Rilakkuma and Kaoru (2019) s01e12 Episode Script

The First Day

Oh, no! I'm going to be late!
Tomomi and I
became close in middle school.
We remained good friends even in college.
To think that someone
who's been so close to me is going away,
I feel very sad, yet I'm happy for her.
I wish you nothing but the best, Tomomi.
Thank you, Kaoru!
I'm so touched by your words!
I promise I'll introduce
my husband's friends to you.
Yes, please do. I'd like that.
Gosh. My parents
have picked up another cat.
A cat?
It's so cute!
Kaoru, do you know anyone
who may take it in?
I think I might want it.
Really? Don't you have a bird?
Yes, it's called Kiiroitori.
But I think it would be nice
to have a cat too.
It's a bad idea. Think about it.
You're right. Cats are bad news for birds.
That's right. But more importantly,
it's the end for a single woman
once she has a cat.
Yeah. It's common sense.
But recently,
I long to be touched by something warm.
I know that feeling. I can feel your pain.
But are pets allowed in your apartment?
I didn't think so. Same as my apartment.
I guess you'll just have to
satisfy your longing
by stroking cats at a cat café.
But those cats belong to other people.
I want to have my own cat.
It'll hop onto my lap quietly
and I'll feel better
just by stroking its fluffy fur.
It'll also let me touch its soft paw pads.
I know cats can be moody,
but at least
they'll wait for you to come home.
If you love and adore them,
they'll respond accordingly
and they'll never ever betray you.
instead of a cat,
I suggest you find a boyfriend.
- Say, Sayu.
- Yes?
Let me ask you something.
When a female friend makes a promise,
she doesn't necessarily mean it, does she?
Oh. Did she promise
to introduce boys to you?
They never mean it. Never.
It's common sense.
150,000 yen?
I don't get it. Both are cats,
but why does the abandoned one
cost nothing,
and this one costs 150,000 yen?
If all humans had a price tag to them,
how much would I be worth?
I know I'm worthless.
I'm just a piece of garbage
drifting in this universe,
where I have no means of escape.
I'd better go home.
Wh What's going on?
I don't understand, Kiiroitori.
Why did you get out of the cage?
And who's that?
Y-You're huge!
It's delicious!
I didn't know you had such talent,
And I still don't know who this is.
You really are huge.
And so, Rilakkuma has settled in my place.
Not only that
I'm back.
You're kind of cute.
I wished for a cat
who would make me feel better
when I stroked its fluffy fur.
A cat who would wait for me to come home.
A cat, not a bear.
Plus, these bears sleep all day
and eat loads.
And they keep messing up the place.
But now
I'm back.
They're all extremely precious to me.
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