Friday Night Lights s01e11 Episode Script


Here's to God.
And 10 years from now, Street, good friends living large in Texas.
Is it true, Mr.
Street? That I love Lyla Garrity? ANNOUNCER 1.
' Street the only one to be able to get to him.
' That's a gigantic hit on Street.
Doctor! Saracen! ANNOUNCER 1.
' No one's seen this guy play.
Start throwing the ball.
Hey, hey, boy.
How you doing? Doing good.
How are you doing? Well, I'm hanging in here, man.
Your dad in Iraq.
That must be hard.
Did you forget to take your pills yesterday? No.
Looks like she wandered into a neighbor's house around the block.
Is she all right? Found her taking a bath.
They said it's dementia.
' But she's okay now? She's fine.
She's just Grandma, you know? Jason's paralyzed.
My legs are never gonna get better.
You and me? We're not getting married.
Don't say that, Jason! What happened with us came from all those feelings about Jason.
Is something happening between you and Riggins? No.
You gonna steal a cripple's girl? You're a coward, Riggins! Welcome home.
You are all that I have in the whole world.
That's all I have.
Where's my Nevermind CD? I don't know.
Did you leave it in your room? No, I didn't leave it in my room.
It should be right here with the rest of Nirvana.
Can you get it off of the computer? No! I can't get it off my computer! I just I just I want to listen to it.
And I want the CD.
And I want it right now.
I don't understand why this is something to get so upset over.
Because I'm crippled and I want to listen to Nirvana! Is that so hard to understand? Huh? I'll just have to get myself another one.
Sweetheart, the record store's like four miles away.
Well, I better get going.
You can find Clay Aiken under "A.
" Like he's not your boyfriend.
What Clay and I have is special, okay? America loves him and so do I.
You just need to start respecting that.
Why don't you send me an invitation to the wedding? I would, but it's just gonna be the two of us and a harpist.
And Ryan Seacrest is gonna perform the ceremony.
How are you? Great.
And you? I'm okay.
Jason, hi.
Lyla! We gotta go.
We're gonna be late for class.
You gotta go.
Unless I don't.
I know we have a lot to talk about.
Maybe we Yeah.
We should go somewhere.
How do we do this? I'm not too sure.
What if I put my leg on your shoulder? All right.
Okay, I got an idea.
Hold on.
Are you okay? I'm fine.
I'm fine.
I'm good, good.
Stop gawking at me and come here.
It's okay.
It's okay.
I can I Lyla, stop.
I can't feel anything.
Ma'am, look.
It's just Yeah, I know.
Medicare Medicare says that they'll pay for all that, but for some reason I have this bill saying I owe $348.
Matthew? Matthew, have you got that leaky faucet fixed yet? Well, yeah, but I can't pay that kind of money.
Yeah, I know.
Get your dad to help.
Grandma, Dad's in Iraq.
Remember? Hmm.
So, look, what I'm really trying to figure out here is if we can maybe arrange some kind of in home visits, or something.
He's out front.
Go help him.
Maybe if, you know, Medicare will pay for that as well.
Can you hold on one second? Go help him with his bags.
All right.
I'm gonna go look, okay? Yeah.
Dad? Matt.
You're home! You're home! You're home! P- A-N-T-H-E-R-S! Bring it in, guys! Bring it in, guys! On the hoof! Let's go! Let's go! Listen up.
Perfection is the order of the day.
Anything else is unacceptable.
Understood? Yes, sir.
We leave the mistakes up to the Westcott Warriors.
Also, First Baptist is having their annual Panther dinner on Thursday night.
So you be there.
I don't wanna hear it.
You'll have your jackets.
You'll have your ties.
There's gonna be no foul language.
You're not gonna make jackasses out of yourselves.
Don't embarrass me.
Don't embarrass the school.
Understood? Yes, sir.
All right, Coach, break it down.
Let's have fun today! Let's go! Are we ready? Ready! One! Two! Three! Can't lose! Miss Levine told me that you're in real trouble in her English class.
Yeah, well, why don't we just put me into an easier class? That's not really the problem, is it? I hear you got an oral report due this week.
You started reading that book yet? No, I haven't.
But I am looking forward to it.
You get help on your homework, Tim? Maybe from the rally girls sometimes? No.
Never? Not once.
You know, that Scarlet Letter paper that y'all wrote.
I mean, Julie was up all night long writing that one.
Did you write that one? Oh, yeah.
You did? Yep.
Oh, could I see it? Wow.
"Modern Themes in The Scarlet Letter.
" A- minus.
Look at that.
What's The Scarlet Letter about, Tim? You know what it's about.
I do know.
What's The Scarlet Letter about? It's about A gal that Named Scarlet, obviously.
Tim! You did not write this paper.
What's the big deal? Well, the big deal is that it's part of my job to make sure that you don't grow up stupid.
It's bad for the world.
That's not funny, Tim.
That is not funny.
So you know what? I'm making it my personal responsibility to make sure that you don't get any more free passes from your teachers.
From here on in, you're gonna sink or you're gonna swim, based on you.
Based on your work.
You get me? We're two wins away from playoffs, Mrs.
I appreciate that.
I certainly can appreciate that.
The timing of this couldn't be worse.
Well, I'm sorry.
I don't pass, I don't play.
Well, then I think we better get you to pass.
Yep! Yeah.
Oh, yeah! Yeah, baby! Mike Jones, for the ladies, baby! Yeah! Good lord, that boy's good! Hey, Herc? How do I have sex? Oh, my goodness.
My boy's growing up.
No, seriously.
I just need a little information.
I kind of had a A little mishap, if you will.
Mishap? Yeah.
By yourself or with a girl? With a girl.
I just, I was having trouble Having trouble staying at attention, if you know what I mean.
I do know what you mean, but, hey, I'm proud of you anyway.
Where'd you find her? That's not important.
I didn't catch that name.
What Who was this again? It was Lyla.
Come on.
No! Boo! Uh-uh! What What are you saying to me? Well, of course your ding-dong went soft, it was trying to protect you! I know.
All right.
It wasn't my proudest moment.
But, you know, if you would hold back on the judgment just a little bit right now that'd be great.
All right, all right.
'Cause this is really helping me right now.
All right, I know what you want.
I know what you want.
You want to grab her and do her, huh? Make her forget about that other guy, right? Yes.
Just bang the bejesus out of her.
That's exactly what I want to do.
Not gonna happen.
At least not for a while anyway.
Why not? Dude, you're like a newborn baby.
You don't know how to do anything.
Look, man, whatever worked for you before may not work now.
You know? You gotta figure out what turns you on, you know? Will I ever be able to What? Shoot fireworks? Yeah.
Have super-happy fun time? Yeah.
Just maybe not every time.
Look, nothing's like it was, you know? But don't look so glum, man.
There's more to life than hit-it-and-quit-it, QB.
Trust me.
Landry? Landry.
How are you doing? Good.
Do you know Tim Riggins? He's looking for an English tutor and I think you would be just perfect.
Do you? TAMl: Yeah, I do.
And I just want you to know that he wants to really improve his grades.
He's looking to expand his mind.
Don't go easy on him.
Spend as much time as you need.
Do whatever you need to do.
And y'all get in there and get it going.
And I think you'll be great.
Thanks, Landry.
Look Good luck.
Go! Set! Hut! McGILL: There it is.
That's nice, Matt.
That's nice.
Set! Hut! Coach Taylor, you seen this? Huh? Texas Football Magazine.
Top 10 high school coaches in the state of Texas.
You're on this list.
Right there, Coach.
Oh, there's no living with him now.
Better watch what you say.
It says, "up and coming.
" How about that? Coach, we're getting T- shirts with that on it.
That'll be on the radio.
It'll be all over Sweaters Let's three-minute break! Three minutes! Let's go! Hi, Dad.
Looking good, Matt.
I think I'm gonna take off, though, I got some sleep Wait.
Can you hold on a minute? I want you to meet the coach.
Hey, come here.
Come here.
Hey guys, that's my dad.
Coach! Yeah? This is my dad.
Henry Saracen.
This is Coach Taylor.
This is my dad.
Coach Taylor, very nice to meet you.
How do you do? Pleasure to meet you.
Pleasure to meet you.
You're on leave? Yeah, he's home for two weeks.
Well, that's good.
You gonna get to see your son play a little bit, then? I hope so.
I hope so.
Well, he's done a hell of a job leading this team, I tell you.
Not too much trouble from him, huh? He's a little bit of trouble.
He's not too much trouble.
A little bit of trouble, huh? He's got a bit of trouble.
He's been a pleasure to teach, I can tell you that.
I didn't know he had it in him.
Well, he's got plenty in him.
He's been a good team leader out here, I'll tell you what.
You can be proud of your son.
I just hope he keeps doing okay under pressure.
You betcha.
Well, I gotta run, Coach.
I'll talk to you later.
Hey, it was a pleasure to meet you.
Very nice to meet you.
See you at home, Son.
Yeah, see you at home, Dad.
Thanks, Coach.
You betcha.
Get something to drink, now.
He's probably just having a hard time trying to express himself.
Yeah, maybe.
You know what it is? He's probably all messed-up from the war.
That's exactly what it is.
He's gone war crazy from the, you know, Operation Freedom flashbacks and stuff.
He's not war crazy.
He's just He should see you play.
I mean, if you get him to one of the games he'll understand what all the fuss is about.
I guess.
Well, is he going to help you get some in-home care for your grandma? Well, yeah.
He's gonna straighten all that out.
I mean, really, this was like the perfect time for him to come home, because clearly I can't get it done.
You know what, Matty? I think what he needs is to come and see my new band, Crucifictorious! Anyone? Broken Spoke, this Friday after the game.
Doors open at 11.
You gotta get there early, though.
It's gonna be pretty packed.
We have to go to that, don't we? Well, if we don't go, I don't really think anyone else is gonna be there, so Yeah? Hi.
Guess what I have? What? Dirty, dirty dirty quad porn.
What? Before you engage in any sexual activity with a partner, it will be helpful to know how your new body works.
This can most effectively be done by masturbation.
Listen, Lyla, can we just shut this off and talk for a few No.
I know it's not exactly the porn you were expecting, but there's some useful stuff in here.
Keeping an open mind and using your imagination in your wheelchair can allow for spontaneity and pleasure in sexual activity.
Enjoy yourself Wasn't expecting any porn.
No, Jason.
I know this is weird, but we can get through this.
That's not what I'm talking about.
I think we were really close before.
It's not about sex.
And a lot of couples have very good luck in the shower.
You want to get laid that bad, call Riggins.
You know what? I don't know about you, Tim, but I am excited about your journey into the wonderful world of American literature.
I really, really am.
What do you think of the name Crucifictorious? I wanted to go with Stigmatalingus, but I got outvoted.
They're both crap, Landry.
I mean, that's great.
You are entitled to your opinion.
That's just what makes America so great.
Just being honest.
Okay, Of Mice and Men.
The good news is, it's a short book.
It's 100 pages so you can pretty much rock it out.
Right on that.
Oh my God.
You can't read, can you? Is that it? You're one of those kids who just slipped though the cracks? I can read, you joke.
I just choose not to.
That's cute.
That's real cute.
I got a show.
Y'all might want to come to it.
You still like it almost burnt? Yes, sir.
There you go.
Oh, look at that.
Looks good, Matthew.
Beats the hell out of them MREs.
That one done? Oh, yeah.
It's done.
What is she so nervous for? She's always like this.
That's what I was trying to tell you.
That's why I want to try and get a nurse in here or something like that.
I'm not nervous.
I know.
So, what's it What's it like What's it like over there in Iraq? Good.
Building schools, doing a lot of good.
Yeah? So when do you think it's gonna be over? When do you think you can come home for good? Well, I'll tell you this.
We're not going to leave until those people have a stable government.
You know There's some people who think that we should just, you know, get everybody out of there and come home.
Do you know what would happen if we left? How many innocent people would die? We're gonna stay until we finish what we started, Matt.
Well, I'm not really saying it I wasn't saying anything.
I just You know, I just like it when you're home.
I got you.
I got it.
Come on, now.
I already dragged the other one out here Come on now, let me help.
I can drag this one out, too.
Oh, you're gonna do the last three feet, and take all the credit for it? No, I'm not gonna give you the credit now.
I got the other one out.
Hey! I got the trash.
I got I can't believe you just did that.
I didn't do anything.
Look at that.
Come on, just That's a disaster.
I'll get it.
I'll get it.
Let me ask you something.
Did you, by chance, make it your personal mission to take over the education of Tim Riggins? I am actually, yes.
You know I found out that he's been having the rally girls do his homework for I don't know how long? Well, look, that's very nice of you.
But we're both aware of the "no pass, no play" policy.
Yeah, I'm very aware of that.
And if you would just think about this I know you're not about to say what I think you're about to say.
If just for the next couple games 'Cause you know what the answer is gonna be.
Baby, we got a chance at the playoffs, that's all I'm saying.
'Cause you know what? He's been cheating, honey.
And I don't even want to ask you if you knew that he's been cheating, but he's been cheating, and I know you don't want me to turn my back on that.
No, I didn't know he was cheating Okay.
and I know how important the kid's schooling is.
What I'm saying is that the next couple of games Do you, though? Do you think it's as important as winning? I mean, really? Do you? You're really asking me that question? Can you answer the question? Yes, I would like You're asking me that question? Can you answer the question? No, I can't answer the question, because you won't let me finish talking.
Well, you know what? It does not do Tim Riggins a bit of good to grow up ignorant and mean and dumb.
What are you talking about? And that's what you're encouraging with these boys.
I'm not encouraging that.
You are encouraging Yes, you are.
I know how important his education is.
You're making them feel like what this town makes them feel like.
Which is that football is the most important thing.
If we send that message to him, that's what he's gonna believe.
You've gotta be kidding me.
No, I'm not.
You've gotta be kidding me.
I'm not kidding you.
You know I'm not kidding you.
I can't believe that we're even disagreeing about this.
I can't believe you're even asking me to do that.
Hello? Coach Taylor.
I'll get the rest of the garbage.
Hey, Coach.
Yes, sir.
Well, I mean, I can't make any commitments, obviously.
I mean I Well, sure.
All right.
Well, I'll look forward to your call.
You can consider the conversation open, of course.
All right.
You, too.
Thanks, Coach.
What? Who was that? That was the assistant coach from over at UT.
They want to know if I had any interest in quarterback coach next season.
Uh-uh That's what the man said.
Uh-uh, really? Get out of here! You're full of it! Really? Really? Yeah.
Hey, Riggins.
Hey, Riggins, when do you want to get together and work on that book report? Oh, man.
I haven't read that.
Why have you not read it? I don't know.
I didn't get around to it.
Just checking.
That's great.
I mean, you know if you don't pass, you don't play, right? What do you want me to do? You want me to read it to you myself? "A few miles south of Soledad, "the Salinas River drops in close to the hillside bank "and runs deep and green.
"The water is warm too, "for it has slipped twinkling over the yellow sands in the sunlight "before reaching the narrow pool.
" What did I just say just now? I don't know.
Some stuff about a river.
Okay, well, what did this river look like? It's real pretty, Landry.
"On one side of the river the golden foothill slopes curve up to the " What the hell is Riggins doing there? Studying.
Hey, Dad.
What What are you doing? Well, your grandma's driving me crazy.
I had to get out of the house.
Yeah, she can be a little much sometimes.
Why didn't you tell me how bad it was? Well, it's not that bad.
Grandma? Grandma! Grandma! Grandma! Grandma, you all right? You gotta be kidding me! What did I tell you about using the stove? What? What is wrong with you? You're acting like a damn child! Dad, calm down.
It was an accident.
Now, I told you three times to lay away from the stove! Hey, don't yell at her! You're just gonna scare her.
You okay? No, no, no.
Don't cry.
It's okay.
I don't even know what happened, honey.
Why's he mad at me? He's not.
He's just scared.
All right? We were all just scared, all right.
What happened? It's all right.
It's all over.
You all right? I'm sorry.
It's It's not your fault, okay? Now, Medicare is not going to pay for at-home care unless she has a definitive diagnosis of Alzheimer's.
Well, let's get her a diagnosis, then.
What about a home? What? My veteran's benefits should cover that.
Yeah, there are some homes in the area, but she's Matt's legal guardian.
If she's in a home, that's not gonna work.
There's another option.
Saracen, you might be able to get out of your service.
If there's no one else to look No, I can't do that.
What? Why not? That would That'd be perfect.
That's out of the question, Matt.
We're not done over there yet.
But, Dad, it's Grandma.
I'm not going to argue about it with you.
We all have to make sacrifices.
I know, I understand Stop, Matt.
Thank you.
I think we've heard enough here.
"Slim said, 'You hadda, George.
"'I swear you hadda.
Come on with me.
' "He led George into the entrance of the trail and up toward the highway.
"Curly and Carlson looked after them.
And Carlson said, "'Now what the hell ya suppose is eatin' them two guys?"' Damn.
Guy shot his best friend.
Now he's become the kind of man he said he never wanted to be.
I got you.
Without Lennie, George lost all his humanity.
Yeah, that's messed.
So, oral report.
All right, first, you give a brief plot summary.
Then you list the themes and how they relate to you.
So, how do they relate to you? Go.
I don't know.
You don't Okay, we just got done discussing this whole thing.
Yes, you do.
That was talking.
This is different.
Okay, how is this different? This is the same exact thing.
Just tell me Seriously, what do you want me to say? You know what? Why don't you just do it for me? Just do it for you? Yeah.
I'm not gonna "just do it for you.
" I mean My God, you really are ridiculous! Do you just have the rally girls do everything for you? I mean, do they just, do they just chew your food and wipe your butt for you? How does this work? I just sat here and read the entire The entire book to you, and you have nothing to say.
There's gotta be something in this head of yours that you can relate to this text.
I don't know! There's gotta be something! I don't know! What don't you know? Okay, listen.
This is This is a book about two best friends who have a dream that gets crushed.
They have a dream that gets crushed.
There You can't tell me there's not something in this head of yours that you can relate this to.
There's gotta be something! My You know, here's an example.
How I can relate to this.
I would really, really like to shoot you right now.
Okay? So, you know what? Just take your book and I'm done.
You can figure it out on your own from here.
Jason? How are you, honey? Hey, Mrs.
I'm good.
I'm good.
How are you? I'm good.
Did you wheel yourself all the way over here? Yeah.
I did.
It's no big deal.
I do it all the time.
Oh, my lord.
Did you want to see Coach? Yeah.
He's not here.
He's at a meeting and then we got this church dinner.
That's okay.
Well, you know what, come on inside.
You know what? I was just thinking about you.
I was just thinking about when you might feel like you're ready to go back to school.
I haven't really thought about it yet.
Just keep in mind that you can come back any time you want.
I mean, you don't have to, you know, wait for the new semester or anything like that.
I know.
You practically got all your courses taken care of anyway.
You only got a few credits left.
Yeah, I just I don't know if I'm ready to be part of the Dillon High rumor mill right now.
I got enough to handle.
You're talking about that thing with Lyla? I'm just so confused, you know? It's just I saw Lyla the other day and we just Don't tell Coach, please.
Oh, no.
I won't.
We kind of, sort of, tried to get back together and I want to.
I just want to, you know? But I'm just having such a hard time with it.
It's just It's just It's Lyla.
I wish it was someone else.
I wish it was someone different.
I wish I could just hate her and walk away from it and be done with it, 'cause it would be so much easier.
It'd be a lot easier.
But I love her, you know? And We were gonna get married.
That's a hard thing.
That's a hard, hard thing.
But I will say, there's no weakness in forgiveness, if that's what you decide.
Look what I found.
Your mom gave it to me about 100 years ago.
You want it? Sure.
I talked to your Aunt Peg in Oklahoma and she said she's willing to have you live with her.
You don't have to do that.
I can stay here and take care of Grandma just like I've Just like I've been doing.
Something's got to be done.
All right? I found a home for her.
Grandma's not even She's She won't even know anyone there.
Matt, look, I know this ain't easy.
All right? Let me help you with that.
It's fine.
Let me help you with that.
I'm gonna be late.
I just gotta go.
Okay? Let us pray.
Dear Lord, our heavenly father.
We ask that you give these boys the strength to be guided by you and to be vessels for your saving message.
And to play with the passion that you yourself have blessed them with.
Let's have some barbeque.
I don't give the impression that I think of you as only a football player, do I? I bring this up because, as usual, my wife is always right.
You got your midterms coming up.
I'm gonna be in contact with your teachers.
I'm gonna know what's going on.
There are gonna be no more free rides.
You are gonna start paying.
And hear me when I say this.
No pass, no play.
So, where's your dad? He's He's not coming.
But I thought you said he was gonna come.
Yeah, but He's just not coming, okay? He has something to do.
That kind of sucks.
What does he have that's more important? I don't know.
He just has something that was going on, okay? Are you okay? No.
I'm not.
And you picking at me is not helping, so can we just not talk about it? Yeah.
Yeah, Matt.
' Mid-way through the third quarter.
Wescott 24, Dillon 14.
White! 40! White! 40! White! 40! Hut! ANNOUNCER.
' He drops back.
He's got Dolia! He's wide open in the flat! He's open! Get him! Get him! Come on, son! You gotta get rid of that! Get up, Son! Go! Get up! ANNOUNCER.
' Matt Saracen is just not on his game tonight, folks.
Oh! It's a bad pitch! Williams picks it up.
Oh! A nice stiff arm as he makes it to the outside! He's got some room! He's got one man to beat! Come on, you're there! Smash Williams! Touchdown! Dillon Panthers! Touchdown! Come here.
Let me tell you something.
Let me tell you something.
Smash is out there.
He is covering for your ass right now.
Now you better screw your head on real tight.
You understand me? Yes, Coach.
Come on.
You heard him.
Get your head in the game, boy.
Come on.
Here in the fourth quarter.
Wescott with the ball.
Hey! That's nice! And that is gonna bring up the fourth down.
Dolia! Smash! Come here, come here.
We're going for the block.
We're going for the block, and I want creeper right.
Creeper right, you understand? Hey, get there! Attaboy! And Dillon gets it back All right! Let's get out there now! Let's go! Capitalize.
Right here.
Time to capitalize, baby.
Come on.
Hey! Do your thing, make some noise! Yeah! Make some noise! They pressed the cornerback tight on the first down.
I want to go deep.
One big play wipes away all the little mistakes.
We walk out of here winners.
You understand me? Yes, sir.
What is the call? Pro-gun right.
X- Y cross.
Got it? And let it fly.
Throw it long, you understand? Do it, Matt! Make something happen, baby! Come on! And here comes Matt Saracen back onto the field with plenty of time here in the fourth quarter to get his team back into this.
Green 12! Hut! ANNOUNCER.
' Oh! The safety is out of position! Williams streaking up the sideline.
Matt Saracen lets it fly.
Oh! No! No! He just overthrew Smash Williams by a mile.
That could've been an easy touchdown for Dillon.
Start warming up Weston.
Weston! Let's go.
Warm it up.
Time! Time! Get off the field, boy! Step out.
It's not your night, son.
This is it now.
Come on! Shake it off! All right, get out there.
Get in there.
Coach Taylor has benched Matt Saracen, and is sending in his second-string quarterback, Brett Weston.
Now this might be a risky move, but the way Saracen has played tonight, folks, what does Coach Taylor have to lose? Go, Panthers! Come on, Dillon! Way to go, Panthers! Good game, Coach.
Very good.
Yes, sir.
Good game, son! You'll get them next time, Matt.
You're sending me to Oklahoma.
You can play football anywhere.
Go to hell, Dad.
What did you say? I said, go to hell.
Matt, just get in the truck right now.
We'll talk I'm not getting in the truck with you and I'm not gonna go home with you.
You know, I thought you were gonna come home from Iraq and actually be able to help.
But you've only made things worse.
You know what? Actually, why don't you just go back to Iraq? 'Cause things worked out a lot better when you were there.
Really? You calling me all the time? "Help me.
Grandma can't do anything right.
I don't know what to do.
"I don't know what to do.
" I'm sorry.
It's hard to pay the rent and go to school and take care of my Trying being me for five minutes! Try being you? What have you done? You can't Think I wanna come home to this? Now, get in the truck.
I'm not going anywhere with you.
Get in the truck.
You get in the truck.
Where you gonna go? I don't know.
Let me know when you go back to Iraq.
TAMl: Let's go to our house.
Come on, y'all.
Let's go.
Come on.
TAMl: Come on.
It's okay.
It's okay.
It's okay.
Everybody pop Rise like me I can count on your size To set me free You will prevail And I'll stand right by your side You know them And I'll be by your side Looky here.
What do you think? That's some intense stuff, man.
All right.
Very intense.
You showed up.
I didn't think you would.
You wanna know why? Why? 'Cause you're looking at a B-minus.
You got a B-minus? It's not too shabby, huh? Well, there you go.
Look at you, you're turning into a scholar on me.
I appreciate your help, man.
I really do.
And I'm sorry I just caught the last bit of your set there.
So No, no, no.
Don't worry.
We got a whole other set coming up.
So, no worries, my friend.
We'll put you, you know, you're with me, so we'll put you up right up here at the front.
Okay? That's great.
You can't just stand there, though.
You gotta What? You gotta do that a lot.
You're incredibly stealthy.
You could be, like, a glamorous jewel thief.
Shut up.
You should go into breaking and entering for a living.
What are you doing here, Lyla? I can't seem to kick the habit.
If it's going to end between us, I guess I can't help that.
But it can't end the way it did the other night.
I just wanted to be close to you again, Jason.
I'm trying, Lyla.
I really am.
I love you.
I know.
TAMl: Hey.
What are you doing? I just don't want him to go.
Come on.
Let's get ready for bed.
That's it.
Grandma's going into a home and I'm going to Oklahoma.
Want me to talk to him? I'll talk him.
See if we can work something out.
Nothing to work out.
Listen to me, we're all family here.
I'll do anything I can for you.
You know that.
Hell, Buddy Garrity, he ain't gonna let you cross the state line without finishing this season.
He'll call out the damn National Guard if he has to.
I hate him.
I hate my dad.
Hey, don't do that.
Don't make that mistake.
You think about what you just said.
You get ready to go, come inside.
I'll take you home.

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