Rescue Me s01e13 Episode Script


Hey, sweetheart.
What's up? I had a bad dream.
Oh? What happened? There was a big fire, and you, Uncle Franco, and Uncle Sean and Uncle Kenny saved all the people.
But then you heard somebody crying, and you ran back into the fire, and you got killed by it.
Sweetheart, listen to me.
Daddy is not gonna die in a big fire.
Daddy is not gonna disappear in a big fire, okay? 'Cause daddy's golden right now.
Drink your juice.
And I'm making your favorite eggs.
I am so late.
Well, you gotta eat.
I don't have time, Dad.
I'm meeting Jennifer in, like, five minutes.
Um here.
Uh, let's see Two hundred should be enough for the weekend, right? - Yeah.
- Okay.
Thanks, Daddy.
I love you.
- Call me.
- I will.
Oh, and, uh, Mom's cool with this, right? Don't worry about Mom.
I'll take care of her.
Oh, my God.
How you doing? - A little rocky.
- Really? Auntie Sheila, can we make cookies today? Of course, baby.
You want eggs? Coffee.
I gotta get my own room.
Connor's toys are all over the place.
Plus, he's been screwing with my computer again.
Is he awake yet? No, of course not.
He was up till 4:00 playing Game Boy.
Why don't you go wake up your brother, honey.
Connor! You know what? We can do that, all right? Go up and get him.
When I was your age, I shared a room with two of my brothers until I was 17 years old, and your dad shared a room with two of his sisters till he was the same age because he didn't have any other choice.
Let me tell you something else-- Hey, asshole.
Hey, asshole.
This is a cop bar.
Yeah, I know.
I got two brothers who are cops.
Not in this precinct.
You know, you guys can't just wander in wherever you want.
You guys were heroes for, like, 10 minutes, but that bullshit's over now.
All right, go ahead.
Go ahead.
Take a shot.
What? Take a swing.
Go ahead.
Hey, anybody's getting the first shot in this situation, it's gonna be you, bitch.
Really? Go ahead.
Thanks, man.
I really appreciate that.
Tommy, what's going on? You got a problem? Sanctuary, boys.
Yeah, you got some balls, Gavin, coming in our precinct, drinking at our favorite bar.
Hey, free country, asshole.
Well, I got you for speeding.
I know you're boozed up about five times over the legal limit, not to mention assaulting a police officer.
Off-duty, and he told me to take the first shot.
I swear to God, Gavin, you so much as spit on the sidewalk-- What else you got? - I guess you don't remember, huh? - What? You step on the ice against us in three days, shithead.
Is that this week? - Yeah, it sure is.
- Goddamn it.
You really thought this through, numbnuts, huh? I'll see you soon.
You forgot you were playing those guys this week? Are you crazy? Yeah.
Crazy like a fox.
Bye-bye, sweetheart.
Listen, I need you to play for me.
Are you kidding me? You get my ass kicked off the team.
I knew you'd be begging me back, you piece of shit.
Look, we got our last game against the cops coming up.
I got these guys.
Sitting ducks.
I've been pissing them off for weeks, especially Red Collins.
I'm telling you, these guys are like a balloon waiting to be popped.
It's the perfect situation.
- All right, I'm in.
- Nice.
Practice tomorrow at 3:00.
You want to beat them? I got a guy you gotta get.
Who? Mungo Monahan.
Is he a firefighter? Technically, no.
He's out on leave of absence.
And that was due to-- He beat up three cops at a St.
Paddy's dance.
They couldn't even put the cuffs on him.
He can score at will.
Big as a goddamn triple-decker, and he loves to fight.
Call him in.
Get him.
All right.
Secret evil plan Secret evil plan I am secret-evil-planman Oh, my God.
Happy? Yeah.
It's like brunch at The Ritz.
Look at this bacon.
It's so flat.
I have my method.
This is amazing.
And there's, like-- there's, like, no grease or anything.
How do you do that? You're a witch, aren't you? It's the only possible explanation.
You had no idea who you're getting involved with.
You're like some very sexy goddess of pork products.
Oh, I like this.
I like this a lot.
Does that mean you're not gonna come back upstairs? Can I bring the bacon? Mm.
Yeah, yeah.
Yeah? Where are you? I'm at the firehouse.
Why? 'Cause I just called your place, and Uncle Teddy said you never came home last night.
- So Who is she? - Who? The bitch that you were out with last night.
Baby, you're the only bitch I'm seeing these days.
You sound drunk.
I should.
I am drunk.
You are such a bad boy.
What am I gonna do with you? - You need something? - Yes, I do.
Uncle Teddy said that you and the guys were going to Belmont.
I love looking at the horses.
They're so powerful, and they're so majestic.
I always wanted a horse when I was a little girl, even when I was an altar girl.
Um, I think it's that whole Catherine the Great story.
You know what I mean? You know how she got crushed to death when she was having sex with a horse.
Hello? Tommy? I'm getting a goddamn horse.
How long do you plan on keeping that down? Shut up, smartass.
You know, I've been thinking about this whole bulimia thing.
- Yeah? - How bad could it be, really? I mean, how often do you hear about people dying from throwing up, you know? I've watched those doctor and crime shows, and how often do they say, "Cause of death: puking"? You know, I mean, what's the worst - that could really happen? - Um, well Eventually the stomach acid will eat the enamel off my teeth, and, uh, maybe tear a hole in my esophagus.
But, like a long time from now, right? Well, a few years.
We'll just deal with it then.
Oh, so you think we'll still be together then? Yeah, I do.
Oh, Mike.
Looks like he knows what he's doing.
I know what he's looking at.
I needed this today, Tom.
I needed to get the hell out of the house.
- Wife giving you trouble? - Nah.
She, uh She might have a problem.
What kind of problem? I don't want to say anything until we know for sure, you know? She goes in for an MRI tomorrow, and then she's got to see the doctor-- Holy shit.
Evaluating, you know? Is it life-threatening? Not for her, only for me.
Well, you're here today to have some fun, right? Win some money, hopefully.
- Hey.
- What? - What's up? - What do you got? He smiled.
Last time he smiled like that, I won almost 15 grand.
Get ready to place your bets, boys.
Let's go to the window.
So it's going great, you know? Great movie, great dinner, nice drinks, conversation.
I finally get her back to my place.
And this chick is smokin', right? Oh, yeah.
Smoking's bad for you.
Daddy, can I get this purse? Hey, baby.
You know what? I saw some nice jackets over there.
Why don't you go pick one out, huh? - Okay.
- Bye.
Shit, where was I? Tits.
Nipples? Perfect.
- Big? - Small.
How are you? Come here.
So you get her naked.
It all goes to shit.
Well, what happened? - Well, bad kisser.
- Oh, damn.
You mean like "can't kiss at all" bad kisser, or "just a little sloppy and drunk" bad kisser? Um, no, just bad-- bad kisser.
Just bad.
I faked a pulled hamstring.
Said I had to be up early.
Ah, gave her the double excuse.
Yeah, but now what do I do? I mean, she's really smart and sexy and nice.
I don't know how to handle the whole bad-kissing situation.
Just call her and tell her you want to be friends.
You just got out of a long-term thing, - blah, blah, blah.
- Yeah, yeah.
Daddy, can I have all this stuff? Ooh, sweetie, look.
I found the perfect thing, huh? Let's put all this stuff back and just buy this, all right? Come on.
Spoil her, huh, Frank? Number 8's feeling sore in his right front fetlock.
Not his day.
But number 3? He's never felt better.
Plus, he hates number 1, who's gay, who's got a crush on number 2, who's not.
So I'd say our boy's number 3.
Because number 2 is pretty goddamn fast, which means number 1's gonna be right on that ass, 'cause he's gay.
So that's gonna even things out.
So that's gonna open the door for our boy, number 3.
Bingo! The number 1 horse is gay? Hey, it ain't like humans have the lock on the guys-blowing- other-guys thing.
Come on.
Let's bet.
This is crazy.
Horses are gay? How do you know that horses are gay? Come on! Come on! Yeah! Yeah! Come on! Number 3 wins! You, uh, hit the jackpot? Yeah.
Looks like it.
You taking care of two families now? None of your business.
My cousin and I, uh, we pledged to, uh, each take care of the other guy's family in case If what happened, happened.
But you're kinda getting off on it a little, right? I mean, now you're the big sugar daddy, which allows you to excuse all of your abhorrent behavior and also ensures that none of the key women in your life are empowered.
Empowered? - Yeah.
- Yeah.
Let me tell you something.
My wife was planning on going to college.
She was thinking of being a marine biologist, believe it or not, when she, um, found out that she was pregnant with our first kid, and she decided she wanted to be a hands-on mom.
She wanted to have, like, three kids.
Not like some of these broads who, you know, have three kids and then you know, a full-time job in Manhattan and are never home, so their kids are raised by some Nicaraguan nanny.
My wife fed and bathed and clothed those kids.
Taught them how to act, what was right, what was wrong, how to treat people, how not to judge people based on the color of their skin.
It's pretty much the most important job on the planet, and I think my wife has done-- done it better than most.
Do you ever tell her that? - You're gonna love this one.
- What do we got? Lady said she smelled something foul coming from her neighbor's.
She thinks the neighbor may be dead.
And she's calling us instead of the cops? Yes, because, dead or alive, the neighbor hasn't left the apartment in over three years.
Why is that? That's what I think you're gonna love.
What do you have to eat to get this big? How about New Hampshire? High blood pressure.
Who would have guessed? Oh, God.
I need a mask.
I thought masks were for pussies.
Call me Shirley.
Christ, the stench.
Come on, guys.
Let's have a little respect for the dead The incredibly fat dead.
Probie, kind of makes your girlfriend look a little skinny, huh? Let's figure out how the hell to get her out.
Isn't there a company here that has a cargo net? - 81 truck.
- We hook it to the ladder, ladder comes up to the window-- I'll get on the horn.
We'll have to take this window out.
I gotta grab some tools.
Franco, Sean, go do me a favor.
Find something big enough to cover her up with, okay? Let's hope the circus is in town.
Come on, ladies, push.
Where the hell is Tommy with that wedge? Tommy! Come on, Garrity.
Put a little muscle in.
I'm afraid.
Of what? She's dead.
It's not like she'll eat you.
I don't know what part I have.
Is this her ass? Keep pushing.
You go in up to your elbow, it's ass.
Oh, I can't-- - Will you cut it out?! - I can't.
Come on.
Get downstairs.
Make yourself useful.
Grab the probie, have them move the rig away.
We'll push from here.
- Oh, shit.
- What? It just ate my watch.
Oh, Jesus.
I'm done.
Get somebody else to take the bottom.
Yeah, hold it steady there, all right? When the guys come down, we'll bring it down nice and slow.
What's going on? Oh, some giant fat lady died.
We're just trying to bring her down.
No! No! You got to go on a diet, chief.
I'm telling you that much right now.
Immediately, I'm going on one.
Holy shit.
I'm going to kick your ass! Hey, hey, hey! Come on! Come on! You asshole! Hey, hey! Hey! You killed my mama! Calm down! Come on! Come on! Come on! Stop right there! I know why you're doing this.
You think we hurt your mother.
We did not hurt your mother.
She died in there.
This is the only way we could get her out.
How do you think your mother would feel if she knew you were hurting the people trying to help her get to her final resting place? Do you think she'd be happy about that? Come on, now.
No, she wouldn't.
Now, put that down.
Good-- good boy.
- That's my mama! - Okay.
That's my mama! Hey, you guys, you guys.
I propose a toast to Laura.
You really saved our necks out there today, girl.
- Thank you.
- You're welcome.
- Yeah, you really did a great job, kid.
- Finally.
Yeah, I thought Tommy was a goner for sure.
Come on.
I'm golden.
Yeah, you'd have been real golden with a Halligan hanging our of your ass.
She really did save you, Tommy.
Come on.
Look, I don't want to give her too much credit, but she obviously has a talent for calming down overwrought Thank you, lieutenant.
Hey, call me Lou.
Really? No.
Hey, to Laura.
Yeah, may she forever be empowered.
leave your car here.
I'll call you Monday.
- Wow.
- That's a nice view, huh? Yeah.
Never be the same for me.
Yeah, me neither.
Even when they put up whatever it is they're putting up.
It's like they're trying to erase what happened, you know? It's insulting.
Remember they had those spotlights right after 9/11? I couldn't take that.
I like it like this.
Just the way those scumbags left it.
No spotlights.
No new buildings.
Just empty.
That's the thing about the spotlight, you know? You walk out into it, at first, everybody thinks they see a good-looking, all-American hero.
Then you stay out there long enough, you know, they start to notice certain things.
Maybe your nose is a little crooked.
Maybe your teeth are too.
You got a little scar on your upper lip.
Your hair's not right.
One eye's bigger than the other.
Next thing you know, they think they're looking at some kind of goddamn monster, like they're looking at, uh, King Kong, and they start throwing shit at you.
I'll tell you one thing.
That morning, they threw a couple of jets into a couple of buildings, and they threw at us the biggest job in the history of our profession.
And what did we do? We gave up 343 of our guys to save at least 10,000.
But look at us now.
Three years later, still waiting for a goddamn raise.
Tell you what, guys.
We were on our own that morning.
We're still on our own today.
Come on.
Let's go.
Come on, guys.
Hello? Hey.
It's me.
Listen, I, uh, I got some more cabbage for you.
Oh, uh, great.
Um, why don't-- I'll tell you what.
Why don't you leave it on your kitchen counter, and I'll grab it in the morning? You all right? You sound a little-- No, no.
Yeah, I'm good.
I'm good.
It's just Connor's got a cold.
I'm up to my ass in dirty laundry.
- It's insane.
- Hey What? I just wanted to tell you that, uh, I'm sorry.
Sorry for what? I-- I, you know, I think maybe sometimes I-- I don't give you enough credit for, uh, what you do, you know? I mean, just the way things happened to shake out, you ended up, you know Being in charge of most of the responsibilities when it came to the kids, and I-- I think that was just dropped in your lap.
I just wanted to let you know that, you know, I think you're doing a great job, and, uh You know, maybe-- I haven't been giving you enough credit for that recently, you know For-- for a while.
Hello? Yeah.
Thank you.
Thanks, Tommy.
I gotta go.
All right.
All right.
I'll, uh I'll leave the money on the kitchen counter for you, all right? Thanks.
So listen, I just I've just come out of this, like, this really long-term relationship thing.
How long? Um, uh Long.
- Oh, you poor thing.
- Yeah.
I-- I really, really like you.
Yeah, I could tell the other night.
Um, the thing is, though, I just-- I think you're too great a person to be like a rebound thing for me.
So I think that we should, you know I don't know.
Just-- just be Friends, yeah? I can't believe you just said that.
Oh, my God.
I'm so sorry.
No, no, no.
It's just that I've-- I've been dating such idiots lately, and you're just so cute and funny.
I totally agree.
We should keep seeing each other.
We'll take it slow, and whatever happens, happens, right? Right.
God, you're so special.
Um Could you-- Oh, God! Oh! Come on, Red! Come on, Red! Let's get it going here! All right, listen up! Hey, shut up! All right, here's the game plan.
I got these guys perfectly positioned.
They're pissed off to the nth degree, all right? They're gonna chop at us.
They're gonna stick us.
They're gonna drop their gloves.
We're not gonna respond, okay? Nobody responds.
No fighting.
We take the power play.
We get a nice, big, fat lead, and then and only then do I unleash the hounds.
You got it? Got it.
- Hey, Mungo.
- Yeah? Aren't you gonna wear pads? Pads are for pussies.
All right.
Uh, what about a helmet, there, pal? Helmets are for pussies.
Yeah, but I think it's a rule.
Come on, man.
Yeah, yeah.
Rules are for pussies.
All right, guys.
Let's go kick some ass.
FDNY! Huh! You ladies ready for a whippin'? What's that, asshole? You ready to get your ass kicked? - Oh, really? - Yeah.
Yeah, okay.
The guy without the helmet, is that Mungo Monahan? Yeah.
He wasn't on the roster last time.
Yeah, he was.
He just had a little tummyache.
Gonna tell number 8 he's gotta wear a helmet? Just drop the goddamn puck, will you? Let's go.
They ain't paying me enough.
Let's go.
Oh, come on! Hey, hey, look at that, huh? You little bitch.
Let's go.
You're in the box.
Bye-bye! Collins, P.
, two minutes cross-checking, two minutes roughing.
Get in the box.
That's a bullshit call.
Yeah! Come in.
It's open.
Goddamn mailman.
He's as deaf as a-- deaf person.
Phyllis ain't here.
I know.
She's at my place.
Well, you've got my wife.
I don't know what else you could possibly need.
She wanted me to come over here and talk to you.
Um You want something to drink? Anything? A shot of whiskey would be great.
Shot of whiskey.
She was all happy.
You know, she said she wanted to take it slow.
Well, you must've said the wrong thing, dude.
No, I said exactly what you told me to say.
I don't know what happened.
She threw me under the bus.
Well, try something else.
Oh, yeah, try something else.
Like what? - Tell her you're gay.
- What? You want to get rid of this chick or not? The gay thing is a definite deal breaker.
All right, I'll try it.
When you're talking about bad kisser, you're talking about "too much saliva" bad kisser or "using your tongue like an iguana eating a fly" bad kisser? Hey, I used to be a player.
That was disturbing, chief.
Yeah, and disgusting.
You should've saw the chick that I did it with.
Way to go! What do you think, huh? Hey, time to unleash the hounds? You know what? It is time to unleash the hounds.
Let's go.
Not you.
Finesse part of the game's over.
Mungo, come on.
Come on, guys, go! Um, I've never done this before, so you'll have to excuse me-- Busy day.
Let's move it along.
Phyllis wants a divorce.
You okay, Ken? Yeah, I'm fine.
Have another shot.
Keep talking.
I can hear you.
I know this must be hard for you-- Yes, yes, yes, very hard.
She-- she couldn't bring herself to-- She felt as if-- She came here, that I would've talked her out of it.
That's exactly what she said.
Well, I know my wife.
Your girlfriend.
Whatever the hell she is.
She want to keep the house? I think, actually, she just wants to move-- In with you? Yeah, we talked about-- You need boxes? I don't know, man.
I've been hearing stuff from people.
I've seen them together a couple times.
- You know, something's not right.
- No, there's no way, Frank.
That would be so wrong.
Yeah, well, remember who you're talking about, huh? Yeah.
- What are you guys talking about? - Nothing.
Come on, give it up.
What are you talking about? Tommy and Jimmy's widow.
- You know anything? - No.
Maybe Tommy'll take a puck in the head and knock some sense into him.
Come here, come here! Ladies? Ladies first, ladies first! Good call on Mungo, dude.
Did he hit that guy or what? Anytime you need me, man.
Hey, whoa, shut up, whoa, whoa, hey! Hey, ladies, are you coming out, or do we have to come in and get you? Come on, Gavin! Get out here! Come on! Teddy, what's wrong? I mean, you haven't talked since we left the track.
Oh, you're unbelievable.
You told me the 4 horse was gonna win.
You said he spoke to you, he felt fine, he had just had a nice bucket of oats.
You're upset.
You're damn right I'm upset! I put 10 grand on that horse, Arlo! You let me down! I don't have any special talents, Teddy.
What? All those races I won? It was luck, just luck.
You mean you really can't talk to the horses? You lied to me? I guess so.
Why? Because I liked being here with you.
This is a nice house.
I love you.
And that's supposed to make me feel better about losing 10 grand? I don't think so, Arlo.
And that "I love you" only covers the first 50 bucks.
Teddy, listen to me.
I really love you.
Ah, you're pulling my leg.
Why couldn't we be together? I mean, I could make you happy.
When you say make me happy, you mean as in sexually? What do you think? There are some things that I could do that could really make you feel-- Oh, no, no, no, no, no, no! Absolutely not.
What kind of things? Well, I could get a box about eight inches high and stand on it and I could, you know-- No, no, no! Arlo-- Kiss me.
No, no, that's it! Game over, got it? Tell your story walking, short stuff.
Get out of my house! Pack all your stuff up and get out of here.
How can a guy so big have a heart so small? See, the thing is, Carol, um-- God, boy, I don't know how to say this.
Well, take your time.
Um I'm, um, gay.
I had a feeling.
Excuse me? Well, I saw that calendar.
How gay was that? And I asked a gay friend of mine, and he said that that handkerchief in your back pocket was an indication you were really into-- You know what? Never mind that.
It's just that what I'm trying to say is-- Wait a second.
How could you think I was gay? Well, for starters, the hair, the walk, - the pants-- - My pants? Whoa.
Listen, the point is I think that that's the reason why we can't-- Rush into things, I know.
I got it.
Yeah, listen-- You're gay! You're gay! Now I know why you're such a terrible kisser.
You've never done it with a woman before! Good job.
Excuse me.
Uh, aren't you--? You're Tommy's cousin, right? - Right, right.
Franco? - How are you? - Yeah, I'm okay.
- Good to see you.
Yeah, I didn't recognize you without the thing.
Who's this? Oh, this is my daughter Keela.
Hey, Keela.
I'm Mickey.
How are you? Good.
Good, good! I had no idea.
Oh, yeah, me neither.
So how's Tom doing? Good? You tell me.
To tell you the truth, you don't want to know.
We'll see you.
Come on, sweetie, I want to talk to this man for a second.
Reilly, I'm gonna ask you to memorize five words.
You ready? Sure.
Apple, driver, sweetly, queen, happiness.
Just remember them for me, okay? Tell me about your husband.
What does he do for a living? - He's a firefighter.
- Oh.
That's a dangerous profession.
You worry about him? I do worry, but he's been at it as long as I've known him and he's always been fine.
That's very interesting.
What were those five words? Five words? Yeah, I asked you to remember five words.
Can you tell me what they are? I don't-- Can you remember any of them? One? Hey.
What's going on? What the hell's eating him? The guys want to talk to you.
About what? I think you know.
We've got solid proof, Tommy.
Real solid.
What've you got? You know, we don't want to get into that right now.
You did it, and now you gotta pay the consequences.
Yeah, I don't think you guys have any right being involved in my personal business.
You can't mess with any of the widows.
You know that.
I warned you.
Christ, Tommy, I tried talking to you, but you just wouldn't listen.
My wife's at the hospital right now having some tests done.
I don't know what the hell's gonna happen to her.
You think I need to put up with your bullshit? Look, if you guys are gonna throw a beating, might as well throw it now before we get a call and it spoils your fun.
Oh, you think we're enjoying this, Tom? You think any of us want to be here? Then why are we doing it? Because we have to For Jimmy.
Because he was our brother.
It's out of respect for his memory, Tommy, which you clearly don't give a rat's ass about.
Now, do you love her? I don't know.
I'm sorry, Tom.
Damn! What about you, probie? Or are you too much of a pussy? Whoa, Mikey! Take it easy.
Take it easy! Easy, man, easy! You ever say anything about my girlfriend again, one goddamn word, one goddamn more fat joke, I'll come after you Yeah, yeah.
That goes for all of you.
- Tommy, you gotta give her up.
- I can't.
You gotta.
I mean, you don't love her.
I can't do it.
- Cut her loose, Tom! - Give her up, Tommy.
It's Jimmy's wife, for Christ's sake! How can you do that? Want us to break our hands beating your ass? She's pregnant.
Clean him up.
It's not what you think, Lou.
Hmm What I think? What I think, goddamn.
T, after 9/11, after our four guys and the other 52 guys I knew, I came out of the academy with, spent two or 10 years working with, was best man at their marriage and godfather to their kids with, with, with, with What I think? Everybody should do whatever the hell they want, and they should do a goddamn lot of it right now, because tomorrow, my friend, ain't no guarantee.
Birth, school, work, death.
It goes that quick.
I tell you, man, every time I walk into a room to talk to my wife, I'm surrounded by disappointment and acrimony and disbelief.
The air's just, like, dripping with it, you know? It just reminds me of the way it used to be, you know? Come home from a tour safe and sound, and she'd grab me by the back of the neck.
She'd grab, like, the back of my neck and my ass at the same time and just kiss me.
I mean, really kiss me, you know? And that's what I have with Sheila, man.
Every time I walk in the door, she can't get enough of me.
I remember the morning of Jimmy's funeral.
I pull up to his dad's house and put the car in park, and Janet turns to me and says-- I'll never forget this.
She goes, "God, I hate seeing Jimmy's parents.
You know, they've always been so judgmental of me.
" I said, "They're burying their oldest child today, "their only son.
"The last thing they're thinking about is what they think of you.
" Didn't have sex for three months after that.
That's the goddamn thing, Lou.
Yeah, I tell you, I hang out with Sheila, and it's just like we feel the same way about everything, about life, about death, about Jimmy, about I mean, I don't know if I love her, Lou.
I don't know what that means anymore, but I like being with her, man.
It's fun.
We laugh, sometimes we cry, but goddamn, it's a lot of fun, you know? It's like we're on the exact same page.
You know what I mean? Yeah.
You gotta tell me how you found out, Lou.
You owe me this one, brother.
Hey, cap, have the NPO charge this soft connection, all right, so we can get this going.
Battalion 1-5 to Manhattan, transmit a 1075 to box 35-33, fully involved on the top floor, explosion, we're gonna need an additional tower ladder to cut a hole in the roof.
We're clear in the back.
All right.
Primary search negative on the second floor.
Go down to the main floor, see if Franco and Sean need a hand.
Got it.
Let's go.
What are you doing? I thought I heard something in there.
- We already checked that room.
- Give me two seconds.
You son of a bitch! You let me die, you selfish prick.
Why didn't you save me, Tommy, huh? You saved yourself, but not me, not anybody else.
Why'd you make us go away? I thought you liked us, Tommy.
Nobody likes you anymore.
You asshole.
Did you really think you'd get rid of all of us? Tommy! Let's go! - What are you doing? - What? The ceiling doesn't look good in here.
Come on.
You piece of shit.
You live and I die? - Tommy! - How is that fair? What do you have to offer to any living person? Nothing! Your whole life is shit! Franco! Franco, on two! What's wrong? I need help up here! - What? What is it? - It's Tommy.
I can't get him out of this room.
- What, is he hurt? - I don't know.
Die, Tommy.
What good are you? Tommy, you okay? You're deader than all of us combined, you pathetic shit.
Tommy! We gotta go! Okay, okay, yeah.
Get the Halligan, man-- Yeah, yeah, hey, we're cool.
Just make sure he gets all the way downstairs.
Jesus Christ, Frankie! Oh, shit! Get help, get help quick! Man down! Man down on two! Frank, get up! What happened up there, Gavin? Laura and I went up.
We did a sweep.
I thought I heard something, and we went back in.
What did she say? She didn't say much, only that you seemed disoriented.
Yeah, right.
It doesn't look good, Tom.
You have this disagreement with Franco, next thing he's in intensive care fighting for his life.
You guys accusing me of something? Figure it out, Einstein.
What? Let's just say you're not the most popular crew member on the floor.
Here's the deal, Tommy.
You gotta clean up your act as of right now.
We catch you drinking on the job, you're gone.
You're caught even talking to Jimmy's widow, saying hello to her, buying her a birthday card, anything, you're gone.
We've had enough bullshit around here-- I got 20 goddamn years in this house, pal.
You guys pull this shit on me now? That's about it.
All right, I want a transfer.
Tommy, hold-- No, I want a transfer out of this house right now.
Thanks, Jer.
Excuse me.
Go ahead.
Bless me, Father, for I have sinned, and so have you! How dare you repeat anything I say to you to anybody else! You're my priest! I'm your cousin.
Not anymore, asshole.

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