Penny Dreadful: City of Angels (2020) s01e10 Episode Script

Day of the Dead

[Magda] Previously on
Penny Dreadful: City of Angels.
We will be a happy family
like all the others.
We will all go out to the movies.
That's what we'll do.
Tonight is for Robin Hood, ja?
[kids] Ja!
Mrs. Minter, I take it.
Miss Minter.
[Dottie] Brian, shake a leg!
- [Brian] Where are we going?
- [Dottie] I told you, somewhere safe.
My Lord, what palace of vice
are you taking me to?
[Tiago] Don't worry. Place is a mob scene.
No one will even notice us.
Officer Vega.
You got nerve showing up here.
No! No, no! Please!
ominous music ♪
[band playing romantic music]
[inaudible dialogue]
[Tiago] Dia de los Muertos.
Day of the Dead.
That's what we call it.
We all go to the cemetery
and toast our relatives.
My father, my brother Tomas,
and my sister Gina,
who both died before Mateo was born.
We light candles and drink
and tell stories.
In an actual cemetery?
But it's not sad.
It's more like a celebration.
We reach out to the dead
and tell them that we love them,
and maybe they reach out to us.
- Mm.
- Since my mother is so devoted
to Santa Muerte,
it was kind of like our Christmas,
with lots of tequila.
You can come, see for yourself.
It's next weekend.
You think your family's ready for that?
Do you think you're ready for that?
I love you, Tiago Vega.
[indistinct chatter]
Diego Lopez is dead.
Cops lynched him in Belvedere Heights.
He's hanging from a fucking street lamp.
When news gets out,
this place is gonna go ape.
Get her out of here,
and then get to the station.
My family's here.
I'll take her to your apartment.
Get them home right now.
Go with Lewis.
I'll be there soon as I can.
This way.
suspenseful music ♪
Take Mama and Josefina home.
Don't ask. Just do it.
What's going on?
Raul's gonna take you guys home.
- Mateo, come here.
- [Maria] Tiago?
Come on, Mama. Let's go.
Take care of your brother.
I need you now, ese.
- What?
- Just come outside.
I'll explain there.
[band playing romantic music]
suspenseful music ♪
Listen to me, everyone.
Our brother Diego Lopez
He's dead.
- [crowd gasps]
- The cops killed him,
strung him up
in Belvedere Heights like a dog.
[Rico] Now, hold on.
Calm down, everyone. Listen to me.
[speaking Spanish]
Calm? Calm?
How much more do you need?
They shoot you down.
They put you in prison.
Now they lynch you
on the roads where you live?
You gonna wait until it happens to you,
to your mother, to your sister?
Because it will, unless we fight back
[crowd cheer]
tonight, right now!
We make them see us for who we are.
You are pachuco now, every one of you!
[crowd roaring]
Just stay with me, please.
[crowd clamoring]
Hold on, amigos.
Mis hermanos, listen.
You know me.
[Rico] I don't turn my back
to any motherfucker on the planet.
But we fight back now, what happens?
You end up dead or in a cell
for the rest of your life.
Use your brains.
This is not the way.
We go crazy now,
and we are exactly who they say we are
a bunch of animals.
That's not me, and it's not you.
Maybe the time comes we go to war
against the whole fucking world,
but tonight,
we got something more important to do,
so you come with me.
We walk.
We walk with dignity.
We take down our brother Diego,
and we bury him.
We show this city exactly who we are.
[crowd murmuring]
tense music ♪
- Para, oi.
- [tires screech]
- [man 1] Get out of the street.
- [horns honking]
[man 2] What's going on?
[bell clanging]
[Trevor] That was the most exciting movie
I've ever seen in my whole life.
I loved Errol Flynn so much.
He was the best. Errol Flynn?
He's just like I imagined Robin Hood.
No, Sir Guy. The swordfight?
That was the neatest.
[Frank] He was so scary.
[Trevor] But he only worked for King John.
King John was the real bad guy.
[Frank] Quit it. He was not.
[Trevor] Shut up, squirt.
He was, too.
ominous music ♪
I don't know.
What is it?
[Peter] Be still.
[horn honking]
- [Tom] Dad?
- Sit back.
[Peter] Lock the doors.
[locks click]
[man 3] Stay inside!
[crowd murmuring]
[horns honking]
Whoa, whoa! Ahh!
- [Magda gasps]
- [groaning]
[man yells]
They're running us down!
Come on! Come on!
No, no, no! No!
They're killing us!
- [Tom] Dad?
- [Rio] They're killing us!
They're killing us!
- Stay calm.
- Kill them all!
String them up for Diego! String them up!
String them
What the fuck are you doing?
[crowd clamoring]
- Stay calm!
- [Magda screams]
No, you don't!
[man yelling in Spanish]
- Dad?
- [Peter] Stay calm!
You okay? You okay, ja?
You okay?
[Frank crying]
Dad, what's happening?
Mein Gott.
[men grunting]
Got you now, you
- [Peter speaking indistinctly]
- [whimpering]
Just look at me, huh? Look at me.
Look at me. I'll only be one second.
One, two, three.
[Rico] Rio! Rio!
Wait! What the hell have you done?
I didn't want to start a
- [dagger pierces flesh]
- [gasps]
This isn't the time
for peacemakers, mi amor.
dramatic music ♪
foreboding music ♪
The king is dead.
Long live the king.
[Tiago] Mateo!
- [grunts]
- [man 4] Go get that wetback!
Come on, beat him up.
- [yells]
- Where you going?
Get him!
[men grunting]
[dagger slashing]
Come on.
[Tiago coughing]
Goodbye, brother.
dramatic music ♪
[all clamoring]
[indistinct chatter]
[siren wailing]
You should let me take care of your hand.
Your family was very kind to me.
I didn't know what to expect.
I've not been around large families.
I never had a big Christmas or a
Dia de los Muertos.
Did I get that right?
It was always just Mother and me,
just we two.
This is gonna smart a little.
My mother had four children before me.
None of them survived.
She wouldn't even tell me their names.
Oh, God, how I longed for a sister
and a bunk bed.
I used to look at pictures of bunk beds
in the Montgomery Ward catalog,
and dream about what that would be like.
You know, would I want
the top bunk or the bottom?
I decided I would let my sister choose.
They would've killed me.
They would've kicked me to death
right there on the street.
somber music ♪
Didn't matter if I was
a cop or a criminal.
You know what I was?
Just another fucking spic.
Don't say that.
Why not?
It's the truth.
It's in your eyes, too.
You can't hide it.
Well, maybe I don't want to be
your exotic Latin lover.
Why don't you find a white man to fuck?
This has nothing to do with me.
You know how I feel.
How you feel is impossible.
You want to know
how impossible it is, Molly?
Why don't we go outside right now
and just hold hands,
here, Beverly Hills, Pasadena,
Santa Monica, Inglewood, Pomona?
Let's go to the beach.
Let's go to your Temple.
Let's go to my station
and just hold hands and see what happens.
Jesus Christ.
We can't pretend anymore.
This town
will never leave us alone.
Then let's go somewhere else.
Somewhere we can be together.
New York, maybe, or Mexico,
some little village somewhere
really far away, up in the mountains,
away from people somewhere.
We can disappear.
This isn't like dreaming
about a bunk bed, Molly.
This is our lives.
And I want to live that life with you.
And what about Sister Molly?
Last night was the first time
that I felt I'd banished her,
and I was happy.
And the soup kitchens and the ministry
and the shelters?
All the people who believe in you,
all the good you do, Molly,
all that's gonna go away if you do.
My calling doesn't have to be
to save the world.
Maybe saving one person is enough,
if it's the right person.
Not for me, Molly.
- You can't let all that go just for me.
- [Molly] It's not for you.
Look at me.
You can see the cracks, can't you?
I can feel them all the time.
Trying to hold myself together,
but I simply can't endure
being both Molly and Sister Molly anymore.
They hate each other now.
And as much Nembutal as I take to sleep,
I can't stop the dreams.
So we disappear?
We disappear.
[telephone ringing]
[Lewis] Meet me downstairs
in ten, partner.
Lewis, this really isn't a good time.
Have you talked to your family?
Look, everything's all right,
but you gotta come with me.
Be there soon.
[Tiago sighs]
I'm sorry, Molly.
Go. Don't worry about me.
We'll take you home.
Uh, do you mind if I stay
for a few minutes?
I can find my own way home.
- [Tiago] You sure?
- Mm-hmm.
Can I see you later?
I have a service tonight.
After that?
Of course.
Now, go to work.
[Townsend laughing maniacally]
Martial fucking law.
This can't get any better.
The Mexicans did it, Alex.
The city council's gotta vote my way now.
We get the motorway,
and goodbye, Belvedere Heights.
Glorious morning, sir.
Sausage. I get sausage today.
Gonna make me fat.
Hell with it. We're celebrating.
Huey Long was fat.
That didn't stop him.
And, Jesus Christ,
fucking Mussolini, right?
Even Hitler.
He's no fucking Clark Gable.
The future belongs to big,
fat men, honey.
As you say, sir.
And this is just the first, you know.
After the Arroyo Seco,
we begin working on the next motorway,
right through Bunker Hill.
Let the spades riot next.
It only gets me more white votes.
And do you know what all of this
is going to do?
It's gonna make me mayor.
Yes, sir.
That's exactly what it'll do.
Let me tell you.
When I'm in power,
heads are gonna roll.
All those folks who looked down on me,
who made fun of me.
Oh, and things are gonna change
in this city, believe you me.
Put the animals behind walls, for one.
Newspapers we don't like?
We'll freeze them out or close them down.
The radio, the public airwaves?
Like hell, we'll cancel their licenses
if they don't get in line.
And we'll start doing
some sweetheart trade deals
with countries who feel
the same way we do about things.
Germany, to start.
And we'll redraw the voting districts
so we'll have a firm majority
that will last
for a thousand years.
Our own Thousand-Year Reich.
And if I want to fuck
that little Nazi, I will.
I'll fuck them all.
ominous music ♪
- [Peter] No, no.
- [Tom whimpering]
[Peter] Oh, it'll perhaps leave
a little scar on your forehead.
Not bad.
It'll make you look like Robin Hood.
[Tom] Robin Hood doesn't have a scar.
No? All those sword fights,
I'm sure he does.
Oh, where I grew up,
having a dueling scar was a great honor.
- All the boys
- Why did they hurt me?
I didn't do anything to them.
It hurt so bad.
I hate them!
Shh, shh, shh. Tom, Tom.
- Shh.
- [crying]
somber music ♪
Shh, shh.
You don't hate them.
You don't hate anybody.
You let hatred into your heart,
and it is like a hungry rat.
It devours everything else
until there is no love
for anything or anyone.
And then
then you are lost.
Can I stay here?
I'm scared.
Yeah, of course.
[radio announcer] And the mayor's office
has imposed a citywide curfew
from sunset to sunrise.
The following streets
are closed or limited
to local traffic until further notice.
Olympic Boulevard, Pico Boulevard,
Wilshire Boulevard,
and First through 12th Street.
The Los Angeles City School District
and the Los Angeles City
High School District
have suspended all classes
until further notice.
[Magda] How is he?
The Department of Water
and Power has also
He's scared.
And now he will never know
what it is not to be scared.
He goes outside,
and what is the world to him?
Is it his friend anymore?
Eleven stitches
in that little head.
[Peter sighs]
My poor boys.
Children are strong.
They will be happy again tomorrow.
You'll see.
- Mm.
- [Magda] You will
have to make a statement,
you know, from the Bund.
The city is under martial law.
Hmm? This is a political event.
The German-American Bund
must make a statement
as to its intentions.
What intentions are those, then?
Don't play the ingénue.
This is a racial war that has begun.
You were there.
We stand on the side of the Aryans,
or we stand on the side of the mongrels.
- [thumps]
- Stop it!
[Magda] For God's sake,
they tried to murder your son.
[in German]
[in English]
I teach my sons not to hate.
I have seen what hatred does to children.
You see it on the newsreels now,
the Hitler Youth marching in Germany,
all the eyes the same, so much hatred.
Is that what you want?
I want the boys to be proud
of who they are.
I want them to have faith
in the better world that is coming,
a world that we must fight for sometimes.
We have enemies who want to hurt us.
They did last night,
and only by a miracle are we still alive.
You know this to be true, Peter.
I don't say we teach them to hate.
I say we teach them to be strong.
ominous music ♪
After the war
when I let the American soldiers
use my body,
so I could have food for my baby sister
and they spit on me as they took me
and slapped my face and laughed
I thought that I would never
be proud again,
that I would live always in this shame.
And then you
taught me to raise my head
and love and be proud.
Peter Krupp,
your country needs you,
your family needs you,
I need you to be who you truly are.
Heil Hitler.
suspenseful music ♪
[man 5] Whoa, whoa, whoa.
All right. Let him through.
[Tiago] Goddamn checkpoints. What's next?
Soldiers patrolling the streets
and the train stations with machine guns.
That's what's next.
People start getting scared,
they'll allow anything.
Goodbye, freedom. Hello, Third Reich.
Are you fucking kidding me?
I didn't know where else to bring him.
My family's house?
Who's gonna look for a bunch of Jews
in the barrio?
You see the brilliance of it?
The hell happened to your face?
Nothing. I'm fine.
Watch out for him. He's a hustler.
- [Raul] What?
- [laughs]
He's too small.
Santiago Vega, Benny Berman.
Ah, the pleasure's all mine.
No kidding.
And may I say, you have a lovely family,
and I have capaciously enjoyed the
Can I talk to you two?
In private, how about?
[Maria] Don't be long.
This is when the mole comes to life, mm?
Sí, Mamacita.
Start talking.
Dottie's house isn't safe.
The Nazis know about her.
So Benny obliged.
And are you planning to live here now,
cooking with my mama?
[Lewis] Just for today. Listen.
The kid's too important now.
He's figured out the rocket,
and we gotta get him somewhere far away
from the Germans.
They're looking for him.
[Berman] We're gonna take him
down to Baja.
We have a private airfield there
that we use for,
shall we say,
various business enterprises.
Jesus Christ.
They fly him secretly to New York,
where Mr. Lansky will take care of him.
Mr. Lansky?
[Berman] And his associates.
They'll keep him safe.
No one fucks with those mean Jews.
This kid is that important?
[Lewis] Yeah, he is.
What's more, he's dangerous.
He's like a kid with a hand grenade,
and sooner or later,
he's gonna pull the pin.
Then let's get going.
We can head down to Baja now.
Plane won't be in until tonight,
and besides, your mother is showing me
her famous mole recipe,
so if you'll excuse me, gentlemen.
Who doesn't like mole?
tense music ♪
People don't just disappear.
He's gotta be somewhere.
[Kurt] The cars took him
and the old Jewess.
We've had men looking everywhere.
Think like a Jew.
They're a tribal race.
They're only safe with family,
or so they think.
We've been following Michener's son
and searched his apartment,
he's not there.
Nor is he at Michener's place.
This is singularly vexing.
[Richard] Where is he hiding him?
The Mexican.
His partner. Maybe with him.
Or his family, ja.
See to it.
Yes, sir.
And, Kurt
when you find the boy,
bring him to me alive.
You understand?
And the others?
Enjoy yourself.
[door opens]
[door closes]
I don't know if it's appropriate, dear.
We have always done well
to stay out of politics.
Republicans and Democrats
both pray, after all.
- And contribute.
- Meaning?
Sometimes I think you'd take donations
from the devil himself.
If it kept you on the radio,
I certainly would.
But really, Molly, this sermon
I have a responsibility to say something.
You know what I saw today?
A tank on Ventura Boulevard.
That's not right.
People are scared.
If I can bring any comfort, I must.
Well, I see I won't convince you,
but do try to remember
to say something about God
at some point.
I'll meet you downstairs.
Oh, and you only have
about a half an hour,
so don't dawdle.
Mother, I need to talk to you.
After the show tonight, I'm leaving.
I'm going away for a while.
I don't know where, so don't ask.
Because if I don't
this is what happens.
If this is about that Mexican
It's not, not entirely.
Have your damn lover. I don't care.
But you can't leave the church.
You can find someone to fill in,
get another pastor
It's your ministry!
It's yours!
It always has been.
What choice did you give me?
I was four years old
when you threw me in the revival tent.
So you blame me.
- [Molly] Yes.
- Oh, you blame me
for all the souls that you have saved,
all the good that you have done,
for soup kitchens and poverty shelters,
and the word of God
that reaches across this land.
You have a sacred calling,
and I will not let you shirk it.
I'd like to see you stop me!
It's over, Mother.
Let me go.
Oh, my poor child,
my only,
I have tried so hard to be strong for you.
So much I've done to protect you.
And now I've lost you.
You are so special to me.
You know that?
I wrestled four children
out of my womb before you,
and the Lord took them all
so I could have you.
I loved those babies.
But I would crush their skulls
under my heel right now
if that was the only way
I could have you
my only,
my lamb of God,
my blessed child saint.
So much I have sacrificed for you,
so you could be pure
and walk with the Lord.
When you were threatened,
I became God's righteous minister
of death.
How could you know all I've done
to take care of you?
When James Hazlett fell in love,
and threatened your reputation
and your church,
I took care of it.
I've always minded you, child.
Mother, what did you do?
Oh, child, I made him go away.
I had help, though.
An old lady like me needs help.
The Lord will always provide
a strong right arm.
What have you done?
And his children.
That was sure sad,
but it had to be done for you.
For you.
For you.
I will always protect you like that,
my sweet child.
No one will ever be allowed
to threaten you or your holy work.
Wherever you go, whatever you do,
you are mine.
Sing us a pretty song tonight.
And we'll hear no more talk
about you going away.
I tried to write it down,
but I probably left some things out.
Ah, much appreciated, Señora Vega,
and next time, I'll make you my rugelach.
There won't be a next time. Come on.
Some Yoo-Hoo for the trip.
You're not coming?
So you could cheat me at mahjong
the rest of my life?
Take care, kid.
We gotta go now, Brian.
Shake a leg.
dramatic music ♪
They break your heart,
don't they, these kids?
- [engine starts]
- Every day.
suspenseful music ♪
[Brian] Where are we going?
[Lewis] Mexico.
Then you're gonna get on a plane.
An airplane?
That's right.
Where's the airplane going?
New York.
Some gentlemen there
will take care of you.
[Lewis] You'll be able to work
in peace there,
like you always wanted.
Isn't that great?
Just so I get to keep thinking
about the bomb.
tense music ♪
What bomb is this, Brian?
After I figured out
the engine for the rocket,
which wasn't that hard, really,
I had a new idea, something pretty slick.
What idea is this?
Nuclear fission.
There's a way, I'm pretty sure,
to control the atomic reaction
and focus its yield.
Sorry, that's science talk
for how it explodes.
You get it right, well,
it would be like a thousand suns
exploding all at once.
What could this bomb do?
Depends on the payload, really,
but almost limitless.
Probably destroy a whole city pretty fast.
The radiation would do a lot of that.
It would spread on the air
and in the water and such.
It might set the atmosphere on fire.
Not really sure.
The atmosphere around the Earth?
Could be. I haven't figured that out yet.
I still need some time
to work out the details.
And you think you know
how to make this bomb?
I know I do.
this is what you want to give the world?
This and so much more.
[crowd murmuring]
You're late. The crowd is getting
For God's sake, find her.
[engine rumbling]
[soft music playing on guitar]
Thank you.
Will you stay tonight?
And after tonight?
I thought
I thought when I was at the Temple,
part of that community,
it would all be different.
I would be different.
Come, sit with me.
You remember when you were a little girl
and you got scared,
and I told you you would always be safe?
That's not true.
I know.
[exhales heavily]
[singing softly in Spanish]
[singing continues]
I gotta take a leak.
Anyone else?
I'm fine.
Why don't you come with me?
I'm fine.
Come on.
Stretch your legs. Do you good.
Wanna talk about something.
soft music ♪
Spanish song playing ♪
Look at all the stars, kid.
Isn't that beautiful?
Go on, take a look.
Do you want the top bunk or the bottom?
You choose.
[breathing heavily]
[radio announcer]
We interrupt our regular broadcast
for an urgent news flash.
Dateline Los Angeles, California.
Sister Molly Finnister has died.
The popular radio evangelist
was pronounced dead
by the LA County Coroner's Office
at 9:57 tonight.
[Tiago] All set, Lewis.
[indistinct radio chatter]
[inaudible chatter]
somber music ♪
soft music ♪
[speaking Spanish]
[murmuring prayers]
[indistinct chatter]
[indistinct chatter]
[speaking Spanish]
somber music ♪
eerie music ♪
There will come a time
when the world is ready for me,
when nation will battle nation,
when race will devour race,
when brother will kill brother,
until not a soul is left.
[Magda] Are you ready, Tiago Vega?
[engine rumbling]
[man 6] Take it down, boys!
[indistinct chatter]
dramatic music ♪
- [loud rumbling]
- [glass shatters]
[Lewis] So what about them?
They'll be coming for us.
Not before we come after them.
Fuck it. City of Angels needs us, pal.
Amen, brother.
All of this was about a damn freeway.
It's not just a freeway.
It's population control.
[Tiago] You cut off the Chicanos
with a barrier of concrete and steel.
You put them in the ghetto.
And then you put up another freeway
around the coloreds
and then the Jews and then the Chinese.
They're not building roads.
They're building walls.
This is not the United States of America.
dramatic music ♪
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