The Haunted Hathaways (2013) s01e15 Episode Script

Haunted Boat

- [Music.]
Louie, I'm proud of us.
We set out to build an exact scale model of a New Orleans riverboat, and we did it Sort of.
When you told me you entered a history of New Orleans contest, I was afraid you would take it seriously.
[Both laughing.]
Come on, Louie, it's not about winning.
It's about having a few laughs with my buddy.
What did you load the cannon with? The one thing that strikes fear into river pirates everywhere Silly string.
You, my friend, have vision.
Over here.
Hi, guys.
Just got back from acting class.
I'm going for my Ghost Scouts' drama badge, which reminds me [Cheerfully.]
I'm so furious at you two! Excuse me? Gotcha! See, I'm not really furious.
- I was just acting.
- If you say so.
Yeah, my teacher says I need to work on my rage.
It was such a thoughtful note, I hugged her.
You want to get mad? I can help you out.
[Snaps fingers.]
[Thunder booms.]
Louie! That was hilarious! [Laughs.]
Good one! [Sighs.]
[Spooky rock music.]
If you move into a haunted house.
You gotta try to work things out.
So if you're living with a ghost or three.
You gotta be one big, semi scary family.
Don't know how we ended up this way.
But I guess you could call us The Haunted Hathaways.
The Haunted Hathaways.
The Haunted Hathaways.
The Haunted Hathaways.
Mom? Where have you been? Training.
Remember? I said I was gonna do that 5k run.
I thought you were joking.
Taylor, for your information, I am going to do this.
Know why? Because I have a little something called willpower.
That bear claw looks delicious.
Keep your paws off the claw.
Come on, you asked me to train you.
You're right, Ray.
Thank you.
Suit yourself.
Okay, now you're just rubbing it in my face.
- Mmm.
- Can you rub it in my face? Please? I'm kidding! 5k! Woo-hoo! Oh, my friend Blair is on her way up.
We have to study for a huge math test tomorrow.
Oh, I love Blair.
She's got the cutest little Southern accent.
Mom, please do not imitate her accent.
It's embarrassing.
[Southern accent.]
Hey, Taylor! And, why, hello, Miss Michelle.
Now, don't you look awful pretty today? [Southern accent.]
Oh, why, thank you, Blair! I do declare, you are simply a barrel of peach cobbler.
- [Chuckles.]
- Mom, you're doing it again.
Well, whatever in tarnation do you mean? - Okay, thanks.
We're gonna study now.
- Now, Taylor's right, Miss Michelle.
We've got to focus if we want to grow up to be as successful as you.
Oh! I do have a knack for [Normal voice.]
Oh, my gosh, I was supposed to open the bakery five hours ago.
Knees up, Hathaway! Go, go, go! Ready to hit the books? Oh, my stars! I didn't bring any.
Now, all I have here is this little old copy of Love Lake 2; Canoes in the mist.
Shut up.
I love the part where Lucas emerges from the mist - In a canoe - Both: On the lake! [Both squealing.]
That is not the way to the bakery.
Do you know what would class up this boat? A ketchup hot tub.
It's like we have one brain.
Presenting Ms.
Penelope Pritchard.
Gah! It's that crazy doll girl! Got to go.
Not that I'm afraid of little girls [scoffs.]
Just that one! Well, if it isn't Francesca Hathaway.
Hello, Penelope.
Who's the penguin? This is our family Butler, Wordham.
- Pleasure to meet you, Miss.
- No, it's not! Apologies.
You disgust me.
Ha! Don't tell me you're submitting this garbage barge in the contest.
And I was worried you'd be a worthy arch-rival.
Penelope, you don't have to make everything into a competition.
- I know that.
- Whatever.
I'm just in this contest to have fun.
So you don't care about winning the trip to New York City? Trip to new what, now? If you bothered to read the rules, you'd know that the first prize is a suite at the Aldorf Hotel for an entire week.
I'd love to go back to New York, visit some old friends Settle some old scores.
Well, it's not gonna happen.
Wordham, blow her tiny mind.
A complete model of the city's Jackson square, circa 1800.
Must not admit! Oh, that's awesome! [Sizzling.]
My daddy's architects are finishing the real model as we speak.
You're going down, Hatha-lame! Wordham, prance with me! [Flute music.]
But, Lucas, what if my canoe gets lost in the mist? Never fear, April.
Just follow the sound of my heartbeat To Love Lake.
[Melodramatic music.]
Both: Aw.
Don't you have a big math test tomorrow? I think it's time to turn off the TV and start studying.
Ray, I appreciate your advice, but I kind of see you more as a pal than a parent, so Good talk, amigo.
Hold it! Ray is also a parent in this house.
His word carries the same authority as mine.
- But - You heard him.
TV off, study now.
Ugh! [Shimmering.]
Uh, I guess we need to start studying.
Bigger things are happening, Taylor.
My friend got us tickets to an advanced screening of Love Lake 3 tomorrow! [Both squealing.]
We have to get there early to camp outside for good seats, and then at midnight, the movie starts! [Both squealing.]
Midnight? That's like mid night.
My mom will never let me go.
Taylor, you've got to come.
Everyone who is anyone will be there.
I want to be anyone.
I would scale any mountain and cross any river But I must find my way to Love Lake.
[Melodramatic music.]
- That was so April.
- [Gasps.]
All right, we have a trip to win and a Penelope to crush.
We have to get serious.
I think I know where you're going with this Yellow silly string.
On it! Wow.
You are so gonna win first place with that great-looking riverboat.
You really are a bad actor.
It's just that the paddle wheel is made out of french fries.
If it were me, I'd go with balsa wood powered by twin-action pistons.
How do you know so much about boats? Hello? Nautical-engineering badge, naval-history badge, maritime-law badge, ice-dancing badge.
That's not real! Who put that there? Miles, here's something I never thought I'd say to you - Keep talking.
- [Gasps.]
Ooh! Are you sure your mom will say no? I mean, maybe she's cooler than you think.
[Breathing heavily.]
Now, why, hello, Miss Michelle.
Aren't you just glowing? [Southern accent.]
Oh, why, thank you [Normal voice.]
Okay, I can't.
I'm too tired.
I just ran a 1/2 "K".
No one told me how long a "K" was, and I am not okay with it.
So, mom, Love Lake 3 is opening I know.
I had to jog around a line of kids who were camping out on the sidewalk for a midnight screening.
What kind of parent allows that? - Bad ones.
- Only the worst.
Is that a blueberry muffin? You think you can taunt me, evil biscuit? See you, girls.
[Southern accent.]
I do declare.
Yeah, I'm not gonna ask her right now.
So how'd you convince your mom? Oh, I didn't.
I asked daddy.
Dads are way easier.
A few compliments, some puppy eyes, and they turn right to apple butter.
Too bad I can't do that.
Maybe I can.
Blair, save me a place in line.
To quote Lucas, "I'm taking off my floaties and taking a chance" "On me".
[Melodramatic music.]
- I got the app.
- Oh.
[Welder crackling.]
So the boiler is welded, the decks are sanded, and the galley is stocked.
They're serving baked cod tonight, by the way.
Mmm, mmm.
I'll definitely beat Penelope with this boat.
Nice work, Sir nerd-a-lot.
So I was thinking doughnut life preservers would Who let scoutmaster lame-o on our poop deck? Turns out he knows a ton about building riverboats, so we kind of started a new one.
So you're replacing me with the bore-a-tron 5000? How many nicknames do you guys have for me? Don't open that door.
Come on, Louie, you're welcome to help us out.
This section needs to be painted.
If I could just can't see here.
And the stern could use some sanding.
On it! Here's an idea! Put a giant cheese wheel on the front so it can jump over monster trucks.
Hey, Miles, we need to think of a name for our boat.
What about the Louisiana Lady? That stinks.
How about the Brain Crusher? I love that! The Louisiana Lady.
I will not be ignored.
I can't believe you, Frankie.
I thought we were a team.
I bring a lot to the table.
Um, you don't have a head.
I don't need a head to see I've been stabbed in the back.
I've been betrayed! Betrayed, I say! [Sighs.]
Louie, let me explain.
Betrayed! [Music.]
Louie, I know you always hide in the peacock when you're upset.
Come out and let me explain.
There's nothing to discuss.
Plus, I'm not in here.
All right, the hard way.
Tickles, do your thing.
Gah! What's wrong with you? Look, I need my riverboat to be really good if I'm gonna beat Penelope and win that trip.
And I suppose Miles gives you a better chance at that than I do.
- Exactly.
- [Gasps.]
I mean, you both have individual strengths.
His is intelligence, and yours is Um Uh Let's not do this! You know what? I'll make my own boat.
I don't need you.
All I need is this lamp And this candy dish - And this cat.
- [Screeches.]
Betrayed, lady meow meow! Betrayed! Hi, Ray.
I have to thank you for making me study.
I aced my test, and it's all because of you.
Well, not all because of me.
Maybe 90%.
And you have great fashion sense Your hats, your vests, your goatee.
Want to know a secret? It takes me two hours to trim it like this, but I tell people it only takes me one.
- Shh.
- [Laughs.]
Oh, you! Anyway, I'm going to a midnight movie tonight that's okay with you, right? By the way, nice shoes.
Thank you, Taylor.
You know what? You studied hard.
You deserve to go have fun with your friends.
- You know, when I was your age - That's a great story.
Okay, bye! Blair, I just got the green light to camp out for the midnight movie.
Camping out? For a midnight movie? I didn't give you permission for that, young lady! Is that a cheese steak? I'll ask the questions.
Sorry, mom.
Ray gave me permission, and since his word carries the same authority as yours Ray! [Elevator bell dinging.]
You bellowed? [Sniffs.]
- Do I smell cheese steak? - I will ask the questions! Did you tell Taylor that she could go to a midnight movie? Uh, you wouldn't have? Of course not.
And Taylor knows that.
That's why she went to you instead of me.
Oh, she is good.
We've been played? Well, technically, you've been played, but we're gonna get payback.
I'm in because I'm starting to think she never really liked my goatee.
- Ray! - It only takes me an hour, you know.
[Festive music.]
Miles, this is beautiful.
I can't wait to see Penelope choke on it! Well, you might not need to wait long.
- Quick! Hide the boat! - Aye aye, Captain! Full steam ahead! Woo-hoo! [Chimes tinkle.]
- Well, if it isn't Francesca Hathaway - Are we really doing this every time? Just here to check out the competition Or lack thereof.
The only place I'll be checking out is New York, when I win that trip.
Oh, yeah? Well, you're a - Mm? - A Wordham, taunt for me.
Ooh, you gonna lose, sucker! Was that sufficient, madam? It was what it was.
Let's just go.
- [Chimes tinkle.]
- I feel so sorry for that girl.
Penelope? Yeah.
She has no real friends.
The only person she ever hangs out with is her Butler.
It's sad.
I guess I never thought of that.
Contests come and go, Frankie, but the best ship you could ever build Is a friendship.
Inspirational-sayings badge.
Midnight movie, midnight movie.
Gonna lie on a sheet and camp on the street.
For a midnight movie.
So all ready for your midnight movie? Hope you have fun.
What kind of sick, twisted game are you playing? No game.
You can go.
And since Ray gave permission, just make sure you follow his instructions.
And I only have one wear a jacket.
It'll keep you safe and warm.
Wow, this is actually really nice.
And since you liked my hat Yeah.
- Thanks.
You guys are so awesome.
- [Laughs.]
She's gonna be eating those words.
That thing you think is a cookie is actually a coaster.
Yeah, so? You didn't say I couldn't eat coasters.
Didn't think I had to.
You thought Miles could build a better boat than I could? Check this out! [Boat gurgles, hisses.]
It's all good.
I'm a ghost Went right through me.
Not me.
Wait till you hear the horn.
[Air horn blasts.]
Okay, I see why you picked Miles' ship.
I hope you win and get to see your friends.
The best ship is friendship.
Miles, making this project with you has been an absolute nightmare! What are you talking about? Play along.
We have to convince him we're mad at each other.
You mean Act? You think I'm a nightmare? All you did the whole time was talk about Louie! Louie's so much more fun! Louie's so much cooler! Louie this, Louie that! Louie, Louie! Louie! Louie.
Frankie, did you really tell Miles how much cooler and fun and muscular I am than him? - Actually, she didn't say - I sure did, bud.
Meant every word.
Now, we've got a lot to do if we're gonna turn this into the craziest riverboat to ever jump monster trucks! That'd be awesome.
Hey, Miles.
Not bad.
I guess I finally found a way to tap into my rage.
It makes me so happy! Midnight movie, midnight movie.
- Who's ready for some Love Lake? - Taylor! You made it! Your flattery plan worked so well, I got permission and this jacket.
I almost feel guilty for tricking my mom Almost! Get on in here for a picture.
[Air hissing.]
All: Oh! [Sirens blaring.]
Please step away from the Taylor! Repeat, step away! - This is her mommy.
- Oh, come on! Yeah, let's hold off on that picture.
Hush, little Tay-Tay, don't you cry.
Mama's gonna sing you a lullaby.
- Yeah, I'm gonna go now.
- Taylor, wait! Don't go.
You still owe me $20 for the ticket.
Tay, we heard the alarm and came as fast as we could.
Was all this necessary? You took my fondness of my own goatee and used it against me.
I had to take action.
Now, you might want to get home before the flares go off.
- You wouldn't.
- [Chuckles.]
- Make way, people! - [Flares whistling.]
Both: Midnight movie, midnight movie.
Bah bah bada bah.
Would you look at this mess? I admit, it's a bit unusual, but it was fun to build, and that's what counts.
I bet this monstrosity doesn't even work.
Penelope, don't hit that switch! [Epic music.]
[Air hissing.]
Whoa, learning is fun! - My project! - What happened here? This she-devil ruined my model.
It cost $1,000 to have this built.
$1,000? You were supposed to build your model using common household objects.
Money is very common in my house.
- You're disqualified, Miss Pritchard.
- [Gasps.]
Wordham! Tantrum for me! [Sobs.]
It's not fair! It's not fair! Not fair, not fair! [Sobs, screams.]
Well, I think our boat did okay.
Sorry about the trip.
I know you wanted to visit friends in New York.
It's okay.
I already have a good friend right here.
It's me, right? Woo! I did it! Not only did I finish all five "K" s, I came in the top ten.
Wow! I'm really proud of you, mom.
You don't even look tired.
Well, I worked hard.
I watched what I ate, and [Gasps, breathing heavily.]
You had an incredibly athletic ghost doing all the work! And yet I still worked up an appetite.
It's just you and me tonight, sweetie.

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