Rubicon s01e10 Episode Script

In Whom We Trust

He's here right now in the other room.
He hasn't said anything about it.
Will? Is that you? Yeah.
Yeah, I, uh, got to use the bathroom.
One sec.
Okay, I have to call you back.
Good morning.
Business? Yeah.
You, um ordering new art supplies? When? Just now.
Okay, I lied.
I was talking to my sister.
Why wouldn't you just say that before? Um, because it's embarrassing.
I was telling her about you, all right? It's a girl thing, but it's not exactly espionage.
Are you mad? Wait.
I didn't tell her your last name.
Not that I know for sure what it really is.
No, no, no, I'm not I'm not mad.
Well, you seem a little mad.
I got to get back to my life.
Oh, my God.
Will, I did not say that we were getting married.
I just told her that I have this really nice neighbor, and that we've been spending a lot of time together, and isn't that great? I need to go back to my apartment.
But your apartment's got the bugs and everything.
That's not fun.
No, it's not.
You know what? Why don't you take these keys to my apartment, and later on, after work, if you feel like it, you can use them to let yourself in.
Yes? Hi.
I'm looking for Katherine Rhumor.
Who is this? My name is Will Travers.
I work at the American Policy Institute.
Hello? Just a moment.
Uh, Katherine? Yes.
Have we met? I I don't think so.
I just moved here.
How did you find me? Uh, um, real estate records.
What do you want? Your husband Tom He was on the Board of Directors of a company called Atlas MacDowell.
Did he ever talk to you about this? My husband was on many boards.
He never talked about any of them.
I had a whole speech prepared.
None of it's coming to me.
Uh, so I'll give you the abridged version.
Identical clues showed up in several crossword puzzles in different newspapers on the day your husband died.
I'm certain this wasn't a coincidence.
Crossword puzzles? Marsilea quadrifolia? Does that mean anything to you? Latin? Uh, four-leaf clover.
Does four-leaf clover have any significance at all? I mean, any anything.
It could be something very small, something you can't remember right away.
I think I'd remember finding a four-leaf clover.
Please take this.
And if you do remember anything, contact me? Vodka on the rocks.
You called it your social lubricant.
And the drinks you had at home you called Oxygen.
I knew we'd met.
This is where you'll be for the next three weeks.
And then what? Pending your performance review, you'll return to your team.
With all due respect, um I have a PhD Two, in fact and I'm pretty sure they both came with handwritten promises that I'd never find myself in a basement doing data entry or whatever this is.
I think you'll agree we've been more than fair.
You worked at API a long time? Um Just a few months.
Already in the doghouse.
I'm not the first? Every few months, Ingram drops off one of you eggheads for a few days or weeks to help me.
No offense, but you're never really any help.
- You're good at this.
- I'd better be.
I didn't go to college.
I'm lucky I landed this gig.
Believe it or not, I'm the pride of my family.
Your parents must be crazy about you.
It's a huge effin' deal working upstairs with the big boys.
And you're so young.
Dio ti ha bendedetto.
What does that mean? God has blessed you.
The bomb went off at 11:20 p.
In the parking lot of the Wilton Suites hotel.
12 dead, 24 wounded.
Who are the deceased? Uh, eight Americans, one Egyptian, and three Yemenis.
What time did you say the bomb went off? 11:20 p.
, local time.
What time did Kateb's bomb go off in Bali? 4:20 a.
Um, a and, uh, what were the other bombings before that? - Cairo.
- Jakarta.
It was Cairo.
It was Jakarta.
Uh, yeah, uh Jakarta bombing Went off at 3:20 a.
And the Cairo bomb, which was detonated two months before Jakarta, went off at 11:20 p.
Okay, so what do all these times have in common? You mean besides the fact that the bomber is partial to detonating explosives at 20 minutes after the hour? Sanaa, Yemen, is seven hours ahead of New York City.
So is Cairo; Jakarta, 11 hours; Bali, 12 hours So it was 4:20 p.
In New York at the time of all the bombings.
What's the significance of 4:20? All right, let's assume 20 eastern Standard Time is Kateb's signature.
So either Kateb blew up the Wilton Suites in Yemen, or someone copied him.
I vote it was Kateb.
So do I.
- Which means he is still alive - He dodged our drone's missiles in Indonesia.
Or maybe he was never there.
What do we do now? We're gonna write up a report and we're gonna red-flag a request to all agencies for every bit of intel they can give us on Kateb.
We got to find him.
Your landlord just called.
You're two months behind on your rent.
Thank you.
Is this what my life's gonna be like from now on? Do I have to be worried about A tail every time I leave my apartment? Not if you're going to the grocery store or getting your nails done.
I found it on Tom's desk after he shot himself.
His obit said he had a heart attack.
His obit was a lie designed to protect his reputation and his money.
And there's a woman on the upper westside, her husband was a colleague of Tom's, he also killed himself.
When was this? About 20 years ago.
1989, I think.
What was his name? Gerald Bradley.
His wife, Alice Bradley, also found a four-leaf clover after he killed himself.
You said Gerald and your husband were colleagues? Mm-hmm.
Atlas MacDowell.
Bradley was on the Board of Directors.
Does that mean anything? I don't know.
What is going on, Will? I don't know.
Hello? Sophie? Wait.
Honey, slow down, I can't understand you.
He left he he left you there? Shh.
Bear, bear When did he leave? Okay.
Okay, honey, what did the numbers on the clock say when daddy left? One-one-three-four? Bear, stay right where you are, okay? I'll be there in five minutes.
Sophie? - Honey? It's mommy.
- Mommy, I'm here.
Oh! - Mommy! - It's okay.
It's okay.
I'm here.
I'm here.
I'm here.
Are you okay? Daddy said not to call you.
He said, "Don't call mommy, or she'll be really mad at you.
" No.
I'm not mad, okay? I'm not mad.
It's okay.
I'm not mad at all.
You left our daughter locked in a hotel room for three hours.
Did something happen? Soph, did something happen while daddy was gone? No, no, come on, sweetheart.
We're going.
So, I'll, uh, I'll pick her up tomorrow, same time? If you show up, I swear to God, I will have the entire New York Police Department there to handcuff you! This is over! It's done! I'm not going anywhere, babe.
That is my kid! I'm petitioning for joint custody! You're lucky that I didn't call the cops on you for kidnapping! - Hey.
- Hey.
Welcome back.
Except I'm not back.
Tanya, do you know Julia Harwell? No, has she replaced me? No.
She's just filling in for you till you come back.
It's really nice to meet you.
I've heard a lot about you from the guys.
All good things.
Kateb struck again; in Yemen.
What? Well, this has been a delightful conversation.
Um Yeah, I'd love to stay and chat, but I have a a lot of filing that needs to get done.
What? I didn't know she lost her clearance.
Nobody tells me anything.
Trying to see how your work holds up? - Something like that.
- Mm-hmm.
You had a fan in David Hadas.
What do you mean? He was the last person that took this paper out.
Everything is due in five days.
Otherwise, I'll come looking for you.
You again.
Can you tell me who was the last person to check this out? David Hadas.
What about this? David Hadas.
Five for five.
Thank you.
Is she sick? Sophie? Sophie, sweetie, this is mommy's boss, Mr.
- Sophie.
- She's fine.
It's her babysitter who's sick.
Strep throat.
Honey, I'll be right back, okay? Her dad was supposed to watch her today.
He's still in New York? Yeah.
That's disappointing.
It was going okay.
He's been picking her up from school and watching her until I got home.
It's been helping me out.
Until today.
Today I found her locked in his room at the cherry picker motel for three hours while he went out.
I told him to stay away from us, but he said that he would have me arrested for kidnapping.
And he's going to fight for joint custody.
I I don't know what to do.
I want you to go back to your desk and do your job.
Your daughter is fine here for the day, but let's not make a habit of this.
I'll take care of the rest.
Okay, Tanya, in your words, tell me why you're here.
I failed my drug test.
What are you writing? Notes.
I take medication prescribed by my doctor, Adderall and Percocet for back pain.
So, you have attention deficit disorder.
Um, uh, apparently.
The report here says that you tested positive for cocaine and marijuana.
That was a one-time deal A party the night before I got tested.
Bad luck.
And sometimes I like to drink to relax.
Is that a sin? I don't take 30 pills a day.
I have, um, an occasional hangover that requires extra attention in the morning.
How are you managing the other areas of your life? What do you mean? Can you wake up and Brush your teeth and make your bed and drink water when you're thirsty? Can you go home at night, alone, and take a bath because you need it, or because you want one? Can you mavage these things without a pill or a drink? Hmm.
And the, um The, uh the pills and the the booze make it, uh, easier sometimes.
Hmm? Yes.
Does it ever make it worse? Possibly more often than not.
I might Hmm? Have a, uh problem with living.
Tanya, do you want help? This is everything on Kateb from the past 36 hours.
This is it? Yeah.
There's nothing here.
Don't shoot me.
I'm just the messenger.
Kateb's off the grid.
He's probably got people moving him from tunnels, caravans, any way he needs to move.
It's official.
We've got a Godot.
Godot? We wait helplessly for someone else to find something really scary.
Operative word being wait.
Yes! Mm.
Miles Fiedler.
What? Well, when did they find him? Oh.
Will? Will.
Yuri Popovich is dead.
What? Yeah.
How? Gunned down in Moscow.
- Where's George? - I don't know.
Someone's cleaning house.
First Tanaz, then Yuri.
George is the trifecta.
Should I get the team together? Yes, tell them about Yuri, find George.
More importantly, locate Kateb? Hmm? Yeah.
- Where are you going? - Errand.
Well, when are you gonna be back? Soon, Miles.
Phew! Oh, it's hotter than Hades, hmm? No, not quite yet.
I'm here to deliver a message.
And the message is this.
The message is, "If Katherine Rhumor" Well, that's interesting that you spell it with an "H".
"If Katherine Rhumor spends any further time" "with Will Travers, he will be terminated.
" And by terminated, they mean killed.
Do do you understand this message? Yes.
Because sometimes they can be unclear, but that one was pretty straightforward.
Oh, almost forgot.
I I have another message.
Uh yeah.
"If Katherine Rhumor spends any further time" "with Will Travers, she, too, will be terminated.
" "As will her parents" "of 9 Glenwood Drive, Montpelier, Vermont, 05601.
" You know, I knew a girl in college from Montpelier.
Can I go now? Oh, yeah, sure, sure.
Yeah, go.
Go ahead.
I I I'm going to stay here and cool off.
I I This breeze is nice.
Did you get in trouble, too? Just came to see how you were doing.
You miss me.
May I? Mm.
Of course.
I'm sorry about lunch.
That was weird and uncomfortable.
The rules are the rules.
So, what do they have you doing down here? Well, um, we go through all these papers one by one and sort them according to geography.
For example, this paper here is a, uh, report on the pipeline development in Azerbaijan.
So it goes in the "A" pile.
"China's air force effectiveness and capabilities.
" - "C".
- "C".
I have to do this for that entire stack there, and then I I get to go home, I figure sometime around midnight.
But if I stay and help, we'll be out of here by 10:45 at the latest, at which time my wife will be blissfully asleep.
Hi there.
Who are you? I packed your bag, Craig.
We're going to the bus station.
I have a ticket here, one way, and some spending money for snacks and magazines, things to make the ride go faster.
Your home is Denver You stay there.
I don't know who you think you are, old man, I don't know what Maggie may have told you, but you are messing with the wrong guy.
Old man? The way you live is disgusting.
I called and your phone went straight to voice mail.
Which means either you pressed "ignore", or your battery died.
Is your battery dead? No.
I'm going to use your bathroom real quick.
Okay? What are you doing? I wanted to see who you were talking to this morning.
I told you I was talking to my sister in Minnesota.
You want to call and ask her yourself? Or, I know.
We could do like the high school days, and I could call her on three-way, only she doesn't know you're on the line, and then I say, "Hey, sis.
" "Remember when I called you this morning?" And if I'm lying, she'll say, "I don't know what you're talking about," and then you'll have caught me something fierce.
I'm sorry.
I wasn't always like this.
Did he see you? Yes, he did.
And Mrs.
Rhumor? She won't be a problem.
How goes the other task? I've got a three-man team on it.
They're running staggered shifts.
I join in, sometimes.
And? He goes to work.
He comes home from work.
He jogs along the Hudson.
He shops at whole foods.
Could it be I'm paranoid? When he's not being the most innocent man in America, he drops off the grid completely for hours at a time.
He's still very good.
When kale wants to shake you, he shakes you.
And the light was good.
Oh, hey! Hey? How was your day? Average.
Oh, boy.
Yours? Uh, above average.
But, uh, below perfect.
Say hello to the brand-new Italian reading lamp that you've always wanted.
What's wrong with my old lamp? I just I bought that three weeks ago.
You discovered it at a flea market.
Do you like it? I I love it.
Thank you.
I'll be right back.
I'm just going to throw this into the trash.
Now, don't you think we should, like, donate it or something? I'm going to put it on the curb and let the chips fall where they may.
Kale? Are you okay? I'm good.
CIA report just came in.
Where's Will? Not here.
Well, where is he? Uh, he'll be back soon.
Soon, going on four hours.
What's it say? George Boeck washed up on the beach in Sharm el-Sheik.
Dead? Very.
Will called this.
I mean, whatever purpose George and Yuri and Tanaz served in Kateb's life Their services are no longer needed.
Somebody's severing ties.
They don't they don't want anything to be traced back to them.
It seems a little late in the game for that, don't you think? They're not covering up something that's already happened.
They're preparing for something that hasn't happened yet.
What we have is an operation in progress.

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