Friday Night Lights s01e10 Episode Script

It's Different for Girls

She's on the phone right now with Matt Saracen.
It's becoming that thing that we always knew was gonna happen with our little girl.
Hunt's been scouting high school ball since before we were born.
You make his top 100 list, you're good to go.
' You had a rough time out there tonight.
To be honest, I'm worried about your strength and size.
So what you should work on is lifting and conditioning.
Try to get some power in those legs and upper body.
' Did you hear what Lyla did? GIRL 2.
' Yeah, I did.
' No, what happened? She slept with Riggins.
Anybody but her.
You gonna steal a cripple's girl, but you won't fight a cripple? You're a coward, Riggins! You know, me and the guys always got your back.
We're gonna take care of this, man.
' Let's do this! Ready? Five, six, seven, eight! One, two, three, four, five Ride it, Brittany.
Arms straight and tight.
Lyla, you're late I know.
I'm sorry.
I don't want apologies.
The Classic is five days away, and you're a captain.
This is not acceptable, do you understand? Yes, ma'am.
Is it wrong to enjoy this? All right, let's do our liberties! Girls on top are Jessica, Grace and Lyla.
Ready? Five, six, seven, eight! One, two No, it's a basic liberty, Lyla.
Summer camp stuff.
What's going on with you? I guess Tim Riggins banged the balance right out of her.
Let's do it again.
It's like he doesn't want us to be together.
No, I don't know if that's I love my dad, but he's a sick, twisted individual.
The only way to handle him is to stand up to him.
Well, that's gonna be kind of hard, seeing as he's kind of the coach.
Don't worry.
He's all bark and no bite.
Most of the time.
How about you come over tomorrow night? I mean, is that gonna be okay with your mom and your dad? Because Matt I don't know if you can You've got to get out of that mindset.
Otherwise he's just going to squash this.
Whatever Whatever "this" is.
And about that What happened on the field the other night after the football game.
What I did, when I kissed you, that was wrong.
I just didn't want you to think that I thought that maybe That's what I think about it.
I'll see you later.
You okay? Yeah.
Need any help? No, I got it.
You're good.
I got it.
I don't know if I trust this thing.
Just special for you.
There you go.
Here, let me get the door.
Good job on the ramp, Dad.
Thank you, Son.
Welcome home.
So, what happened to your office? Oh, I moved it upstairs.
No big deal.
Mom did a pretty good job, huh? Yeah, it's It's nice.
Where do you want me to put this, Jo? Just right there.
So, I'll be using the guest bathroom? Well, yeah.
I mean, we're going to convert the utility closet just as soon as we can afford it.
Why don't we let him get settled in? Okay.
And you got some barbecue, right? Oh, yeah, yeah.
I have it in the fridge.
All right, thanks.
' I've seen them, and that team can't play a lick.
We ought to just send out the JV and give our boys a rest.
' Well, I hear you, friend.
But that's why Coach Taylor's got to be careful.
Too much confidence, and these kind of games Can we please listen to something other than football? No.
It's giving me a headache.
TAMl: Yes, we can, baby.
Want me to sing? I'd love to sing.
No, please.
I'll be gone on Saturday.
Where are you going on Saturday? There's this music festival at Belton Lake.
Matt's gonna take me.
You're not going out with Matt on Saturday.
We agreed that I get one date a weekend.
TAMl: Yeah? How do you think you're gonna get out to Belton Lake? Landry's going to take us.
Who is Landry? The "Lance" kid.
You're not going to Belton Lake with Lance.
You won't be going out with Matt Saracen on Saturday, because Matt Saracen's gonna be with me at the cheerleading thing.
Are you serious? TAMl: What? Yes, I am.
We're all going.
It's the cheerleading divisional championship title.
No, it is not! It's the Cheerleading Classic.
I didn't read the whole email, but it's important, and we're all going.
Hmm, let me think about that.
Cheerleading is more pointless than football.
That's a sexist A sexist remark that you just made.
They support us every weekend.
Now it's time for us to support them.
That's what's gonna happen.
End of conversation.
You people are sick, and I want my own car.
She wants her own car.
Dream on, kid.
' So, I don't get it.
If we're suing because we need money, then how can we afford a lawyer? He doesn't get paid unless we win.
What am I supposed to do? Nothing.
He just wants to visit with you, ask you a few questions.
He's a really nice man.
He's already helped us out a lot.
You okay with this? Tomorrow night at 7:00.
We'll both be here with you the entire time.
Couldn't hurt to hear him out.
Doesn't mean I like it.
You sure you're gonna be okay here by yourself? Mom.
You call me on my cell if you need anything.
Mom, I can take care of myself.
All right? Promise.
I I promise.
I love you.
I love you, too Have a good day.
Call me! I love you! Okay.
Have a good day.
Excuse me.
Hey! Hey, yo! New girl! what I'm supposed to be, and, like Hey, yo! Hey, Miss, look, I'm sorry I don't know your name yet.
All right, all right, look.
Slow up, slow up.
All right.
Talk to the Smash.
All right, well, I'll call you back later, okay? All right.
Oh, isn't this cute? Look, I'm just here to bring out the welcome wagon.
Hold up Waverly? Hello, Brian.
Damn, girl.
Look, I don't know where you been, but time sure been good to you.
Well, thank you.
It's been a while, I know.
It's been a little bit.
It's been a little bit.
Oh, there.
Hold on.
I got to go.
It's my dad.
I'll see you later.
Brian in the flesh.
How you doing, son? Good, Pastor.
So, I see you catching up with my daughter.
Yeah, we just Yeah, we just catching up.
All right.
You remember me now, right? Oh, yeah.
You have a good day, all right? Yes, sir.
All right TIM.
' Out of your league, Williams.
You know that.
No such thing.
Smash is one size fits all.
Ain't her dad a preacher? What you know about it? Last time you been south of the border, you was with your mama on your very first birthday.
My mom lives in Oklahoma.
She does.
Hey, I bet you 100 bucks Saracen gets up on Coach's daughter before Smash even touches that Waverly priss-ass Grady.
Done, baby.
How about it, QB One? Think you can get the V-chip out of Julie before I can work my magic? I think you should shut up.
Oh, come on, man.
What? You afraid of a little bet or something? I think it's a good time to stop talking.
Come here.
Oh, we just talking a little smack, Coach.
That's MISS DER.
' Five, six, seven, eight! D- H-S! We're back again! Blue and gold! Let's hit it! Panthers! Let's practice our scales.
Y'all get in your stunt groups.
Don't worry about it.
Just be tight.
You'll be fine.
Maybe we can get some tips on your favorite sexual positions.
Shut up, Brittany.
I'm tired of hearing it.
Wow, my arm's a little sore.
Hope I can hold the cradle.
Five, six, seven, eight! One, two, three, four, five, six, seven.
Whoa! Whoa! Are you okay? What the hell is your problem? Hey! Hey! Hey! Hey! Hey! It wasn't her, it was you! Quit it! Hey! What is going on over here? Anybody? Please enlighten me.
Now, whatever is going on between you guys, you need to work it out.
Now, we have been working for this Saturday all year.
And I don't know what you've been doing all week.
Are you with this team? Yes, ma'am.
You're sure? Yes, ma'am.
All right, then.
Let's do it again.
Hey, Jason.
How are you? I'm fine.
I missed you guys.
Look, he's back.
I told you he would be.
Been watching the Cowboys this year? Yeah.
Can you walk? Jake, that's not very nice.
It's okay.
It's all right.
No, buddy, I can't.
But I bet I can beat you in a race.
Come on, buddy.
All right, you got me that time.
Wanna do it again? I probably shouldn't, buddy.
I don't sweat like normal people anymore.
So Come on, it's time for your snacks anyway.
You guys can play later, all right? All right.
See you later, Jason.
All right.
Hey, Jake.
Yeah? Don't play in the street, all right? That's a one-time thing.
All right.
All right.
I have nothing to say to you.
Don't come back here.
Note Homer's double-standard in how Ulysses is treated with extreme forgiveness for his dalliance with Circe in The Odyssey.
Yeah, well, Ulysses was a pimp.
Look, I'm just saying It's all about the seed and the egg.
You know? The flower and the bee.
A man's job is to spread the pollen, and the woman's job is to grow it.
But you can only grow one seed at a time, right? I don't follow you exactly.
What I'm trying to I think what he's trying to say is that monogamy isn't natural.
The male of the species is hard-wired for genetic diversity, so the instinct is to, you know, fertilize as many eggs as possible.
To have sex.
Yeah, but human beings are different.
I mean, civilization is based on the repression of instincts.
When we act contrary to our instincts, that's when things get interesting.
A lot of people would say that monogamy is a state of higher evolution.
With the right person.
What's up, baby? Listen, I'm having a party, and you should come.
We should kick it like a football, baby.
We're gonna have a little pool party.
A little suds and buds, if you know what I'm talking about.
You know what Everybody's cool with your little trip, if that's what you're into, but I'm not gonna judge it.
I love it.
I You know, what's up? What's up? What's up? What's up, Riggs? We were just leaving.
What are you doing? Don't you know you're sitting with the school slut? Let them look, Lyla.
I don't care.
It's different for girls.
You can sleep around all you want, and people think you're cool.
I make one mistake, and it was a mistake.
Tim, you're making it worse.
You can't be here.
What the hell was that? What are you talking about? Sitting with Lyla in the cafeteria.
Don't you know you're just making this worse for her? Yeah, she kind of just mentioned that.
Why don't you just stay away from her, then? Stay out of it.
You're in love with her.
What do you got? Oh.
Good, good, good.
That's what I thought.
You had that one.
Good job, sir.
Good day, is that 12? It was 12.
Oh, yeah! That's what we like to hear.
That's what we like Hello, Ben.
Ben Beck, long time, no see.
Now, I will warn you.
I am hot.
You walk in here tonight, you may drive out in a new truck.
I'm not kidding you.
Are you all right, partner? You look like you've just seen a ghost.
I want you to know, Brittany put some stuff on the internet about Lyla.
Other kids added to it, but I'm pretty sure Brittany's the one who started it.
Stuff on the internet? What are you talking about, Ben? It's bad.
I'm not gonna lie to you.
' Alice is home with her right now, trying to figure out what in God's name possessed her.
I felt like I owed you an apology in person.
Lyla doesn't deserve this.
No matter what she did.
TAMl: It was medieval.
You know? It was like The Scarlet Letter or something, watching that girl walk across the cafeteria, and everybody just glared at her.
It's high school, babe.
At least they didn't burn her at the goal post.
Well, I'm telling Go see who that is, please.
Hey, sir.
I was just wondering Sorry.
I was just wondering if Is Julie here? Hey, Matt.
Hi, Dad.
Me and Matt are gonna go watch some TV.
That's If that's okay.
TAMl: Hi.
Hey, Mom.
We're gonna watch some TV.
Hey, Mrs.
All right.
Uh, well.
What about tackling drills? Y'all do a lot of those? Yes, sir.
Every day.
Every single day.
Coach used to always yell at practice that, "Good defense wins football games.
" No, I mean you personally.
Me personally? Yeah.
Tackling drills? Mmm-hmm.
I was the quarterback so Yeah, I realize that.
But I was just wondering if, at any time during a practice or a scrimmage, or really any time at all before you got hurt in that game, did Coach Taylor ever personally instruct you, Jason Street, on how to make a tackle? He didn't have to.
'Cause I played quarterback.
So that's a "no"? I guess so, I Are you trying to say this is Coach Taylor's fault? No.
No, I'm just trying to find out what happened.
Because I threw the interception.
And I got pissed off and I went and tackled somebody.
That was That's how it happened.
I know.
I know.
But when you tackled him, you had your head down, 'cause no one had ever taught you any other way.
I cannot believe this.
You said if we were going to sue anybody, it was just gonna be the school, Dad.
We said nothing about Coach Taylor.
Jason, take it easy.
This was not Coach Taylor's fault.
Coach Taylor did not make that tackle.
I did.
I know and Sir.
Sir? Y'all can try and get me to say whatever you want me to say, but I'm not gonna say that it was Coach's fault.
All I want you to do is tell the truth.
And that's what you've done.
Right? Honey, will you stop pacing, please? What do you suppose they're doing in there? Probably having sex.
That's not funny.
Well, it's a little bit funny.
No, it's not funny.
Sit down and play cards.
I don't like the fact that he just shows up here.
That's not right.
Well, I don't necessarily like it much either.
Where are you going? I'm gonna go out there.
Come back here right now.
I'm gonna go out there.
Be back in a second.
I'm gonna get something to drink.
Don't go out there.
Don't You warm enough? Yeah, I'm good.
All right.
Hey, how we doing out here? Good.
We're just we're just We're just watching TV.
What's with the blanket? Who told you to get a blanket out? It's cold in here.
That's because I like to keep the AC low.
Hence the blanket.
How much longer till the program's over, honey? Dad.
It's a school night, honey.
It's 9:00, Dad.
Yeah, but I probably I should probably get going home anyway, though.
No, no, no, no.
You really don't have to.
No, no, no.
But 'cause, I don't like to leave my grandma home at night.
And so, it's probably better Will, will you just tell your wife Good night, Mrs.
Oh, good night, Matt.
I'll see you tomorrow.
Goodnight, Coach.
Bye, Matt.
I'll see you tomorrow, Julie.
Bye, Matt.
TAMl: Sorry, babe.
They had a blanket.
You're an idiot.
Hey, you.
Hey, Daddy.
You okay? Yeah.
Just doing some research.
Mom and I are We're turning in.
Good night, Daddy.
Good night, baby.
We'll see you in the morning.
Hey! Go Panthers! Hey! Go Panthers! Hey! Go Panthers! All right.
Thank you, ladies.
Can I have your attention? We're hunting for a big "W" this weekend, but I think everyone should know, that these ladies sitting up front, right here, are also gonna be hunting for their own "W" this weekend.
Because Saturday they're gonna be at the Cheer America Championship Classic.
Suzanne, if you'd step up here.
Miss Der, if you'd step up here, please? Let's give a big hand to Suzanne.
Coming from the team, I just want to say I want to say, from us to you, good luck, go get 'em, and this time we're gonna be supporting you.
All right? Thank you, Coach.
Just one more thing.
Ladies? Blue! Gold! Go Panthers! Blue! Gold! Go Panthers! Go Panthers! Go Panthers! Go Panthers! Go Panthers! I said go! Matt Saracen's got some nice looking legs.
Oh, you think so? Panthers! Go Panthers! Hey, where's Lyla? How should I know? I don't know.
She's not out there.
Lyla! Hey, Lyla.
We missed you at the pep rally.
What's the matter? Well, that's just bush league.
We don't listen to those jackasses.
Come on.
' I just thought, "let them talk," you know? Let them say what they're gonna say, and I'll just Tough it out.
I'm quitting the cheerleading team.
That's a big move.
Sure you wanna do that? My parents dressed me up in cheerleader outfits and took me to Panthers games since I was five.
Becoming a cheerleader for the Dillon Panthers was like this dream come true.
And I bought into it.
But you know what? The truth is, since Jason's accident, I've been pretending.
And I am done pretending, Mrs.
Taylor, that I care about any of this.
McGILL: Come on, Smash! Get out there! Let's go! Hey, what was that number? McGILL: Four-four something.
What? Four-four-six.
Let me see that.
Gotta pump! Pump, pump, pump, pump! McGILL: Damn.
Either they're getting slow or he's getting faster, one or the other.
Must be eating his Wheaties.
Whatever he's eating, let's make sure he keeps eating them.
Hey, that's nice, Smash.
McGILL: Absolutely.
Come on! Set it up again, now! What? I just need to talk to you a minute.
Go ahead.
Look, I don't want this whole thing to be awkward.
You don't want what to be awkward? This whole thing between between Julie and I.
Julie and me.
Huh? It's, "Julie and me.
" It's a common mistake.
Go ahead.
It's just.
Well, look, I'm kind of sensing that I'm sensing that you have a problem with it.
You're sensing right.
We're both interested in each other.
Okay? And I'm not going to stop seeing her because of you or because of anybody else.
Saracen, stop right there.
If I don't want you seeing my daughter, you're not gonna see my daughter.
No, you don't understand, Coach.
You can go now.
No, I don't think you heard what I said.
You can go now.
But, I You can go now.
' Have you talked with Jason? No.
He won't even come near me.
Look at me.
I know you feel awful.
Okay? If there was some magic thing I could do to make this all go away, believe me, I would do it, but I can't.
You made a mistake, and it's over.
And the important thing is Is that you learn something from it.
You know what my mama used to say? "God created sin so that we might know His mercy.
" Okay.
Hold up.
Where's the okra? I've been making this gumbo since Michael Jackson had a nose like yours.
You're messing me up, now.
Sheila, look, you can't dress like that for Pastor.
You get changed.
I'll finish this up.
I know you didn't You just running right here Go calm down somewhere.
And Sheila looks fine.
Put some okra in it.
She look all right.
Did you hear that? Coming.
Hey, how you doing, Brian? You all right? Hey.
How you doing, Pastor? Good to see you, son.
Hey, what's up, Wave? Hi.
Family dinner? Yeah.
A little something.
Very nice.
Oh, Lord, bless this food.
Sanctify it, let it be nourishment to our body, minds and spirits.
In Jesus' name we pray and give thanks.
All right.
Spill it, Wave.
Oh, now, Brian, we just sat down here.
I'm sorry, Mom, I just want to know what she's been up to.
I think Daddy would rather talk football.
You were in Africa, right? Well There was kind of missionary work? It was actually like, a Christian outreach program.
Oh, okay.
Got a friend of mine.
He's a big, you know, muckety-muck in the Episcopal Church, and they do a lot of helping the people out and they're building houses and hospitals and so they took my baby girl away.
And you know, they got a lot of resources and, you know, doing things that we can't do, so You know how it is.
So what was it like? You got any pictures? Shoot, I've never even been outside Texas.
I don't know.
It was fun.
Hard work, nice people.
Well, you know, since she's back, we're trying to refocus her and get her eyes back on this college thing.
Oh, I know that's right.
Education goes a long way.
Football don't last forever.
You know, since you mention that, Brian, how's that SAT class going? Oh, it's good.
It's going real good.
Yes? I guess what I came here to tell you is that Lyla is completely in love with you.
And always has been, and always will be.
She's going through hell right now, Street.
I'm sure she is.
People at school are just ripping on her.
I mean, she quit cheer.
She's losing it.
And I know it means probably nothing coming from me.
But I thought you should know.
Well, I'm sure you can help her out with that.
I messed up.
Tim, shh.
I messed up big time, and I'm sorry.
Not right now.
Hey, morning, babe.
Hey, listen.
We need to get going early today.
The brake fluid light's on in the truck.
I got to fix it.
You need to tell me when that happens.
TAMl: I did tell you when it happened.
I have a ride.
You have a ride? With who? With Matt.
And we're going to the movies on Saturday.
With Matt Saracen? TAMl: Excuse me? Saturday we're going to movies, and we'll be back for the cheerleading thing.
And they're here.
So I'm gonna go.
Wait a minute.
Wait a minute.
Where are you going? And are they here? Out front? What? Honey, honey.
Hey, hey, hey! Hey.
Hey, how y'all doing? Coach.
Julie, Julie.
Who is that other one in there? Who's driving the car? TAMl: Y'all, please drive safely! See y'all later.
TAMl: Watch the curb, whoever you are! I got it.
Tell you what I'm gonna do is, I'm gonna have a talk with that boy.
TAMl: You're gonna have a talk with Matt Saracen? I'm gonna have a Matt-chat, is what I'm gonna do.
I'm gonna have a little Matt-chat.
That sounds like a truly terrible idea.
Wescott's last five games.
I want you to take a look at those over the weekend.
Monday morning, first thing, I want you to be able to talk about their defense knowledgably.
You want me to do this over the weekend? That's right.
Is that a problem? I kind of had plans with Julie this weekend.
Well, I wasn't aware of that.
But I do know that you're QB One of the Dillon Panthers.
And this team's got a damn good chance of making the playoffs.
So I'm sure you'll prioritize.
Yes, sir.
We're gonna go get them tonight.
I told you, I'm not going all the way over there for some stupid football game.
Then how about after? I'll pick you up at your house.
Hey, Smash.
Have a great game tonight.
I will.
And we will be watching.
Don't even worry about them.
Don't worry about them.
Okay, look, we had dinner, and you asked me all your questions, and blah, blah, blah.
We caught up, so just go score some goals.
You know I ain't gonna give up that easy.
Smash don't take no for an answer.
Yeah, but he loves to refer to himself in the third person.
Which, by the way, is incredibly annoying.
Right now, Smash! Coach is pissed.
Bus is leaving! I'll be right there, sir.
McGILL: Hurry up! I'm coming.
Miniature golf.
You and me.
Nobody from the team, no football talk.
What do you say? Are we on? I'll think about it.
' Well, the game's over, and the Dillon Panthers put a world of hurt on the winless Timberwolves tonight.
First quarter Matt Saracen gives to Smash Williams for an easy score and a seven-point lead Fix it.
And that was the story tonight as young Mr.
Williams lit the Timberwolves defense up for 166 yards rushing Good game.
seven receptions and three, count 'em, three touchdowns.
Halftime featured a performance by the Dillon jaycee Drill team who are competing in tomorrow's Cheer America Championship Classic.
Matthew? Okay, your part's starting.
What did I tell you? Huh? If you move those feet, look at that.
Whenever this is done, I got to watch this, Grandma.
Oh! Oh.
I got my eye set on UT now.
Oh, yeah? That's a really good school.
You think you have a chance? Hell, yeah.
As long as I stay healthy and get my touches.
Well, no, I meant academically.
'Cause it's really hard to get in there now.
Even if you are in-state.
Yeah, well, I been working on my studies and stuff.
All right.
You might want to start by doing your homework.
Hey, you still thinking about med school? Oh, you don't forget anything, do you? Steel trap, baby.
Steel trap.
I still remember when we first moved here.
Ooh, nice.
It'd be you, Sheila and Missy in the back of the choir room playing doctor.
Y'all never let me play, though.
Well, that's because you always wanted to play dirty, and we were running a nice, clean hospital.
It ain't my fault you always needed an operation, baby.
Okay, whatever.
Just trying to help you out.
I don't know.
People change, and that may not be the best thing for me right now.
Although I know it would make Daddy happy.
Yeah, well your dad's the man.
I mean, letting you go to Africa and all.
I guess.
You know, most people who do something like that talk about it all the time.
You know, letting you know how in touch with their roots they are.
Hey, girls, look! It's Smash.
You don't wanna talk about it.
Hey! Hey.
Good game.
That was awesome.
Hey, how you doing, ladies? Hey, look.
We going all the way to State.
Oh, yeah, we are.
For sure.
Pack your bags, baby.
Pack your pompoms.
Make sure to bring a swimsuit, too.
It's all right, I give them a little satisfaction.
Your nose is bleeding.
You okay? Oh, I'm cool, I'm cool, I'm cool.
Sit down.
Sit down for a second.
Sorry, this is a little embarrassing.
You know, I don't think you spent that money on an SAT class.
Yeah? Well, I'm I'm starting to think you didn't go to Africa.
Please say something.
What do you want me to say, Lyla? That everything's fine? Because I'm sorry.
I can't do it.
I don't lie as well as you do.
I'm so sorry.
It was one mistake.
One mistake would have been you cheating on me.
But two was when Please stop.
you lied to me.
Three was when I found out it was with my best friend.
What else you got to tell me, huh? What else you wanna get off your chest while you're out here feeling sorry for yourself? Huh? I was there for you, Jason! I was the only one that was there for you, every single day! I was there for you every night.
I made one mistake! That's great.
You want credit? You want credit for sticking by me? I did not ask for this.
And I damn sure did not ask for the one person in this world that I loved to break my frigging heart.
I didn't ask for this either, Jason.
Seeing you in that hospital broke my heart.
I was so lost and alone.
And I screwed up.
And if you choose to never forgive me for that, I understand.
Believe me when I say that you are all that I have in the whole world.
That's all I have.
I just can't.
I can't.
I just can't.
' We are here to represent the Panthers, right? All right.
Let's go.
Come on! Honey, you're late.
We got to go.
I know.
We started at the crack of dawn, and the round took six hours.
It's slow over there.
How'd you play? I don't wanna talk about it.
Tell you what we got to do, though, is I got to maybe sell the house, and then I get a membership over at Buddy's country club.
No, what we need to do is we need to go.
Want me to make you a sandwich? Yeah.
All right.
Well, hurry up.
No tomato, please.
Where's Julie? Well, hurry up because we got to go.
The cheerleading thing is now.
Where's Julie? Well, our daughter, Julie, is going to meet us there because she's getting a ride with Matt Saracen.
What do you mean, "a ride with Matt"? Well, she's been over at his house all morning long, going over some game tapes that you gave him to work on this weekend.
Yeah, well, I didn't know they'd do that.
Yeah, apparently the "Matt-chat" didn't go as well as you expected.
Oh, and she wanted me to tell you to go "right strong iso," when you're in the nickel package.
Apparently they got a corner that's short and slow.
So your daughter is now interested in football, which is another thing you got going for you.
She said that? Mmm-hmm.
She said it like that? Good job, Coach.
That's pretty good.
I'm sorry to bother you.
What do you want, son? Sir, I just want a minute with your daughter, sir.
What are you doing here? Guys, I'll be right out.
Be right out.
You know that cheerleading thing you have today? Regionals? The championship? I think you should go.
Why? Because you're an amazing cheerleader, and I think you have that same feeling that I get when I play.
The "nothing else matters" feeling.
And I think I think you need that right now.
I don't want to see you give up because of what we had between us.
Whatever it was.
I told you.
They're still doing the individual competition.
They always do the individual first.
You just like to rush us out of the house all the time.
Now, where's Julie? Now y'all remember, it's NHFS rules.
That means no jewelry whatsoever.
No belly rings, no tongue rings, anything like that.
If you have scorpion double-downs, if you have scale double-downs, make sure that you have spotters.
One foot must be on the competition mat at all times.
Also, as soon as the music begins, the scoring process starts.
Got it? Good luck, y'all.
You're gonna do great.
Hey, you all right? Yeah.
Yeah, I'm cool.
Just a little nosebleed, that's all.
"Little," hell! I'll see you out there.
You don't get terribly excited, do you? Hey, Coop.
Good to see you.
Good to see you.
Hey, man.
How you doing? Wish you could've been out on the golf course for me.
I wish I shot 64.
Excuse me, excuse me, excuse me.
Need any extra pins, I don't want any bows flying on I'm here.
A little late, aren't you? Yeah, sorry.
Name? Lyla Garrity.
The whore with the website.
Well, I thought I heard you weren't going on.
Well, you heard wrong.
Sign me in.
You heard the girl.
Brittany, Lyla's flying.
"Go Panthers" on three.
One, two, three.
Go Panthers! All right, guys, line up.
Let's do this.

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