Boardwalk Empire s01e11 Episode Script

Paris Green

Six minutes and 30 seconds.
Is it meant to take this long? Not as far as I'm concerned.
Get his brother! What's with you? Makes me nervous is all.
You're not the one tied up, baby.
Bravo! You're off somewhere again.
Was I? Sorry.
Thinking about what? I don't know if I'm thinking about anything.
You don't know if you were thinking? Isn't that possible? Hello.
What do you want me to do about it? Okay.
I'm doing this for you.
All right.
It was my mother.
My father's dying.
You're quite adept with those.
It's easy once you get the hang of it.
And when did that occur? - What? - How did you get the hang of it? I was a clerk for an importer on White Street, Black & Geddes in Manhattan.
Ate in Chinatown a lot.
- It was cheap.
- You craved more excitement, joined the Bureau.
- I suppose.
- And you found it, didn't you, in mortal combat with our witness? I don't really like to talk about it, sir.
Self-defense in the line of duty is no crime.
I know.
It's just I wish it'd turned out differently.
With you dead instead of him? Of course not.
He set upon you unexpectedly, under the pretense of his need to micturate.
Assaulted you with a stone.
That's right.
- And you shot him? - I had to.
- In the forehead? - The chest.
He hit you in the forehead? Yes.
So he was facing you while he unsheathed himself.
And yet he had a stone that you did not see until he hit you with it.
He grabbed for it, I don't know.
He scrambled.
It all happened so quickly.
Aren't you gonna eat anything? The thought of what ingredients might constitute this filth repulses me.
Where is it? Look.
- Bravo.
- I didn't feel a thing.
I knew you were misleading me, yet you managed it anyway.
Deception requires complicity, however subconscious.
We want to be deceived.
Do I have to give it back? I'm a magician, Miss, not a thief.
There's an excuse that might come in handy someday.
Thank you.
I saw your brother do that straitjacket gag once.
Hanging from the top of the garden pier.
Five feet or 50, the principle is the same.
Until the rope breaks.
Erik, Houdini as you know him, used to do that escape behind the ghost box, where no one could see him.
Playing it out in the open was my idea.
Oh, yes.
Well, that's much better.
And the Milk Can Escape, my innovation as well.
It's no small feat for a grown man to slip himself inside a tin container.
Try a corset and heels.
I'm sure Mr.
Hardeen has had occasion to help many women escape from those.
The most challenging trick of all.
Jesus Christ! Doesn't anybody here read a goddamn newspaper? I do.
Then you know I'm fucking ruined.
There are ladies present, sir.
I don't give a cunt's hair, you fucking boob.
My investment.
The Italian fellow I told you about up in Boston, he was arrested.
Charles Ponzi? It was a swindle from start to finish.
I was in up to the limit and he took me like some out-of-town jasper.
Every shell game needs a mark.
Nobody legit can guarantee a return like that, Harry.
I don't have a nickel.
I'm dead.
I'm sitting here right now, but I'm dead.
You're totally broke? We'll be okay, doll.
Won't we? Sure we will.
We'll pull through.
You'll see.
You fat, worthless fool.
Belle, wait.
Well, what other tricks do you know? You know I've never sought notoriety.
Well, it's about to be seeking you, my friend.
Half the team's indicted.
These players, Cicotte, Gandil, where would I have met them? You've met Sport Sullivan.
And Abe Attell, obviously.
They're named, too.
Poor Abe.
One too many haymakers to the head.
If he hits the mat on this, he could very well take you with him.
A girl goes to bed with 10 fellows, who's gonna believe her when she says the eleventh is the father? Arnold, I admire your sangfroid, but I'm not the person you need to convince.
You were concerned enough to retain my services, and I'm telling you now your concerns were justified.
What do you propose? Come here, to Chicago.
Into the lion's den? Yes.
But before you do that, I want you to think hard about who in this town is willing to do you a favor.
Commodore, sir.
What is it? Your visitor, he's here.
Show him in.
There's the boy.
May I get you something, sir? No, I'm fine.
Thank you.
Get him a drink.
No, no, you go on.
I'll do it.
Leave that there, for Christ's sake.
So Look at you.
A proper gentleman.
My mother raised me well.
Biscuit? Yeah, he passed last night.
Whimpering, vomiting, couldn't find a place to settle.
I couldn't do a damn thing.
It's a fucking dog.
You're a stony little bastard.
I'm what time and circumstance have made me.
Your mother keeps me informed.
Those must be pleasant conversations.
You have no concept of the ways that people can be close.
I have a pretty good idea.
You were 54.
She was 13.
You'd have done the same thing.
You don't know me very well.
Oh, I know you backwards and forwards.
You want anything you can lay your hands on, and nothing's gonna stop you from getting it.
I expect nothing less from my son, though.
This reunion over? I'm dying, boy.
Well, then I will call you a priest.
You know what this town was before I came here? A fucking swamp.
Sand blowing through shitty boarding houses.
Nobody wanted to come here.
But I drained that swamp.
I paved those streets.
I put up those hotels.
I made this fucking city.
You and your giant blue ox, right? Don't sass me, boy.
I'm just trying to tell you something.
What are you trying to tell me? The wrong man is running this town.
- Where are you going? - I don't feel well.
He knows I'm unhappy, but he'd never dream I'd leave.
Neither would Robert.
Pack lightly.
One suitcase for you and Tommy both.
We can buy whatever we need once we're abroad.
I'd like a fresh start anyway.
The man from Cunard says we're to be at the dock an hour early.
We'll meet here, and then go to God damn it! Dearest? Hello? I'm helpless on these damned things.
I spilled developer on my trousers.
- It's all over the floor.
- I'll get it later.
I'll see you later, Mary.
What were you two conspiring about? What? I heard hushed voices.
Just girl talk.
Well, you do like your little games, don't you? You seem to enjoy them yourself.
Very wicked, my love.
Where are you calling from? The lobby.
Are you out of your fucking mind? I couldn't call from the post office.
It wasn't safe.
You were cleared, weren't you? There's nothing he can do.
He's not letting go of this.
Then give him something he can't argue with.
Like what? You're a Prohi, aren't you? - Go find bootleggers.
- Any suggestions? Head out toward Mays Landing, along the Black Horse.
I wouldn't be surprised if there was a major illegal distillery operating there.
How far? You want me to make the arrest, too? Just past mile marker 14, on the left.
Don't get spooked, kid.
No, sir.
Now go look like a hero, and let's not talk again.
Yes, you're standing there.
A lady in distress.
That son of a bitch.
Annabelle, you can tell me whatever you want, but don't scream, don't cry and don't throw anything.
I had money under the floorboards.
Harry took it all.
How much? $3,682.
I counted it every night.
And you want me to have him arrested.
I sure as hell do.
To get back the money you lifted from him.
I worked my tail off for it.
My little girl.
You said you wouldn't do this.
This will see you through the summer.
Come on, let's just skip to the part where you say you'll do anything for me.
Well, I would.
Draw the curtains, and I'll do it right now.
What happened to the tears? Ride me like you used to and I'll soak the pillow through.
I'll keep that one in my pocket.
And he will, you know.
Thompson's gift is to never forget who owes him what.
It's generally a good principle.
Harry found her stash and did a bunk.
I know.
Did you mention I already gave you $50 myself? I guess we're both a soft touch.
Thanks for helping a girl out.
I thought you might like to hear, the League of Women Voters is going to formally endorse Mr.
- That's wonderful.
- Then I'm glad to have been of use to you.
How did he look? Looks like he's dying.
He smelled like garlic.
He says you two see each other.
We began keeping in touch.
We have you in common, after all.
When you enlisted, he called me.
He was very concerned.
He lost his brother at the Battle of Vicksburg.
Well, he needn't have worried.
I told him you would come back.
Lady Jean told me so.
The fortune-teller? Ma, Jesus.
She was right, wasn't she? There's rhubarb pie.
You were 13 years old.
You were by yourself, and you had me.
I wasn't completely alone.
Nucky Thompson was looking after us.
And why was he doing that? He was the sheriff.
He worked for your father and You remember this? May Day, 1897.
I was one of King Neptune's consorts.
Your father saw me.
And Nucky worked for him, and later that day Well, that night, really.
Nucky brought me to him because that was one of the things he did for the Commodore.
And we proceeded in that fashion for some time.
A pimp.
An ambitious young man who wanted to get ahead.
He had a wife.
He wanted to start a family.
And that makes it okay? You remember Mabel? She was a lovely woman.
It's a tragedy.
Nucky has been kind in his way to you and me both.
I suppose the whole affair has always bothered him.
Do you remember how long this used to be? Mmm.
I told the doctor that I'd meet him at your father's house.
No one deserves to die alone.
That was the marker a little ways back.
It should be around here somewhere.
And this anonymous source wouldn't have any reason to lie? You think maybe there's a Quiet.
What are they doing here? Now we ain't doing nothing wrong here.
Special Agent Van Alden with the Bureau of Internal Revenue.
What's going on here? Just strengthening the Lord's army, one lost soul at a time.
I call it "the week of miracles.
" "And John did baptize in the wilderness.
" Deacon Cuffy, Shiloh Baptist Church of Atlantic City.
As far as I know, we are breaking no laws, sir.
You think Christ hears you in this forsaken place? Jesus is a wonder worker, sir.
He hears everybody everywhere.
- From the hollows to the hills.
- Yes, Lord.
Just words, Deacon.
No, sir.
It's the gospel.
And this gospel is truth.
Turn from it however you may, but every road leads to a reckoning.
That is what you believe? That's what I know.
And I'll stake my place in the kingdom upon it.
- Oh, Lord.
- Praise Jesus.
Yes, Lord.
Then carry on.
He that believeth and is baptized shall be saved.
- Amen.
- Right now.
But he that believeth not shall be condemned to the fires of damnation! Shouldn't we be looking for that still? Your people don't believe in heaven, do they? My people? Don't be glib.
The Jews.
No, not exactly.
Rise up.
Rise up, brothers and sisters.
- Hallelujah.
- Hallelujah.
Sir, I know you're under a lot of strain But if you don't believe in heaven, then how can you conceive of hell? - Surrender yourselves.
- Yes, yes.
And rid yourselves of worldly sins.
- Hallelujah.
- And be set free, unshackled, free to do the Lord's work.
Let any man or woman with sin in their heart come forward to have that sin washed away by the grace of Jesus Christ Almighty.
- Jesus Christ.
- Yes, yes.
Are you all right? I am.
The question is, are you? Eat, dear.
The angel of death.
I knew you would be beautiful.
He's quite jaundiced.
Has he urinated? That chamber pot been empty for days.
There's something wrong with every organ in his body.
- I'd like to run some tests.
- Is that really necessary? Just let me die, damn it.
The Commodore don't like to be fussed with, Doctor.
I just need a hair sample.
What are you doing? - It's all right.
- No.
- Just a little piece of - No.
- Look.
- It's okay.
- No, he's trying to kill me.
- He's not trying to kill you, just - He's trying to kill me.
- Relax.
He's trying to help you.
He's trying to help you.
Okay? Relax.
It's all right.
I'll just take a lock from the back here.
You're okay.
You're okay.
You're a good son.
Have you eaten anything? Somebody has to stay here for him.
I'll stay with him tonight.
So what's the point of this gathering? We don't have to go if you don't want to.
Most of these women were against suffrage in the first place.
Not too big on immigrants either.
How did their own ancestors get here? The Daughters of the American Revolution? Why, they grew in the ground like pumpkins and marched off with Washington to Valley Forge.
I'll do what's required of me.
Not really the right answer.
What answer would you prefer? What you saw What you thought you saw in my office yesterday couldn't have been more innocent.
Annabelle is far from innocent.
And I daresay you've some experience yourself.
We had a relationship years ago.
It meant nothing.
I was helping her, Margaret.
That's all.
The way you helped me? I thought she was your friend.
So you wouldn't fuck her? That language does not become you.
- You'd rather I be demure.
- I'd rather you be rational.
Meaning what? That I say nothing about what I see, what I hear? What have you heard? That you are capable of anything.
And who told you that? Agent Van Alden, while you were out campaigning.
Well, if you didn't tell me about it, it couldn't have been very upsetting.
It made me sick to my stomach.
This whole arrangement does.
What arrangement? That I'm to accept what you tell me and ask nothing more.
That I aid you in the business you conduct and pretend I don't know what that business is.
I don't recall you ever saying no to anything I put in front of you.
You make a little noise every now and then to remind me what a good person you are.
But a good person wouldn't be here right now.
You don't know what I am.
I don't? This is what you do.
After you lie down with me, you go in there, wash your body with this poison, like any whore.
I won't have another child.
- By me? - By any man.
That's not your right to decide.
Why should you care? We're not married.
Do you expect that I would give you, what, an heir? Is that what you want me for? I thought you needed saving.
And that's why you chose my husband.
What are you talking about? You knew nothing of him until I came to you.
What purpose did it serve to make me a widow? You need to be careful now.
- Are you threatening me? - I'm advising you.
Whatever idea you've gotten into your head Your brother came to me with money.
- To help you.
- To keep me quiet.
Well, you have been, haven't you? Not a word about this man who beat you, who murdered the baby you were carrying, who you loved so very much.
I have not lost one second of sleep over what was done, and neither have you.
You won't be needing that anymore, will you? Sir.
- Yes? - Sir, you got a visitor.
Thank you.
How is your father? He's on his way out.
I'm sorry.
Honestly, I don't even know what I'm doing here.
You're here for your mother.
- It's your duty.
- Yeah.
Chalky, Mr.
White, heard back from his man in Philadelphia.
Any sign of them? Mrs.
D'Alessio, the mother, is there, the sisters and another brother.
Which one? Adrian.
Never heard of him.
He's a dentist.
- I could go there.
- Where? To Philadelphia.
What good is that? They're lying low somewhere else.
I would kill the mother.
The sisters.
And the dentist.
That would make them stick their heads up.
Did you run your tests? Yes.
I have some information.
We'll talk that over later, Richard.
We need to speak frankly.
Are you the next of kin? I'm pretty sure I'm not in the will, if that's what you mean.
Who else stands to gain from your father's death? What are you talking about? The tests are pretty crude, but there's enough arsenic in his body to take down a hippo.
I don't want to.
Yes, you do.
You said so.
We're going sailing, remember? You, me, Aunt Mary, over the ocean to Paris.
Is Daddy coming? No.
How come? Daddy's already been there, and he didn't like it.
Come on, hurry.
Aunt Mary is waiting.
Can Gillian come? No.
She doesn't like Paris, either.
Come on.
Let's go meet Aunt Mary.
What's he do all day? Sits there.
He's upset about the house.
It's a miracle it didn't happen sooner.
The place was a firetrap.
So, your lady friend.
Tell me about this row.
It got very ugly.
I fight with June all the time.
We go out to the shed to make sure the kids don't hear.
The mouth on her You'd be surprised.
She knows, Eli.
She suspects, you mean.
How could she know? You didn't tell her? I didn't deny it either.
What the fuck were you thinking? That I wanted to hurt her.
What do you think these are for? That's not who I am.
It isn't? Who told me to get rid of her husband? He deserved it.
Deserved? Who the fuck are you? Leave that shit to God and look after business.
She starts shooting her mouth off - She won't.
- How do you know? How do you know anything? I got a bullet in my gut from what you don't know.
- Calm down, Eli.
- You need to wake up! Fletcher gets elected, and he is this close, brother.
You're telling me? They are coming after us with pickaxes.
- This fucking woman - Margaret.
This woman is a liability that you created, because, why? She'll absolve you of all the sinful shit on your hands? - Oh, stop.
- What? That's how you think.
I didn't ask for your insights.
This is my life on the line! I got eight kids.
You waltz around town like it's a circus, getting your ass kissed, the king of the freak show.
Nobody cares about you.
They only care about what you can give them.
And that includes your Irish chippie who you just handed a blank check.
You know, it's too bad you didn't see Hardeen the other night.
What? It's an entertaining act.
But if he wasn't Houdini's brother, nobody'd give a fuck.
How is he? Well, he made it through another night.
I'm surprised.
You want some coffee? How much money do you think he has? Your father? I have no idea.
But it's enough to live comfortably, that's for sure.
I should hope so.
It certainly doesn't seem as if he's wanting.
No, it certainly doesn't.
Have you talked about what would happen if he dies? I don't know what you mean.
He said you two were close.
Well, "close" is a relative term.
I'm not quite sure what you're getting at, sweetie.
Look, Ma, it's fine with me, it really is.
Whatever you want to do.
The other day I ate a cookie at his house and it made me vomit.
And this morning, I found this.
Tucked down, hidden in his rubbish pail in the kitchen.
"Fifty bucks?" the fellow says.
"Peter Stuyvesant paid only $24 for the entire island of Manhattan.
" "Yeah," the whore replies, "But Manhattan just lays there.
" Peter Minuit.
- What? - Peter Minuit bought Manhattan.
Get your fucking facts straight.
- In a joke? - You think it's funny? That's the attitude, the lack of attention to detail, that's fucking killing us.
I'm sorry, Nuck.
This is the toughest election in our lifetimes, and you're standing here telling jokes.
I'm sorry, Nuck.
We were talking You think Fletcher's over there at the Democratic Club doing a fucking vaudeville routine? Well, he's not.
He's out there shaking hands, trying to steal the election out from under our goddamn noses.
Come on, Nuck.
The Democrats? The people know who they can trust.
The people want reform, women especially.
You've seen the papers, "Corruption, violence, gunplay on the Boardwalk.
" I'm making a change.
We have a plan to meet the future head-on.
And Ed Bader here will be a big part of that.
But he can't do it alone.
He'll need a strong arm if he's going to be swinging for the fences.
A strong arm and clean record.
That's why, with great regret and much gratitude for years of service, I have this day accepted the resignation of my brother Elias Thompson for the office of Sheriff.
- Eli's out? - What the hell's going on, Nuck? I just told you.
Well, yeah, but Deputy Halloran, the star is yours to wear, if you'll honor us so.
Well, sure I will.
Thanks, Nucky.
I won't let you down.
Then God bless us all.
And good luck on election day.
- Good luck, Halloran.
- How about that? Mr.
Harrow is on the phone.
Sheriff now.
Hey, fellas! Fellas, you wanna race? I'll race you all the way to the pier.
- Yeah, come on.
- Come on, hurry up.
Come on, let's go.
How do? Who are you? Donald Flance.
I manage the property.
Where are the Dittrichs? The photographer? Snuck out yesterday, dead of night.
What about his wife? Wife? If that's who she was, I guess she went with him.
The lease says "broom clean," but they couldn't be bothered.
Where'd they go? Not sure.
The wife was always talking about Paris.
Look, Mommy.
I thought you should know, I'm requesting a transfer.
What brings this on? I have family near Detroit.
And there's a lot of liquor coming in across the lake from Canada.
I heard they were looking for agents.
Only the best men.
I don't know about that.
May I speak freely, sir? Please do.
I know you don't trust me.
I'm not sure why, but I'm pretty confident that's the case.
What makes you think that? The incessant questions, the dirty looks, the insinuations about my religious beliefs.
We've been over the Winslow shooting 50 times, sir.
Because something doesn't sit right.
But it doesn't make sense.
Why would I want him dead? Temptation knows no rank, Agent Sebso.
What's that supposed to mean? I do notice you're wearing new wing tips.
They were on discount.
I got them at Driscoll's.
This is what I mean.
I don't like what you're implying here, sir.
What you like is none of my concern.
I need men I can trust.
You can trust me, God damn it! What do I have to do to convince you? I baptize thee in the name of the Father - Father.
- Yes.
the Son and the Holy Ghost.
- Amen.
- Amen.
In the marvelous expectation of resurrection and the righteous blessings of eternal life Deacon Cuffy.
Agent Van Alden of the Bureau of Internal Revenue.
Have you come here to be accepted into the arms of Christ? I have never left him, Deacon.
Though I have at times turned from his love.
You cannot turn from him, sir.
Whatsoever the compass point, he is there beside you.
I do know that to be so.
But this man does not.
There is a veil over his eyes, Deacon, and a darkness in his soul.
Come forward.
No, thank you.
Young sir, come forward.
No, thank you.
Come forward, Mr.
I'd really rather not.
You insult these good people and their beliefs.
They're not my beliefs.
What are you afraid of, Mr.
Sebso? I'm not afraid.
I Then let these waters wash you clean.
- Yes.
- He doesn't want to hear all that.
Be washed clean, brother.
Go on now.
Be washed in the blood of the lamb.
Lord Jesus.
Okay, fine.
- Amen.
- Amen.
I just bought those.
Any believer may baptize, may he not? That's a matter of some dispute.
Will you permit it here? I will.
Do you accept Jesus as your savior? Am I supposed to hold my Unburden your soul, Mr.
Will you confess your sins and accept Jesus as your savior? Look, what do you expect me Confess your sins and accept Jesus as your savior! Accept him, accept him.
I ask you once again, Agent Sebso, will you confess your sins and accept Jesus as your savior? No, I don't This is not a battle, sir.
You're wrong, Deacon.
It is a battle against the devil himself.
I have seen him abroad in the daylight and the night! And by God I will force him out! Thou hast fulfilled the judgment of the wicked! Last night, when I came, she sent me away.
Did she say why? Only that she didn't need me.
She said that you knew.
And today? I came at the regular time.
She was there.
They had suitcases.
She asked me to return some things to the neighbor across the way.
When I came back They had disappeared.
Let's get you to bed.
I'm not tired.
You're asleep on your feet.
- Boo.
- You scared us.
I didn't mean to.
How's your father? Turns out he's gonna live.
Let me get that for you.
- It's all right.
- I got it.
I know what you've been up to.
No, you don't.
Yeah, I do.
You've been at Abe Klein's, haven't you? How do you know that? Because you've got chocolate phosphate right here.
All right, come on, buddy.
Time to go to bed.
No arguments.
Did you have fun staying up late? It's fun, right? Few years, you and your old pop, we're gonna be keeping all hours.
You'll see.
It'll be just us boys.
All right.
Come on, lay down.
Mommy's gonna tuck you in.

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