Rescue Me s01e12 Episode Script


Morning, son.
What's goin' on? It sucks.
The world is completely screwed up.
You know, back in the old days, you knew who the bad guys were: Hitler, Tojo.
They were easier to identify back then.
Yeah, well, everything's gone to crap.
Hey! Jesus Christ! Watch where you're walking, numbnuts! Come out in the open where people can see you so they're not trippin' over you.
I'm on the phone! Will you shut up? Teddy! Can you drive me down to the drugstore today? I got to pick up my eye drops.
I'm gettin' ready for work, Dad.
I'm not a goddamn taxi service.
Teddy! What? I'm on the crapper! Come downstairs and talk to your little friend.
Don't call me little.
Get a leash, baby! I'm taking this one for a walk! You know, my eyes are getting pretty dry.
I'll pick up your drops on my way home from work, all right? You know what brand, right? Hold on.
Call back.
I'm on the phone.
Who was that? - Jane, Jenny.
- Janet? Do I look like a message service to you, huh? Yeah, I'm back.
These people around here are crazy.
All right, I'm out of here.
Hey, don't forget my drops! Yeah, yeah, yeah.
The ones with the blue label.
Yeah! What the hell are you talkin' about, Mel? I placed the goddamn bet.
Five dimes on the Jets.
No, you didn't.
I called you last night an hour before kickoff.
I keep it all in my head.
I know you keep everything in your head, but I got it in my head that you owe me 1250 bucks.
You're out of your mind.
It ain't me.
It's you, you goddamn cheating piece of shit.
I'm done with you! Done! Bitch! Trouble with the wife? No, my bookie.
I'm with this guy 20 years.
He never makes a mistake.
So I bet the Jet game last night.
A great game.
And I cover.
He says I never placed the bet.
Dirty prick.
He doesn't write down his bets? No.
He says he keeps it in his head.
This way, in case he gets pinched, there's no paper trail.
Never again with this guy.
- Never.
- Hey.
Hey, Garrity, go grab Franco and give the Suburban a douche.
He's not here yet, chief.
- What? - I just talked to him.
He said he'd be in in an hour.
These guys think they can waltz in here any goddamn time they please.
His father had a stroke last night.
- Oh, no shit.
- Yeah.
Oh, man.
How is he? I guess he's paralyzed on one side.
It's kind of a mess.
That's tough.
All right, go clean the rig.
That's a pretty big bowl of cereal you got there, sweetheart.
You gonna eat all that? I'm sharing with Connor.
That way only one bowl and one spoon gets dirty.
Well, what about cooties? Brother cooties are supposed to be the worst, right? We're from the same family, and we have the same cooties, - so it's okay.
- Hey.
That is a lot of cereal there, kiddo.
Did you call me a couple of minutes ago? Yeah.
Who was that? You don't wanna know.
What's up? Uh, I need some money.
What happened to the money I just gave you for the credit card? I know, I know, but the central air is out, and I called O'Brien.
He says it's gonna cost 4800 to fix it.
Jesus Christ.
Is he droppin' in by helicopter? 4800? Where am I gonna get that kind of cash? I don't know.
You didn't seem to have any trouble last time.
Let me just pull my pants down and grab it off the money tree that's growin' out of my ass.
I'll see what I can do.
Thank you, and, uh, I need another favor.
What? What's next week like for you? I have this book fair thing at the school, and I may need your help taking care of the kids.
I think I'm working a double Wednesday-Thursday, but I'll have to look at my schedule.
I may not need you.
When do you need the money by? Soon as you can get it.
Like I had to ask.
LEAVING Hey, dildo, how about you get your skinny ass down here and wash our bikes? How about I kick you in the balls instead? Oh, Jesus Christ.
How the hell are you, man? Come on! I'm here! New York City! New York! - Unbelievable.
- Ready to party! Hey, where's the closest bar? I thought you guys weren't coming in until next week.
Change of plans.
Listen, is it okay if we crash here - for a couple days? - I gotta check with the chief.
Screw the chief.
I'm your cousin.
- I outrank everybody.
- That's true.
And we're firefighters, not three guys off the street.
You can stay.
Just keep a low profile.
You know, like, quiet.
I need 4800 right off the bat.
I don't know, Tommy.
Arlo's kind of upset with you at the moment.
He might not feel like helping you out.
Why is he upset with me? He says you tried to crush him this morning.
You called him little.
Just get me the money, okay? Okay, okay.
Listen, pick up some cold cuts on the way home.
We're all out.
Oh, yeah, and get a canned ham.
Preferably Danish.
Yeah, yeah.
- Hey.
- What's up? I just got back from Jersey.
My old man had a stroke last night.
- Sorry.
- Yeah.
Where you at? Hey.
What's goin' on? Daddy's taking me to work today.
Really? Come on, let's go inside.
Come on.
So, you know, my mom's gonna have her hands full with my dad for the next few, um Well, who knows how long.
So now she's back with me.
My grandpa is sick.
Oh, yeah, that's-- I'm sorry.
That's too bad.
Yeah, tell me about it.
So is she gonna be here all day? What if we get a call? I'm making this up as I go.
I don't know.
Maybe Laura can stay behind and look after her, make herself useful.
Not a bad idea.
Can I have one of these? Thank you.
Hey, Franco, how's your dad? It's hard to tell, chief.
He's in and out, you know.
Hey, hi, sweetie.
How are you? What's with this? Oh, that's my daughter, chief.
You know, she was staying home with my folks, but now Well, look, I don't wanna be a hard-ass, and that's not a word you should ever use, but we got regulations.
I know, chief.
Just give me a couple of hours.
I'll make sure she gets out of here.
You guys seen Gavin? - I think he's in the locker room.
- Great.
Nice to see you, sweetie.
What's goin' on? I've been hearing some things.
Things about what? About you and Jimmy's widow.
You've been seen around together.
We go out to dinner, like, once a week.
It's, like, a family thing-- That's all there is to it? A family thing? That's all there is to it.
Come on, Tommy, huh? You guys have been seen out together.
- If there's something going on-- - There's nothing going on.
You get caught screwin' around with one of the widows, you lose a lot of friends here real fast.
If there's something going on, end it.
It'd be the smartest thing you've done in a long time.
Hey, you think she's gonna be okay? - Who? - Keela.
Oh, yeah, yeah, she'll be fine.
No worries, bro.
So this guy comes up on his Kawasaki.
Gives me this look like he's about to say some real negative shit about my Harley.
What did he say? I punched him in the throat before he had the chance to say it.
Which you should never do.
Oh, yeah.
Tell me that ain't rigor mortis.
I hope not.
What you got? Guy, Middle Eastern, Impaled with a tree branch.
A tree branch? In the middle of Manhattan? Rooftop garden.
Dead branch broke off in the wind, bam.
Battalion 1-5 to 1-5 Alpha.
So you, uh, seeing anyone? What? Just asking.
That's none of your business.
I was just making conversation, that's all.
Are you seeing anyone? No.
- No.
- No? Yeah, I'm such a loser that way.
Come on.
Yeah, I am.
I really have a hard time meeting women, and when I meet the ones that I actually like, I say something or do something, and it all just It goes to shit.
I think God doesn't want me to be happy in that way.
Well, I've met my fair share of losers, and you have a little ways to go before you hit that category.
That's good to know.
Maybe we should go up to the roof, talk to the tree.
It looks like an accident, but you never know.
There might be a couple shrubs up there maybe saw somethin'.
I say we go up, uproot the whole goddamn garden, bring it in for questioning.
Just 'cause it's vegetation, it thinks it can get away with this.
- Shameful.
- Really is.
My mother was maimed by a rose bush once.
That explains the limp.
Hey, ah, Laura, I just-- I know that the guys gave you a lot of shit when you first got here.
Oh, yeah, like it's really let up.
I know.
I just-- If I ever said anything mean or something that hurt your feelings, I'm sorry.
I just-- The guys were really pissed about getting a woman in the house.
It's okay.
I get it.
Really? Yeah.
I think you're a really nice person.
Are you hitting on me, Garrity? No.
No, no, no.
This is-- We're just talking, right? - Yeah.
- Okay.
I mean, unless you wanted me to be hitting on you.
Then I am.
It's not a hotel, Garrity, and it's definitely not daycare center, Franco.
I called this girl I'm seeing, chief.
She's gonna help me out.
It won't be a problem.
- What about these three guys? - They're firemen, chief.
From the department up in Fitchburg, Mass.
They've never even been to New York City, to Ground Zero.
And they can't afford a hotel? Well, they were hoping to spend all their money on booze and broads.
You can't argue with that, chief.
They wanna put something together for us, for the four guys we lost on 9/11, a tribute.
They're sweet guys, chief.
How long they gonna be here? Two days.
Not one ounce of trouble.
Not one ounce.
I promise.
Yeah, promise this.
Yeah? Hey, stranger.
You coming over tonight? Wasn't planning on it.
You said that we were gonna get together sometime this week.
That gives me, what, six more nights to choose from? Be nice.
Listen, I was thinking that, I don't know, you could come over, you could get me, take me out to dinner, and, I don't know, do something really hot and dirty and awful to me.
Yeah, well, listen-- Baby needs a spanking.
Tonight's no good.
All right.
Well, I really gotta-- I gotta talk to you, so I wanna see you.
I wanna talk to you about some stuff.
- What stuff? - Stuff.
You know, I hate it when people say they wanna talk, and then they don't talk.
Well, I don't wanna do this over the phone, so Just tell me what it is, okay? Otherwise I'm gonna be wondering all night, and it's gonna drive me crazy, not that you don't have a lock on that particular skill now.
Why do you have to be such an asshole? Practice.
Yeah, you know what? Why don't you call and tell me when you're gonna come see me, and, um, oh, yeah, stop being such a dick! All right, listen-- That's going well.
Christ, they're all blue.
Hey, how's it goin', Tom? Hey, O'Brien.
What's goin' on? Ah, kids are all sick.
I have to get, like, a gallon of cough medicine.
Really? At least you can afford it.
Did you quote my wife $4800 for a central-air unit? At those prices, I shoulda gone into your business.
What are you talkin' about? That's what you quoted.
Are you nuts? I never spoke to your wife.
I don't even remember the last time I saw her.
Well, somebody at your office must have quoted her that price.
No, that would be me.
That's what she said.
Jeez, I charge those prices, I'd be buyin' cough medicine in the Riviera.
Take it easy, will ya? All right.
That's a lot of food.
Yeah, well, keep eatin'.
The more you tuck away, the less I will.
Oh, you need juice.
I'm good.
You know, it's okay.
You can eat if you wanna eat.
You know I don't mind.
I know you don't.
You're sweet.
You know, I've been thinking.
I mean, I realize we've only known each other - a short time - Yeah? But, uh, I don't know, I thought we'd move in together.
You mean, like, you move in here? Or we could get a place.
Are you asking me? I'm thinking about it.
I thought I'd just float it out there.
I think we should talk about it.
I don't think we should go rushing into things, you know? I mean, how well do we know each other? I feel like I know you pretty well, but All right, let's talk about it.
I'm gonna be late.
You're always leaving me.
I know.
You know, it's not fair.
I'll call you later.
Theresa? You okay? Mike? Yeah.
You okay? Yeah, I'm fine.
Call me later.
Grandma said I can't have cereal.
She said it has lots of sugar in it.
No, not lots, sweetie.
It's all sugar.
That's what makes it so yummy.
I wanna be a vegan like Grandma.
Oh, yeah? We'll talk about that later.
Eat up.
Hey, sexy.
Hey, baby.
Come on in.
How are you? Mm.
Hey, you know, you're saving my life.
I hope you know that.
I appreciate it.
This is real strange.
What is? Well, usually, when I come over, I've got my clothes off by now.
Yeah, I know.
Um, so did you, ah, come up with any ideas? I thought I'd take her shopping at Macy's Good, good.
and then the big Toys "R" Us in Times Square.
Oh, that sounds good.
You owe me, brother.
Yeah, and I'm gonna start paying you back real soon.
You should pay me back right now.
Oh! Hey! Whoa, whoa, whoa.
- What? - Take it easy now.
Not in front of my kid, okay? It doesn't make any sense.
I know.
I mean, it raises all sorts of questions here.
I mean, why did she even bother lying about talking to this O'Brien guy? And what'd she do with all the money? That too.
It's troubling.
I mean, come on, when a man lies-- - Well, it's meaningless.
- Completely.
We're genetically engineered to lie.
I mean, it's like breathing.
In with the air, out with the lie.
It's a timesaver, when you think about it.
Think of all the long, drawn-out, idiotic conversations you'd have to have if you had to tell the truth all the time.
Lying gets rid of that.
- Gets rid of conflict, tension-- - High blood pressure.
Not to mention cholesterol.
Many, many bad things disappear when you lie.
See, but when a woman lies-- I know.
And Janet never lies.
Never? She's like a freak of nature that way.
Yeah, well, good luck with that, pal.
I must be losing my mind.
My bookie's runner comes and meets me at the house, and he gives me this.
Jesus, Mary, mother of God.
Holy shit.
How much is in there? Sixty-six hundred.
What'd you hit? The Seattle game last night.
- Baseball or football? - I never bet it.
The guy screwed me last week, and I swore I'd never bet with him again, so I didn't.
Maybe he felt bad about what happened.
He doesn't feel.
He's a bookie.
I'm gonna keep it.
- Yeah.
- Why the hell not? I mean, take Jeannie to a show, some dinner, buy the tickets.
And you'll have plenty left over - for more degenerate gambling.
- Exactly.
I mean, I've been betting with this guy for 20 years.
He's never made a mistake.
All of a sudden, two in one week.
What the hell is with that? Who cares? Keep your score.
You deserve it.
Keep it.
It all evens out in the end anyways.
I guess I'll No.
No way.
- Why not? - It's never gonna happen.
Did you not say that I was--? Did you not say that I was a really nice person and that you thought I was cute and that I kept in good shape? Did you not say those things? That's not what I need, to get involved with a firefighter on my crew.
Yeah, that's gonna make my life a hell of a lot easier.
Who says we gotta get involved? We just have dinner, drinks-- No.
Please? Don't beg.
You're neat.
Oh, my God.
Listen, I didn't bust my butt to get through probie school and survive my first house to come here and eat shit every day just so I could be your little girlfriend.
I mean, that was never the goal, believe it or not.
I need you guys to think of me as a firefighter, nothing more, nothing less.
I'm really sorry.
I get it.
I get it.
It's okay.
Wanna make out a little? No! Okay.
How you doin'? Fine.
I thought maybe you wouldn't feel like going out - to eat tonight.
- Why not? This morning.
You seemed pretty sick.
Well, I'm okay now.
It was weird, because you didn't look sick, and you didn't say anything.
I'm bulimic.
Huh? I have bulimia.
What is that again? It's not really dinner conversation, but, uh, it's a condition where you eat and then purge.
You make yourself throw up.
That's not healthy.
It can't be good for you.
Mike do you have any idea how huge I'd be if I didn't do this? Let me give you a visual aid.
It can't be that bad.
This is me two years ago, before I started throwing up.
Um that's you? They had to use a panoramic camera to take that shot.
How much did you--? Almost 400 pounds.
So I, uh I guess my question is now, you still think I should stop purging? Hey, it's your life.
Whatever works for you, right? - New York! - New York! - Whoo! - New York! Hey, wait.
Tell me what you guys did today.
Did you see any sights? - We came here.
- No, I mean, did you see the Empire State Building--? We saw that.
On the way to the bar, you could see the top, between the buildings.
I took a picture.
But this place-- This place is great.
They got beers from 72 countries, Nothing like this in Fitchburg.
If you drink one beer from every country, - they put your name on a mug.
- I'm doin' it.
Me too.
Bartender! Lithuania, for everybody! Yeah! Lithuania for everybody.
Whoo! I love those Lithuanians.
Seriously, what time are you guys heading back tomorrow? Afternoon.
We still gotta put together the 9/11 tribute.
You know, to honor the guys you lost.
We already have, like, pictures-- No, dude, we never made it down to Ground Zero.
This is our way of remembering.
Chuck made a banner.
Oh, hey, Chuck, that's really cool.
- We want to do more than that.
- Yeah.
We're thinking an eternal flame.
An eternal what? An eternal flame, like JFK has.
It'll burn forever.
Well, that sounds kinda complicated.
We're still planning it out, but we think it could be cool.
Holy shit.
Isn't that the guy from your house? Yeah.
He said he had a date with his new girlfriend, but there's no way that could be her.
- Jesus.
- She's giant! Someone oughta pull the harpoon out.
That can't be.
I think I'm gonna puke.
Holy shit.
Oh, my God.
What are you doin'? Nothing.
What's with the joint? The one in your mouth.
Oh, Teddy scored some pot today, and I didn't wanna be a party pooper.
I thought you were off the shit.
It helps my eyesight.
I took two puffs on this, and I seen things I never seen before.
Did you know that Teddy's friend is a midget? Give me that.
Sure, of course.
You don't care about my eyesight.
You know, you brought me the wrong drops, asshole.
You know what? I already got three kids.
I don't need another one.
You're like a goddamn teenager.
You know, I gotta drive you around.
I gotta pick stuff up for you.
It's a pain in the ass.
I didn't ask to come here.
You want me out, kick me out! Don't tempt me.
Hey, Tom.
- I made chili.
- No kiddin'.
What'd you mix it with, a goddamn shotgun? Don't worry about that.
I'll clean the place up spick-and-span.
- Listen, about your cash.
- What cash? The 4800.
We went out to the track today.
The little guy wasn't feeling it.
Don't call me little! Sorry.
Sensitive little prick.
We're going back out tomorrow.
Don't you worry.
I'll get him back in the groove.
I'm gonna have my dinner upstairs, okay? You gentlemen enjoy yourselves.
And keep it down.
Do you hear me? Yeah.
Mel, it's me, Jerry Reilly.
What do you want? I wanna talk to you.
Look, as much as I'd like to be a greedy prick, I think you made a mistake.
Who is this? Jerry.
Jerry Reilly.
I'll be right down.
How do you know my father? What are--? Oh, Mel's your old man.
Are you a friend of his? Business associate.
So he makes book for you.
You're not a cop, are you? No.
- Jerry Reilly.
- Rick Pressman.
Nice to meet you.
Reilly, you might wanna take your action elsewhere.
My father isn't well.
He has Alzheimer's.
I I'm really sorry to hear that.
It's a tough break.
He was diagnosed over a year ago.
He's been okay, but lately the slide's been pretty dramatic.
That explains the mistakes.
Jeez, uh Poor guy.
He used to be able to remember thousands of bets every day.
Now sometimes he doesn't even remember where the bathroom is.
And this just came on? There were warning signs, but yeah.
I'm really sorry for your trouble.
Oh, hey, this is his.
- I'm really sorry.
- What do you want? Hey, Mel, it's Jerry.
I just come by to say hello, see how you were doin'.
I don't talk to customers.
Dad, let's just go back inside.
Don't tell me what to do! When my son gets here I'm right here, Dad.
It's me.
My son will kick your ass! Do you have a brother? No, it's just me.
Have fun, girls.
I'm headin' out.
Bye, Daddy! Bye, honey.
- Franco.
- Yeah? Mm.
What did I do to deserve that? Just a taste of what's to come.
You gotta get rid of this kid soon, baby, or I'm gonna die.
Hold on for a second.
I'm not getting rid of her, China.
She's here, probably for good.
I thought this was temporary.
China, I can't keep tossing her around from here to there.
She's a little girl.
She needs stability in her life.
What's the problem? She really likes you.
I I love you, Franco.
I'm not saying that to scare you.
It's just how I feel.
We could be great together.
You feel it too, don't you? Yeah.
I do.
I really do, China.
China, come play! I ran into him in the drugstore, and he said he never even talked to you.
Yeah, well, I don't know what to tell you, Tommy, because I talked to him.
I guess he forgot.
- Is that right? - That's right.
It doesn't sound right.
I'm guessing if I flip this switch over here, everything's gonna work just fine.
Okay, okay, okay.
Look, I needed money, that's all, you know, and you've been coming up with so much of it lately, I figured I'd keep asking and hope for the best.
I mean, the kids are going to school in last year's clothes.
You know, Katy's blouses are all stained.
None of Connor's pants fit.
$4800 worth of pants? That's a lot of goddamn pants.
Yeah, well, I have a lot of expenses.
You know, things that I've neglected.
You know what? Forget it.
I don't want it.
Look, look, look, that's not the point.
The point is, just don't lie to me, okay? Because if we're both lying, we got no shot.
Not that I'm lying.
I'm not.
You realize you're talking about, like, - Get the hell out of here.
- I swear to God.
Maybe it was his sister.
Well, nobody has a sister that big, okay? And they were, like, holding hands.
You hold hands with your sister? - No.
- No, only that one time when we went into the woods to eat the witch's house.
Speaking about eatin' a house-- Chief, it was terrifying, okay? The windows were shaking from the sound of her thighs rubbing together.
Probie's a goddamn chubby chaser.
Be nice, you guys.
Hey, hey, guys.
Be nice.
This isn't Romper Room, honey.
All I'm saying, Lou, is-- Lieutenant, okay? You call me lieutenant.
Maybe you guys just shouldn't be so obvious, just this once.
So what if the girl has a little extra weight on her bones? I mean, she must be something really special if Mike can see beyond her weight.
Yeah, I don't think anybody can see beyond that.
I think she blocks out the sun.
Are you sure she's not twins? You guys are so hilarious.
You know, you're not exactly the slimmest guy around.
And you could probably stand to lose a few pounds before you're picking on anybody.
I never said I wasn't fat.
Hey, you know, maybe if things don't work out with this tons-of-fun that the probie's dating, you know, you guys should hook up.
I think he likes them a little bigger than me.
- Hey, boys, what's goin' on? - Pretty good.
We're just putting the finishing touches on the tribute here.
"For our brothers who Who "pershed"? Yeah, that's Chuck's thing.
Just let it go.
I thought you guys were at the bar right now.
We did it.
We got our names on our mugs.
What-- You've been here two days.
You drank a beer from We sure did.
Well, not Larry.
I forgot Uruguay.
Oh, hey, sorry, man.
Wow, you went with the whole eternal flame idea, huh? Yeah, you got your flame element exposed up top here.
Underneath, you got twin propane tanks.
Twin tanks? Yeah.
Dude, that's how it stays eternal.
One tank runs low, youswitch it over and refill the empty.
- It was Chuck's idea.
- That's brilliant.
- Hey.
- Hey.
Hey, Lou.
Can I talk to you for a sec? Yeah.
Well, you know, knowing you, it's 50-50, but try putting a couple of words together.
We'll see where it goes.
All right.
I think you guys should back off of Laura a little bit.
- Why's that? - Well, a couple of reasons.
I think she's doing her job, and she doesn't bust our balls the way we talk around the house, and, you know, I just think she's a cool chick, is all.
You're bangin' her.
What? I am not! Methinks you are.
Jesus Christ.
I'm not.
I swear.
Listen, don't go there, junior, okay? There's an expression: "Don't shit where you eat.
" And there's a reason why it's an expression.
Well, it doesn't even make sense.
When you eat, you have to shit, and usually very soon.
Sean, I don't wanna get into a semantics debate with you, because you don't know what that is.
Listen, if you're bangin' her, knock it off, okay? Capeesh? But you know you'll tell me how she is, though, right? Son of a bitch.
Just when it's gettin' good.
Yo! Hey! Ah, shit.
No keys, chief.
All right, Franco, have the engine company back down the street and come around the approach to Riverside Drive.
If this son of a bitch isn't outta here in 30 seconds, release the brake and shove his ass into the river.
Ten-four, chief.
Battalion 1-5 to 1-5 Alpha.
Notify Manhattan --We'll be delayed getting to box 4259 due to a double-parked truck.
- Where's my water? - Lou, we got a dead hydrant.
- Is it marked? - No, it wasn't.
I love this neighborhood.
There's a hydrant on the corner.
Let's go get a line hooked up.
Garrity, maybe you could leave your lady friend and come with us, please? Come on, Lou, we need to get water.
I'm hooking it, chief! We got multiple calls about a young girl being trapped up on the roof.
Our area ladder is never gonna reach her if she's there.
We'll go up and look for her.
Probie, grab a ladder.
Follow us up.
- Give the probie a hand.
- You got it.
Grab the longest ladder you got on the double! We're going in.
I don't see anything, man.
Yeah, me neither.
Maybe it was a crank call, unless she jumped.
Nice thought.
Hey, we got nothin' up here.
You're sure? Yeah, I'm sure.
Wait a minute.
What's that? Oh.
No, I see her now.
Sweetheart, hold on.
We're coming to get you, all right.
Where's the ladder? Coming in right behind you.
You know what? Take this, will you? Tommy, what are you doin'? I wonder if I can make this.
Make this? Tommy, it's 10 feet across.
- You're not gonna-- - I think I can do it.
The ladder's coming right now.
Yeah, but the ladder's not here yet, is it? There it is, Tommy.
- I'm going.
- Holy shit! Tommy, no! Tommy, swing your leg up.
Swing your leg up! Tommy, kick your leg up! Kick your leg up! Hey.
How you doin'? Asshole.
Fitchburg? Fitchburg.
Here you go.
She ate a lot of smoke.
Might wanna get a mask on her.
Pretty amazing.
That was some grab, Tommy.
Almost grabbed the pavement.
No shit.
- What? - Nothing.
No, you two got somethin' to say, go ahead and say it.
Well, you know, the ladder was almost there, Tommy.
You saw it coming in.
You decided to jump anyway.
So I'm supposed to wait? I got a girl stuck on top of a burning building.
I'm supposed to stand there and scratch my balls? It would have taken 20 seconds to get a ladder in place.
You'd rather risk your life than wait 20 seconds? That's crazy.
Let me tell you two: some people like to wait and watch.
Some people like to make the grab.
I made the grab.
All right? You two get your game up, then you can talk to me.
- Nice guy.
- Oh, he's great.
He's a prick.
So what did Lou mean by that back there? By what? He called me your lady friend.
Oh, I just-- I told him to be a little nicer to you, that's all.
Cut you some slack.
- Are you kidding? - Uh, no.
You actually said that? Uh, yes.
Before or after you asked me out? After.
Do you wanna have dinner with me tonight? Yes.
I just-- I thought-- I'm having a momentary lapse of reason.
Don't interrupt it.
There's an Italian place near my house.
Do you like that? Nothing fancy.
Yeah-- If you tell anyone, I swear to God, I will kill you.
- No, I-- - I am not kidding.
No one.
Anyone finds out and you're dead.
I promise I won't tell anybody.
- Seven o'clock.
- Seven o'clock.
Yeah, the show's called, what, Avenue K or somethin'? No, I think it's Avenue Q, chief.
Jeannie's been after me to see it for a while.
Yeah? You know it's puppets.
What? You're kiddin'.
They curse.
They swear.
They have sex.
It's kind of kooky-- Holy shit! - What? - Our house is on fire.
Oh, Jesus! Battalion 1-5 to Manhattan.
Transmit a 10-75 at the quarters of Engine 99, Ladder 62.
Shit! Eternal flame.
You realize, Garrity, this being a firehouse, pretty much the last thing we want to do is set this place on fire.
I mean, that should be obvious, but somehow I feel the need to bring it up.
The guys, they just wanted to pay tribute to Jimmy and Vito and everybody.
By what? Burnin' the rest of us up? I'm gonna go and call the commissioner and explain to him, before he calls me.
You don't wanna be here when I get back.
Got it.
Hey, chief.
How are ya? Smells like someone's burnin' dinner.
We're havin' roasted couch tonight.
What's goin' on? I was just in the area.
I thought I'd come and say hi to the guys.
Oh, good.
Um, is Tommy around? Yeah, he's in the back, in the kitchen.
I'll catch you later.
Hey, Sheila.
Hey, Lou.
How you doin'? Oh, today couldn't be better.
What's with that? Unbelievable.
I told Tommy to cut that shit out.
The balls on that guy, screwing around with one of the widows.
It's just wrong.
He's about two weeks away from being a total train wreck.
- How you doin', chief? - I couldn't be happier.
Let's see, my house is on fire, I have to go to the theater tonight, and there's two people in this firehouse that are doing something they both know they shouldn't be doing.
That goddamn prick.
He told you? I will kick his ass, that little piece of shit.
Couldn't keep his mouth shut for one goddamn day Any guesses on that? Just one.
What are you doin' here? I said I needed to talk to you.
But why didn't you just call me? What's your problem? Because if these guys get wind of what's going on between us, anything, it's gonna be the shit storm to end all shit storms.
Okay? You gotta be careful.
Oh, I'm very careful.
Oh, yeah.
Name one time when I have not been careful.
My mom's wake.
Okay, you practically mauled me next to the coffin.
- I did not.
- Yes, you did.
Mickey talked to me about it.
Janet talked to me about it.
Well, anyways, I still need to talk to you.
All right, well, I'll come over tonight.
- Come on.
You gotta go.
- Do you promise? Yes, I promise you, okay? - Ow, ow, ow! - What? You're hurting me! I kinda like it.
Jesus Christ.
Hey, Laura, listen.
Tonight-- - Um, I was-- - You asshole! You couldn't keep your mouth shut for one day? One day? I knew this was a mistake.
- I knew it.
- Wait a second-- And when you see me, don't even look at me.
Don't talk to me.
Don't say my name.
Not your day, kid.
Not your day.
Hey, what are you still doing here? I thought you were taking Jeannie to dinner before the show.
Yeah, I thought so too.
The stupid show starts in about an hour.
I don't know where the hell she is.
Hey, chief.
Maybe that's her now.
All right, good luck.
Yeah, is this Jerry Reilly? Yeah, this is Jerry Reilly.
Jerry, Dave Weidman from 72 Truck downtown.
What do you got? Well, actually, um, I've got your wife here.
What? I think she's lost.
Where you at? I'll be right there.
My shift's over.
I'm heading uptown.
If you want, I could bring her to you.
Yeah, I appreciate that.
Thanks, Dave.
How was your day, sunshine? Oh, just great.
Full of self-hatred and misery and blackness, just like every other day.
What are you guys doing? Arlo's teaching me how to play chess.
That piece can't attack that way, Teddy.
I got news for you, pal.
It just did.
Hey, check out the envelope on the counter.
- Really? - Yeah.
Arlo was on fire today.
We get to go into the saddling ring.
Arlo gets to stare the horses square in the face.
Bingo! We cleaned up.
You can thank me now, ass-face.
Yeah, maybe later.
Hey, where's my old man? Uh, gone.
That's not check, dipshit.
Gone where? - Ireland.
- He went to Ireland? Yeah, Ireland.
Yeah, he said something about you pissing him off.
Wait, he just packed his bags and went to Ireland? Checkmate.
Jesus Christ, I give up.
Did he say when he was comin' back? Nah.
Hey, Tom, it's not just you.
Your father's only been to Ireland once, back after the war.
He just wanted to see it again before he died.
He's gonna be okay, Tom.
He's gonna be fine.
Taxi! What the hell happened, Jeannie? I don't like to drive in the city.
- I got confused.
- I'm confused too.
This show with puppets and-- Here, let me find the tickets.
You know we're 10 minutes late.
I'm sorry! That's okay.
I'm thrilled.
Let's go.
Okay, but when my husband gets here, you have to give him your seat.
What? You'll have to give him your seat.
Let's go inside.
Oh, God.
You okay, sweetie? Yeah.
You're being quiet tonight.
Just thinking.
About? Nothing.
You know Maybe Maybe you're right, what you said before.
You know, about us moving in together.
Maybe we should wait, you know? Get to know one another better.
Right? I thought, um Is it the bulimia that's scaring you? Yeah, that's part of it.
What's the other part? I'm kinda tired.
You-know-who is asleep.
- Finally.
- Yeah, finally.
Now we can have some fun, huh? Yeah, I can't have the kind of fun that I wanna have with a little girl sleeping in the next room.
You gotta decide.
Are you gonna be her daddy, or you gonna be my daddy? China, is this a decision that we have to make right now? Can't it wait, say, you know, 20 minutes? Uh, no.
No, it can't.
Come in.
There you go.
Thank you.
Glad you could find the time.

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