Franklin and Bash (2011) s01e10 Episode Script

Go Tell It on the Mountain

My father worked for 25 years spilling sweat and blood.
Without him, they'd be nowhere.
And now new owners come in, and they want to put him down like an old horse.
As God is my witness, I won't let them get away with it.
Little over the top.
Sit down, Amelia.
You're making me nervous.
She's making you nervous? Hey, how did we spend $200 on handkerchiefs? I'm studying magic.
Lucha Libre has been in our family for generations.
They want me to retire based on my age.
They want me to lose a fight, have my mask taken off in the ring.
I think I deserve a fair shot.
And why you keep looking at my daughter?! Uh, I-I wasn't.
I, um -- I-I thought I saw something behind your daughter.
Daddy, stop.
I agree with you, ultimo.
He was talking to you.
But he was looking at your daughter.
-No, I-I wasn't.
-He kind of was.
No, I was looking to see if there was -- You were looking at my daughter! Eh, just joking.
I'm sure there's nothing to worry about.
It's a simple arraignment.
I thought budget cuts did away with night court.
No, I asked for it.
To throw off the media jackals.
If we enter a plea now, they miss a news cycle.
Oh, perhaps another athlete will text photos of his genitals -- wipe this mess off the front page.
Good evening, Your Honor.
Due to the seriousness of this case -- Actually, why don't you let her do the talking? Oh.
Sorry, Your Honor.
Force of habit.
Brett caiman, Your Honor.
Your reputation precedes you.
Thank you.
To the charge of murder in the first degree, on behalf of my client, Stanton Infeld, we enter a plea of "Not guilty.
" Mr.
Infeld is prepared to surrender to custody.
The defendant is remanded.
No bail.
Bailiff, take him into custody.
Ooh, what a mixture such a vivid picture ooh, what a mixture if I must say so myself Here, let me show you.
-Ow! No! -(Ultimo scoffs .]
I haven't done anything yet! Man, he is hopeless.
Ultimo, show me.
You've never been to the Santa Monica Pier? It's the eighth-highest Ferris Wheel in America.
Did you just make that up? Yes.
I did.
Just now.
Isn't there something about lawyers and their clients? Which is why I'm not asking out your father.
Otherwise, I would, 'cause he's right in my wheelhouse, but Uh, I got to take this.
Hey, guys, did you see this? "Peter and Jared, in the office.
" -"Urgent.
" -Yeah.
Okay, okay.
U-u-ultimo, I have to go.
-(Ultimo laughs .]
-(Peter) Hey.
-(Ultimo laughs .]
Does anyone know what's going on? I have an idea.
If this is one of Infeld's trust-building exercises -- It's not.
I'm Brett Caiman.
-I'm with the -- -New York office.
What's going on? Stanton is in lockup.
He's being held without bail.
-For what? -Murder.
-I get it.
This is one of those murder-mansion mystery things.
Oh, I love those! Vintage Infeld.
Love these things.
All right, who's the victim? -Gibson Hawke.
-That's a cool name! He was one of my Uncle's best friends.
Disappeared 15 years ago.
They were climbing Mount McKinley together.
Which is where his body was found five days ago.
I don't have much more information yet.
I'm starting to think -- This is real? Yeah, we should stop talking now.
But why are we hearing this from you? New York wanted someone sent out to oversee things until the situation plays itself out.
Well, enjoy your stay, 'cause I don't work for you.
Actually, you do.
Karp, Franklin, and Bash, you're trial team -- Stanton's call.
There's a surprise.
Everything case-related goes through me.
That's it for now.
I'll be handling discovery.
I'll need two of you overseeing -Is Stanton okay? -What's with her? She's been a trial assassin.
Now she works the cases from behind the scenes, you know, manipulates the media.
Why? We got this.
For once, you and I agree.
-I'm gonna go see Stanton.
-Let's go.
You two busy? I've got something to show you.
Actually, we're gonna go see Infeld right now.
Yeah, it's not a request.
Meet you outside in five minutes.
I'll drive.
When I started out at the D.
's office, they taught me it was critical to see the most important witness, the one the jury never gets to hear from -- the victim.
Why are his eyes open? Uh, let me guess -- uh, your first corpse? Not mine.
One medical man to another, I noticed the decedent is still clothed.
Yes, well, due to the condition we found the body in, we were only able to conduct a partial autopsy.
Fantastic, can we just concentrate on the second-most important person on the case? There's no way Stanton's guilty.
He told authorities 15 years ago that, when the blizzard hit, Hawke insisted on heading out for help, and they never saw him again.
He was 20,000 feet up in a blizzard! Yeah.
There's all kinds of ways to die up there, right? Yes, but Mr.
Hawke died from a 6-inch stab wound to his abdomen.
What? He was, uh, stabbed to death.
And unless he was mugged by a Yeti, I'd say -- -Aah! -Ohh.
He moved! He moved.
-He didn't move! -Interesting.
Uh, it could be contractions as the ice molecules dissipate, but he's not, uh He's thawing out? Okay.
Excuse me for a second.
Hey, hey, hey, look.
Hey, okay, okay.
You're thinking "Encino man"? Can't happen.
Okay? You're in a safe place.
Okay? Sorry.
Here's the murder weapon -- a climbing knife, scrimshaw handle.
Okay, there's got to be hundreds of knives like this.
With the name "Stanton Infeld" inscribed in the handle? We need to see our client.
So, Stanton, we got to ask.
What? If I'm guilty? A good lawyer never asks his client whether he's guilty or not.
Come on, Stanton.
You're not a client.
-You're family.
There is a good reason why the story I told 15 years ago is inconsistent with the way that Gibson's body was found.
See? I told you so.
I lied to the police.
That's not a good reason at all.
Look, Hawke and I were great friends.
I mean, we were golf and tennis partners.
We even pursued the same women.
And let's just say that More than a few wagers were made over the years, but That nightHe was different.
He wasangry, irrational.
Our guide ordered us down when we were only 200 feet from the summit.
Well, Gibson refused.
He said he was going on with or without us, and he -- he grabbed the last oxygen container.
I-I-I tried to reason with him.
I But he attacked meViciously.
SoI killed him.
You didn't have a choice.
Yeah, if he'd taken your oxygen He would have not only killed you but the rest of your climbing team.
Well, that works for me.
It was self-defense.
We're still stuck with Infeld's lie when he came down.
Hawke was a pillar of the community.
His scholarship endowment still sends hundreds of kids to college every year.
So to preserve that And protect his memory for his wife and kids He lied to cover up the death of a man he killed with his own hands.
Well, when you put it like that Look, Infeld's trying to protect him.
Would you want to be remembered for your worst moment? Say, the Halloween you went as Hannah Montana.
Not my worst moment.
And I was dressed as Miley Cyrus.
If we're gonna admit that we lied about Hawke's death, then we have to make Infeld look like a Saint through the rest of his life.
Dig up whatever you can.
Already did.
It's not good.
What are you doing? Compiling character testimonials for Brett.
-We got trouble.
-What? Private bank account in the Bahamas.
Stanton's? Hawke's.
Closed out right around the time he died.
All right, well, could be nothing, but let's check it out.
And don't tell anybody.
We've started to put together the character wi-- oh, wow! -Peter.
-I'm sorry.
I should have -- I should have knocked.
Uh, I'll just, um, leave these? Relax.
I, um, need your help with something.
It involves you looking at me.
I'm going on "Anderson Cooper," see if we can't influence the jury pool a little.
Which outfit's better? That works for me.
I need to look powerful and feminine but not provocative.
What about your character evidence? Oh, um Testimonials on his honesty, his character for nonviolence, the charity work.
And they've all been subpoenaed? Done.
What was that, a couple of minutes ago? What do you mean? I heard you say not to tell anyone.
Jared had his first full body wax.
Frankly, I think he took manscaping way too far.
-I told him, I said -- -Peter Are you sure you're keeping me looped in about everything? Hold my hair.
You're totally looped.
I swear.
I know you and Franklin bend the rules.
I won't have it, not on this case.
The stakes are too high.
Of course.
And I want Karp off the trial team.
K-- wha-- Karp may have a stick up his ass, but he's a good lawyer.
Yeah, and he's also Stanton's nephew.
If he argues his innocence, the jury will think, "Of course he's saying that.
He's family.
" Well, Jared and I will handle argument.
Karp is better at motions, case citations -- You mean boring, grown-up stuff that wins trials? Exactly.
That's why we need him on the -- Yeah, it's decided.
You and Franklin.
Don't screw it up.
Hanna, I heard you signed Triple B Electronics.
That's a huge get.
Good news travels fast.
You know, I wanted to make sure that you're okay about not being on the trial team.
I pushed for you.
I am not gonna second-guess Stanton.
Well, if you're ready to work where female partners are given more than lip service I'm happy here.
-Worth a shot.
If you don't mind keeping this between us Not a problem.
It's New York.
Excuse me.
Hanna's gonna take over the case.
Maybe she can get them to listen to reason.
Who are these guys? Dalton and Jacks, the league owners.
You should be represented by counsel, gentlemen.
Unless he's your lawyer.
-We're lawyers.
-We're also Then, who's this? El presidente.
We are making him the next ultimo.
Look, I know this is an emotional issue, but -- Uh, not for us.
We own the league.
Which means we own all the characters in the league, including Ultimo.
You like letting women speak for you? I'll tell you what -- why don't you give me the mask, and I'll find you a skirt? -Why don't you shut up? -Okay, Amelia.
They're just trying to get a rise out of us.
Let's just stay calm.
You have just upset my daughter, señor.
That's weird.
She wasn't too upset last night in my room.
Why don't you say that to my face?! You want to be a dead man? I'll handle this, J.
You need to be taught a lesson in respect, señor.
And who's gonna teach me, huh? You, old man?! Soon.
Someday soon.
I should be on this case.
If it were any other trial.
You're the most promising attorney.
Yeah, I could care less what you think of my lawyering.
But you do care what the judicial selection committee thinks.
Wh-- h-how do you know -- That you want to be a judge? One of my law-school professors is on the committee.
I got you bumped up the list.
I'd prefer to keep it between us.
It's a little sensitive.
You need to let me help my Uncle.
You want to help? Step aside.
It's the toughest thing to do.
But sometimes, it's the smart move.
I found a croquet set.
Where would you like it set up? Uh, on the south field.
Oh, wait a minute.
The Rolling 40 Crips are playing softball now, aren't they? -Listen, set it up 3:00.
-Yes, sir.
Hello, Damien.
Y-you heard that Brett took me off the case? Yes, I'm -- I'm sorry, Damien.
But, you know, I hate to admit this, but she probably did the right thing.
Oh, by the way, I saw her last night on "AC360.
" Wow! Is she ever compelling.
Stanton, this is serious.
Look, appearances to the contrary, Damien I am concerned.
But to be honest with you, I've been half-hoping that this day would come, when I could be judged for what I've done.
That was an honest moment.
There was, uh, no zen-master, Yoda-style deflecting.
The D.
has to prove that Stanton Infeld killed Gibson Hawke.
I'll save her some time.
He did.
He stabbed him, walked down the mountain, and lied about it.
That's the Stanton Infeld the D.
wants you to know.
But you're gonna meet the real Stanton, the one I know, the one who sees the good in everyone and everything The Stanton Infeld who took a shot on two lawyers who were, well, let's just say, not setting the legal world on fire.
While I agree with Mr.
Franklin's characterization of himself and his partner, uh, can he make one thing not about Franklin & Bash? Fair enough.
Let's talk about two other people you'll hear from -- Mike Lane and Rachel Ford.
Again, objection.
Those witnesses haven't been provided.
That's because Mikey is 11 and Rachel's 9.
Where are you going with this? Your Honor, obviously, Mike and Rachel were not on the mountain.
But their grandfathers -- both on the climb, since deceased after long, full lives -- were.
And had it not been for Stanton Infeld's heroism, Mike and Rachel would have never known their grandfathers.
Because Gibson Hawke would have killed everyone up there including himself.
I got this in El Paso -- an exposed nail in the ring.
And how much time did you miss? I fought the very next night.
We object to this testimony.
It's irrelevant.
No one's disputing his commitment.
We thank him and invite him to take all the time he needs, starting now.
The contract -- Let's forget the contract.
I'm sure she'd like that.
Miss Linden, this is a court of law.
We can't "forget" the contract.
All we're asking is that you look at the spirit of the contract.
I mean, we can't bargain for a man's dignity.
Ah, but you can for ownership of a character in the league.
Oh, wait.
We did.
Paragraph 2, subsection "b.
" I'm sympathetic, but I'm bound by the law.
You may step down, sir.
I'm sorry.
Your Honor, please.
I am ordering all parties to return tomorrow so that you may return the mask.
Hey, make sure you wash the mask before you bring it back.
I'm an officer with the Alaskan Police Department, Denali District.
Have you encountered the defendant, Stanton Infeld, before? -I have.
How do you know this guy? I have no recollection.
And I think I would remember that mustache.
It's quite impressive.
And where did the two of you meet? At the Denali police station.
I took his statement.
Objection, Your Honor, we've already admitted that our client stretched the truth when he came down from the mountain.
Duly noted, but this is something he said the night before they went up.
Officer Werth, what were the circumstances that led you to take Mr.
Infeld's statement? It was in our drunk holding cell, after he had been booked for assault.
Infeld had been in a fistfight.
Oh, my! With whom? Gibson Hawke.
Your Honor, we have the defendant's booking photo from that night.
Officer Werth, tell me -- did Mr.
Infeld say anything as he was being booked? He was looking for Hawke.
He said, "If that son of a bitch doesn't pay up, he's a dead man.
" Well He turned out to be as good as his word on that.
Objection! Withdrawn.
I'm fittin' to stand up, yes, indeed clap my hands and stamp my feet I didn't lie.
That looked a lot like you in the mug shot.
I'd ask, "How'd the other guy look?" But we kind of know.
Honestly, I-I had forgotten.
How do you -- how do you forget an ass-whipping like that? You don't know this about me.
I used to live pretty hard.
I am from Liverpool.
I mean, I could never have just one drink or sleep with one woman.
Or be second-best, ever! I mean, I'd have a row the same way you guys squabble over oatmeal.
Who fights over oatmeal? Precisely! You want to say it or should I? You think he's guilty? It's hard to argue self-defense when he called his shot three days before he did it.
Sounds like specific intent to me.
We got the crap beat out of us in court today.
We need something good.
Uh, come on in.
This is what they want.
Do we really have to be there tomorrow? Yeah, I'm sorry about what happened in court.
If you could just give us one second, I'll, uh, figure out how to handle tomorrow, okay? -As far as Infeld's testimony -- -Dude, stop.
What? -She digs you.
-God knows why, but, -yeah, it looks like she does.
-Go comfort her.
We're in the middle of a case.
Even Frodo took breaks when returning the ring to Mount Doom.
Never mind that.
Just go.
We've been at it all night.
Take five.
Lucha used to just be his job.
But when my mother died I'm sorry.
He got wrapped up in his character.
I thought it was to avoid mourning.
Then I realized that's how he mourned.
We're not giving up on this, Amelia.
It's not just about him.
Being a Lucha fan isn't like rooting for the Lakers.
Ultimo stands for good.
He's a folk hero.
I know it sounds dumb, but it's -- No, what it sounds like is awesome.
You don't meet many folk heroes.
You'd have made a good Luchador.
Yeah, I would have.
Yeah, but not as good as me, 'cause I know all the moves.
-You know all the -- -Mm-hmm.
All right.
Bring it.
Let's see.
Break 'em out, Sally.
-All right.
-Oh, I could do that.
All right, that's effective.
-Oh, wow! Okay.
I could make you tap out in 15 seconds.
Well, you could try, b-- okay! I'm tapping out.
There it is.
My father came up with it.
-Well done.
All the Luchadors use it, along with a bunch of other holds he developed.
Let me try it on you.
Fair is fair.
-All right.
So this arm goes here and -- whoa! I don't know what move that is, but you should copyright it.
What's wrong? What you just said -- your case.
Okay, don't move.
-I'll be right back.
Okay! All right.
I really have to go.
Unh! Hey, I was just coming to find you.
I'm about to have sex -- crazy Lucha sex with the daughter of a man who could, and most likely will, just tear my head off.
But I got to tell you something quick, so go ahead.
-No, no, go first.
-No, you look like -something's wrong.
-No, go.
We got to get Hanna on the phone, get her over here now.
You thinking threesome? No.
Look, Amelia was showing me some of Ultimo's moves, and then I figured out how to win the case, all right? I'm gonna say two words, then I'm gonna get back to having the sex I so richly deserve -- "Copyright law.
" Good, but I don't think you're gonna have time for that threesome, or even the twosome.
No, no, you said -- Come on.
Come on.
Tell him.
I accessed the banking system in Jamaica.
"Accessed"? Well, if they spent less time smoking giant blunts and not washing their hair and more time on building firewalls -- Whoa! Whoa! I can't even believe you just said that.
You know what, if you spent less time in your little germ-free fortress -- No, that's what they do.
They smoke blunts and -- You're racist! I'm not white.
I can't be racist.
-Yes, you are.
-Stop! Both of you! Gibson Hawke's bank account was closed out three days after his death.
By Infeld.
You know, Hawk and I were like brothers Well, so were Cain and Abel.
You know, we had a slush fund in the form of an offshore account for gambling.
If anything happened to the other, who was ever left would empty the account and disburse the money to charity.
Well, because of the way I lived, I always assumed that it would fall to him.
Stanton, I don't know how to say this, but maybe we should consider, you know, pleading guilty.
Yeah, th-that's smart.
A-a lawyer should always be dispassionate.
So you want us to Look, if I thought for one moment that I murdered my friend, I would have pled guilty that night.
Now, although I can admire your skepticism, if you guys want to step aside, I'd be happy to represent myself from here on out.
That's not gonna be necessary.
We're gonna win this for you.
I made it clear that you were to surrender the mask -- We're filing a counterclaim against the league for violating Ultimo's intellectual-property rights.
I want that mask! It's my time! Mr.
Jacks, please tell your associate to pipe down, or I'll have my bailiff Escort him out of the courtroom.
-What? -While the league owns Ultimo, they don't own whatever moves he developed while he was -- That's ridiculous, Your Honor.
The moves are part of the character.
Can you show me where it says that? Your Honor, you said you were bound by the contract, which lists all rights granted to the league, but it doesn't mention moves.
It's weak, Miss Linden.
Weak? It's -- it's comatose, Your Honor.
It's enough to take it to trial.
Your client may keep the mask Until the issue has been further litigated.
Nice work.
It's in the bag, and you do the comatose joke.
The trial won't be for another three months, so until then -- They can't take the mask.
I know.
And I know, to you, it's just a mask.
And I know how I must look.
You don't look -- I kept this for 25 years by fighting for it.
And thank you for fighting for me, really, but I didn't climb into the ring every night to have some piece of paper tell me whether or not I deserve this mask.
That night on the mountain, when you stabbed Mr.
Hawke, you had no choice, isn't that correct? I had a choice.
I could have let the rest of my team perish on that mountain, or I could have killed my best friend.
And lied about it.
Look, I've had occasion to re-live every moment.
Ah, of course I have regrets, but protecting the name of my best friend, even if I had to lie about it, isn't one of them.
Thank you.
No further questions.
You said you and Mr.
Hawke beat each other up and that was just part of your competitive natures.
Yes, that's right.
And you had no motive to kill him? No.
I loved that man.
Hmm, then, perhaps you can explain why you emptied out his bank account three days after his death? Objection! You've been a lawyer a long time.
Wouldn't you agree that money is a pretty compelling motive -- -Objection, Your Honor! -Your Honor! Counsel, approach.
She cannot blindside us with new evidence in the middle of trial.
Well, it shouldn't be too much of a surprise, seeing as how we got it from someone at Infeld/Daniels.
What are you up to? Why don't we take this in my office? You mean Stanton's office? What, you don't want everyone knowing that you're helping the D.
convict him? I'm not going to apologize for following the rules.
It's the responsibility of both parties to turn over all evidence -- That you plan on using in court, which we weren't.
Which I'd know if I was kept in the loop.
I hear you talking about a bank account, it shows up on the firm's server So you send it to the D.
? Along with hundreds of other documents.
I don't know what your motive is here, other than helping the other side send Infeld to prison, but we're done taking orders from you.
We got a case to win.
Our way.
I hope you do.
For all your sakes.
That's right.
Franklin and Bash! No one tells us what to do! Except Infeld.
-And Carmen.
-Karp sometimes.
-Speaking of Karp I heard about court today.
I was just gonna go see Stanton.
You want back on the trial team? Hell, yeah.
But what about Brett? You gonna let her tell you what to do? Last time I checked, we run this place.
Uh, no, you don't.
I'm in.
-Trial team group hug? -Let's do it.
What have you been talking about with Brett? She's offering me a senior partnership in New York.
Thought it was something like that.
Don't trust her.
Why? Is she lying? Worse.
You may have fooled the judge, but when he's forced -to look at the con-- -What's up?! What the -- what the hell's going on here? We invited him.
You know, there are better ways to handle all of this.
Yeah, the Lucha way.
I'm not afraid.
You afraid? Hell, no.
Let's do this.
Okay, we -- We decide when a fight is sanctioned, so -- Then sanction it! Your guy wins, you get the mask.
Ultimo wins, he keeps it and gets to defend his title.
Either way, you get to promote the fight and collect the gate.
I already said "done.
" Well, I just wanted it clear.
-She knows.
-We're done.
Thank you.
Don't thank me.
Kick his ass.
Bend your knees.
Ernie, uh, take over.
Hey, stick with the wuji.
You okay? Yes.
Thank you for asking.
I'm okay.
You know we still have a shot.
You know, you boys did yourself, and me, very proud.
I still wish there was someone else to tell the story.
Well, unfortunately, dead men tell no tales.
Actually, Stanton, they do.
Call the court.
Tell them we have one more witness.
Stay with Stanton.
Just another moment, Your Honor.
You have conducted yourself with surprising decorum.
I only hope that when Mr.
Bash arrives, he doesn't have one of your desperate stunts up his sleeve.
-No, Your Honor.
-I'm here! As its final witness, the defense calls Gibson Hawke to the stand.
Told you it wasn't a stunt.
Over my dead body.
Got a minute? I've got one.
What can I help you with? Go back to New York, for starters.
Excuse me? We've been looking at the firm's charter, at the line of succession here in the L.
And if my Uncle's convicted, I'm next in line.
Then me, but if we're not around Yeah, say, if one of us becomes a judge and the other one goes to New York I have no intention of staying in L.
Really? That's weird.
Because you've been looking at houses in Bel Air with a broker.
And how would you know that? Involving yourself in a murder trial where you stood to gain by your client being convicted.
That's not gonna play well on "Anderson Cooper," is it? Step aside, Brett.
It's the toughest thing to do.
But sometimes, it's the smart move.
-That was like a minute, right? -Yeah.
I've cleared the courtroom, and I have my special "Contempt of the court" pen at the ready, gentlemen.
-I hate that pen.
You are asking to bring a corpse into my courtroom? No, t-that would be ridiculous.
We want to bring the court to him.
Jury field trip to the morgue.
A field trip? Really? You sure you got signed permission slips from your moms? Actually, we got one from yours.
-Last night.
-Enough! If you can find me one case where a body was brought into the court -- Formosus.
Not the most current case.
It's from '96.
Yeah, that's Actually, Your Honor So 1,100 years ago.
No, Your Honor, please wait.
Your Honor, Your Honor, papal courts of Rome.
They dug up Formosus and tried him posthumously.
I meant a case from this millennium or the last millennium.
Okay, well, since we're talking about dead people, let me mention another one -- Thomas Jefferson.
He wrote a little thing called the Constitution.
You are kidding, right? Maybe the founding fathers are a joke to D.
"Nutella," but not for us.
The confrontation clause of the sixth amendment.
It states that a defendant is entitled to face his accuser.
Took con law three times.
Face his accuser? He's dead.
Look, the prosecution's theory has been that our client hated Gibson Hawke.
We've argued that Infeld would never hurt Gibson Hawke.
All we're saying is, enough talk from the lawyers.
Well, I can't disagree with that.
Let the jury gauge for itself how Mr.
Infeld reacts to facing his friend.
You said if we cited a case, Your Honor.
Your words.
Let's have a field trip.
You want to sit together on the bus? No, I want to stab myself in the eye with your tiny body.
Think she likes me.
Have you had further occasion to conduct analysis on Gibson Hawke? Yes, I've taken samples of brain tissue.
We have an implement that allows us to drill directly -- Okay, we get -- we get the picture.
Your Honor, a moment with counsel? -You look pale.
-He's smiling now.
Okay, all right.
Tag out, Lucha style.
I got this.
What my woozy partner meant to say was, why didn't you do it before? Well, based on the stab wounds, the cause of death seemed clear.
And what did your new autopsy show? At the time of his death, Mr.
Hawke was suffering from hypoxia, otherwise known as mountain fever.
And what are some of the symptoms? Uh, psychotic breaks, irrational rage, extreme violence.
So, if Mr.
Hawke was in one of these rages, a person acting in self-defense could have had to stab Mr.
Hawke in order to stop him.
He's creating his own scenario.
Based on the evidence.
Same as you.
The only difference is, you have to prove yours beyond a reasonable doubt.
coroner man -- Uh, Mr.
Bruce Conti.
Isn't it possible -- excuse me -- reasonable that my client was acting not only in defense of himself but the entire climb team when he killed Gibson Hawke? I-I would say, uh More than reasonable.
No further questions.
Decent dog and pony show.
It must've been more than decent, or you wouldn't be talking to us.
He pleads guilty to filing a false report -- three years probation and Seems a bit stiff.
I accept.
Um, but I just have two requests.
Make it 5,000 hours.
Uh, you understand how negotiating works, Stanton? And a moment, please, with Gibson.
I never got to say goodbye.
Farewell, dear friend.
Perhaps now you will Rest in peace.
That's what I've always wanted for you.
Ohh! Ugh! Oh, my.
Come on, Ultimo! Come on, get up, get up! Whoa, whoa, whoa! This is truenos perno.
The thunderbolt.
Finish him! Come on! Whoo! I taught him that! One of the benefits of jail -- you get to realize the value of economy of space.
I mean, who needs all this room? I just wanted to welcome you back.
I expect you're wondering why I kept you off my trial.
Yes, actually.
And you think that I value Damien, Jared, and Peter more.
It's hard not to see it that way.
You know I kept you off my case because you mean more than they do.
You're gonna have to explain that one.
Look, this firm is bigger than any one person, a-and you just won the Lucha case.
That old fighter's needs were no less important than mine.
Which is why I've decided that if and when I step aside I want you to run this firm.
Not Damien? Oh, no.
Damien, he wants to be a judge.
Besides I have my heart set on you.
Welcome back.
Ha ha, come on, yeah! dead silence in the realm, descendants of the hill been down for a while Mm.
Hmm? Hey! Congratulations.
Ah, hey! Ultimo.
And Ultimo's giant friends.
Congratulations, huh? -Thank you.
We heard from the league.
They're broke.
Dalton and Jacks took off.
They owe Ultimo his share of the gate.
And us our attorney fees.
-That blows.
It doesn't blow too bad.
They're in default, so we get whatever asset they have left.
You mean -- You're 50% owners of the Fuerte Lucha League.
Along with me.
-Yeah! -You come here.
I want to talk to you.
We can talk right here.
Uh, yeah, okay, um, it's good right here.
But, Ultimo, we won.
You don't have to take -- You're with my daughter now.
That's like family.
I-I like Amelia, but I don't know if we're together, you know, "with" so much, you know.
Business partners.
Business partners.
Thank you.
Found that fake head you put in my bed.
You liked that, huh? -Solid effort.
-Thank you.
But I just want you to know that if we were somewhere and you started acting all crazy, it would be my honor to kill you.
I'd kill you, too, buddy.
All right, you get to choose how and where you die.
Game 7, World Series, Dodger Stadium -- Jessica Alba and I making love in a luxury box.
The minute the Dodgers clinch, boom, struck by lightning -- dead.
Put a lot of thought into this.
Yes, I did.
What about you? Eaten by lions.
-Really? -Mm.
No sleeping with Marisa Tomei or jamming with Keith? That's selfish, man.
We gonna join, or we gonna sit back? No, I can't.
You coming? Raise your hand free your mind break it down Whoo! Ha! Raise your hand
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