Ruby Ring (Ruby's Ring) (2013) s01e16 Episode Script

Episode 16

Ruby's Ring It's money.
It should be plenty.
You can move overseas, start a business, or do whatever you want.
Why not use it to get your face done again? You can go back to being Jeong Runa.
You're not Jeong Ruby.
You're not Jeong Runa, either.
You're a monster, a plastic surgery monster.
That's what they call it these days, right? Focus.
You're Jeong Ruby, Jeong Ruby.
Focus, Jeong Ruby.
Episode 16 What are you doing? Ruby, I was going to call you.
Do you know any of my friends? How would I? Then do you have a planner with contact information, or even a diary? Nope.
You were mean and awful.
You must have had no friends.
Wear that.
We're going out.
Do you feel awkward? Yes.
I can't believe I wore things like this.
Believe it.
You were that kind of girl.
That kind of girl? It doesn't sound like I was a good sister.
I was that kind of girl? I wonder what I was like.
Did I make things hard for you? Yes, you did.
You racked up $20,000 in credit card debt.
Mom and I ended up paying it all back.
You were a troublemaker at school and at home.
You thought your pretty face would turn your life around.
You always went on about how everything would work out, but nothing ever did, so you were lonely and miserable.
You dreamed of being a successful TV host, but all you got were short stints on local cable TV shows.
Personality? Terrible, of course.
You were quick to throw fits and lied shamelessly to rip off men.
Jeong Runa, that was you.
What else do you want to know? No.
That can't be.
You don't believe me? It's hard to believe.
Believe it.
You were a real lowlife.
Believe it.
You were a real lowlife.
You know? Why didn't you just stay in your coma? Why didn't you just die in the accident? If you had, I wouldn't be so stressed and be in as much pain as I am now.
You really drive me insane.
You drive me mad.
I wish you'd disappear.
I'd rather you were dead.
Ruby! Ruby.
Was I that awful? I'm sorry.
Because of me No, no.
I didn't mean what I said.
You were a very sweet girl.
I'm just crazy.
I'm sorry.
Don't tell mom, okay? Don't tell anyone what I just said.
Okay? Promise me.
I'm sorry.
I messed up.
I'm sorry.
Forgive me.
I didn't know she'd survive.
I thought she was going to die.
If I'd known she would live, I wouldn't have done what I did.
If I'd known she would live, I wouldn't have done what I did.
It was so hard for me to look at her.
I felt sorry, but angry as well.
Frankly, anyone in my shoes would have done the same thing.
If Ruby couldn't have it, why not me? It wasn't my fault.
I couldn't help it.
It was just a trick of fate.
Jeong Ruby, what a surprise.
You never used to call me.
Will pigs fly now? So you were in Japan? Yeah.
I signed with an agency and was there for a year.
I was a home shopping model.
These days, they like all things Korean.
I heard about you and Runa.
But you can't tell at all.
There's no scarring.
Though your nostrils were raised too high.
I got surgery in Japan, but it didn't turn out well.
I might need a redo.
Even plastic surgery is the best in Korea.
Silly me.
You know I've always been a bit ditzy.
Oh, where's Runa? Why didn't you invite her? I wanted to see her.
She's still good old Runa, right? Those were the days.
I knew nothing, and all I did was go to clubs with Runa, drinking, dancing, and hitting on guys.
Oh, right.
Remember how I got to come along on that yacht trip? It was such a blast.
Wait a minute.
You drink, too? This is so weird.
Why? Jeong Ruby isn't allowed to drink? You look just like Runa when you drink.
Then again, you are twins.
Shut up and drink.
I called you because I needed a drinking buddy.
Shut up so that we can drink, okay? The recipient is unavailable.
Where can she be? Runa, what are you reading? One of Ruby's books.
Really? One of Ruby's books? You've certainly changed.
All you ever used to read were comic books.
Hello? Oh, hi, Gyeongmin.
What? Ruby? Yes.
She's not home yet, so I thought maybe she was there.
Oh, yes.
She just left.
Oh, I see.
She'll be home soon enough.
Good night.
What's going on? It was Gyeongmin.
He said Ruby wasn't home yet.
He asked if she was here.
She's not home yet? Oh, my.
This late at night? What is she thinking? She lives with her in-laws.
Is that why you lied and said she was here? What was I supposed to do? I wonder what happened.
It's unlike her.
Thank you.
Oh, my goodness.
Oh, right.
You're Gyeongsuk's daughter-in-law.
Don't you remember me? We met at your wedding.
I'm Gyeongsuk's hometown friend.
Gyeongsuk and I are just like sisters.
Gyeongsuk and I are just like sisters.
She's home, right? If you're on your way in, I'll come in with you.
Hang on a second.
Oh, mom.
It's late, right? I was with a friend.
Don't worry.
Good grief.
She was with a friend.
But her voice What about it? I think she'd been drinking.
No way.
Ruby never drinks.
Maybe she caught a cold.
It's me, mum.
I'm Gyeongsuk's Mother, what's wrong? Gyeongsuk.
Gyeongsuk, I was just Gyeongsuk, it's me, Geumhui.
Mother, you see, it's all a big misunderstanding.
I didn't want to wake anyone up, so I came in very quietly.
It's so unfair that you're so upset with me.
What? Unfair? What exactly is unfair? Please calm down, mom.
How can I? That crazy woman snuck in here like a thief.
Like a thief? This had been arranged with Gyeongsuk at Gyeongmin's wedding.
She was stressed out about finding a housekeeper, so I even quit my job to come and help my dear friend.
Mom, did you really ask her to come? I, uh Gyeongsuk, I expect nothing but complete honesty from you.
At your son's wedding, you said that it was tough when your housekeeper quit.
There was just so much going on.
I don't remember.
Are you suffering from dementia? Are you taking omega-3 supplements? If you're not, you should start taking them, before it gets worse and you regret it.
Do you take omega-3 supplements, mum? Enough with your omega-3 talk.
Mum? I'm not your mum! Then, ma'am, why don't you have breakfast now? If you taste my cooking, your anger is sure to subside.
What? Cooking? This is very good.
Great! But when did you make all this? Early in the morning.
Cooking is my forte.
This was a piece of cake.
I don't see any cake.
Who has cake for breakfast? Ma'am, it's just an expression to describe something easy.
Ma'am, it's just an expression to describe something easy.
Who are you trying to teach? Of course I know what it means.
Mom, what do you think? It's good, right? Well, it's not bad.
What about you, Gyeongmin? It's delicious.
In that case, all we have to do is decide whether she'll be our housekeeper.
Right, mom? Right, grandma? Let's do this democratically.
Let's vote.
You first, grandma.
Hey Ma'am, we're sorry, but could you give us a moment? Of course.
Please vote yes.
Oh, no.
I really have nowhere else to go.
What am I going to do? Now you can be honest.
Grandma? I'll do whatever Gyeongmin says.
What do you think? I don't know.
What about you? Well Mom, we do need a housekeeper, so why not keep her for now? Plus, she's Gyeongsuk's hometown friend, so I think we can trust her.
If that's what you think, I have no reason to say no.
Thank you, mum.
Thank you.
I love you all.
I'll put my all into serving this family.
I swear.
serving this family.
I swear.
I haven't voted yet.
Oh, it's obvious where you stand.
I'll be a good auntie to you, okay? Wait a minute.
How did you get into the house? How did you open the door? I came in with Gyeongsuk's daughter-in-law.
With you? Yes.
I was about to ring the doorbell when she pulled in and got out of the car.
I was at my mother's house until late.
You're a married woman.
You shouldn't be out so late.
I'm sorry, grandmother.
You do know how to cook.
Stay on for the time being.
Oh, yeah! Gyeongsuk, high five.
You, too, Changgeun.
Hello? Sorry to bother you so early.
This is Na Insu.
Oh? Na Insu? Oh, right.
Excuse me.
Ruby, get more soup for father.
Gyeongsuk, I'll do it.
Oh, okay.
What is it regarding? Oh, really? Okay.
I'll be right out.
Oh? Do you Good to see you.
I'm sorry.
I know it's early.
I mulled over this all night.
I rushed over so I wouldn't change my mind.
What's this about? What's this? Ruby gave it to me yesterday.
My wife did? Yes.
She told me to use it for Runa.
I thought about it long and hard, but I don't think I should accept it.
Once Runa regains her memory, we're getting married, so I should take care of her myself.
I'm sure Ruby is concerned as her sister, but it makes me feel bad.
I understand.
Ruby was out of line.
Is the married life nice? You'll find out for yourself once you get married.
Runa I wish you all the best.
Thank you.
Why didn't you tell me the truth? I see where you're coming from, but why didn't you consult me? I know you feel bad about what happened to Runa, but you shouldn't have given money to Mr.
Na like that.
He has his pride.
He says he can't accept it.
I'm sorry.
I didn't think it through.
It's just that he's been so good to Runa.
He seems like a very good person.
He's pure-minded.
No, he's not.
Do you know him well? No, but I'm sure he has flaws, but he even lost his job to stay by your sister's side.
He has pride, and he's principled.
Let's focus on the positive rather than the negative.
He'll be part of our extended family soon.
Thank you.
We'll brief you on the latest.
No, that's okay.
Just leave the reports on my desk and get back to work.
Wait, Mr.
Yes? Have we fired the producer who was involved in that bribery scandal? The resignation isn't processed yet.
Get that done fast and find a talented replacement.
Talent makes a company.
Yes, ma'am.
Try to relax.
Think of your condition as a vacation.
Impatience could hinder your memory from returning.
What is it like being back home? Being in a familiar environment can trigger memories.
Familiar environment? Your home, workplace, places you went on dates, and other places that are meaningful.
The same goes for people.
Family, boyfriends, and other unforgettable people.
Unforgettable people How was it? Did you remember anything? She said to take it slow, since rushing it may be bad.
She's right.
Impatience always has side effects.
She's right.
Impatience always has side effects.
Do you play the piano? Piano? No.
Why? Never mind.
Hello? Runa? It's me, Lee Eunji.
I'm sorry.
I heard about your accident, but I've been so busy.
Forgive me.
That's okay.
But I heard you have amnesia.
Your life is like a movie.
Then again, in today's complicated world, amnesia could be a blessing.
Life is all cutthroat competition.
Oh, sorry.
Don't mind me.
It's okay.
I'm sorry.
Oh, I saw Ruby.
She didn't tell you? It was so weird.
She called me out of the blue, and there she was, drinking and talking like a truck driver.
She was like a different person.
Maybe that happens if you marry into a rich family.
By the way, you look very familiar.
I do? You're not Runa's style, though.
Excuse me.
The smell of this coffee This coffee smell What is this? Isn't it unique? It's Yirgacheffe.
What is it? This coffee just smells so good.
And it's familiar somehow.
Runa, you only used to drink instant coffee.
When did you get so hoity-toity? It's so unlike you.
Runa, it's been ages.
Let's drink.
We haven't drunk together for a long time.
Your treat, right? I haven't had a boilermaker for ages.
Here you go.
You can't drink it? What's going on? You live to drink.
They say she's fully recovered, but her condition isn't so good.
I suppose that makes sense.
Say, Insu, how long have you been seeing Runa? I've never met you before.
She must have kept me hidden so that no one would steal me away.
Runa? I doubt that.
She may steal other girls' men, but she wouldn't let hers get stolen.
No way.
Not Jeong Runa.
Right? Eunji, I have a favor to ask.
What is it? Could I meet all our mutual friends? I need your help.
Oh, no.
We only hung out with men.
I'm sure we had at least a couple friends.
No, you didn't.
You've always been rather nasty.
I don't know if I should be saying this in front of Insu.
It's okay.
Since we're on the subject, you really were very mean.
You seduced two of my boyfriends and made us break up.
Don't you remember? Oh, right.
I know a place you can go to.
The nightclub in Chuncheon.
You were a regular there.
Who knows? You might run into people you know.
You must be tired.
Let's sit down for a bit.
The air is so clear.
Do you remember when we went to that town in Jeolla-do for a shoot? The smell of the sea there I can somehow smell it right now.
The Jeong Runa I saw in the camera lens was very alluring.
I hate myself.
I didn't know I was so pathetic.
What are you talking about? I have no friends.
I found a few phone numbers and sent text messages, but Eunji was the only one The others must be busy.
I get the feeling I wasn't a good person.
It makes me sad.
No one is completely good It makes me sad.
No one is completely good or completely bad.
You can be good to some people and bad to others.
That's being human.
But when I get my memory back, I want to be a good person.
Do you like coffee, Mr.
Na? Why do you ask? Do you remember something? I just get this feeling I don't know, Mr.
I really don't know.
When will you stop calling me Mr.
Na? It makes me feel uncomfortable.
I'll try not to.
Try Then try saying, "Insu, you jerk.
" Try it.
How can I? Jeong Runa's more than capable of saying that.
That's her unique charm.
Soyeong, turn off the air conditioning.
Again? The energy shortage is a serious problem.
We need to conserve.
Conservation is great, but we'll suffocate and die.
She's right.
Everyone else is going on vacation to escape the heat, but here we are.
Hey, we should go on a vacation, too.
We can't even leave the air conditioning on.
For you, Soyeong.
Thank you.
- And you.
N - For me ,too? Thank you.
What about me? You don't like ice cream.
Have mine then.
I'm fine.
I'd rather not.
Then have this.
I'm fine, okay? I'm not having any.
I'm not.
She's sulking again.
Yu Gilja's Grilled Chicken.
Pardon? Oh, okay.
Soyeong, come with me for a second.
What for? Mr.
Kim, the vegetable supplier, brought us corn as a gift.
He can't find a parking spot.
Darn it.
Are you sulking again? I'm not a baby, okay? It's true that I don't like ice cream.
This is why I like you.
Oh, my goodness.
What's up with you? Hold still.
How's married life? Work? Are you enjoying it? Dreams and reality must be different.
Why was this in the trash can? It's dingy.
Are you blind? Let's not be ignorant.
What does Milan want? It would've been different had Ms.
Jeong Ruby been here.
I was an awful person, right? Full of greed and vanity.
I told you.
Why won't you believe me? I'm your sister.
See you next time
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