She-Wolf of London (1990) s01e11 Episode Script

Big Top She-Wolf

(BEAR GRUNTING) (GASPING) You like Selena? Yes, sir.
You want her, don't you? No, sir.
Yeah, I do.
And you'll give anything to have her.
Oh, sure, anything.
(LAUGHS) I thought so.
So, what do you want for her? Your soul.
(LAUGHING) You can have anything you want for her.
My spleen, my liver Kidneys, duodenum Stomach, lungs Pancreas, appendix Arms, legs! (LAUGHING) No.
Your soul will be sufficient.
MATHESON: We could go today! I do so love the circus! The lion tamer, the prancing horses! The funny little clowns! The muscular young men on the flying trapeze.
Isn't that daring young men, Elsa? You know, when I was a boy I wanted to run away and join the circus.
Why? Because it's a great adventure.
Imagine, setting up at dawn in some strange town, and then pulling up the stakes at night, and moving to another town.
It would be a life free of tedium, politics, term papers to correct.
Now, come on, doesn't that sound romantic, Randi? No.
I think it sounds kind of sad.
I mean, those people, they have no real roots, no friends, no home.
They're totally out of touch with the world today.
But my dear, did your mummy and daddy never take you to the circus? No.
We always went to Disneyland.
(ALL EXCLAIM) I declare! It's settled.
You're going to the circus.
Yes! First show's today at 3:00.
Oh! I'll polish the car.
I'll hard-boil some eggs! Julian, I would like my binoculars back.
You've had them ever since Anne Marie moved in across the road.
I suppose it could be fun.
That's the spirit.
You'll see the circus through my boyish little eyes.
(CHUCKLING) Damn everything but the circus.
(LAUGHING) You've got two rides for the price of one.
Soak it in.
(LAUGHING) Soak it in? I already want to wash it off.
(EXCLAIMING) IN DISGUST) It's all right, it just hasn't started yet.
Well, we are early.
We've beaten the crowd.
Beat 'em? I think we passed 'em going the other way.
Oh, it'll probably be better inside.
That's where all the young men with the tights are.
Julian! Do you know him? How much is it? It's bloody much more, like.
Don't you sense it? The prevailing ambiance of the Old World.
A time when families scraped together their ha'pennies for a glimpse of something magical, performed by the most colorful and interesting characters you could ever wish to meet.
One balloon, please.
So, how's life with the greatest show on Earth? L1.
Bet you've been around the circus all your life, eh? L1.
So colorful, so interesting.
Take your balloon.
Can I have your tickets, please? MRS.
MATHESON: Hurry! It's about to start! Tickets, please.
IAN: Send shivers down my spine.
Here you go.
Oh, great outfit, Danny boy.
Man, it's me, Julian, from math class.
Remember? How'd you get your old man to let you join the circus? Whoa.
Tickets, please.
Thanks for nothing, dude.
Now, now.
Try to see the circus through lan's boyish little eyes.
I said boyish, not blind.
(AUDIENCE CHEERING) Ladies and gentlemen, boys and girls.
Welcome! I am your ringmaster, Caleb Wakefield.
(AUDIENCE APPLAUDS) Today, you will enter my world.
A world of marvels and mystery.
A world of thrills and chills.
Pecs and bums.
Cheats and frauds.
For one afternoon, you will forget your cares and worries, and enjoy with me the power of imagination! You'll definitely need some imagination.
(SHUSHING) And that, ladies and gentlemen, is the magic of the circus.
And now, the moment you've all been waiting for, let the show begin! (AUDIENCE EXCLAIMING) Emma and her amazing pigeons! Mmm.
Our blindfolded knife-thrower, Tex Tucker! Ladies and gentlemen, Fire-eating Frankie.
(SIGHING) Ladies and gentlemen, boys and girls, Mr.
Electro! (EXCLAIMING IN DISGUST) This chair is wired up to 500 capacitors.
When I throw this switch, will course through his fibers.
Electro! (DRUM ROLL) (SCREAMING) (YAWNING) The sexy, sensational, swinging Selena! (AUDIENCE EXCLAIMING) (SIGHING) (AUDIENCE APPLAUDING) Dreadful! It's a mockery of everything that a circus is supposed to stand for.
I don't know.
Selena sure had a few things going for her.
(SCOFFING) I found it rather soulless.
How can you say that? It was magical.
Handsome? He was everything you said he was.
(BEAR GRUNTING) He? He's just some traveling vagabond.
Randi? Randi? Hey, cut it out! Stop! I've warned him not to practice out here, but he loves the feeling of sunlight in his face.
Why didn't he stop when I asked him to? He's deaf.
Sees no evil, hears no evil, speaks no evil.
Thank you.
It's entirely my fault.
Unhand her this instant! She could have been killed.
This is a shoddy, miserable excuse for a circus, and you, sir, should be ashamed of yourself.
You must come again.
First he steals our money, then you nearly get speared, and he has the gall to kiss you.
(SCOFFING) Don't worry.
I think he got the message.
(GASPING) You scared me.
You know my name.
And so much more.
There are no secrets here.
Only magic.
And only me.
Where's the Where's the audience? You are the audience.
The only audience that matters to me.
Tonight, they will perform just for you.
RANDl: Oh, man.
(BELL TOLLING) (PANTING) Pretty outfit.
Hey, look, would you carry my books? Certainly.
Chivalry is not dead in England.
See you later.
Wait a minute.
Isn't it customary to walk with the person who carries your books? Stop on the corner for ice cream? I'm sorry.
Some other time.
I've got a date.
A date? With who? Caleb Wakefield.
You can't! Why not? Because Because tonight's a full moon.
It's not even noon yet.
Yes, well, the sun looks very full today.
I don't like the look of it.
Maybe we should run some tests.
Could take all afternoon.
You're walking into a snake pit! I'll keep my eyes open.
RANDl: So, you were the man on the flying trapeze.
CALEB: I was an aerialist, yes.
I can't imagine getting up on one of those things.
I'd probably faint.
Oh, I doubt that.
You have a certain courage in your soul.
So, what's it like? You swing out into nothing, 200 feet above the ground, and let go.
For a moment, you're suspended in the air.
In that one moment, everything is clear, every question answered, every truth revealed.
Then you die.
Or then two hands grab yours, and swing you to the next platform.
I could never trust anyone that much.
My brother, my twin, we flew together before we could walk.
Like the Flying Wallendas? Better.
Of course.
Until the accident took away my wings.
I've been earthbound ever since.
How sad.
It was a long time ago.
Time I'm sorry, I have to go.
You're not leaving, are you? I have an appointment.
Cancel it.
Or is it a date? Is there another man in your life? No, no.
Just an animal.
I love animals! (LAUGHING) Not this one.
Trust me.
And you must trust me.
CALEB: I looked down into the crowd, and I saw her.
RANDl: From 200 feet up? Well, it was like she was standing on the platform next to me.
The most beautiful girl I'd ever seen.
She looked like an angel.
She looked like She looked like you.
Shut up.
After my performance, I ran into the crowd, searching for her.
I had to find her.
I had to make her mine.
But you never found her.
Oh, but I did.
In the arms of my brother.
They'd been married the night before.
I've never loved another woman.
Until now.
(SIGHING) The moon, the moon.
Randi! Let me go! Randi, look at yourself.
Look at yourself! I'm not changing.
I told you.
There's no secrets here.
Only magic.
You're safe tonight, and always, as long as you're with me.
ELSA: In any case, this plumbing desperately needs upgrading.
MATHESON: But there's nothing wrong with the plumbing in the first place.
Oh, this is all I need.
Where have you been? Randi, you're here! Of course.
I live here.
God, what happened? You look like hell.
I've been out all night looking for you.
Thank God, you're all right.
Was anyone hurt? No, I think everyone was feeling pretty good.
Wait a minute.
Your clothes aren't even ripped.
He's not an animal.
But you are.
Unless your clothes were off when the transformation occurred.
Nothing happened.
Nothing? Nothing.
Not even Not even But how? You have a curse.
Not anymore.
Caleb has some kind of power over me.
Yes, well, that much I noticed.
Don't you get it? I didn't change.
No (GROWLING) No (GROWLING) It's true! But how? I don't know.
But how can you not know? What was it? Was it an elixir, a spell, a ritual? No, there was no magic tea, no rain dance, no That's it, I'm under his spell.
Or maybe I'm just in love.
Oh, we've been hoping for this.
Be happy.
I am, Randi.
Believe me, I am.
There's just a few things I don't understand.
I have some questions I want to ask Caleb Wakefield.
HOBO CLOWN: Right this way, now.
Hurry, hurry.
Have your fortune told for just a couple of pounds! Follow this young lady right here.
With all due respect, Professor, it's not that complicated.
How's your tea? If it's not that complicated, why can't you explain it better to us? He is trying.
Look, I've heard nothing but rhetoric about this man's so-called powers.
Not my powers, Professor.
And they're quite extraordinary, aren't they? Oh, yes, they are.
But what qualifications do you have? I'm in the circus! We travel.
I've made a study of unnatural phenomena for years.
So have I, in considerably more detail.
Hey, you guys have something in common.
Yes, but, Professor, your studies are based on textbooks, whereas mine, on personal experience.
The mind is capable of many things.
Perhaps even more than you know.
What I know is that every full moon Randi transforms into a werewolf, and nothing short of a silver bullet can change that.
Not when she's with me.
I must go.
Professor, I've enjoyed our chat.
We must continue it at another time.
I've been talking to the man for two hours, and I still don't know anything.
Lan, if you're going to rant, I better drive.
The driver's seat is on this side.
Pick on everything.
I mean, he was sounding like an amateur psychologist.
No, worse, an amateur radio psychologist! That's redundant.
Power of the mind, indeed.
Why isn't he out curing cancer then, instead of traveling in some moth-eaten circus? I think you're jealous of him.
Jealous? What is there to be jealous about? Certainly not his wardrobe.
You're jealous because he found the cure, and you didn't.
But what is the cure? I don't know! Do you think I would question why my life would be normal again? Do you realize what this means? Randi, if you're going to rant, I better drive.
So, what are you going to do? I don't know, I may go run away with the circus.
It was your dream once.
Now it's mine.
Because he has the cure? Because I have never been so attracted to anyone in my life! And because it means I won't hurt anyone again.
I'm just concerned that if you leave with him, you'll be in danger.
How much more danger could I be in? Look, if you leave, I'll lose my best student.
You'll just have to grade me " incomplete.
" My master, I've got a present for you.
The ultimate gift.
Not a petty pickpocket or a Peeping Tom.
This is a beautiful woman with a soul.
A soul you must possess.
And she's desperate.
Quite desperate.
Half woman, half beast! A she-wolf! (LAUGHING MANIACALLY) Maybe you're right.
I am? Stop it.
Look, for the past few hours I've been thinking.
I mean, what do I really know about this guy? Where do his powers come from, and what does he want from me? That's more like it.
I don't know what came over me.
But when I'm with him, I feel I feel Sick? Revolted? Disgusted? Alive.
Perhaps you're not getting enough iron in your diet.
Don't worry.
Tomorrow, while you're busy nourishing your system, I'll have a chat with Mr.
Caleb Wakefield.
No, I'll talk to him.
You're too lightheaded.
I'll bring vitamins.
You'll bring me.
Okay, I'll bring you.
See you in the morning.
(GASPING) The flame of love burns brightly.
I cannot rest till I possess and cure your tortured soul.
Who are you? Where did you come from? How did you cure I free you with my love, with my desire, with the burning of our hearts, (KNOCKING ON DOOR) IAN: Randi? Breakfast.
Bacon, eggs, sausage, coffee, toast and a great, big, juicy Multivitamin.
(SIGHS) (BELL RINGS) They're gone.
Afraid so.
Did you miss the show? Chips and eggs.
I beg your pardon? That's what I made him for lunch that day.
A simple meal, but he enjoyed it.
Your husband? Oh, Donald Sherman.
You know him? No.
Hardly anyone remembers him.
It's been 12 years.
I saved his shirts.
Twelve years since he died? He loves the elephants, but not the clowns.
He hates clowns.
Says they're scary.
And he's such a big man, too.
Ma'am, can I take you someplace? Oh, no.
I've got to catch up with them.
The circus? I've already packed my sandwiches.
They're always one step ahead of me.
He's not dead, you know.
I'd feel it if he were.
He hates clowns.
And he's such a big man, too.
Says they're scary.
(ECHOING) Hates clowns Hate's clowns Says they're scary Scary.
Where the devil did I put those maps? Ah! (DRILLING LOUDLY) (TELEPHONE RINGING) Matheson house.
Oh, hello, love! Just a tick.
Lan, it's Randi.
For you.
Thank you.
Hello, Randi? Where are (DRILLING LOUDLY) Randi! Randi, where are you? Randi? Randi, I can't hear you.
Hi, lan? Yeah, yeah, I can't talk for long.
Did he kidnap you? No, no, no.
I'm having a great time.
We're seeing some great countryside, and we're in his hometown now.
Where's that? What? Randi.
Lan? Please, Aunt Elsa.
Lan? (DIAL TONE) He hung up on me.
Lose your connection? Yeah.
I called lan, and we got cut off.
Do you have any money? I never carry loose change.
Come, you can call him later.
IAN: Randi? I can't hear you.
Randi, are you there? Randi, Randi? Hello! She's gone! Oh, ran off with that gorgeous circus fella.
Good for her! Where did you get this? Checked it out of the university library.
May I? Well, of course.
I checked it out in your name, anyway.
There must be something in here about the Wakefield Circus.
What that circus needs is another good sex scandal.
Another? What are you babbling on about, Aunt Elsa? The turn-of-the-century torrid sex scandal that nearly brought down the Wakefield Circus.
I thought you were a circus buff.
I study history, not sex scandals.
When will you learn that history is scandal? Page 112 to 119, inclusive.
Joseph Wakefield.
What a resemblance.
What a body.
"On May the 12th, 1901, "tragedy struck when trapeze-star artist Joseph Wakefield "fell 100 feet to his death after he performed a triple somersault "without a net.
" Get to the good part.
"A police investigation showed that the trapeze was deliberately rigged.
" It gets juicier.
Do you mind? "After Joseph's death, fellow trapeze star Lily Wakefield" His sister, I take it.
No, Lily was the wife of his brother Aaron.
Oh, for heaven's sake, let me tell it.
Now, she told the police that she and Joseph were having a torrid, steamy affair.
IAN: I get the picture, Aunt Elsa.
ELSA: And that Joseph conspired to kill his brother by rigging the trapeze bar thingamajig.
Oh, you know.
But Joseph died instead.
Well, the ringmaster switched the order of the act and introduced Joseph first.
Well, he was the star, you see.
He was too proud, too arrogant, not to perform.
So he plunged to his death knowingly? Well, he had to.
This was in Windham, his hometown, in front of his adoring fans.
Isn't romance tragic? Hello.
Are you a friend of Caleb's? No.
Leave now.
CALEB: What's going on? We've got a show to do in less than an hour! Why don't you take a nap in the trailer? We want you fresh for tonight's show.
I'm a little tired.
Listen, he wasn't trying to be rude or anything, so please don't Of course not.
Speak! I want out of this deal.
I can talk.
For now.
Explain yourself.
You stole my soul, and I want it back.
I stole nothing.
You made a bargain, a barter, a trade.
We made a deal.
But I was wrong! Let me go.
I'm just a kid.
Yes, you are, aren't you? I won't tell anyone about you.
I know.
Well, let me go, then.
Of course, my boy, I'll send you home.
(LAUGHING) (SCREAMING) (LAUGHING) (EXCLAIMS) (GASPING) Where is everybody? (SNICKERING) Didn't I tell you? Tonight's a dress rehearsal.
Oh, my God.
Oh, no.
IAN: Oh! (CLEARING THROAT) I don't remember this part.
The show will be a little different tonight.
In fact, you are the show, Randi.
Me? I don't do any tricks.
Oh, you have one.
The best one I've seen for 90 years.
That's not something I perform in front of an audience.
Oh, not that one.
Which one? The other one.
The werewolf transformation.
I thought I was free of that.
Oh, you are.
But for everything there's a price.
Whether it's your freedom from the curse or my immortality, there is always a price.
And you pay with your soul.
I was falling in love with you.
You were going to help me.
I am.
I haven't lied to you.
Don't all lovers give each other their souls? They give.
They don't take.
I can't let you go.
(SCREAMING) Oh! Ha! You're frightened now.
But you'll soon see it's a small price to pay.
I should have died that night on the trapeze.
But in that split second between life and death, he made me an offer too good to refuse.
Either death, or an eternity on Earth as his devoted minion.
I've been alone so long.
We will serve him together.
Collecting souls, glorifying in each other, in his malevolence, forever.
Oh, Master of Darkness, take her! (SCREAMING) Randi! Randi! (GASPING) IAN: No! (SCREAMING) You don't want to do that.
You won't like what happens.
(LAUGHING) (GROANING) (ROARING) She is everything I promised you.
Soon she will be yours.
(GROWLING) Oh, my Oh, my God! No! (GROWLING) (SHRIEKING) (SCREAMING) (YELLING) (SCREAMING) (GRUNTING) Darling! You look wonderful! (GROWLING) (GROANING) Now we will be together forever.
You're upset about what just happened.
I understand that.
When we're together, you'll never have to worry about that again.
I'd stay a werewolf for the rest of my life before I'd stay another second with you.
Don't say that.
The Master! To hell with the Master.
And to hell with you.
No! Master, don't! I promised him your soul! He shall have it, whether you give it freely, or whether I have to take it! (CHOKING) Take her, Master! She's yours! (GASPS) (CALEB GRUNTS) (LAUGHING) (BOTH YELLING) (GRUNTING) Touché! (GRUNTING) (YELLING) (CALEB SCREAMING) I thought it was over.
Hey, guys, guess what? The Follies are in town! The Follies? Since when? Oh, that's wonderful news! Friends of yours? The Ice Follies.
Haven't you ever been? No, I was never interested.
How could you not be captivated by the exquisite display of physical prowess, the combination of precision gymnastics and elegant dances? It's a smashing show.
All those darling little animals on skates.
All those ice babes.
Those hard-bodied young men with their bum-hugging tights.
You must go.
Not again.
It's settled.
You're going to The Follies.
This isn't happening.
First show's in two hours.
This is a bad dream, right? I'll polish the car.
I'll hard-boil some eggs! Julian, my binoculars.
Your binoculars.
Nobody move! Nobody's going anywhere.
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