Roswell s01e11 Episode Script

Toy House

- Previously on Roswell.
- Who else knows this? - No one.
- What about your parents? We don't tell anyone.
We sort of think our lives depend on it.
I hate lying to her.
Shouldn't we at least, like, exchange pleasantries? - How you doin'? - Mmm.
We have emotions.
We feel pain.
We probably have more questions about ourselves than you do.
I can't get this involved.
I'm alone, and that's the way it's gotta be.
Human-alien relationships are bound to be disasters.
We don't belong together.
Sometimes you have to take a step back to see what's really going on.
No, wait, Max.
- What do you want? - [Children Laughing.]
Why don't you put a little more garlic in that, Mom? You know how I get when your father's away on business, honey.
Fried foods, red meat.
- You're a real party animal.
- Oh, shut up.
So, what's that? Biology? Yeah.
Everything you always wanted to know about a dead frog.
Not my strongest subject.
Mine either.
But I have a good lab partner.
- She's really good in science so - She? - Mom - Well, I'm just curious.
Does, uh, she have a name? - Liz.
- Oh, right.
Liz Parker.
- Isn't she the one that came by the other day? - Yeah.
So, what are you, just friends or - Yeah, just - Aaah! Mom! Watch out! Oh.
! You all right? You all right? Oh, Max.
I, uh l-I think so.
You're lucky you didn't get hurt.
You sure you're all right, ma'am? Oh, I'm fine, really.
Thank you.
At least we know the security system's working.
Yeah, thanks.
Sorry you guys had to come out here for no reason.
Oh, no problem.
- You saved my life, Max.
- Mom, l I just Poured water on it.
You told me.
You look tired, Mom.
Why don't you go upstairs and get some rest? [Knocking.]
I got it.
Really, I'm I'm fine.
Who's there? Oh, Sheriff.
- Mrs.
- Won't you come in? Thank you.
Heard you had an incident here.
Just want to make sure everything's okay.
Oh, we're fine, really.
Just a little grease fire.
But thank God my son put it out.
Well, no injuries? - We're fine.
- Hmm.
Actually, the fire department just came here, so Yeah, I know.
It never hurts to double-check.
It looks a lot worse than it really was.
From the damages, I'd say you had quite a fire here.
- That must've been pretty scary.
- Well, yeah.
For a moment there, Sheriff, I wasn't sure what was gonna happen.
The flames were coming right at me, and they were they were high.
- How high? - I don't know.
Maybe five feet.
- Maybe higher.
- Max saved the day.
Oh, Sheriff, he didn't hesitate.
He just came right in, pulled me out of the way poured this pot of water on it and suddenly everything was okay.
It was miraculous, really.
The flames were five feet high, or maybe higher and your mom, God forbid, could've caught on fire - and you put the whole thing out with one pot of water? - Yep.
I gotta hand it to you, Mr.
I'm impressed.
You ought to join our fire brigade.
Really, it was it was nothing.
There's nothing to be humble about.
You're a real hero.
So what are you saying, that mom could've - Something could've really happened to her? - It was a pretty close call.
- What exactly did she see you do? - It happened pretty fast.
I don't think she saw anything.
#[Mellow Rock Playing.]
- Okay.
- Did she tell you? About, uh, Valenti? Valenti? The fire tripped off the security system and he stopped by to check things out.
What did he say? Was he suspicious? I'm not sure.
He just kept on looking at Mom like his next project or something.
You're really upset.
This is bad.
L-I'm all right.
Max, I know you.
You only ever listen to the Counting Crows when you're really upset.
It's not just this.
It's everything.
You were right to put the brakes on the Liz thing.
Thank you.
You mentioned that.
Like 10 times.
It's just that you guys were getting so intense.
It's one thing to have a little fun, but we just can't get attached like that, Max.
I know that.
Maybe I just forgot for a while.
I know that now.
And you can live with that? I mean, you're okay with it? [Liz.]
I am definitely okay with it.
In fact, I am great with it.
'Cause we always knew that it couldn't be that it was this total impossibility.
So I'm glad that we're both able to finally just you know, get it out there.
Liz, the glass is clean.
I mean, sure, you get caught up in the excitement of it all but I'm over it.
Are you sure? 'Cause it seems like you got over it pretty quickly.
There's just no reason to let it fester, you know? You gotta just move on and not look back.
So you're not hurt.
- Hurt? - Well, by the way it happened.
It kind of seems like it was more his decision than yours.
No, not at all.
Okay? I mean, yes.
Technically, he is the one who ended it but no.
It was mutual, you know? It was, like It was, like, 90% mutual.
Liz, that's enough coffee.
Yeah, okay.
You used your powers in front of your mother? That is not fine.
Michael, I'm handling it.
All right? I hope so.
Dealing with Frick and Frack over there is one thing but we can't bring adults into this and expect them to handle it.
Adults are the enemy, Max.
Remember that.
Michael, you say everyone is the enemy.
- They are.
- Hey! - Hey.
- Hey.
Yeah, whatever.
So how's it goin'? It's great.
It's, um It's really great.
So, um, you know, about the game today and the fact that we all have seats together? You know, the way that I see it, it's just a basketball game.
We'll go, and we'll watch, and then we'll leave.
It doesn't have to be a big deal.
I agree.
It's no big deal.
It doesn't have to be this whole awkward thing.
[Boys Shouting.]
Come on.
Come on, birdies.
Come on, birdies.
Come on.
[Kids Laughing.]
Come on.
Come on, birdies.
- [Isabel.]
A bird feather.
- [Max.]
Come on, birdies.
[Screaming, Laughing.]
Max! Mom, look! Mom, just promise me you're not gonna get all nostalgic.
I won't.
So, [Sighs.]
Your brother.
He's always been so private.
Don't you think? Private? Yeah.
I mean, he's always just got his guard up a little bit.
He's Max.
It's who he is.
He's always been that way.
And that's what sort of worries me.
I mean, why do you think he's always been so secretive? Mom, I don't know.
Isabel, have you ever noticed anything about your brother? Anything unusual? - Like what? - Well, I don't know.
Anything that maybe you were unable to explain.
- Mom, what's this about? - Oh.
Forget it.
Never mind.
I guess I'm I'm just a bit shaken still from the fire.
- Mom - No, forget it.
I'm fine.
Get to the game, honey.
You're late.
Yeah, okay.
Isabel? Your sweater.
Comets! Comets! Go, team! Yea! [Shouting.]
Go, Comets! Whoo! #[Rock, Indistinct.]
Boys, boys.
Whoo! - Come on.
! - I'm sorry.
I retract that last "whoo.
" - Go, Comets! - Come on! Yeah! Let's go! Yeah! - Humans.
- What? How excited they get over someone throwing a ball through a hoop.
It's ridiculous.
Yeah! Is there room for us? Um, yeah.
Um Okay.
Excuse me.
I'm sorry.
Excuse me.
Sorry, guys.
Excuse me.
Can you just scoot, like like Yeah.
Just all the way over.
Welcome to the bleachers.
Glad you decided to be a bleacher bum.
- How you doin'? - Fine.
- Hey, Elliot, can I switch seats with you? - Sure.
I need to talk to you for a second.
Go! - Mom knows something.
- What? She was asking all these questions about you.
- She said you had secrets.
- She said that? Yeah.
She was watching this video of us from when we were kids.
But she always watches videos when Dad goes away.
She gets sentimental.
It was like she was looking for something.
We have to deal with this.
- Deal with it how? - I know that we agreed never to tell her, but But what? If your mom finds out about us, our lives are a ticking bomb.
It'd only be a matter of time before she told the wrong person.
Michael, relax.
No one's telling anyone anything.
Come on, Kyle! - [Whistle Blows.]
- God! Oh! Aaah! Oh, man! Oh, no.
No, no.
- New home delivery service? - Oh.
Actually, I was just bringing a pie over to Kyle's.
- Oh.
- Yeah.
I heard that he uh, broke his ankle, so - That's too bad.
- Yeah.
L I kind of feel a bit responsible because I distracted him at the game, and Anyway, it's not a big deal.
It's just - Pie.
- Right.
Uh, I'll see you.
Nice of you to come by, Sheriff.
I'm much better today.
Thank God Max was here, huh? I know.
Max is a nice kid, isn't he? - Special.
- He is.
I hope he's doing okay.
Seems to have been around a couple of near misses lately.
- A couple? - Yeah, well, you remember that whole shooting incident at the Crashdown Café back in September? Yeah, I remember.
What does Max have to do with that? - He never mentioned that? - No.
Sheriff, was Max involved in that somehow? [Exhales.]
Just water under the bridge, I guess.
You seem to have some sort of interest in my son.
I'd like to know why that is.
If Max was involved in some sort of crime, Sheriff Mrs.
Evans, I didn't come here to alarm you.
I just wanted to make sure that you're feeling better, and I, uh I also want to drop off this pamphlet on household emergencies.
I highlighted the section on grease fires for you.
It's helpful information, that's all.
I'll let myself out.
You have a good day.
[Saw Buzzing.]
Damn! - [Wood Clatters On Floor.]
- [Sighs.]
You're doing it wrong.
You're gripping the wood too tight.
- Look, I know how to grip.
Okay? - Apparently you don't.
Look, I have to finish this.
All right? I have my final project, and it's a disaster.
So - It doesn't look that bad.
- Oh, yeah.
I'm a regular Bob Vila.
No, I'm serious.
It's actually pretty good.
Once you put it together, the shoes can go right there.
What do shoes have to do with this? - You're making a shoe tree, right? - No, I'm making a napkin holder.
Well sure it'll be nice once you put it together.
Look, do you have something you want? I just saw you in here, and I wanted to say hi but apparently it was the wrong move.
- I'll never do it again.
- Fine.
Run away.
What the hell's going on with you? All right? I mean, what did I do? Nothing.
That's the problem.
- What? - Michael we saved your ass.
Okay? You were all flunked-out, sweating, you know running 112-degree temperature and, like, dying.
I could have walked away and never looked back.
But I didn't.
I did not walk away.
There I was, dragging your sweaty, gross body through the Indian reservation, you know getting my clothes all muddy and worrying.
'Cause, you know, l I really I thought you weren't gonna make it.
I went out on a limb for you and you hug Max and Isabel and it's all about the three of you.
I mean I mean, were you were you even gonna thank me? Thank you.
It's too late, pal.
[Woman On TV.]
Okay, hang up! Hang up! - [Knocking.]
- Hang up! - It's open.
Hang up! Hang up! Hang up! Hang up! Hang up! - [Announcer.]
And Tommy the Tiger - Hey.
- With a major slam! - Oh, it's you.
Look, I know how much you like the pie at the Crashdown so I, um I, uh Okay, I'll just put it down right here.
And I brought I brought you study notes.
For ethics.
I thought you might need them for the midterm.
Um Kyle, uh I'm really sorry about your ankle, you know.
I know how much basketball means I'm not in the mood to talk about it.
Okay? Okay.
See ya.
Max, you don't have to do that.
It's no problem.
What are you doing up so late? Mm, couldn't sleep.
This could have been a real disaster.
Thank God you were here.
Mom, really.
You're gonna give me a complex if you don't stop talking about this.
Tell me again, Max.
Tell me how you did it.
- How I did it? - Yeah.
You saw the flames, and then you did what? Well, l I ran to the stove and I grabbed the pot of water that was sitting there, and I threw it at the fire.
That's all I did.
It was a grease fire, Max.
The sheriff stopped by today and gave me this pamphlet.
And the thing is, it says right here water doesn't put out a grease fire.
Water makes a grease fire spread.
Max, what did you do? [Isabel.]
I'm home.
I thought I heard voices.
What's everyone still doing up? Oh, Max! The more time we spend doing nothing about this the more time it gives Valenti to make her curious about us.
We are dealing with two people who don't know anything.
We're dealing with two people who know something isn't right.
We can't just do a Max on this thing.
We can't just sit back and passively watch.
I'm not passively watching.
Snap out of it, okay? We're in trouble here.
- We have to do something.
- Do what? [Sighs.]
Tell her the truth.
Look, I understand how you and Michael feel but I've wanted to tell Mom every day for the last 10 years! - Isabel, I know how you feel.
- I don't think you do.
I'm her daughter.
A mother and a daughter It's just different.
Don't you see? We're not just hiding it from her now.
We're [Sighs.]
Now we're lying to her.
I don't know how much longer I can do that.
What if Mom found out it's all been a sham? If we took her family away from her, it would destroy her.
Maybe it would make us all closer.
I don't think so.
What are you saying? That if we tell Mom the truth about us, she won't love us anymore? I'm saying we'll never know the answer to that question.
This isn't just your decision.
- I know that.
- Do you? #[Woman Singing.]
- Knock, knock.
- Oh, God! Mom, you startled me.
Sorry, sweetie.
I certainly didn't mean to.
Isabel can you tell me what you remember? I mean, we've never really talked about this much about you and your brother before Daddy and I came into the picture.
Well, I don't remember much, Mom.
Well, I know, honey.
You've told me that.
And I've always accepted it.
But, honey, you were six years old.
There must be something about your life before us that you remember.
[Deep Exhale.]
Well I remember the orphanage.
Um I most clearly remember seeing you and Daddy the day that you came to adopt us and you were wearing this yellow sweater.
And I remember thinking that it looked like the sun.
That you were like the sun.
Mom, I don't know if you can understand this but the day that you and Daddy came for us that's when our lives began.
- Interesting.
- What? This whole idea that I have to apologize to you.
What's that really about? What is it about? - I'll tell you what it's about.
It's a tactic.
- Oh, it's a tactic.
That's right.
It's your way of making me think that I'm indebted to you.
Let me tell you something.
I'm not indebted to anyone.
You know, you should get yourself massive doses of therapy, like immediately.
- What are you doing? - I'm gonna fix this stupid thing and call it even.
So what color do you want? Green? White? Blue, maybe? - Give it to me! - No way.
- What is your problem? - It's cheating.
You can't just wave your hand over a problem and make it go away.
Why don't you figure out what's really going on with you why you can't piece together an apology like any normal human being.
Maybe that's the problem.
There you go.
- Hi.
- I figured it out.
- You figured what out? - It's guilt, isn't it? What are you talking about? The pie, the study notes.
It's guilt.
You feel responsible for my ankle.
No, Kyle, I don't feel I don't feel responsible for your ankle.
I just found out that I'm gonna miss the rest of the season.
Kyle I'm sorry, Kyle.
L-l Ooh.
I admit it, okay? You know, I feel a little bit responsible.
I was sitting there, and I was I was watching you at that basketball game and you were getting completely trampled.
I know what it feels like to have somebody break up with you, and I just I just wanted to say that I'm I'm really sorry.
You know, about how all of it ended and everything, and I am incredibly sorry about you missing the rest of the season.
I'm only gonna be out two weeks.
I just said that to prove a point.
Anyway, l About what happened with us.
I just want to say, you you were pretty straight with me.
And you you told me it was over, a-and and l I didn't listen I didn't let it go.
Is, um Excuse me? Are you apologizing to me? - I guess.
- Wow.
L You know, I wasn't aware that this was part of your repertoire.
- I didn't either.
- So, then, what changed? I don't know.
L-I was, like I was just layin' there for, like, two days and it gave me some time to think.
And then there was this whole thing on SallyJessy.
You know, "Exes on a Rampage," and it just it gave me some perspective, so But anyway, I think it'd be great if you know, if we could, you know, maybe we could be friends.
Well, it Um Sure.
We could We could work towards that.
So Anyway, about about lunch.
- Oh, yeah.
- I was hoping for something high in both fat and cholesterol - Ah.
- And lacking any inherent nutritional value.
I think that you are just in luck.
Let me show you.
Right here on the menu is our fatty section.
Right here.
#[Rock, Indistinct.]
- Thanks for coming in, Mrs.
- Of course, Sheriff.
- It sounded important.
- It's just there's something I thought you should see.
It's the police report from the incident at the Crashdown Café.
Max was there? - A few people identified him.
- It says he fled the scene.
- Why would he do something - You see, that's the thing, Mrs.
There doesn't seem to be any reason for him to have fled.
Now, if you turn the page there's some testimony from a Larry Trilling and Jennifer Kattler.
Now, granted, they're a couple of tourists with a serious credibility issue but they both said they saw a waitress get shot in the stomach.
- Liz Parker? - Yeah.
And they also claimed they saw someone go up to her kneel down over her put his hand over her and heal her.
Who? Oh, Sheriff.
What are you trying to tell me about my son? That he has some kind of healing powers? I just thought you should see this report.
## [Man Singing.]
[Children Laughing.]
## [Volume Decreases.]
- [Children Laughing.]
- [Birds Cooing.]
Come on.
Come on, birdies.
A bird feather.
Come on, birdies.
Can't sleep again? Max.
I want to show you something.
[Videotape Rewinding.]
Here it comes.
[Children Laughing.]
Max! Mom, look! The bird is hurt.
Something's wrong with its wing.
Okay, guys.
No, Maxie, honey, get away from the bird.
He could be sick.
Oh, look at his wing.
Look, just just leave it alone.
I think its wing is broken.
Max, honey, just put it down.
! Did you see that? [Static.]
Can you Can you help me, Max? Can you tell me what just happened? That bird had a broken wing and when you touched it, it flew away, honey.
- It came to life.
- Mom, that was 10 years ago.
And I've thought about it.
I mean, it's just one of those things that happened.
I never really understood it, but there was nothing I could do about it at the time.
So I tried to forget about it.
But some things you never forget about.
And when that kitchen fire happened I thought about it all over again.
Why are you doing this to me? - I'm not doing anything to you.
- Yes, you are.
- I just want to know.
- Why? - You're supposed to be my mother.
- I am your mother.
- You're not supposed to investigate us.
- I'm not investigating you.
- Yes, you are! - I just want to talk to you about this.
Why can't we I can't, all right? I can't talk about this with you.
Max, please, just tell me.
- Mom, no! - Max, where are you going? - Out.
! - [Door Slams.]
You healed a pigeon.
Now you're Dr.
Michael, I was six.
I didn't even know I had powers yet.
- It just happened.
- So what's the plan? That's what we're here for.
- To discuss it.
- Well, the first thing is obvious.
We get that videotape and we destroy it.
After that, it's her word against ours.
"Her word against ours"? Michael, she's our mother.
She's not your mother.
She's not related to you in any way.
Know that.
But if there's any adult that we can trust, it's her.
- Are you suggesting we tell her? - No, she isn't.
- Max, would you let me speak for myself, please? - Isabel Maybe it'll help us out one day to have an adult on our side.
The problem is, when you tell her, she's not gonna be on your side! Maybe she loves you now, but there's no such thing as unconditional love.
Michael, maybe you really don't understand, but she does love us.
- It is unconditional.
- Are you sure about that? Isabel, we are not telling her.
All right? - Stop it.
- Stop speaking to me like that.
- Like what? - Like you're the final word on everything! - I didn't say I was! - Listen to yourself! Well, Michael's right.
She's not our mother! We are alone here.
We always will be.
Stop pretending it's different.
Max, don't you see what's happening? We're losing her.
We're losing our mother.
I can't lose her.
I need her.
We're not telling her, Isabel.
That is final.
[Engine Starts.]
[Car Drives Away.]
[Bell Ringing.]
So you get your final assignment evaluated? - Yeah.
- How'd you do? I flunked, as predicted.
- What? - Yeah.
I guess I can safely rule out any career paths involving wood.
- Didn't you get my thing? - Yeah, I got it.
Well, that's ridiculous! I worked my ass off on that thing! It was beautifully crafted.
It was spring-activated to secure the napkins.
It redefined the term "napkin holder.
" Yeah, I know.
It did.
Well, how could he have flunked you? I mean, wh Because I, um l I didn't use yours.
I kept it.
Thank you.
I have something to say to you.
If anything like that happens to me again like when I got sick, don't help me.
I can't get indebted to anyone, and I can't get entangled.
I gotta be a stone wall.
And when I'm around you sometimes I don't feel like a stone wall anymore.
- Well, what do you feel like? - I don't know.
Like confused.
Like human? Yeah, and I don't wanna feel that way.
- What's up? - Nothin'.
How's it goin'? It's fine.
You all right? Yeah.
I just I want you to know that it's okay.
I mean you don't have to feel uncomfortable if you and Kyle get back together.
What? I saw you two together here yesterday.
Okay, um Max, first of all, that couldn't be further from what's happening.
And secondly if it was happening, I wouldn't need your permission, Max.
- I'm getting out of here.
You sound like Isabel.
- Why do I sound like Isabel? She's got this thing all of a sudden that I'm controlling.
- Oh, so it's her thing.
- What? Max, just take a psych class, because you are controlling.
Hey, I am who I am.
I've got a lot going on, and I'm trying to make things work.
Max, you know what your problem is? You put everything on yourself on your own shoulders.
Maybe you should have some faith in the people around you.
- I thought you might be here.
- Max.
Oh, honey, sit down.
I'm glad you're here.
I've been wanting to talk to you about something we've never discussed before.
Have you ever thought about trying to find your your real parents? I mean, because I've been thinking.
I mean, maybe there's a reason why you can't talk to me.
Maybe you need real parents for that.
Maybe your father and I just aren't enough for you.
Mom, I don't think we'll ever find our real parents.
And maybe it would, you know give us some answers, but please don't ever think that you're not enough.
I mean without you, l-l I don't know where I would even be.
Max, nothing you are could ever turn me away from you.
I mean I love you.
And you're my son.
Do you understand that? Yeah.
Then why why can't you just tell me your secret? This is for you.
- Sorry for the wrapping.
- [Chuckles.]
Your house.
I remember my first few nights in our house so well.
I hated it so much.
For Isabel it was different.
She saw you and Dad and from the very first moment, she knew she was home.
And I would lie in my bed all night and cry.
Because you wanted to go home.
And you gave me this.
And you said that it was a magic house and that if I held on to it, it would take me home.
But the thing is, it would never bring me home because I don't know where home is.
I don't remember.
That's the truth.
And if you can't accept that, then I understand.
- I could leave.
- Leave? Max, please Mom, don't ask me about this anymore.
It's nothing bad.
It's nothing dangerous.
I beg you to trust me.
I mean, you're my mother.
Please, Mom.
#[Man Singing.]
[Vehicle Approaches.]
So I guess we had an argument.
It was interesting.
I'm sorry, Iz.
Did you talk to Mom? Yeah.
- It's gonna be okay.
- You told her? No.
I'm sorry.
I just I just wanted her to know.
I wanted it so bad.
I know.
- I know you did.
- [Crying.]
We have each other.
- We're gonna be okay, Iz.
- Okay.
We're gonna be okay.

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