Melrose Place (2009) s01e12 Episode Script

San Vicente

- Previously on Melrose Place - Hi, I'm Ella, junior publicist.
Jonah, you are a hugely talented filmmaker.
We're getting married, guys.
All my life, all I wanted was to be a doctor.
I'm still a little concerned about your finances.
I can work it out.
The late nights, the mystery men? I resent you interrogating me like I'm some kind of Prostitute? My dad killed Sydney.
I found Sydney's necklace in his car.
She was wearing it the night she died.
- Detective.
- You're under arrest.
Amanda Woodward does not come all the way Across the country, just to slap us on the wrist.
My friend, Jane, Said I can stay in the penthouse, And I can't wait to become a part Of each and every one of your lives.
See you tonight.
Where did my mom get it in her head That a nice simple ceremony means a reception At Copley Plaza in front of 400 of our closest friends? It's a sample invitation, all right? Operative word being "sample.
" It's not set in stone.
Yeah, well, according to my mom, it is.
Because she ended up divorced, when it comes to my wedding, She wants to do everything the opposite.
That way, she can make sure I have The perfect marriage she never had.
As if there is such a thing.
Well you're a big girl.
You can do whatever you want.
And have her accuse me of shattering her dream? No, it'll be three weeks of negotiations, And by the time we have everything settled, She'll get her way.
That's always the way it works out.
Yeah? Well, not this time.
All right, let's face it, Riley, We don't do this whole engagement thing very well.
I say we put an end to it tonight.
What do you mean? I mean, we drive to Vegas and get ourselves hitched.
Elope? Jonah, my mom will seriously kill me.
Just think about it, okay? We load up that rocket sled, we hit the road by 6:00, And I am kissing my bride by midnight.
Come on.
Let's go get married.
Talk to me, Ella.
Yawning, the pacing around the apartment In the middle of the night.
Let me guess.
Still nothing but radio static from Jonah? Deafening radio static.
I mean, I did sell him down the river on that director credit, but How am I supposed to apologize to him When he won't answer my phone calls? He's not even reading my bbms.
What's going on with you, El? The amount of people you've had mad at you, I have yet to see you get this bent out of shape over it.
I don't know.
I mean, maybe it's because Jonah is one of the only guys I've ever known who I can truly be myself with.
He gets me.
And he's engaged, Ella.
Me and Jonah an item? Lor.
You and your scandalous imagination are spiraling out of control.
It's kind of cute though.
Hey, it's Rick.
We went out a while ago.
Oh, right.
Hey, Rick.
Yeah, I've been thinking about you a lot lately.
I thought I made it pretty clear I'm not looking to date anyone right now.
No, no, not a date.
I was looking for, you know, Company.
A little daytime fun.
Today? Yeah, if you can.
Same financial arrangement as before? Okay.
Then why don't you meet me at the Doheny hotel, 3:00.
All right.
If I miss my flight back to L.
, You are gonna be driving me yourself.
Yes, miss.
Atoning for your laundry list of sins? You're gonna be here a long time.
Look what the Santa Anas blew in.
Did you follow me here? You're a thief, Sydney.
I want it back.
Why would I ever steal from the big bad Amanda Woodward? - Where is it? - I told you.
I never received the painting.
I didn't have it stolen from an upper east side co-op So it could be sent third class mail.
That painting was worth $19 million.
Which my client in Hong Kong would gladly pay if I actually had it.
You betrayed me.
Who betrayed whom? Aren't you the one who slept with my boyfriend? Boyfriend? Michael is happily married, Sydney.
You and I were just strolls down memory lane for him.
Don't use him as an excuse to steal from me.
I thought we were friends, Amanda.
We were business partners.
I found the paintings, you turned them into cash.
It was all working so well until you got greedy, Stabbed me in the back.
Don't you ever get tired of falsely accusing people? Even the lord rested on the seventh day.
You'll never get away with this.
I want that painting.
And I'll do whatever it takes to get it back.
MELROSE PLACE Ungaro is the closest thing I have to a white flag.
So how long do you plan on hating me? Because these heels make walking On eggshells very tough.
Oh, I'm sorry.
Did, um, selling me out inconvenience you? Okay, look, Jonah, I get it, all right? I mean, you have a million reasons Why you should hate my guts, but Not having you in my life, it really sucks, Jonah.
I'm so sorry.
I walk around all day acting like some unflappable tough-as-nails Bitch who doesn't give a damn what anybody thinks about me, But when I'm with you, I just-- I don't know.
You make me feel like I'm better than that.
Oh, I'm so happy I could help boost your self-esteem.
Okay, well, I may be persona non grata in Jonah Miller universe, But that doesn't mean I'm gonna stop working your movie.
No, well, stop, really.
Living In Reverse will survive without you.
Of course it will.
But today I happen to be working the press tour For Curtis Heller's new movie, And I think I could get you a quick pitch.
With Curtis Heller? Ella, There's no way Curtis Heller would accept a pitch from me.
He has five best picture nominations.
I am in the business of making things happen.
At least I can do is spread some of that onto you.
What are you doing with my phone? You are accepting my invitation on Loopt.
- You are okay with that, right? - Yeah.
Look, we're gonna be running around all day and night, So this way we will both know where the other one is at all times.
And when I have my moment with Heller You'll know exactly where to find us.
Okay, as far as peace offerings go, A Curtis Heller pitch is, That's up there with the best of them.
But listen to me.
If I do this, it has to happen before 4:00, okay? What exactly could be more important than Pitching to the most important producer of the decade? Well, Riley and I are taking a road trip.
- Oh, god.
- To Vegas.
We're getting married.
Oh, my god.
Oh, that's perfect.
- It's perfect, right? - Yeah.
Yeah, you're just getting it over with like that, huh? Just like ripping off a band-aid.
I was joking.
I'm kidding.
That's Wow, that's great, Jonah.
Thank you.
Really happy for you.
Thank you, Ella.
Just, um, promise me one thing though.
What? You have to get married by Elvis.
Shut down gate 3.
My god, Michael.
What has happened to you? It's all a misunderstanding.
You should know that better than anyone.
You were having an affair with Sydney Andrews? Was it easier for you to kill the poor woman than to tell your wife? Bravo, Vanessa.
I never knew you were such a fine actress.
I came here to tell you I want a divorce.
I know you killed Syd.
My god.
Are you that pathetic? You're trying to point fingers at me? I came to see you that night.
Found her floating in the pool and you running away.
Me? There was a necklace on the ground.
I took it.
To cover up your crime.
No, to protect my family.
If they were to lock you up, Noah would be traumatized.
And I could not let that happen.
You're willing to say anything to save yourself, aren't you? I don't have to say anything.
When your prints turn up, Everybody's gonna know the truth.
You don't just need a lawyer, you need a psychiatrist.
Good-bye, Michael.
Come in.
Thought this apartment was a Riley-free zone.
It smelled so good outside, I had to check it out.
Penne arrabbiata.
Used to make it for my brothers and sisters When my mom was working the night shift.
You hungry? No, I'm good.
I, um, I actually came by to apologize.
I should have never called the police, Auggie.
I should have followed my gut and trusted you.
I let you down, and I'm sorry.
Apology accepted.
What do you say we catch up tonight? A run? Beachwood? I promise you I will ring a bell.
Why, are you afraid I'll beat you to the top? How's 4:00? Actually, I can't today.
Thanks, anyway.
Come on.
You'll be gone an hour, tops.
Jonah and I are eloping.
What happened? I thought you were having second thoughts.
Not anymore.
Riley, you always told me to be honest with you no matter what, - Right? - Of course.
Look, we both know you're not the same person you were When you got engaged to Jonah.
How can you commit for the rest of your life When you don't even know what kind of life you want? What I want is to be with Jonah, So if you can't be happy for me, Then that's pretty much your problem.
Riley, I'm just being honest with you.
Riley! Hello.
David, it's me.
I need your help.
No, what you need is a good lawyer.
I didn't kill Sydney, David.
The night Syd died, She threatened to call Vanessa and tell her about our affair.
Spare me the bogus alibis.
I went over there to talk Syd out of it, but I was too late.
Syd had already called, And Vanessa got there first.
Why would I ever believe you? I don't expect you to.
But for the sake Of your little brother, you need to help me.
What does Noah have to do with this? I'm worried Vanessa's gonna disappear with him, Take him out of the country and never come back.
The police won't arrest her Until the forensics come back on Syd's necklace.
So, please, Davey, go get Noah from school And keep him safe.
Look at you.
A-list hotel, Smoking-hot dress.
Stepped it up since our last date.
I like it.
Geez, you've really gone pro.
Professional is always best for the job, right? Yeah, well, how about a little treat? What's that? It's called nexus.
I got this from a DJ buddy of mine.
This stuff makes sex, like, amazing.
Here, try it.
No, um, I actually Don't do the whole drug thing.
I get an upset stomach from, like, aspirin.
You are adorable.
You should be careful with that.
You never know how you're gonna react.
I thought you were gonna leave your md hat back at the hospital.
You're right.
I'm sorry.
Will you at least have a glass of the good stuff with me? Sure.
But then we should probably get down to business.
Bow tie-- check.
Wedding vows-- check.
I even brought my lucky penny In case we decide to hit the blackjack table.
You're usually still stuffing t-shirts into your bag As we're walking out the door.
Yeah, well, this isn't just a road trip; We are eloping.
Beside, I cannot forget one thing.
I need to be ready here 'Cause Ella's gonna text me soon letting me know That all systems are go for this pitch.
Oh, my god, I'm pitching, I'm eloping, I'm trying on new cologne.
I just have a feeling I'm gonna seriously beef this.
Not possible.
You are, like, The world's greatest storyteller.
You have nothing to worry about.
No open suitcase,no clothes scattered all over the living room.
I kinda thought you'd be further ahead than me right now.
Oh, I'm just about to start.
Riley, is your slow-pack mode any indication That you're waffling here? I'm not waffling.
Look, I know how hard this is to do to your mom and your dad.
I mean, they want to see you walk down the aisle.
My parents do, too.
What do you say, We call 'em and see if they want to meet us in sin city? No, my mom would never let me get off the phone until I swear On my grandmother's grave that I'm not eloping.
We're getting married tonight, jonah.
I'm packing right now.
Oh, this is it.
They're on San Vicente.
The London Hotel.
Uh, all right, I need my jacket.
Briefcase, keys.
Where are my keys? Keys are in your hand.
I love you.
- I love you.
- Bye.
Good luck! Thank you.
Okay, that was the best interview yet.
The stuff about malaria? Priceless.
If only it were true, right? So, how many more of these things do I have to do? Oh, you're almost done.
You have satellite tour in 30, So you have a little bit of a break.
I'm gonna need a scotch and soda, please.
Oh, absolutely.
And I have a little live entertainment To go along with that, no extra charge.
Excuse me? Okay, look, there is this amazing writer-director Going out with a pitch tomorrow, And I thought maybe that you would want To have a shot at it before the rest of the town does.
Come on, Ella.
Just have his agent call Craig.
Oh, okay, we can do that.
I just thought, you know, Since Scott Rudin was meeting with him tomorrow, And then he was meeting with Harvey Weinstein Wait, wait, wait.
Since when is Rudin taking pitch meetings from nobodies? People are chomping at the bit on this one.
Look, it'll take you ten minutes, tops.
All right, where is this kid? Fantastic.
Jonah Miller-- aka the new Spike Jonze, I would like you to meet Curtis Heller.
How are you? This better be good.
Oh, it is good, Curtis.
It is genius.
Jonah is genius.
Well, no pressure there.
No pressure at all.
Okay, make this quick.
You got ten minutes before you get the hook.
Um Toasty out here, huh? "Opening shot on a stark highway drenched in sun.
"Through the ripples of heat, we see the hint of movement On the horizon.
" What are you doing? Jonah, just tell him the story the way you told it to me.
Sometime this decade? Okay.
Jacob Kane is 25 and he's lost everything.
He drives his beat-up old jeep Up to this intersection And he can either go right or he can go left.
And at this moment he realizes, "Wait a second.
"What if I do neither? "What if I throw this thing into reverse right now "And I go back and undo all the blunders and missteps "And mistakes that led me right to this moment?" Imagine those possibilities.
It's good, right? I didn't think it could get any better than last time, But you definitely proved me wrong.
Is it is it really hot in here? Hadn't noticed.
Been kinda busy.
I need to splash my face with some water.
Whoo! You okay? My head 'Cause I am feeling great.
Someone have a little too much to drink? You slipped me something, didn't you? Okay, I-I tossed a pill in your champagne.
Oh, god It wasn't a lot.
I took double that, And I'm fine.
I think you just drank too much.
I told you, Rick, I don't do drugs.
I know, I just thought that once you tried it you'd be into it.
Should I call a doctor? You should go.
Lauren, I want to make sure that you're okay.
You should go.
Can we go swimming in the pool? Not right now, bud.
Come on.
We don't have time.
But when we get to San Diego, You can do all the swimming you want, okay? Hey, do you like outer space? Yeah! All right, check out this cool game.
Here, switch me.
I'm gonna go pack.
Come on.
Lauren, it's David.
Hey, I can't make dinner tonight.
I gotta head out of town.
David Lauren? David, help me! Lauren, what's wrong? Lauren, tell me where you are.
Doheny hotel.
Lauren? Okay.
He was just sleeping with his eyes open.
Like a lizard.
Give me these.
I know.
I was about to check his pulse and then I saw him blink.
I was seriously thinking of throwing, Like, one of those little pretzels at him.
- Yeah? - Just hit him and see if he was still alive, even.
Right at his forehead.
Just You know what, though? It's his loss.
Because you were amazing.
You were brilliant once again.
Well, thank you.
I'm glad I could entertain at least one person.
Hey, it's okay.
I'm fine with being an underemployed videographer For the rest of my life.
You know what we need? Kill Bill 1 and 2 at the New Beverly.
I'm smelling popcorn, red vines, And lots and lots of Uma.
That sounds perfect.
But, uh Remember? I have to go get married.
Ah, that's right.
Hey, Jonah.
Do yourself a favor.
Make sure she gets to see fireworks on her wedding night.
Hey, Violet.
I need you to look after Noah.
Are you cool with that? You're the only one that's here.
- Sure.
- Okay, great.
- Thank you.
- Of course.
What's going on? Um, something happened to Lauren.
Hopefully, I'll be back soon, okay? All right.
I know you.
I'm not sure you do.
Hey, you like crayons? You want to draw? It's right over there.
Okay, be good.
Have fun.
Um, hey, listen.
Don't let his mom find him, okay? She wants to run off with him.
Why would she do that? My dad's wife, Vanessa-- I think that she killed your mom.
I'm really sorry.
I got to go.
I'll be right back.
Noah, be good.
Noah? You bitch.
Ah, sweetheart.
I did you a favor.
Don't you want to know Your husband is a lying, cheating pig? He lied and cheated because of you.
Maybe if you had kept him satisfied, He wouldn't have turned to old flames to fill the void.
Oh, my god.
David? You really are a whore.
Takes one to know one.
Mancini men are irresistible, aren't they? Secret's out, Vanessa.
Boy get pretty chatty when he's drunk.
That was a long time ago.
Michael and I weren't even married.
It was five years ago, according to David.
By the way, isn't Noah five? Oh, this is fun.
That's so funny.
Noah? Heller is a businessman.
Maybe he's just playing it cool.
Not let anyone know what he's thinking.
Isn't that, like, a negotiating tactic? You know what? I don't care what any producer thinks.
I'm getting married tonight.
That's, like, way more exciting Than any Hollywood deal could ever be.
All right? Perfect! You haven't left yet.
How'd you find us? Power of Loopt.
The news I have has to be hand-delivered.
Jonah Miller, it is official.
You are no longer a struggling wannabe.
- Wh - Curtis Heller wants to buy your movie! What? Yeah! He wa How could that guy want to buy my pitch? He was brain-dead.
Well, obviously, he had a resurrection.
And he wants to make a deal immediately.
Oh, my god.
Jonah! This is unbelievable.
Oh, my god.
Now we have something else to celebrate in Vegas.
Ooh, yeah.
About that.
He wants you to pitch it to the studio on Thursday.
We'll be back by then.
Uh, yeah, but don't you want to have time to work on the pitch? Yeah, yeah, yeah.
I'll do it in Vegas.
You'll be too distracted.
- No, I won't.
- Jonah, Vegas can wait.
What? No.
The movie can wait.
We're getting married tonight.
Civilian unrest at WPK.
Amanda's flying back to town on her broomstick For a soiree tomorrow night.
I got to go.
But I will see you two later.
And, Jonah, congrats.
- Thanks, Ella.
- Call me.
Riley What's going on? What do you mean? This is a once in a lifetime chance for you.
I kind of thought Us getting married was once in a lifetime, too.
I mean, it's not like our engagement expires at midnight.
If it doesn't happen today, it will happen another time.
Or not ever? Would that be better for you? What's gois this about your mom again? I mean, we can have the big wedding in Boston.
We can have the little wedding in Boston.
Like, wherever it is, whenever it is, I don't care.
Just figure it out.
It's not about the wedding.
It's not about my mom.
It's about It's about me! Jonah, I love you.
I do.
But Too much had happened since we got engaged.
I I mean, look at me.
I'm unemployed, uninspired.
I feel completely lost.
I just I don't know how I'm supposed to commit To sharing the rest of my life with someone When I don't even know what kind of life I want.
I'm so sorry.
I don't want to hurt you, Jonah.
I'm just scared.
If you're soafraid, then I'll give you something to calm your nerves.
No more wedding, no more us.
Jonah, where are you going? How are you going to get home? I'll find a way.
Lauren, Lauren.
Okay, Hey.
Lauren, wake up.
Wake up.
I just love that.
Can I help you? Wait.
I know you.
You've been to my house.
You work at Larchmont Staffing.
Small world.
You know my stepson, David, from upstairs? You wouldn't happen to have seen him with my son, Noah? No.
Haven't seen him at all.
That's odd because I could have sworn That I heard my son's voice coming from inside your apartment.
Just me.
My son is in there, isn't he? I don't know what you're talking about.
Get the hell out of my way.
You gonna kill me? Just like you killed my mom? Sydney Andrews was my mother.
You poor thing.
She was the only person who ever loved me.
And you took her away.
Let me guess.
You're here to evict me.
Turning my back on you was the biggest mistake of my life, And I'm so sorry.
The minute you told me, I knew it was true.
You are my daughter, Violet.
And I want I would like to get to know you.
How could you kill her? Give me my son, now! I am warning you.
Get out of my way.
She killed my mom.
It's gonna be okay.
So, did she attack you? Miss Foster, did she attack you? She had a gun.
And she threatened you with the gun? She started to pull it from her purse.
I saw everything, detective.
It was clearly self-defense.
- That woman would have killed her.
- Detective.
If Violet didn't fight back, she'd have been dead.
Excuse me one second.
I don't know how to thank you.
Don't worry, sweetheart.
Someday you'll find a way.
Lauren, hang on! You're gonna make it! Oh, god, Lauren.
Get her into seven.
What happened to her? I don't know.
I found her in a hotel room.
She was passed out.
We need a urine tox screen, Cbc and chem panel.
Lfts and coags.
What's wrong with her? Start a gastric lavage.
Is she gonna be okay? What is wrong with her? It looks like an overdose.
We need to add a CT scan to that.
All right, bedside C coming over your way.
You scared me.
It's pretty surreal, isn't it? Another body being carried out? Aren't you supposed to be in Vegas right now? Kind of had a change of plans.
We're not getting married.
I'm sorry, Riley.
I really am.
I guess, better now than after you go through a wedding, Been married I strung him along for how many months? How could I do that to him? You were confused, that's all.
And I can't help but admit that This is all for the best.
What you said this morning, Maybe you were right, But that doesn't mean that any of this is for the best.
I know you weren't meant to be with him.
What? Tell me I'm wrong, Riley.
Tell me you don't feel the same way.
Auggie, stop.
Look You need to leavenow.
Oh, hey, superstar.
Wait a minute.
How did you track me down? Works both ways.
You look like you got run over by a freight train.
What happened? Riley and I broke up.
Like, really broke up.
Oh, my god, Jonah, I'm so sorry.
Don't be.
It's probably all for the best.
She never wanted to get married.
I was just a sucker being strung along.
Jonah, you're not a sucker.
You guys had some amazing times together.
But I mean, at the end of the day, After all those years, she couldn't imagine a future with me? I don't think she ever really got me.
And you were right.
We are just two completely different people.
- A total miss as a couple.
- Hey, do not let Riley's flip-flop take away From the fact that you accomplished your dream today.
You're right.
- Yes, I did.
- Yes, you did.
This should be the greatest night of my life.
And I should be with someone who believes in me.
Someone who just trusts my every move.
Someone who can just look me directly in the eye Without a shred of doubt or hesitation.
- Jonah, wait.
- Just this once, just don't talk, okay? All right, tomorrow then.
I'll finally get to see if it's in one of these apartments.
Wait! I don't want to be just a one-night stand.
- You're not.
- No, Jonah, Jonah, I'm serious.
- Are you sure you want to do this? - Yes, I'm sure.

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