Bloodline (2015) s01e12 Episode Script

Part 12

When you got off the boat, what happened? He dropped me off at the inn and then he left.
In his tru Would you come over here and sit down, please? Janey.
Did he say where he was going after that? No.
I didn't ask him.
- I don't police what he does, like you.
- What's the big deal? Because we asked you both to stay away from him.
That's why.
But he's fun.
And he's cool.
When he gave you this, did he say anything to you? He said he was sorry he missed my birthday.
And that's it? It was good luck.
As long as I wore it, nothing bad would happen.
So I shouldn't lose it.
And I shouldn't let you guys take it from me.
So are we done? Yes, we're done.
Have them pack some clothes.
Take them out of town for a while.
I'm sorry, I don't remember you.
You say you knew Danny from high school? - He was a few years ahead of me.
- Oh.
I'm in town visiting family, and I heard Danny was back home.
Yeah, he's, uh He's been working here for a few months now.
- Is he here now? I'd love to say hello.
- He was here earlier.
- He's off somewhere with his girlfriend.
- Good for him.
Do I know her? Well, you might.
She's local too.
Chelsea O'Bannon? Sure.
Pretty girl, as I remember.
- Yes.
- Nice girl.
Yes, she is.
Well, it was nice seeing you, Mrs.
Thank you.
I'll tell him you stopped by.
Oh, that's all right.
I'll catch up with him later.
Bye, now.
Thanks for coming.
- What do you wanna talk about? - You wanna come in? No.
Not really.
Uh, ahem.
Look, there's some really bad stuff going on with my family.
- I don't know what John's told you.
- He's worried about Danny.
He was upset that Danny took Janey out on the boat.
Anyway, I don't know that I wanna stay around here that much longer.
And I need to decide about New York.
And I haven't heard back from you.
Well, I thought I made myself perfectly clear.
You didn't really say much.
Because I have nothing to say to you.
Go to New York, Meg.
And live your life however you wanna live it.
Where am I supposed to take them? Your sister's or a hotel in Miami.
Doesn't matter.
- For how long? - I don't know.
Until I can figure something out.
I can't believe this is happening.
I have to flee my home because you won't stand up to your brother.
You don't know what you're talking about.
You told me that he was gonna be arrested.
He was supposed to be arrested.
Didn't happen.
You protected him, didn't you? - You did.
- I wasn't protecting him.
- I was protecting my family.
- Jesus.
When you told me he left, did? I mean, did that even happen? And now he's threatening Janey? I had no idea he would do something like that.
- Arrest him now.
- I can't.
- There are no grounds.
- Why? Because I can't.
You didn't do this.
You didn't protect him for Sally.
You did it for you.
Because, for some reason, you feel this guilt.
- So you always let him back in.
- Please take the kids and go.
This drama between you? - You want it, need it, feed off of it.
- Take the fucking kids and go, Diana.
And while we're running away, what are you gonna be doing? I don't know.
- Look at me! What are you gonna do?! - I don't fucking know! And were you there when your brother got hurt? Yes, sir.
And what happened? He was hit by a car.
And was your father there? No, sir.
He was at the hospital with my sister.
You telling me the truth, son? - Get the fuck out of my house.
- Yeah, yeah, yeah.
I'll go.
I just I gotta ask you some questions first.
Last night, John took some stuff that belonged to me.
Do you know anything about that? No.
Because if you're involved in any way, there are some very unpleasant men that may wanna come and ask you some questions.
Or you can just tell me now.
Tell you what? John says he threw it all in the ocean.
Is that true? Why don't we just call John right now and we'll ask him.
Give me that fucking phone.
This thing, between John and me we will work it out eventually.
But what you don't wanna do What you really don't wanna do is go putting yourself in the middle of it.
How do you come into my house and tell me what to think after what you did to Janey? - Janey? - That was a threat.
You know exactly what you did.
Hey, you were gonna cut me in on the family business.
Did you ever file that paperwork? Of course not.
Yeah? Meg called.
Danny showed up at her house.
- Is he still there? - No, he left.
I just found Dad's pickup, and he ain't in it.
Where are you? Uh Mile marker 86.
Do me a favor.
Go up to Key Largo.
Yeah, okay.
I know some places where he hangs out.
O'Bannon too.
Hey, listen to me, Kevin.
If you see him, don't do anything.
Just call me.
- All right? - Yeah, yeah, yeah.
Should be safe here a few days.
Thanks, man.
Paid cash for the room, so I'll get you back.
You know I don't give a shit about that, right? Hope you know what you're doing.
I'll be fine, man.
I I'll let you know when it's all died down.
Be safe, bro.
Left you something too.
Mom? I'm in here.
John, it's late.
I know.
Well, I'm glad you're here.
Have a drink with me.
The city keeps calling about that pier dedication, so I just set a date.
It'll be nice for us to go ahead with it.
- I was looking at Meg's wedding folder.
- Mom.
And I thought, "Oh.
" - Mom.
- You three boys should wear your seersucker suits to the dedication.
What a pretty picture that would be.
All three of my boys - in seersucker suits - Mom, stop talking.
Have you seen Danny? - This afternoon.
He dropped off Janey - Did he call? - No.
- All right, listen to me.
When Danny took my daughter out on that boat today, he threatened her.
- Don't talk, just listen to me.
- What are you talking about? I won't go into details, and I don't care whether you believe what I'm gonna say or you don't.
I understand.
You feel badly for Danny about the past.
But this isn't the past, this is now.
And Danny is not a kid anymore.
He is a grown man, and he is dangerous.
- Now you're scaring me, John.
- And I am sorry for that, but you've got to hear it.
I've got someone outside to make sure he doesn't step foot on this property.
And if you see him or you hear from him, I need you to call me.
Do you understand that? Say it.
I'll call you.
When I find him, I promise I'll try to tell you everything that I can, but until then I need you to trust me.
I trust you, John.
I trust you.
Thanks for your help, Frank.
You got it, John.
You made a bad decision coming home.
Well, John, I think we've both made some bad decisions.
- You threatened my family.
- I gave Janey a present.
I would've thought you of all people would appreciate the sentiment.
- Fuck you.
- Yeah, okay.
Let's get practical here, okay? The stuff you took? You said you dumped it? - I did.
- John.
Lying is really not your strong suit, buddy.
We both know you gotta keep that evidence to get Lowry.
I'm not worried about Lowry, Danny.
I'm not worried about Lowry either.
I know you won't let him do anything to me.
Couldn't live with yourself.
Where are you, Danny? But he might come after you.
Because I gotta tell him about what happened.
He's not gonna be happy.
Why don't you and I get together, and we can help each other out.
No, I'm not making any deals with you, Brother.
Oh, okay.
Danny? Fuck! Fuck.
Shit, Wayne.
Business isn't looking too good, huh? My man was waiting for you.
You never showed up.
I mean, I'm sorry about that.
I want what you owe me.
My brother took it.
It's just It's a big brother, little brother Where is my shit? He says he dumped it in the ocean, but that's bullshit because he's a fucking Boy Scout.
And there is no way he's gonna destroy that evidence because he wants to use it.
For what? To take you down.
I don't think he gives a shit about the drugs.
It's the girls.
What the fuck are you talking about? I guess the guy just draws the line at torching immigrants.
I can get your stuff back, Wayne.
- Get the fuck out of my store.
- Hey, I am the only guy - that can get your stuff back.
- Get out.
Any word on Danny? - Not yet.
- We still got uniforms looking for him.
It should just be a matter of time before someone spots him.
When they do, I wanna bring him in.
The guy took his niece out for a boat ride.
- And nothing happened to her, so - He threatened her.
Physically? Verbally? - Was she taken against her will? - It was against my will.
You know you need more than that, John.
That's not enough.
It'll be my daughter's word against his.
So you want your daughter to To lie.
Janey doesn't understand what he was doing.
He was sending a message.
Not to her.
To me.
He can get to her anytime he wants.
Why? You wanna be part of this family? Danny Danny's a threat to himself and to the family.
So when they bring him in, we're gonna find something that sticks, all right? Until he breaks the law, there's absolutely nothing we could do.
If the DEA would've found the drugs in the shed, we'd have him.
- We don't have shit, you understand? - Well, then, be creative.
I'm afraid for my fucking family.
Do you understand that? Yeah, I understand.
I also understand there's a fuck-load of shit you're not telling me.
You want my help? Then tell me what the fuck is going on.
I have, Marco.
All of it.
Like what really happened to the cocaine.
I've told you everything.
I wish I could help you.
I got a lead on where to find Danny Rayburn.
I already found him.
Son of a bitch showed up at my shop this morning.
Just walks right in, tells me the product is gone.
- Gone? - He said his brother took it.
But he thinks he can get it back.
I'd say it's time to cut your losses.
That's a big fucking bundle to give up on.
Tell me what to do.
Eric told me you left.
I did.
Without saying goodbye? Well, I'm back now.
What's going on, Danny? I don't know.
What's going on? You're in trouble, aren't you? It's just It's family bullshit.
It's But we probably shouldn't have too much contact in the next little while.
Then, why are we talking? Well, I just gotta figure this shit out with John.
Then everything's gonna be okay.
It's gonna be fine.
I'm not gonna have to leave anymore.
You really believe that, don't you? Yeah, I just gotta chill that family out.
No, you don't.
You just need to forget them.
Can I borrow your car? Why? Just for a couple of days.
Please, CeCe.
For real.
I learned a long time ago you can't save people from themselves.
They either figure it out on their own or they don't.
It needs gas.
Oh, fuck.
Yeah, it's me.
I found him.
- Where? - Mile marker 91.
The Tom Thumb station.
Keep him there.
I'll be there soon.
Wait, John! - Uhn! - Looking for your pal Danny.
I don't know any fucking Danny.
- Someone's gonna talk! - Fuck.
Fuck you! Fuck! Fuck.
Last chance.
Where is he? Come on, John.
Come on.
Where the fuck are you? Shit.
What's going on, Kev? John's looking for you.
He wants to talk to you.
Oh, yeah? Yeah, I don't think so.
What about you? Anything you wanna say to me? No? Wow.
Usually, you can't keep your fucking mouth shut.
Now you look just like the little boy that John and I used to spend so much time ignoring.
Get in the car, Danny.
Should've led with that.
Get in the fucking car.
Yeah, I don't think so.
Put the fucking gun away, Kevin.
You're gonna hurt yourself.
I mean it, Danny.
Get in the car.
Get in.
- Get in the fucking car.
- Or what? What are you gonna do? You know something, Kevin? If you hated me half as much as you hate yourself, you'd have used it.
Dan Danny.
Danny! Fuck! Fuck! - Thanks for the ride.
- You're welcome.
See you.
What the hell happened to you? I gotta get out of town.
- What? - Yeah.
You gotta tell Mom, all right? You should get out too.
And stay the fuck away from Danny.
Why? What's going on, Eric? Talk to me.
Come in.
Sit down.
All right.
Now, what's going on? God, I don't know, I wasn't there.
This guy scared the shit out of my brother.
I mean, Eric was so scared, he left town.
And believe me, he has nowhere to go.
Now this guy is looking for Danny.
- Looking for him? - To hurt him.
- And Eric thinks he's gonna kill him.
- Have you told Danny this? Well, he won't answer my calls, and I'm afraid to be near him.
I didn't know who else to tell.
You gotta do something, John.
This guy looking for Danny, if he can't find him, he can't hurt him.
Eric told him where Danny's staying.
Where is that? At the Red Reef Motel.
Go there.
I really think somebody might kill him.
John? I think you're right.
- I think maybe we should meet.
- What for? It's like you said.
Maybe we can help each other out.
But first I have to know that my family's gonna be safe.
I need to know that my family's gonna be safe.
We'll talk about that.
Can you meet tomorrow? Yeah, I can meet tomorrow.
Where? You remember that little spot near South Bay? We used to go there in high school after a big night.
We'd watch the sun come up.
Yeah, I remember.
You gave me my first cigarette.
Meet you there tomorrow morning.
We can watch the sunrise.
Yeah, sunrise.
That sounds great.
Copy, Morada 7-5.
Can you check out the smoke at Sunset Cove? Oh, FD was on the scene.
It's just a bonfire.
Report of gunshot fired near East Bay.
Anyone in the area? Marco.
Someone heard a gunshot at the Red Reef Motel.
There's a body.
Caucasian male, 40s.
I'm headed there now.
John? Yeah.
I'll, uh I'll try to be over in a while.
Don't worry about it.
I got it.
You can go home, Frank.
- Hey.
- Where have you been? Have you seen Danny? Uh He called.
We're gonna meet tomorrow at the station and talk.
Everything will be fine.
Oh, thank God.
Right in here, detective.
Well, I was getting worried.
I'm so glad you came by.
Hey, John.
Bullet missed its target.
We found it lodged in the wall.
Gun's over there.
There have clearly been some things going on with this family.
I think it'd be good if we all talked.
You wanna go first? No? I'll go first.
Okay, Mom I'm sure there's a whole bunch of stuff that John's told you about me.
It's all true.
I fell in with some bad people.
I, um I needed money, saw an opportunity.
The paycheck you were giving me wasn't gonna cut it, so I started dealing drugs.
So I guess what happened tonight is partly my fault.
What happened tonight? A guy tried to kill me.
What? Oh, God, Danny.
- Who tried to kill you? - He's a guy I know.
- Business associate.
- You call the police? I didn't.
If I called police, I'd get arrested This is crazy.
Mom doesn't need to hear this.
No, Meg.
- Let him talk.
I need to hear this.
- You're done.
Get the fuck out.
- Just hold on.
Quiet! - Get the fuck out of here.
Just let me finish, okay? Just a couple more words, and then I'm gone.
Okay? So clearly I'm in danger because these guys are really pissed off.
I don't know what they were gonna do to me, but since I used the inn to bring the drugs through now you're all in danger.
What do you mean, you used the inn? Normally I'd say I'm sorry, but I'm not, because you're all liars.
- Like it always has been.
- Danny, would you just stop it? And you are the worst! You always took Dad's side.
You never protected me.
I've never felt safe in this house.
And now, none of you are safe in this house.
What the fuck is that supposed to mean, huh, Dan? Huh? You have finally lived up to your father's expectations, Danny.
Just leave me alone, please.
Just leave me alone.
What the fuck? Son of a bitch.
Someone tried to kill him tonight? Did you know about this? - No.
- Well, you talked to him, and you said that everything was gonna be fine.
I thought it was.
What did he say? He said that he wants to meet tomorrow morning.
- He wants to talk, and I agreed.
- We'll take care of this tonight.
You're not gonna do a goddamn thing.
You're gonna stay here with Meg.
And you're gonna help her with Mom, is what you're gonna do.
Come on.
Fuck you! I got it, Pop.
I got it, I got it, I got it.
Oh, I know.
I know.
I fucking know.
I fucking know.
Yeah? Who's the pussy now, motherfucker? Who's the pussy now? Yeah, he had a gun.
Obviously, somebody got the drop on him.
Maybe they knew he was coming? Yeah.
Kevin, what's going on? What are you gonna do about Danny? Huh? You gonna do something? I'll fix it.
You know that I found a gun in his One of his suitcases, huh? No, I didn't know that.
No, I know you didn't know that.
But it's not It's not in his suitcase.
It's in my fucking hand right now.
- Listen to me, Kevin - If you won't do something about this I will.
He's come after me once.
- What the fuck you talking about? - It was Danny who fucking attacked me.
He fucking admitted it.
Kevin, listen to me.
I have to make this right.
I'll talk to him.
What are you gonna say? I'm gonna tell him what he wants to hear.
You always give him what he fucking wants! All right, fine.
Listen to me.
Goddamn it.
And it's never enough, John! It's never fucking enough! No more fucking talk.
All right, fine, Kevin.
No more fucking talk.
But I'm the one that has to handle this.
You stay where you are.
It's untraceable.
Do what you have to.
Mom, I dealt with the leak in Bungalow 3.
What's going on? Mom.
He hates me.
My baby hates me.
And were you there when your brother got hurt? Yes, sir.
And what happened? - He was hit by a car.
- Got hit by a car.
And was your father there? - No, sir.
- No, sir.
- He was at the hospital with my sister.
- He was at the hospital with my sister.
You telling me the truth, son? - Yes, sir.
- Yes, sir.
It was your decision not to let me come back here.
Didn't have the guts to tell me, though.
You looked me right in the eye blamed it on Dad.
Is that what this is about? It's about much more than that.
How can we work this out? I don't know, John.
How can we work it out? I think that you should leave.
Not forever.
Just until things calm down.
Give it some time.
We figure it out, but you can't be here right now.
Why should I go? Because of all the terrible things I've done? When we both know what you did just last night? You think Chelsea would go to you first? I told her to go.
Wanted to see what you'd do.
Now I know.
I just wanna make peace with you.
That's it.
Yeah, now.
You just want me to absolve you.
You were right about everything.
I let the family scapegoat you.
I did.
No one ever stood up to Dad.
Meg, Kevin Mom.
I never did.
I could've made things better for you and I didn't.
I'm sorry.
Because you were never given the chance to have the life I have, and I see that.
But you can't be here.
John, I told you.
I'm not leaving.
You expect me to forget about this? I can forgive so much.
- Not that.
- You can't forgive yourself.
- Because you should have been there.
- You keep saying that.
You had me convinced.
After all these years, I thought, yeah, maybe it could've been me on that boat.
If things had been just a little bit different, I would have taken her.
- No, you keep telling yourself that - You know why? Because she was 10 years old and she shouldn't have been out there.
I told you not to take her and you remember that.
I fucking told you.
You did, and that was your choice, so don't blame Sarah's death on me.
- All these years, you all blamed me! - You were a fuckup before Sarah! I was always protecting you, always standing up for your fucking mistakes.
- Such a hero.
- I was the one who could never fuck up.
I was the responsible one.
I was the one who was always making everything okay for everyone in the family, because it was Danny who was always turning everything to shit! - Let it out.
Let the hate out, John.
- I don't hate you.
I never could hate you.
That's my fucking problem! What the fuck do you want? I want you to know how it feels.
Just to know what it feels like to have to beg, to have to go through your whole life apologizing for everything.
I want you to know You want me to leave? Beg me.
Get down on your knees, and you beg me to go.
Beg me! When is this gonna end? It doesn't end for me, John.
Why should it end for you? What the fuck does that mean? I told you.
Your life's not always gonna be so perfect.
So you're not gonna beg me? Because if you're not gonna beg, we don't have anything to talk about.
When's it gonna end, Danny? Aah! When's it gonna fucking end?! When's it gonna fucking end, Danny? - When's it gonna fucking end, huh? - Okay, stop.
Goddamn it! Answer me! When's it gonna fucking end?! Huh? When's it gonna end, Danny? When's it gonna fucking?
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