Brainchild (2018) s01e10 Episode Script

Hidden Forces

Forcin' Around is filmed
in front of a live studio audience.
Uh-oh. Looks like you got me.
[canned laughter]
Looks like I got you!
[canned laughter]
And that's how you do it.
[canned laughter]
[canned laughter]
[canned laughter]
What the heck?
[canned laughter]
[whispers] Use the forces.
[canned laughter]
Use the forces!
[canned laughter and applause]
[dramatic classical music]
[music becomes more dramatic]
[canned laughter]
So, the forces turned out to be
me using this giant magnet.
[canned laughter and applause]
But guess what?
Not only are these forces real,
but they rule the entire universe.
So, without these hidden forces,
you, me, Earth,
and every known form of matter
in the entire galaxy
would just rip apart
and float away into oblivion.
[canned laughter and applause]
What are these mysterious forces,
and how do they affect your life?
How can you use that knowledge
to help you?
[canned laughter]
Mom, I swear! Watch.
[canned laughter]
[canned laughter]
And that's how you do it!
[canned laughter and applause]
Look around you. What do you see?
Maybe your living room,
your bedroom,
your kid brother?
But do you know what you don't see?
An incredible, invisible world
of hidden forces
that you use every day to stay
grounded, energized,
and connected.
Knowing more about what these forces
are and how they work
will give you a better
understanding of the world around you
so there aren't any surprises.
Whoa! Did we just force you
to do a double take?
Even though the forces
that control your world are invisible,
your brain knows how they should work.
So, when something defies
your expectations,
like a crashing balloon
or a floating bowling ball,
it can throw you for a loop.
So, what hidden force did we
bowl you over with here?
To find out, check out this animation.
What sound do you hear
when the electric tower hits the ground?
Chances are, in your head,
you heard something like this.
But of course you know
that the video is actually silent.
So, why would you hear a sound
when there isn't one?
It's because there's a very powerful
hidden force at play.
Gravity is what keeps everything:
you, me, staplers, elephants,
tractor-trailer trucks, mountains,
and the ocean, stuck on Earth.
So, what does that have to do
with our bouncing towers?
Your brain is so trained
to expect the effects of gravity
that it filled in the gaps
in the silent video,
making you hear the sound
that gravity would normally create.
And gravity doesn't just affect
how you hear,
but how you see.
Come see what we mean in this next game.
Question: What is President Obama
doing with his mouth in this photo?
Did you say smiling?
If so, you've got it twisted.
If this freaky face faked you out,
don't sweat it.
This experiment reveals how your brain
is so hardwired to see things
from an upright perspective
under the effect of gravity
that it will actually auto-correct
familiar images, like faces.
So, we all know gravity exists.
But what exactly is gravity?
Imagine this sheet of fabric
represents the universe.
Now let's add an object with mass,
like the Earth,
represented by this bowling ball.
Now, what do you think will happen
when we add ball bearings
to represent people, cars and trees?
See how the ball bearings stick to it?
That's gravity,
an invisible force that pulls
smaller objects, like you and me,
towards objects of greater mass,
like the Earth.
So, what if we add bigger objects,
like pool balls,
to represent cities,
mountains and oceans?
Because the Earth has so much more mass
than anything else,
Earth's gravitational pull always wins.
In fact, the purpose
of most of your body's
muscles is to work in opposition
to gravity,
letting you walk, jump, and lift.
But in the end,
there's no beating gravity,
as these people learned the hard way.
["The Blue Danube Waltz" playing] ♪
Well, that's gravity.
While gravity keeps you
physically grounded,
another hidden force keeps
your sense of direction anchored.
Now, here's a question,
and you only have three seconds to answer.
Which way is north?
Great job if you got it,
but chances are, you probably needed
a little more time to think about it,
or maybe you have no idea
which way is north.
But would it surprise you to know
that there's a mysterious invisible force
running through you
and every single thing on Earth,
24/7, 365 days a year,
that knows exactly what direction is north
without ever having to think about it?
Do you know what that is?
Here. I'll give you a hint.
Beep beep!
That's right. It's your car.
'Cause it knows
exactly which way is north,
which is why you and your parents
never get lost.
[satnav] Recalculating, 'calculating.
Just kidding.
It's definitely not your car.
Look again.
Which hidden force is at work?
Here's a hint. It's helping
to lift the car.
That’s right. It's magnetism.
What's the biggest magnet on Earth?
Is it the Eiffel Tower?
The St. Louis Arch?
Or Harry Styles?
Have you thought of your answer?
it's none of these things.
Let me give you a hint.
We all live on it.
That's right.
The biggest magnet on Earth is
the Earth.
Here to explain
is our science friend, Alie Ward.
Well, the Earth is filled
with molten iron and nickel,
two of the most magnetic metals,
but that alone doesn't make it a magnet.
It takes the Earth's constant rotation
to cause the electrons to flow
and create a magnetic charge.
From there, the magnetic force
flows constantly in two directions,
north and south.
A compass feeds off this force,
aligning its magnetized needle
with the constant magnetic flow,
telling you which way is due north.
And magnetism can be manipulated
to do all kinds of things,
like power motors,
create electricity,
or store information in hard drives.
And magnets are everywhere!
Your computer, your cell phone,
your refrigerator.
They even made the sonograms
that helped see you before you were born.
If you had to guess,
which would you say is stronger,
gravity or magnetism?
You might be thinking,
if you can control magnetism
but you can't control gravity,
gravity must be the stronger force, right?
Let's take another look.
As you can see, this magnet is able
to lift these heavy metal pipes
despite the pull of gravity.
Yeah, magnetism!
In a match-up of brute strength,
magnets are much more powerful
than gravity.
But, will magnets be strong enough
to fool your senses
in this next magic trick
by illusionist Ben Seidman?
Ben is about to show
this group of kids their inner magnetism.
And you can play along, too.
Hold out your hands like this.
And you can try this at home, too.
Put your hands together.
Keep your palms pressed together.
Curl your fingers in
but leave your index fingers out.
Point them upwards,
then separate your fingers
about two inches,
and look at the space
in between your fingers.
You'll notice your fingers
are getting closer.
It's almost like magnets
pull your fingers together.
How are you doing at home?
Can you resist
your fingers' magnetic pull?
How is this possible?!
It's the magic magnets in your fingers.
Or it could be that this unnatural pose
tires out the tendons in your fingers,
so they drift
into a more comfortable position.
Lazy fingers!
But while you may not be able
to magnetize your body,
does that mean you can't give
other objects magnetic powers?
The crazy thing is
you don't need to be a magician
to turn certain objects into magnets.
Do you think this screwdriver
can pick up these metal screws?
Yeah. Nope.
No. This is a poor little,
non-magnetized screwdriver.
Think of being magnetic
as having potential,
like someone who's taken
five years of guitar lessons,
but isn't in a band.
So, in order to actually become a magnet,
the magnetic substance must be exposed
to another magnetic force,
like this magnetized iron.
So, by running this magnet
up and down the steel,
I've caused all the electrons
in the screwdriver to line up
in the same direction.
Let's see what happens.
Bam! This is just like magic!
Huh! How's that for a twist?
Gravity and magnetism are two
hidden forces that you use every day,
but may not think much about.
But I bet I can get you to use
another hidden force right now.
All I have to do is--
Just kidding.
Did I make you think
you accidentally hit pause,
or sat on your TV remote?
You were probably trying to figure out
how to un-pause me.
And if so, you were about to use
another common hidden force.
Any idea what that might be?
Our next hidden force is electricity!
Of course, sometimes it's not so hidden.
Now, you probably know
that electricity is generated
in a number of ways
then sent to power stations,
which distribute it
via power lines
to cities and towns all over the world.
This is what powers up most of the things
you use in your daily life.
But what you might not know
is that electricity
and magnetism can be combined
to form an entire invisible
electromagnetic spectrum all around you.
Your cell phone, Wi-Fi,
wireless game controllers,
TV, remote controls, all work
because of invisible
electromagnetic waves.
But in addition to the waves
made by your devices,
there are lots of naturally occurring
waves on the electromagnetic spectrum.
[Hawaiian music]
No, not that kind of wave. Here.
Play this game to see what we mean.
Stare at the dot in the center
of this image for ten seconds.
When I tell you, look at a white surface,
like a wall or ceiling, and blink.
Three, two, one.
Okay. Look at a blank wall or ceiling
and blink.
You're probably seeing
a rainbow floating in midair.
If so, you're experiencing what's called
the after-image effect.
It's what lets you see
all the visible colors
in the electromagnetic spectrum.
But check it out. There are
a couple of colors you didn't see
because you can't see them, at all.
Ultraviolet rays are just beyond
visible violet.
They can give you a nasty sunburn.
While infrared
lies just outside of visible red
and is a range of invisible waves
generated by heat.
Everything gives off heat,
including you and me.
But while you can't see infrared heat
with your naked eye, many animals can.
Question: What do you see here?
Nothing, right?
Now, if you were a snake,
you'd see dinner.
Take a look at this cat.
If you were a bloodthirsty mosquito,
where would you strike for your next meal?
Your insect eyes would show you
the reddest areas
where warm blood
is closest to the surface.
So what would it be like
if you viewed the world
the same way as an insect or a snake?
Well, you're about to find out.
Using a special thermal-imaging camera
that turns infrared waves
into visible light,
we can reveal the hidden forces of heat.
For example, can you tell
which muscles are working hardest here?
The more active muscles give off
higher temperatures, which appear red,
and the hottest temperatures appear white.
Now that you're warmed up, let's see
if you can pass our thermal quiz.
What liquid is this?
Is it soda?
Radioactive milkshake?
Or hot coffee?
If you guessed hot coffee,
you got it.
Now, take a look at these cakes.
One just came out of the oven,
while the other two
have been sitting out for a few hours.
Can you tell which is which?
Impossible, right?
Unless you activate: heat vision.
Now it's clear which cake you should take.
Now look at this table.
Can you tell where someone
was just sitting?
Not so easy, is it?
But if you fire up the heat vision,
it turns out you leave behind
a pretty warm impression.
Which of these people is the hottest
[wolf whistle]
You might have said C
because he's the most white hot,
but he's actually the coldest
because the white
is heat escaping from his body.
Now there's a strange smell in the mall.
Any idea who is to blame?
Just kidding.
We had to fake it with hot water.
Despite what your gut may tell you,
farts just aren't hot enough
to read on infrared.
-If only
Now that you've gotten to know
the hidden forces a little better,
let's play a game to see how well
you can spot hidden forces
at work in your daily life.
The scene you're about to see
contains ten hidden forces.
As you watch,
see if you can count them all.
Are you ready?
It's the perfect night for a scary movie.
Wait. Hold up. How scary?
Don't worry. It's not that scary.
Stop teasing your brother.
Hurry up, Mom. The movie's gonna start.
Okay. Popcorn will be ready soon.
[microwave beeps]
[dramatic music]
I'll take that.
Come on. It's not scary.
[mom] What happened?
-Maybe the Wi-Fi's out?
How are you doing so far?
[boy] Be careful.
[boy] I'm scared.
There's nothing to be scared of.
Honey, where's the flashlight?
-Probably where you left it the last time.
-Not helping.
-[girl] Oh, good.
-[dad] See? Nothing to be scared of.
Um Dad!
[all scream]
[girl] Is it okay to be scared now?
Hope you enjoyed our scene.
And more importantly,
were you able to figure out
all ten hidden forces at work?
To find out, let's take another look.
So, starting at the top,
there's the lightning outside.
Then, there's the electricity
powering the lights and the TV.
Next, there's the infrared from
the remote control used to turn on the TV.
Dad is using his cell phone, which
requires hidden two-way radio waves.
Popcorn will be ready soon.
Mom is using a microwave
to pop the popcorn.
Mom also uses a magnet
to hang the math test.
How are you doing so far?
The next one is a little tricky.
When the movie starts,
you saw a mushroom cloud,
which represents atomic force.
Did you get that one?
Then there's the Wi-Fi,
which always goes out at my house, too.
Maybe the Wi-Fi's out?
And the daughter got a shock
from the static electricity
from her socks on the rug.
That's nine. Only one more.
-You know what it is?
The falling popcorn
is an example of gravity.
That and the fact that our family
is pinned to the Earth's surface
and not flying off into space
at 1,000 miles per hour,
which brings our total to ten.
I'm telling you.
I made the spoon move!
Yeah, that's amazing, Chase.
Now, all we need is one of those, err
light-sword thingies.
-It's called a light--
You trying to get us sued, little buddy?
[canned laughter]
Maybe this could work.
Here. Try this.
How is this gonna work?
Does it have any batteries?
-Does it plug in?
Just use the forces.
[canned laughter and applause]
Keep forcing.
I feel something.
Look! Open your eyes!
Mom! I did it again!
[canned laughter]
[more laughter]
Now, you might be wondering,
how was I able
to light up this light bulb?
Well, it involves this Tesla coil.
Now, this is a mini version
of those big ones from before.
These coils become charged
with electricity
until they can't hold it in anymore, and
They release it into the air,
and in this case,
go to the fluorescent light bulb.
While it's possible to get your hands
on a Tesla coil like this,
you should remember
that these are not toys
and require adult supervision.
[Alie] Hey! Who took my Tesla coil?
[canned laughter]
And the ocean
[crew guy laughs]
[laughing] Are you okay?
[director] Take one!
And that's gravity.
-Does it look like I'm really eating this?
-No! Not when you do that!
That's a wrapple!
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