Grown-ish (2018) s01e11 Episode Script

Safe and Sound

1 ZOEY: Every generation is known for something.
Gen X gave us MTV, "Friends," and the "first black president.
" We don't believe you 'cause we the people Millennials gave us reality TV, friends, and the real first black president.
the same food The ramen noodle And then there's my generation, Generation Z.
The iGeneration.
We're racially diverse, sexually diverse ultra socially conscious, and hypersensitive.
All you black folks, you must go Which is part of why we love our safe spaces.
All you Mexicans, you must go Safe spaces a place where like-minded kids can go to be themselves, talk, and just relax without the fear of being judged, criticized, or triggered.
- Come on, I am feeling very judged - You just ruined my sign! criticized, and triggered here! Sometimes those safe spaces can feel a little not-so-safe.
All you bad folks, you must go Watch out, world, I'm grown now I'm grown Learn something new every day I don't know, so I'm-a feel my way Got the weight of the world on me But no regrets, this is what I say Watch out, world, I'm grown now - I'm grown - You can tell me My heart beating so loud Mama, look, I'm grown now I'm grown So, you're probably wondering why I look like Che Guevara in Timberland heels.
Well, I, Zoey Johnson, am getting ready to resist The Man.
I'm black, y'all Hawkins Hall has been a safe space for black Cal U students for years, but apparently some non-black students felt a little threatened at this party last weekend.
Eliminate the Blue-Eyed Devils! I thought this was just a regular costume party.
I worked so hard on this! So, complaints were made, lawsuits were threatened, a video of a tooth and toothbrush sprinting down campus went viral, and now the administration wants to shut Hawkins down, and we are going to protest.
Now, quick question which one of these bracelets says "I am hella woke"? In the past, my political experience was limited to my grandma going on a hunger strike because my dad called Omarosa a bitch.
Since then, I've tried to stay neutral.
But this was my kind of politics a party.
They thinkin' unintelligent, irrelevant believers Hawkins Hall was poppin', and everyone had come together to get ready for the big protest the next day.
Ana was on flier duty, Jazz and Sky were designing buttons, I was helping out with signs, and, well, no one was dumb enough to tell Nomi what to do, so she assigned herself her own task.
Can I interest the lady in a Rosé Parks? [DING!.]
This is incredible! I feel like I'm gearing up to got to war that's also fabulous.
You know? It's like It's just so organized.
Well, you know, protests are usually organized.
That's why they're called "organized protests.
" Yeah, I know.
I know.
'Cause I protest all the time.
Yeah, don't quote me on this, but I think I helped Roger Goodell stop the NFL from going on strike, so So Wow.
You look great.
- Thanks for coming.
- Yeah, of course.
- Anything for the culture.
- Ah.
Not to brag, but I'm basically Michelle Obama.
Do you wanna grab tacos after this? Hang out? Uh, yeah.
I-I'd be down for that.
Can I interest the gentleman in an Ale Sharpton? [DING!.]
- Tequila Mockingbird? - [DING!.]
40 Acres and a Moscow Mule? Okay, we told you you need to stop.
Yeah, no one wants an "I Am Not Your Negroni.
" - No one? - [SIGHS.]
I cannot believe they're trying to shut us down again.
This is the second time this year people have complained about Hawkins.
Freeze, freeze So, when the Po-po roll up - They don't have to hold up, homie - Freeze Hey, yo, deejay, play "[Bleep.]
tha Police.
" Yeah! [CHANTING.]
Play "[Bleep.]
tha Police!" - Play "[Bleep.]
the p" - Dude! We are the police.
I just wish they realized how important this place was to us, you know? Yeah.
No, I totally get it.
Minorities need a place where you can go to just be yourself.
Thank you, Ana.
I wish my people had a place like this to go.
- Well, why can't they? - I don't know.
This seems like so much work.
First you gotta get one open, and then fight to keep it open? I don't know.
I'm just not good with big stuff like this.
I was told my quinceañera "lacked vision.
" It's easy.
A carefully planned protest can definitely help you get your own space, okay? First you gotta get the word out on social media, then you get your signatures, your permits.
Finally, you gotta find someone crazy enough to sponsor a million-dollar-liability insurance policy.
I am Professor Dr.
Charles Telphy.
Then you got everything you need, and no one can shut you down.
Talk about planning.
One time, I had to rent a bouncy house for my friend's birthday party.
You'd think you need a permit for that.
You don't.
Oh, I almost forgot the most important thing.
You need the right slogan, like ours Black Dorms Should Matter.
We're trending on Twitter right now.
You might've seen it.
That may not be us.
Guys, we need to change this.
Aaron, this is so awesome.
You're, like, legit taking action.
I mean, most people would just add some dumb filter to their profile picture.
Well I think the right filter used at the right time can be a very powerful political tool.
Yeah? - Sure.
- Yeah.
But look, black and brown, we've gotta stick together.
That's why I'm always down to help out the Latina cause.
Oh, no, no.
No, no.
I'm talking about my other people women on the Right.
My right or your right? No, she's not referring to a physical person.
I think she means to the right of the political spectrum.
Conservative women.
Wait, so you want a safe space for Conservatives? Yeah.
Forget everything I just told you.
And your slogan should be "Get the hell out of here.
" All right? Oh, I think they already used that one for immigration.
This is my dad and Omarosa all over again.
So, our pre-protest party to keep Hawkins open has taken a nasty turn.
Wait, so you were fine with me fighting for a Latina safe space, - but not one for Conservatives? - Yeah.
You don't need a safe space.
Your safe space is Congress.
- The White House.
- Every Reddit thread.
- AM radio stations.
- Basically any Cracker Barrel.
Oh, my God.
I love that restaurant.
AARON: It's, like, why? Anyway, the point is, everywhere I go in America, I feel like I'm at a NASCAR race.
So, I actually need a safe space.
Well, I'm not feeling very safe right now, because the second I said "Conservative" - you jumped down my throat! - Oh, whoa! Whoa, hey hey, guys.
This "Fight the Parker" sign isn't gonna glitter itself, so You know what? I'm sorry.
I just kinda got distracted because we're talking about a group of people who think tiki torches are appropriate protest gear.
Hey, I am not alt-right.
And maybe you'd know that if you bothered to listen to me.
I am listening to you.
But how can a Latina woman even be a Republican? Because I believe in a lot of their policies! The policies that oppress black people or the ones that oppress poor people? Actually, big government oppresses people, and California is the worst.
Did you guys know that we basically have no concealed carry here? I'm sorry, and that's a bad thing? - Yes.
- I just realized how fun-crazy you are.
A gun escalates any situation, and you wanna arm a bunch of idiots? - That That makes sense.
- Oh, so I'm an idiot now? He didn't mean it like that! Well, you may not be an idiot, but you believe in policies that are idiotic.
Okay, and see? This This right here is exactly the reason why I need a safe space.
'Cause for some reason Conservatives are the only group that it's okay to openly hate on.
We're like the most oppressed group on campus.
- ALL: Whoa! - Come on.
You are not more oppressed than the black man.
- That I can promise you.
- Uh, I don't know, dude.
I don't think anybody is more oppressed than the gays.
BOTH: Well And don't even get me started on my other people the Jews.
- Oh, God.
- Here we go.
My people have dealt with a lot of oppression! Not 300 years of slavery! 6 million Jews! Hitler! BOTH: Slavery! Can't all atrocities just get along? Look, all I'm saying is if safe spaces are a good thing, why can't my group get one? Maybe Ana kinda has a point.
How do we decide who gets a safe space? It's easy, okay? Everyone but her! You know what? I came here to help, and all you've done is attack me.
I'm out.
So, can we get back to the Jews? Okay.
So, last night had been a bust.
I didn't get tacos, I didn't get enough credit for my socially conscious outfit, and my friends could no longer stand to be in a room together.
I needed a break.
I need to be around beautiful objects.
You're here early.
- Trying to make me look bad? - You know that's impossible.
- Nice.
But seriously, what's good? You taking something out on that dress? Look, I get it lace is very two seasons ago, but it didn't murder your family or anything.
Everybody's arguing about safe spaces.
- "Safe spaces"? - Mm-hmm.
No, so quiet for that.
It's such a cliché.
It's, like, we get it.
You have feelings.
Your generation is softer than Drake.
What? Wait.
Aren't we the same age? Physically, sure.
Well, I mean, what's so bad with somebody getting a safe space if they want one? All a safe space is is a bunch of people sitting around agreeing with each other.
I'm not sure that's what it's about.
- It's a place to go to feel comfortable.
- But that's the thing people need to get comfortable being uncomfortable.
So, is that why you're always trying to make people uncomfortable? Oh, you're you're doing it right now.
You're welcome.
Are you gonna help me? After talking to Luca, I started to think maybe he was right.
My generation was so afraid of being judged, criticized, and triggered, but was it helping us? Maybe we all needed a little more discomfort.
Save Hawkins Hall! Black Dorms Should Matter! - Safe Spaces for One, Safe Spaces for All! - [STATIC CRACKLES.]
DEAN PARKER: Students, please, let's keep it civil! Hey, hey! Hey, let me tell you about my safe space.
My mom's boyfriend built me a tree house.
It was really just a few boards nailed Was that a diaper?! Did someone throw a diaper at me?! Who brings a baby to a protest? Come on! Guys! Guys, what the hell is going on? Ana is trying to destroy our protest.
You have no right to be here.
Yes, I do.
I've got my permit.
Oh, also, thank you so much for that advice, 'cause now my slogan is trending on Twitter.
#YesAllSafeSpaces and #YASS.
What a surprise.
You know, you're profiting off my work.
Historically that's what Conservatives have always done, - so you're on the right track.
Good job.
- Don't touch me! Okay, dudes, this this is a solvable problem.
Ana, what if you you did your protest on a different day? Look at your girl Zoey just reaching across the aisle.
Or she can just stop being stupid.
Call me "stupid" one more time.
You're stupid.
That wasn't hard.
- Okay, you know - Okay, that's my sign! - I worked on it - Students, come on! Come on! - Come on, I am feeling very judged - You just ruined my sign! criticized, and triggered here! ZOEY: As Dean Parker tried to keep Ana from going all Sinaloa on Aaron, things were getting out of hand with the rest of the crowd, and somehow in our fight to feel safe, we turned this whole campus into a war.
I have to go home and change my profile filter.
I could not be more disappointed.
I fielded 142 complaints of feelings getting hurt, including one of my own.
Why was my face on so many signs? I'm cool.
Also, the campus is littered with trash, three fires broke out, and our founder What kind of monster would do this? Maybe we could use our liability insurance? Yes, I have looked over these forms.
Interestingly, they're signed by Professor Telphy, but this is not his signature.
He signs all his legal documents as "John Hancock.
" Lucky for you, Charlie doesn't have a Social Security number, so he should be relieved of any financial burden.
Legally, he's dead.
It's very difficult being his employer.
- So, we're good? - Oh, not at all.
Your voices got in the way of student safety.
So, no.
We're not good.
It was supposed to be a peaceful protest.
All I was asking was for my cause to be respected.
Get a better cause.
Maybe I'll respect it.
You wanna start with me again, bro?! - Miss Torres, please! - Sorry.
I've been through a lot today.
My feelings are hurt, I'm very emotional, and I just found out my block is riddled - with sex offenders.
- I'm sorry.
So I'm gonna settle this argument once and for all.
They're disbanding Hawkins?! Well, it's not just Hawkins.
It's the LGBT dorm, the international dorm, the athletic dorm.
They all have to be neutral now.
This is so messed up! Okay, Zoey, you you have to believe me.
This isn't what I wanted at all.
Yeah, but it happened.
Ana, you incited an actual, physical riot.
Uh, I was exercising my right to free speech.
Can you please stop spouting these political buzzwords? I'm trying to tell you that real people got hurt.
Real people get hurt when they don't have their rights.
My grandpa has been in jail in Cuba for five years now because he said one thing the government didn't like.
So, don't tell me that "free speech" is just some buzzword because it is everything when you don't have it.
God, I'm I'm sorry.
I had no idea.
No, because you guys judge me before I can even finish a thought.
You all assume that I'm just some idiot.
I'm sorry, and I don't think of you as some idiot.
I mean, for starters, you do have incredible taste in friends.
What? I just wanna say, I'm I'm listening if you wanna finish that thought.
You really wanna talk politics with me? How much ice cream do we have? Where are your colors? Ooh The more I listened to Ana and how passionate she was about her beliefs, the more I realized things weren't always black and white.
She's a Republican who believes in gay rights and climate change.
She had some crazy ideas about e-mail servers but we had a lot more in common than I thought.
All I needed was for Aaron to see that, too.
- Hell, no! - I just think if you talked to Ana and really listened to her, then you'd understand where she's coming from.
Do you understand where I'm coming from? Well, I mean, I want to.
I think I do.
Do you know the black population at Cal U? Yeah, it's 75% of my friends, so that'd be like 73%? It's 4%, Zoey.
Do you know that there were two weeks last year where I didn't see any black people except for on "The Walking Dead"? Until they got killed - by the white guy with the crossbow.
- Daryl.
But this was the only place on campus I could go and be around black people and celebrate our culture.
You know, it wasn't just to voice my opinion.
It was more than that, and now the whole - the whole thing is wrecked.
- I'm sorry.
And I know Ana feels terrible, but, I mean, she's kinda in the same position now, too.
We are not in the same position.
Please, let's be clear on that.
N-N-No one knows Ana's political views until she states them.
As for me, I am black the minute that I walk into a room.
So are you.
Why are you not more angry about this? God, I am angry! But it's not that simple.
Yes, it is that simple.
You're just a shallow girl from Sherman Oaks - What? - who doesn't care about anybody with real problems, so she stands back and allows herself to be complacent in shit that could really hurt people.
Yo, this is audio crack-cocaine Novocaine numbing brains Ana.
Yellow-back cats with blues, call it hatred - You sure that's a good idea? - Nope.
- Why not? - Yeah, it's been a slow day.
- I wanna see a good fight.
- Okay.
- Never mind.
- Come on.
Please? For me.
Why? So you can just pull up another fence to sit on? Hey, guess what? I have my own opinion, and it's not just some co-opted belief from the last Ta-Nehisi Coates article I read, okay? And even if you don't agree with it doesn't make it any less valid.
Dude, you aren't the only one here who cares.
And, you know, maybe if you weren't so in love with your own voice, - you'd still have a dorm.
- BOTH: Ooh! Aaron, you are an asshole for not letting her have an opinion.
And my dear, lovely, sweet roommate, you are an asshole for getting Hawkins closed.
I don't have to be here for this, right? - Sit.
We're all assholes.
- Okay.
Look, I know I come off like I don't stand for anything, but I do.
I stand for my friends.
And sure, I believe in safe spaces, but unless everyone has a voice, none of us have a voice.
So, can we all agree to just listen to each other? Can we all agree to just not be assholes to each other, please? AARON: Yeah.
I still have to move into the, uh, substance-free dorm next quarter, but it's great.
And that's why you have to reconsider closing all the safe spaces.
Because unless everyone has a voice, no one has a voice.
Just give it a second and let it sink in, please? That's the way my friends felt at first, too.
Miss Johnson, I really appreciate that you consider me a friend, but these spaces are making everyone on campus uncomfortable.
Well, you know, a wise person once told me that we have to get comfortable with being uncomfortable.
I mean, that's what college is about.
We should learn from our discomfort.
Okay, Miss Johnson, let me be very clear.
The reality of this situation is these groups cannot find a way to coexist peacefully.
Well, if I prove to you that they can, will you reconsider? I don't think you're allowed back here.
It's too late.
No matter what's going on Gotta know that we can do better Everybody got some problems The only way to solve is together Feelin' like I'm moving on Impressive.
They do know what "BDSM" stands for, right? - I'm honestly not sure.
- Ah.
Then the only thing left is we What? Nothing.
No, seriously.
What? It's just what you said, and, uh, what you did for Hawkins.
Not too bad for a shallow girl from Sherman Oaks, huh? You're definitely more than that.
Thank you.
And when Hawkins is off probation, we'll throw a party to celebrate, and you'll be the first one invited.
Oh, great.
I'm so flattered.
Just no costumes.
But th Costume parties are a basic human right.
Okay, I'm done fighting with you.
Thank you.
- Doesn't mean you win.
- Yes.
- Don't No, not the smile.
- Yes, it does.
You have something on your face.
Can I please get it?
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