The Closer s01e13 Episode Script

Standards and Practices

What's the deal with this music? You know uniforms aren't gonna touch anything.
Is that a rat? That's his hair replacement system.
His what? They used to call it a toupee? Yeah, well, they used to call them bald, too.
This water is still hot.
This bottle's half empty.
This guy got drunk and cooked to death.
Help me up.
Who are you to be givin' me orders? Senior officer at the scene.
Lieutenant Flynn, see if this bottle has any prints on it other than the ones belongin' to our big-time Hollywood producer here.
Thank yew! Ha ha ha ha! Yoohoo! Detective Sanchez! Yoohoo! Uh, would you ask S.
to come down here for one little second? Oh, and, detective Daniels, I want to talk to the neighbor who called this in.
Thank you.
Lieutenant Tao, grab your abacas and see if y'all can't figure out the time of death.
Thank yew, lieutenant.
Those are all excellent ideas.
Neighbor reported loud music.
Local division sent some officers by.
Found Mr.
Pruitt here checkin' out the bottom of his jacuzzi.
I understand your neighbor was botherin' you? Since the day he moved in.
Wife and son are staying at her parents'.
They've been there since yesterday.
Look, I keep to myself, but they don't.
It is one screaming argument after another over here.
These Hollywood types class-less.
He did it on purpose, too Chased off his wife so his girlfriend could come over.
Then he'd chase off his girlfriend so some hooker could come over.
Did you hear anything like that tonight? No.
Just the outrageously loud music, which, in my experience, means he's miserable, drunk, and alone.
So he's really dead? Yes.
I'm so sorry.
Will this affect property values? Seems like regular old tequila.
It's not uncommon.
Guy drinks, passes out in the hot tub.
His body temperature rises and his liver explodes.
But this robe it's soakin' wet.
It's been in and out of the water recently.
The whole thing.
And I doubt it climbed out on it's own.
Lieutenant Tao, could you follow up on this, please? Detective Sanchez, I'm gonna want to visit with the wife tomorrow.
I think it's odd she's not around.
I want an alibi.
Detective Daniels, this portable CD player seems to have raised the roof.
Let's rush some prints on it.
Lieutenant Flynn, could you do the honors at the morgue, please? Wake someone? And, lieutenant Provenza Yes, ma'am.
I need this hurried to S.
D in about 2 shakes of a lamb's tail.
Thank you so very much.
And keep it taped off, ladies and gentlemen.
Because until we understand things better Uh, this is a crime scene, y'all.
What time is it? Oh, my lord! Why'd you let me sleep so late? I was makin' breakfast.
Thought you might want more 'n one hour of sleep.
I made waffles.
I have a waffle iron? Hey, by the way, your mom called last night.
Right after you left.
She called here? She's a nice lady.
Great sense of humor.
You answered the phone? Oh, my lord! What'd you say? I'm kidding.
I just heard her leave a message on the machine.
Don't scare me like that.
I didn't mean to scare you.
Thought I was bein' funny.
Just wanted to lighten the mood before I told you the other thing.
What other thing? About some calls we got at the FBI last night.
First have a waffle.
That enough syrup? - More syrup please.
- Ok.
Got a minute? Wanna show you something.
This, uh came up to my office from internal affairs last night.
After I left.
An anonymous complaint against deputy chief Johnson.
"Conduct unbecoming an officer.
" Man.
The charges which come from somebody in the LAPD aren't related to her effectiveness, but how she's treated the D.
and the FBI.
If she really can't be reduced in rank, this might give the law enforcement community an opportunity to An I.
investigation into conduct unbecoming is not a note in the complaint box, Taylor.
It's a serious charge.
It could end up taking Brenda off the force, smearing her reputation, in addition to blowing up in my face.
And I would appreciate it very much if this somehow went away.
That's going to be difficult to do.
I mean, it's unethical to even question people about whether they made an anonymous Complaint.
I think you're right about that.
Well then I guess I'm obligated to review these charges.
Correct me if I'm wrong, but isn't it also an ethical violation to contact potential witnesses in an internal affairs investigation and, uh, brief 'em Coach 'em stuff like that? That could trigger an I.
investigation, too, I believe.
I believe that's so sir.
I know that's so.
I sure do hope I don't find that's what's been going on.
So, our potential victim had a bit of a record.
Smacked his wife around a couple times that we know about.
She refused to press charges.
Also, he was arrested 5 times for D.
, 4 of which went away.
Autopsy report.
Had water in the lungs.
So he didn't cook.
He drowned.
Had a blood alc of.
Now That might make your average bear susceptible to passing out in a hot tub, but not a drunk.
If this guy was murdered, wouldn't you expect to see some evidence of a struggle? The temperature of the water might've cut down the visibility of bruisin'.
We do have some abrasion on the heels.
I think the toupee is evidence of a struggle.
Oh, baloney! How so? This is true.
It's a Lee Quong, medium-density, poly-mesh hair unit.
It has a french lace front.
It is virtually undetectable.
He stuck it on with clips, then silicone glue.
The temp in the hot tub wouldn't have done anything to it.
Then there's the robe.
Trace evidence shows chlorine, bromide, and a few algaecides unique to the samples we took from Pruitt's jacuzzi.
I admit to being a little vague on the subject of hot tubs, but don't people usually take off their robes before they get in the water? So, the water saturation level in the skin indicates he was in the hot tub for 3 hours.
At 8:30, the neighbor Mr.
Mitchell calls and says the music from the portable CD player's too loud.
Uh, maybe someone came into the backyard.
Someone Pruitt knew.
Uh, he didn't get outta the tub, saw no reason to.
Uh, someone turned up the music on the CD player Grabbed the robe, put it over his head, and held him there till he drowned.
Sounds a lot like angry wife syndrome to me.
Yeah, but she and her kid have been at her parents' house for 2 days.
and Mrs.
Alonso Lopez.
He's a concert pianist.
I apologize for my cultural shortcomings.
Tell 'em I'm on my way to talk to their daughter.
Also, I heard somethin' about a girlfriend? Lieutenant Flynn, could you check that out? And I'd like to have S.
rush the prints on that CD player.
Look into that, lieutenant Tao, please? Detective Daniels, that neighbor seems like a bit of a know-it-all.
I'd like to see him again.
And, lieutenant Provenza, y Ch check out Mr.
Pruitt's street.
See if anyone saw a visitor goin' in or out of our victim's backyard.
Thank you.
Sergeant Gabriel, would you come with me, please? Sergeant, just just one minute, please.
Something personal.
Excuse me.
When were you going to tell me about this anonymous complaint? Great.
I was never going to tell you about the complaint, because I'm going to find some way to make it go away.
Conduct unbecoming? What about my conduct is unbecoming? Nothing.
Brenda, please, don't worry about it.
If I can't get these charges withdrawn, I'll find some way to show that they are completely without merit.
And incidentally, just so you know, this is an attack on me, too, so have no doubts about how vigorously I'm going to fight it, ok? So, just work your case.
If I'm in trouble, Will, I deserve to know about it.
I agree, but so far, this is It's in my hands, and you're fine.
Go solve your case.
So, this is everyone who was here last night, Mr.
Lopez? Yes.
Pruitt, according to your neighbors, you and your husband were quarreling around the time you left your home.
What exactly were you guys arguing about? It it doesn't matter anymore.
I'm afraid it does.
Oh, no, thank you.
No, thank you.
Police officers also responded to other reports of domestic violence at your home.
I mean, we have it on record.
Amelia, no.
Yes, yes, they have argued before.
Why is that your business? Because this last argument seems to have been pretty physical.
Pruitt, 2 days ago, you took your 3-year-old son, you left your house, and you came here.
Was that the last time you saw your husband? - Yes.
- I'll ask you the question again.
What were you arguing about? I don't remember.
Do you remember how you got those bruises on your wrists and on your neck? - This is too upsetting.
- Ma'am, It's important that we determine the whereabouts of your daughter last night.
Amelia has never left this house since she got here.
She's devastated by Richard's death, and you are asking her all these suspicious questions.
Amelia was here all night.
We all had dinner here together.
And you are? - I'm Dennis.
- This is Dennis Burke, one of my master students.
We asked him to stay and eat with us after his lesson as we almost always do.
It's my pleasure to hang.
I almost never get to see Amelia anymore.
Look, have you even proven there was a murder? We haven't been able to dismiss it.
So, what time did you eat dinner last night? At 7:00, Alonso? Right before.
Is there anything else, Ms.
Johnson? We have a very hard day to get through.
Of course.
No, no.
Thank you.
Thank you very much.
Well, I'd say the wife has a pretty airtight alibi.
You know who needs airtight alibis? Murderers.
Let me emphasize this.
The D.
's office has no argument with Ms.
Johnson's abilities.
She thinks pretty highly of herself, but she's competent.
Always glad to hear about competence from the FBI, agent Jackson.
It's her behavior, her manner, her her dismissive attitude.
I agree with that.
We made it clear to chief Johnson that there might be $2 million moving into terrorists' hands, and she completely blew us off for a pretty routine case of a wife murdering her husband.
And she suggested that I'd made serious errors in the prosecution of Bill Croelick.
All right, so, if internal affairs were to contact you regarding deputy chief Johnson today, you would be inclined She's bad at inter-agency relations.
That's the gist of it, anyway.
All right.
Might you be open to another solution? Because I have a proposal to make.
I understand Mr.
Pruitt's girlfriend's Mr.
Pruitt's girlfriend's here? Uh, Dick's girlfriend.
She called Mr.
Pruitt "Dick.
" - All right.
- They were close.
Her name is Sandra Decourt.
Hmm hmm, the Drill Team was his first film as a producer, and it never would've gotten made without me.
I set it up.
I attached Dick.
I bet she attached Dick to a lot of things.
When you say you attached Dick, I'm not sure I know what that means.
Well, I had the idea, I got the writer, and I took Dick with me to the studio with the first draft of the Drill Team, and they agreed to let him produce it.
Was that the first time that you met Mr.
Pruitt? Hmm hmm.
I flipped for Dick.
His attitude rocked, and I brought him in for a meeting.
And I got Dick his First-Look deal at the studio.
So you guys all heard, right? About the, uh, I.
investigation? What I.
investigation? An anonymous complaint against deputy chief Johnson.
Conduct unbecoming.
Anybody here know anything about that? - Did he appreciate all you'd done for him? - Oh, you'd think so, right? I figured we had a good run, he and I.
His next movie, "Patty's Pep Squad", which was originally my idea, it got a green light last week.
And then he tells me, in regards to my participation, the studio has decided to go a different direction.
So, where did Mr.
Pruitt tell you that you'd been unattached? In a hot tub, maybe? Ok, you know what? It was partly my idea.
I helped think it up, but I backed out, and I had no part in submitting the complaint, none.
Yeah, but you know who did for sure, right? Yeah And so do you, sergeant.
He was a project I'd set up.
And I am sorry he died.
But you don't have an alibi.
God, if you want to be exact about it, no.
Look, what happened to Dick doesn't have a twist at the end.
Amelia did it.
You know she did it.
I know she did it.
Her parents know she did it.
She had every right to do it.
In fact, I would have probably done it myself if I was in love with him, but I wasn't in love with him.
All right, chief.
All right, I'm buying this guy was murdered, but I just can't believe that he was done in by his wife or this this d-girl.
What's her name, Sandy? What is a d-girl? D- girl.
It's a derogatory title for women who develop movie and T.
scripts, and why is it you think she couldn't have done it? Because a woman like Sandy couldn't hold a big guy like Pruitt underwater while he's drowning, Daniels.
Really? Get up.
What? - Come on.
Come on.
- All right Or should I just take it off? Oh, no, here we go.
Just do what you're told just this once and sit.
Ah, now if only some fine-lookin' woman would come up behind me and try to drown me.
Wait a minute.
All right.
Sanchez, sit back down.
Come on.
Uh, I got a bad feeling about this.
Take it off.
Start again.
Ok! Ok! God! Ok! All right, damn it! Sorry.
Ha ha ha.
Your hair stayed on.
Ah, let's do it again.
Let's do it again.
Not necessary.
Thank you very much.
All right, so the wife and girlfriend are back on the list, yes? Yeah, uh, chief, neighbor's on the phone.
You want to talk to him? No, thank you.
I'd like to visit him at his house.
Sergea Where's sergeant Gabriel? Uh, he's busy.
And he's busy.
I think he's, uh, getting the print report on that CD player.
I'll go with you.
Oh, all right.
David, I get that this internal affairs investigation is going to be hard on your boss and on your squad, but there's really no reason for you to get involved at all.
Allow the system to handle this anonymous complaint in it's own way.
Except this anonymous complaint, it's not that anonymous, sir.
Len's already talked about it.
Everybody knows who filed it.
Well, you know what you think you know.
Well, let's suppose I don't.
Let's suppose I have no specific knowledge as to who filed the complaint.
Suppose I were just to discuss the charge of conduct unbecoming an officer on it's merits, because internal affairs is gonna ask me about it, and I'm gonna answer them.
And your response will be? I'm going to tell them that I've observed deputy chief Johnson on every case that she's worked and that I think the charges against her are small-minded, petty, and malicious and that I'm ashamed of whoever may have filed them.
That's what I'm gonna tell them.
You feel better now? You feel righteous, all puffed-up? No, sir.
I feel sick to my stomach.
If you'll excuse me, I'm investigating a murder, sir.
I really don't pay that much attention to their arguments, but it wasn't his wife he was fighting with.
It was his girlfriend.
Oh, this is the night before he died.
Did you hear anything specific? Not really.
I mean,"F" this, "F" that, "F" you.
Something about how hard she'd worked on pep squad, and how could he dump her? And how he just used her, and then he told her she was too expensive for what she did.
Shame so much escaped you.
Is this the F'ing girlfriend that you heard? Yeah.
She drives a silver BMW X5 and parks it about 5 feet away from the curb.
So, after that, the girlfriend left, the wife stayed gone, and no one else came or went? Nope.
Except the gardener.
What time did you see him? I didn't, but his truck was still parked out front when I walked the dog by around, uh Excuse me.
So, you both work for the Pruitts? Yes.
And were you working at the Pruitts' house 2 evenings ago? Yes.
And did you climb mount Everest in your undershorts? Yes.
Maybe this would go a little quicker if I handled it, chief.
Ya think? Jes.
SeƱor Pruitt I speak german, russian, and am fully conversant in czech, and I have to move to the one city where half the people are from Latin America? He's asking them what specific problems they have with Mr.
You speak spanish? My stepfather's from Mexico.
Pruitt was always yelling at them.
He thinks they cut the trees back too much.
And last christmas, he didn't even give them a tip.
In Westwood.
Did he just say, "avocado"? No.
What does that mean? Attorney.
Just one second.
All right, I think I've found a solution to your internal affairs problem, and I would love it if you would just hear me out and not get all angry as I go through the options.
What happened to making it all go away? Just just listen, ok, because in essence, that's what I'm doing.
You wanna sit down? Here's what could happen going from worst scenario to best.
Worst, you're given leave, paid or unpaid, depending, while the charges against you are investigated for up to 2 years.
Next worst, you remain on duty here while you're being investigated and somebody from internal affairs hounds you constantly.
That, of course, could also take ages.
Well, you've succeeded in scaring me enough to listen to your last weaselly option.
What is it? You took less time to break up with me, I swear.
You're not gonna believe how simple this is.
I invite Jackson from the FBI and deputy D.
Powell to my office, along with captain Taylor, whom we all know filed this "anonymous" complaint.
You just pop your head in, briefly apologize for not having worked as well with everyone as you could have and promise to do better in the future, and we're done.
Taylor will see that if internal affairs calls the FBI and the D.
, he's gonna look like an ass.
We can get this outta the way tomorrow morning.
All right, then.
I'll talk to 'em.
Ok, and, uh, you think you know what to say? Yes, well, I'll get it.
What time? All right, then.
I'll be there.
Thanks for working everything out.
Thank you.
Maid said to wait.
I have waited 20 minutes.
It's long enough.
Pretty impressive.
Middle section was a little sketchy.
- You're here a lot, aren't you? - Just a second.
There, there.
That's sloppy.
Excuse me.
Um, I don't have a grand piano at home, and I have a competition coming up in october, so when I can't schedule a practice room, they let me play here.
The Lopezes are wonderful people.
I mean, Alonso's sort of a taskmaster.
He doesn't like me to leave here until I have it.
Like the other night when he kept you late? You guys are really obvious, you know that? I stay for dinner almost every time I'm here.
He wasn't actually trying to put together an alibi for Amelia.
So y'all had dinner together? Well, Alonso never sits very long.
He has a tour to practice for, so he pounded down some salad and then he came in here.
So then it was just the 3 of you.
Well, no.
Lopez got up about halfway through the meal to take Alonso a plate.
I think she wanted me to talk to Amelia.
We were close friends, but, uh I think she wasn't really in the mood.
After a while, she went upstairs.
And when did Ms.
Lopez come back? I don't know.
A little while later.
I read the paper for a bit.
So how long were you alone, then? Like I said, I don't know.
Lopez came back.
We shared a piece of cake, and then she asked me to come in here and beg Alonso to join us for coffee, at least, 'cause I think the practicing was getting on her nerves a little.
Did she ask where Amelia had gone? Amelia hadn't gone anywhere.
But she had, because her father was in the next room playing, her mother went to join him, you were at the dinner table alone, so where was Amelia? Upstairs in her room.
I went and checked on her.
Amelia was exhausted.
Now I'm afraid I'm going to have to ask you to leave my husband's studio.
No one's allowed in here except family and students.
Lopez, we need to see Amelia.
She's not available.
I could have her brought down to Parker center for an interview, but in light of what she's been through, I'd rather not.
The lawyer that we can provide for her will certainly advise her to say nothing.
I assure you, Ms.
Johnson, Alonso and I have the will and the means, whatever it may take, to protect our daughter.
Ma'am no one's accused your daughter of anything.
Listen to me! The night Richard was killed, Amelia was in this house with Alonso and me.
And if you insist on coming back here without our permission, I intend to report you to your superiors for harassment.
You might have to take a number.
Are you thinking what I'm thinking? I don't know, what are you thinking? I'm thinking that no one could've gotten from here to Pruitt's house and back in under an hour.
I mean, there were shows at the Greek and Hollywood Bowl.
It would've been bumper to bumper for miles.
Is that what you were thinking? No.
I was thinking about the subway.
Oh, yeah.
We got a subway.
I wonder if the timing would work.
Never ridden the subway before.
Something about going underground in a city that shakes that freaks me out a bit.
Sergeant, I need to ask you a question.
Have I been a difficult boss? Have I offended you in some way without knowing it? No.
Well, at first, you know? I don't know, I guess I've kind of gotten used to you.
You did pay me a compliment once.
Once? Yeah.
Yeah, a couple weeks ago, you said, "good work".
Look, I know this is a mess now.
But you you'll find your way through it.
I know you will.
I know you will.
There's a red line stop in North Hollywood that's under a mile from the Lopez house.
Trains run every 20 minutes.
What's the closest station to the Pruitt house? There's 2: Hollywood and Vine, Hollywood and Western.
What's the travel time between the North Hollywood station and the one on Hollywood and Western? Yeah, but nobody's gonna walk from Hollywood and Western up into the hills of Las Villas, take another 20 minutes to Pruitt's.
Double it, there and back.
Chief, remember the neighbors said that they saw a truck parked outside of Pruitt's around 7:30.
Thought it was the gardener.
It's near dark.
You see a ratty truck with a leaf blower in the back, - and you just assume.
- You know who has ratty cars, and portable CD players, and rides the subway? Music students.
And this crime was carefully timed.
This CD player didn't have any prints on it.
It was wiped clean.
Maybe it was brought to the scene.
Lieutenant Tao, let's drag the L.
metro security cameras.
Detective Daniels, let's see if that so-called gardening truck parked near any of our subway stations.
It might have been impounded.
Make some calls.
Lieutenant Provenza Flynn and I are gonna go back to Sandy.
Why, exactly? Tie up loose ends.
Her loose ends need tying.
You two take the train to and from both stops and have a car drive you to and from the Pruitt house.
Let's get this timed.
Yes, ma'am.
I I just wanna say that there's been a complaint lodged against me, an anonymous complaint with internal affairs, and there's a meeting about it tomorrow, and I don't know what's going to happen.
Interrogating people, getting to the truth, and, um, knowing the right thing to do politically, are two very different things.
In fact, to do either of them very well, you have to pretty much ignore one of them altogether, which is what I've done.
So, now, like through most of my life, my career, which is the best argument for reincarnation I can think of I'm in trouble again.
And, um, I don't know if I'll even be here tomorrow evening.
And if I'm not, I just wanted to tell you all how much I've enjoyed working with you.
Y'all are just just really great people.
I'll see y'all in the morning, then.
We all know what's going on here.
The smart move is to not get involved until the dust settles.
Yeah, that's the smart move, all right.
What's your idea? Well, mama, I tried calling earlier, but there was no answer.
You went to Stone Mountain for the Lazerama? Did you have a picnic? Oh, I wish I'd been there.
No, I'm fine, it's just I'm dealing with a bunch of rude jerks at work, that's all.
Ha ha ha! No.
Daddy can't talk to 'em.
No, mama.
There's nothing daddy can do.
Don't put him on the phone.
Hi, daddy.
Oh, no.
Oh, I appreciate that, you know, but I think this is something I have to deal with on my own.
Hey, Brenda, I got the No, no, it's just the TV.
Yeah, I should let y'all go to sleep there.
Don't worry.
I'll be fine.
I love you, too.
How are your parents doin'? My daddy wants to fly here and punch somebody.
That's my job.
Who should I start with? Maybe me.
You know, it's not like I start out wantin' the FBI and the D.
's office to hate my guts.
Just happens.
Well, what am I supposed to do, tell 'em they're right when they're wrong? I'm not paid to be agreeable.
You certainly aren't.
I should quit is what.
Well If you wanna resign I have a mortgage.
Quizno's is hiring.
You know I put a little money away.
And if push comes to shove, we might think about moving in together.
Splitting expenses.
You never come by my apartment anyway.
Those are all terrible reasons to move in together.
Yeah, well, spur of the moment.
Give me a chance to think about it.
I've got some pictures that might interest you.
Blown up off tape we got from L.
metro's surveillance cameras.
And impound got a pickup truck with a lawnmower and a leaf blower in it's bed towed from beneath the Ralph's on Hollywood and Western the morning after the murder.
And this was found in the cab of the truck.
Goes with the pictures.
Thank you, lieutenant Tao.
Um, have sergeant Gabriel meet me outside chief Pope's office.
I'm gonna have to speed out of here like the wind.
We're all pulling for you, chief.
Thank you, lieutenant.
That means a lot.
Chief Johnson, thank you for coming.
We realize this may be a little difficult for you Y'all didn't need to get up.
I'm sorry, agent Jackson.
I didn't mean to interrupt you.
It's one of my bad habits.
I know.
Shouldn't take too long.
And, yes, it has been difficult for me.
It's kind of you to note that.
Chief Pope, I wanna thank you for arrangin' this meetin'.
Let's get to it, because I have an arrest to make in a murder investigation.
I'd like to start with you, Ms.
I'd like to say how sorry I am that I was unable to ignore your general level of incompetence in the wrongly obtained conviction in the case of Bill Croelick, and I'm sorry if you felt hurt and defensive about putting a man on death row for the wrong crime, and I certainly hope that that will never, ever happen again.
Agent Jackson, I deeply regret that the FBI handed over $2 million to a man on the terrorist watch list without the capacity to trace it or manage to follow him for months without knowing his wife was having an affair with the doctor.
And I hope you do much better in the future.
Captain Taylor, I suppose I should apologize to you for not having been born in Los Angeles, but having seen you work up close now for several months, I can honestly say that try as I might, I can't think of any fair and reasonable system on earth where I wouldn't outrank you.
I hope that clears everything up.
well, excuse me.
I mean, uh, I have to go.
Thank you very much.
Thank you.
Well She did say she was sorry.
I'm sorry.
Of course, this is terrible.
Can't you just go away? I am entering this house.
You can either stay here, or sergeant Gabriel here will escort you downtown.
Mama! Please! Please leave them alone! They're protecting me.
Why don't you people just wait in the living room? First of all, we're not "you people.
" We're Los Angeles police, and when we show up unexpectedly, it's not because we have a problem, it's because you do.
Now, I suggest you step aside and be quiet.
I will file a grievance against you.
Delia Lopez, I'll ask you again.
Who were you with during the time your son-in-law was forcibly drowned in his hot tub? - I want you out of my house! - The answer is no one.
Arrest Delia Lopez for the murder of Richard Pruitt.
I want an attorney! You'll need one.
Keep her in the living room until I come out.
- What is going on? - Step back inside.
- Please, Mr.
- What is this about? I need you to make a choice about who you're protecting with this alibi of yours.
My daughter is a victim herself.
Can you not see that? My wife, my wife is incapable of murder.
She could help plan one, if, in her mind, the murder was justified.
You see, I can break this alibi of yours.
I can prove you don't know where Amelia was when this murder was committed.
Amelia was here.
She was here.
Dennis saw her.
My wife saw her.
You cannot prove otherwise.
My daughter was here! I know she was, but where were you? One of the unexpected benefits of terrorist activity is the excellent camerawork throughout our public transportation systems.
First movement, allegro.
Alonso getting into the subway near his house.
Second movement, adagio.
Alonso getting off the train at Western and Hollywood.
And here is Alonso coming home from his son-in-law's house, his clothes damp from drowning Richard Pruitt.
And here, the final movement, vivace.
Coming home as fast as you can.
Here is the cap that you left in the truck that you bought from a used car dealer on Melrose and Highland.
That is not me.
I was here, playing the entire time.
It certainly sounded like you were here.
But You didn't keep Dennis around here as an alibi for Amelia.
You kept him here as an alibi for yourself.
Dennis was stalled at the dinner table so he could say he heard you playing in the next room.
But you don't have enough memory in your playback to cover the entire period you were away, so your wife pretended to come in and give you a plate of food.
She waited, and she restarted your program, all of which makes Delia an accessory to murder.
Unless Unless? Alonso Lopez, you are under arrest for the murder of Richard Pruitt.
You have the right to remain silent.
Anything you say can and will be used against you in a court of law.
You have the right to an attorney.
If you can't afford one, one will be provided for you by the state.
Have you heard and understood these rights? Yes, I I have.
Would you like to waive your right to an attorney? Because if you do, it's possible you could tell me that your wife was surprised not to find you in this room when she brought you dinner.
She could visit you in prison.
Do you understand what I'm saying, Mr.
Lopez? Yes.
I do waive my right to an attorney.
My wife and daughter are not involved.
I murdered that filth who beat my daughter.
I protected my family, as the basest of animals is allowed to do, as I have the right to do.
It doesn't matter what Jackson and Powell think.
After what she said to them? There's a limit to how much the chief cares about all that.
What really matters is the internal part of the complaint.
Well, I disagree! And it is my strong, and, frankly, unswerving position, that this department is best served when we review all legitimate grievances, and I don't think I'm alone on this one.
Really? Well, do you think, uh Gabriel is with you? Or Daniels? Sanchez, Provenza, Tao.
How about Flynn? Resignations from every single member of her squad, effective immediately, if chief Johnson is transferred or put on leave in regard to any disciplinary action relating to this anonymous complaint.
Now, if someone wants to be responsible for getting rid of some of the best, most experienced people in this department, many of whom you hand-picked for Priority Homicide in the first place, I guess I can't stop someone.
But if the chief decides that this was a colossal waste of our time and our resources, there will be serious repercussions.
If, on the other hand, this complaint were to suddenly disappear, loath as I am to suggest it, there is a promotion available.
Commander Scott's position.
One rank below deputy chief.
Any chance he might be interested? Here's the transcript for Alonso Lopez's confession.
Thanks, Buzz.
You can just put it in there.
The truck's been sent over to S.
Lieutenant, you think there's any chance this may backfire? We're about to find out right now.
So, we have a summation of a case to write.
Detective Daniels, if you could do that for us.
Lieutenant Tao, you could catalogue the evidence and autopsy report.
And, uh, summation of statements.
Lieutenant Provenza? You might get to see Sandy again.
Detective Sanchez, summation of statements.
Lieutenant Flynn.
Your resignation surprised me most of all.
The whole time I've been here, you've never said one complimentary thing about or to me.
Chief, you have really great legs.
Lieutenant Flynn.
Fill out the conclusion section.
Let's have that out to the D.
's office.
Make the charges murder one.
And, sergeant Gabriel, if you could, uh, walk the boxes over to their offices.
And then, I think it might be appropriate, well, chief Pope tells me that sometimes, at the conclusion of a successful case, y'all gather at O'Malley's to celebrate.
And I thought, under the circumstances, I'd I'd like to buy y'all drinks.
If you're available.
And would like.
We'd love to.
- Works for me.
- Be there.
All right, then.
Thank you all very much.
Thank you.
You're welcome, chief.
We're never gonna hear the end of this.
Get up off my desk.

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