Bloodline (2015) s01e11 Episode Script

Part 11

Ripped By mstoll Let me go.
It'll be better for everyone.
Because I can't.
I told you, I can't anymore.
Danny, don't.
Danny Rayburn.
Danny Rayburn.
Yeah? That's me.
Wayne Lowry wanted me to come see you.
Oh, yeah.
My good old buddy Wayne.
How's he doing? He's a bit nervous.
He wants to know if his property is secure.
Secure? Oh, yeah.
Yeah, yeah.
Very, very secure.
Super secure, you know? You hold onto Mr.
Lawry's property until you get a call from me.
I'll only contact you on this.
- I only talk to Rafi.
- Yeah, well, Rafi's gone.
For good.
So you wait for a call from me.
- And then? - Then you better fucking come through.
Your brother isn't here.
Yeah, I know.
I saw his truck wasn't here.
I figured.
Is this gonna be weird? No.
No, it's not-- Well, yeah, it's gonna be a little weird, I guess.
Um Listen, I have a question for you.
Did you ever talk to my brother about you and me? No, I didn't.
But he talked to me about it.
Yeah? What did he say? Did he seem, you know, pissed off or? Because he sure said some shit to me the other night.
And, uh - And what? - I still don't know who attacked me.
- You think it was Danny? Seriously? - I don't know.
What do you think? Look, he may not like you and He's got plenty of reason for the way you all treat him.
But believe me, I know violent guys, Danny isn't one of them.
Can I just ask you one more thing? What is it exactly you see in him? Sorry to bug you.
- What the fuck are you doing here? - I'm out of here.
Leave him alone.
Are you still sniffing around my sister, huh? Really? Hey, Carlos.
How you doing? Good.
How are you tonight? Good.
Glad to see you're making your meetings.
Yeah, you know, just keeping clean.
Why don't you get in the car? - Uh, Mr.
Rayburn, I got-- - Hey, Carlos.
Get in the car.
Danny called looking for you.
I thought he'd be here, you know? He said you were helping him with something.
What's going on? Nothing.
You know what I think, Carlos? I think that you are a lying sack of shit.
I talked to my sister.
- Listen, man.
I-- - Why don't you shut the fuck up? You've been hanging out with Danny.
You know what you're gonna do? You're gonna tell me everything.
Have you got your keys? Yeah.
Have you got it? You fucking sure you want it? Yeah, this fucking guy who came to see me, man.
Fuck, he made me nervous.
It's clean.
There's no serial number on it, okay? What the fuck is going on? Don't worry about it.
Rafi's not fucking coming back from the Bahamas, is he? Yeah, I don't think so.
This is really fucked up.
Oh, fuck, what did I get myself into now? Fucking John calls me in.
He pulls you in.
We got Rafi.
You know, we had a nice fucking easy money-maker.
Until I fucked it up.
I'm not saying that.
Okay? I'm just saying it's fucking hairy right now.
Because I remember, I came into town.
You offered me a job.
This is on your head as much as it is on mine.
I didn't offer you fucking doing this.
Eric, I may need you.
So please stay calm.
I mean, shit, man, you're my friend.
Right? Yeah.
Of course.
I don't know where this will end.
I may have to do some things.
I don't know.
But-- But you and me, we'll always be cool.
You've always had my back.
Since day one.
And I will always have your back.
You understand? People think I got two brothers.
They're fucking wrong.
I only got one.
Why are the lights off? I don't know.
You want a drink? No.
I don't.
Is there something on your mind? I know you're too big of a pussy to come after me yourself, so what did you do? You sent Eric? I was wondering how long it'd take you to blame me.
Just remind me again.
What are you blaming me for? - You know what.
- No, but I sent Eric after you because--? Chelsea, Danny.
Why would I be mad about that? Because you apologized.
As long as you apologize, it makes everything all right.
- I didn't say that.
- I mean, you can do whatever you want.
As long as you say you're sorry.
Then again, I've been saying sorry my whole life.
Never seemed to make any fucking difference to any of you.
I hear you saying all this bullshit, but I don't hear you denying it.
Let's say that I did send Eric after you.
I apologize.
I mean, from the bottom of my heart.
Good night, Kevin.
Danny made me do it, man.
- He didn't give me a choice.
- Shut the fuck up, Carlos.
Sit down right there.
Sit your ass on the ground, right now.
Hey, Carlos.
Listen to me very closely, all right? If I ever find out that you stepped foot on this property again I'll kill you.
Do you understand that? Yes, sir.
Hey, John.
What's up? Call Kevin and meet me at the boatyard.
You were right about Danny and Carlos.
Danny's been running drugs through the inn? You know this for a fact? I saw it.
Why is he doing this? He's home.
He has a job.
We've given him everything he wants.
Danny owes money to people in Miami.
- How do you know that? - Because I checked into it.
- When were you gonna tell us? - Is that really the point? Shh.
I don't buy it.
This is not just about Danny owing money.
He's trying to hurt us.
This is personal now.
Why do you say that? I just-- I know.
And now he's using the inn as a drug depot? Does Morn know about this? No.
And she can't.
Legally, the less she knows, the better.
What do you mean, "legally"? She hasn't done anything wrong.
It doesn't matter.
She owns a business that's been used to traffic narcotics.
We all do.
Even talking about it is dangerous.
Every second we don't report it to police, we're breaking the law.
Meg's right.
If we're gonna get ahead of this, we need to report it.
- Okay.
So then what happens? - I talk to the DEA.
I tell them everything.
They arrest Danny.
- It's not gonna end there, John.
- What do you mean? If the DEA finds drugs on the property, they're gonna seize the business.
Freeze our assets.
They're gonna go through every financial record we have.
The inn's gonna be shut down for God knows how long.
The business will never recover.
- We didn't fucking do anything.
- It doesn't matter.
There's no way to keep it out of the news.
Mom is gonna be devastated.
It's gonna ruin our name.
It's gonna ruin our reputation.
Everything Mom and Dad ever worked for their whole lives is gonna be gone.
- John, we cannot report this.
- We don't have a choice.
Yeah, we do.
If there's nothing in that shed, then we have nothing to worry about.
If we move anything in that shed we are felons.
We are dealers at that point.
I go to the DEA.
I can try to manage the situation.
You can try, but we won't come out clean.
We won't.
Clay? You got a minute? What's up? So the narcotics are on your property? You didn't know your brother was involved in this? No.
When I heard the voice on the Rafi Quintana intercept, I thought maybe Oh, fuck.
It's family, Clay.
My sister hadn't found that shit, I wouldn't have believed any of this.
Danny's a fuck-up.
He's always been a fuck-up, but I did not think that he was this.
- Yeah? - Danny Rayburn? Yeah.
Got a fishing charter this afternoon at 6:45.
This is what you're going to do.
The old route is burnt, so you're gonna bring everything you got to me.
- Can you do that? - As long as I get paid.
At mile marker 101 heading north, there's a turnoff to a warehouse.
- Yeah.
I know it.
- Be there at 6.
He's still here.
What's he doing? Preparing a charter.
- She should definitely go strapless.
- Hey.
What's going on? - Oh, hi.
You ready to go? - Where? We're all driving up to look at dresses.
We're gonna pick up Diana on the way.
Oh, shit.
I totally forgot.
I'm so sorry.
- It's okay.
- Can we maybe do it tomorrow? - Yeah.
Sure, tomorrow works.
- Yeah.
Is everything okay? Yeah.
I got a lot of stuff to do.
I'll call you later.
You know I gotta ask you this.
- A tip-off? - Any way your brother could have known-- No.
I don't talk to my family about work.
You spoken to him since you discovered this? I came straight to you, Clay.
You understand what it means if we find this on your family's property? I'm coming to you, Clay.
It's grounds for asset seizures.
Maybe RICO charges.
I'm coming to you, Clay, to get ahead of any of that.
I'm telling you what I found as soon as I found it.
The rest of my family have nothing to do with this.
I know that.
It won't matter.
We find narcotics on your family's property, we have to investigate.
You know that.
I understand that.
I understand that.
Obviously, you can't be working the Lowry case.
Lowry and the cocaine.
And my brother, it's all yours.
I get it.
I'll get a team together.
Let's go get your brother.
You going out on the boat? Yeah, maybe later.
Why? You wanna come? I can't.
- Maybe another time.
- What's going on with you and my dad? What do you mean? He told me and Ben we're not supposed to see you.
Can I have a cigarette? I do it with my friends all the time.
What'd you do to him? Uh, your dad? It's a very good question.
He always thinks he's so much better than you.
But he's not.
Maybe someday he'll realize that.
Until then, though, you should stay away from me.
You don't know what I'll do.
Scary Uncle Danny.
Danny, don't.
Thanks for the cigarette.
Oh, look who it is.
There's a car waiting for you out by the gate.
You need to go get in.
DEA has some questions for you.
Like, ask me questions about my brother leaking details of the investigation? Maybe.
But I doubt they're gonna believe your answer because it's gonna be my word against yours.
You can get in the car or I can have them come drag you out.
It's your choice.
Mm - Take a seat.
- Hey, buddy.
I couldn't get a cup of-- Okay.
What am I looking at here? I don't know.
Hey, John.
The DEA needs to talk to you.
- Why? - Right now, Meg.
Is that John? DEA wants to talk to me.
What's going on? I'm not sure.
How'd you know what it was? I guess I didn't know for sure, but it's It was white powder in packages, so How much was there? I don't know.
I don't know how to count it.
It was a lot.
It was suitcases full of it.
I didn't know what to do, so I just called John.
And then I guess he called you.
That's all I really know.
I told them everything I know.
- I didn't do anything-- - I wouldn't say anything right now.
I'll talk to Marco.
Gonna go have a talk with your brother.
Yeah, it just seems like a lot of fuss and bother about nothing, really.
How the hell could you release him, Clay? I can't hold him on what I've got.
You know that.
Danny must've moved the drugs before you picked him up.
- You gotta keep an eye on him.
- We will.
He's our closest lead to Lowry.
And I know him.
He's gonna fuck up eventually and give us what we need.
Look, I got no reason to think your sister's lying.
But none of this feels right.
It doesn't to me either, Clay.
Look, I-- I tried to get ahead of a bad situation.
Right now I feel like I'm about a thousand miles behind.
- Yeah? Are we in the clear? - Almost.
Where are you right now? - I'm at the boat.
- Where's Meg? Um, I don't know.
She's not here yet.
How'd she do? She did fine.
Everything's going as planned.
Okay, so what do we do now? Listen, Kevin, I don't want you to do anything.
Just wait for me.
John, I'm sitting here with a fuck-load of illegal shit in my boatyard.
I have no idea how this is supposed to work.
Kevin, goddamn it.
Listen to me closely.
Don't do a goddamn thing until I get there.
You're just gonna have to keep trusting me on this.
- Who was that? - John.
He wants us to wait.
Fuck! Meg, what are we doing? Maybe this wasn't a good idea.
Everything's gonna be fine.
John knows what he's doing.
I wondered what you meant when you said that you were gonna take the family down with you.
Didn't quite turn out that way, though, did it? Family's in the clear.
DEA didn't find anything in there.
But they're still after you, Danny.
What did you do with it all? It's in the water.
Bottom of the ocean.
Then I got bigger problems than the DEA.
Wayne Lowry.
Not gonna be very happy, he finds out his shed is empty.
He may even send someone to hurt me.
I'd run.
Be smart and get out of town.
Is that what this is all about? You just want me gone.
You don't care whether anything happens to me? Hey, it's not my problem.
Not your fucking problem.
You know what? You're no longer my fucking problem, Danny.
Wanna know when that happened? For real? Right after Sarah died.
That's when you washed your hands of me.
I'm taking you to the bus stop tonight.
Do you know what killed her? The necklace.
That's all it was.
Dropped it in the sea, went in after it.
A little seahorse.
As soon as she put it on, she was already dead.
Oh, it had nothing to do with you.
- Here we go.
The fucking blame again.
- You shouldn't have been out with her.
But you should have.
But you wouldn't come.
You were too scared of breaking the fucking rules.
I was just trying to make her feel better.
World was going to shit around her.
No one gave a damn.
You stay here, you take your chance with Lowry.
You go right fucking ahead.
I don't care.
Either that or you come to the bus station with me.
It's your fucking choice.
Rayburn didn't turn up.
Doesn't answer, hasn't called.
Well, that's too bad.
Well Don't, uh Don't give up on him yet.
Give him another hour.
- Then what? - Then do what you have to.
I wouldn't stay in Miami too long.
I'm sure Lowry's got friends there.
Maybe I'll see you at Christmas.
We're almost through this.
Thank God.
Let's get rid of this shit.
No, I'll do it.
You get off the boat.
Hey, it's Eric.
Leave a message.
It's me.
I've gone, for real.
Think you should think about getting out of there, too.
I don't think it's gonna be safe there.
Would you say goodbye to your sister for me? Uh Is she going away? Let's do something fun.
Are you glad you came home? It's all I wanted to do, was just Give my toast.
Things took a turn.
Where are we going? Back to Miami, then who knows? Because it's not safe for me here.
Maybe you just should have stayed focused.
And just done the work.
- I needed the money.
- You know it wasn't about that.
Let's do something fun.
You can't take her without an adult.
I thought that, you know, I could make them understand.
They can't.
But you understand.
They don't see what I see.
It's over with Danny.
He's gone.
What do you really want? I just want them to feel what I feel.
What happened? I want them to know what it's like.
He's gone.
That's all you need to know.
No, Dad, please.
Dad, wait.
- Hey, son, when's your next game? - Friday.
- Have them unload it.
I'll be by later.
- I'm gonna be there.
- Mom, where are we meeting later? - What did I tell you? - Hey, don't do that.
- I'm on the phone, Janey.
I'm just asking where.
I've gotta talk to Aunt Meg.
Then I'll pick you up.
We gotta get going now.
Come on.
You know what? Hang on.
I can't pick you up.
- Can one of you two pick up Janey? - I've got practice.
You know, we'll work it out.
But let's go.
- I'm so sorry for all the interruptions.
- Mom, I really don't wanna go anyway.
Your aunt is getting married.
It's important.
Dad, I can't.
- All right.
I'll do it.
- Sorry.
You can water them, only a little bit.
Please keep them out of the sun.
Well, look who it is.
This is a nice surprise.
I heard about what happened.
- You okay? - Yeah, I'm fine.
- You sure? - Wrist acts up sometimes.
But really, I'm fine.
Let's go over here.
We can talk over here.
Are you sure you're okay? I keep trying to call you-- - I've been busy.
- Your voicemail is full.
Busy times.
Come on.
What's new? What's going on? What's going on in your world? Actually - I'm taking a trip.
- Really? Cool.
I need a vacation myself.
- I'm gonna stay at my sister's - Yeah? - in Orlando.
- How long? I'm thinking of moving there.
Well Are you gonna sell the house? I need a change.
I'm gonna get a job and see if it's something I wanna do.
That's good.
Change is good.
It's all good.
- I gotta get back to the grind.
- Okay.
- All right.
Take care.
You, too.
- Take care.
You look great.
- You can't take her without an adult.
- We're the only fucking adults here.
Come with us.
Danny, don't.
She needs to be with an adult.
- Can we talk? - Yeah.
Come on in.
There are things you aren't telling me, John.
We both know whose voice is on that tape, and who's on the video with O'Bannon.
You were trying to protect Danny.
I get it.
He's your brother.
It's complicated.
That's why I was willing to let you take the lead, but What about these girls, huh? Vicente Cruz lost a daughter, you remember? - Yeah.
I do.
- So where are we with this? It's your case now.
I'll help you as much as I can behind the scenes.
But you gotta take the lead.
- That dress is nice.
- That was Janey's favorite.
Where is she anyway? John's dropping her off so she's bound to be three hours late.
In that case, I'm gonna have some coffee.
Do you all want some? - No.
I'm good.
- Oh, God.
- Double espresso? - Please.
- Okay.
- Oh, wow.
These gowns are awful.
I'm really only here for my mom.
Well, and Janey, too.
But I am not even sure there's gonna be a wedding.
- What? What are you talking about? - I fucked up with Marco.
Really? What happened? I'll tell you later.
Here you are.
It's me.
- Where are you? - I'm at the office.
Where are you? - You're supposed to be picking up Janey.
- What? We're here waiting for her.
We talked about this this morning.
Oh, shit.
I forgot.
No, I'm leaving now.
She ran into me and she dropped it.
And I was like, "Are you kidding me?" And then I got so freaked out.
And then my dad found out.
Hey, Sophie.
Oh, hey, Mr.
How's it going? Hey, kiddo.
How you doing? Have you seen Janey around? I think she already got picked up.
Oh, Ben must've gotten her.
All right.
Thank you.
Oh, wait, actually, no.
I thought it was you.
Why would you think that? It was a guy in the truck and she said you were coming to get her.
- What kind of truck? - Um, a pick-up, but, like, old.
- Black? - Yeah.
I think so.
It's your dad.
- Wanna talk to him? - Not really.
Well, maybe you should.
He's probably worried about you.
It's Janey.
Leave me a message.
Janey, it's Dad.
Call me when you get this.
I'm not fucking around.
You call me as soon as you get this.
- Rayburn house.
- Gwen, have you seen Danny today? A while ago.
He was here with Janey.
What do you mean, "was"? Where are they now? They went out on the boat.
He said not to worry.
Janey's with an adult.
Listen, as soon as you see them, you give me a call.
Do you understand? You call me immediately.
It's nice out here.
What a place to grow up, huh? I guess.
This is Detective John Rayburn.
I wanna put out a BOLO alert on a missing child.
Age 15.
Name is Jane B.
Hundred and fifteen pounds, brown hair.
Five foot, six inches.
You know where we're headed? I got a good idea.
I got you a present.
What for? Because I felt bad about missing your birthday.
What'd you get me? Haven't decided if I'm gonna give it to you yet.
Oh, my God.
What a tease.
- You can't do that.
- Well, maybe later.
Something to look forward to.
- You going in? - Yeah.
You coming? Go ahead.
I'll join you in a bit.
You coming in? Go.
Raah! Oh, come on.
- Where to next? - Fuck if I know.
Marine One, come in.
- Go ahead.
- We found the boat.
She was off Big Torch.
We're bringing her in.
Should be here in about 30.
Give us the location.
- It'll be the Keys Marina.
- Copy that.
Leis go.
Where's the boat? Did anyone see my daughter? There was a man, but no girl with him.
Danny, don't.
You shouldn't have been out there with her.
But you should have.
Janey! - Where the fuck is she? - Janey? - Where the fuck is she, Danny? - I'm not sure.
I took the bus all the way to Miami.
Then t thought, "fuck it.
" So I came back.
- What the fuck do you want, huh? - Just to be home.
- I'm not leaving.
- Goddamn you.
Where the fuck is my daughter?! I bought her a present, John.
Ripped By mstoll
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