Mercy s01e11 Episode Script

We're All Adults

[ door closes .]
Just got some breakfast.
You just getting in? - Yeah, heh.
Good night.
- [scoffs.]
I've barely seen you all we.
Man, this stakeout thing Is wreaking havoc on my sex life.
- All right, here.
Come on.
Come on.
Let's knock it out quick, though, okay? - Yeah, I'll pass.
- Nick, can you move your gun? - Just put it on the shelf.
- Nuh-uh.
Look, I told you.
I don't touch these things, all right? - [groans.]
Look [clears throat.]
- Just put it away.
- You know what you need? Go shooting.
Get familiar.
People fear what they don't understand.
- I work in a hospital, Nick.
I understand perfectly what a gun does.
- Come on.
Let me take you.
We can go at lunch.
It'll be fun.
- Listen up, we got two Seton Hall students coming up from the E .
They've just been diagnosed with meningitis.
- Bacterial? - Viral.
- The better of the two.
- It can still be fatal if we don't treat it early.
- Handle with care.
- I want you to know, if we die, You were the best roommate I ever had.
- Shut up.
We have midterms on Monday.
How long are we gonna be here? - It depends on how well Your buddies respond to the treatment.
You have a serious infection In the fluid around your spinal cord.
This isn't something we want to rush.
Get them started on acyclovir, And check the pcr results.
- How did we even get this? - It gets in through your lungs, mucous membranes.
So you could have gotten it Through sharing a lipstick or a drink.
- Or by making out at that warehouse party On Saturday night.
- Okay, this is us.
So, Lily, I have to ask: Besides Samantha, have you been intimate with anyone else? - Do I have to tell you that? - There's someone else that can be infected.
- Right, well, there's just Nathan.
- Just Nathan.
- And who's Nathan? - He's my boyfriend.
- He's Samantha's boyfriend? Does she know about this? - I don't think so.
I mean, I sure didn't tell her.
[telephone ringing.]
- Sonia, this is Harold Pindus.
He has a failing hand transplant.
And the infection appears to be spreading.
Isn't this something that his transplant team Should look at? - Yeah, they're in Louisville.
Stipe Memorial.
I already put in a call.
- Don't call them.
- Well, we need to find out Why your body's rejecting the hand.
- I can shed some light on that.
I stopped taking the drugs.
- Why would you do that? - 'cause I don't want it.
- Am I missing something here? You're one of, like, Who have this.
You should be grateful.
- I was grateful to have a hand again.
I was so grateful, I wanted to thank the donor's family.
That's when I found out he had a record.
Two convictions.
Second degree sex offenses.
On a child.
They gave me the hand of a pedophile.
Now I want you people to cut it off.
move forward, fall back, life is like that and we're just getting started one thing's for sure ain't no remedy if you want to get right then you better get right with me hey hey if you wanna get right then you better get right with me get right with me - Check out my latest tweet.
- Aloud, please.
- Sorry, angel.
- "six hours and bleeding from our eyes and ears.
"happy side effect: Boobs have grown a full cup size.
Will post pics if not dead soon.
" - You're gonna cause a riot on campus.
- Look who stopped by.
- Hello, ladies.
- Nathan! - Ohh, how 'bout that spinal tap? That sucked.
- How are you feeling, baby? - A little rough.
I thought the stiff neck Was from spanking it or something.
And I'm, like, blowing mud like a fire hydrant.
- Gross.
- Yeah.
'sup, Lils? - Hey.
- This is a courtesy visit.
Hospital policy is to keep you guys isolated.
I-I can't sleep in here with my girl? - No, you can't.
This is a hospital.
You need to rest in your own rooms.
Give your immune systems a chance to fight this off.
- Ten minutes.
Okay, guys? All: Okay.
- Okay.
- That poor girl has no idea That her boyfriend is nailing her roommate.
- [whispering.]
I know.
Two-timing boyfriend, girls macking on girls.
It's like the real world: Cancun.
- Uck.
I'm so glad I am a grown-up.
- Oh, my God, really? You're gonna tell me you don't see it? - See what? That those three kids Are a mirror image of you, sands, and ladypants.
- Excuse me, I'm not macking on ladypants, So there goes your theory right there.
- Yeah, not yet.
- I'm not participating in this conversation.
- But you are participating in a love triangle.
- No, I was participating in a triangle, With Mike and Chris.
But it was dismantled.
So now I'm just, you know, I'm a dot.
I'm a dot.
A mature, responsible dot.
Gillian and Chris, they're a line.
They're a line, but that line Has nothing to do with my dot.
So, you see, no triangle here.
- Wow.
The fact that you got really defensive and weird Really convinced me.
- Good.
- What about can't help falling in love? Elvis is good, right? - He's fine.
- Fine means you don't care.
- Hi, um, we have to choose a song for our first dance.
Craig is being difficult.
- No, fine means fine.
Right? - Actually, I think it means stop talking.
How 'bout I got you, babe? - That is a great idea.
- How about no song? I shouldn't be dancing in public anyway.
It's just embarrassing For everyone.
- [coughs.]
- Uh, I understand that you fainted During your dress fitting.
- Took a header right off the platform.
I'm good, but the wang knockoff needs a few stitches.
- [chuckles.]
it's a medical pun.
- Plus, I have, like, And Craig here still hasn't gotten his suit fitted.
- Your--your blood work shows an elevated white cell count.
- Okay, doctor time.
- Now, the--the high fever, Coughs, aches, dehydration, This is all consistent with the flu.
But I think we're going to keep you here overnight, Just so we can keep an eye on you.
Okay, mystery solved.
I have to check on the florist.
Give me the binder.
- Uh-uh.
- Craig.
- Are you having abdominal pain? - Oh, no.
It's nothing.
I just am a little bloated from this new diet, so - Bloated? Honey, you've lost like 20 pounds.
- Why don't I just take a closer look? Excuse me.
Let's see.
Well, we have a little fluid buildup.
Let's schedule an ultrasound.
I'd like to take a closer look.
- Okay, fine.
But you are going to the men's wearhouse, buddy.
No excuses.
[velcro rips.]
- Your pressure's dropped.
The infection's getting worse.
You're gonna have to go back on your medication, Harold.
- No, I don't.
If I want my hand to turn purple, Wither, and fall off, you can't stop me.
This is America.
- We can't just amputate a limb Just 'cause somebody doesn't want it.
- Oh, really? So if somebody sewed Hitler's head to your body, You'd be okay with that? - I really don't think that's the same thing.
- Answer the question, Hitler head.
- First of all, there's no such thing as a head transplant.
Second, if I'm really forced To continue taking this question seriously, I think Hitler's head's decomposed by now.
- Oh, but putting those two things aside, You'd be fine? - Let me ask you a question Harold.
Are you a child molester? - No.
- Well, there you go.
- I read the police reports.
- Harold Why would you do that? - Because I had to know, I Look, I'm just a regular guy, okay? I don't think about, like, energy or whatever.
But I know this hand is bad.
And I lie awake at night and I think about The things that it's done And the children that it hurt.
And I imagine that it's infecting me.
- Where's your wife in all this? What does she say? - She didn't have to say anything.
I could see it in her face.
We separated three weeks ago.
Do you understand now? - Yeah, I guess I do.
- Then help me.
- The one is sleeping with her roommate's boyfriend.
The roommate has no idea.
Campus sounds like an absolute petri dish.
And the way they carry on, It's a wonder how anyone makes it out of that university With a functioning immune system, right? - YeahIt's a real soap opera over there.
- So, uh, what about the girls? I heard that they were, you know - God, seriously? That's so predictable.
- I got a patient walking around With the hand of a child molester.
I'm allowed the image of a girl-on-girl kiss If only to cleanse my mental palate.
- Wow.
- Chris, we are not at the stage yet Where you can say slightly creepy things in public, [whispering.]
and I have to play along.
- Believe me, sweetie, it gets a lot creepier.
- [laughing.]
- Guess who! - Um - [laughing.]
- Simone! - Hi.
- What are you doing here? Ohh! - I was in the city with a couple of days to kill, So I figured I'd surprise you.
- Um, uh, this is Simone, everybody.
This is my sister.
- Oh, my God, you must be Veronica.
I am so happy to meet you.
- Oh, no, this is Gillian.
That's Veronica right there.
- [whispering.]
- Oh.
Oh, I am so sorry.
- No, no, no, no, no.
Hi! - Hi.
- I'm just on my way to go file some charts.
But it is so good to finally meet you.
- You too.
- Just, uh, here I go.
- Okay.
- Uh, we were about to grab some lunch.
You wanna join us? - Oh, I would love to.
I am starving.
- So the beaches in Biarritz are amazing.
It is the surfing capital of France.
Chris, you have got to go.
- I have got a job, so - Okay, do not let this whole Responsible doctor act fool you.
He did time, you know.
- Hmm? - Stole a car.
- I didn't steal a car.
I rode in a car that was stolen by her.
- Legally, it doesn't matter.
Because if I held up a liquor store And murdered a guy while you were waiting in that car, You would have gone down for murder too.
I was engaged to a D.
For a minute - See, that's what she does.
She says that kind of stuff and it doesn't make sense, And then all of a sudden you're giving her 3,000 bucks, And she's gone.
- So, uh, Simone, What is your plan now that you're back? - I took cooking classes while I was in Paris.
- Really? I have always wanted to do that.
Ever since I saw Sabrina.
- Right? Oh, my God, anyway, I had a total vision one night When I was walking along the Seine.
I'm gonna open my own place.
Oh, come on.
Don't do that.
It's gonna be good.
All right, a pastry chef specializing in cupcakes.
- Cupcakes? Don't you think cupcakes are a little played out? - Not mine.
I've got a different take.
Anyway, guys, this lunch, it's on me.
- What? I just-- You just watched me pay at the cash register.
- Oh, right.
Thank you.
- Hey, Chris, can I grab you for a second? - It's great to meet you.
- So let's talk all about - I'm not gonna cut a guy's hand off.
- Why? What's it to you? - Because it's functional.
At least there's no reason to believe it wouldn't be If he would take his meds.
- It's like this thing that he never asked for.
And it's got all this weird baggage.
And it's ruining his life.
And he doesn't want it.
Can't you understand that? - Yes.
Yes, I can.
All right, screw it.
We'll cut off the sister.
The hand.
- All right, so this is gonna be a little cold.
- [coughing.]
- Sorry.
On the iliac bone, lower.
- SoHow many people are in your wedding party? - Oh, god, like seven.
Is that obnoxious? - No.
- Craig and I are from Arizona, And everybody's coming in next week.
- Great.
- Show me the ovaries.
[ultrasound echoing.]
- What color are your bridesmaid dresses? - Um, apple green.
- There.
- I'm having second thoughts, though.
I mean, it's a really springy color.
What? What is it? What are you looking at? - We're looking at Several growths here.
- Wow.
Is there any reason I shouldn't start freaking out right now? That means cancer, right? - We don't know that.
- We would have to do a biopsy to be sure.
- Okay, let me ask you something.
Have you ever seen growths like this And had it not be cancer? - I'm sorry.
- Um, m-maybe we should call Craig.
- So how was lunch? - Uh, great.
She's a lovely girl.
- Hey, Lily, you okay? - Uh, yeah, I'm fine.
Nothing to see here.
- Good God, they're mating.
- Don't you guys like, uh, knock? - What are you doing? You are both very, very sick.
- We're sorry.
It's just that we're stoned.
- You're stoned? How are you stoned? - Shh! Shh.
- Once I have already said it, You can't say "shh," Nathan.
The words already happened.
Like these words right now are happening.
- Hey, can we order falafel? - Um - Do you realize that your girlfriend Is right next door? - Quiet down, loud talker.
- We just figured If there is a chance that we could die, We might as well go out with a bang.
- Maybe you should think about Going out with a clear conscience, - Are these hospital cupcakes? - [laughing.]
- Well, they are in a hospital.
- Ooh, good one, stoner.
Where did those cupcakes come from? - [laughing.]
- I know where they came from.
[heart monitor beeping.]
- Buyer's remorse, huh? - He has his reasons.
- Dr.
Sands, stop.
Step away from the hand.
- Harold, this is Mr.
Hightower represents Stipe Memorial.
- Oh, good.
Maybe he can explain Why it's so damn important to them That I keep this monstrous hand.
- You signed a contract To refrain from post-operative behaviors That would compromise their ability To track the efficacy of the procedure.
- What are you even talking about, you pompous blowhard? You sewed a child molester's hand on me! - Chief among these banned behaviors Is refusal to take your anti-rejection medication.
- Fine! Sue me! - Well, Harold, the thing is They say that they're gonna sue the hospital too If we cut it off.
- They can't do that, can they? - Our lawyers are looking into it.
I think--I think you're stuck with it.
Just for the time being.
- Well, they can't force me to take the drugs.
I'll go home, and I'll let the hand rot.
- You'll die if you do that.
- I don't care! - Orderly! - Just wait.
- The patient's made a clear suicidal threat.
You're obligated to place him under a psych hold.
- Psych hold? What's that mean, "psych hold"? - It means they won't let you go home.
- The results of your biopsy came back.
The cancer's late stage and aggressive.
- I don't understand.
How could we have missed this? - Ovarian cancer is very rare in women of Sharra's age.
It's easy to overlook.
- Does this mean I can't have children? - Probably so.
- I wanted kids.
We talked about that.
- What do I need a kid for? Everybody says they ruin your life, right? Look, we'll adopt.
It's okay.
Just need you to get better, okay? - Sharra, one of your tumors Is impinging on your aorta.
If it continues to grow, it could be deadly.
I want to have it removed.
- You mean surgery? - Well, the problem is, Your oxygen saturation is It's 89% because of the flu.
It's very low.
It raises the surgical risk To an unacceptably high level.
- Listen, I'm gonna do everything that I can To clear your lungs and get your pulse ox up to 100.
As of right now, you're my only patient.
- Take that stuff away.
- We still need a song.
- Craig, it's over! - Okay, you may want to try, like, Just a quarter of that and see how that goes for you.
- Hey.
Just what the hell do you think you're doing? - What are you talking about? You said I could hang out.
- Selling pot cupcakes in the hospital Was not part of the deal.
- Well, excuse me.
I am not selling anything.
These bad boys are samples.
- Are you insane? - What are you--since when are you against a little weed? - Those kids have meningitis.
This is no time for them to be getting high.
- Okay, what am I, a doctor? - No, which is exactly why you shouldn't be Giving them drugs in a hospital.
And not to mention it's illegal.
I can't believe I actually have to explain this to you.
- I was just trying to make people feel better.
Look, they're natural.
They come from the earth.
How much of your life comes from the earth? - I have a lot of degrees, Simone, But I have no idea how to answer that retarded question.
- Okay, wait, wait, wait.
- You need to go now.
- Well, could you at least recommend a good bar? Because these things make me thirsty.
- What are you doing up here? - [sighs.]
I'm depressed.
I have a 26-year-old patient with late-stage ovarian cancer.
- Oh, that's rough.
- Yeah.
And she's lovely.
She's about to get married.
And she's my age.
We could We could be friends.
- Try and keep a little distance.
You'll be more help to her that way.
Also, if you don't cry every time you look at her.
- I know, I'm not crying.
I ju [sighs.]
I just came up here to clear my head for a second.
And find out the latest on the show.
So [chair squeaks.]
What's the latest? - WellThey were totally doing it in there.
- Nathan and Lily? My God.
Poor Samantha.
I feel so bad for her.
- Why? She's young.
She'll meet someone else.
Lily and Nathan are meant to be together.
They met first during the presidential campaign.
They totally bonded going door to door for Obama.
- Aww.
- See, but Lily hadn't broken up With her high school boyfriend yet.
So Nathan didn't think That he'd ever get a shot at her again.
So he ended up going out with Samantha, Who turned out to be Lily's roommate.
- No.
- [whispering.]
I know, right? - WellI'm on team Lily, 'cause, you know, she's you, right? - No, she's not.
I am an adult.
We are all adults.
Chris, Gillian, everybody.
All adults.
- Mm-hmm.
- All you need is little Mike, And then you've got the whole movie.
- when I was young I had imaginary friends and, boy, did we have fun one day my mother told me they were just pretend - Hey, can I get a shot of bourbon With a beer back? Preferably something european.
- Serious order.
- Yeah, it's been a serious day.
- So here's to life.
- Can you get a shot for my friend here? He looks like he could use one.
- Put it on my tab, Jamie.
- Merci.
- She drinks bourbon and speaks french.
- My name is Simone.
- Mike.
- Good to meet you, Mike.
[glasses clink.]
- Likewise.
- What's going on? - You're at mercy hospital, samantha.
You had a seizure.
- [weakly.]
- Yeah, you're okay, samantha.
- Where am I? - You're at mercy hospital.
- There you go.
- Can you call my mom? I want my mom.
- Yeah.
Yeah, I can call your mom.
- Frankie is gonna take you back to your room, okay? - Okay.
Come on, there you go.
- Thank you.
- Is she okay? - She suffered some memory loss, But that's normal after a seizure.
Yeah, it'll come back.
- That's good, right? - Well, that depends on what she remembers.
- Let's get you back to your room, Lily.
- I screwed everything up.
I guess I thought that me and Nathan Were supposed to be together forever.
But that's not true.
I stirred up all this drama, And now samantha's really sick.
- Excuse me.
- Okay.
- Now, sharra, repeat after me.
From this day on, I choose you, Craig barrow, To be my husband.
- From this day on, I choose you, Craig barrow, To be my husband.
- To love and cherish in sickness and in health.
- To love and cherish In stage three ovarian cancer and health.
- For richer or for poorer As long as we both shall live.
- For richer or poorer, As long as we both shall live.
- By the powers vested in me By the great state of new jersey, I now pronounce you man and wife.
[cheers and applause.]
[marching band playing bruce chanel's hey baby.]
- Sorry, it was either this or the theme from star wars.
- Thank you.
It's perfect.
Crowd: hey hey, baby - Try to make me look good.
All: I wanna know would you be my girl hey hey, baby I wanna know would you be my girl [piano jazz.]
- Hey.
Good cake.
- Is there any marijuana in it? - No, I banished my sister from the hospital.
- Ah.
- She would totally do that, though.
She'd make a pot cake, and then she'd dose it To some unsuspecting doctors while they're on duty.
God, she's such a pain in the ass.
- Chris, take it easy.
She's not even here.
Besides, you told me in iraq you thought she was fun.
- We were having an affair.
I didn't want to seem like an angry guy.
- Do you hear those-- you hear those sirens? that she's involved.
She's probably driving the fire truck.
It's not all her fault, though.
Our house wasn't the easiest place to grow up.
I think, uh I think, when I left for college, It was hard on her.
I wish I had been there.
- Well, you're here now.
Right? Anyway, I will see you later.
- Hey.
- Do you mind if I take this one for a test drive? - That was nice, what you did.
- It was nothing.
Is she gonna die? - I hope not.
Oh, reverend.
Would you mind taking these beverages? Chloe, would you like to dance? - Oh! No, no.
I don't know how.
- Well, chloe, I'm so good that you don't have to know how.
Besides, it's a wedding.
We should dance.
- why, oh, why - Oh! Whoo! [laughing and squealing.]
- can I keep you close to me - Oh! [cheers and applause.]
- I started life right-handed.
Took me a long time to learn to write with this one.
- People can get used to anything, I guess.
- I relearned most things, But there was one thing I could never do.
It's kind of an overrated custom, don't you think? - Thank you.
- Hey, you think that wedding reception's still going on? I could eat an entire sheet of cake right now.
- Probably gone already.
That marching band looked ravenous.
- Yeah, probably.
It has been, like, five hours, And I can still smell that gunpowder on me.
- It's in your nose.
Gets on the hairs in there.
[running footsteps.]
- What's going on? - Some dude just locked himself in o.
Three, And I guess he won't come out.
- Harold! Don't! Harold, don't! Please, stop him! [pounding on door.]
- Harold? [saw whirring.]
Harold! Put it down.
[saw whirring.]
- Harold, stop it! - Uhhhh! - Harold! - Aahhh! - What's going on? - You're at mercy hospital, samantha.
You had a seizure.
- [weakly.]
- Yeah, you're okay, samantha.
- Where am I? - You're at mercy hospital.
- There you go.
- Can you call my mom? I want my mom.
- Yeah.
Yeah, I can call your mom.
- Frankie is gonna take you back to your room, okay? - Okay.
Come on, there you go.
- Thank you.
- Is she okay? - She suffered some memory loss, But that's normal after a seizure.
Yeah, it'll come back.
- That's good, right? - Well, that depends on what she remembers.
- Let's get you back to your room, Lily.
- I screwed everything up.
I guess I thought that me and Nathan Were supposed to be together forever.
But that's not true.
I stirred up all this drama, And now samantha's really sick.
- Excuse me.
- Okay.
- Now, sharra, repeat after me.
From this day on, I choose you, Craig barrow, To be my husband.
- From this day on, I choose you, Craig barrow, To be my husband.
- To love and cherish in sickness and in health.
- To love and cherish In stage three ovarian cancer and health.
- For richer or for poorer As long as we both shall live.
- For richer or poorer, As long as we both shall live.
- By the powers vested in me By the great state of new jersey, I now pronounce you man and wife.
[cheers and applause.]
[marching band playing bruce chanel's hey baby.]
- Sorry, it was either this or the theme from star wars.
- Thank you.
It's perfect.
Crowd: hey hey, baby - Try to make me look good.
All: I wanna know would you be my girl hey hey, baby I wanna know would you be my girl [piano jazz.]
- Hey.
Good cake.
- Is there any marijuana in it? - No, I banished my sister from the hospital.
- Ah.
- She would totally do that, though.
She'd make a pot cake, and then she'd dose it To some unsuspecting doctors while they're on duty.
God, she's such a pain in the ass.
- Chris, take it easy.
She's not even here.
Besides, you told me in iraq you thought she was fun.
- We were having an affair.
I didn't want to seem like an angry guy.
- Do you hear those-- you hear those sirens? that she's involved.
She's probably driving the fire truck.
It's not all her fault, though.
Our house wasn't the easiest place to grow up.
I think, uh I think, when I left for college, It was hard on her.
I wish I had been there.
- Well, you're here now.
Right? Anyway, I will see you later.
- Hey.
- Do you mind if I take this one for a test drive? - That was nice, what you did.
- It was nothing.
Is she gonna die? - I hope not.
Oh, reverend.
Would you mind taking these beverages? Chloe, would you like to dance? - Oh! No, no.
I don't know how.
- Well, chloe, I'm so good that you don't have to know how.
Besides, it's a wedding.
We should dance.
- why, oh, why - Oh! Whoo! [laughing and squealing.]
- can I keep you close to me - Oh! [cheers and applause.]
- I started life right-handed.
Took me a long time to learn to write with this one.
- People can get used to anything, I guess.
- I relearned most things, But there was one thing I could never do.
It's kind of an overrated custom, don't you think? - Thank you.
- Hey, you think that wedding reception's still going on? I could eat an entire sheet of cake right now.
- Probably gone already.
That marching band looked ravenous.
- Yeah, probably.
It has been, like, five hours, And I can still smell that gunpowder on me.
- It's in your nose.
Gets on the hairs in there.
[running footsteps.]
- What's going on? - Some dude just locked himself in o.
Three, And I guess he won't come out.
- Harold! Don't! Harold, don't! Please, stop him! [pounding on door.]
- Harold? [saw whirring.]
Harold! Put it down.
[saw whirring.]
- Harold, stop it! - Uhhhh! - Harold! - Aahhh! - How you feeling? - It hurts.
Even with the morphine, I can tell it's gonna be a bitch.
- Haircuts and surgery.
Things we don't do to ourselves.
- We'll get through it.
- I had to do it, you know.
- You could have bled out.
- I thought I could be okay with it, but I couldn't.
Some things, you just can't live with, you know? - Yeah, I know.
[loud music playing.]
- Anyway, I've been mugged before, And I can take care of myself.
But my pepper spray was confiscated by customs.
So I maced the guy with this little bottle of chanel That I bought at the duty-free.
[both laugh.]
- at least you smelled good.
- Exactly.
- So you've really been around.
- Watch it.
- No, no, I just mean I mean, I've barely been out of jersey.
Grew up seven blocks from this bar.
I married my grade school sweetheart.
Now that's over.
What a waste.
- You need to get out of here.
- What I need Is to figure out what I'm gonna do with my life.
- Yeah, well, you're not gonna figure it out Sitting here.
You need to go somewhere where you would never go.
Just get jersey city out of sight, out of mind.
You need to go on a vision quest.
- Vision quest? - Hey, what's going on here? - Hey! - How do you guys know each other? - This is my brother.
- Your sister Is a real inspiration.
See you later, simone.
- Bye, mike.
- Did you have sex with him? - No! Why would you say that? - Precedent.
Brad longo, sophomore year.
- I did not have sex with brad longo.
We did other stuff.
And anyway, what was that? - Simone, why are you here? - You mean besides money? Okay, it's money.
But it's not my fault this time.
Remember, I was living with that guy and michelle.
- Yeah, the hedge fund guy.
- Well, his fund, like our relationship, Was a spectacular failure.
- How much did you lose? - You know, I don't know.
But it's manageable.
I'll just wait a couple weeks and hit up mom.
I really liked him, Chris.
- Yeah, I'm sorry.
- Yeah, well, you know, it's okay.
So, anyway, how are things with you? - Um, good, you know.
I like my job all right, And gillian's great.
- Hmm.
- What? You don't like her? - Oh, no, I think gillian's great.
- I do.
But she's not veronica, is she? - You don't even know veronica.
- Well, I feel like I do, After everything that you told me.
AndI'm sorry, but when you came back from iraq I don't know, I've never seen you like that before.
You were glowing.
- It was the malaria shots.
- You came all this way for her.
And everyone else thought you were crazy, But I didn't-- I was rooting for you.
So what happened? - It's a long story and Why don't you come back to my house? I'll tell you all the sordid details.
- Really? - Come on.
- So I can stay? - Yeah.
- Oh, goody, goody, goody! - R a few days.
You can't stay forever.
- Thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you! I promise I'll behave.
- Hope you're hungry.
- I am, yeah.
- Maybe one of us should learn how to cook.
- we might be strangers however close we get - Rick - Hmm? - I hate your gun.
- [laughs.]
- I'm serious.
- UhBut you kicked ass today.
So I thought you were cool with it.
- I lied.
- I'm a cop, sonia.
I need a gun.
- I know.
But you don't have to leave it lying around the house Or the car.
- Okay, yeah.
- And maybe you can take it off when you hug me from now on.
- sometimes it's like we never met but you and I I think we can take it - How's she doing? - The infection seems to have run its course.
And phenytoin should keep her free From any further seizures.
So the other two left today? - Yeah.
Yeah, their parents came in and picked them up.
They're just dumb kids.
It's crazy, huh? Glad I'm not in college anymore.
- If you're gonna make a play for Chris, I'd appreciate it if you did it soon.
- Gillian, wait.
There--I know that you're with Chris.
- I just don't want a big soap opera here.
I want people to beAdult.
And honest.
Say what they mean.
Is that too much to ask? - your eyes shine brighter than our biggest love - Is it time? - so be still - It's time.
- be still take hand tonight - Um I don't think they're gonna let you wear your rings.
- I could have died in the throes of the chill from your eyes your arms hold me up tonight only the sweetness follows follows you home down the street by the lake in the winter with you
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