Ruby Ring (Ruby's Ring) (2013) s01e14 Episode Script

Episode 14

Ruby's Ring Episode 14 Hello.
I'm Na Insu.
We met at the hospital.
Don't you remember me? Hospital? I'm not sure.
I'm Jeong Ruby's sister Jeong Runa's fiance.
Oh, of course.
I'm sorry I didn't recognize you.
I apologize.
You've done a lot of shopping.
There's an orphanage I go to from time to time.
We got some clothes for the babies there.
I see.
Come, Ruby.
Hello, Ruby.
What brings you here? I wasn't stalking you.
Stalking us? I'm just kidding.
So how's Runa? She's doing much better, right? I did hear there might be some memory loss.
This must be so hard on you.
But of course.
It's her sister.
Hello? I'm sorry.
Yes mother.
Are you nuts? How dare you? Isn't it fun? Keeps you on your toes, right? Get lost this instant.
Mind your language.
You have to play the sweet daughter-in-law soon.
You need to work on refining your speech.
Yes, mother.
Oh? Has he left? Yes.
I didn't get to say goodbye because of the phone call.
Grandma says to get more clothes for the babies since they need to get changed often in this heat.
Oh, no.
It's melting.
Let's eat up.
You are an angel.
Why are you standing there? Come in and sit.
You're very beautiful.
Thank you.
She hasn't fully recovered yet.
But she loves babies so much that she insisted on coming, so I decided to indulge her and brought her along.
How nice.
Your mother-in-law's well, right? Of course.
She wanted to come today, but her arthritis flared up, so I talked her out of it.
Of course.
Given her age, she has to be careful.
Should she trip and fall Enough chitchat.
We're here to help out after all.
Let's go.
Would you like something to change into? Or perhaps an apron? Pardon? Babies throw up easily.
Your blouse could get ruined.
It's okay.
Don't worry about it.
You're a sweet one.
Isn't she pretty like an angel? Would you like to try? Me? What if the baby slips out of my arms? Don't worry.
No one's ever let a baby slip.
Think of this as pre-mommy practice, and give it a go.
Hold the bottle like this.
See? You're good.
I'd believe it if you told me you've had a baby.
Babies cry and throw up.
That's what they do.
Did you throw up? Oh, no.
It got on your blouse.
It's okay.
I should go wash up.
It's to the right.
What a pain.
Hi, mom.
Gyeongmin and I will come by for dinner.
Hello, Mrs.
How was volunteering? It wasn't too taxing? It was fine.
She did such a great job that mom was singing her praises.
Ruby has always loved babies.
That's right.
She more or less raised all the babies in our Chuncheon neighborhood.
I just noticed Ruby, you've gotten very pretty.
What they say must be true.
Korean plastic surgeons really are the best.
If I get my eyes done, and get my nose raised slightly, I'd be even prettier than Ruby.
It doesn't work for everyone.
Not even plastic surgery can help you.
Why don't you just get that mole removed? You should know better than to keep that ugly thing on your face.
Good to see you.
Hello, Dongpal.
So what would our very important guest like to have? I'll make everything extra delicious.
Spicy chicken, buckwheat noodles, and a potato pancake, please.
Coming right up.
So how are the wedding preparations going? Once I get my dress, we're done.
Thank you for your patience.
Oh, please.
But of course.
I hope Runa wakes up from her coma soon.
She's just lying there That TV producer who wants to marry her Is he keeping in touch with you? Oh, right.
He said something strange last time.
That Runa just doesn't seem like Runa.
What does that mean? Chorim, why'd you bring that up? Runa's been in a coma for a year.
Of course she's not her old self.
She hasn't been able to eat properly.
She's lost so much weight.
She's all skin and bone.
I'm her mom, and even to me, she doesn't look like the old Runa.
She has gone under the knife three times.
She's starting to look more like her old self though.
This last surgery went really well.
Oh, my goodness.
I'm babbling in front of Gyeongmin.
Don't mind me.
Mom, I'm throwing that out.
Why? It's perfectly fine.
I can get new ones.
Toss it.
Why are you being so wasteful? Just take it with you.
I said I'm tossing it.
Soyeong might want it.
I should ask her.
Oh, come on! Why was this on the floor? Ow.
You're not Runa? Really? Don't lie to me.
You're mistaken.
Jeong Runa, do you take me for a fool? Do you have to see for yourself? The mole on your foot.
All set.
You can sit up now.
Don't get water on the area for some time.
Please make sure of it.
How many days will it take? Once the scab falls off, are you sure it'll be completely gone? More or less.
But it's on the bottom of your foot.
No one will see it.
Why are you so bothered by it? It just bothers me.
It'll disappear completely, right? I suppose.
You suppose? I'm here to get a mole removed.
You need to give me a definite answer.
I'm sorry.
It's just so rare.
I've been running this clinic for over 10 years, but you're the first patient who's had a mole on her foot removed.
Barring any complications, it will be gone for good, so don't worry.
Ruby, what are you doing here? Mole removal? Yeah.
Does it look good on me? It looks amazing.
Yes, mom.
Has she picked out her dress? She's tried a few on.
Give that to me.
Send pictures.
You heard, right? Yes.
Once we make our pick, I'll be sure to send pictures.
Take care.
Mother, doesn't Gyeongmin sound very happy? And to think I tried to keep him from marrying her.
He might have severed ties with me.
By the way, is Sera coming back in time for the wedding? I told her she had to.
Plus, I put her in charge of our home shopping business.
She might throw a fit over how her younger brother is getting married before her.
She can get very jealous and feisty.
Are you that happy? Yes.
This is a whole new side to you.
What do you mean? It's amazing how much you've changed since the accident.
You never used to let me get you any presents.
But as they say, all women like designer goods, right? It's not that.
I'm grateful that you love me so much.
I wore you out today, didn't I? I'm sorry.
What if we get into an accident? Listen, miss.
One accident is more than enough.
I'm so envious of Ruby.
She probably got to try on any dress she wanted like Cinderella.
I wonder how much shopping she's done today.
If you're envious, go and find yourself a handsome company director.
I might just have to do that.
Start saving then.
Save a ton of money and redo your face completely at the place where Ruby got her facial reconstruction surgery.
But then again, plastic surgeons aren't miracle workers.
What chance would you have? Chorim, at least I'm in my 20s, a woman's prime.
I stand a better chance than a 40-something.
What? Not everyone in their 20s looks good, and not everyone in their 40s looks bad, so be quiet.
Chorim, your wrinkles are creasing the mask.
What? My wrinkles? Why you Here you go again.
Chorim, do you enjoy bickering with someone half your age? Jeez.
It's all creased.
See? What did I tell you? You'll get it from me.
Good grief.
Oh, wow.
What's all this? Do you have something for me? No.
Hey, you've changed so much.
You never used to be like this.
Gilja, is this what happens to women when they're about to get married? Aunt Chorim, of course I got you something.
I wanted to surprise you.
See? Ruby would never forget you.
Did you get me something too? Of course.
You're part of the family.
Really? You must be tired.
Let me draw you a bath.
How about a bubble bath? Great.
Why don't you get changed? Maybe her foot's still not better yet.
Her foot? I ran into Ruby at the dermatologist down the street.
Really? But she has a dermatologist in Gangnam.
I wonder why.
All that's left is the wedding.
The groundwork has been laid.
I'm finally going to be reborn as a rich man's wife.
Jeong Runa, this is a new beginning.
Don't forget that.
Groom: Bae Gyeongmin / Bride: Jeong Ruby Congratulations.
Thank you.
Gilja, are you sure Ruby sent out the invitations? The wedding's in 10 minutes, but we haven't gotten any guests.
She was hospitalized for a whole year.
She's probably lost touch with friends.
And I didn't want to invite my friends in Chuncheon as they're all busy working.
But still.
They're getting so many guests, while we're getting none.
Thank you.
Thank you.
It's me, Geumhui, Gyeongsuk's hometown friend.
We met a long time ago.
Oh, right.
Changgeun, you have something here.
Oh Sera will always be Sera.
You jerk, couldn't you wait for me to get married first? I'm sorry.
We have guests here.
Mom, do you have any idea what I went through? The flight was delayed, and the stupid zipper on this suitcase broke, so Oh, my goodness.
Goodness me.
Look at this red hot bra.
Geumhui, give that to me.
What are you thinking? You look so pretty.
She's beautiful, isn't she? Thank you.
You look gorgeous.
Thank you.
See you.
So you're getting what you wanted.
This is what I wanted.
Are you happy? I am.
Enjoy it to your heart's content.
But it won't last long.
I'll make sure of it.
Seo? I'm not here are you boss.
I'm here as your college friend.
I'm here too.
So am I.
You look so sexy.
She's the vice president's wife.
The word "sexy" is inappropriate.
You look amazing.
Jeong Ruby, this really is a shocker.
I didn't know there was such a sexy side to you.
Gyeongmin must be over the moon.
Stop it, Jinhui.
I'm Gyeongmin's older sister.
You have to be confident, Jeong Runa, no, Jeong Ruby.
You have no reason not to be.
Mom, I hope you'll understand.
Please forgive me.
I'll lead a happy life on Ruby's behalf.
Bae Gyeongmin and Jeong Ruby, do you promise to love and respect each other as well as your elders and faithfully uphold your duties and responsibilities as husband and wife? We do.
Hello? Pardon? Really? Okay.
We'll be right there.
I have to run.
Have many sons and daughters.
That's how you can serve the country and make us happy.
Yes, grandma.
And Ruby, forget all the awful things I said to you.
Just think of it as part of a process of becoming one family.
Yes, grandmother.
Say, where is you family? Did they have to go somewhere? These days, the bride's family also takes part in this ceremony.
Sera, go and find Ruby's mother and aunt.
Wait, Sera.
What's the matter? Um, Ruby, your mother had to go to the hospital.
Your sister has emerged from her coma.
Pardon? Mom, are you sure? So that's what happened.
How wonderful.
Why didn't you tell us sooner? I figured Ruby had a lot going on as is.
When? When did she wake up? They got a call not too long ago and rushed right out.
This can't be happening.
The hospital, please.
We're going to the airport.
What about Runa? We're only going for one night to Jeju Island.
I'll see her when I get back.
We have plenty of time until the flight.
Let's just wait until we get back.
That's not right.
This is so unlike you.
The Jeong Ruby I know wouldn't be like this.
Maybe it's my overpowering charms.
Let's make a quick stop.
She's your only sister after all.
What am I going to do? Everyone will find out now.
Jeong Runa, what are you going to do? Do you still have a headache? Gyeongmin, I have something to tell you.
Huh? I I I love you? Don't hate me.
Don't hate me, and please forgive me.
Promise me you'll forgive me.
What are you talking about? No questions.
Just promise me.
I don't what this is about, but I promise to accept you as is, forgive you, and love you.
Happy now? The wedding must have really stressed you out.
You can relax now and unwind, okay? I'm scared.
What am I going to do? I'm so scared.
Runa, Runa.
Oh, my goodness, Runa.
Good heavens.
Good job, you.
Good job.
Good job.
Let me look at you, Runa.
Let me look at my daughter.
Good heavens.
Thank you, god, thank you.
Thank you for saving Runa.
My dear precious daughter, thank you.
Even if I were to die right now, I'd die in peace.
I'd die in peace, Aunt Chorim.
Gilja, why would you die? Now that Runa's conscious, we have to live happily ever after.
Yes, we do.
Yes, we do.
Does it hurt anywhere? Runa, what's the matter? Do you recognize me? Do you know who I am? I'm your mom.
Pardon? What are you talking about, doctor? doctor? Runa can't remember anything? It could be temporary or psychological There are many possible causes, but I can't offer you a concrete prognosis right now.
All we can do is monitor her progress.
Oh, my goodness.
This can't be.
How can this be happening? Poor Runa.
That poor thing.
So is it possible for her never to get her memory back? Yes, it is.
It is? No.
That's ridiculous.
Won't she get better if she gets some kind of treatment or therapy? It'd be better than nothing.
But for now, you should just be thankful that she has regained her consciousness.
And don't force the patient to remember things or tell her anything shocking.
It might do her harm.
Go on.
I want to see Dr.
Kim first.
Are you okay? Let's go to Runa together then.
I can go alone.
Go talk to Dr.
Okay then.
Ruby's awake.
Jeong Runa, everyone will know now.
It's all over.
What will become of you? What am I going to do? What am I going to do? What am I going to do? Ruby.
Ruby, what's wrong? Are you ill? You're so pale.
I'm sorry.
I'm so sorry.
I feel so bad.
Don't say that, mother.
The wedding stress is to blame too.
It's good that Runa's emerged from her coma, but there's a bumpy road ahead.
She can't remember anything.
You have to be patient.
With time and effort, she will regain her memory.
I really hope so.
It's just one thing after another.
I used to think everything would be perfect if Runa would just wake up.
It breaks my heart that she doesn't remember anything.
Kim said amnesia has many causes, so we have to be patient as they monitor her progress.
Amnesia? She doesn't remember anything? Not even her old face? Thank you, god.
Do you feel better? Mom, how's Runa? How is she doing? She's okay.
She's healthy, but she can't remember anything.
What do you mean she can't remember anything? Don't worry.
She'll get better with the right treatment.
She remembers nothing? Absolutely nothing? Why are you standing there? It's been a year.
You should at least say hi.
Runa, it's your sister.
You don't remember? My face.
I'm sorry.
I'm so sorry.
I'm sorry too.
Now, now, Ruby.
Ruby Runa, is it true? You really don't remember anything? Nothing at all? I'm your sister, Jeong Ruby.
And this is Aunt Chorim and mom.
And that's Slow down, Ruby.
This is me? It doesn't seem like me.
You startle me from time to time.
You don't seem like the old you.
You seem like an entirely different woman.
Jeong Runa.
You're still Jeong Runa? You're crazy.
Isn't it your dream to marry someone who's never been married? I've never been married.
I told you, didn't I, that I'd follow you to the ends of the earth? Why are you doing this to me? Revenge for betraying my love for you.
So long as you don't give up, I won't give up either.
See you next time
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