Bloodline (2015) s01e13 Episode Script

Part 13

1 Ripped By mstoll Sometimes, you know something's coming.
You fee! it in the air in your gut.
And you don't sleep at night.
The voice in your head's telling you that something is gonna go terribly wrong.
And there's nothing you can do to stop it.
That's how I felt when my brother came home.
- John.
- Yeah.
Uh, Larry, hi.
- Thanks for meeting with me.
- My pleasure.
Have a seat.
Listen, before you-- Before we start, I wanna thank you for saying those kind words at the pier dedication.
That was a special day for a special family.
Look, I don't know if your lieutenant told you why I wanted this face-to-face.
I'm in the dark here.
You're on a shortlist to be the next sheriff of Monroe County.
You don't seem too happy about that.
No, I'm-- I'm I'm surprised.
Uh - Especially considering the timing.
- Yes.
I'm sorry about your brother.
I understand he's missing.
Larry, you understand that Danny's a person of interest - in a murder investigation.
- That's not a problem.
A challenge? Yes.
But you're a unique candidate with a decorated career.
Born and raised here, and that Rayburn name will go a long way.
I'd like for you to meet with a few people.
Their support will be important if you decide to run.
Well, I mean, I don't know.
I'd, uh-- If you could just answer a few questions about your brother And I think I can help ease their minds on that matter.
I never even considered running for sheriff.
I'd like for you to think about it.
I know we've had our differences, but this is business.
I'm willing to bury the hatchet.
As long as it's not in my head.
Look, what do you want me to say? Those Silicon Valley pricks pulled out and we want to sell.
And I'm sorry your deal fell through.
That puts you guys in a bad position.
So I've spoken about it with my family, and they're willing to take out a loan against the inn, but I may need to revise my original offer.
I'm gonna have to knock off about 10 percent.
Well, we'd be willing to negotiate.
We go back a long way, Kev.
We'd love the marina to end up with you.
The Rayburn name still means something down here.
Thank you.
- Freddie, how'd you do? - Oh, man, I love this boat.
Rent her any time, I told you.
You know, you really should charge more.
This old girl's good luck.
Check out my haul.
- Hi.
- Hi.
Full day of interviews.
How'd it go? It wasn't too rough.
The partners are surprisingly nice for New Yorkers.
They're actually not that nice.
Well, they're lawyers, so they're good liars, I guess.
Or maybe they just liked you.
Come on in.
I'll pour you a drink.
I just wanted to say that I'm sorry that I had to postpone the interview.
I had a lot of stuff going on at home.
I actually have to fly back there tonight.
Oh, no, that's fine.
I'm just glad you followed through with this.
To taking a risk.
Don't like tequila? Oh, who doesn't like tequila? Come on, Surf.
Hey, John.
I I need your help.
John? What happened? Jesus.
- What happened? - My chest.
You need to go to the hospital, okay? Oh, my God.
ls that Danny? Yes.
Jesus Christ.
ls he dead? Oh, my God.
Do you want--? Do you want me to call the police? Help! Please! - He has chest pains.
- Okay.
- Are you his wife? - No, I'm his-- I'm his sister.
- His name's John Rayburn.
- What happened? He called me.
He couldn't speak, could barely breathe.
Okay, the doctor's gonna wanna talk to you.
Wait here.
Miss? I'm gonna need you to fill out some paperwork.
You can take a seat if you'd like.
I'll bring it over to you.
Miss? - Yeah.
- Where are you? Uh, why? What's wrong? Just tell me where you are.
I'm in my office.
Why? Ail right, stay there.
I'm coming to pick you up right now.
Meg, what's going on? It's about Danny.
Meg? Meg? Coming.
Hold on.
I'll be there in a sec.
Meg? Hey.
- Hi.
- I tried calling a few times.
Um - Thought you were in Orlando? - I'm back.
- I was hoping we could talk.
- Um Okay.
- Um - Jeez.
- Kev.
- Yeah, no, it's not-- Belle, it's not what you think.
- I guess now is not a good time.
- Yeah, no, it's not.
It's been a crazy few days.
Shit that's been going on with Danny, you wouldn't believe.
What's going on? I can't really get into it right now.
I gotta-- Um You look great.
Urn, how long you in town? A few days.
I'd really like to talk to you when you have time.
Yeah, of course.
I'd, uh I'd like that.
I really would.
Sorry, I just-- I have to go.
Kevin, come on.
Hey, Meg.
How are you? Is everything all right? We're good.
We're just-- You know, John, he's not feeling well.
- I'm sorry to hear that.
- Thank you.
See you later.
Detective Rayburn.
- Can you hear me? - Yeah.
How are you feeling? Any pain in your chest? Shortness of breath? Uh-uh.
You were experiencing atrial fibrillation.
We shocked you back into rhythm.
Your blood work shows you didn't have a heart attack.
But hypertension can bring this on.
Have you had high blood pressure? Uh, I take medication.
All right, I'm gonna send you up for an EKG - and echocardiogram.
- I'm fine.
- Easy.
Lie back.
- I need-- - I need to talk to my sister.
- All right.
I'll send someone in shortly.
- How long has he been here? - I don't know.
What happened? I don't know.
John said I shouldn't call the police.
- But I think that maybe we should.
- No, no.
If he said don't call the police, he has a reason, - so let's just-- - Maybe he can explain this to them.
We don't know what the fuck happened.
We don't know what there is to explain.
We gotta do something.
- Should we move him? Maybe we should.
- I'm not moving him.
Then maybe we should leave him alone.
You know.
Does anyone even know that John was here? - Did he talk to anybody? - What if there's evidence? It's gonna lead right back to him.
I think we leave him here.
We leave him.
That is the smartest thing to do.
Okay, but maybe we should hide him somehow.
- Where? - In-- I don't know.
In the fucking mangroves.
We'll just cover him up until - No.
- we can talk to John.
Leave him.
- What are you doing? - Someone's coming.
Grab his legs.
What do we do now? That's Chelsea O'Bannon's car.
Danny must have driven it here.
I think it's better if no one ever knows John or Danny were here.
Pop the trunk.
- Why? - Pop the fucking trunk.
Come on.
- What are you looking for? - Chelsea's car keys.
- Hurry.
- You wanna do this? No.
I'm gonna take John's car to the hospital, and then I'm gonna come back for Chelsea's car.
Take Danny and go home.
- Then what? - Don't do anything until I talk to John.
He's gonna tell us what to do.
Go home.
I'm his brother.
- How's he doing? - Okay.
We're taking him down to Radiology for some tests.
- Can he hear us? - He's on Serax, it's a sedative.
He kept trying to leave.
- Can I get a minute? - Now's not a good time.
- Just two minutes.
- I'm sorry.
Uh Uh, John, I spoke to Meg.
If there's anything that you need, maybe you can give us a call, okay? - You hear me? What is it--? - I've asked you to leave.
- He's trying-- - You need to step out.
- Come on.
- You need to step out.
We're gonna take care of everything.
Everything's gonna be okay.
I'm going.
I'm going.
Oh, shit.
- Fuck.
- Pull to your right.
When can I see him? There are forms that need to be filled.
- We asked your daughter, but she left.
- My daughter was here? She brought Mr.
Rayburn in.
Why did she leave? - I'm not sure.
- What about John's wife? We didn't have that information.
That's why we contacted you.
Kevin? Kevin, what--? What are you doing here? How's John? He seems okay, but we can't go in there right now.
They're running some tests on him, so it's probably best that you just leave him alone.
- Why don't you go on home, Mom? - What? No.
I just got here.
What--? How did you know John was here? Um Meg called me.
- Where is she? - I, uh I don't, uh - I don't know.
- The receptionist said she left.
- Why would she leave and not call me? - I don't know.
I'm gonna go find out.
Okay? - Where are you going? - I'll be right back.
Um Belle is in town.
She-- I have to go talk to her, okay? I'm just gonna be-- I’ll be right back.
Everything's fine.
Don't worry.
Do you know why I pulled you over? - Was I speeding? - You were swerving.
Everything okay, miss? Yeah, I was-- I was, um, coming from the hospital.
I was distracted because my brother's not feeling well.
License and registration, please.
- Excuse me, sir.
- Stop there.
Please let me go.
My brother really is in the hospital.
He's a detective.
Maybe you know him? John Rayburn, Monroe County Sheriff Department.
Don't know him.
I gotta run your license.
Wait here.
Your treads are worn.
- How far are you headed? - I just live two minutes down the road.
I can call you a tow.
No, please.
Please, I just I just really wanna go home.
Please? Drive more carefully.
Get those tires looked at.
Hope your brother feels better.
Oh, shit.
What did you do? John.
Are you okay? Where is he? - He's with me.
- Where? I heard about John.
Are you okay? - Yeah, I'm fine.
- What are you doing out here? - You didn't have to come here.
- Let's get out of the rain.
Hey, honey.
I tried to reach Diana, but she's not answering.
How are you feeling? Good.
It wasn't a heart attack.
I know.
The doctor told me.
He thinks it was stress-related.
Not surprised, after last night.
Did you talk to Danny after he left? Uh No.
I'm not sure I believe you.
- Mom.
- I know you're keeping things from me.
Meg brought you here and then ran out, Kevin barely talked to me.
Morn, I think everyone's a little shaken up, that's all.
That's all.
Last night you said Danny was gonna come in and talk to you.
He didn't show up.
I know you don't wanna hear this but I can't help him anymore.
You don't just give up on family, John.
Mom, I can't help him anymore.
I'll check in with you later.
- You're soaking wet.
- Yeah, I was just going to my car.
Were you getting something from the trunk? Want help? No, no, I just-- Putting my suitcases in for New York.
New York? What, you're leaving tonight? No, tomorrow afternoon.
- It's just for an interview.
- You're putting your bags in the car now? Uh-huh.
Since when do you plan so far ahead? Why are you asking me so many questions? I'm not questioning you, Meg.
- I'm worried.
- I asked you to go to New York.
You don't wanna go, okay? You pretty much don't want me in your life.
Don't come to my house and ask me questions.
I don't have to answer to you anymore, okay? I don't have to sit here and fucking be accused by you - of shit that I haven't done.
- No one is accusing you, okay? I heard about John and I came here.
That's it.
Get out, okay? Get out of the car.
Please get out of my fucking car! I'm gonna need for you to stay in bed.
- You got all your tests, don't you? - I'd like you to stay overnight.
That's all right, doc.
I don't care much for hospitals.
Detective Rayburn.
Why did you move him? We didn't have a choice.
There were people coming.
What happened? That's not important.
We understand that whatever you did out there you felt like you had to do.
We all know what Danny was capable of.
Did he have a weapon? Did he attack you? Meg, leave him alone.
Were you defending yourself? No.
He said some things.
And then he walked away.
John, Meg and I had to make some decisions.
Without you.
Chelsea O'Bannon's car was parked near yours.
Danny must have driven it over there.
- What did you do with it? - I moved it to Turtle Head Bay.
I-- I still have the keys.
I I found Danny's bag in the back of her car.
Why did you take his fucking bag? Because I-- We have to just make this look like he disappeared.
We have to get rid of his stuff.
That's the best thing to do.
The best thing would be do nothing.
Not to move anything.
Not to fucking take anything.
You didn't tell me that.
You called me and you asked me to help you.
What should we have done, John? Should we have called the cops? I am not throwing my life away.
Not for him.
I'm not doing that.
And you shouldn't, okay? You shouldn't.
We understand what he was capable of.
The shit he pulled with Janey? The drugs at the inn? We are the only ones who understand.
Not a judge, not a jury Not Mom.
Jesus, I have to meet her tomorrow to talk about the fucking pier dedication.
You two are free of this because you didn't do anything.
We're not free of this, John.
We just covered it up.
There's no guaranteeing that this isn't gonna come back on us.
And when it does, I don't wanna have to try to explain why I had my brother's body in the trunk of my car.
There is no story that makes that okay.
We're with you, John.
Oh, fuck.
We have to get rid of him.
That's what's gonna happen here.
We'll get rid of him.
No body, no crime.
You don't understand.
Well I thought somebody was gonna kill him.
You said that, is that true? Is that true, John? Yeah.
I'm gonna need your help with this.
What is it? Let's do this and get out of here.
I don't know if I can do this.
I can't look her in the eye.
She can see through me.
Don't worry about it.
You're doing fine.
I'll see you tomorrow.
Oh, they want me to say something tomorrow.
Oh, Mom, I think that's gonna be nice.
Oh, honey, I-- - Rayburn.
- Where's? - Where's Kevin? - Danny, where are you? - Oh, honey, I wanna talk to him.
- Yeah, let Mom-- Listen, I wanna help you, but you have to turn yourself in first.
You've got a big decision you gotta make here.
I understand.
Listen, Danny you either run, or you talk to the feds and face the music.
See you back at the house.
Did he say where he was? No, he didn't.
He knows he's in trouble.
He's What? The night he came here they found a man murdered in Danny's motel room.
I'm so sorry to be the one to tell you that, Morn.
How did he sound to you? He sounded scared.
Look the good news is he understands the situation.
I think I got through to him that the best thing for him to do is to speak to the authorities on his own accord, and he agreed to that.
Well When do you think that'll happen? I have some friends in the DEA.
I talked to them.
It looks like they'll allow him to come to the pier dedication.
Then they're gonna want to sit down and talk to him.
That sounds like it's the best thing to do.
At least you'll get to see him at the ceremony.
Oh, no.
Make sure he wears his suit.
His seersucker suit.
- It's not important anymore.
- Morn wants him to.
Yes, please, the suit.
Thank you, Meg.
Do you have it? No.
He must have taken it with him.
I'll tell him to wear it.
Thank you.
This family should be a role model for all of us.
What makes the Rayburns so special is their dedication, not just to each other, but to the whole community.
And now I'd like to invite Sally Rayburn to the podium.
Come on up, Sally.
Well, I see a lot of familiar faces out there.
Thank you all for coming.
I'm a very lucky woman.
I really am.
My life hasn't been perfect, but, uh I've been given more in this life than anyone ought to expect.
Where I've been lucky most of all is with my family.
My grandchildren, Ben and Janey, my daughter-in-law Diana, my children, John, Meg, Kevin and Danny.
It's, uh It's you all that keep me going.
I don't know what I'd do without you.
This is such a great honor for all of us Rayburns, and I know Robert was so thrilled.
So nice to see you again.
- Thank you.
- Kevin.
Oh, hey.
- Hi.
- Hi.
I hope it's okay I came.
Yeah, of course it's okay.
I'm sorry I didn't get back to you.
It's This has-- I know you have stuff going on.
- Yeah.
- I really need to talk to you.
Um-- Okay, okay.
I was hoping I wouldn't have to say this here, but, um, you remember the night of your dad's funeral? Yeah.
I remember.
- It was It was nice.
- Yeah.
It was nice, and maybe a little reckless? What do you mean? Are you-J? Yeah, I am.
You don't have to say anything now.
I just felt you should know.
I was hoping it'd be good news.
Yeah, it, um-- I'm sorry, I can't talk about this right now.
Just-- I'll be-- Give me a minute.
I'm sorry.
I'll be right back.
When is he gonna do this? I'm sorry he didn't show up.
I thought he'd do the right thing.
It's okay.
You did what you could.
I need to go and speak to some folks over at the DEA and explain the situation.
I'll see you back at the house.
You all right? Yeah.
You two? Listen we did what we needed to do.
And it's behind us as of right now.
You're not worried about them finding the body? No.
You two need to get on with your lives.
Take that job in New York.
You deserve it.
I don't know how you can talk about deserving anything.
You can't think like that.
He's right.
You deserve to be happy.
You too, Kevin.
Go back to your wife.
Do what you have to, make it work out.
What about you? I'll be fine.
You've both been so kind to me.
And to my family, and I've never said thank you.
I took you for granted.
We never say it in this family.
Say what? I love you.
Folks, I think you're looking at the next sheriff of Monroe County.
Some of you may know Detective Rayburn.
I'm certain you all know about the Rayburn family, from their inn, their esteemed reputation-- Or from recent newspaper accounts about my brother.
As well as his being wanted in connection with the murder at the Red Reef Motel.
I know you all have questions.
I'd like to address those concerns now if I may.
Floor's all yours, John.
I always thought the greatest thing that happened to me was being born a Rayburn.
Now I'm not so sure.
I'm gonna tell you everything.
It's not very pleasant.
But it's the truth.
Sometimes, you know something's coming.
That's how I felt when my brother came home.
And my brother Kevin is the hothead of the family.
Truth is, he's a lot like my father.
Maybe it was Meg's decision that started this thing.
Still, I can't blame her for what she did.
Whatever mistakes Could this whole thing have been avoided? Probably.
Danny turned us into that family.
And I'm not the same man now.
People say he's a monster.
He did terrible things.
He made a big mistake.
And now we're all paying for it.
I feel sorry for him.
In a way it wasn't just him I was trying to save.
I was trying to save myself.
We're not bad people.
But we did a bad thing.
What do you mean by that? We never treated my brother Danny like he was one of our own.
So if he went astray we all bear some of the blame.
I wish I knew what happened to him.
But wherever he is I hope he's okay.
And I hope he knows I love him.
- Thank you very much.
- Thanks very much.
- Appreciate it.
So long.
- Thank you.
Nicely done.
You won them over.
- I'm not so sure about that.
- Trust me.
I've been around long enough to know.
You're on your way.
Thank you for meeting me halfway.
I know it was a long drive.
No, it's fine.
I'm so sorry that I avoided you at Robert's funeral.
Oh, that's all right.
You had a lot on your plate.
I was ashamed.
What do you have to be ashamed about? I told my children to lie to you.
After Sarah died.
I made them tell you that story.
Danny paid for it.
I understand, Sally.
I just don't know what I can do to help.
Have you talked to John? I think John's given up on Danny.
Sally, what do you want me to do? I want you to find Danny.
Wherever he is, whatever he's doing.
Please, just Before something terrible happens, please, find him.
It's Marco.
We found Danny.
Come on.
Come on! Is your mom doing any better? No.
I just keep thinking about how he was found.
That's so awful.
But it would have been harder for Sally if he'd just gone missing again.
So I don't know.
Maybe it's better this way.
You still don't have any idea what happened to him? No.
John, what is it? I'm so sorry.
I know how hard this is for you.
Hey, Diana.
John, could I speak to you? - Alone.
- It's all right.
What do you want? I'm gonna need you to come in.
We have some questions to ask you.
Medical examiner sent us his report.
The cause of Danny's death wasn't burning.
His lungs were filled with water.
He drowned, John.
Someone was probably trying to get rid of his body.
After the fact.
Do you have any leads? This thing's got a lot of moving parts, but all the signs are pointing in the same direction.
What direction is that? John, you said that Danny was going to the pier dedication, right? He said he was, but I'm not surprised he didn't show up.
Why not? He knew you were gonna interrogate him after.
I thought he said he was prepared for that.
Look, what Danny says and what Dan-- What Danny said and what Danny did were two very different things.
And you didn't speak to him after the ceremony? No.
Never saw him? No.
Chelsea O'Bannon said that she warned you about somebody coming after Danny.
She came to me.
I called Danny, I went to the motel.
He wasn't there.
Is there something you aren't telling me? I'm beginning to feel like a suspect.
Why would you be a suspect, John? I don't know.
Why don't you get to the point? John, the drugs on your family's property.
We found them.
- We clear? - Where? Did you know Danny had an apartment in Miami? Yeah.
Well, we took a little drive up there.
- Found a shitload of narcotics.
- A shitload, John.
No way Danny could have had that much shit.
Unless he stole it from Wayne Lowry.
I'm gonna need your help with this.
What is it? Why didn't you get rid of it? I thought it might be useful.
I just didn't realize I'd be using it for this.
After he moved it from your property, it, uh-- It appears he kept it for himself.
Doesn't make sense.
Where would he find the time to move that to Miami? Chelsea O'Bannon got a message from Danny.
He had her car.
Texted he was going up that way.
Yeah, but he came back.
We found Chelsea's car about half a mile away from where Danny's body washed up.
What did you do with it? I moved it to Turtle Head Bay.
I still have the keys.
I found Danny's bag in the back of her car.
His possessions were in the car.
His clothes, his keys, his cigarettes, his cell phone.
The day before the pier dedication, Danny called Wayne Lowry.
Good morning.
We checked his phone records, John.
Listen, I'm thinking about going out to Indian Key and trying to catch maybe some pompano.
What are you thinking? You got a theory to make sense of all this? We ID'd the victim in the motel.
He's linked to Wayne Lowry.
Lawry's out two million in coke.
He sent this guy to go after your brother.
We think that Danny set up a meeting with Lowry, you know, hoping to make peace.
Wipe the slate clean before the pier dedication.
Lowry wasn't interested in making peace.
He had your brother killed.
He tried to get rid of the body on the boat.
Same MO as the girls.
You're basing all this on the drugs found in Danny's apartment a phone call and a fucking text message? Well, hey what are you thinking? I'm not thinking anything.
I just lost a brother.
I'm sorry, John, but the pieces fit.
And you may be too close to it to To have perspective.
You're probably right.
We're bringing Lowry in now.
Let's see what he has to say.
How did you know for sure Danny was gonna show up at that pier dedication? He was wearing a suit.
Yeah, urn, I can't do this right now.
Let's talk in the late morning.
Alec? What a nice surprise.
Susannah, hey.
Good to see you.
Let me call you back.
Sorry, have you been waiting long? No, work days are longer up here.
I've got kids to get home to, so I'll see you tomorrow.
Nice to see you, Alec.
- Good night.
- Good night.
- Hi.
- Hello.
Well, you must be busier than I thought.
Why? Well, it took you a whole month to call me.
It's nice to have a different view.
You glad you took the job? Think you made the right decision? Yeah.
Yeah, I think so.
A buddy of mine has a place that's a block away.
Uh, so nice to cook in this kitchen again.
Yeah, don't get used to it.
Belle, what is--? Come on.
- This is just rabbit food now.
- You agreed to eat healthy.
No, I didn't.
I agreed you should eat healthy.
It's called solidarity.
We all eat as a family.
Or I could just kick you out again - and you could get a dog instead.
- It'd be cheaper.
No college tuition, no summer camp.
Is there really something in there? Maybe not.
Maybe I'm just puking every morning because I'm waking up next to you.
There she is.
There she is, the woman I love.
Grab a knife, make yourself useful.
Do you really want to be sheriff? Honey, I'm not gonna do anything unless everyone agrees on it.
- Might be cool.
- It might be a big headache.
- We'll see.
- Whatever.
I say do it.
I wish I could have done more.
You cared.
And you tried.
I couldn't have asked for more.
Danny made his own choices, Sally.
You can't blame yourself for this.
I couldn't help Danny, but I found out some things.
What? Your children are lying to you.
- I have to go.
- No, you're not gonna run off.
I'm meeting my friends.
Can you put that thing down? We're having dinner.
- It's important.
- Yeah, I know.
Everything's important.
That means nothing is important.
- Nothing in my life's important to you? - No.
I don't want to argue with my beautiful, lovely, wonderful daughter.
I'm just trying to have conversation.
- Sweetie-- - Dad.
Who's that? - Are you John? - Can I help you? Danny Rayburn was your brother, right? That's right.
I need to talk to you.
And what is it you want to talk about? What happened to him.
And why is that? He was my dad.
Ripped By mstoll
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