Girlboss (2017) s01e13 Episode Script

The Launch

1 Hey.
Anyone catch the sunrise this morning? Ah.
It just keeps getting later and later every day.
- I got you a coffee, K-dog.
- Permission to reject nickname? Permission granted, Kavarooney.
Ooh, there it is.
- Found it.
- You found nothing.
Well, well, well.
Did someone heed my advice and clamp her puss around a good attitude? Hey, why shouldn't I have a good attitude? The launch is in ten days.
We've already found our hundred pieces.
Kavarooney's finishing up the site.
Please stop.
And you are going to be throwing us a sweet-ass party.
Uh, yeah, I am.
My entire day is devoted to the playlists.
I need a pregame, a throw-down, a post-game, a chill mix, a step up Don't forget "It's 3 a.
, get out and throw your cups away, I ain't your mama" mix.
Why not just turn the music off? Because that would be party suicide, Kavarooney.
Oh, yeah.
That name's gonna stick.
Let's not stop at 100 pieces.
- We should add more.
- How many more? Ten, 20, 50, however many we can find.
Let's not stop at this stubby dick.
Let's make it bigger.
I don't care how hard it is.
Man, that thing just keeps paying off.
Yeah, I'm a magnet at parties.
Because of my approachable face, and people sense a vulnerability in me that's just not there.
So, does that mean that you're coming or not? You haven't RSVP'd yet.
Oh, God.
" "Hello, the '80s called.
One moment, I'll check.
Is there a Poindexter here? No? He's moon-walking with Webster?" Mm.
- I understood none of that.
- Well, good.
'Cause you'd be in tears right now, it's such a cutting remark.
But I guess I'll come to your little gathering.
- See you soon.
- Bye.
Shane cheated on me.
God, I haven't said that out loud yet.
I thought I could make it to the launch without dealing with it.
But I'm losing my mind.
I just can't stop thinking about it.
I'm sad.
I'm angry.
I feel so dumb.
And I don't have time to feel any of those things right now.
Who the fuck is Shane? My boyfriend.
I told you about him a few months ago.
Oh, right.
- You two kept things "cas.
" - Yeah.
It wasn't, though.
It never is.
You know, I tried that once.
You remember those two Black Panthers at the '68 Olympics who raised their fists in protest? - No.
- Open a book.
Anyway It was with the white guy who came in second.
We kept things "cas" in that Olympic Village.
We kept things real "cas.
" I wish I could un-see it.
It doesn't work that way.
You know what you need to do.
I don't want to break up with him.
Then forgive him? I'd rather you slap me.
I mean, I can't even look at him in the My God, with those sandpaper hands.
Feel better? Not at all.
You have to make a choice.
Yes, I would like catering for 20 to 200 people, and we don't have much money.
So, uh, do you have any inexpensive options? Okay.
Does that broth come in different flavors? Just cow.
Hold on.
I'm on the phone.
Oh, sorry.
And, um, how much would that cost? Hey, you.
Under the stairs.
Hidden away like the family embarrassment.
I like your artwork.
It's useless and impractical.
Thank you.
Yeah, Annie says that everything you see before you was inspired by that piece.
So, she wanted me to bring it in as a gift to Sophia.
This conversation has reached a natural stopping point.
I'm gonna turn away now so I can get back to work.
You work here? I didn't know they were hiring.
Are you guys Um, you know what? I think I'm gonna have to charm my way into Costco and call it a day.
- What? - What? What? What do you want? - Oh, is now a good time? Oh.
- Yeah.
I wanna help with the launch.
Well, thank you.
But I think I have it covered.
Please? I'm in between passions right now, and my days are empty.
I mean, how many games of Uno can I play with my mother before we both lose our minds? The answer is siete seis.
Well, I could use some help decorating for the party tomorrow.
You got it.
Say no more.
Oh, God, I'm excited.
- Hi, yes - Hey, girl.
Did you hear? - We're gonna be hanging out together.
- I'm gonna need a name first.
Try to guess.
- Bradley.
- Ooh.
No, but could you imagine? Keep guessing.
Tyler? - Mark? - No.
Mm Jim? I know I'm down I'm gone I'm comin' round I know I'm down - Can I help you with something? - Yeah, I need to speak with Shane.
Are they almost done? Just about.
I know I'm down I'm gone I'm comin' round I know I'm down I'm gone I'm comin' round - Hey, Shane.
Somebody's here to - Yeah, it's me.
Your girlfriend.
You know, the thing you needed to call me so that you didn't turn into a lying, cheating, fuck-face scumbag.
- Oh, shit.
- Sophia, I, um How could you do this to me during the most important time of my career? Of my life.
- And you called me selfish? - Yeah, I She I - How do I mute this asshole? - Sophia, I can expl I don't want your excuses.
I don't wanna hear how it was a one-time thing, like there's something special about a rehearsal studio.
Like you just happened to succumb to your urges in this tiny, shitty room with your emo music playing.
And you, with the guitar.
I'll always remember you as the girl on her knees.
And you're gonna have to tell your kids that.
Or maybe you won't.
Kids are perceptive.
They know when Mommy's a slut.
Oh, boy.
You're bringing the kids in.
You're right.
That was too far.
This is on Shane.
But still, woman to woman so not cool.
Sophia, please.
Two years of my life wasted on you.
I'm not gonna waste another second.
I can't believe he did that to you.
It was so rough.
I was like, "Oh.
There's my boyfriend.
And that's a girl sucking his dick.
" Oh, my God.
I would've panicked.
I would have gone full To Catch a Predator on his ass.
I would've been like, "Freeze, motherfucker.
You're going to jail.
" Well, this is what I did: That's also good.
- Yeah.
- That's what happened.
No, it's It's all good.
And you know what? I - I wish him the best.
- For reals? Yeah.
Yeah, I just hope he doesn't do it to the next girl.
That's a pretty adult thing you just said.
Thank you.
This is some strong-ass shit.
It tastes like the sun's piss.
Holy shit.
My life looks so different.
It's pretty crazy.
Tomorrow's the day.
The big launch.
Sophia, this is the night we're gonna look back on, - when we're old.
- Yeah? And our boobs are in totally different places.
And we're reminiscing about the good old times.
Just sitting on the floor.
So innocent.
So much ahead of us.
Okay, stop talking about the moment.
Talking about the moment ruins the moment.
Oh, okay, but on my deathbed, I'm only going to think of two things.
- Oh? - This night and when Kelly Clarkson won American Idol.
I fucked a firefighter that night.
I don't care about Kelly Clarkson.
- We ready? - All that's left is to go live.
- Just click there.
- I can't believe it.
This moment is here.
Everything that we've worked toward.
It all comes down to pushing this one button.
- Can I push the button? - Jesus, how long have you been here? Hush.
It's Sophia's night.
- This is it.
- Oh, my God.
I could just Here goes nothing.
You're live.
I'd have felt real dumb if I'd sprung for those big scissors.
- Okay.
What do we do now? - You just sit and wait.
It's all very anticlimactic.
- How do we see what's sold? - Site admin page.
Use your log-in.
All transactions and user comments are logged there.
Now, please, can I just go to the bathroom? - Of course.
No one knew you had to go.
- Thank you.
- A watched pot never boils.
- Well, I mean, eventually it'll boil.
It's just boring to watch, and it doesn't speed up the process.
You're right.
For my own sanity, I should just try to enjoy tonight.
Whatever happens, happens.
So? What do you think? You really went for it.
Yes, well, I thought it would take me years to discover my new passion, but it just took one afternoon and a trip to Party City.
Is your new passion streamers? No.
It's helping you.
No, no.
I really believe in what you're doing here and I want to be a part of it.
I mean, it must be kismet.
You launching your site, me leaving the art world.
Buy-one, get-one-free streamers.
I mean, these are all signs.
Oh, unrelated.
Um Here's the receipt.
And no, you don't have to reimburse me immediately.
There's a Snickers on there.
I got really hungry while I was waiting in line.
You don't have to pay me for that.
Just really thrilled to be here, again.
It was a king-size.
I'll pay for the Snickers, Nathan.
Only if you want to.
So, excited for the party? I'm only staying to make sure the website runs smoothly.
Oh, no.
Come on.
Hey! - Let me make you a drink.
- No, thank you.
A U.
medical journal showed that out of 20 drugs, alcohol was the most harmful.
What are you talking about? There's only like six drugs.
Pot, cocaine, acid and like three more.
Well, I guess my drug of choice is the enjoyment of seamlessly integrating JavaScript on the client side with a Python backend framework.
- Let me guess.
No "plus one"? - Well, well.
Doesn't this place look like the inside of a piñata's butthole? Rick! - Hey.
- You made it.
Aw, yeah.
I always like to be the first one at parties.
That way you get your pick of parking spots.
My pickup truck is right outside.
Hey, if you ever have a large pile of soil that you need to move from one location to another, I'm your guy.
- Just in case that ever comes up.
- Yeah.
I don't know why it would, but, uh Anyway, am I dressed okay? - These are my going-out slacks.
- You look good.
It's really great to see you again, Rick.
Ah, yeah, sure.
- You don't remember me, do you? - Nope.
I remember this one.
You've done pretty well for yourself here.
I mean, look at this place.
You know you have a bat's nest up there, right? What? Bats? Oh.
Kaavi? Does this look right to you? No.
That doesn't look right at all.
Sophia, you're gonna wanna take a look at this.
Holy shit.
We motherfucking sold out! - Yeah! - Speech! Speech! Speech! Speech! If you want! If you want! If you want! - If you want! - All right, all right.
Uh You know, I guess not that long ago, I didn't think that I needed anyone's help but my own.
But the truth is I wouldn't be here without all of you.
- You're welcome.
- At every fucking step you were there for me.
So, um In the beginning there were two sets of footprints and now there is one because you were all carrying me.
Thank you.
Enjoy yourselves.
Toast over, I'm done.
Well, don't let that moment linger, child.
Turn the music back up.
Just - Do you want a drink or something? - I'm good.
So, how did the launch go? I don't wanna talk about that.
So, um I needed to see you because, uh I don't know why.
I thought that I was over you.
But I'm not.
And I cared about you so much.
Like, more than you think I did, maybe.
I don't even know if I know what love is, or how to love someone back, but You hurt me so bad.
Um Yeah.
That's all I needed to say.
What were you thinking?! What, was it because I didn't go to Chicago? I'm sorry.
I had shit going on, okay? And you You pretended to be so fucking supportive.
Oh, my God.
And then you just fucking lied.
You just kept lying to me.
Texting me to come over like nothing fucking happened.
Did rehearsal even go late? I mean, is there even an album? You're so beautiful.
Stop it.
God, I fucked up.
You did.
What difference does it make? She means nothing to me.
Yes, but it matters to me, okay? I can't move on until you tell me every detail.
Did she kiss you first? Did you kiss her first? - Was it happening the whole time? - No, of course not.
When did it start? - I told you.
- Tell me again.
Can I be honest with you? Yeah.
I really hate that fucking song.
Me, too.
All right.
You gotta go.
I don't want to.
If I walk out that door, I Please just let me stay for a few more minutes.
Sophia, please.
Just a few more minutes.
It's never quite as it seems When are you getting more stuff? Nasty Gal is the bomb.
Can you expedite my purchase? Get more things, nasty bitch.
Totally rocking stuff, can't wait for more.
- I want to cancel.
- Is this pocket - You have the coolest shit.
- Amazing stuff.
I want everything that you want to sell.
Get more things, nasty bitch.
Here we go.

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