Undercovers (2010) s01e11 Episode Script

The Key to It All

[Sam breathing heavily.]
[Suspenseful music.]
It's the one.
What is all this? It's a little something I put away for a rainy day, in case I couldn't get back home.
Nobody even knows it exists.
So next week in Jakarta.
But you make certain you're not followed.
These people-- they won't stop till they have a hold of this.
Do you need me to do anything? No.
Everything's been taken care of.
Come on.
Are you ever gonna tell me what's in that folder, Professor Shilling? [Chuckles.]
Sam, I'll see you in Jakarta.
I don't care whose authorization you need.
Make it happen.
Whoa, whoa, whoa.
Easy on the vendors-- got to work with them.
What was it this time-- chicken, beef? - Tomatoes.
- Toma-- [Laughs.]
I want three crates, and he's acting as if they don't grow on trees.
Okay, don't take this the wrong way, but you seem a little more stressed than usual, and we are just talking about tomatoes, right? [Sighs.]
How are we gonna run this place now that Lizzy's gone? Who are we gonna leave in charge? All right, sweetie, I know it's not easy, okay? I know you miss her.
It's not about that.
It's about how important she was to the business.
In that case, why don't we just start interviewing new kitchen managers? Let's not get carried away.
Lizzy still needs her job when she comes back.
What if she doesn't come back? Steven, have you heard that band? She's coming back.
The job stays open, end of discussion.
I know you think saying, "end of discussion" means we should stop talking, but it doesn't-- okay, then, fine End of discussion.
What are these? Bookmarks? These are plane tickets to Athens.
Doesn't mean they can't be bookmarks.
Okay, Samantha Bloom, what kind of craziness are you up to? I'm apologizing.
You were right.
Maybe I have been having a hard time with Lizzy being gone.
And maybe it is stressing me out, so I figured Let's take a vacation.
And Shaw agreed to pay for it.
Are you kidding me? Us, in Athens? On the CIA's dime? Apology accepted.
[Men shouting native language.]
- Move! - Move, move, move, move, move! [Shouting continues.]
- Go, go, go, go, go! - Move! [Lock beeps.]
- Hey! - Whoa! Whoa! Get out! Move it! - Get out of here! - Go! Go! Get out! [Men shouting in native language.]
[Lighthearted music.]
Let's stay in bed today, get room service-- waffles with strawberries on top.
Mmm, my favorite.
So I'm in charge today after your creepy flea market yesterday.
That's fine with me.
Four more days with no more catering company - Mmm! - No CIA missions - Nah.
- No Shaw-- I mean he who must not be named.
It's all right, babe.
I'm so relaxed, his name doesn't even bother me.
[Cell phone ringing.]
Is that you or me? [Cell phones ringing.]
That was both of us.
[Ringing continues.]
- Hello? - Hello? You two are still in Athens, I presume.
Yeah, why? Good, you're close.
- Close to what? - Tel Aviv.
Did you call to give us geography lessons? We need you in Israel immediately.
Terrorists have taken over a hotel in Tel Aviv.
We still don't know who they are or what they want, but there are a lot of guests in that hotel, including Americans.
There's a plane waiting for you.
You'll get more information when you land.
I hope you had a nice vacation.
Uh-- [sighs.]
- [Groans.]
- Oh! [Intriguing music.]
Undercovers 1x11 The Key to It All [Siren wailing in the distance.]
Reports say there are five hostage takers.
They immediately cut all communications-- hotel phones, guests' cell phones, security cameras.
Now, there are roughly 50 hostages, 14 of which are American citizens, and we believe they're being held in the ground-floor ballroom.
Did Shaw explain why exactly the CIA is sending us in there? Come on, you know why.
If anybody can end this standoff, it is Steven Bloom, with a little help from Mrs.
Agent Bloom.
You really expect us to believe that? Yeah.
That is the truth.
It's also true that you guys were right next door in Athens.
Can I remind you that the clock is ticking on this one? - What clock? - The Shin Bet-- local law enforcement.
If Shin Bet goes in, they go in hot.
- Like Brazilian-supermodel hot.
Even if we coordinate operations, Shin Bet isn't taking orders from us.
Which is why--and you're gonna love this part, 'cause I think it's the best part-- I plan on infiltrating their ranks, coordinate intel, while you guys sneak into the hotel.
You really think you can pass for Israeli S.
? Yes.
I went through basic like every other Agent.
And if that's not enough, in middle school, I broke the pull-up record.
- Really? - Yeah, really.
Did I br--no.
I didn't.
I didn't even come close.
But I did meet the minimum requirement for the presidential fitness award, which is a huge deal.
All right, how do you want to go in? One of us goes in through the front door, recons the terrorists directly.
While the other one smuggles in weapons so we can rendezvous for a surgical strike.
[Overlapping chatter.]
Everyone calm down.
I'm in charge until the Blooms come back from their vacation.
No need to freak.
You're in very good hands.
You're the reason everyone is freaking out.
Anna, it seems like you have a problem with authority.
Stand down, Slim.
Oh, no.
All of you need to leave, now.
You can't just waltz in here and fire everyone.
Can you? While I would like to send you all home with a one-week severance package, actually I'm going to send you home with a week's paid vacation-- orders from the Blooms.
Wait, wait.
What's the deal? A scheduled visit by the health inspector.
And if he sees you sweating into the lobster bisque, I don't imagine he will be handing out "A"s.
So leave All of you Now! [Door opens, closes.]
[Phone beeps, dialing.]
[Line trilling.]
I'll stand by for further contact.
[Gunshots and people screaming.]
[People screaming.]
Stay down! You need to learn how to frisk hostages.
Anybody else want to be a hero? [Speaking Hebrew.]
[Phone ringing.]
You okay? Yeah, I'm good.
Sweetie, look, come here.
You were trained in triage.
You can do it, all right? I would put my life in your hands any day.
See you inside.
Who are you? - I'm the doctor.
- Good.
We've got an unknown number of gunshot victims on the first floor-- conditions unknown.
Ours or theirs? Let me guess--unknown.
We are totally blind here.
We only know what the hostage takers are telling us, and they are not telling us much right now, except that they need a doctor.
Have they made any demands? What do you care about their politics? Sorry.
Old habit.
I did my medical training in the defense forces.
Ah, good, because you'll need that training.
As soon as you cross that line, you're on your own.
Let her through! I'm inside.
Forget about him.
He's dead.
I want you to save that man.
Special Agent Borow-- very excited to be part of the team, sir.
Who the hell are you? Zev told me you guys were short, pulled me right out of security detail.
I've never heard of you, never heard of Zev either.
No, no, no, you know this guy-- buff, curly hair, smells like hummus.
When you see him, you know that's Zev.
Okay, maybe I'll call over to H.
, see if there's some sort of mix-up.
Hey, I'm sorry.
Is this some sort of joke? Because-- Special Agent Borow, we are in the middle of a hostage scenario in which lives have been lost and many other lives are in danger.
So when some snot-nosed Special Agent comes into my command and tells me he's a part of my team, expects my men to entrust him with their lives just because some guy named Zev vouches for him, that is a joke.
Yeah, of course.
No, no, no.
It's nice to meet you, and I appreciate it.
What happened to going undercover with Shin Bet? They weren't impressed with your push-up record? It was pull-ups, actually-- totally different muscle group.
And my plan worked like a charm.
We are officially hot on local law's communications.
[Men speaking native language.]
What are they talking about? They're trying to find a way to breach the hotel without the terrorists noticing.
They're talking about zip-lining onto the roof.
They're just gonna zip-line across Tel Aviv in broad daylight? - Yeah.
- Are they insane? Where are the hotel schematics? Right over there.
I want to see what's underneath.
Down further Below the basement, keep going.
Okay, okay.
Listen, if we get any further down, we'll be in Jaffa, which is, coincidentally, the world's oldest port.
- Is this a? - It's a tunnel.
They must have built it to run a data line.
It looks like the top of the tunnel is only a few feet from the bottom of the hotel's subbasement.
If I can somehow get through, I'm good to go.
Wait, you're not thinking about drilling, are you? [Drilling.]
Whoo! I take it back.
Zip-lining would've been a cakewalk compared to this.
Sir, if it weren't for my dust allergy and my crippling claustrophobia, I would be right by your side.
Better you to stay up there and monitor anyway.
[Device beeping.]
[High-pitched whirring.]
I'm in, Sam.
As soon as I get to the ground floor, we'll figure out a rendezvous.
How's it going on your end? Good.
I patched up his brachial artery.
He's lost a lot of blood, but he should be okay.
When you finish sewing him up, go with the other hostages.
Steven, someone's headed your way.
[Door opens.]
[Door closes.]
Sam, are you there? Sam? Damn it.
[Both gasp.]
Please, don't hurt me.
Okay, look, I'm one of the good guys, okay? What are you doing here? I was in my room, and I heard gunshots.
There were men with masks.
I-I-I hid until they were gone, and then I found the service elevator.
What's going on? Just calm down, all right? We're not alone.
I'm gonna get you out of here, okay? Who the hell are you? I'm also one of the good guys.
Quick, we have to hide the body before they send someone looking for him.
Okay, how about before we hide any bodies, you tell me who you are.
I'm CIA.
Same as you, I'm guessing.
I hope you're not waiting for the secret handshake, mister? - Bloom.
- Great.
Nice to meet you.
We can catch up on agency trivia later.
Give me a hand.
So Kelvin sent you or Shaw? - Shaw.
Who's Kelvin? - Doesn't matter.
At least someone in the agency figured out my cover was blown.
You don't have any idea what's going on here, do you, Agent Bloom? I thought I did.
Sam? Sam? You have a partner in the hotel? Upstairs with the hostages.
We were ordered to infiltrate the hotel and take care of the hostage situation.
You think that's your mission? Forget about the hostages.
Why would the CIA send you here to protect civilians? You're here for me Just like these guys are.
Alfa unit? Russian special forces.
You're saying that somebody had these guys take over a hotel just to capture you? - Not me.
- What is this? Trust me.
If Shaw didn't tell you, you're better off not knowing.
The package is my responsibility.
Your mission is to get me out of here.
Not that I don't believe you.
Hold on.
[Cell phone beeps.]
[Cell phone ringing.]
This is Shaw.
When were you gonna tell me that there was another CIA Agent in the hotel? - You found her.
- Yes, I found her.
You're lucky I didn't shoot her.
I need to know if the Agent is still in possession of the package.
Yeah, she's got it.
And I'm guessing you're not gonna tell me what it is.
You guessed correctly.
Your priority is to make sure that Agent Anderson and the package get to safety.
Call me when you're done.
Let me tell you-- let's go.
Agent Bloom, looks like Shin Bet just gave up on sneaking into the hotel.
They're going through the front door at sundown.
You need to get out of there now.
You find Mrs.
Agent Bloom, and you abort the mission.
You do not want to get caught in the middle of a firefight.
Change of plans, Hoyt.
You need to get down to the tunnel now.
We've got a priority extraction to make.
That's what I just said.
Not me.
It's a CIA Agent.
Our mission is to get her to safety.
I-I don't understand.
I'm gonna explain to you when I'm done saving my wife.
Wait, you're not leaving, too? It's up to you to take care of Agent Anderson.
I'm giving her my earwig so you can lead her to the exit point.
Agent Hoyt will be able to guide you out of the hotel with this.
Now Keep it.
You'll need it upstairs.
Tell Hoyt I'll be back With Samantha.
[Locker door closes.]
- Hey! - No, no, no, no, please! Please! No, no, no, no! Please, listen to me, please! I'm American.
There's a lot of people at my company willing to pay a lot of money to see me alive.
Please, don't.
Okay, okay, okay.
Okay, no, please.
Please, okay.
Okay, Agent Anderson Go to the southwest corner.
I'll guide you from there.
Copy that.
It is tight in here.
Clean him up.
- [Coughs.]
- Are you okay? What happened? Just what I wanted to happen.
That looks awful.
It's just a lot of blood, but it's really not that deep.
I was talking about your shirt.
Look, Steven, these people aren't who they say they are.
- I heard them speaking-- - Russian? Yes.
How'd you know? I had a run-in with one of them.
They're all ex-special ops.
They came here looking for somebody--one of ours.
She's carrying something important.
Wait, she's CIA? Shaw decided to leave that part out.
Hoyt's exfiling her as we speak.
I can't believe you let yourself get captured.
What were you thinking? [Whispering.]
When I lost your signal, I thought something happened.
Quick, turn off your earwig.
They have a scanner.
They tracked me through my comms.
I gave my earwig to the special Agent.
Damn it.
They're tracking her now.
[Door closes.]
Okay, yeah, yeah, yeah, just like the presidential fitness test-- you can do this.
- What's that? - I said I'm on my way.
I'm at the southwest corner.
What now? Take a right.
Bill Hoyt, at your service.
What do you say you and I get out of here? Afternoon.
You must be the food inspector I spoke to on the phone.
Come in.
Is someone baking apple pie? Yes, for the holidays.
Redmond, office of the Inspector General.
Are we secure in here? We need to get to work.
Uh, both the employees and the Blooms have been taken care of-- the place is all yours.
That's what this is all about-- sweeping the place for bugs? Do you have any idea how many bugs I've found in my career? I'm sorry they forced you to come down here.
No, we're not looking for bugs, Mr.
Shaw-- in fact, quite the opposite.
We have about 15 minutes before Shin Bet comes in here firing.
- Oh, no.
- Oh, yes.
Hoyt heard they're planning a raid.
It'll be a bloodbath in here.
[Door opens.]
Aw, man.
Is that-- the undercover Agent we were supposed to protect.
Somehow, they got to her first.
What about the package? You think it's still on her? I don't know why it wouldn't be.
I told you to bring the target to me alive.
She was escaping.
I had no choice.
It's useless Now that you killed the one person who knew where the file is hidden.
There was someone helping her.
They cut a hole in the basement.
They must have sent an extraction team to get her out of the hotel.
That last guest, the one you found hiding.
[Hostages gasp.]
Who are you? I'm--I'm Dennis Archer.
- Room number? - Excuse me? What? What room are you staying in? - Look, I-I'm not staying here.
I don't have a room, okay? I was just in Tel Aviv for the day, here at--at the hotel f-for the tech conference.
Look, if you want ransom, you can call my office.
I'm the-- the V.
Of Marketing at a small I.
Company out of Texas.
You're the dead woman's partner.
You killed my missing men, didn't you? I have no idea what you're talking about.
- You're CIA.
- What? That's crazy.
Tell me who you are and who sent you here.
I told you, I'm here on business, okay? You got to believe me.
The best case, I will get rid of a CIA Agent.
The worst case, I kill an innocent man.
I can live with that.
[Hostages gasping.]
He's with me.
Then you're both CIA What a touching sacrifice.
Perhaps You two are more than just partners Huh? It would be so easy to make you tell me everything I want to know.
But it's time to go.
Don't you think I know about the Shin Bet commando raid outside? Yes.
Yes, we have walkies too.
They should be here any minute.
Then you know you and your men aren't getting out of this hotel alive? You have no idea How right you are.
Agent Bloom, Mrs.
Agent Bloom, you guys have to get out of there now! Do you hear me? You have to get out of there now! With all due respect, since when are we in the business of bugging our own agents? Perhaps you've forgotten the reason we reactivated the Blooms, Mr.
Of course not, sir, but during their short tenure back with the agency, the Blooms have been nothing but loyal.
Then they have nothing to hide.
Was there anything else, Mr.
Shaw? You should also know that the Blooms are aware of the real reason they're in Tel Aviv, why we sent them into the hotel.
They know about the package? How did they find out? Like I said, they're good agents.
I'll be in touch.
[Cell phone beeps.]
If you're gonna kill us, kill us.
Why would I kill you? You're my ticket out of here.
This is a message to Shin Bet.
Be advised.
They're letting the hostages go.
Tell your men to stand down.
[Shouting in native language.]
Thank you, doctor.
[Zipper opens.]
You were such a convincing businessman.
Well, now let's see if you can play a terrorist.
No, it doesn't make any sense.
Why would they just let the hostages go? You can try something if you want, but I can't guarantee my finger won't twitch.
I'll be in touch.
Hello, everyone! Could I have your attention? Everybody's free to go! The front doors are open! The last one from the ballroom gets a bullet in the head! [Hostages screaming.]
Go, go! Go, go, go, go, go, go, go! Go, go, go, go! Do it now, or she dies! [Steven growling.]
Keep moving.
Keep your mouth shut, and I won't shoot you.
Go, now! That way! Don't shoot! Don't shoot.
Go! Start the car! Start the car! [Engine turning, tires squeal.]
I know the cuffs are tight, sir.
I'm sorry, but I needed to make it look real.
Hoyt? Give me your keys.
- What? - I said, "give me your keys.
" I'm commandeering your vehicle for prisoner transport.
Is this a joke? I've got four dead terrorists in that hotel, 100 hostages with 100 different stories, and I need to get this guy to H.
to explain what the hell just happened.
The fact that you're holding me up right now, that is a joke.
Give me your keys.
Get out of here.
[Car door closes, engine turning.]
Where to, sir? Where do you think he's taking Mrs.
Agent Bloom? I wish I knew.
You know what this is.
I need to know what it opens.
I need to know what it opens.
Either you take me to it, or you're no longer useful to me, you understand? All right, all right.
That key opens a locker in a storage facility.
- It's Sam.
- Yeah.
She's in a vehicle with a radio and turned it on.
It's in a warehouse in the Ramat Aviv district, across from the Groningen Gardens.
We can be there in five minutes.
Good, good.
Then let's go there.
I know where those gardens are.
- How far? - More than five minutes.
But I got this.
[Siren wailing.]
[Siren wailing.]
What's taking so long? I thought you knew where you were going.
- It's been five years.
- Come on, come on.
This one.
Let's hope you're right.
Unlock it.
It's not too late, you know.
Open the locker.
You can still walk away, tell whoever you're working for it was empty.
And why would I do that? I don't think you want to know what's inside this locker.
Whatever it is, it has a way of getting people killed.
Open the locker.
I knew the man who owned this locker.
He was a good man, a good Agent.
He died for what's in here.
What makes you think things will turn out any differently for you? You are saying I die if I open it, and I say, you're gonna die right now if you don't.
Open the locker.
[Lock clicks.]
Empty the locker.
I'll take that.
Sam! Sam! Are you okay? I'm Fine.
Let's see what all this was about.
I'll take it from here.
Who are you? You can call me Kelvin, Agent Bloom.
You're the one who was running Agent Anderson.
This is your mission? A shame what happened to her.
She was a very valuable asset.
If you don't mind Thank you for your fine work, Mr.
and Mrs.
It's nice to have you back in the fold.
I'm Bill Hoyt, also in the fold with these guys.
So this is it, huh? No explanation for what you put us through? There is one more thing.
You two were never in Tel Aviv.
No one is to ever know what happened here.
As far as the CIA is concerned, you two had a five-day vacation in Athens.
Understood? [Door closes.]
What's this about an inspector and you giving our employees the week off? News travels fast.
Charlie left about a dozen messages.
Did we get shut down? Don't worry.
I personally took care of the inspector.
When you say "took care of" No, I didn't kill him, Mrs.
I just made sure he gave you an "A.
" - Great.
- Hmm.
Thank you.
Kelvin also gave you an "A" for your performance in Tel Aviv, so congratulations all around.
- So Kelvin told you about-- - No, he did not debrief me as to the details of your mission.
Neither will you, Mrs.
[Timer dings.]
All I know is that my boss is satisfied, and when my boss is satisfied, then I am satisfied.
I never took you for a baker.
You have no idea the things I can do, Mrs.
Enjoy the pie.
Do you mind? What, you got somewhere to be? No.
I just don't feel like listening to you complain.
Well, you might not want to listen, but I'm gonna talk.
We came back to help the agency, Mr.
Shaw, and we will walk away if you ever pull something like this again.
You send us on a mission, you tell us everything.
We're not putting our lives in danger so you and Kelvin can sit there and play these little CIA mind games.
You sent us into that hotel with only half the picture.
And yet you and your wife managed to protect both the hostages and the best interests of the CIA, end of discussion.
An Agent died in Tel Aviv protecting your interests.
What do you want? You want me to say I'm sorry? I want you to tell me it was worth it! I want you to tell me what was in that locker! I'm sorry.
I can't tell you that.
You look like you could use a drink.
Ooh, ouzo That's very Greek of you.
To the last time we ever let the CIA send us on a vacation.
Mm! Mm! [Grunts.]
So why do you think Shaw didn't tell us? I don't know why, but it's the CIA.
They're hardly a paragon of honesty.
I mean, do you ever wonder why they even asked us back in the first place? You mean other than to save Leo? We hadn't seen Leo in five years.
Any team of agents could have saved him, just like any team of agents could have been sent into that hotel.
But it was us.
And you think you know why? I don't know why.
But I do know what was in that locker.
How? Because I put it there with Shilling five years ago, right before he got killed.
That's how you knew where to go.
Shilling never told me what he was working on, said it was for my protection.
All I know is that it was part of a program called Operation Nocturne.
Operation Nocturne? What does that mean? [Line trilling.]
Sir, I think you should come hear this.

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