Painkiller Jane s01e13 Episode Script

The League

My name is Jane Vasco.
I could use you on my team.
I work for a secret government agency that hunts Neuros.
People who can do dangerous things with their minds.
On my first assignment something a little weird happened, okay, something really weird.
Until I get some answers I'm getting on with my life, doing my job stocking up on aspirin because I gotta tell ya, pain's a bitch! SOUTHSIDE JEWELRY 1:12 A.
Hands in the air! You first.
Ahhhh! Riley, he's got a gun, he stormed the premises.
Jane, you and I go in the back.
There should be a security key pad next to the rear door handle.
Connor, front door.
Code sequence is 6-7-4-9-5 pound! Crap.
Back corridor is about 12 feet long, it leads to the main area to the right.
Connor, he's going out the front.
Hey, what's the rush? Sniper! Let's face it, unless you're a farmer, in the army, work the breakfast shift, or have kids, there's no reason to be up this early.
What's my excuse? I'd like to think of myself as an A-type fitness junkie, trying to pack a workout into my busy schedule.
The truth is I'm more of a B-type couch potato who's trying to exercise the demons.
Didn't really worry about cardio-vascular health when I was little, because of my condition, don't worry about it much now either.
For me it's all about endurance, even though I can heal, getting pegged with an AK-47 doesn't exactly tickle.
So it helps to be able to run like hell when you need to.
Jumping rope, this was fun as a kid, singing silly songs, somehow not as much fun now.
I go at it hard, and I don't have to worry about overdoing it.
I still get sore which fortunately doesn't last as long as it does in normal people.
I guess you could say, no pain, no Jane.
What've you got? Preliminaries.
The contents of the guy's wallet I.
him as Frank Diangelo.
I checked his last known address, workplace everything is invalid.
- Still working on it.
- You're still working on it?! Seth is running an autopsy on Diangelo right now.
He's also running DNA samples on the coffee cup Connor found at the suspected sniper location.
Hopefully, we'll find answers soon, right Riley? Whoever it was did us a favor whackin' this freak.
First of all, we don't even know if the Neuro was the intended target.
We have a problem.
The man on my examination table is not a Neuro.
How could that be? The guy practically threw a jewelry store at us.
Yes, Seth, how can that be? I'm beginning to wonder if we're witnessing a a shift in the Neuro pattern.
Something that doesn't show up on our tests.
Just what we need.
The freaks're comin' in 57 varieties now.
We've seen variations that we don't understand in the past.
If the genetic pattern is mutating Is there any way you can refine your testing procedures? We've got to know what we're looking for.
If you can't identify them we can't stop them.
- I'll do my best.
- Thank you.
Riley, I need a history on this guy, sooner than later.
I know.
You want to see what I got on the other cases? - The robberies? - All right.
Show me what you got.
- You're not going to believe this one.
- Yeah, it's been that kind of day.
That's the Essex hotel, three months ago.
$40,000 in jewelry gone in one night.
Night clerk saw nothing.
No one came in through security.
No one can figure out how the hell it happened.
Almost nobody.
I've been working the case this last week.
Finally decided to run it with a thermal overlay.
Check this out.
What are we looking at? You mean, what aren't we looking at? An invisible man? - Imagine the possibilities.
- How do you think he's doing this Riley? You think he's jamming the security cameras? No.
Been there, done that.
There were eye-witnesses or rather non-eye witnesses.
But nobody saw the guy enter or leave the area.
I mean, I hate to admit this but I think Connor might be right.
We may have an invisible man on our hands.
- You're kidding me?! - No, I'm not kidding you.
You just brought in a guy that could throw furniture across the room without even touching it.
What else do you have on this guy? Ok, boss, what do you want me to do? Run a facial recognition scan? Or better yet, maybe run his photos through known databases? I mean, how do you catch something you can't see? Think of something.
Yeah, all right.
Listen, Arlene, I'll see what I can do.
I might have some time this week.
Miss you too.
I'll talk to you later.
Yo, guys, check this out! Picked this up off Satcom.
John Ferguson was found dead in Marine Park with his throat slit.
An eyewitness swears that no one was around for 100 yards when this happened.
- The invisible man? - It fits.
From petty theft to murder? Perp doesn't usually shift his M.
without a reason.
Which makes Ferguson our best lead.
We find out who wanted him dead, we might find our Neuro.
- Was he married? - Yeah.
What difference does that make? The first person to want a man dead is usually his wife.
Let's check this out.
I did some further analysis of our telekinetic jewel thief.
I found a mass of anaplastic cells in what's left of his temporal lobe.
You found a brain tumor.
Not like any I've seen before.
I'm sending off a sample for further analysis, but judging from the compression of the surrounding tissue, it's been growing rather rapidly of late.
Is this enough to explain a man throwing around furniture with his mind? I don't have an answer for that.
Been a little short on answers lately, doctor I need something.
All right, Ferguson was divorced six years ago.
What about the ex? Remarried got a bundle off divorce too.
It seems Ferg's has spent the last six years making up for lost time.
With the amount of money this guy had, he could do some serious making up.
And we care about this because You got to figure a guy like this has at least a dozen honeys just waiting for the phone to ring.
One of those honies has a husband, he catches wind of this, and it's sayonara John.
Can you pull the phone records? They're all business related.
Office, clients, assistants.
Try the after hours stuff.
Ok, here we go.
Got a list of a dozen calls, all to the same number.
All between the hours of 8:00 and 10:00 p.
It sounds like slap and tickle time to me.
It's also the last call he made the afternoon he was killed.
- Arlene Wedge.
- You got an address to go along with that? Not sure that's gonna help.
Arlene Wedge was found this morning in a dumpster with her throat slit.
Okay So our invisible Neuro kills Mr.
Ferguson and his girlfriend.
Wait is there a Mr.
Wedge? Patrick Wedge.
3318 Walnut street.
C'mon, darlin', smells like Neuro time to me.
Look, if Wedge is our Neuro, we have to catch him off-guard and Chip him fast while we can still see him.
And if not Is best to shoot first, ask questions later.
It's my kind of interview.
Let's go.
- Federal agents! - Ow! - What are you doing?! - We're gonna sell you to the circus, pal.
Where the hell did he go? There! Sniper shot.
Just like with Diangelo.
Patrick Wedge tested the same as the other, Neuro negative.
Guy went see-thru in my hands, doc.
Well, at least that explains why the chip had no effect.
That's not all.
Patrick Wedge, had the same type of brain tumor as Frank Diangelo.
Same mass, same location.
- Two in a row.
What's up with that? - I have absolutely no idea.
Fortunately, there is someone else who might.
The shooter.
You get the DNA results on that coffee cup from the first sniper location yet? - It's on my list.
- Yesterday, doctor.
Twice now the shooter's knew where we'd be and when we'd be there.
- You think we have a security problem? - Ok, there is no security problem.
- Then double-check it.
- Fine.
What's going on here, boss? We got Neuros who aren't Neuros.
A shooter taking out people from underneath us.
Brain tumors.
I don't know but I'm going to try to find some answers though.
If anything develops, I'd be on my comm.
I need to know do we have a problem? You tell me, do we? Are you aware of any shift in the Neuro pattern? If I had that information, you would have it.
I've got two corpses, both very Neuro-like, both testing negative.
I've read Dr.
Carpenter's reports.
Those two men were taken out right from under my people in the field.
I'm aware of the situation.
How do you think I can help? Why don't you tell me the truth? You got anyone else working our cases? Someone with shoot-to-kill orders? Whatever you're up against, whoever this shooter is, it is not coming from my office.
- I need to believe that.
- You need to get to the bottom of this and resolve it.
And I need to be somewhere in ten minutes.
And agent McBride, in the future, wipe your feet before you get in my car.
Hey! I'm awake! Eighty percent done, and no signs of a breach.
- We're tight as a drum.
- All right, when this is over, I need complete histories on Diangelo and Wedge.
I'm looking for places where they intersect.
I believe I can help with that.
I've been conducting some field interviews.
He does go out.
I'm as eager to find answers to this situation as any of you are.
- And did you find any? - There was nothing in the medical records of either man to explain the tumors I found, but I did learn one interesting thing.
Frank Diangelo and Patrick Wedge were born four months apart.
They both attended Rossmore High School, graduating the same year.
So maybe they knew each other.
Hey, that's more than we knew There is one more thing.
I was able to isolate a DNA sample from that coffee cup that Connor found in the sniper's nest.
The shooter is a male, late 20's, like the victims.
Another schoolmate? Settling an old score? There's something else.
The shooter's Neuro positive.
Let's see if we can find anything else interesting about Diangelo and Wedge here.
Maybe they were in AP Neuro class together.
It's a good thing you only made it to the eighth grade.
Wouldn't'a made a difference.
I went to an all boy school.
Public, private, or reform? Are you a cop? - Yeah, something like that.
- What're you working on? I'm sorry, darlin', I'm really not at liberty to say.
- How old are you? - Old enough.
Well, then you ought to know better than to be playing games "off campus.
" That's how little giris like you get into trouble.
I'm not a little girl.
Do not pass go, do not collect $200, go directly to jail.
- There only was a day.
- Yeah, the good old days.
You could've offered her your prison ring.
Anyway, check this out.
Wedge and Diangelo.
Our two dead guys were friends.
"LEAGUE OF 5" What's with "the league of 5?" Yeah, that's just one of the things I'd like to ask the people in this picture.
Ladies and gentlemen, meet the short lived superhero team "The League of 5.
" First issue came out about 16 years ago.
It was actually pretty good too.
Until Dynamite Comics canceled it.
Nowadays all these comics and their superheroes are all these matinee idols, - Riley - What? - Come on.
- Ok.
For your information, it's a great book.
Now, I've got five issues tucked safely away in my storage boxes In your mom's basement? Where you live.
All right, we know from Seth that the shooter is male, so our best bet is to question these two guys, Harold Borgman and Alvin Prescott.
I've got an address on Borgman.
But Prescott's pretty much a loner.
He lives in a trailer up in the hills.
All right, Connor, why don't you question Harold? Jane bring Alvin Prescott back here for questioning.
- Yeah.
- Thanks.
Don't get up, sweetheart, I'll let myself in.
Harold Borgman? - Yes.
Who are you? - Connor King.
Federal agent.
You know what this is about? Why don't you take a seat? I have a better idea, why don't you come with me? I appreciate your cooperation, Mr.
It's not like I had a lot of choice.
Your life could be in serious danger.
Two of your classmates were killed recently.
Really? I don't keep up with them.
If you're not involved, I'll have you home in a few hours.
What do you mean involved? You think I had something to do with them been killed? We just want to ask you a few questions.
In my time with the team, I had seen some pretty strange Neuro powers, and the ability to basically put someone in a class on acid is definitely in the top 5.
Still it was effective, I have to admit.
That's your man.
100 percent DNA match for the shooter.
- And a Neuro.
- Yes.
A Neuro who uses a sniper rifle on non-Neuros with Neuro-like powers.
It's all coming together.
Borgman You can call me Harold.
All right Harold, I was hoping you can clear some of this up for me.
I'll do my best.
Why are you killing your friends? What other choice did I have? You understand, don't you agent McBride? It's the only way to stop them.
They do need to be stopped.
All right, why don't you start from the beginning? We were just kids.
We'd all been friends since the seventh grade.
Pat and I, we were the comic book junkies.
We used to talk about how great it would be to have those kinds of powers.
- To be special.
- All right.
We were used to being picked on As much as you can get used to something like that.
I guess in the end I finally had enough of it.
So I made them better.
It's hard to explain.
I mean, somehow, I knew I could do it.
I could give them each this gift of something extraordinary.
Everyone got to pick what they wanted.
Frankie wanted to be telekinetic Guess he was always the weakling.
Invisibility, that went to Pat.
You could imagine what he had in mind.
Vivian Gray got the gift of persuasion.
Everyone goes along with what she asks for.
They can't help it.
And Alvin Alvin was always getting picked on for being stupid or whatever, so I offered him the ability to confuse others.
Make things unclear to them.
That was a classic, I gotta tell you the football team lost a lot of ground that year.
And you, no special powers? No.
That's something else I don't understand.
Seems I can give the gift away.
But not to myself.
Maybe it's better that way.
We were just kids.
We had high hopes of doing great things.
Use the powers for good.
Then we grew up.
Drifted apart.
- And nobody did "great things.
" - No.
I think we underestimate the innocence of children.
And I couldn't let them keep doing what they were doing.
Franky just took what he wanted.
He didn't care who he hurt.
And Pat When he found out his wife was seeing another man killed that man.
I feel like I had a part in that.
So you killed him.
He was my friend.
I tried to talk to him.
But he wouldn't listen.
None of them would.
I tried to undo what I'd done.
But I couldn't.
I couldn't erase the powers.
There's no reversing it.
There was no one I could go to for help and and they were getting stronger, all of them.
I could only think of one way to stop them.
That wasn't a little crash, boss.
Even Jane was lucky to walk away from this one.
Yeah, but she didn't catch up with Alvin Prescott.
He is still missing.
Hell, it's like dealing with a Neuro who can photocopy himself.
Yeah, except these people aren't Neuros.
Riley, got a line on Alvin Prescott? Yeah, I've got a bird over his trailer but no activity.
What about Vivian Gray? Took me awhile until I realized I had the wrong name.
You might know her by her married name.
Vivian Nash.
The Congresswoman? I'm sorry, Congresswoman, but I just can't give my support to your proposed construction bill.
We've discussed this before.
Is there any way you'd reconsider? We've worked so well together on projects in the past.
We've always worked well together, but this is somebody that I'd really like to reach an agreement, Paul.
Of course, I want the same thing.
This bill is going to help so many people, and the costs are reasonable.
I know that's important to you.
It's not an unreasonable proposal.
I do see the advantages of putting it through.
So, I can count on your 'yes' vote? Of course.
- Vivian! - I'm sorry Congresswoman.
- I tried to stop him! - Vivian, there's a problem It's all right, Beverly.
Prescott is a valued friend.
He's always welcome.
Of course, Mr.
I'm so sorry.
- If you'll excuse us.
- Certainly.
Something's going down.
A federal agent came looking for me.
She was asking about Patrick and Frank getting killed.
And you don't know anything about this, do you? Don't try and use your little 'stuff' on me.
Ok, unless you want to be speaking in tongues at your next rally.
We're in the same team, Alvin.
I don't need to use my powers to convince you of that.
Somebody's after us.
We need to find out who.
Tell me more about the federal agent.
- She tried to take me in.
- Did she say where? I didn't want to know.
I just did what I had to get away from her.
Have you ever heard the word "Neuro"? No.
What is that? It's something we're not supposed to know about.
It's the name given to people like Harold.
What does that mean? There is other people like Harold out there? In some ways, yes.
It seems to be quite a variety.
I'm still exploring the "area.
" How do you know all this? I'm involved with a few very important people.
And, as you know, it's hard to keep secrets from me.
So what do these feds want with us? They were looking for Patrick and Frank, and now Patrick and Frank are dead.
- So what do we do? - Not "we," Alvin.
I've ran Alvin Prescott's photo against citywide security cams.
Got a hit.
Found him at the federal building checking in with Vivian Nash.
If we can't chip these clowns, what's the use of finding them? You could contain them.
I suggest an efficacious tranquilizer.
It's unlikely they'd be able to utilize their mental powers while unconscious.
I'm on Harold's team.
Bullet in the brain from the nearest rooftop.
It's unlikely they'd be able to utilize their mental powers while dead.
You're talking about a U.
Killing two birds with one stone.
Guys, Treasury provides security for Congresswoman Nash.
Even if you had a tranq pistol, how do you expect to get close enough to use it? Harold just offered a suggestion for that.
Before we chip him, how would you like to fight fire with fire? Are you saying what I think you're saying? He just offered us the same superpowers he gave his friends.
Turn us all into sideshow geeks.
I'll pass.
Gimme a break?! You wouldn't want to be more powerful than a locomotive? You've any idea what you could do if you were invisible? - I know what you would do.
- I don't know, man.
Passing on a super power Trust me, it's overrated.
You're forgetting about the tumors I found in the others.
Advanced and inoperable.
And from the location, likely responsible for the personality changes Harold described in his old friends.
Just imagine sneaking into the giris' locker room and turning into a psychopath before you even reach the showers.
Okay, okay, I get it.
So that's a "no" on the superpowers.
Bad idea.
That still leaves us with the question of how we get into the federal building with a tranq dart and score a hit on a woman who can make us do what she wants us to.
And it's likely Prescott's told her about our attempt to bring him in.
She'll have increased security.
I might be able to help with that.
That's a tall order, McBride.
I don't have a lot of pull with Treasury.
No, but you do have influence.
Look, you're asking me to interfere with the security arrangements of a U.
Congresswoman, putting my reputation at risk.
Then you'll have to weigh "your reputation" against the damage these people could do if we don't get to them.
You've made your point.
I'll take care of it.
Thank you, Gerald.
You handled that perfectly.
Now I just have one more favor to ask JUST OUTSIDE CITY LIMITS We're someplace I'll be safe.
All of you will protect me with your lives.
No matter who comes after me.
Nothing out of the ordinary is going to happen here.
Alvin! What did you find out? The feds have Harold in custody.
I seem to be the next target of interest.
- What are we going to do? - We're going to look after ourselves.
Are you armed? No.
I couldn't risk going back to my place.
Here, takes this.
Find somewhere they won't be looking for you.
I think we should stay together.
You need to look after yourself right now.
You said that we were in this together! You're right, Alvin.
We do have to look after each other.
But your presence right now puts me at risk.
I think you know that.
I'm putting you at risk.
And you would never want to do that.
You'd do anything to protect me.
You'd rather die than get in my way.
Don't mind him.
What's up? Local PD found Alvin Prescott at a rest stop on route 75.
Gunshot to the coconut.
Apparently self-inflicted.
The gun is clean and untraceable, of course.
What about Nash? She's off the radar.
She must have known we were coming in.
So much for Andre's plan to get the bigwigs to pull back her security.
Her security detail are missing, too.
She must have used her "gift" to talk them into helping her.
She's a public figure.
How could she just disappear? You'd be surprised what politicians get away with.
- I've got photos on my hard drive of - I got an update.
Harold's no longer going to Nico.
He's been designated "of interest.
" Morgan's on his way down right now to take him into custody personally.
Oh, and Harold is to remain unchipped.
Morgan is coming here? Leaving a Neuro unchipped? That's violating procedure.
It's totally unlike Morgan to get involved like this.
He thrives on deniability.
So coming down here in person to take Harold wasn't his idea.
You think Nash got to him? That's what we're gonna have to find out.
You're positive this man Morgan has been influenced by Vivian? That's our take on it.
We believe she sent him to get you out of custody.
Why would she do that? You killed Wedge and Diangelo.
We think Vivian killed Prescott.
Maybe she's cleaning house.
I got to warn you, Harold, our plan is not without risk.
Agent McBride.
I was going to shoot my oldest friends to put an end to this.
I'll do what it takes.
- Chip him.
- Even though we have explicit orders to Chip him.
You know what this could do.
Once the chip is in place, you'll no longer have the ability to "empower" anyone.
That's fine.
This thing I can do, it's wrong.
But it's part of you.
A part of you you can share with your friends.
Here's your man.
I'm going to look after you until this business is sorted out.
You'll be safe.
Keep me informed.
Of course.
Follow at a safe distance.
TERMINAL CITY HALF HOUR LATER Harold Vivian, listen to me, you're sick.
The powers I gave all of you, they cause tumors, brain tumors.
You're not acting like you normally would.
Come, Vivian, just, just ask yourself how you got here.
How you've used what I gave you.
What you've become.
I know what you're trying to do, Harold.
You're trying to buy time.
Why did you bring me here, Vivian? Because you've made such nice, new friends.
Fire! Don't listen to her, you're under my command, now! You heard me! Shoot her! Ignore her! I said kill her, damn it! Stand down! Stand down! What've you done? You knew they'd come.
But they knew you, Vivian.
Thanks to Harold, I've got what you've got, maybe even a little more.
Secure the area.
You took a hell of a risk accepting Harold's powers before you chipped him.
You deliberately disobeyed my orders.
Your order to chip him was against orders.
I learn from the best.
It worked.
At what cost, Jane? A brain tumor? Madness? You know me.
I'll get over it.
The tumor, anyway.
How do you know that? It's not some injury you can heal from.
You don't know what you're dealing with.
I guess I'll take my chances.
Where am I? - Just relax.
- I can't seem to focus.
You're safe, Congresswoman.
I'm just running a few tests.
So it's true, then? What Harold said about the tumor? Yes.
I'm sorry.
Is it operable? No.
And it's quite progressed.
I'm afraid your sedation is getting light.
Doctor, I have one small favor to ask.
I I don't know I shot her.
I shot her Harold was safely on his way to Nico, and Vivian Gray's influence over Morgan ended with her death.
But we still had an internal team injury to deal with.
Empathy doesn't come naturally from me.
Never has.
Part of any friendship is to try to understand what the person closest to you is feeling, what they're going through.
But each person's experience is unique to them.
What I went through is what I went through The same experience could be completely different for Seth.
He has different reasons to lie awake at night.
If I want to be there for my friend, I have to be ready to hear what he's feeling, not what I'd be feeling in his place.
There's no manual for it.
I guess I'm going to have to wing it.
Just checking my emails.
So, what's the prognosis on the inside of my head? Well, the MRI's clean.
No sign of a tumor.
You're very lucky.
Yup, that's me.
Bullets and tumors don't leave a scratch.
So I guess that means I'm not going to retain the power Harold gave me either.
Actually we don't know that for sure.
We just know that you're not at risk from a tumor.
What about you? You don't seem to have retained your sparkling bedside manner.
I have sparkling bedside manner? No, not really.
But it is something you could work on.
Look Seth, you didn't kill her.
She killed herself.
I know.
But I pulled the trigger.
But beating yourself up about it isn't going to make it go away.
We have two choices, we can stay here under fluorescent lights and sulk or we can we test the power that Harold gave me by persuading the bartender to give us free drinks until the sun comes up.
You've persuaded me.
Let's go.
So I really don't have a sparkling bedside manner?
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