Snoopy in Space (2019) s01e11 Episode Script

The Next Mission

Fifteen, sixteen, seventeen, eighteen, nineteen.
I see a hockey stick.
Actually, sir, that's a constellation called Cassiopeia.
I see an elephant.
That's Ursa Minor.
Who names an elephant "Ursa"? I see a flock of birds.
Actually that's No, wait.
That really is a flock of birds.
I take it Snoopy's having some trouble with his mission report for NASA.
Well, he's included all his findings, but apparently he's stuck on the ending.
Forty-three, forty Now I have to start all over again.
One, two Did you know that in the Milky Way galaxy alone there are 250 billion stars? Give or take a billion.
Isn't it amazing? Snoopy traveled such a huge distance to reach the moon, but it's just a tiny part of the night sky.
There's still so much space out there.
"Though this ends my mission report, it doesn't end my mission, because there are no endings when it comes to space travel.
There's always more to explore.
" That's a great idea, Snoopy.
Going somewhere no one's ever been before.
So where are you going to go? Saturn? No one's ever been there.
That would be an amazing place to explore.
Saturn has more than 60 moons, including one with an active ocean inside of it.
Saturn's beautiful rings are made up of ice, dust and rocks ranging in size from as small as a grain of sand to as big as a house.
Snoopy wouldn't actually be able to step foot on the planet.
It's made of gas.
Going there would be amazing.
It's the largest planet in our solar system.
However, the weather on Jupiter is pretty intense.
The planet has a massive swirling storm on its surface that's lasted for hundreds of years.
You have good taste in galaxies.
That's Andromeda, which is the closest major galaxy to our own.
That's great.
How close is it? Well, even if you could travel as fast as light, it would still take 2.
5 million years to get there.
Gee, pal.
I guess finding the right destination is going to be trickier than we thought.
Mars! Of course! It's one of our closest neighbors in the solar system.
And it's got a hard surface you can walk on just like Earth or the moon.
Also it has an atmosphere and is the planet in our solar system, besides Earth, that is best suited for supporting life.
I bet CARA will know what to do.
This is NASA, gateway to the cosmos.
CARA speaking.
Hello, CARA.
Snoopy has a question for you.
What if he went to Mars for his next mission? Mars! That's a wonderful goal! Traveling to the Red Planet is human and beaglekind's next big adventure.
In fact, NASA is already hard at work preparing potential astronauts for life on Mars and testing Orion for long-term spaceflight.
Snoopy's ready to go.
Well, we're still a few years away from being ready to send anyone to Mars.
There are still some important questions we need to figure out first.
Sorry to disappoint you, Astronaut Snoopy.
But when it is time for our first flight to Mars, you'll be at the top of the list.
Sorry, kid.
Too bad, Snoopy.
You'll get there someday.
You know what they say: "With infinite space comes infinite possibility.
" No one says that.
I know that wasn't what you wanted to hear, old pal, but keep looking up.
Someone once told me that's the secret of life.
Just don't do it while you're walking.

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