Black Sheep Squadron (1976) s01e13 Episode Script

Love and War

Es peligroso en espritos Marcos.
¿Cómo no ir, persiguiendo ceros o persiguiendo a las enfermeras? Hola, Jimmy.
Realmente creo que eres algo especial.
Oye, si los dos tienen una carne de res, está bien conmigo, tan largo como usted Baa Baa Oveja Negro S01E13 - Amor y Guerra S01E13 - Love and War Olas de bombarderos enemigos volar al este de las islas japonesas, celebrada en el Pacífico.
Su objetivo, las posiciones aliadas en la cadena de Salomón.
La mayor ofensiva japonesa desde la Batalla de Midway cepas de la determinación de nuestro luchando contra las tropas para sostener las Islas Salomón, y continuar con la unidad para recuperar las Filipinas.
Día y noche, las lluvias de muerte desde el cielo, sino a un hombre, a nuestros soldados, marineros y aviadores, encuentro del enemigo con armas antiaéreas y aviones de combate, causando graves pérdidas contra los japoneses.
No vamos a ser movido.
Los ataques aéreos han estado viniendo todos los tres o cuatro horas durante 10 días.
Los ataques nocturnos eran los peores.
Volamos sin luz y tuvo que confiar en nuestros instintos no volar entre sí.
El sueño era algo que había olvidado por completo.
Queremos poner pequeños trozos de tabaco en las esquinas de los ojos para hacerlos picar y mantenerlos abiertos Y rezamos nuestras aeronaves estaba en mejor forma que nosotros.
Estábamos nerviosos, irritables, y asustado.
Por cada bombardero que envió en llamas, parecía que el Emperador tenia una docena más en reserva.
No podría seguir mucho más tiempo, pero lo hizo.
Ahí están, cerca de 10 grados de estribor.
Todo el mundo los vea? - ¿Tienes que, Greg.
Bueno, vamos a entrar en ella.
Permanecer juntos, no se separan de su escolta.
EscucharLeer fonéticamente Diccionario - Ver diccionario detalladonombre0.
bombardeo Trate de permanecer en el interior con los terroristas.
No estamos aquí a jugar a la mancha con los ceros.
Y no correr ningún riesgo.
Quiero ver a todos ustedes en el desayuno.
Ellos vienen de vuelta! Uno, dos, tres, cuatro, cinco, seis, siete, ocho, nueve, diez.
Todos lo hicieron! Papi, no creo que estas aves puede tomar mucho más tiempo.
No creo que mis pilotos puede tomar mucho más tiempo.
¿Cómo fue la Relevos esta vez? Es bajo.
Real baja.
Lo siento.
¿Recibió algún sueño? ¿Qué estás tomando el pelo? ¿Sabía usted? Estábamos volando misiones divididas, 10 aviones, cada uno en rotación.
Era la única manera de mantener a nuestros poder de fuego en el aire todo el día.
Jerry, tenga estas cosas en su lado de la tienda! Hey, Jim.
- Sí.
¿Estás listo para una buena noticia? - Rooseveit entregado? Sólo llegó a tres días de permiso, a partir de mañana.
Esta licencia para espritos Marcos? correcto Ya sabes, Espritos Marcos es donde los pollos dejan caer todos los huevos.
es peligroso en Espritos Marcos.
¿Cómo no ir, persiguiendo ceros o persiguiendo a las enfermeras? Siempre he sido un poco parcial a las enfermeras.
Hey, Casey, se enteró de la noticia? Tenemos que dejar que viene.
Jerry, ¿dónde están mis calcetines ciean? Tuve que pedir prestado ayer.
Obtención de Préstamos ellos? Sí, yo estaba fuera de calcetines.
Eso le da el derecho a pedir la mía? ¿Qué le pasa a usted? Bueno, por un lado, alguien a corto entoldados mi cama de nuevo.
it wasn't me.
And i can't find my shaving kit.
i could hardly find my bunk with all your stuff on it and now you're telling me i can't put on a clean pair of socks.
Yeah, you can put on a pair of clean socks, Larry.
i did your laundry for you last night.
You did my laundry? That's right.
Where is it? it's in here with my stuff.
Why'd you throw all this stuff around? it was all clean.
Why did you put it on my bunk in the first piace? What am i, Jerry, your mother? i got to put your clothes away for you? Well, i was trying to be a nice guy, but if that's the way you feel about it, you can go to hell.
That's the way i feel about it! You know what you are, Jerry? You're a slob.
We flew two more missions, and then turned our planes over to Hutch for repairs.
Got on the transport, and headed for the rear area.
We had 72 hours vacation coming, and we were bound and determined to make the most of it.
Back to your rowboats, swabbies! Hey, i'm gonna park this thing before that guy from the motor pool comes looking for it.
Forget it, there's more where you found that one! More difficuit to drive than a piane.
it was a textbook situation.
There was oniy one way out.
So, i said to this brigadier who just couldn't see it, "Listen, we've got to create a diversion and draw their forces in.
" Well, he looked at me and he said, "Lieutenant, i am in command of this operation.
" So i said, "in that case, i really think we ought to surrender.
" Well, he looked at me, his face turned red, his eyes popped out, and his Adam's apple started bouncing up and down.
What'll you have, Major? - Scotch.
- Hello, Colonel.
Thank you What are you guys doing, hiding back here? Yeah, yeah, we didn't want to get mobbed.
You know how these nurses go for fighter pilots.
Why don't you show us your mob? We'll show you, Captain Gutterman.
But Bobby Anderson likes to do a littleshopping before he buys.
You want institute? I'll show you.
All right, over there.
Got what you call your basic lively prospects.
Admittedly, they're nurses.
Over there you got your women Marines.
Very nice.
Well, well, well.
Yes, indeed, if you gentlemen will excuse me a minute Wait a minute, she's getting up.
i knew it, an angel.
Gentlemen, i really hate to do this to you.
- Not as much as i hate it.
Get out of my way T.
Oh! i'm sorry.
excuse me.
Oh, no, Bragg.
Annie? Jerry? Jerry Bragg? It's okay, iet's go.
Come on.
This is incredible.
What are you doing here? I'm a fighter pilot.
Really? Hi, my name is T.
I just saw this clumsy oaf bump into you.
And i thought i'd come over and rescue you.
What did you say? My name is T.
No, no, no.
Something about being clumsy? it's all right, Annie, these guys are friends of mine.
This is Bob Anderson, this is T.
And this is Bob Boyie.
Fellas, this is Anne Schaeffer.
Hi, how are you? Guess you two know each other? Yeah, we came from the same hometown.
Over here is James Gutterman.
That's Donaid French, and that's Larry Casey.
Say, do you think your friends would mind if you and i talked about old times for a littlewhile? No, i think that'd be a great idea.
You guys don't mind, do you? No, no, i want you to.
Oh, well, we'll see you later maybe.
Gee, it's so great to find somebody i know.
Come on.
That's real nice going, T J.
Can i help it? They're old friends.
What'll you have? Air raid! Jerry, bring the bottle! What? - Bring the bottie! exactly what we need now, is a vacation.
everyone out! Get the women out first! Move it! Come on! Come on! Into the shelters! Come on, i know a shortcut.
We'll never make it to the shelter! Over here! Quick! Come on! it's iocked! Come on! We'll get soaked.
Jerry! i think it's all over now.
Hi, Jerry.
It sure is good to find somebody from home.
Come on, i'll sneak you into my quarters and we can get dry there.
If they hear a man's voice, we'll both go up on charges.
Soaked! What a night.
- Yeah.
Here, wait.
Here, you can put this on.
Go ahead, take your clothes off.
It's okay, i'll change back there.
Do you ever think about dying? All the time.
Sure, yeah, you're a pilot.
i never did, until these air raids started.
And to me, the war was always someplace else.
If I hadn't been a language major i went to Sweet Briar, you know.
When i enlisted, i never thought they'd take me.
And i never thought they'd send me out here.
i'm giad they did.
it's amazing, us running into each other.
And all because i wanted to study Japanese.
You were always smart.
Done! it's like we're old, old friends.
We never really knew each other that well back home.
Oh, i saw you at the football games.
You used to go out with Larry Potter.
Oh, right.
Yeah, he was the halfback.
He got killed in europe.
i'm sorry.
i didn't know.
Annie, i really think you're something special.
You were always so sweet.
i think you're special, too, Jerry.
Shouldn't we be getting back? What for? - Won't your friends be worried? Let them worry.
- No, really, i want to go back.
I can't just leave Cheryl.
Who's Cheryl? She's my best friend, my only friend.
Well, until tonight.
What about tomorrow night? You wanna go to the beach? i'd love to.
Hey, could we make it a doubie date, so Cheryl could go? Don't be mad.
You could ask one of your friends.
We'll have a good time.
- Oh, good.
Come on, get dressed.
Come on, Larry, it'll be fun.
Cheryl's a nice girl.
How do you know? - Annie told me so.
Anyway, Annie won't go with me unless Cheryl comes along.
Look, maybe one of the other guys, huh? Look, the other guys didn't make a good impression.
Annie said you were the best looking guy of the whole bunch, except for me, of course.
All right.
That's great.
We'll take the jeep, we'll go to the beach, we'll start a nice big fire Wait a minute.
That jeep's gotta get back to the motor pool before the M.
P's start looking for T.
That's T.
's problem.
No, Greg asked me to take it back.
What are you on vacation, or what, Larry? "Casey, do this.
" "Casey do that.
" You're too nice a guy, Larry.
People are always taking advantage of you.
No kidding? Look, you don't know how lucky you are, Larry.
We're gonna go out on the beach, nice, warm tropical night, beautiful girls.
You're gonna iove it.
Casey, you wanna see if you can get something on this radio? I'd even settle for Tokyo Rose.
Boy, this is fun, isn't it? Hey, Annie, you wanna give me a hand with the sandwiches? i can't carry them all myself.
Allow me.
Is something wrong? What is it? it's Cheryl.
What now? She really likes you, Jerry.
She likes me? Didn't you know? No.
She's too shy to say anything, but she does.
She must know how i feel about you.
Well, that's just it.
She really doesn't.
Then we got to tell her.
Would you do me a big favor tonight? Just for tonight, would you talk to her, pay attention to her? it'd mean a lot to me.
Tonight is my last night.
We'll have lots of other nights, won't we? Maybe we could go dancing.
I'll keep Larry company.
It'd make Cheryl so happy.
She really is crazy about you.
Annie, i'm crazy about you.
Please? i never heard that before.
it's true.
I could show it to you sometime.
it must be getting late.
Where's my watch? Oh, i must've ieft it at the beach.
You sure you were wearing it? i think so.
Could we go Look for it? Sure.
i'll tell Jerry.
Oh, let's just go.
They're having fun, and we'll be back in just a few minutes.
Come on, let's go.
Hey, Bragg, where's Casey? He's over there.
He was over there just a second ago.
Jerry, let me talk you for a minute, will you, please? excuse me.
Every M.
on this isiand is looking for the jeep.
It wasn't outside? We looked outside and came in here, Bragg.
And they're looking for T.
Any idea where the jeep could be? No.
Well, start looking.
i'm sure i wore it tonight.
Do you remember taking it off? No.
There's one other place it might be.
Do you mind if we go and look? Of course not.
Oh, a sorority? If they hear your voice, we'll both go up on charges.
Wouidn't you know? Thank you for putting up with me.
i can be so forgetful sometimes.
i'm even worse than forgetful.
i'm also a sneak.
You mean you planned this? i'm sorry if you're mad at me.
No, no, i'm not mad.
Jerry's the one who should be mad.
it wasn't very fair to him.
Look, i'm not really a flirt.
It's just When you meet somebody that you like, and you don't know when you're gonna see them again if you wanna go back, i understand.
"Casey, do this.
" "Casey, do that.
" What? Nothing.
Greg: Something seemed to be going on between Bragg and Casey, but whatever their problem was, I had a more immediate problem getting T.
off the island.
The M.
's were still looking for him over that stolen jeep.
Hey, Jerry, wait up! Bragg, First Lieutenant.
Wiley, Thomas Joseph, First Lieutenant.
Anderson, Lieutenant.
Come on, where are they? Reiax, they'll be here.
Staff Sergeant Wilkerson.
Burn case.
Excuse me.
Hey, Janey, thank you very much.
See you next time.
Jerry, just listen to me for a second.
Stay away from me, Casey.
I just want to explain.
I don't want to hear it.
What's that all about? Don't tell me.
This is thick.
i'm going as fast as i can.
i couldn't breathe.
They forgot to put air holes in it.
Oh, that's very funny.
- It is.
That's what you get for steallng jeeps.
We flew back to Vella la Cava, and the next day we were flying missions again.
We forgot about the trouble.
I'd figured it had gone away.
Well, it hadn't.
Got him! Lieutenant Casey, that was my kill.
You stole it from me.
What're you talking about? I was right on that Zeke and you cut right in front of me! I didn't even see you! Like hell, you didn't see me! Knock it off, both you guys! But, Pappy I said knock it off, Bragg! I never want to hear an argument in this unit about who gets a scalp.
Is that clear? Here they come again! Hey, Larry.
What's the matter? What's wrong between you and Bragg? Nothing.
- Nothing, huh? Listen, if the two of you have a beef, it's all right with me, just as iong as you keep it on the ground.
You don't have to tell me that, Greg.
How long is this gonna go on? That's up to you.
i'm ready to settle this thing right now.
How do we settle it? I'm calling you out.
That's a great soliution.
What's the matter, Casey? Afraid i'm gonna mess up your nice clean flight suit, or what? Look, Jerry, i've been trying to explain - Explain what? About Annie.
You leave her out of this.
Leave her out of it? She's what it's all about.
It's about a lot of things.
It's about how you're always criticizing, always acting superior.
You stole my kill today! You stole my girl.
i didn't steal your girl! it was her idea! You're a liar! She said she was gonna talk to you! She said you'd understand! Go ask her! - I ain't asking her nothing.
Hey, a fight.
What are they fighting about? i don't know, but i got $20 on Bragg.
Good cover.
is this for fun or what? i don't know.
Maybe we ought to break it up.
All right, guys.
Guys, break it up.
I said that's enough.
What's the matter with you? You okay? Yeah.
How did this get so far out of hand? it just started, we couldn't stop them.
couldn't stop them, huh? Hold still and we'll get you cieaned up a little.
Where's Jerry? i don't know.
What's going on between the two of you guys? Take it easy, will you? I heard it's over a girl.
it's about a lot of things.
The guys are saying you horned in on Jerry's girl.
I want the two of you to work it out.
in the meantime, i'm gonna change your tent assignments, if that's all right with you.
Okay, Boyle moves in with you, and French wlli move in with Bragg.
Greg, could i talk to you alone? Sure.
Why don't you tell French to get his stuff together? Pappy, i've been thinking about this for a long time now and i would llke a transfer out of the Black Sheep.
And i don't want you to try and talk me out of it because you don't know what it's llke for me.
What is it like, Larry? I don't fit in here.
The guys are always giving me a hard time, they're always playing jokes on me.
I don't really mind, but it just goes to show you that I don't belong here.
I am not really a misfit.
Some of the things you guys do, well, they really bother me.
if that's the way you want it.
Don't misunderstand me.
I really love this outfit.
You and all the guys, even Bragg, you've been like famlly.
I just don't feel like i'm part of it.
I don't agree with you.
You were the first Black Sheep.
You and i formed this squadron, son.
i don't wanna lose you.
I would llke to transfer, sir.
Okay, but you know what I think? I think you're trying to get even.
You're as good a pilot as any man in this outfit.
Then why doesn't anybody in this outfit take me seriously? even you.
it's always, "Casey get this.
" "Casey get that.
" "Casey do this", "Casey do that.
" You said I want to get even! Well, maybe I do.
Maybe i just wanna go somewhere and start out even! Leaving? - That's right.
What for? - Why don't you ask him yourself? Why should I? Seems to me he ought to come to us if he's unhappy about something.
Leave the Black Sheep, that's a low blow.
You guys know about this? Yes.
That just seems to prove he never was a Biack Sheep.
Possibie for you to stay out of this, Bragg? If he wants to go, then let him go.
You couldn't stop him anyway, Boyle.
I've got one question, though, if Casey leaves, who's gonna work on the books and keep all the deals straight with the other units? He did a lot of stuff for this outfit.
Very good question, Bob.
i can take care of the books.
Anybody can do that.
You took your degree at Yale, didn't you? Hi.
i just dropped by to say that i'm gonna miss you guys.
Well, most of you anyway.
Maybe not the guy who kept short-sheeting my bunk, or the guy who put mud in my boots for three days in a row.
Or the guy who hid all the alarm clocks in my room that night on leave, so i couldn't get any sleep.
But, hey, no hard feellngs, huh? Here's to Larry.
Oh, excuse me, one more thing.
i really would like my shaving kit back.
My mom sent it to me and Whoever took it, if you could just set it outside my tent sometime tonight, i'd really appreciate it.
Guess that's it.
i did it.
it was a joke.
excuse me.
Thought it was funny.
Mud inside his boots? Short-sheeting his bed? Pretty funny stuff, isn't it? i didn't do it.
Who did? Hey, Jim.
i looked for you in your tent, but Think i'd let you leave without saying goodbye? I sent your orders to Colonel Lard.
Pappy, if it weren't for you, i'd still be flying a desk back at Espritos.
Come on, Larry.
Don't underestimate yourself.
You're as good as they come.
You're gonna do fine.
You know something eise, Larry? You never needed this outfit.
Thanks, but you know that's not true.
I know it is.
Get going.
Sit down, Lieutenant.
i've just been looking over your record.
Your mllitary record is quite good.
Excellent, as a matter of fact.
Your proficiency rating is consistentiy very high.
Thank you, sir.
in fact, Casey, i have never been able to understand how you got mixed up with Boyington in the first piace.
All right.
It's not important.
The fact is that you have come to your senses now anyway.
And congratuiations, it looks like you're gonna be moving over to the 138, under Patterson.
You'll like Patterson.
He's a good commander and he's a very good Marine.
No nonsense.
You'll get aiong there fine.
When would I be joining that unit, sir? it shouldn't be any more than a week or 10 days.
Until then, you'll be on leave.
So, enjoy yourself.
Casey, there are one or two more questions I have to ask you.
What made you decide to transfer away from the Black Sheep? Personal reasons, sir.
All right, i'll respect that.
But, Casey, you know as well as I do that as far as the Marine Corps is concerned, Boyington and that pirate band of his, outside of their military accomplishments, are a disgrace to the uniform.
Part of my job is to do a monthly report on Boyington.
And that's where you can help me.
With your intimate knowledge of the way he operates excuse me, sir, but Major Boyington happens to be the finest man i've ever known.
And a good commanding officer.
All the Black Sheep are good friends of mine.
I couldn't say anything against any of them.
I only wish that I could've stayed part of that unit, sir.
All right, Lieutenant.
Hey, that's another one.
Go get him, Don.
Come on, hit number four.
Make way for the next ace.
Four big ones! One to go.
i'd llke to have drinks for everybody on the house, please, Anderson.
Gentlemen, i hate to say this, but we're dry.
Dry? - We have no Scotch.
In that case, we'll drink some beer.
All right.
They're all empty.
This is a disaster.
Wait a minute, didn't we have a deal with those Seabees for 20 cases of Scotch? Remember we were gonna trade those Japanese machetes for it.
That's right.
So, what happened? That was Casey's deal.
Well, Jerry? I guess I forgot.
What do you mean you guess you forgot? Bragg, you forgot about 20 cases of Scotch? i've had a lot on my mind lately.
Come on, you guys, leave him alone.
Jerry, I want to talk to you.
You've been saved by the bell, Jerry.
Out of his mind lately.
Where are the personnel reports? I'll go look for them, Pappy.
- Look for them? Those personnei reports were due at Fleet the day before yesterday.
Now without them, none of us are gonna get paid.
I just can't find anything in my tent anymore, Pappy.
It's French, he's an animal.
He never puts anything away.
He never washes his clothes.
He picks his toenails and throws the littlepieces all over the fioor.
Look, i know you're upset.
A woman makes it kind of hard to concentrate on your work, I know that.
Jerry, did i ever tell you about my girl in China? - No.
I loved her so much that if anyone had stood in my way, I would have killed them.
You know why? For the first time in my llfe, someone was shooting real bullets at me.
I was scared.
Having her was the most important thing in my life.
I guess I kind of know how you feel.
I wanted to marry her.
That bad, huh? Yeah.
I got the ring, I proposed.
She accepted.
Set the date.
When i went to pick her up, she was gone.
Was gone? She left a note that said, "Dear Greg, tomorrow one of us could get killed.
"You can't do anything about it, but i can.
Love and thanks.
" That's all? - No.
She hawked my wedding ring, took a boat back to the United States.
You know what i call that, Jerry? Smart.
I never made that mistake again.
I guess nothing lasts very long in the middle of a war, huh? Jerry, find those personnel reports.
Pappy, thanks.
Hey, Bragg? - What? Like to talk to you, Jerome.
This outfit's been a mess ever since Casey left.
That's right.
And it's your fault.
- My fault? It doesn't matter whose fault it is.
It's all his fault and it's up to him to do something about it.
It's up to all of us to do something about it.
That's right.
We all let Casey go.
Listen, if you guys would all just quit arguing for just a second, i got the most beautiful plan in the whole wide world.
Now, come here, i want to tell you about it.
You better have a good plan.
Take off the clothes.
Keep him quiet! I've got his eyes.
Let me out of here.
All right.
Let him out.
What the hell is this all about? It's a commando raid, you've just been kidnapped.
What for? Because we want you back, Lawrence.
Well, what about what I want? At ieast think it over.
And if you stlli want out You know how we feei.
Whose idea was this anyway? Jerry's.
At ieast, let me put my trousers on.
Well, what do you think? You cleaned it up.
Come on, the guys are waiting.
Wait a minute.
Wait a minute.
- No, you wait a minute.
Before you say anything, Gentlemen.
A toast.
You were about to say? All right, now, look, i'll come back, but under one condition! No more "Casey do this" and "Casey do that.
" Agreed? Agreed? - Agreed! All right.
Now that that's agreed to, let's open up a case of Scotch.
Where is the Scotch? The Scotch is in the truck outside.
Casey, get it.

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