Forever (2014) s01e11 Episode Script

Skinny Dipper

Honey, listen.
No one can touch your mutabal.
Not my mother, not your mother.
I love it.
I wouldn't let anybody else's food near my mouth.
I gotta go.
There's a fare.
Where to? ¿Habla español? Sprechen sie deutsch? Peut-être français? Come on, man.
Where do you want Intensely private, borderline medical savant, and you dress pretty well for a state worker.
Someday you'll let me in when you're ready.
Night, detective.
Lower east side, Stanton and Suffolk.
Hello, Henry.
Buckle up.
I wouldn't want you to get hurt.
Stop the car! Stop it! I was there the night this premiered.
Vienna was alive with Mozart.
I have so much to tell you, Henry, but you ignore me.
Fine, fine! We can talk! Just slow down! Someone's gonna get killed.
That's the idea.
See, I figured it out.
You don't think I'm immortal.
Guess I'll have to prove it.
No! - No, don't do that! - I believe you! No! No! Uhh! Come on! It may come as a surprise, but I still fear death.
Tonight, my anonymous caller faced it without hesitation.
I realized two things in that moment He is immortal, and he's completely insane.
Is that guy naked? Yep.
Call it in.
So, doctor, do you often swim naked in the East River at night? Right.
Well It's complicated.
You know, I have rarely found the truth to be complicated.
I'm a somnambulist.
A sleepwalker? That's right.
I pulled your file.
This is not the first time.
Well, it's a very serious condition.
Sometimes I walk for blocks and still wind up in the water.
It's terribly inconvenient.
And what were you doing naked? 'Cause I sleep naked.
You know, doctor, I've been willing to tolerate your eccentricities because you do produce results, but I cannot have your credibility challenged.
No more night swims.
Am I clear? And, doctor, please.
Invest in some pajamas.
Hey, lieu, if you're done with the skinny dipper, we got a body.
Nice booking photo.
- Kinda chilly tonight.
- Here's my number.
Ah, swimming cha cha in the east river.
You starting a polar bear club without me? What? Oh, doc, I almost forgot.
Um, I asked everybody to pitch in and, uh We picked these up for ya.
Ow! Um, trunks optional.
Okay, some of us cops have work to do.
Body just arrived downstairs.
Stabbing victim.
Unis found him in a midtown dumpster.
I'll start on my autopsy immediately.
Are we gonna talk about it You swimming naked in the East River? I'd rather not.
Henry Are you all right? Long night.
I'm fine.
First off, don't feel bad, all right? I do plenty of stuff in my personal life that johnny law would frown upon.
Let your freak flag fly.
That's what my mom used to say.
Where's the stabbing victim, Lucas? This way.
Raj Patel, 31 years old.
Lived in Jersey.
Still checking on family and where he worked.
He drove a cab.
Obviously right? How would you know that? Well, telltale signs.
The, uh, sun damage on his left elbow and his gastrocnemius on his right leg is enlarged.
Make a note to Jo that there might be a missing cab.
It's weird, huh? I mean, there's no mark on his entire body except for the puncture wound, and it goes straight through.
This man was killed with one precise thrust through the spine, heart, and sternum.
It would have taken incredible skill, strength, and a special blade.
A sword.
A sword.
I'll put an A.
out for the Highlander.
Who? The Highlander? Christopher Lambert, Sean Connery.
"There can be only one.
" Nothin'? You know what? Forget it.
Henry, please tell me you're not challenging the caller to a duel.
This is research.
I have to get back to the lab.
What are you doing? - My job.
- Are you crazy? You're being stalked by a psychopath who can't be killed.
You don't understand.
He's killed someone else A cab driver, Raj Patel.
I find Raj's killer, I find the caller.
You you can't do this by yourself.
What are you saying? With the caller out there, you need help Someone you can trust.
I've already got someone I can trust.
No, no.
Someone someone someone with a badge.
Jo? This guy's got 2,000 years experience.
What are you gonna do when you find him? What are you gonna do then, huh? Just ask him to stop? Politely? Tell Jo about me and the anonymous caller? She'll think I'm insane.
Henry, Henry, you need her.
Hell, you might need the entire N.
But you can trust her.
I've done that before.
It ended poorly.
Stop it! There's been a mistake! Nora, please tell them there's been a mistake! - I just want you to get better! - Nora! Look.
Look at me.
I'm not mad.
Simply tell the doctor this was a mistake, that you were mistaken.
Was I? Was I mistaken when you put that knife to your wrist? Well, I had to show someone.
And you're my wife.
I trust you.
Forgive me.
Nora, don't do this! You're sick, Henry.
They can help you here.
Nora? Nora? Nora! Steady, Lucas.
It's deceptively heavy.
Well, that's wrong.
Well, after 10 minutes like this, I think you'd agree.
I mean, it's not the right sword.
The blade that killed Raj is 9 millimeters wider than the rapier.
Ah, detectives.
We're ready for you.
Raj Patel was killed with a single-edged sword.
The thrust went through his back and exited his torso A swift, clinical murder.
Look at that.
All that to steal a cab? What can you tell us about Raj? Well, driving is sedentary work, but judging from his recent striae - on his bilateral overhangs - Stretch marks on his love handles.
- And his erythematous subcondyle - Sunburn on his elbow.
- And his lack of hemorrhoids - No translation necessary.
All suggest that he hadn't been a cabbie for very long.
Oh, by the way, Detective Hanson, you might consider a standing desk for that condition.
What condition? Uh, h-hold on.
Hanson here.
Uh, what did you get off the tox report? Came back clean.
No drugs.
No alcohol.
One little blip here He was recently given a hepatitis B vaccination.
Which is standard for medical professionals, but unusual for a cab driver.
Yeah, young cabbies often have a second job.
Maybe he was working at a hospital, too.
Have you had any luck in finding the cab itself, detective? It may no longer be on Manhattan.
Good guess, doc.
Water cops just spotted something submerged in the Hudson right off of pier 40.
It's it's our taxi.
They're pulling it out now.
Henry? You comin'? Yes, of course.
Hey, Jo, do you see this? Yep.
It looks like your sword went right through the seat.
All right, what's the theory here? Passenger with sword stabs Raj the driver when they're stopped.
Passenger dumps the body, drives here, and then launches the cab into the Hudson? Is that it? Hey, look at this window.
These fragments make it look like it was blown up from the inside.
It was shot out.
Somebody fired a gun? Maybe the cabbie tried to shoot the passenger.
No, don't do that! Well, it couldn't have been Raj.
The sword would have killed him almost instantly.
Yeah, Raj didn't own a gun, at least not one registered to him.
Ever see a casing like this? My father was a gun collector.
This is a 7.
63 millimeter shell casing.
It's from an old automatic.
Like, turn of the century, Jo.
Now what would a cabbie be doing carrying an antique gun? Could have been the killer's.
Maybe this guy has an antique weapon fetish.
Sounds like your dream case, doc.
What are you thinkin'? Whoa.
Looks like somebody was desperate to get out.
Henry? Sorry.
You were saying? Those scratches You think we can pull D.
? Well, with all this water, I doubt it.
This is your watch.
What? Yeah, you must've dropped it.
Thank you.
Try not to go contaminating the crime scene, doc.
You don't want us thinking you're the killer, right? That would be shocking.
We've been in the antique business for 20 years, and never have we been by appointment only.
A temporary change made by management due to the present security situation involving unkillable psychopaths.
I need your help.
Did you tell Jo? She's after a killer with a penchant for antique weapons.
Anything else I tell her will make me sound insane.
Henry, this guy calls you from time to time on the phone.
- She should know that.
- Will you please help me? You are incredible.
Yes, of course I'll help you.
What do you need? Anything over there? I've got bupkes.
This is ridiculous, you know that? Well, have faith.
Based on my calculations, the cab impacted the water over there, meaning the gun shouldn't be far.
How do you know that? In 1904, a steamboat sank in these waters.
Interestingly enough, the offshore current pushed most of the debris this way under the pier.
- Meaning? - Have faith in the plan.
I have a lot of faith, you know, in you, in me, in the Yankees.
This fakakta plan Not so much.
It's going to work.
How does Jo put up with you, hmm? You're very cocky with the theories, you know? Oh! I think I found it.
That it? Oh, well done, Abraham.
Mm, it's too deep to reach.
- Good.
Let's go home.
- Are you kidding? One quick dip, and it's ours.
Oh, no, no, no, please, don't do this.
don't do this.
Come on.
It's very cold out.
It's like a summer's day in England.
I can see your breath.
Oh, my God.
I mean, do you know how cold that water is? And there a lot of very, very strange things in there, aside from guns.
Well, I shall add to the mixture.
Oh, for God's sake.
Where did you get those? A gift from Detective Hanson.
I'm not gonna ask.
Will you just just be very care Care careful.
Sir, please step away from the ledge.
Hey, fellas.
What's going on? We're on official police business.
Uh, semi-official.
Oh, sure you are.
Why don't you come over here, and we'll talk about it? Two arrests for indecent exposure in less than 48 hours? What am I supposed to do with you? I can explain.
What, it's the the sleepwalking again? No! This has to do with the case.
We found a shell in the car A unique caliber to an antique gun.
It's in the water under the pier.
If we retrieve it, it may lead us to our killer.
And why didn't you come to me? Perhaps I should have.
That might have been the right thing to do, but I was worried that you might say "no," and there really isn't much time to waste.
There is a killer out there, and we need to find him now! I do beg your pardon.
I have no idea why I'm shouting.
Perhaps I should stop talking now and await your verdict.
Another naked swim? Really? I wasn't completely naked.
Will you please send someone to the pier? The gun from the cab is in the water near the landing.
What did Reece say? I need to see a therapist.
Well, every cop gets sent to Bellevue to sit with a shrink.
It's okay.
Our job is stressful.
I'm fine.
I don't need a therapist.
Take it from me.
It builds up.
So many years of doing this job, you need somebody to talk to.
If you need someone, I'm here.
You know what? Go talk to the therapist.
What's the worst that could happen? You are a sane man, Dr.
Morgan, with a clear conscience, an unclouded mind.
That's obvious.
Yes, I am.
Which makes it all the more difficult to understand why you would tell your wife that you are immortal, why you would believe, in that moment, something that any sane man would know is impossible.
I'm not an immortal.
I wasn't in my right mind when I said those words to Nora.
I have since come back to my senses.
But we must be scientific to ensure that it does not happen again.
I am prescribing a new treatment for you.
Have you heard of hydrotherapy? No.
It is very scientific.
You seem anxious, Dr.
I'm fine, Dr.
Completely fine.
I see.
Now How do you take it? One lump, please.
Milk first.
Thank you.
Nice cup of darjeeling to help the medicine go down.
Have you ever been to therapy or worked with a psychiatrist before? This is my first trip to Bellevue.
Welcome, then.
Did Lieutenant Reece tell you how many sessions are required, Dr.
Farber? The number's up to me, and, uh, please, call me "Lewis.
" May I call you "Henry"? Great.
So You're a Londoner? Yes, yes, originally.
It's great to hear a, uh, English accent.
We Brits must stick together.
You followed your wife here? Yes Ah, now I've heard about your Sherlockian gifts.
What gave me away? In the pictures, your wife's hair is cut in the fashion to de-emphasize her attractiveness and enhance authority Common to corporate executives.
Your degree from Oxford is impressive congratulations But hardly lucrative enough to justify moving one's family.
She's got a great job.
Now we shouldn't be really talking about me.
But, um can I ask Do you ever really feel at home here? It's just, uh, I've been here nearly a year, and I still sense I'm out of place.
That never goes away.
And when you feel like that, who do you talk to? Is this it? Is this therapy? It just started.
I ask the questions, and you answer how you like.
I believe that we all need a person that we can share our secrets with, someone we can trust.
Now that could be me.
Uh, could be a friend.
I have Abe.
And who is Abe? We share a small antique shop in the city.
He's a friend.
And how about at work Someone closer to your own age? What about, um, Detective Martinez? Can you trust her? Henry was right.
Divers found it right where Dr.
Crazy Crackers said it would be.
What is it? That is a C96 mauser.
Early prototype.
Super rare.
But that's not the most exciting part here, Jo.
That gun is registered to a Brooklyn address One Richard Smight.
How'd you like to go kick down a door? You gotta ask? Look, I like what I've found here in New York.
Working with Jo I'd hate to lose that.
Smight? This is only your first session, and you certainly don't have to answer this if you don't want to, but What exactly are you afraid of? Someone getting hurt Because of me.
Richard? It's Detective Martinez with the N.
Please open the door? Mr.
Smight? We're gonna come in.
What the hell is that? Our new victim, except somebody's already performed the autopsy.
Call Henry.
We have a name? Richard Smight.
Landlords say he's lived here for about five years.
Keeps to himself, mostly.
Looks like he was autopsied, right? But this wasn't an autopsy.
An autopsy can only be performed on the dead.
This man was still alive.
The autopsy was the cause of death.
Do you see any connection between this guy and Raj? Yes.
Both men were killed with incredible precision.
This man was cut open with a drop point blade, like a hunting knife no.
Exactly like a hunting knife.
What's up, buddy? Excuse me.
What's up with him? He uses a hunting knife.
Lucas, where are my tools? Where they always are.
What's going on? See? Right where they always are, in perfect condition, sharpened and cleaned.
Everything okay? Yes.
I have to pop out for a moment.
Prep Mr.
Smight when he comes in.
I won't be long.
Ah, sorry.
By appointment only.
I think you may be right.
What happened? He's upped the ante.
The caller's killing people in order to frame me for murder.
Listen, Henry, I heard enough.
You gotta pack your things.
I'll get my gear.
We gotta go.
But that's what he wants.
He's forcing us to leave.
Stripping away my life, piece by piece.
Why? We're not gonna stay here to find out.
You cannot stay and fight, not by yourself.
We gotta do whatever we've always done.
- We gotta get outta town or - Or? Or you call Jo.
Tell the police.
Well, they'd never believe me.
We're running.
Lucas? Hey, where's Henry? I need to look at Richard Smight's report.
I guess he stepped out.
He should be back S-soonish.
What's wrong? - Nothing.
I - Lucas.
Look, I don't know.
Okay? I mean, we usually go over the bodies together right when they come in, and this time, he just split.
And this body is super creeping me out.
Why? What's creeping me out is the way that the autopsy was performed.
I mean, the flourishes and the scalpel marks.
Look every M.
is a painter, right? And they have brushstrokes, and Well These are Henry's.
Five minutes! Almost ready.
I just need to grab a few more things.
Henry? It's not what you think it is.
Actually, it's exactly what you think it is.
It's the murder weapon, the one used to kill Richard Smight, the second victim.
Why do you have it? Well It's mine.
Henry, what the hell is going on? - It's - Don't you dare say it's complicated.
I need the truth right now.
Why do you have that? You won't believe me.
Try me.
As your friend, I am giving you the chance to explain yourself.
Just tell me the truth.
Henry, tell her.
Tell me again the truth.
Are you immortal? I was confused before.
I'm a man.
I know that now.
You're lying again.
No, please.
For God's sake.
I'm not immortal! No! No! No! No! No! No! Henry, tell us everything.
No more secrets.
I have a stalker.
Began a few months ago with an anonymous call.
I thought it was nothing to worry anyone about.
Just a lonely person with an obsession with death.
But I soon realized that he was disturbed Insane, really.
He believes that he's immortal.
Immortal? Yeah.
I stopped talking to him, and I thought it was over, but when I saw the second body, the autopsied man, I realized that my stalker was the killer and that he'd done it using my tools.
Why were you leaving town? Because I thought it might stop him.
He's obsessed.
If I'm here, he will kill again.
Lieu, Henry was with a therapist when we found the body.
You can't think that he would p I should have told you.
You have You all have every reason to suspect that it was me.
Henry? We're gonna catch this son of a bitch.
This guy got into our building.
Get me surveillance on the O.
And then lock it down.
I want a task force up and running A.
This is our priority.
Morgan, I know you've been through a lot.
But I'm gonna need the autopsy on that last victim.
Give me something to catch this killer.
Found something.
A bite mark.
Those are human teeth.
The cabbie was recently vaccinated for hepatitis B.
What about this man? Uh, Mr.
Smight received a vaccine six months ago.
Well, that's more than a coincidence.
What do we have? They were both vaccinated for hepatitis B.
Could they have been working together? Um Smight was an orderly at Bellevue.
The oldest psychiatric hospital in New York City.
Yeah, he'd have to be vaccinated.
Raj's last job was with a security firm Titan Security.
They handle most of the security for the city's hospitals.
You're right.
Bellevue might just be our connection.
Hey, I spoke with H.
Both victims worked here, and both left due to a physical altercation with the same patient.
- Which patient? - They won't tell us.
We need a court order to open the patient files.
There's no time for this.
Yeah, well, unless you're a psychiatrist, we wait for the warrant.
Henry, I thought our appointment wasn't till Friday.
Lewis, I need your help with a critical matter.
We need to look at a patient's records.
He's the primary suspect in a murder investigation.
Now we are waiting on a warrant, but Lives are on the line, so I'm making a personal request as an Englishman.
Will you help us? Since you put it that way, come in.
Ah, patient's name is Clark Walker.
I've heard stories.
He's one of the regulars here.
What can you tell us? Raised in the foster system.
No family to speak of.
The original birth records were destroyed in a fire.
Oh, that's convenient for an immortal.
Oh, yes, he thinks he's immortal.
You'll like this one, Henry.
He was caught skinny dipping in the river on four different occasions.
The two employees who left Was it because they assaulted Clark? Oh, no, no, he assaulted them.
Uh, the therapist has left a note here.
"Clark has no fear of personal harm or death.
He has violent tendencies.
" To avoid extended jail time, he had to agree to mandatory daily counseling.
Daily? When's his next session? Right now.
Is there a Clark Walker here? He just signed out.
Lock it down.
Lock it down.
Please do not leave the building until further notice.
There, Jo.
Please do not leave the building N.
Excuse me.
Stop him! Stop him! Excuse me.
Watch out.
Please do not leave the building until further notice.
Please do not leave the building No! This is our suspect Clark Walker.
Last seen Bellevue Psychiatric Hospital B.
is out.
Feds and state are looking, too.
But I want him.
This is our suspect.
Go get him.
don't worry.
We're gonna find him.
Jo Yeah? He worked very hard to incriminate me.
Did you ever think it was me? Henry, you are a lot of things, but a killer is not one of them.
Don't worry.
We've got this covered.
People don't just disappear in New York these days.
You're safe.
Abe? Abe? Abe? Where's Abraham? What did you do to him? What do you want?! Kill me, Henry.
With this.
You're insane.
I won't do it.
Henry! Henry, you home? I went to the Polish market.
Hey, what do you think about homemade pierogies? Henry? Hey, you there? What was that? Aah! Henry? Uhh! Henry! No, Abraham, get away! Uhh! Ohh! Uhh.
What the hell? Is is that him? It doesn't make any sense.
The caller said he was immortal, but this man is Dead.
Very dead.
He wasn't the anonymous caller.
Is there anything else you noticed? The smallest details can really help.
- Hey, give him a break.
- He's one of us.
He'll, uh, he'll talk when he's ready.
You did good, doc Taking out a serial killer.
Listen It was a righteous kill.
you know, a wise man once told me the day when killing someone doesn't affect you That's the day you got real problems.
I wouldn't listen to him.
He doesn't know what he's talking about.
I disagree.
When you're ready to talk, I'm here.
We all are.
We all have secrets.
There's nothing wrong with that.
But we all need a confidante, a friend to share our secrets with.
In a way, the shared secret tells us who our real friends are.
They're the people we entrust the most.
So you're wondering what happened.
He wasn't you.
Perhaps I gave poor Clark the impression we could pass on our affliction.
Thankfully, we can't.
Clark was a full-blown psychopath, and if allowed more time, he would have killed again.
You did a good deed, if you don't mind me saying.
Why? Why do this? After 200 years, you just did something for the first time.
You killed a man.
There's no other rush like it, taking a life.
It's thrilling.
Tell me I'm wrong.
I'm done with this.
You're just as sick as the man you sent here to kill me.
That's why you hide.
You're insane.
Look outside.
In my professional opinion, I disagree.
I'm leaving town for a while, but I do look forward to continuing our conversation.
Merry Christmas, Henry.

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