties (2006) s01e10 Episode Script


Oooo yes Barry.
Oh oh uh-huh I can honestly say I never thought I'd be doing anything like this.
- Shh, shh, shh.
Stop wiggling around.
Oh, Barry.
I hope that was good for you, because it's going to cost you.
- Whew! - I think I'm going to love stake-outs.
Oh, that stop.
We don't want the client to hear that on playback.
Men these days have no idea how to treat a woman.
He could have at least sprung for a motel room.
Um no.
No motel - no receipt.
No receipt - no paper trail.
Which is why the wife has me following him around.
Let's see.
Oooo yes Barry.
Oh oh uh-huh You know, I was once caught in 'flagrante delicto', with the girlfriend of a Vegas mobster.
The mug popped me twice in the gut.
I'm having a hard time picturing you as gangster.
When Bugsy caught me bumping uglies with his twist he went off the track, clipped me on the spot.
Had his boys dump me in the Vegas landfill like I was yesterday's garbage.
He figured, he figured I was down for the long dirt nap but by the next night, I was back with ns skirt, ribbed up with the perfect song.
Hey, wait a minute, you need blood to heal.
There's lots of life in a dump, and beggars can't be choosers.
Oh, wow, I hope she was worth it.
Love is always worth the risk.
Eternity is a long time to live with regret.
Did you ever consider writing greeting cards? Dad, I already did that.
The muscle tone isn't nearly supple enough.
What if his wife were to reach out and hold his hand? All she would feel is his death.
Now apologize.
Not to me.
Swanson, I apologize.
Now you may activate the pump.
Let's give Mr.
Swanson some privacy, shall we? Words can not begin to express how terribly sorry I am about this, Mrs.
Rest assured this has never happened before.
Diesel's funeral was supposed to be this afternoon! As soon as your husband is retrieved Retrieved! He's not some bone for a dog to find, Mr.
I'm going to the police.
No one wants this sad final chapter of Mr.
Swanson's life to become public knowledge.
Nelson, thank you for coming so quickly.
Well your message did say it was urgent.
- Yes, very urgent.
- Mrs.
Swanson, this is private detective I was telling you about.
She will ensure that your husband is found as quickly as possible.
- You'll find my Diesel? - I'll do my best.
- If you'll excuse me, I believe Mr.
Ulyanov and I have some particulars to discuss about your case.
Thank you Ms.
You come highly recommended.
Mohadevan assures me I can expect results.
Well in the future, you might want to make sure I'll actually take the case before you start making promises.
And you can be discreet, yes? This matter requires discretion above all else.
And results.
Discretion and results.
Why don't you just start by telling me what happened to the late Mr.
He arrived two days ago.
Liver failure.
Jaundice wreaks havoc with the skin tones, so he was scheduled for an overnight.
When I came in this morning to check on the status of his embalming procedure, he was gone.
Was there any evidence of a break-in? The back door was jimmied open.
He must have came and left that way.
Are you sure? Ivan and I were in the front office working on some paperwork.
We would have seen go out the front.
Mohadevan also assures me that I can afford you the courtesy of full disclosure.
Any you haven't call the police because why? There are aspects of this situation that the authorities wouldn't necessarily comprehend.
This was taken by our security camera.
What is he doing? I need that disc.
And a very large retainer.
Take a look at this.
What are you doing? There's something different about you.
I don't think so.
Same soap.
Same shampoo.
Same detergent.
Something more primal.
I changed my fabric softener.
You smell like death.
Okay, how is that even remotely a turn-on? Decay is a common base-note in most perfume.
Usually derived from jasmine.
- Oh.
The fusion of attractive and repulsive scents creates a sense of urgency, don't you think? Not really.
Now watch, please.
- Who is that? - 'Sweet' Diesel Swanson.
Not exactly my type.
He was the Heavyweight Champion for about 10 minutes, until the Boxing Commission found out he'd bet on himself.
Are you investigating his death? Not exactly.
There! What is that? Is that some kind of voodoo? It's a form of necromancy, a particularly foul magic practiced on the dead.
From the looks of that mask, I'd say Egyptian.
- Hm.
- What else do you have? Well, the guy who broke in, I mean, he knew the location of every one of the surveillance cameras so he picked the door closest to the prep room.
Never shows his face.
He left no fingerprints.
He knows his way around this place.
Boris Ulyanov a necromancer? Impossible.
He hired you to find Mr.
Well unfortunately, in my business, client does not always equal innocent.
- How long have you know him? As long as I've worked here.
He is a most dedicated mortician.
A heinous crime has been committed against Mr.
There is nothing worse than an Easter Weekend.
I take it you don't mean the holiday with the bunnies and the chocolate.
She's talking about a resurrection.
There's a code word for 'walking dead'? Well, many colleagues have had experiences that would sound 'crazy' to a lay person.
When I started, I would see things out of the corner of my eye that I chalked up to tricks of light.
Now I accept the supernatural as a fact of life.
And apparently a fact of death.
All right, thanks.
So if Boris Ulyanov didn't kill him, perhaps a disgruntled employee? No, disgruntled employees take office supplies.
So where does that leave us? Well, why resurrect the dead? Love.
His wife.
Maybe he arranged all this for himself.
- Is that what you think? - No, I think it's a possibility.
He found out he had liver failure, he couldn't face it, so he went out and found someone who could resurrect him.
For the record, Swanson is re-animated.
I am resurrected.
There's a difference? Diesel Swanson is still walking only because of the dark magic to serve the Necromancer who raised him.
He has no freedom of will.
He has no life.
I maintain my personality, my intelligence, my wit.
Your humility.
My soul.
This whole walking dead thing must be pretty weird for you.
Pays the bills.
I've seen a lot of weird stuff.
I grew up here, you know.
Was that difficult for you? No, it was a pretty typical childhood, actually, except for all the dead bodies.
I used to hide under the caskets during the funerals and pretend to drive the hearse.
This whole place was like my play room.
I think the other kids thought I was pretty cool, you know, in a freak show kind of way.
When my Grade Seven teacher died in a car accident, they brought her body here and everyone wanted to see it.
Ha, here I was having slumber parties.
Billy, my best friend at the time - we were pretty young - he dared me and I dared him back, and you know how that goes.
He pulled back the sheet and she sat straight up.
- She wasn't dead? - Oh, she was dead.
Yeah, head-on collision.
But I could swear, though, she was looking right at me.
I thought my dad was going to kill us.
How about recently, have you noticed anything strange? Dead body walking around is pretty strange.
What about disgruntled former employees or dissatisfied customers? No, it's just my dad and I.
And we've never had a dissatisfied customer until now.
Hi, I wonder if I could ask you a few questions? If you don't mind, I'd like to get this done.
- You moving? - To my sister's.
I have to, no insurance.
Diesel tried hard but he wasn't the best with money.
Do you mind if I ask you some questions about his activities in the last few months? If he wasn't here, he was at the Dome.
It's a sports joint down on King.
Big screen TVs, big breasted waitresses, big everything.
He took a job as a host.
Six hundred a week plus free food and booze to sit at the bar and schmooze the paying customers.
It was embarrassing.
He was only 36 and he was acting like his career was over.
Yeah, he was quite a boxer.
46 and 1, every victory a knock-out.
He disserved that championship belt.
I heard about the bet.
The Commission decided to make an example of him.
Fined him and lay down a 10 year ban? Must have made him pretty angry.
He gave up.
I tried to tell him that his career wasn't over, but he couldn't get over the guilt and the humiliation.
That's when he started drinking.
What does this have to do with someone stealing his body? Nothing.
How about friends or family? Is there anyone else who might have taken his death particularly hard? He traded them all in for bartenders in the last few months.
You can tell me if you're not going to find him.
I'm not going to make you any promises but I will do everything I can.
Thanks for your time.
No one could ever hover as well as you.
Hey, you remember Diesel Swanson? Diesel, the boxer, yes.
Yeah, his body was stolen from a mortuary a couple of days ago.
- And the reason the police weren't called is? This is where it gets a little tricky.
It was theft by resurrection, reanimation.
He's walking around.
At first I thought maybe it was somebody who had something against Swanson.
And then I thought, maybe had something against the funeral home.
I got to thinking, and I wondered, you know, maybe this has happened before.
Maybe he's not the only one.
Well, if body-snatching is the new joy-riding, I haven't heard anything about it.
- Could you check? - What? Body-snatchers? - Yeah, or grave-robbers.
- Look, Vicki, I find out why people go into the ground, not why they come out, okay? Call me when he starts eating brains.
- He's eating brains.
- Nice try.
- His body was stolen.
- Making it a case for Major Crimes.
- And he's walking around.
And that is a Vegas act.
Look, Vicki, I have five active cases here, okay? I wish I could help you, but I can't.
All right, if you find anything out, will you let me know? - If I find something I promise you will be the first to know.
- Thank you.
- You're welcome.
The mask is a representation of Anubis.
Ah, the Egyptian God of the Dead.
According to the myth, he resurrected Osiris from the dead.
My friend's a security guard at the museum.
He lets me borrow reference material from time to time.
- You stole this.
Borrowed - can't find everything on the Internet.
Ah, now all I have to do is find an Egyptian Necromancer operating somewhere in the city.
I love my job.
Thanks for this.
Good work Klepto.
- You could knock.
- You could call.
You didn't seem all that interested in the case.
Because I didn't consider the well-being of Mr.
Swanson's corporeal husk to be an urgent priority.
Well, I've got to admit, you seemed a bit flippant.
You're searching for a body.
I have absolutely no doubt that his soul was at peace Yeah, I'm not so sure about that.
Egyptian Funeral Rituals and Resurrection Mythology by William Carmichael.
- Sounds exciting.
Well, it's 300 pages of university grade double-speak, complete with footnotes.
He did have the courtesy to throw in a few photos.
Is there anything of value in it? Well, let's see, the Egyptians believed that the soul was divided into seven parts.
- The Ren is your name.
The Sekhem, energy.
The Akh is best described as your ghost.
Ka, life force.
Ba, soul.
Sheut, shadow.
And the Sekhu, your physical remains.
Well, gee, you'd pass the pop quiz.
I spent a little bit of time in Egypt.
Yeah, I figured.
The important ones for us though are Ba and Sekhu, soul and remains.
The Ba is what was summoned back into the Sekhu during the resurrection ritual, 'cause they believed that if the soul didn't recognize its remains it wouldn't return to it.
Hence mummification of the corpse.
But what does that have to do with Swanson? Welcome to the Necrodrome.
Ready? Fight! Winner! - Hey.
- What's up man? Nothing like a body dump first thing in the morning, huh? Don't be like that, brother.
I mean, this is our bread and butter.
- Aw, come on.
Trace evidence is completely spoiled.
We've got no witnesses.
There's never any way in with these.
- Why do you always got to look at the down side of it, man? I mean, here we are, you know, out here in the fresh air, you know, checking some fresh anatomy.
It never fails to amaze me how much you actually enjoy these.
Here give me that.
That's my childhood, man.
Walking by vacant lots, checking for, you know, any kind of corpse I could find.
This is why you joined the force? That's why every day's like Christmas, man, except for the dead bodies.
Yeah, and you're the normal part of my life.
Just great.
- Dispatch said the body's been all beaten up.
Chest all cut apart.
Yup, that's a thoracic abdominal incision.
This guy's had an autopsy already.
Well, how do you know it's not some guy trying to play amateur pathologist? Carl Blundell? The Iron Fist? Local wrestler? - Yeah? What did they do to him? The guy died of a brain aneurysm a couple of months ago.
Yo, this dude is famous! Oh, shoot man.
You've got to get a picture of us, man.
You just Just playing, man.
You know, it's interesting, Vicki's working a body snatch case involving a missing boxer.
Man, that lady sure does get some weird cases.
Blundell's supposed to be six feet under.
What do you want to bet that Swanson and Blundell were taken by the same guy? Yeah, but we're Homicide not Lost and Found.
What? Two dead athletes in a month? Two corpses taken? That doesn't raise any red flags for you? Well, it don't add up to murder.
- Hey, Doc.
- Hello.
Did you get anything on those names I fired over to you? Carl Blundell died of a brain aneurysm.
Diesel Swanson succumbed to liver failure.
So they both died of natural causes? Blundell, definitely natural causes.
I can't be as certain with Swanson.
According to Swanson's toxicology report, his blood contained high levels of paracetamol.
Oh, it's an over-the-counter pain medication.
A high level of paracetamol can cause irreversible liver failure.
The attending pathologist should have flagged it.
Are you saying that somebody poisoned him? Or he poisoned himself.
You were supposed to call me.
Yeah, Swanson's not the only body that's gone missing this month.
- I know - Carl Blundell.
Mohadevan called me.
- Ah, the things you girls talk about.
- Look, Mike, you need to be careful.
This is not your usual body snatching.
- Yeah, maybe not, but one's a possible homicide.
Swanson may have been poisoned.
- Have any suspects? - Maybe.
We both know the type of killer that prefers poison as a murder weapon.
Naw, I don't think the wife's good for this.
Well, thank you very much.
I'll take that under advisement.
You know, this kind of connects our cases.
Oh, ho, ho, yeah, and you've been so helpful up 'til now.
Come on, come on, come on.
What do you got? Actually, not much.
All I know was that Swanson was resurrected by a type of Egyptian necromancy.
Okay, you got anything that I can actually use? I'm not sure, but I think there's a connection between his death and his abduction.
- Right.
Well, you know what? I'm going to use good old-fashioned reality and see what the wife has to say.
What do you think about that, huh? - Knock yourself out.
- I think I will.
As I told Detective Celluci, some of his postmortem injuries are suspicious.
There is something in his throat.
You know on that surveillance tape, the Necromancer put something in Swanson's mouth.
Really? Perhaps this is the evidence you seek.
Before Mr.
Swanson passed away, was he on any medication? - Not that I know of.
Was he taking Aspirin or Ibuprofen? Any kind of pain-killers? - Alcohol.
You're asking a lot of questions about a man whose liver gave out.
- Well, Mrs.
Swanson, the coroner found abnormal levels of paracetamol in your husband's blood.
It's a headache medicine or poison, depending on the dosage.
You think I poisoned by husband? For what? The money? I'm not blaming anyone of anything, it's just that if Diesel were hitting you or you found yourself not being able to take it anymore Should I be calling a lawyer? You tell me.
Diesel was a good man who gave up on life.
Or maybe somebody helped him along.
If anyone poisoned him, it was those bastards at the Dome who fed him all that booze.
Why don't you go and arrest them? - Hey.
- Oh, we're not open for another hour.
- Detective Celluci, Metro PD.
Mind if I ask you a few questions? Ever see this guy hanging out here? Yeah, Diesel, yeah, yeah.
He works here.
Or he used to.
Nice guy.
He tipped even when his booze was comped.
So you guys must have talked a lot, huh? If he wasn't talking to a fan he wasn't really talking.
Ever see anybody that had a beef with him? Naw, everybody loved him and if they didn't, they'd sit out of his way.
The coroner found something suspicious during his autopsy so, you know how it goes.
Well, thanks for your time.
I didn't catch you name.
William Carmichael.
If you can think of anything else with Diesel, I'appreciate a call.
- Sure thing.
Oh, one more thing.
Did you ever see a guy named Carl Blundell, hanging around here? No.
If he did, I didn't see him.
All right.
Thanks again, William.
Well, I think they might be the same on both sides.
Yeah, that's Bennu bird.
- And that's Osiris.
- That's the Ba.
- What is that? - Diesel Swanson.
How do you know that? Am I the only one in the room who read the Rosetta Stone? You gotta be kidding me.
God, I feel old.
Okay, Bennu bird, Osiris, Ba.
Diesel Swanson? I think this is a requisition form for a soul.
There would be rituals involved in enchanting the tablet but essentially, yes.
But why does he snap the tablet in half? Maybe the guy who wrote this can help.
He mentions a lost chapter of the Book of the Dead that describes a resurrection ritual.
It involves a clay tablet.
He's the closest thing we've got to an expert.
I think he may be more than that, in the same magic he describes in his thesis is being practiced to raise the dead.
I think William Carmichael might be our Necromancer.
- Anybody home? - I don't sense anyone.
Never a good sign.
Stay away or I'll kill you, too.
- He can talk? - He can do a lot more than that! You can really hear Swanson.
He's trapped in there.
I'd feel sorrier for the man if he didn't try to take my head off.
What are we looking for? Anything.
Is that really necessary? This from a man who spent a weekend in a Vegas dumpster? What you found was code for some kind of Internet site.
And here we go What's a Necrodrome? - Necro.
It's a snuff film.
Technically they're already dead.
Okay, I've seen enough.
Excuse me.
- Are you okay? - I'm fine.
Shall we? See what's next? Less than 24 hours 'til the next fight.
Man, I hate working to a deadline.
Who are you calling? Hey Mike, it's me.
I've got something for you.
No! Screw your schedule! I haven't had time to find another fighter yet! Well, because I was busy stripping the apartment of any evidence.
Because some cop was asking questions, all right? No, you know what? You find yourself someone.
I'm busy.
Hey! Hey, what are you waiting for? Get in there.
Come on.
All right, that's enough.
Where did you get this? Coreen dug up a thesis on Egyptian resurrection rituals.
We went to go talk to the author and found Swanson's corpse guarding his apartment and then I, yeah - William Carmichael? - What, you know him? Swanson's favourite bartender.
So wait, Blundell dies of natural causes, gives Carmichael the idea for Necrodrome, and then he needs a challenger.
So Carmichael slips Swanson a paracetamol soda.
- He had ample opportunity.
- Steals the body and sets up his next little cage match.
Yeah, but take a look at this.
It's a count-down timer to the next match.
Carmichael's promising another fight which means he needs another fighter.
- Yeah, all right.
We're going to send an APB out on Carmichael and I'll see what our tech guys can find out on this Website.
- Okay, Henry and I will - You're going to stay out of it.
- What? I give you information and you cut me off? - What, didn't I say thank you? Okay, you know what? Finding Carmichael is your case, but retrieving Swanson's body is mine.
Knock yourself out.
Did you have any luck with that site? Tech Server's in Bulgaria.
They tried hiding it with a re-routed IP address.
That's a bad thing.
Uploads originate here via wireless.
And that means what? Sourcing location.
That's here in the city.
- Yup.
Oh, great work, Jeb.
Thank you.
You got it.
Go get 'em, sir.
Vicki! Please tell me you've got something.
Maybe, I can hear something in the background on this audio.
- Can I? You're going to have to trust me on this one, unless you can hear subsonic sounds.
- Okay, what is it? - Train 79 Montreal.
Now boarding.
Okay, there's a night train to Montreal out of Union Station.
We'll head down there and work our way out.
You know this can't have a happy ending.
When we find Swanson, we're going to have to stop him.
Yeah, well at least Darlene will be able to say goodbye properly.
That should be worth something.
Swanson? Please Let me die.
Looks like we found our next challenger.
Let's go! Move it.
Move it.
They're on in a few minutes.
- That's Mike's car.
- He must be close.
I'm going to have to have a little chat with him about sharesies.
Hm! - Must be something.
Well, I guess I should have dressed up.
Oh, I'm looking forward to this.
I wish I could share the same enthusiasm.
Looks like this could be a tough party to crash.
- Looks can be deceiving.
Ohhh! Okay, uh you know what, go to Mike's car, give me three minutes, then switch on the sirens then head back in here.
- How do I do that? It's the switch marked 'sirens'.
Connoisseurs of the grotesque! Welcome to the Necrodrome! Any time now, Henry.
You and Carmichael partners.
Nice business plan.
We were partners, 'til somebody got scared.
Billy! Come forward.
The power to resurrect the dead and this is how you use it? This is how it was meant to be used.
I'm not going to grow old massaging dead people's hands.
I spent years watching my father fawning over them like they were something special.
More concerned about them than his own family.
The dead are meant to serve us.
They will serve me.
- They're people.
And you're enslaving them for some sick sport.
A fight? Ah, it's a promotional tool just to showcase their skills.
And when the right people realize what I've accomplished here? I'd be lying if I said I hadn't thought about the military applications.
Billy! Take her! Billy, of course, William, your friend in the prep room.
I told you to keep your nose out of this.
Yeah, well, I ignored you.
Besides, somebody's got to save your cute little ass.
Yeah, and you're doing a wonderful job, by the way.
It gets better.
Don't worry.
All right Ivan, I'm going to give you one last chance to surrender.
I got you prisoner.
I've got the zombies and the gun.
Kill them! - You okay? - Yeah, yeah.
Diesel! Don't! Arrrhhhgggh! Safety's on.
Diesel! Stop! Can't stop! You can beat this! You're strong! You're stronger than him! Diesel, you're wife sent us! Darlene - HENRY! - NOO-O! This is what you want.
This is what you want.
Henry, are you sure this is such a good idea? Vicki, on your left.
Diesel! Diesel! Give him to me! As much as I would like to do that, Diesel, he's our responsibility now.
Diesel! Stop! Time to find out what a head shot does to a zombie.
- He's not a zombie! - He's not a zombie! You let him do this, it's murder! Where's he going? Oh, god! I think I know where! Diesel! Diesel! Stop! - I want to see her.
You're in no condition.
Tell her I.
- She knows.
And she loves you.
She knows you love her.
Maybe there is a way.
Oh, baby.
I'll always love you.
It's like he's asleep.
Proceeds from the door.
I'll take care of it.
It's time, my friend.
Thank you.
What's going to happen to Ivan? With any luck, he'll go away for life for Swanson and Carmichael's murders.
Being caught in a warehouse surrounded by dead people shouldn't help his case any.
I think I get it now.
That sweetness of death.
It's an acquired taste.

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