Human Target s01e11 Episode Script


[Helicopter whirring.]
How are you doing? [indistinct chatter.]
They seem to have lost all interest.
Can't say I blame them.
Good to see you old friend.
Me too.
You're Mark Wareham.
You sit on the board of her foundation.
visiting before she heads off to the Museum for tonite's event.
It's a four minute walk to the suite.
Twenty meters out.
North facing.
You'll be searched in the foyer.
I have a spare weapon on my left ankle, should it come to that.
Is there anyone on our detail we can trust? Not a soul.
[elevator bell dings.]
[door opening.]
Identification please.
Thank you, sir.
The last 48 hours have been particularly harrowing, so perhaps a modicum of formality might help keep her relaxed.
Isn't it formality that's got us in this mess in the first place? Christopher Chance, I give you her royal highness, Victoria, Princess of Wales.
Oh, please, don't do that.
Oh, sure.
Nice to meet you.
Has he been briefed? What I know is that in an hour and a half, your security detail's gonna put you in a car which is gonna bring you to a museum uptown to meet the Queen, your husband, Prince what's his name, and the rest of the gang.
At 38th and 1st, your motorcade is gonna be obstructed.
Now usual security protocol is to go faster, maybe even turn around, do anything to avoid being boxed in.
But in this particular instance, your detail has different orders.
They're there to serve you up.
So while you're stopped, your men watching [Gunshot.]
You'll be assassinated.
Luckily, Gerard got wind of the plot while we still have me to do something about it.
Lucky? Is that the word you'd use? Well, we're lowering the bar today.
So we have the who, the what, the where, all we need is a why.
Because I'm in love with a man who isn't my husband.
That generally will do it.
Well, Victoria told Walter she wanted a divorce, but he's a proud man.
Facing international embarrassment, we feel he sought out a sympathetic ear to help him avoid it.
Unfortunately, the one he found belongs to a man of the lowest moral character.
He's special envoy to the crown.
(Gerard) The royal fixer, in other words.
Charged with keeping the family's dirty laundry off the front page of the Sun.
No doubt he's convinced his conspirators that removing the spoiled, reckless heir from the equation is what's best for everyone.
Well, being the black sheep in this family must not be easy.
What about the Queen? The Queen's been in transit from Sydney, along with my sister, since Gerard first discovered the plot.
Templeton's rather adept at keeping her majesty insulated, if you know what I mean.
Tell me, do you think I'm crazy for throwing away everything for a man I met just a month ago? What's his name? Tony.
How do you know you're in love with him? Right answer.
So let's see if we can get her out of this mess.
(Reporter) For a glimpse of her royal highness, Princess Victoria, who is expected to meet the rest of her family at the gala opening of the Queen's collection.
So you'll be with her in the car.
From what I've learned of the plot, the attack will occur here.
Then I take control of the car, divert it to the safe house.
And by then, I'll have retrieved evidence of the plot from my contact.
Evidence? What evidence? Audiotapes of her head of security and Templeton discussing the plot in detail.
The tape's vital, and once I have it, we'll take it to the Queen, cut Templeton off at the knees.
(Victoria) And what about Tony? I mean, he's in as much danger as I am.
Oh, Tony's gonna be fine.
I've got my best guys scooping him up.
You're gonna want to take a left up here in two blocks to get to the 59th street bridge.
(Female GPS voice) Directions are now being sent to your vehicle.
Not gonna happen.
I don't do anything until the lady tells me to.
(Female GPS voice) In a quarter mile, turn left onto 28th street.
You actually trust the word of some broad that lives in the dash of your Camaro over mine? Yes.
Yes, I do.
I lived in this city for eight years, dude.
There's certain things you just don't do here, like question a New Yorker when he's giving you directions.
Don't use crosswalks.
Don't eat pizza with a fork and a knife.
[Phone rings.]
Yeah? What's the holdup? I gave you the address about half an hour ago.
(Winston) Well, there's a bit of a disagreement over the best way to get to where Tony's holed up.
(Hahae) Okay, spare me the play-by-play.
Just find the guy and let me know when you got him, okay? Yeah.
Turn right up here.
(Female GPS voice) In a quarter mile, turn right.
Is she still with her guests? Yes.
(Templeton) Templeton.
Thought you should be informed that Gerard and his guests are still with the Princess.
You checked the man's I.
? I did.
Everything checked out.
But you're suspicious, nonetheless.
I am.
There's no reason to doubt your instinct.
Perhaps we should move the timetable up.
Shouldn't you run that by the Prince? I think the Prince would gladly delegate that decision.
Are we clear, Nathan? Yes, sir.
[Knock on door.]
What is it? Construction is causing backups all around the hotel.
Nathan wants to get ahead of the traffic.
The motorcade's preparing to leave as we speak.
But it's an hour early.
I'm not ready yet.
I'm sorry, your highness.
I'm afraid Templeton insists on it.
Sir, if you could come with me, I'll escort you out.
That won't be necessary, really.
No, it's no problem.
I'll just meet you downstairs.
We've got less time than we thought.
[Knock on door.]
Open the door, please.
A lot less.
[Victorious music.]
Human Target 1x11 Victoria (Nathan) James, respond please.
Open the door.
Nathan's getting impatient.
What do you think? Looks big enough? It will have to do.
What? Excuse me.
Where are you going? They put scallions in the Princess's soup.
Get the lift for me.
I must have told them three times she is allergic.
I am going to have a private word with that chef, let him know he very nearly sent the Princess of Wales into anaphylactic shock! Your majesty? James? James! James! The cart! Comm to lobby.
Stop Gerard.
I'm coming down there.
[Elevator bell dings.]
What's this about? Get downstairs right now! All stations, lockdown! Sparrow is on the loose.
Gerard! Gerard! Be honest.
How certain were you that would work? About 50/50.
How far up are they? About four or five floors.
Gerard! Get down! Get down! (Gerard) Victoria.
Go with him.
We're going to get you help.
Down! Gerard, we need the evidence.
Remember the man we hunted together? Really? He's here in New York.
MacGowan's Pub.
You're clear.
It's been an honor, your highness.
Oh! Oh! Go, go, go, go! [Whistles.]
Tony Sorrento? Are you Tony Sorrento? Relax.
I'm Winston.
Gerard sent us to pick you up.
Victoria's okay? She will be.
We're here to make sure you are too.
I'll be fine.
It's my Uncle's garage.
Nobody knows I'm here.
Victoria's got low blood sugar.
I wanted to grab something just in case we're hiding out for a while.
Well, we're not gonna meet her just yet.
Get inside, get inside.
I think they know you're here, dude.
Stay here.
Listen, just head downtown, will you? [Exhales.]
See, guys like Gerard, they don't mind taking a bullet.
Not if it's the right person.
I know, I know.
He took an oath.
He fulfilled his duty to the crown.
[Horns honking.]
Do me a favor.
Slump down, will you? I don't want anyone spotting you.
(Templeton) What is it? The Princess is out of pocket.
How long? Two minutes.
We'll get her back.
But Gerard is dead, along with some of the detail.
That woman is next in line to the throne, and every day, she finds a new way to heap shame upon her family and our country.
And now she proposes to add to that with an international scandal to service a cheap fling.
She is a threat to everything we swore to protect.
Can I count on you, Mr.
Nathan? Yes, sir.
Come here.
Check the call log.
Let's find out who he's been talking to.
(Chance) If this traffic doesn't let up, we're gonna have to get out and hoof it.
So where exactly are we going for this evidence? Gerard said something about a man from Belfast.
Yeah, yeah.
You know this person? Uh, I know of him.
(Victoria) Okay, trust me.
Given the events of today, there isn't a name you could offer me that would shock me.
Connor Dunham.
That's not funny.
Connor Dunham? Ex-IRA enforcer? Sworn enemy of the crown? Gerard didn't know who he could trust in his own security detail, so he went to an outside party.
An outside party? It kind of makes sense.
But the man put a bounty on my head! That's just a rumor.
It was on the front page of the telegraph--£100,000.
I was eight! Really? [Sighs.]
Well, anyway, he and Gerard must have come to some sort of understanding.
I think you're gonna be fine.
Victoria, look at me.
Who else am I going to look at? Don't turn your head away.
Why? [knocking on window.]
Hey, Victoria! Victoria! Victoria! Victoria! Hurry.
Run! (Chance) Don't make eye contact.
We're going straight to the back.
Isn't this a bit extreme? Well, right now, you've got everybody in the city looking for you.
I don't think you'd be able to go four feet let alone 40 blocks looking like the Princess of Wales.
Well, just so you know, someone usually gets paid £1,500 to give me a new hairstyle, let alone change my whole wardrobe.
Well, I'm sure they're much better at it than me.
(Tony) I'm telling you, he's gonna die.
I'm an EMT.
I can help him.
Hey, hey, hey, hey! What's the matter with you? That three feet of garage right there is a kill zone.
I can reach him.
It'll take two seconds.
Hey, listen, Tony.
I'm gonna spoil the ending of this little adventure you're on.
That shooter out there is a pro, so two seconds is about four times longer than he's gonna need.
Now the Princess of Wales hired me to bring you back safely, so hurt bad guy or no hurt bad guy, stay here.
Hey, "kill zone," take a look at this.
That's clever.
You know, how you take the last thing that I said and turn it into my nickname or something? Yeah, that's clever.
What do you think? Rotor? Yeah.
Yeah, it's kind of corroded.
I don't know.
Maybe ought to clean that up, we could get it started.
But if we're in this car and it stalls ten feet outside of the garage, we're sitting ducks.
We're already sitting ckck yeah.
Tony! [Gunfire.]
Get out of there! Wow, that was stupid.
Don't do that again! I'm sorry.
Looks like the bullet went right through the front of his vest.
Fortunately for you, it didn't go through the back.
It looks like I'll be able to stop the bleeding.
Yeah, now we're talking.
If I can get a bead on the sniper, I can take a shot at him.
We just gotta draw him out.
I think I got an idea.
So what exactly do they call this look? A technical term would be "bridge and tunnel.
" It's not gonna work.
You can still see my face.
Uh, trust me, no one's looking at your face.
[Pounding on door.]
(Man) Hey! Open up! This ain't a motel.
You take it someplace else next time, will you? Yeah.
It won't happen again.
I beg your pardon! Come on, come on.
I wasn't aware that fornicating in convenience store bathrooms was common practice.
Welcome to New York.
Are you all right? I'm mildly hypoglycemic.
Um, the stress isn't helping.
Why don't you tell me about Tony? Why? Um He was volunteering at a blood drive sponsored by one of my charities.
He offered to take my blood, not knowing it was strictly forbidden.
My mother was horrified.
I did it anyway.
You see, the thing you must understand about my marriage to Walter is that it was negotiated.
In three years we've been together, we've never experienced one true moment of happiness.
But people told me it made sense, so I believed them.
Until Tony.
In ten minutes, I knew what I'd been missing.
And I knew I could never go back, even if it meant turning my world upside down and having everyone I know think that I was crazy.
Well, it's easy for them to think you're crazy.
They've never had what you and Tony have.
It sounds like perhaps you have.
Well, she must be an amazing woman.
[Classical music.]
your highness.
I heard the news reporting she was spotted on the street.
You told me your men could handle this.
My men are not my concern.
You, on the other hand, seem to have mistaken your role in these things, Prince Walter.
If this turns sour, I won't be the one twisting in the wind for it.
You remember my name and that you work for me.
I work for the crown, your highness.
I was here before you.
And if you do not pull yourself together, I will be here long after you as well.
[Cell phone rings.]
What is it? Hmm.
We get to MacGowan's, and this will all be over very soon.
What can I get you? Uh, a couple of pints.
Couple of pints it is, then.
Say, I'm looking for a guy named Connor Dunham.
He's probably a regular.
Oh, Connor comes by quite frequently.
He'll want to know who's asking.
(Chance) Tell him it's a friend of Gerard's.
You might want to say it's urgent.
And how would Connor know him? It's a funny story, actually.
Love your earrings.
Love your accent too.
How about that new Yankee Stadium? You been there? No, not yet.
Um, I'm more of a symphony person.
I love the symphony.
You know, I'm getting the feeling that whatever I say, you'll say you love it.
I love how you put that just now.
Hey, buddy, she's spoken for.
What do you think? Get the back room ready.
Still no word from Tony? No, not yet, but I'm sure he's gonna be fine.
Whoa, slow down, your highness.
I'm loose in New York City dressed like a harlot, the love of my life is nowhere to be found, and I'm actively seeking the help of a man who spent the best part of the '80s intent upon killing me.
Given all that, I feel entitled to a drink.
Well, I can't argue with that.
(Guerrero) This guy's good.
Still no sign of him.
So what? He just waits up there forever? Or until he calls in reinforcements to storm the place.
I imagine that's not far off.
All right, dude, gotta ask you.
You're an EMT, dude.
Median income at best.
You're not in a band, yet you land a Princess? How'd you open? Open? Yeah, you know, with the Princess.
How'd you open? I don't know, man.
It's all a fog.
All a fog? Standing in front of me was the most beautiful woman I'd ever seen.
Talking with the sweetest voice I'd ever heard.
Her arm in my hand and it feels like I don't know.
Blood rushing to my head, making this rumbling sound.
Have you ever had that happen to you where you're-- all right, enough.
Not the answer I was looking for.
Whoa, what's this? That's interesting.
Look at this.
Industrial-strength anesthetic.
Why would he have a syringe full of anesthetic in his jacket if he was just supposed to kill me? (Winston) 'Cause he wasn't supposed to kill you.
Looks like the plan was to abduct you.
Abduct me? What the hell would they want to abduct me for? (Victoria) You know, I look at Tony, and he wants to help a person in need, he does it.
It doesn't require three years of committee hearings and a royal proclamation.
And all this because I seek something more than a life spent riding mares, attending dinner parties, fencing lessons.
I ask you, honestly, on my deathbed, how likely is it I will close my eyes and go to my final rest, thinking, well, thank God I made the time to become a competent fencer.
Uh, not very likely.
Why don't you just leave? Hmm? I'm sorry? Well, you're not happy.
You don't really see the point.
So why don't you just leave, like what's-his-name? Edward something.
You're talking abdication.
Yeah, exactly.
I'm heir apparent to the throne.
Abdication requires consent from parliament in all 16 commonwealths.
There's Canada, Australia 16.
Take my word for it.
Besides, my mother would never consent to it.
Nor will she ever let me be with Tony.
Well, here's how I see things.
You strip away the traditions and the titles and the scheming, vengeful husbands, I think what you're dealing with here is a typical mother-daughter situation.
I mean, unless Tony has three arms, I think your mother's gonna come around.
It's important to you that Tony and I get through this.
(Bartender) Hey, you guys, you want to see Connor, follow me.
So I guess you're Connor.
Well, ain't you a good guesser.
Where's Gerard? Gerard's dead.
Well, you're about to join him.
You know, Gerard hired me 'cause he couldn't trust anyone in that snake pit of a family.
And then yous walk in, throwing his name around.
And I'm supposed to swallow that wholesale? Now we got a name for that back home, don't we? It's called a setup.
This isn't a setup.
We're friends of Gerard's.
Well, you better offer me some proof of that.
Gerard was more than a friend.
He was like a father to me.
The most decent man I've ever known.
And the fact that he saw fit to trust you is the only reason I haven't taken that gun and emptied it into your ruddy irish face.
Well, that just about says it, eh, Connor? Sorry for trying to kill you all them years.
Apology accepted.
You got it? We're good.
[Engine starts.]
This better work, dude.
We've only got one shot at drawing him out.
[Tires squealing.]
[Shattering glass.]
Hey, dude.
Somebody else needs to drive.
There's a GPS under the dash.
You can input the address to where we're going.
You're stable.
This will help with the pain.
You might drift in and out, but nothing to worry about.
I was only following orders.
I'm sorry.
Over there.
In the back.
What's that? It's my handwriting.
I wrote these letters.
To who? To Victoria.
Why do these guys have 'em? This here is a key conversation.
Here, let's pull it up.
(Nathan) Will divert sparrow en route to the museum.
That's Nathan, and "sparrow" is the details code name for me.
(Templeton) I'm concerned about the attack en route.
And that's Templeton.
Why all the interference? It was windy last night, wasn't it? I put it all through a background noise filter.
This is the best we're gonna get.
Stalker's the threat.
Stalker is the threat.
You had a stalker? Sure, several.
Why? Sounds like they're discussing legitimate security concerns.
This is hardly proof of a conspiracy.
Is this all you got? Oh, no, there's more.
This is all I had time to process.
How much more? About two hours.
And I've only been able to put about 30 minutes through the filter.
I warned Gerard this would take time.
Well, time is something we're kinda short on right now.
[Knocking on door.]
Are you in there, Connor? Yeah, Francis.
Give us a tick, will you? Something wrong? Two knocks.
And Francis has our guns.
[Knocks on door.]
Come on, Connor, open up.
Bust it in.
Top of the morning.
Well, there goes our evidence.
Can't yous read? Employees only.
(Chance) Winston, tell me some good news.
Well, we got Tony.
Headed back to the city now.
How are things on your end? Tony's okay.
Gerard's dead.
All that's left of his evidence is one tape, and it's awfully sketchy.
What, and you don't think it's good enough? We got something here you might find interesting.
I'm not quite sure what to make of it yet.
One of our bad guys had a bunch of letters with him, letters Tony wrote to the Princess.
They planted them in his ambulance.
Love letters? Oh, yeah.
They just weren't gonna kill Tony.
They were gonna use him as a patsy.
They grab him just before the Princess leaves for the museum.
Use his ambulance to block the motorcade.
Once the Princess was stopped, he'd lure her out of the car, out from behind the bulletproof glass.
(Tony) Let me go! Gerard, no! Out of the car now! No, get in the car! [Gunshot.]
No! Ah! (Winston) It explains why they wanted to keep Tony alive-- plant the murder weapon in his hand.
All these love letters in the ambulance make him look like a stalker.
Everything's all wrapped up in a bow for the front page.
Listen, Winston, we need those letters to corroborate Gerard's tape.
I mean, separately, they're nothing, but together, they link Templeton to the plot.
[Emergency sirens.]
(Connor) You hear that? You should be on your way.
You know what I'm thinking? Yeah, that we all gotta get to the Queen together.
We all need to get to the Queen together.
We're on the way.
All right.
Come on.
We're gonna make a visit to the museum.
But how will we get in? I mean, Templeton's gonna have the place surrounded by guards.
We won't go in the front door.
Connor, thanks.
Sorry about the mess.
I've seen worse.
[Indistinct chatter.]
[Breathing heavily.]
I told you not to look down.
I think I made it abundantly clear to you how I feel about heights.
This is barely 20 feet.
It hardly qualifies as heights.
Even if you did fall, you'd probably break something, but you wouldn't die.
One of my men has just informed me that a silent alarm in the East wing has been tripped.
Ah, the Princess is here.
She's trying to get to her mother.
Have the motorcade brought round.
I'm going to have the Queen removed from the premises immediately.
I'll have my men secure the area.
The Princess will not leave here alive.
Wasn't so bad, was it? Honored you could make it.
Let's be civilized about this, shall we? Gents.
[Victoria screams.]
Come on.
You feeling better about those fencing lessons? Yeah.
[Indistinct chatter.]
Where's your mother? There.
I've just gotten word from the nypd.
There's a credible threat against the Queen.
I need her out of this building right now.
Excuse me, your majesty.
This way, please.
This way.
Mother! She's your wife.
Get her under control.
Mother! Wait.
Victoria, what in God's name-- Tony, what the hell are you doing? Come on! Tony.
You're killing me, you know that? Stop! Mother-- stop! Victoria.
What is the meaning of this? Mother, this is Tony.
He's-- I can see.
Walter tried to kill me for it.
Templeton too.
And we have evidence to prove it.
Things are not as they seem, your majesty.
All part of your duty to protect the crown? Always.
She's my daughter.
So you intend to marry this man? If he'll have me.
Then I can also assume you plan to abdicate your claim to the throne.
Not without a fight, I won't.
Well then, this is a much longer conversation for another time.
Victoria, who's this? Christopher Chance, her majesty the Queen.
Thank you, Mr.
(Reporter) Vast crowds await the arrival of the Princess both inside and outside of the hall.
A romance that played out both in the tabloids-- maybe he's got family money.
Let it go, man.
Things like this don't just happen, dude.
It ain't natural.
Why do you even care? She's got, like, four castles, dude.
Not four homes, four castles.
One of them sits on, like, 50,000 acres.
And that's the summer house.
Well, they don't belong to her.
They belong to the Queen.
Yeah, but when the old lady kicks it, it all goes Victoria And Prince Tony.
Did you ever stop to think that maybe, just maybe she fell for this guy because he saves people for a living? Because he throws himself out there to help people who are in need? I bet he is in a band.
You a hot mess.
It's not like I never had my shot with royalty.
A stripper wearing a tiara does not constitute royalty.
Not talking about her, dude.
Talking about Ruki.
Ruki? Third daughter to a Maasai warrior chief.
She dug me.
Timing didn't quite work out.
I'm just saying, I know what I'm talking about here.
What, you don't believe me? Not even a little bit.
Ask Chance.
He was there, he'll vouch.
All right, fair enough.
When Chance comes back from the wedding, I'll ask him if you in fact had the opportunity to marry into an African bush monarchy.
Back from the wedding? Yeah.
He's not at the wedding.
What do you mean he's not at the wedding? I saw him get the plane ticket and the invitation.
Yeah, he's at the wedding.
What do you mean? He's not at the wedding.
Well, where the hell is he? [Cell phone rings.]
Shouldn't you be getting married right now? Well, I'm to it is a breach of protocol for them to begin without me.
Did you not get my invitation? Well, I'm not a big fan of weddings.
I can tell by the roar of the crowd that you're still a royal.
Well, mother's warming to the idea.
You were right, I got my happy ending.
Well, you had a 50/50 chance.
I was rooting for you.
You know, you never told me her name, the woman who turned your world upside down.
Her name was Katherine.
Would you tell me what happened to her? Enjoy your wedding day, your highness.
[Phone beeps.]

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