Thundercats (1985) s01e11 Episode Script

011 - The Ghost Warrior

How much further? Hard to tell.
Can't see in this storm.
Are you hurt? No, no.
But we'd better find shelter.
There must be trees somewhere nearby.
None that I can see.
Wait, there's one tree.
That's better.
If you say so.
Look out! Bundun, where are you? Got any more great ideas? Bundun, look.
They were under the tree? I wonder where they go.
Maybe we're lucky.
It may be a tomb.
And one that hasn't been looted.
What's that to us, Hurrick? We Bolkins have never been looters.
No, but these are hard times, Bundun.
And who's to know? Well, it's wrong, but Well, we'll see.
A door.
And symbols were carved in it to ward off evil.
We're not evil, just poor.
Come on, help me.
We got lucky.
The wood's rotten.
It must've been centuries old.
Maybe that was lucky.
No treasure in here.
Nothing but a bunch of broken weapons.
But the torches are lit.
- Let's go.
- Wait.
The treasure chamber may be beneath us, under that slab.
Give me a hand.
An opening.
What was that? Maybe the wind, I hope.
Hurrick! It- It- He has a sabertooth.
Sabertooth? It's him.
From the legends.
Grune the Destroyer.
The one who ravaged Third Earth.
But that was centuries ago.
Then we've unleashed his ghost.
Run! Faster! The magic seal that kept me from escaping the tomb broken by those fools.
After all these centuries.
But weak.
I feel so weak.
What's that? A Cats' Lair? Here on Third Earth? That means Thundrillium.
That's some storm, Panthro.
- Are we losing power? - No danger of that.
The antimatter Thundrillium modules are pretty near filled to capacity.
Are you sure, Panthro? - It's suddenly awfully cold in here.
- It sure is.
It's the door.
Someone left it open.
It wasn't me.
And anyway, an open door wouldn't account for us all turning into icicles.
Snarf's right.
There must be some other reason for- It wasn't the wind that did that.
There's something weird going on here.
What was that? It's probably just some conduits that got clogged.
I'll turn up the heat.
All right, who's the wise guy? It wasn't any of us, Panthro.
There's a force in here.
An alien force.
And it's stronger than Panthro.
Stronger than me? Not likely.
Panthro, the gauges are going wild.
The controls are operating themselves.
Can't- The Thundrillium! The main modules are being drained.
Grab the controls, Tygra.
Hold them steady.
I can't get a grip on them.
There's something in the way.
And I can't budge them.
I'll do more than budge them.
What is it, Tygra? Whatever it is, it's drawing its strength from the Thundrillium.
Look at the gauges.
So this is what's become of the Thundercats.
Lion-O, it's a ghost.
- And he knows who we are.
- Stay back.
Who are you? Identify yourself.
I, Lion-O, lord of the Thundercats, command you.
And led by a mere cub.
- Cheetara! - Look out! Wilykat, we're trapped.
It's like fighting air.
Why did you come here, ghost? Who are you? You will know who I am soon enough my lord of the Thundercats.
Oh, yes.
You will see me again.
A giant.
Wollos, run! Strength growing.
Growing with every step.
But now I need Thundranium.
What Third Earthlings call "fire rocks.
" It was Grune the Destroyer, Thundercats.
He's come back to Third Earth.
It had to be him.
There's no mistaking that single sabertooth.
He demanded that we give him fire rocks.
Fire rocks? Yes.
But we don't have any.
It's been forbidden to mine fire rocks for 100 mega-years or more.
Their power is too difficult to control.
Too dangerous.
We had something like that on Thundera.
It was called Thundranium.
Oh, please help us, Thundercats.
We're helpless against him.
Of course we'll help you.
I'm not sure exactly how yet, but we'll do something.
That glow.
The Thundranium pits are still where they were.
And still emitting its fearsome power.
It's done.
And now, the final conflict.
It's going to take a lot of work to get these controls back into shape.
We have a more immediate problem, Panthro.
The ghost knew of us.
He knew we were Thundercats.
- How? - Grune the Destroyer, they called him.
We must learn as much about him as he knows about us if we're to fight him and win.
How, Lion-O? What we know is just legend, myth.
The sword.
The sword may have the answer.
Sword of Omens, give me sight beyond sight.
Show us what we must know of Grune the Destroyer.
The sword showed me nothing.
Because the Eye has no psychic powers.
I can't.
You can't ask me to.
Cheetara, you have this gift? It's a curse, Lion-O.
Sometimes visions just appear to me.
At other times I must bring myself to the brink of oblivion to call forth the vision.
Sometimes it takes Cheetara weeks, even months to recover.
Then you mustn't, Cheetara.
This time I must, Lion-O.
We must know who or what this Grune the Destroyer is or risk being destroyed ourselves.
I see I see Grune, but not "the Destroyer.
" He's- He's- Yes.
He's a Thundercat.
- Grune? A Thundercat? Never.
- No way.
Don't disturb Cheetara's trance.
It could harm her.
I see Jaga.
He and Grune are friends.
Great friends.
and Great warriors.
DefendinG Thundera aGainst all invaders.
But Greed overcomes Grune, and the lust for power.
Grune and his army of marauders sweep across Thundera destroyinG, lootinG, brinGinG shame to the code of the Thundercats.
JaGa pursues him.
They clash.
Hour after hour they fiGht, day after day.
But JaGa is the miGhtier.
Grune is banished from Thundera, set adrift in space.
And It's gone.
I see nothing more.
Rest now, Cheetara.
We can figure out what happened from there.
Yes, his ship found its way here to Third Earth.
Where he had easy pickings.
Who could stand up to a Thundercat gone bad? How can we stand up to him? Knowing who Grune is makes it even- - What was that? - The storm? I thought it was over.
That was nothing natural.
Come meet your fate, Thundercats.
Grune the Destroyer has come for his revenge.
Your fate will be sealed by the symbol you betrayed, Grune: The Eye of Thundera.
Ho! Lion-O, the Eye has closed.
How do we fight a ghost? Yes.
How do we fight a-? Wait, Cheetara gave us the answer.
We fight a ghost with another ghost.
The mightiest Thundercat of all.
Thunder, thunder, thunder.
Thundercats, ho! Jaga, your ancient enemy awaits you.
Hello, Grune.
So I've finally drawn you out, Jaga.
I suppose we were destined to meet again.
Grune was expecting Jaga.
It was Jaga he was after all along.
He wants a rematch.
Surprised, Jaga? I forged my battle club from Thundranium.
Thundranium! Thundranium weakens us, Lion-O.
Jaga can't win.
He's disarmed Jaga! - It's all over.
- Not yet.
Jaga, your Sword of Omens.
Jaga has been weakened by the Thundranium.
Neither is giving or gaining ground.
- It's a stalemate.
- But not for long.
That club will finish Jaga in moments.
No! Jaga, take my strength! No, Lion-O.
I command you, Jaga.
As lord of the Thundercats, I command you to take my strength.
Jaga The battle It's like they've set the entire heavens aflame.
Was there ever a battle such as this? I just hope Lion-O survives it.
He's winning, Lion-O.
Jaga is driving Grune back.
You've won, Jaga.
I'll never fight you again.
You've never turned your back on a hand extended in friendship, Jaga.
Would you scorn an old friend who repents his evil ways? No, I would not, Grune.
Your righteousness has made you strong, Jaga but it has also made you foolish.
You won, Jaga as I knew you must.
No, Lion-O.
It was the strength of the lord of the Thundercats that won this day.
As is only proper.
Thank you, Jaga.
But you knew that Grune would go for the sword, didn't you? You let him take it.
Better an honest enemy than a false friend, Lion-O.
You must learn to tell which is which.
I'll try to, Jaga.
You will, Lion-O.
You will.
Well, there's no structural damage.
Repairs shouldn't be too difficult.
- Someone's coming.
- A couple of Bolkins, it looks like.
We had to come tell you we were the ones that freed the ghost of Grune the Destroyer.
We didn't mean to.
We thought there might be treasure in the tomb.
That was a bad thing to do.
We know that.
And we're sorry.
You're sorry? And that's it? Go easy on them.
They tried to make it right by coming here and telling us.
You made a mistake.
But mistakes can be valuable if you learn from them.
That sounds like Jaga talking.
Maybe that's Jaga giving me permission to quote him.

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