Love Rain (Sarangbi) (2012) s01e12 Episode Script

Episode 12

Your mom's happiness is that important to you? More important than your own happiness? Yes.
It may sound like a lie.
But it's true.
Because Mom put my happiness before hers up until now.
Also I feel sorry for them.
They liked each other, but they couldn't be together.
Why? If Just what if Coughing isn't something serious.
When it swells up - Hi.
- Hi Professor.
Excuse me.
How have you been? Good.
But Joon isn't here right now.
He went out to see I just saw Joon.
He was with a girl.
Is she his girlfriend? Oh she's.
She's probably a model.
Are you going to wait for him? May I? Why don't you go upstairs then? It's going to be quiet there.
Ok then.
What's wrong? Let's end it here.
I don't understand.
Why do you want to break up? We just started.
Can you look at me in the eyes? Why are you doing this all of the sudden? - Yeah? - Are you with Ha Na right now? I just wanted to tell you.
Don't come home with Ha Na right now.
My father is there? How did you know? I just sort of found out.
But You knew? You come here.
Sun Ho will come here.
Wait for him.
Suh Joon.
Why are you doing this all of the sudden? I don't understand.
Ha Na.
What's going on? He says that it's over.
I don't know what happened either.
Please don't ever come here again.
Can you hear me out? I can't go back to your mom anymore.
I can't break up with her either.
But Break up with her! Break up with her! You break up too.
Or Don't even think about seeing my face again.
I can't do this.
I have to go back and ask him.
You can't.
I just don't understand.
Why? I can't break up like this.
Ha Na.
Ha Na! Where's the professor? I don't know.
What? How can he just leave like this? This is really too much.
What? How did you know? I know everything about you.
How did you know? Since when? What are you going to do now? What about Ha Na? She was crying at the room you moved out of.
What would you do? What else can I do in a situation like this? To her, her mother's happiness is more important.
And look at my mom.
If she finds out about this, will she be able to handle it? My father and Ha Na's mother All four of us get together and we talk it out.
And then I tell her that we can't help it? You are not heartbroken.
Like that? The best way is to break up as soon as possible.
What about Ha Na? She will be fine.
I got her into this in the first place anyway.
What about you then? Me? Since when did I believe in love? I was only attracted for a second.
Nothing is hard about it.
You didn't go to bed yet? Am I too late? I wanted to see you today.
You want to come inside and get a cup of tea? No.
Let me see your hand.
Thank you.
Is something wrong? No I'm happy because you're with me.
What is this? What is this? Uncle! Jo Won Suk! What are you doing here? I got kicked out from home! Finally! What's going on? We were about to call you because you weren't at the hospital.
They told me to run a search at your place.
What search? Go to the Chief right now.
Resign? Are you telling me to quit right now? I don't know what's going on.
I think the decision came straight from the top.
Yoon Hee.
Did you have a problem with headquarters? No Oh It could be Heart! Pow Pow.
You run away like a coward.
You don't even show up for days.
I won't let you get away! Joon.
We have them ready.
Let me see your best pose.
Look at him.
If Ha Na ever sees this Ok! Let's take a short break.
She's here.
I will see you at the test shooting.
Let's take a break and get ready for the shooting.
What do you want to say? I said that I want to break up.
And you keep on sending texts and calling.
You're just like other girls.
I'm not different from other girls.
Why should I be different? I just couldn't accept it.
Why do you want to end it all of the sudden? I just want to know why.
You don't know why? No.
I just played with you.
And I got sick of you.
Suh Joon.
Play with me? Who played with who? What are you doing here? Aren't you going to get ready? No! Answer me! Who played with who? Isn't it uncomfortable to even run into each other? Why don't you move out from here? It was only temporary anyway right? You don't want to be with me either, do you? Suh Joon.
I don't think I have a reason to be uncomfortable in my own building.
Garden? I don't need it.
I never needed it.
If you need to get paid, I will send a check.
Get out as soon as you find a room.
I'm not moving out! I didn't move in because I was going out with you.
I'm not going to move out just because I broke up.
I moved in because I made a contract with Sun Ho.
If you want to go out, you can move out.
Oh yeah.
You did.
Like a coward.
Fine then! Does he have to do that? What? I told you that I don't want to do it.
Whatever! I'm busy.
What? What's going on? - Joon.
- Don't say anything.
You take charge and get her out of here.
I really don't like her now.
Joon! What's wrong with everyone? What? Why am I being left out? This is not fair.
How can they let you go all of the sudden? And they locked your personal belongings for a search.
Yoon Hee! You can't just stand down.
It's not completely their fault.
It's also partially mine.
What do you mean? So let's just let it go.
Can you keep this for me? I will come and get it as soon as I find a place.
Where are you going to go? You want to go to my place? To a newlywed's place with a child? It's ok.
What are you going to do then? There's only a week left.
I don't know if I can wrap it up that fast.
I wanted you to leave.
I thought I would go crazy if I didn't do that.
So I did it.
As long as you leave, you will be well taken care of.
Will you leave? Hye Jung.
Can't you feel sympathy for us? What? In Ha and I We never had anything.
That's why we can't move on from the past.
Even if it's worthless.
So can we have it just once? Even if we regret it, I want to have him once and regret it.
Can't you just do it for us? Regret? For you? Gosh Absolutely not.
Because of your stupid past, my life and the life of my family are tied to it.
I will do anything until you two break up.
I will never leave you alone.
Last shot.
That's it.
-Thank you! -Thank you.
Good job.
You too.
You're a bit strange today.
Is something wrong? No.
Nothing is.
You want to go drink? I thought it was over between us.
But a drink is ok isn't it? But he is a really close friend.
So it hurts me just as much.
Don't worry too much, Doc.
Let's talk about you next time.
All I have to say is that I'm sick.
Are you sure you're a doctor? Why? What kind of doctor consults his patient? Why not? We have been friends for years.
That's why you can't make money.
That's why I opened up the cafe.
This is only for fun.
I don't have to worry about losing money.
I can just have fun with the patients.
Sun Ho.
Joon said to kick her out, didn't he? They had a fight didn't they? I don't know what you're talking about.
Come on! Tell me.
You have to be on my side.
Huh? I said I don't know.
You're going to get freckles! Should I plant sesame too? ('sesame' sounds like 'freckles') After getting the soil done, I will be planting pots and flowers from here to there.
I hope the patients will like it.
I like it! Should I move out? Why are you getting weak all of the sudden? It will be hard watching him.
I don't think I can stand him hating me more.
Gosh my head hurts.
What? Father.
Daughter? He is carrying this.
She looks just like her.
Oh my God.
She's that witch, isn't she? Yeah, I remember.
She went out with Joon the longest.
And they had the most intimate relationship.
I thought he was going to really get serious with her.
Where are you going? Can't you tell? I thought you were going to eat dinner with me.
That's not fun.
Let's go.
You! What are you doing? I said I don't like you! I said it's over.
It's not over for me.
I still like you.
So I'm going to do this until I hate you.
It may take a really long time.
You better prepare yourself for it.
Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! The song I will be singing right now, is going to be the first song that I wrote.
When I was 17, I couldn't stop my boiling inspiration.
I wrote it all night.
It's my soul speaking.
I will be good to you from now on.
It bothered me all along.
I thought about you when I got back to Korea.
I did when I saw you again.
I still think about you now.
You're really pretty.
I think I like you.
You can back out if you want to.
Your hair.
I don't want you to catch a cold.
Let's just stay like this for a sec.
It was a really tiring day for me.
I think I'm not myself these days.
Let me hug you.
It's nice.
Did you see her? She's crying.
She's crying her eyes out.
She's fallen for me.
That was close.
From now on, she is my soul mate.
I'm serious! She really lost it at my song.
She was dropping tears after listening to my song.
And? You're saying that you're going to stay in Seoul with that excuse? I finally found my first fan who recognizes my music.
Where do I go now? I'm going to try harder.
Even for that nameless girl who cried for me.
I was starting to wonder what your excuse was going to be this time.
Oh yeah, Uncle.
You said Joon was taking pictures right? Yeah? I'm going to ask him to take a picture for the album jacket.
Can you give me his address? What's the name of the studio? Jacket my butt.
I don't know.
I don't know if he remembers you.
What are you talking about? I remember him so well! They will go crazy for me.
That's probably because you used to bully them a lot.
I still can remember coming here when I was a child.
I used to play with them a lot.
Oh yeah.
What was the name of the girl? That girl! The one who keeps on following Joon around.
- Mi Ho? - Yeah! Mi Ho! She cried a lot because of me.
I miss them all of the sudden now.
Uncle! Can you give me their address and number? Are you going to leech off of them now? If I didn't borrow money from your father, I would have kicked you out right away.
I never thought that we would ever drink like this again.
This is ok now.
Who was she? Which one was it that you wanted to show off to? The one who sprayed water? You're just like everyone else when you're in love.
Who's in love? It's not like that.
Ok, let's just pretend that that's true.
You're not really in love are you? I will be jealous then.
It's not like that.
You're drinking a lot today.
You never drank so much.
Don't come home today.
Do you have a lot of work to do? Can I see you just for a sec? I have to do something today.
I see.
Let me ask you one thing then.
Huh? Can you send me a picture of you? Send it to me.
I miss you.
Thank you, you're beautiful.
You again? What? I really don't feel anything.
Do you really not feel anything? Really? Did you really just play with me? Stop being so annoying.
Don't make me a bigger jerk.
Let's just end it here.
Thank you.
Ha Na is good at everything except getting dressed.
Thank you.
Joon! Ha Na cooked breakfast for us.
You're going to eat right? We don't have enough soup.
- What about this? - I'm going to eat all of it.
Hey, Jo Soo.
We're out of coffee.
Make me a cup of coffee, and bring it upstairs.
That brat! Are you really not going to eat? No.
Ha Na made fish soup.
I thought you drank last night? (Fish soup is good for hangovers.
) We decided to end it last night.
She agreed.
Of course.
After all you've done, It was coming.
It's ok.
You can stay.
What's wrong? I'm moving out next week.
I want to continue doing the garden work.
But if you don't like it, I can quit that too.
No! Please keep doing the gardening.
You can stay in the room too.
Do whatever.
Ok then.
Are you going to stop by headquarters and then go down to the resort? I have something personal.
I have to take care of that first.
Yes sir.
You can't do the garden work because Joon is outside.
Can't he move so that you can work? He will move soon.
Is Ha Na here? Tae Sung! I had something to tell you.
Let's go outside.
Hold on.
Let me go change.
You look fine.
Let's go.
Hey! Aren't we ready yet? We're good to go.
We can go as soon as the model is here.
Ha Na.
Let's go.
Who is that model? Did you see him? He's hot.
Who is he? How does he know Ha Na? Let's go.
Tell the model to quit if she's not going to be on time.
You told me not to change.
You're pretty right now.
Explain this situation.
Let's eat first.
Are you staring for an answer? Where do I start? I'm going to start working at the resort starting this week.
Resort? I will be the new C.
What? C.
? How are you the C.
? The resort and the garden is one of my family's businesses.
I'm sorry I couldn't tell you earlier.
You're sorry that you couldn't tell me earlier? What was I doing with you all along? Are we really friends? I did that so that we could stay as friends.
I didn't know this lie would last this long.
I just got here from New York in the morning.
My fiancee was studying in New York.
I broke up with her.
What? In my family, a fiancee is just an arrangement.
I didn't have any feelings.
I tried to break up with her after I met you.
I was worried if I will be If my family background was a bit too much for you to handle.
That's why it's taken so long.
I'm sorry that I came a long way around.
But I'm here.
I want you to take me.
Come to me.
Ha Na.
I like the overall feeling.
But it's a bit over-saturated here.
This will work.
Wow! I wish I was as smart as you are.
I think life would be fun.
My life is boring.
It will be even more boring from now on.
- Bye.
- Bye.
What are you doing? Mr.
Suh! I was being one with the music.
You can't just come without making appointments.
Wow? I'm not here to see you Mr.
- Pardon? - I heard that Ms.
Jung Ha Na is here.
Where is she? Oh! Ha Na! You're here! There is telepathy between us two.
Right? You two are perfect for each other! The best team! We have our new theme out for the season.
I came here myself to show you both.
Aphrodite the Greek goddess of love? Yes! Just like the Botticelli's painting of "The Birth of Venus" on the beach.
Just think about it? How grand, fantastic, beautiful! I liked the beach you had on your profile gallery.
Why don't you go there? I liked the beach you had on your profile gallery.
Why don't you go there? I'm not doing it.
I want to do it.
You want to do it again? Be my model again? Why? I want to do it.
Tae Sung asked me out today.
And? What's that got to do with me? He asked me out.
But I was only thinking of you.
It didn't take long for you to switch over from him to me.
It won't be hard to switch over from me back to him again.
- It's not like that.
- It is like that.
It won't be hard to switch over from me back to him again.
- It's not like that.
- It is like that.
Just like that.
Leave her.
The wind is blowing really hard.
Plant it as deep as you can.
Do something about the wind! Where is he? He's here? Are we good to go? - Yes.
- Go! How do I do it? Like this? What kind of facial expression do you want? You want me to smile? Do I look at you? Yeah.
Do these look good on me? Just stay still.
I will take care of it.
Next! What? Why is your pose so distracted today? Are you kidding? Are you that stupid? Before being so stubborn about doing it, you should have thought if you could do it.
Hey! Check where she's looking at! I will first decide where to go.
Then I will find a place.
Ha Na will be sad to hear this.
Don't tell her.
I will see you later.
I came after I finished like you told me to.
I missed you, but you wouldn't see me for days.
Were you happy? That's how you got ready for your exhibition.
I'm going to make it like this.
I think it's going to be great.
Show it to me soon.
When will the check on your place be over? Oh Actually I'm going to change workplaces.
Really? The arboretum here is pretty much set.
There is not much for me to do.
I like it.
What's going on? Stop moving your hand.
Stop showing that it's cold.
That's it! I heard already.
Joon's mother made a mistake.
I'm sorry.
I thought we agreed to not say that.
I'm ok.
Don't blame yourself.
Why don't you move to my place for now? I can stay out in my workshop.
It's ok.
I can't let you stay somewhere like that.
Rather Why don't we It's leaving soon.
Let's go.
-Thank you! -Thank you! Get in Ha Na! I want to stay here.
I want to stay here and go home tomorrow.
Ha Na! What are you going to do here? What's wrong Sweetie? Aren't we going? Yes.
I'm leaving.
When you're being mean, it means you're lying.
So I can't believe that it's going to end like this.
Can you stay with me? I can believe it.
Stop the car.
-What? Stop! What are you going to do now? The car left already.
You have to stay with me until tomorrow.
That's going to be enough.
Enough? What is enough? I have something to tell you.
-Will you marry me? - I don't think I've been honest with you.
Mom and Professor Suh Yes, he's my father.

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