Smash s01e15 Episode Script


Previously on Smash Three days ago, you told me you loved me.
Rebecca needs my attention and I'm giving it to her.
Dev and I got into a huge fight last night.
I’m not gonna tell anybody.
Is the offer still on the table? Can we get married? Go get that ring.
I think I left something in your room.
The real problem is Rebecca.
That's the end? No one applauded.
We're gonna need that new ending by Monday morning.
That stupid song will be finished! [Coughs.]
Oh, my God.
Rebecca? Someone tried to poison her.
I'm not going back into the show.
The real question is who's going to play Marilyn? Both: Smash - Okay.
- No.
Wait, wait, wait, wait.
This is it.
No, it's not.
Yes, we don't need look, look.
Julia, look.
- Sorry.
- Excuse us.
- Sorry, sorry.
- Pardon.
Pardon me.
- Excuse us.
- Sorry.
Excuse us.
- Program! - Yes, thank you.
Ooh, sorry.
- You all right? - Yup.
- Okay, excuse us.
- Sorry.
- So, so sorry.
- Sorry.
Go, go, go.
This is your 15 minute call, ladies and gentlemen.
Your 15 minute call.
Where's Marilyn? Make sure you get this to her.
Break a leg.
Break a leg.
You're gonna be great.
Places, please, places.
Break a leg, sweetie.
You're going to be wonderful.
Break a leg.
I will not be bullied into making a decision with this much riding on it.
Bullying, coming from you, is frankly ridiculous.
This is not about bullying.
There's just no time.
Well, let's buy ourselves some more time.
You know how much that's gonna cost? Half a million dollars.
I'm not talking about a week.
I'm talking about one day.
We have a rough melody, we have some lyrics.
What we don't have is a Marilyn to Another delay and the press is gonna annihilate us.
They've already annihilated us.
God, enough! Enough! Oh, great.
Derek just stormed out.
Oh, my God.
- Uh, Eileen? - This is a nightmare.
It's The Post.
You know who.
Hello, Michael Riedel! Hi, darling.
Well, of course we're disappointed.
But our main concern is that Rebecca gets some rest.
The good news is she's gonna be absolutely fine and we have a thrilling Marilyn waiting in the wings.
No, we're not ready to release her name just yet.
Of course, you'll be the first to know.
Okay, you take care.
They're gonna ask you to do it.
We don't know what they're gonna do.
[Phone rings.]
[Phone rings.]
It's my mom.
It's my fiance.
- Well.
- Hey, mom.
Have they asked you to do it? They have and understudy, mom.
Her name's Karen.
Don't talk to me about understudies.
They don't get rehearsed in until after previews and you already know it.
Well, I can't think about that now.
You don't need to.
Everyone else is.
I need to see Marilyn's costumes.
Okay, thank you.
Company to the stage.
Tom, Julia.
Where's Eileen? Eileen? Where's Karen Cartwright? Here.
I'm here.
You're going on as Marilyn.
SMASH Season finale - Bombshell We want her to go on tonight? She is going on tonight.
Nothing fits.
Rebecca's, like, a foot taller.
Okay, there's at least one dress back there that fits her.
Simon, I need that wig! There's a lot of stuff she doesn't know.
I know all the songs.
Derek told me to keep up and learn them all.
Are we even gonna be able to run everything? - Yes.
- Josh, where is the wig? We're looking, Derek.
This is gonna be hard.
If you feel yourself panicking, ask for help.
Everyone loves you here and they want you to succeed.
Thank you.
What do you need right now? Uh, can I call my fiance? Do it this minute, it's your last chance.
I need her.
She needs to make a phone call! Go, go, go, go, go.
You cannot ask her to do this.
Okay, the show is going on, and it is going on tonight.
We were worried she was green when we were casting And she has proven herself since then.
As a member of the chorus.
She is my understudy and she is going on.
What about the new song? We're gonna need that.
- Dev.
- What happened? I'm going on as Marilyn.
Whoa, you're going on? I'm going on tonight.
Tonight? That's, like I know, but I gotta go.
Karen, I am so proud of you.
I love you so much.
I love you too, but get down here.
- Get down here.
- Yeah.
You have to come watch.
I can't believe this.
Shadow selves? Shadow selves to the stage, please.
The melody's done.
If I start orchestrating now, I can have it finished by but not unheard of.
This is where I got with the lyrics last night.
[Clears throat.]
It's good, I think.
Maybe not so much, honey.
Yeah, I know it sucks.
We have so much time.
We have so much time.
[Plays piano.]
Yes, it's a grand old theater story.
Movie star goes out and the understudy goes in.
It's gonna knock everyone's socks off.
You can't let this happen.
It's Ivy's part.
Ivy is Marilyn.
We've all seen it a hundred times.
She was fantastic in that workshop.
There was nothing wrong with that workshop.
She delivered.
It's her part.
What does that mean? Okay? It means you don't get a vote on this, Ellis.
Why don't you do a Starbuck's run for the creative team.
It's gonna be a long day.
You know, I didn't get Rebecca Duvall out of your way so you could ignore me yet again.
You heard me.
Rebecca Duvall, nice enough person for a movie star, but she wasn't gonna get us to Broadway, and none of you would admit it.
- What did you do? - Everybody knows what I did.
I put peanuts in the stupid smoothie, okay? In a blender, they grind right up.
So don't ever call me an assistant ever again.
I am a producer.
You are fired is what you are.
Now get out of my theater, Ellis! I'm not kidding.
[Slight chuckle.]
You haven't heard the last of this.
And we'll move to main street, USA And sign the deed of trust The mailbox at our hideaway Will tell the whole wide world that we're just Both: Mr.
and Mrs.
Smith Merely the folks next door The people who use their kitchen each night Who've never been into No, no, no, stop! Sorry.
Michael, don't let her run away.
If she does that, grab her.
- I mean that literally.
- Absolutely.
Do we have anything for her to wear that doesn't resemble a sack of turnips? They didn't have time to refit the costume.
What a belt? There isn't a belt in the building? - She's got a wrong lyric too.
- Okay.
I do? There was a rewrite last week that didn't make it into your script.
- We switched the lines.
- Okay, let's reset.
Take it from the top of the chorus.
Oh, gods! Just a second.
It's okay.
What did you switch? I thought you needed me.
That's why I came.
I know.
You don't have to run away.
You don't have to push me either.
I'm not running away from you.
I'm running away from myself.
Monica left me.
I told her about us, and she left me.
Oh Michael.
She took Artie to her parents in Seattle.
Just-just give her some time.
Yeah, time.
He's three.
Every day is like forever.
Thank you.
Oh, no.
Okay, let's take it from the top of the chorus.
Frank, wait! We were just it was not Stop, Julia, stop.
I know it wasn't anything.
But I can't even see you talking to him.
I was just listening.
And that means that there's still a question for the rest of our lives.
How can I If that's still there? I wanna trust you, but I can't do it.
Other things will be there too.
Good things.
That we created.
Maybe that's all we can do.
Just know that the good is more than the mistakes.
I got us lunch.
It's so greasy, mom, you're gonna love it.
Fish and chips in Boston, how can you resist? You can't.
I had them put vinegar on one for you, dad.
How's the put-in rehearsal going? Looked pretty good to me.
It will be a lot better now that you guys are here.
One, two, three, four.
Five, six, seven and one, two, three, four.
Five, six, seven and one, two, three, four.
Five, six, seven and one, two Did we skip "Wolf"? Oh, she can't dance in Rebecca's dress.
This one she doesn't have to dance, just show her underwear.
Derek, we need to put the brakes on for a moment.
Why? No new song yet? The song's almost done.
- We're polishing lyrics.
- Well, go and finish it.
Get ensemble in costumes for "Wolf" please.
He wouldn't even discuss it.
I made a list of songs Ivy knows.
She already knows two thirds of the show.
So where were we? No Marilyn and no song.
Something good.
It's bigger than the bad.
Hmm? The good.
It's bigger than the bad.
That's something.
[Swingy band music.]
Okay, hold.
And where are we, Ms.
Cartwright? We are trying Mr.
All right, as long as we're trying.
Here's a lesson they should teach in school When a girl gets curvy and the boys all drool If math and science just ain't your style Just give that teacher a wink and a smile For a passing grade you won't have to wait And you can thank him later when you graduate 'Cause I never met a wolf who didn't love to howl [All howl.]
No I never met a man who wasn't on the prowl All: Shimmy shimmy, aw gimme gimme If a nice diploma you wanna get Well then make that teacher the student's pet Yeah I never met a wolf who didn't love to howl You never know where a wolf might crouch But his natural habitat's the casting couch So take lots of pictures of the wild life To tell the wolf you could share with his wife The hunter gets captured by the game And Leo the lion will be roaring your name Yeah I never met a wolf who didn't love to howl [All howl.]
No I never met a man Who wasn't on the prowl All: Shimmy shimmy, aw gimme gimme If your face and figure are whistle bait Honey you'll have the keys to the studio gate I never met a wolf who didn't love to howl Whoo! All: The three little piggies Sure had it wrong When the wolf came a knockin' In that old song If he's huff in' and puffin' Sayin' Marilyn I got ya I say come on in and I put on Sinatra The enemy wolves are just like boys They use their big artillery like playground toys But when they see my ammunition in all its splendor I'll easily negotiate complete surrender Cause the medals on my chest Will make 'em weak in the knees And I promise I won't rest till we're all at ease Yeah, I never met a wolf who didn't love to howl [All howl.]
No I never met a man Who wasn't on the prowl All: Shimmy shimmy, aw gimme gimme Cause a boy with a gun Thinks it's fun to shoot And that's a real big 21 gun salute Yeah, I never met a wolf Who didn't love to howl Whoo! Whoo.
Come and get me, boys.
Yeah I never met a wolf who didn't love to howl [All howl.]
No I never met a man Who wasn't on the prowl All: Shimmy shimmy, aw gimme gimme Seeing all you G.
Wolves gives me an idea Tell Hollywood that I'm staying in Korea I never met a wolf who didn't love to howl Whoa yeah [All cheer and applaud.]
That was terrific.
Derek? Why wasn't it me? Ivy, don't do this now.
You know I could have done it.
I know this show as well as you do.
I stayed up with you night after night helping you with it.
It doesn't make any sense, Derek.
If it was going to be a nobody, why not me? I see her In my head.
I can't help it, I see her.
Look, she just has something That you don't.
I'm sorry.
I see.
Thank you for being so honest.
- Yeah? - Did you find the ring? - Ivy.
- No.
I didn't.
[Dramatic music.]
They really need to run that costume change again.
We might have to simplify it a little.
Just do it.
Derek, we need to talk.
We'll use the break to figure it out.
There are no breaks.
Yes, Derek.
We're all under a lot of pressure, but according to equity, there are still breaks.
Okay, everyone, let's take a ten, except for Ms.
Cartwright who will practice her costume change.
- Derek? - What? Admittedly, that was thrilling, but it's the only number that you got right all afternoon.
Now she can't learn all of this in one day.
Okay, Don, there's way too much movement up here.
I'm gonna need you to refocus VL6 Derek! I have had it up to here with you blowing me off.
Now I have seven million dollars in this production and I want a conversation right now! What do you suggest we do? She cannot do it.
Get it? [Sighs.]
What is this Ivy, did someone come in here and put who put this in here? I did.
I just honestly, I wasn't even going to tell you, but when I realized he had asked you to marry him What are you doing with my engagement ring, Ivy? He left it In my room.
Look, men are men, and a traditional guy like Dev, bought you a ring, took you out to dinner and asked you to marry him, it's very Joe DiMaggio of him.
Would you stop talking about Marilyn, this is me.
This is my life.
That's why I'm telling you.
So he slept with you? Is No, you know what, I don't I don't believe you.
Why would I make this up? You're doing great.
That last number, it was terrific.
What is this? - Where did you find that? - Where do you think? What is Ivy doing with my engagement ring? Dev? It must have fallen out of my pocket when I was in her room.
You slept with her? I thought we were finished.
I was drunk.
It was a mistake.
A mistake? Is that what they're calling it now? All this was tearing us apart.
I thought I was losing you.
Okay, so you just We got through this.
- Please, don't go back.
- Go back? - I don't even know - This is a struggle.
Neither of us knew what this was gonna be, but we are through it.
I promise you.
We are through the worst of this.
Karen, they need you onstage.
I'm sorry, we just need one minute.
No, we don't.
Karen, hi.
Uh, we just want to tell you how much we appreciate all your hard work today.
- And uh - Yes? Karen We are going to look at the costume change into Wolf, and then you and I are gonna talk about act two, okay? Derek? Okay, just give me a second.
Okay, you listen to me, okay? I hate collaborating, all right? I hate it.
I am an artist and a storyteller and this is my vision and no one is gonna get in my way.
If you want a hit, then be quiet! And I will give you one and afterwards you can say "thank you.
" Karen, let's go.
Oh, wonderful.
I heard you were looking for me.
Tell me why we do this again.
Oh, you know.
Art? What art is a sick compulsion.
Art is an ego gone haywire.
- Art - Art is beautiful.
It brings you joy to write a song.
It brings us joy to sing it.
It brings an audience joy to hear it.
Now get back to work.
You're putting the understudy in with an ending that doesn't work? She's very good and the ending's been fixed.
How much are you into this? Seven, eight million? None of your business.
Is Katie giving you money? I've chosen not to use our daughter as a weapon, Jerry.
Have you truly not noticed that by now? I'm here to help.
Sure you are.
Why don't you let me? Go away.
I bought a ticket.
I'll see you tonight.
[Plays organ sound on keyboard.]
What is that? It's the orchestration.
No, no, no, no gospel.
There's nothing gospel about Marilyn.
It has to be triumphant, but she's just died.
And gospel is triumphant.
Oh, I hate it when you get literal.
You're the one who wanted to end this in a suicide.
Yes, I did and you said that we couldn't.
People didn't clap when she killed herself, Julia.
Yeah, and they're not gonna clap if she just ascends into heaven either so knock it off with the gospel.
We have a song, we have no time.
Please simple, simple, please.
[Plays overly simple tune.]
She can't do it, can she? I don't know.
Hey, hey.
This is a disaster.
It's such a good musical.
And this is a disaster.
I think I'm gonna be sick.
[Swingy band music plays.]
Karen? Karen, what are you doing?! Karen! Oh, for crying out loud, what is the problem now? Karen! Where is Karen? She left.
What do you mean "she left"? She left, Derek, she just left.
Are you okay? I threw up.
- It's been a little stressful.
- Yeah.
But still, I never throw up.
I mean, I feel like it plenty, but I think the last time I threw up I was I was pregnant with Leo.
Hey, you guys.
Have you seen Karen? Isn't she staging with Derek? Actually, she's missing.
I can't believe it, they told me you were here.
I came to check up on Marilyn and to give this back to you.
Marilyn's in trouble, Lyle.
She's gone missing.
I did hear you lost your star.
My assistant tried to poison her with peanuts.
[Slight chuckle.]
In any case, I can't take this.
We're not out of the woods.
I don't know what's gonna happen tonight.
Well whatever happened to that gorgeous blond you had playing Marilyn before? As I recall, she was spectacular.
She really was.
She took the wig off.
In this production, that's Paramount to "I quit.
" You think she's cracking? I think she has four hours to learn act two including a brand new number that no one's even seen yet and she bolted, so I'd say, yeah, she's cracking.
- I think something happened.
- Where's Karen Cartwright? Whoa.
I'll tell you one thing.
Ivy wouldn't run.
No, I wouldn't.
Will you just just call me back? Has anybody seen Karen? - What are you doing here? - It's none of your business.
Actually, do you know what? It is my business.
Yeah, I don't really care what's going on between you two, but you need to back off and let me get her through this.
This is who she is.
She's mine now.
She's mine if I can find her.
Go away.
Well, darling You dropped bits of Marilyn along the way like bird crumbs.
You have to be a bit cleverer than that if you don't want to be found.
I can't do it.
We both know that's not true.
I I don't wanna do it.
We both know that's not true either.
What happened? Does it matter? Uh, actually, no, it doesn't.
Art isn't therapy.
We're not here to work out our personal problems.
We're here to take those problems and completely exploit them.
To hell with how much we hurt.
Actually, the more you hurt, the better.
Knock it off, Derek.
You think you can talk me into going out there because that's what you need me to do.
- It's what the show needs.
- And I can't do it.
My whole life is c Is completely And I can You don't understand because you don't understand love.
Doesn't matter if I don't.
You do.
Marilyn did.
You've always had so much of her at your fingertips.
And now you have the heartbreak.
Did you guys need me? We do.
Well, this is a lot to ask at the last minute, but if we have to cancel another preview, who knows what they're gonna write about us.
Okay, we're running out of time.
Let's cut to the chase.
I was a little upset about something.
It's okay.
It's okay, you guys.
I've had it enough this diva's behaviour, Derek.
Yeah, okay, lots to do.
Okay, we're not gonna run the costume change into Wolf, because we haven't really got time, okay.
Where's the new ending? Right, I'm gonna need Michael, Bobby, Jessica, please.
Where's Josh? New song, please, where's the new song? The lyrics aren't even Just finish them later.
Where do you want me? Okay, come with me darling, please.
Okay? All right.
- Center stage, okay? - Mm hmm.
Right, Don, give me everything you've got please.
All right.
Okay, Jessica, right here.
Posted center right.
Bobby, Dennis right up center here.
You three drop down there.
Viv, here please.
There she is.
Mom? What are you doing here? What do you mean? I came to see you.
You drove all the way from Connecticut? How could I miss it? You're going to play Marilyn.
It's not me, mom.
They didn't pick me.
That's not possible.
It's what happened.
Ivy I'm just in the chorus, mom.
You should just go home.
No, wait, wait, wait, wait.
- This is it.
- No, it's not.
Yes, we don't need Look.
Julia, look.
- Sorry.
- Excuse us.
- Sorry.
- Pardon.
Pardon me.
- Excuse us.
- Sorry.
- Excuse us.
- Sorry.
- Program! - Yes, thank you.
Ooh, sorry.
Coming through.
- You all right? - Yup.
- Okay, excuse us.
- Sorry, so, so sorry.
Go, go, go.
This is your 15 minute call, ladies and gentlemen.
Your 15 minute call.
Where's Marilyn? Make sure you get this to her.
Break a leg.
Break a leg.
You're gonna be great.
Places, please, places.
Break a leg, sweetheart.
You're gonna be wonderful.
Break a leg.
You're nothing.
Your father left because he didn't want you.
Your mother is crazy.
Certifiably nuts.
- Nobody wants you.
- Nobody wants you.
- Nobody wants you.
- You're nothing.
Fade in on a girl With a hunger for fame And a face and a name to remember The past fades away The 20th century fox mambo From the home we can all past the test I'll do whatever my teacher suggests I can do it clothed or undressed The 20th Century Fox mambo Make it up, shake it up All: Let the fantasies begin Here's the dough To get cast, change the past Make the light just right for cinemascope Take a gamble cause it's safe to bet Hurry, hurry, take a peak The traffic stops for queen of the movies The centerfold, live, in the flesh So get a ringside seat You wanna see what her husband sees Just wait for the next subway breeze Right here On Lexington and 52nd street - Joe? - Son of a[Chuckles.]
Joe? I just thought a little company would be nice.
We don't have to do anything.
Just just talk.
I like to talk.
You know, people don't talk enough or they talk too much.
They're just They don't listen.
I'm lying here, naked, waiting for you.
Come over.
Come on.
[Slight laugh.]
I'm more beautiful than ever.
Mm hmm.
I understand.
Just remember I You're a great guy.
Oh the words can't stay unspoke Until everyone has found That secondhand white baby grand Still had something beautiful to give Still have something beautiful to give I'd gladly disappear If it might guarantee a view Of no one but Mrs.
No one but Mrs Smith Whatever happens next, don't ever doubt you're a star.
And I do understand love.
They thought they could dispose of me They tried to make me small I suffered each indignity But now rise above it all Yes the price I paid Was all I had But at last I found release And if something good can come from bad The past can rest in peace Oh, if you see someone's hurt And in need of a hand Don't forget me Or hear a melody crying from some baby grand Well don't forget me When you sing Happy Birthday to someone you love Or see diamonds you wish were all free Please say that you won't I pray that you don't forget me But forget every man who I ever met Because they only live to control For a kiss they paid a thousand Yet they paid fifty cents for my soul They took their piece The price of fame That no one can repay Ah, but they didn't buy me When they bought my name And that is why I pray That when you see someone's hurt And in need of a hand You don't forget me Or hear a melody crying from some baby grand Don't forget me When you sing Happy Birthday to someone you love Or see diamonds you wish were all free Please say that you won't I pray that you don't forget me There are some in this world who have strength on their own Never broken or in need of repair But there are some born to shine who can't do it alone So protect them and take special care Take care And don't forget me Please take care And don't forget me When you look to the heavens with someone you love And a light shining bright from afar I hope you see my face there And then offer a prayer And please let me be Let me be the star [Cheers and applause.]

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