Bloodline (2015) s01e10 Episode Script

Part 10

I'm almost at the end of the story now and then I put my fate in your hands.
I'm a very lucky woman.
I've been given more in this life than I could ever have hoped for.
Where I've been lucky most of all is with my family my children, John, Meg, Kevin, and Danny.
It's you all that keep me going.
I don't know what I'd do without you.
As for my brother people say he's a monster.
He did terrible things.
But I feel sorry for him.
He just got a rough deal.
I wish I knew what happened to him where he went, how he's doing.
Maybe one day I'll find out.
But wherever he is, I hope he's okay.
And I hope he knows I love him.
Let's talk about Danny.
Somehow, he's been making a lot of money.
You two been hanging out? He's my best fucking friend.
Really? Because the last time I talked to him, he had told me that you hadn't been in touch.
I don't understand why he'd lie about that.
How the fuck should I know? Hmm? Maybe because you two have been doing things, bad things, that you shouldn't be doing.
Hmm? There it is.
That fucking look you've been giving me my whole life.
- John.
- Yeah.
I think we got something.
Hey, you hear that? That's the sound of fun starting.
Hey, Chuck.
Yeah, um, I tore that shit box apart.
Nothing but a few empties, an old boom box, and those.
Yeah, they were hidden under a blanket.
Is it just these two? Yeah.
Why? What, they, um, mean something to you? Maybe.
Yeah, I mean, it's tough to know for sure if it's O'Bannon.
That's O'Bannon.
You think he knows he's stealing gas for a murderer? I don't think the fuckwit knows what he's doing.
Who's he run with? Any guess who that is? Heh.
You know what I was just thinking? Do you remember the time that my dad, he came over and he pulled you out of your house and he took you down to the street and, from what I heard anyway, he beat the shit out of you? And what did he say? Hmm? He said, "Stay the fuck away from my son Danny.
" You should've listened to him.
Because you are up to your ears in shit, my friend.
You're gonna wanna tell your side of the story before Danny does because I can promise you, this is not gonna end well for the both of you.
You know it is so fucking sad how little you know your brother.
- Why don't you educate me then? - Fuck you.
Last chance.
Come on, go on.
You're free to go.
You keep doing what you're doing, though and you are fucked.
And so is Danny.
Why don't you tell him that the next time you see him? Don't you say that to me.
Oh, I know what I'm doing.
Stop it.
I know what I have to do.
Big fucking problem here, dude.
- We are so fucking fucked.
- Okay, what's happened? So John boy, your brother, pulls me in and he starts asking me these questions, okay? What? What questions? About what? Mostly about you.
He knows you're making money.
What'd you tell him? I fucking told him dick fist.
What do you think? But they searched my van.
You know? I got fucking gas cans in my van.
- Eric, just - What? Don't worry about John.
Vans run on gas, man.
If he had anything, do you think you'd be standing here? I've known your brother for how many years? He fucking is gunning for you.
I've never seen him like this.
He's fucking going after you.
You know? What are you gonna do? Nothing.
Dru, I think I think this one needs to be a little bit longer.
- I want it to break.
- This is the nicest thing I've ever worn.
Surprised you don't burst into flames.
Hey, what'd you wear on your big day, Kev? - Don't remember.
- Pretty sure flip-flops were involved.
- Yeah? - Hey.
What about you? What are you wearing? Uh, well, uh, my mama's got ideas.
- White linen.
- She does not want me to blend in with the likes of the Rayburn boys, that's for sure.
He's gonna look like a Cuban gangster.
I'm marrying Scarface.
Oh, stop.
It'll be lovely, honey.
- Thank you.
- Here, put this on.
You look like a country gentleman.
Look at that.
You too, John.
You look like royalty.
You're next, Prince Charming.
And I want a photo of you three when we're done.
Come on, Mama.
I'm not gonna put that thing on right now.
This is your sister's wedding and you're gonna wear whatever I tell you to.
Put this on.
Anything for the happy couple.
Oh, look at you.
Oh, yeah.
This Hold on.
You look very handsome.
Yeah, I may never take this thing off.
What do you think? Well? Losing Lowry's local point of entry was a setback, but thanks to Detectives Rayburn and Diaz here, we were able to get a warrant and are now currently up on the cell phone of Mr.
Rafi Quintana.
Now, for a guy who's an ex-con working at a local bait shop, he is surprisingly tough to keep eyes on.
Got an uncanny sense of when to ditch phones, addresses and cars.
Gentlemen, the goal of this operation is to determine who Lowry is using to offload his narcotics.
We wanna know where they're being processed for distribution.
And we wanna know where all this shit is ending up.
Quintana is Lowry's right-hand, but he couldn't pull this off without a network of people who know the area.
So the Sheriff's Department is providing an assist.
You got any questions about anything local, talk to Rayburn and Diaz.
They know the players out there.
Gonna help us nail these guys.
- What a good-looking kid.
- Yeah.
My wife's worried that he's gonna end up looking like me.
You have kids? Not sure that I'm cut out to be a father.
Well, you never know.
Might just surprise yourself someday.
Everything working out with the, uh, seafood? Oh, yeah.
Deliveries have been fresh, they've been on time.
How about bait and tackle? Keeping you busy? Yeah.
Tourist season's in full swing.
In fact, we're looking to run four charters this week.
That gonna be a problem for you? We can accommodate as many guests as you send our way.
How long has your family run that place? Near 50 years.
My goodness.
That's half a goddamn century.
- Couldn't be prouder.
- Mm.
How long have you known Eric O'Bannon? Oh, God.
My brother's been hanging out with him forever.
Why? Looks like O'Bannon has gotten involved with some pretty stupid shit.
- Danny's been acting weird.
- Oh, really? - Well, weirder than usual.
- What do you mean? How so? I don't know.
I don't know.
I mean, it's not just him, it's everybody, my whole family.
We are not the people that I thought we were.
What do you mean? Just all this stuff around the time that my sister died There was all these lies.
It was really fucked up.
- I need a change.
- Yeah? What change do you need? Well, tell me.
Do you ever consider moving to New York? You're being serious? You remember that firm that I did the compliance work for? There's an opening and they want me to come in and interview for it.
Whoa, whoa, whoa.
Uh I never thought that you'd be interested in the big-firm, 90-hours-a-week shit.
I know, me either.
But I am.
Well, then I guess I, uh I have to consider moving to New York, don't I? How come you never, uh brought this up to me before? I never heard you mention New York.
When'd you get this offer? A while ago.
And you didn't tell me about it.
I know, I'm sorry.
I should have.
There's something else that I wanna tell you.
Uh-huh? While we were engaged, I slept with someone.
I only did it a few times.
It's over, but I'm sor I did it and I'm sorry.
Please say something to me.
- Rayburn.
- I got another job for you.
Yeah? What's going on? Thursday, under the bridge.
I'll give you details.
Sure thing.
I'll be there.
- Hey.
- Hey.
What's going on? We're just setting up for dinner service.
So we're definitely expanding.
Yeah, I made an executive decision.
I thought Carlos was temporary.
Yeah, well, he was doing such a great job that Danny suggested we bring him on full time.
Which do you prefer? You know, I like the color of this one, but you can see the fish here.
See that? I think this is the one.
Oh, look at this.
Isn't it awesome? John.
Wonder if I can get your help with this.
- Get that clip ready, would you? - Yes, sir.
We got Quintana talking to an unknown associate.
I'm thinking it's O'Bannon.
You'll hear two men speaking, the first is Quintana.
You know his voice well enough to make a positive ID? Yeah, I think so.
Thursday, under the bridge.
I'll give you details.
That was Rafi.
Sure thing, I'll be there.
I'm afraid that's all we got.
Am I right? Is that O'Bannon? Play it again for him.
Sure thing, I'll be there.
Sure thing, I'll be there.
You know that voice? Hey, Mom, are you decent? Let me see what you got.
Did you see who's here? I can't make a sandwich with a can of this.
Mom, Danny's here.
Hey, Mrs.
Oh, hey.
I didn't see you.
How are you doing? Come on, give this to me.
I'm gonna take it inside, all right? - Did you get my scratch-offs? - They're in here.
I won the big prize once.
- Got my picture in the paper.
- Yeah, I remember.
Eric didn't tell me you were back.
See much of Eric lately? No.
That son of a bitch knows to keep his distance.
I don't know how well you remember him, but my dad, he, uh, he died recently.
I heard.
Paper made him out like he was a saint.
He was no saint.
No, he wasn't.
Your mother dead too? No, she's doing well.
- Still running that hotel? - Oh, yeah.
I never liked her either.
Your prescriptions are on the counter and the food's in the fridge.
- We should get going.
- Yeah.
Did you bring a check? Tell the landlord I'm gonna need a little more time, all right? How much time? Things are tight right now.
I don't know.
Just a few more days.
If I lose this place, then what? Then what? You're not gonna lose the place, all right? Everything's gonna be fine.
Call me if you need anything.
All right, everyone, we gotta clear out for the next group, so if you can take the trash, leave the chairs where they are.
We'll see you next week.
Thank you, newcomers.
Keep coming back.
How you doing? I'm good.
Real good.
I'm just Just working the steps.
Did I do something wrong? Danny's got you busy, huh? Seems like your whole life's turned around.
Well, I owe him everything.
He's an excellent boss.
You ever think what your life might be like, how different it would be, if that case went to trial? You know, instead of having a steady paycheck and a cushy job, you'd be locked away in prison.
Well, I feel blessed.
- I mean, I really do.
- Yeah.
You should.
Especially with that witness.
I just keep wondering why he pulled out at the last minute.
Do you know anything about that? Well, I thought that was because of you.
You caught him lying.
Because that's what lawyers do, catch people lying.
Did you ever contact the witness, Carlos? No.
Did you ever send somebody to talk to him - on your behalf? - I wouldn't know anything about that.
Do you think that my brother might know something about that? Grab your seats.
Meeting's starting, Miss Rayburn.
I really should go in.
Yeah, you should go in.
All right, junior Rayburns, you're home, so get the fuck out of the car.
- Thank you.
- Good hanging with you.
- Thanks.
This was fun.
- See you.
How come Danny drove you home? He was waiting for us at school and he took us out to get some pizza.
Hello? Mom.
Good afternoon, law office.
Hey, it's Meg Rayburn for Susannah Chaffee.
- Can you hold, please? - Yeah, I can hold.
- Hello? - Hey, Susannah.
It's Meg.
- Oh.
Of course.
How are you? - Hi.
- I'm good.
- Great.
- How's New York? - We are freezing our asses off.
Oh, yeah? I could do a little bit of cold weather for a change.
Please, don't rub it in.
I was just calling because I was curious if that job offer is still on the table.
Are you ready to sit down with a couple of partners? Yeah, I'm definitely interested.
Why can't we see him? Because we've asked you not to, Janey, that's why.
- But he's our uncle.
- I don't understand.
What did he do? We can't explain all that to you right now, all right? You haven't explained any of it to us.
Yeah, but, you know what? I will, eventually.
Until then, please do what we're asking you.
- That's bullshit.
- Don't talk to us like that.
You can't tell us not to see him and not give us a reason.
Yes, we can, Ben.
We're your parents, okay? What are you guys afraid of? Yeah, it's not like we're the ones who went out and got drunk with him.
Listen, you two, you haven't done anything wrong, all right? No kidding we haven't.
You know what? Cut the attitude.
We're asking you not to see Uncle Danny.
What don't you get about that? Done.
End of conversation.
End of conversation, okay? You look great.
What are we drinking to tonight? We're drinking to everything.
Everything? Yeah.
- Everything.
- Cheers.
- Can I pick your brain about something? - Yeah.
Fire away.
The chamber of commerce is asking to reschedule that pier dedication.
Apparently, they still wanna honor us.
All right.
Okay, so, what doesn't sit right? Oh, it Is it too soon? Would it be disrespectful to Robert? Mm You know, I think that Dad would, uh He'd love to be honored in a celebration like that.
Oh, your father and I used to sit out here like this at the end of every week.
I remember.
It started when you kids were little, huh? We'd get Meggy to sleep, and that would take about three hours then we'd sit out here and watch you boys swimming and playing till it was pitch-black dark out.
And Sarah.
And I remember you, uh, fighting with her.
Yeah, she would've She'd have played with you three all night if we'd let her.
Yeah, those were the days though, huh, Mom? It was just paradise for all of us.
Hey, man.
- How you doing? - Um Yeah, I'm not doing so good, man.
I I can't fucking sleep.
I keep having these nightmares.
I get it.
I understand.
You make any headway on this Nicky Widmark thing? I know you sent some guys over.
You scoured my place.
You dusted for prints.
I thought I'd hear something by now.
- I talked to Nicky.
- Yeah? You talk? - He's a fucking asshole, isn't he? Right? - He's still an asshole.
He didn't do this, though, Kevin.
How do you know that? Look, Kevin, we've known him since second grade.
This isn't his kind of thing.
I feel like you're blowing me off here.
When were you gonna tell me that? Oh, gee, Kevin, I'm sorry.
I've been kind of busy.
Okay, so if it wasn't Widmark, who was it? Look, I think maybe we should consider the possibility that it was a random situation.
What if it's not a random situation? What if there's somebody out there who wants to fucking hurt me? Kevin, have you pissed anyone off lately? We both know you got a bad temper.
That's a possibility right there.
I get it.
This is my fucking fault.
That's what you're saying.
I'm not saying it's your fault.
I'm just at a loss here.
That's a shitty thing to say to me.
If you've got a lead, if you know somebody you want me to talk to, I can pursue that.
If I think of someone? If I know someone? That's not my job, John.
That's your fucking job.
Thanks a lot, I'm I'm glad we had this talk.
I feel a lot better.
Yeah, nice detective work, man.
- Are the kids home? - No.
- Where's John? John? - Why, what's wrong? What's going on? What is this nonsense about you telling Ben and Janey to stay away from their uncle? - Sally, why don't you sit down? - I don't wanna sit down.
- Danny's got himself into something, Mom.
- What is that supposed to mean? He's involved in something where he's gonna get into a lot of trouble.
Oh, did you catch him smoking grass? Because, you know, he smoked some with me.
That's not the issue, Sally.
- He's been lying to you, lying to me - About what? I can't go into details about it.
What did he do? Did he? Did he rob a bank? Did he kill someone? What are you accusing him of? There's a lot of moving pieces.
- You'll just have to trust me on this.
- No.
He has finally turned his life around and we are not gonna fuck it up.
- He's gotta be held accountable.
- So do you.
And so do you.
This goddamn family is gonna have to stop treating him like an outcast.
Don't make me choose sides, John, because I will.
Sorry I'm late.
Patient had a seizure ten minutes before my shift ended.
- Inconsiderate asshole.
- Right? Hey, let me send this back.
Get you some fresh ones.
No, I'm good.
It's fine.
So, uh seeing your mom really brought back memories.
I wanted to talk to you about that.
She told me you stopped by.
Yeah, I I thought I could help out with the rent.
Rent, and then some.
Look, it's really generous, but she's not your responsibility.
Is she yours? Because I remember growing up, she was horrible to you two.
Yeah, no argument there.
Then why are you doing it? I mean, look at her.
Does my mother look happy to you? She had a shitty life and she's miserable.
So, what's that got to do with you? She tried.
And if you If you give someone control over your happiness, you're fucked.
Which is why I can't accept this.
- Where'd you get all that loot, anyway? - Just working at the inn.
No way.
Well, my dad left me some money.
I'm sorry.
I can't go down that road again.
What road? The one I went down with my brother.
With my ex-husband.
I can't be with you if you're heading for trouble.
No, you don't have to worry about that.
Our contact tells us Lowry's next shipment is headed here in the next 48 hours.
Know where they're touching down? No, but we're fairly certain Quintana will lay hands on it.
Apparently, Lowry uses him to move his product up north.
Sand-fuck of it is, we don't have enough intel.
Our orders are to let Quintana make the pickup and stop him in transit.
Then we'll use him to take down everyone else.
The DEA is gonna bring some guy in and they're gonna flip him.
Danny's gonna get caught up in it.
When's that gonna happen? Couple days.
How are you doing with all of this? I'm fine.
I just want him out of my life.
He did this to himself.
Don't feel sorry for him.
Oh, I don't.
I was thinking about your mom.
You should tell her.
You can't deal with That's it, then you never leave - Hey, Kevin.
- Hey.
Sorry to hear what happened to you at the boatyard.
- I'm fine.
It was no big deal.
- Don't worry about it.
You can't hurt this guy.
He's made of Rayburn.
Right? I'll come back when you're done.
- Yeah.
- Okay.
I'll call you.
I won't be too long.
Oh, my God.
She's something else, huh? How long have you guys been? Uh Ever since I found out how she can demolish a cock.
But you already knew that, right? Fuck off, man.
Come on, I was wasted.
I don't even remember it.
Come on, man.
We're Eskimo brothers.
Right? Isn't that what they call it? - Cooter cousins.
Pussy pals.
- Fuck off.
I just think it's funny that, uh you sent a load up the same highway that I did.
Unless you took a detour.
Did you take a detour? Do you know that sometimes I ask her to call me Kevin? It makes me so fucking hard that you and I finally have something in common.
Hey, honey.
I need to talk to you.
I know.
I'm sorry about the other night.
I owe you and Diana an apology.
It's not about that.
It's about Danny.
Oh, it's always about Danny.
Sit down.
I don't know what you remember from around the time that we lost Sarah.
A little bit.
Your father and I were having a rough go.
Raising five children, running this place.
We weren't getting along.
It was a struggle.
Seems crazy now, but at the time it seemed like I had no other choice.
No other choice about what? About leaving.
I left your father, John.
And the day I left I don't know.
Oh, Sarah must've heard us fighting on the phone.
I didn't hold her, I didn't try to comfort her.
I told Danny to take her.
And I left.
Then he took her out in the boat and his whole life fell apart.
Because of me.
I can never forgive myself, John.
But I can try to make it up to him.
He's got a job.
He's got a girlfriend.
Despite everything, he may have found some joy in his life.
I'm holding my breath.
For the first time in his life, I think maybe he's gonna be okay.
Fuck, fuck, fuck! Fuck.
Fuck you.
Nana's cooking lessons paid off.
They sure did.
How long was it Diana and I paid those tuition rates? Two, three years? Hey, you want your money back, I'll write you a check in the morning.
You got some extra cash laying around? - A little.
- Oh, yeah? What? Heh.
Wasn't too long ago you were bitching about your paycheck.
Well when your mom is the boss, you do okay.
Except you're not just working with Mom, are you? Then who? Well, who am I working for? Wayne Lowry.
Rafi Quintana.
Can't say I know those names, John.
Listen to me, asshole.
You get one fucking shot at this.
You come clean, you tell me everything.
I talk to the DA, I fucking try to help cut you a deal.
I know something's going down, whether you know about it or you don't.
When it happens, Wayne Lowry's going down with it.
And at that point, do you have any idea what's gonna happen to Danny fucking Rayburn?! I know it's very cold in here Do you have any fucking idea why I'm standing here?! Why I'm taking the risk that I'm fucking taking right now? I can see you're very worked up Your friends aren't just fucking moving drugs.
They're trafficking people.
Your friend.
Your friend, Wayne Lowry, responsible for these two girls' murders.
You see them? Look at them.
Fucking look at them.
You come in, I'll try to protect you.
This is your last chance.
After that, you're on your own.
- Things cool on your end? - Yeah.
Just say the word.
We'll move this shit tomorrow.
Make sure your guy's at the gas station.
Oh, he'll be there.
You know, you keep doing right, and there'll be more in this for you.
More is good.
Sí, hermano, more is more fucking good.
What else you guys got going on? What else? Got a good setup.
Seems a shame not to use it for other things.
Like what? - Weapons.
- No.
Fuck, no.
Those weapon dudes are lowlife scumbags.
- People.
- People? No.
Not anymore.
Why not? Had some trouble in the past.
- Yeah.
- They may have been spotted.
There's no sign of anyone.
You take the cargo, then I'll dump the boat.
Get rid of them.
We don't have to do that.
We don't have to.
Get rid of them.
Understood? Yeah.
It was a fucking shit storm, bro.
So you stopped? Yeah.
It's not worth it.
We got a good thing.
Be happy with it.
Yeah, you're right.
I gotta learn to be happy with what I got.
Tomorrow, then.
Oh, hey.
Hey, I've got some catalogs for you.
- Catalogs? For what? - Oh Bridal gowns.
I thought we could start looking in Miami this weekend and make a day out of it.
Oh, you know, Mom, everything's so hectic right now.
Maybe we can check in at the end of the week.
Oh, yeah, sure.
Look, I know you're busy, but did you have a chance to file those new ownership documents? For the inn? Yeah.
To include Danny.
No, I didn't.
- Why not? Thought we all agreed to sign.
- I changed my mind.
What are you talking about? I know you're happy with what he's doing here, and I'm willing to give him a chance, but it's too soon.
What? Wh? This is not like you, Meg.
Originally I agreed to go along with everybody else's decision.
- But I'm entitled to my own opinion.
- Of course you are.
I'm not signing it.
I'm not comfortable.
I just don't understand why you're doing this.
- I'm talking to you.
- We can talk about this later.
- Anything? - No, I'm sorry.
Boss, Quintana's cell is back up.
Hey, locked and loaded.
Well, good luck to you.
Sounds like confirmation.
Quintana made the pickup.
Call came from a gas station on Palm Avenue and Highway 1.
Command to all units.
Suspect appears to be hot and on the move.
Currently approaching Mile Marker 82, headed north.
Anybody nearby? Unit 3 to Command.
I'm about a mile and a half south.
This is Unit 1.
I'm on the water approximately three miles northwest.
All right, Unit 3, head north, get eyes on him.
Unit 1, head east.
Await instructions.
I'm ready to talk.
Command to all units.
Suspect is continuing north and approaching Rock Harbor.
Anybody have eyes on him? Roger that.
I got eyes.
Suspect just passed me headed north on Highway 1.
He's driving a red Pontiac G6.
- I'm on him.
- Copy that.
I'll try and cut a deal, but I've gotta know everything.
I understand.
Smuggling the gas, Lowry everything you did and everyone that you did it with.
Command, this is Unit 3.
Suspect is exiting the highway, headed northwest.
Copy that.
Let's shut down the southbound lane and turn back traffic.
We can set up just north across quay.
All available units, prepare to block the road.
First time was Must have been the night you dropped me off at the bus.
Uh, Eric O'Bannon had a job going, so he cut me in on it.
And, uh, we went out and we stole the gas and What'd you do with the gas? Uh, we took it out to the mangroves.
I had no idea at the time why we were doing that, what we were doing.
- Do you know who it was for? - No idea.
Okay, he's heading our way.
Approximately two miles south and closing.
Unit 1 and 2, stop and close off H1 from the rear.
Let's do this.
Here he comes, people.
Look alive.
Driver, put your car in park, open the window, and slowly put your hands outside where we can see them.
Now! How did you hook up with Rafi Quintana? Um Well, Rafi paid Eric, Eric paid me, so I followed Rafi to the bait and tackle shop.
So you went to Lowry, Lowry didn't go to you.
Yeah, it was all me.
I needed more money, so I had to go find the boss and made him a proposition, took the initiative.
Dad would've been proud.
What was the proposition? Hm? I'd like to know.
Excuse me a minute, will you? Tell Rayburn I owe him one.
The load is safe? Yeah.
Gonna leave it where it is for now.
We'll lay low for a while and wait till you get back.
How long you thinking? Three, four weeks.
Just till things cool down.
All right.
Are you sure? Rafi Quintana paid him 200 bucks to take his car and drive it to an address in Homestead.
An address which, by the way, doesn't exist.
Clay, I thought you were tracking his cell phone.
We were.
Found the fucking thing stuffed in his goddamn glove box.
These assholes must have known we were onto them.
All right.
Shouldn't take us more than a couple of hours to get to the Bahamas.
Paulo will meet you two in Nassau.
He'll get you spending money, set you up, make sure you're comfortable.
Thanks, boss.
Bad news? No.
No, not really.
Go ahead.
Keep talking.
What was the proposition? No, I don't think I'm gonna tell you any more.
- And why is that? - I don't think I have to.
I don't think you're gonna catch Quintana and flip him.
That was the plan, right? Real smart.
Knocking out a federal fucking takedown.
Did you feel really smart when you were tipping me off? I gave you your chance to get out from under this.
I think I'd rather keep doing what I'm doing.
It's a matter of time, we bring Quintana in.
I wouldn't be too sure about that.
Well, shit.
That's a good omen.
- Flock of razorbills.
- Oh, shit.
You really think you're in the fucking clear? What are you gonna do? Arrest me for stealing gas? I'll be out in a month.
I've got your voice on a federal fucking wiretap.
John, you don't know everything.
You take me down you're gonna take down the whole family.
I'll call the shots now.
We'll see about that.

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