Sonny with a Chance (2009) s01e16 Episode Script

Sonny in the Kitchen with Dinner

My blarmey, the blanket with arms, should have been here already.
Oh, because I like saying "blarmey, the blanket with arms," that's why.
No, I don't wanna cancel my order.
i>- All I want is my blarmey, the blanket with-- - - - hello? Oh! Can you believe she hung up on me? Can you believe how cute the new assistant is? Look at him over there filling up his yogurt cone.
His swirls are just perfect.
Girl, you've got it bad.
I know.
It's so weird.
Hayden's so different from every other guy I've liked.
Yeah, but you know what? It's nice.
He's not a movie star or a hotel heir.
Or a prince.
Or a prince.
Yeah, but I'll take him anyway.
Why don't you go talk to him? No no no, I couldn't do that.
Sure you can.
You're tawni hart, remember? Okay okay, here I go.
I'm back.
I have no idea how to talk to a normal guy.
Well, just be yourself.
You're right.
Here I go! I'm back.
I can't do it.
Well, you know what? That's okay, 'cause he's on his way over.
What do you think he wants? I don't know, but just pretend he's a regular guy on the street.
* guy on the street, guy on the street-- * - Hey, tawni.
- Don't touch my purse! Okay.
Hey, sonny.
Maybe I should handle this.
I'll figure out a way to get you two together, okay? Okay.
Watch your purse.
- * off to the races, I'm going places * * might be a long shot, not gonna waste it * * this is the big break and it's calling my name * * yeah! * * so far, so great, get with it * * at least that's how I see it * * having a dream is just the beginning * * so far, so great, believe it * * can't take away this feeling * * taking a ride with chance on my side * * yeah, I can't wait * * so far, so great * * so far, so great * * yaooww! * Hey, have you ever noticed that even though we eat here every day, All the sandwiches are named after other people? Look at that.
"tisdale triple decker," "the hudgens hoagie, " "the chad.
" Give me a me.
One chad coming up.
Hey, yo, chad, How do you go about getting a sandwich named after you? I already have a sandwich named after me.
- Well, by you, we mean us.
- Yeah.
- Yeah, us.
- oh! Why would anyone want to eat a sandwich named after you? Because we're delicious.
Oh, really, are you now? - Yeah, we are.
- Tasty.
You look tasty.
I bet you taste like chicken.
Fellas, settle down.
There's two ways for you to get yourself a sandwich.
First way is to be famous.
But we're on "so random!" Ooh, yeah, so you're gonna have to go with the second way.
Come up with a sandwich so good that I have no choice but to name it after you.
Okay? Now excuse me.
Which one of you ladies ordered the sloppy jonas? that'd be me.
Mmm! Mmm! That's some good chad.
You got some chad on your shirt.
- Oh, thanks.
- Mm-hmm.
Bib me.
So, chad I need a favor.
Listen, I'm helping tawni out and we need your courtside seats For the lakers game.
You mean these? Thanks, chad.
Ah! Not so fast.
I have these seats because You're the star of "mackenzie falls," The number one tween show.
Oh, that's worth one.
And you have the best-tasting sandwich In the whole cafeteria.
Oh! Here's number two.
You wanna go for three? I can't.
- Say it.
- I won't.
Say it.
you're the greatest actor Of our generation.
Enjoy the game.
We are about to change the face of sandwich history.
Okay, first we're gonna start off with a french roll.
Ooh, fancy.
Now slap on some mayo.
- Add some bologna.
- Add a slice of salami.
- Back to the bologna.
- And bam! You did not just go double decker! Oh, but I did.
Now cheese it.
- Swiss? - Swing and a miss.
- Pepper jack? - Pull it back.
- Havarti.
- Makes it a party.
- Peanut butter? - Good call, my brother.
- Watercress? - Spells success.
- Fish from a can? - I am a fan.
- Shall we? - We shall.
You know, I wasn't sure About the peanut butter, But, dude, it totally cuts the sardines.
Yeah, the salsa totally cuts the cheese.
It shouldn't work, but it does.
Mmm! What are you wearing? I told you we were going to a basketball game.
I'm sorry.
All I heard was "ball.
" Okay, look, cinderella, you know, it's not about your dress.
It's about you and hayden getting to know each other in an easygoing atmosphere.
Come on, what kind of call is that?! You stink, ref! This better work out.
And who's "ralph"? Hey, I got us some snacks.
What did I miss? I took off my coat.
Wow, you look great.
You also missed that sweaty guy putting that orange ball In the ball hole and a bunch of other sweaty guys Patted his sweaty butt.
See, hayden? She may not look it, But tawni sure is a big sports girl.
- - and a foul, yeah! Thanks a lot, sonny.
Tawni, I'm so sorry.
No, seriously, thanks a lot.
What's the point of wearing a dress like this when you can't walk around in it? Be right back.
So how's it going with tawni? Timeout on the court.
Now everybody give it up for your kiss cam! Oh, the kiss cam is so cute.
kiss kiss kiss! Aww, look at grandma and grandpa Up there just making out.
kiss kiss kiss! Hey, look, that's us.
No no no! We're just friends friends friends.
Wow, it got ugly in here fast.
Hey, guys, this isn't even my date.
kiss kiss kiss! Fine.
You like kissing? I'll give you kissing.
You happy? Sonny, what are you doing?! Tawni, it's not what it looks like.
It was the kiss cam.
Really? Well, I think that was a foul against team tawni, And I think ralph will agree with me! - Who's ralph? - She means ref.
Tawni, the door's locked.
Go around.
Try the door on your side.
Just like you locked me out Of my relationship with hayden! Tawni, there is nothing going on between me and hayden.
You can't say no to the kiss cam.
You just couldn't say no to the kiss cam, could you? Chad, not now.
I trusted you, sonny.
I trusted you to use my seats responsibly.
Instead, I wake up this morning to find this cover Of "tween weekly.
" Who is this guy? The love of my life! i>- Then why is she kissing him? ! - I don't know! I told you, it was the kiss cam! - Sonny.
- It was the kiss cam! I told you it was the kiss cam.
Fine! Listen, do you mind tasting our sandwich? Wait.
You guys have a sandwich? What kind of sandwich? The kind of sandwich that can eat your sandwich for lunch! Mm-hmm.
- Do you mind taking your sandwich talk somewhere else? - It's gonna top the chad? - Granico! Gonna top the chad! Whoo! Look, tawni, if I get you another date with hayden, Would you please unlock the door? - Yes, I would.
- Oh, thanks.
Hayden, can I talk to you for a sec? Yeah, is tawni okay? She ran out so fast after that silly kiss cam thing I didn't get a chance to say goodbye.
Well, why say goodbye When you can say hello Again, like on a date? Me and tawni? I mean, she's pretty, but I'm not really sure that she's my type.
Tawni hart is the most down to earth, Unpretentious regular girl You will ever meet.
I don't know.
I wouldn't even know where to take her.
My idea of a fun date is just hanging out, eating a home-cooked meal, Listening to some music.
Oh, my gosh.
It's like I'm talking to tawni hart right now.
I'm gonna go talk to tawni right now.
Tawni, I need to talk to you right now.
Hmm, I'm getting some sardine.
A hint of-- is that watercress? It is indeed.
It's called the granico.
Yeah, you could put it right above the chad - On the sandwich board.
- Yeah.
Well, boys, I've tasted a lot of sandwiches in my time, - And the granico - Both: Yes? - May be the worst.
- What? Oh, man! What are we gonna do with all these sandwiches? Toss 'em in the garbage with our dreams.
I told you we shouldn't have made a hundred of these things! - Well, I'm sorry for being an optimist.
- Oh, optimist! C.
What it do? Mr.
Cooper, it's me howie.
You know that little sandwich thing we talked about? - It's done.
- Good.
You won't forget me, right, mr.
Cooper? Of course not, harvey.
It's howie.
Tawni, guess what.
I got you a date with hayden.
It's the least you can do, You kiss cam canoodler.
Well, now he's gonna canoodle With you-dle.
At a fabulous beverly hills restaurant? Well, that depends on what you mean by "fabulous," "restaurant" and "beverly hills.
" Where is this date? He's coming to your apartment for a home-cooked meal And to listen to some music.
Doesn't that sound like a great date? No, it sounds like what you do when you don't have a date.
Come on, just work with me here.
Sonny, I don't know how to cook.
I don't even have a kitchen.
No oven, no nothing? All I have is that heated closet where I keep my shoes.
That's an oven, tawni.
So the cold closet where I keep my winter coats-- - Refrigerator.
- I knew it.
Fine, you know what? We'll do it at my place and we'll pretend it's yours.
And you'll do all the cooking, and I'll pretend like I did all the cooking.
I guess so.
- Then you'll do all the cleaning, And I'll go home and take a nice hot bath.
Tawni, are you dressed? He's here.
What do you think? Cute, huh? I told you to look down to earth, Not like you're about to plow it.
I just wanted to fit into this apartment.
What, do we live in a rodeo? i>- Take off the hat.
- Okay, now go get the door.
I'm gonna be in the kitchen slaving over the hot closet.
Howdy! Howdy to you, too.
Come on in.
Why don't we mosey on over to the couch And sit down like regular folk? - I really like your place.
- Seriously? I mean thanks, thanks.
This is nice.
Did you needlepoint these? Oh, yes.
I made everything in this place.
You see that little whatever that is, I made that in ceramics class.
That's weird.
It says "made in china.
" That's where the class was-- china.
I'm gonna go check on dinner.
Great, I'm starving.
What are we having? It's a surprise, Which I'm cooking.
Not a surprise that I'm cooking.
I cook all the time.
I'm gonna go take a peek at my hot clos-- ven.
I call it a closven.
- Hey, how's it going? - When are we eating? I'm running out of down-to-earth talk.
The chicken should be Just about done, If the oven had been working! Why isn't this working? I'm sorry, tawni.
Just put it in the rotating towel warmer.
You mean the microwave? Whatever.
Just cook that thing.
I've got a man to impress.
- - grady, it's sonny.
I need a huge favor.
Oh, okay.
She says that we need to bring her some food, Something homemade and that can be thrown through a kitchen window.
Man, I wonder what we could bring her.
Okay, I'm thinking.
I'm thinking.
I'm think-- Okay, that takes care of dinner.
No! I'm trying to have a date out there.
What are you doing? I dropped my phone down there.
Well, maybe if you turned the light on, you could see better, silly.
i>- - * hello, let me hear you say hey! * No, that's my phone! - - sonny.
Sonny? Sorry, it's not like I meant to.
Don't raise your voice at me.
Everything okay? Something just fell down the eyeliner pencil sharpener.
So where were we? How about putting on some music? Sure.
I wonder where I keep it.
- Nico: Psst, sonny.
- Grady: Hey, we got your food.
Oh, my gosh.
Thank you so much.
I'm gonna go open the big window.
Okay, toss it up.
Okay, that's enough.
Stop it.
- - ooh, this is my jam.
You actually like this music? Apparently I love it.
I've got a box set.
Where do you keep the non-terrible music? Ow! Oh, my gosh! I lost my contact lens.
You guys, stop it.
That's enough.
I can't believe this is happening.
Tawni, do you need some help? No! No no! I'm good.
I'm good.
I'm fine.
I'm just looking for something and I can't really seem to find it.
Ow! You okay? Hayden? Oh, great.
Now I lost both contact lenses.
Well, let me find your glasses.
Where are they? I don't know.
I can't see! Don't worry.
I'll find them.
Man, it's freezing in here.
Are you cold? - Yeah.
- Let me get the window.
Hayden, you're so sweet, But your beard is so rough.
Cool-- sandwiches.
Hayden? Hayden, wait for me.
You guys, I'm locked out.
Do something.
Here, catch.
I don't need another sandwich.
- Just please open the window.
- Grady: Okay okay.
How old is this sandwich? Tawni? Who is that? Don't touch my purse! It's nico and grady.
What are you doing here? Here are your glasses.
Oh, hayden.
Well, everything's clear as day now.
It's stuck.
Okay, there's some tools in the bathroom.
Whoa, if we're gonna be doing some heavy lifting, we gotta be fed.
- What? - The sandwiches.
- - brother got to eat.
you think after 12 hours of not being refrigerated, These babies wouldn't smell so good.
Were they always this tangy? I didn't realize how close you and sonny are.
We're not that close.
But there are a lot of pictures of her in that room.
Yeah, she keeps sending those to me.
I'm gonna go check on dinner.
Tawni, isn't the kitchen the other way? Of course the kitchen's that way.
I know where my own kitchen is.
- Whoo! - Freeze! Don't touch my purse! Chad dylan cooper, this is awesome.
What are you doing here? Got a weird call from sonny's cell-- I heard screaming and crushing metal-- So I cut my massage to an hour and rushed right over.
Where's sonny? What are you doing here? Ha! I live here, you silly.
I'm over here, you silly.
Okay, something weird's going on.
No, it's not.
We're just having a normal date In my apartment.
Chad? Nico and grady, where did you guys come from? Well, originally, I'm from orlando, florida, But dad's in the military.
What are you two doing here? Sonny wanted some of our sandwiches.
Yeah, 'cause ours are better than yours.
Give me that.
This tastes like it's been out in the sun for 10 hours.
- Ha ha! 12.
- Oh! Oh! What happened to my door? You mean my door.
No, chad, what are you doing here? - Why are you holding my plunger? - You mean my plunger.
No, why are you wearing my mom's needlepointing glasses? You mean my needlepointing glasses? No, I don't mean that.
Wait a minute.
Wait a minute.
You mean you didn't needlepoint these pillows? What kind of person lies about needlepointing? What's going on here, tawni? Look, hayden, who am I kidding? Hayden's over there.
I thought we could really get to know each other.
One more to the left.
But this is not who I am, okay? This isn't my apartment.
These aren't my glasses, and I've never even been to china.
I'm tawni hart, and I'm a star, And you could take me as I am or not at all.
What do you say to that? Well, I guess that answers that.
I think it's the sandwiches.
Definitely the sandwiches! You mean the sandwich I just tasted? - Mm-hmm.
- look, tawni, Right here.
I know tonight didn't go the way that we thought it would, But I just wanted to say that-- That you're proud of me? --That you should stick to dating movie stars, hotel heirs and princes.
For a sonny monroe.
My blarmey, the blanket with arms! It finally came, yeah! Tawni, what do you think? Wow, it actually feels really nice.
You know, you wouldn't think that something so soft Would have such an ugly name like-- My blarmey! The blanket with arms.

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