Thundercats (2011) s01e16 Episode Script

Trials of Lion O, Part Two

Previously on Thundercats Give us the book.
I'd rather die.
Unh! Lion-O! You killed him.
You must complete a series of trials.
Mumm-Ra's temple.
It's even scarier than I thought.
I nearly died in that pit thanks to Grune Sure you want me to help us get in? Getting out was hard enough.
I don't like it, either, General, but we have to get the Sword of Omens back.
There's an air shaft on the north side.
Dangerous, but it's your call King.
We need to take out the guards.
You OK? I always told him that I should be king, but I never wanted it like this.
The only thing we can do now is finish the job he started.
Again? This is, like, the tenth rock that you've drawn that on.
- If I don't leave him a trail, Lion-O will never be able to find us.
Kit, Lion-O's gone.
Didn't you learn anything from the elephants? Death is only the beginning.
As long as Lion-O still has his soul, he has a chance.
We have a chance.
Not the first time you've kept someone waiting in the throne room, Your Majesty.
Stakes weren't so high when you were ditching sword lessons as a cub.
Back then I didn't want to be king, Panthro.
Guess I never thought I'd have to be.
No choice now, so let's see what you've picked up along the way.
This is a trial of strength.
All you've got to do is get me out of this circle before the sand runs out.
But you're 3 times my size! Yeah, I noticed.
Better hurry, your majesty.
I'm not getting any smaller.
Hyah! Aah! This test is impossible.
No one can get you out of this ring.
If that's what the king says, then it must be so.
Wait a second.
I am the king.
And you're my subject, general.
I order you to get out of this circle.
As you wish, my king.
I thought this was gonna be a test of strength.
It was, and your greatest strength is as a leader.
Try not to forget it.
Nice work, general.
So far, so good.
My plan just may work after all.
Now what, king? Just-just let me think.
Don't worry, I've got them.
Way to go, Kit.
Just a false alarm.
Everyone return to your posts.
This looks familiar.
It should.
You lost to me enough times in this arena.
I was a kid then.
I'm stronger now.
True, but strength had nothing to do with it.
It was always the mental aspect of the game where I had the edge.
Let's see what you can do now.
Beat me, and you'll get the final key and your life back.
You're gonna pay for that.
There's that famous temper again.
I see where this is going.
This trial is about controlling my emotions.
You always loved to make me mad.
Because it was so easy.
Because you wanted what I had.
That's why you had to be better than me at everything.
It was so everyone could see that the crown was going to someone who didn't deserve it.
Maybe I thought I would be a better king, but I wasn't the only one.
You think father believed it, too? It wasn't father I was talking about.
It was you.
And it appears you still believe it.
I'm sorry.
At long last, the king of the cats is dead, and the eye of thundera will be mine once again.
And this time, no spell will keep me from the stone.
For within these walls, my powers are immeasurable.
I can't see anything.
What's going on? A thousand bad things, kid.
What do you want to do? Drop in for a surprise attack.
And land in the middle of trouble? It's not a perfect plan, but we owe it to Lion-O to try.
Thundercats Ho! Keep them from the sword! You were fools to come here.
No more delays.
Take them to the cells.
I'll deal with them once I destroy the sword.
We bought him some time.
Bought who some time? There's no one coming to save us.
You were deemed worthy of another chance, Lion-O.
That chance was given to you, and you failed.
It can't end this way, jaga.
My mission, the other cats, they need me! Mumm-Ra has taken them prisoner.
He is going to use the eye of thundera to bring darkness down upon the entire world.
Why are you telling me this if I can't do anything about it? Jaga, please.
There must be a way to send me back.
I'd give anything.
What do you have to give? You've already lost your life.
Then what about my soul? Don't be foolish.
Your soul is your most precious gift.
If a king should be willing to sacrifice his life for his people, then why not his soul? The spirit stone can return you to your body, but only until sunrise.
If you spend that time wisely, you may be able to save your friends.
What happens at sunrise? Your soul will depart this world and enter limbo, where it shall remain for all eternity.
Are you sure you understand the consequences of returning to your earthly body? Very well.
Up again.
Why is everything always up? Maybe I'm finally learning my lessons.
If Mumm-Ra gets the eye of thundera, we won't be able to stop him.
I don't know what to do, cheetara.
I questioned Lion-O's decisions, but in the end they always worked out.
Suddenly I'm charge, and we end up in here.
Will you all stop worrying? Lion-O will be here soon, and he'll find a way to get the sword back.
Kit, Lion-O is He'll be here, cheetara.
He'll be here.
Kit He'll be here! How much longer, slithe? They smell so good.
Lord Mumm-Ra has plans for them.
Do you want to tell him that you ate his playthings? He's right, you know.
They do smell delicious.
Ah, everything for Mumm-Ra.
Oh, I bet he wouldn't miss one of the kittens.
- Hello, generals.
- Lion-O? We-we saw you die.
Then your eyes must be as bad as your breath.
Brave talk.
But without your sword, you're no match for any one of us.
So, you want to do this the hard way? Absolutely.
Too bad.
I prefer the easy way.
It can't be.
Lion-O? I told you he would come! - Yay! - I knew it! I knew it! If it wasn't for your markers, I never would have made it.
It's good to see you again, kid.
How How are you Long story, but we don't have much time.
We have to get the sword back.
It's a suicide mission.
You're telling me.
I'd understand if you don't want to follow me in there.
We'd follow you anywhere Your majesty.
General, the doors, please.
With pleasure, my king.
Thundercats Ho! No! They must not break the circle! Mumm-Ra, you have something of mine.
And without it, you will never defeat me.
Ancient spirits of evil, transform this decayed form into Mumm-Ra the everliving! You may have the sword of omens, but I still have the spirit stone, and I am king of the thundercats.
No! Forget him, Lion-O.
We've gotta get out of here.
OK, Lion-O, I think it's time you told us what happened to you.
I'm sorry, but I have to leave.
Leave? Why? Because he has paid the ultimate price.
I guess it's time.
Time to use what you've learned to lead your people to victory as the reborn king of the thundercats.
I can stay? How? The trials? The trials were designed to test more than just your skill.
They were designed to test your heart.
When you made the ultimate sacrifice to save your friends, you showed what it means to truly be a king.
What trials? Yeah, what trials? Where have you been? What did he mean by "ultimate sacrifice"? I guess I'll start at the beginning When I died.

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