Men in Trees s01e12 Episode Script

The Darkest Day

Wake up, elmo, it's 8:00 a.
-- Not that you'd know it.
That's right.
It's winter solstice, darkest day of the year.
You only get about five hours of daylight today, so use 'em wisely.
Luckily, there's a light at the end of the tunnel Actually, a bunch of tiny lights.
I'm talking about elmo's own Festival of lights sunrise celebration.
Festivities begin an hour before dawn tomorrow, So set your alarms.
* and when we did that thing never realized the state i'm in * Did you double-Check your flight? Yeah.
It's on time.
I really don't see why we have to stop this now.
Can't we try a long distance thing and see how it goes? I don't do long distance, sam.
Not at my age.
It's best to end things now before either of us are emotionally invested.
* in my mind, i'm waving good-Bye * You should go.
The car is waiting.
* in my mind, i'm taking a plane * * out of here * * tell you i love you * I had a great time.
Me, too.
* count the birds on my windowsill * * and wave good-Bye * Okay.
Have a safe flight.
* in my mind, i walk in the snow * * watch the rabbits as they go in caves nearby * I forgot how good the water is in elmo.
It even makes decaf taste good.
Since when do you drink decaf? Well Oh.
Here, i can do that.
Come on, jack.
You haven't let me lift a finger since i've been here.
You know, i'm pregnant, not an invalid.
Well, i just didn't want you to strain anything.
The doctor says i'm fine.
You know, jack, i don't mind talking about this.
I mean, i figure i owe you that.
No, no.
It's none of my business.
Well, then, uh, let me thank you by--By bussing the dishes.
I haven't even spoken to him since he brought her back from the hospital.
They've been holed up in the house for two days.
I just wish i knew what was going on over there.
I hate being in the dark.
Literally, i am in the dark.
It is 9:00 a.
And pitch-Black outside.
I hate being in the dark, too.
That's why i told plow guy That we were not doing the long distance thing.
Living message to message, Wondering when you're gonna see him again--Who needs it? So you ended it? It was a fun little fling, and that's it.
Maybe that's all jack and i were.
Honey, she's leaving.
You're staying.
Stop worrying.
you're right.
Of course i'm right.
You are a smart, beautiful woman who can stand on her own two feet.
Who wouldn't want to be with you? You're a home run Who needs a new photo of herself.
For what, "sad girl monthly"? Your press kit.
I'm updating it.
I need a new photo with a relaxed, "alaska-Y" look.
Need i remind you it took three sittings to get the uptight "new york-Y" look we used for my last book cover? Sweetie, i know how much you hate getting your picture taken, But if you don't send me a new one, I'm gonna use the one with the puffy bags.
You promised to burn those.
Yeah, and you promised to decide what publisher you wanted to go with during your flight back to elmo.
Oh, let me enjoy the woo, would you? all these publishers are sending me the most ridiculous gift baskets.
Anything from stuart maxson? Nothing yet.
He's the hottest publisher in new york.
Of course he's playing hard to get.
Well, he better hurry up.
Otherwise i'm gonna put out for the guys who sent me the cookies on a stick.
(Chuckles) at least i know somebody wants me.
So head on out to the general store for a great deal on candles.
'Cause remember, "If you don't light your boat, the night stays afloat.
" What's all this about lighting boats? Well, it's a tradition we have to celebrate getting through the night.
Right before sunrise, we, uh, light paper boats and send them out onto the water to light the way for a new day.
That sounds pretty.
Yeah, it's magical.
Uh, patrick Have you been living here or something? Kinda.
Hey, do you mind if we end the show a little early today? I'm feeling kinda woozy.
Yeah, you don't look too hot.
Why don't you go back to the inn and get yourself some rest? I can't go to the inn right now.
Everything reminds me of annie.
I can't sleep.
I can hardly eat.
i feel like i'm coming down with something.
And i have this Pain everywhere.
Can't you guys try and work it out and get back together? Nope.
I love my mom, and she can't stand that i love my mom.
I doubt that.
Okay, people.
Marin frist is here.
Good day, elmo.
Or should i say good night? I don't know about you, but this shortest day of the year has me completely turned around.
I'm having a hard time finding my way through the dark.
How do you guys do it? How do you see things clearly on your darkest day? Hello, all! I've come to celebrate that we actually have a little daylight outside With gifts from the faraway land of new york.
Who wants something? Um, apricots and honey, pecan turtles.
I never mix meat and nuts.
Not real turtles.
They're chocolate.
Well, hawe it over then.
Who else wants some deli delicacies? Come on.
Dig in.
Who's the secret admirer? It's from one of the publishers who's trying to woo me.
That's a crapload of woo.
Smoked oysters.
You know what they do to me.
Um, do you have another tin of these? Okay.
Now i need some help.
Where does a girl go to get her picture taken in elmo? Uh, the ladies' room at the truck stop.
Lloyd's got his webcam up again.
See, i was thinking something more along the lines Of a portrait, something that would capture the real me.
Look no further.
You're a photographer? Absolutely.
Want to see my work? Anyone got their passport on 'em? You should talk to lynn.
Lynn jack's lynn? Yeah.
Sure, that'd be fine if you were a panda.
She's a nature photographer, but she's really good.
Pictures in "national geographic.
" Okay.
Jerome, i'm all yours.
Look what i got for you-- Pecan turtles.
No, thanks.
They're not real turtles.
They're chocolate.
Sweetie, you look awful.
I feel awful.
What hurts? Everything.
I'm falling apart since annie and i broke up.
If you ask me, relationships are one big headache.
I mean, who needs 'em? I say.
I need 'em.
What you need is to come home with me and get back into your old bed And i am gonna make you a nice bowl of cream of celia soup.
You don't have to.
Um, i was kind of hoping for something that said "alaska.
" It--It'll say "alaska" on the passport.
See, um This is a publicity photo for newspapers, maybe my book jacket.
Really? Yeah.
Then i'm gonna have to charge more than $4.
Oh, yeah, o-Okay.
Fine, but i-I--I've just-- I've gotta look good, and it has to say "alaska.
" Got it.
Not in words, in, um Oh.
You know what? Shh.
how about a smile, huh? You're supposed to work with me, you know? I'm not a magician.
Marin, i've been looking for you.
Ah, that's what i'm talking about.
Hey, how are you? Out of frame! Uh, jerome, i need to borrow her for a minute.
Nice antlers.
Oh, god.
What's going on, stranger? Uh, she's packing up her stuff.
Is she okay? Yeah.
I found my bag Oh, that's good.
Which had my cell phone in it, Which had your message on it.
Yeah? Oh, yeah.
* closer and closer to you * * i'm getting close * * closer and closer to you * I just need another day.
I think you said that four days ago.
well, this time i mean it.
Pinkie swear.
Oh, god.
Even your pinkie is hot.
Toot, toot! What's that? It's the"s.
Get well.
" I thought you might an activity to keep you occupied while i'm at work.
I always wondered why you never finished this.
It was too complicated.
I got tired of trying to figure it out.
You always liked models more than me.
What kind of attitude is that? We bachelors aren't giver-Uppers.
We're finishers.
I guess.
And besides, you were 11 when you tried this the first time.
I gotta get going.
I've got a random evaluation with my annoying supervisor, dick ellis-- Third one in six months.
So don't watch too much tv.
There's banana pudding in the fridge--Your favorite.
All right.
* well, this is a story i tell * Boy.
I had a lot of stuff here, didn't i? And sometimes you don't realize how much of a life you have with someone until you're packing.
Was that what it was like when you moved out from ben's place? Yeah, but we're really good now.
I guess he needed to have me missing to miss me.
Well, i think with jack it was just the opposite.
I think after i left, he realized what a pain in the ass i was.
So what is your plan? I'm gonna go back to vancouver And give this baby the kind of life i never had.
Is the guy back in vancouver? No.
The father is this brazilian guy that i met on a photo shoot in peru.
We drank this local 90-Proof stuff that's made out of bark.
next thing i knew, i was hungover and pregnant.
i don't know.
Am i insane to think i can do this alone? Why would you have to do it alone? Let's see.
Um, no guy, no real family We're your family.
Aunt theresa can serve the baby its first beer.
I hate to be a stickler, officer bachelor, But i found some errors in these files.
Gonna have to mark you down for that And for being late, of course, so that will be two-- And your clock must be fast, supervisor ellis, because mine reads exactly 10:00 a.
I'm on global satellite time.
You know You should really invest in one of these.
You know how that old saying goes-- "Crime waits for no man.
" Ready for a ride-Along? You're on global jackass time.
I heard that.
I love the darkest day.
The light is so great.
Jack, um I was thinking What if i moved back to elmo? It's gonna be hard with the baby, and, um and it takes a village, right? Yeah.
I-I just--I thought you were gonna go to vancouver.
I was.
This just feels like the right thing to do for right now, you know? So when would you move out? Boy, don't let the door hit me on the way out, okay? Well, you can't expect me to be excited about this.
Okay, jack.
Jack, look, this was not my finest hour, okay? I know i messed up.
How? By leaving me? Or by telling me that you didn't want to have kids, and then getting pregnant with some other guy? Or by coming home and rubbing my face in it? I needed to see you.
Why? 'Cause you're the only one that believed that i could be a mother.
I can't make you feel better right now.
I think I might be falling in love with you.
Happy thanksgiving, coach.
* i woke up this afternoon * * summer's trapped and way too soon * Oh, hey, marin.
Do you have a minute? I have to warn you, i, um, I don't really take people pictures.
I do animals.
I know.
I'm desperate.
You got "jeromed," huh? (Laughs) oh, yeah.
Well, look, it's the least i could do to thank you for driving me to the hospital.
Are you feeling better? Yeah, thanks.
Baby got a clean bill of health.
I, on the other hand, might be certifiable.
So i'll pick you up at 1:00.
You know, we don't want to miss the three hours of light we have left.
I'm glad you're okay.
* where do we go? Where do we go now? * * where do we go? Where do we go now? * * ba, ba, ba, ba * * ba, ba, ba, ba * * what'll we see? What'll it be now? * * what'll we see? Will it just be now? * * ba, ba, ba, ba * * ba, ba, ba, ba * * ba, ba, ba ba * * ba, ba, ba, ba, ba, ba, ba, ba * just leave it on the porch.
But the box is broken.
Just like us.
Please open the door.
I don't want to talk to you through a wall.
So this is what it's like? What what's like? This is the first time I've had my stuff returned to me in a box.
It's also the first time I've had my stuff dumped in front of my house.
It didn't have to be like this.
Yeah, you could have used a stronger box.
I'm not talking about the box.
I'm talking about us.
You made me choose between you and my mom.
I was hoping there'd be room for all of us.
I just wanted you to stick up for me For us.
I guess I-I wanted you to choose to act like a man.
I am a man.
Of course you are.
Goodbye, Patrick Oh, hey, theresa.
Look at this, would you? These publishers are insane.
I'm teeny tiny.
You're early.
Oh, i'm not here for you.
I'm moving in.
I think i might stay in elmo for a while.
Oh, wow.
Seriously? Huh.
So you're gonna stay here? Like here here? As in here at the inn here? Yep.
I'll see you in an hour.
Well, welcome! I've got plenty of champagne to celebrate.
Staying? How could she be staying? She's supposed to be leaving.
She is from there.
Maybe she got homesick.
Or "jack-Sick.
" Maybe she got "jack-Sick.
" Even if she did, he's obviously into you.
Don't play the message again to me, please.
It's just that jack and i were gonna put everything on hold until lynn left.
I thought i was okay to give him space to say good-Bye to lynn, But--But what if i gave him too much space? But we don't know if she's staying here for jack.
Hold on.
roads and rescue stranded motorists.
God, that's a sexy machine.
I'm so confused.
You need some direction.
Pick a publisher, write your book.
None of these publishers have any idea what i need.
Who sends a woman in alaska a giant bottle of champagne? A publishing giant like stuart maxson? Uh, nope.
No woo from stu Or jack.
I'm woo-Less and completely in the dark.
* the passenger window framed in with the screen * Uh, i just have the darkroom stuff to go through.
That's fine.
Jack, i'm sorry about before.
I mean, you've been-- You've been so great to me, Better than i deserve.
It's okay.
I'm sorry.
I kinda used your old darkroom for storage.
That's okay.
You had every right.
* it was nearly a muse, it wasn't a real doubt * * till i made the mistake of speaking out loud * Is this us? how come i've never seen this? Oh, my mom was cleaning her attic, and she sent me a whole bunch of stuff.
Oh, this picture's so heartbreaking.
You're smiling, but look how sad you eyes are.
This was right after my dad died.
That's right.
I spent the whole time trying to cheer you up.
And i was doing my best not to cry in front of you.
look at you.
You hated having your picture taken, Hated having the attention on you.
Yeah, you can see a lot in a picture.
Must be the photographer in you.
I'm good at pictures.
Real life is a little harder.
I'm sorry.
I'm sorry.
I shouldn't have done that.
I can't do this.
I think that marin and i might have something.
* these chords are old,but we shake hands * * 'cause i believe that they're the good guys * * we can use all the help we can * * so many minor chords outside * Looks like you could use that.
Oh, thanks.
How's it going? Uh, well I just kissed two women on the same day.
Just when i thought i was finally ready to Start something new with marin.
I really didn't wanna deal with lynn right now.
Timing, my friend, is everything.
I just wanted her to get her stuff and go, you know? Before i-- Got sucked back in.
I thought we were done.
I thought i was done.
I thought i was done with theresa, too.
But you can't kill those feelings.
I mean, that kind of love is like an earthworm.
I mean, you can try to kill it, cut it in half, But the little bugger will just go right ahead and grow itself a new tail.
They teach you that kind of wisdom at bartending school? No, actually, it was-- Sara taught me that one.
Well, one good thing about sara leaving is it makes a tough decision for you a lot easier.
Like i said, timing is everything.
* i'm a good man * I just wanted to get in a few practice shots so we can make sure your aim is up to par.
I can shoot the wings off a moth, and i have.
That's how i graduated with top honors from the police academy, remember? They call me the widow maker.
Man, that is quite a caboose.
How-- Ooh! Oh! "Trying to kill a superior officer.
" Please! That shot barely grazed your leg.
You're digging in deep, officer bachelor.
Very deep indeed.
You were intentionally trying to rattle me, and you know it.
And it's chief bachelor.
I was paying you a compliment.
Oh, right.
Oh, come on.
Don't you know? I've wanted to get with you since the police academy.
What? The school, not the movie.
Come on, celia.
Didn't you think it was really odd that you've had three random evaluations in the last six months? Hmm? I mean, do you know how many strings I had to pull to do that? You know, i just I really wanted to be near you.
You got a lot of nerve telling me all this, buddy.
Thanks again for doing this.
Yeah, no problem.
Can you lean to your right a little bit? Like like this? Yeah, but with less shoulders.
That's good.
So you're moving back to elmo.
That's kind of sudden, huh? Yeah.
I'm surprised.
I would think elmo would be so boring after all the places you've been.
It used to really bother me that, uh, nothing around here ever changed, But i'm starting to see how comforting that is.
So nothing's different since you left? What about jack? Hasn't he changed at all? Yeah, he has, actually.
He's involved with you, apparently.
How did you He told me.
He did? Why didn't you say anything before? I mean, in the car on the way to the hospital I asked you if you guys were dating, and you said no.
Oh, um You were leaving.
I-I-I didn't think it mattered.
It mattered.
Look, i don't really know you very well at all, but i like you.
And, um, i wanna be honest with you.
We kissed.
You and jack? It was before i knew he had feelings for you.
So what are you saying? I just wanted you to know.
chapter five-- Getting out on the dating road.
The key to getting the man you always wanted Is opening your eyes to what's around you.
I know, at first glance, it may seem like you're scraping the barrel But if you just keep looking a little while longer, You may be surprised by what you-- Can i buy you a drink? How do you feel about your mother? She--She's dead.
Let me tell you something.
If i were evaluating what we just did, It would be off the charts! Thank you.
It was very nice for me as well.
Oh, no! I guess we have time for another infraction.
What? The bars are cold And i like it.
Oh! Hey--Hey there, jack.
Would you mind doing us a favor? Hey.
I think i've been patient-- Very patient about all this.
But i gotta tell you, my patience just ran out, and now i want some answers.
About what? About what the hell is going on with you and lynn.
You kissed her, jack.
Marin, it doesn't mean anything.
You left a message on my cell phone telling me, and i quote, "i think i'm falling in love with you.
" I didn't imagine that.
I have proof.
it's--What how do you feel now? I just feel really confused.
Confused? You're confused? Uh yes.
Three days ago you were leaving me messages telling me that you loved me.
Three hours ago you were kissing me, And now you're telling me you're confused? What--How does that happen? I don't know how it happens.
This kind of stuff never happens to me.
Okay, well, then i'm gonna help you out, jack.
I'm gonna unconfuse you, okay? I am taking myself out of this picture.
Marin, stop-- You wanna go back to your pregnant ex-Girlfriend, that's fine with me.
'Cause i'll tell you something, buddy boy, You lost yourself a great catch.
Because i am smart and i am pretty And i can stand on my own two feet.
I am a home run.
Marin, marin Hey! You okay? I'm fine.
*Love isn't always what it seems * Oh! Where are you rushing off to? You're not gonna let me through? Not until you pay the toll.
What are you, 10? Maybe.
Fine, i'll pay the toll.
Hey, come on.
Get a room, people.
Hey, theresa, do you have that, uh, pick-Up order i called in? Yeah, i'll just grab it.
Oh, you really let yourself go there, boy.
No wonder your lady's out touting her wares.
What do you mean? Is she on a date? Sure looks like it to me.
Hey He left without his food.
Food? Boy left without his dignity.
What's he got there anyway? Hey.
Hey, this package was downstairs for you.
Oh, thanks.
And i have your photo.
It's a bit of a peace offering, too, i guess.
Hey, you didn't know.
We're both gonna be here in elmo, and i want this to be okay.
You know, i'm not one of those girls that will fight other girls over a guy.
We won't be fighting.
That's my favorite shot.
You look really vulnerable In a good way.
The camera loves you.
Well, that's something, right? Yeah.
All right.
Patrick! Well, i thought you'd be asleep.
Yeah, i can't sleep.
Supervisor ellis, this is my son patrick.
How you doing there, son? Uh, doing my model.
Is he challenged? Nah, it's not that hard.
I had one of those models when i was 9.
You don't still live here, do you? No, sir.
Well, that's good.
I thought he might be one of those mama's boys we used to hang from the flagpole in their skivvies.
Well, thank you for escorting me home.
Ma, i'll just leave you guys alone.
What? No, no, no, don't be silly.
I'll see you later, supervisor ellis.
Your mom is something else.
Ma, he likes you.
Patrick Like i have time to love anybody but you.
Come on.
Let's go get some pudding.
(Matt nathanson's "little victories" playing) * this time * * i'll be sailing * * no more bailing boats for me * * i'll be out here on the sea * * just my confidence and me * * i'll be awful sometimes * * weakened to my knees * * i'll learn to get by * * on the little victories * Hi, stuart.
It's marin frist.
I'm good.
You knew just what i needed to hear right now.
You're it.
I want you to be my publisher.
Patrick? You're sick.
You shouldn't be-- What are you doing? Becoming an independent man.
Why would you burn that After you spent all that time putting it together? I made it for you, ma, and i'm burning it for both of us.
Oh, patrick, you're delirious.
I want you to march home right now and get into bed.
I don't wanna be a mama's boy anymore.
I wanna be a mama's man.
You need to let me go so you can finally have room in your life to let someone new in.
That goes for both of us.
But, patrick-- I think we should see other people.
Excuse me, mom.
Annie? I just wanna say thank you.
For what? For helping me grow up.
For making me a better person.
For being my first Everything.
I will always be grateful i had you in my life.
Oh patrick.
* 'cause now you can talk to me * * you can see right through me * * you made me the person that i am * Chief celia? Cider? Thank you.
Hey, is everything 10-99? Excuse me? Are you okay? * just like it was yesterday * That's good cider.
So i have the results of your evaluation.
I'm afraid i'm gonna have to put you on probation.
Which means i'll be back down here next saturday around 8:00 to monitor you Over dinner and a movie.
No, no, not here.
My gosh, i'm still on duty.
You saucy little minx.
Hey Marin Forget it, jack.
You don't need to explain anything.
Yes, i do.
Lynn and i It's so complicated.
It usually is.
I have to see where it's going.
But for the record I meant everything i said on your message.
Meant? Yeah.
It's not real until you say it in person.
* now i remember * Marin! Yeah? I've been looking all over for you! Oh? Annie and i are back together.
Oh, patrick, that is so great.
I am so happy for you.
Are you crying? Yeah.
I'm sorry.
I wish i could help you like you always help me.
You just did.
We're all a little in the dark when it comes to love.
Sometimes you have to run away from it to see it clearly.
And sometimes you have to come home to try it again.
The optimists know that There is an endless amount of love to go around.
The others of us can only hope we are not the ones Left without a seat when the music stops.
Even when you get what you want, At best, love is a shot in the dark.
* just like it was yesterday * * i love him, yes, i do * The chance to illuminate things about yourself you didn't know Like that you're not over someone yet.
Or that maybe you will be After a very long, very dark night.
* 'cause i'll always love you anyway *
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