Battlestar Galactica (1978) s01e17 Episode Script

The Man with Nine Lives

I can't wait to get to that gambling deck.
My new system can't lose.
This man could be my father.
You're at least related within ten generations.
Whoo-hoo! I hope you're his father.
For his sake.
Borellian nomen? They're on a blood trail.
Clear the floor! It has been 12 sectons since Baltar's surrender and our encounter with the advanced race, the mysterious ones who gave us coordinates which presumably would guide us to Earth.
No reference of time seems apparent in the curious directions so it's impossible to know if we can expect to find Earth tomorrow or many yahrens from now.
But our scouts have located increased signs of the trail taken by our ancestors, the 13th tribe.
And in my heart, I feel we are getting close.
'Celebrations are everywhere.
'People's expectations grow with every passing centare.
'We've given our weary combat pilots time for leisure and rejuvenation.
'Food, water and hope.
' I can't wait to get to that gambling deck.
My new system can't lose.
- Can't lose? - Nope.
The gaming chancery on Pinius.
- That's not fair.
- I didn't think so either.
Especially as I lost a secton's pay betting your last system.
- Yeah.
I I know what went wrong.
- So do I! I lost a secton's pay.
'Canaris Shuttle, this is Rising Star Approach Control.
'You are number two to dock.
' '.
that we have eluded any Cylon pursuit in this quadrant.
'Reports that Galactica granted furlons to her squadrons support that.
'Good news for a change, Zed.
' 'Stay tuned after this message for Zara's closing feature 'on The Warrior of the Centare.
' 'The survival of our fleet depends on the dedication of our warriors' You must have transportation ducats.
but we still need a few good men and women.
'If you're between 16 and 46 yahrens 'and not in a highly critical civilian occupation, 'consider becoming a Colonial warrior.
'To become part of the team defending the fleet, 'request an open channel to Galactica Recruitment.
'We need you.
' 'Please welcome with me Lieutenant Starbuck.
' - 'Hello.
' - 'Hi.
' - 'Exactly how old are you, Lieutenant?' - 'I don't know.
' 'Oh! I realise you're nervous but surely you know your age?' - Transportation ducats, please.
- 'I'm an orphan.
' 'I was found wandering in the thorn forest on Caprica.
'So I really don't know how old I am.
' - Transportation ducats, please.
- 'How axful.
' 'I used to think that 'but after the Cylons annihilated the Colonies, 'almost everybody I know lost some member of their family 'and not having a family to lose' - Sir? - '.
I guess in a way I was lucky.
' We're making a mistake with that programme.
Sir, we're 15 centons away from docking I'm in charge of Inter-Fleet Broadcasting.
You run the IFB? Actually, just the news and interviews.
Interviewing warriors isn't enough.
This fleet has thousands of civilians whose contributions are as important as any warrior's.
That's what we need.
Take you, for example.
I wager you have more responsibilities than just walking around here picking up these ducats.
I sure do.
I'm responsible for vehicle maintenance.
Just keeping this old tub flying with old parts is a full-time job in itself.
Precisely my point.
We should be interviewing people like you on IFB.
People who serve without glory.
By the Lillium moons, we should interview you.
Me? When you're off duty, report to the Comm-Tel ship.
I want Zara to interview you for our next broadcast.
We'll call it The Unsung Heroes of the Centare.
- How's that sound? - It sounds great.
- Thank you.
- Thank you.
I gave you my ducat, remember? Oh! Yeah, sure.
Rising Star in ten centons.
Have your ducats ready.
'My parents probably perished in the Cylon raid on Umbra.
'It was a little agro city on the edge of the thorn forest.
'It was destroyed in a sneak attack in 7322.
' 'Thousands of children were found in the forest afterwards and 'I was one of them.
' Why don't you go ahead without me? - I'll join you in a centon.
- What's wrong? I've misplaced my wallet.
Probably dropped it on the Canaris.
You'd better Just don't worry about me.
I'll be fine.
I'll do no such thing.
I have plenty of markers and cubits.
Even some Orion checks.
Here, you take some.
Siress Blassie, as a gentleman, I cannot possibly accept currency from a lady.
Especially a Siress.
As a Siress, I insist.
Well, if you put it that way, of course I accept.
On one condition - that you return with me to my billet this very night.
So I may repay you.
Why, of course.
If you feel that strongly about it, naturally I shall return with you.
So you canrepay me.
Thank you.
Shall we go in? Stay clear of my ion trail.
I'm locking on target.
Hold it, Jolly.
I thought we were going to get some food.
I see all the food I need.
I guess they're occupied for the rest of the furlon.
I am not losing another secton's pay.
But how would you like to win another secton's pay? I want to watch this.
- Borellian nomen? - Oh.
I never heard of them mixing with the other Colonists.
They don't, unless they're on a blood trail.
Relax, folks.
There's nothing to be concerned about here.
These fellow voyagers are only here to enjoy themselves, just like the rest of us.
Right? Oh, erSiress, I wonder if you'd be so kind as to excuse me for a moment? I actually shuttled here on business.
It won't take long.
I do hope it's not interviewing those young female warriors.
Oh! Let me assure you, I find a woman who has experienced life much more attractive than mere youth.
I won't be long.
- How long before they blow? - He is young.
He activated them by accident.
- Have him deactivate them.
- He can't deactivate them.
Once drawn, they have to be used or they reach critical mass and explode.
- How much time? - 50 microns.
The vertical supporter.
Borellian nomen don't draw laser boles by accident.
I said he is young.
The drink and the music have excited him, that is all.
It will not happen again.
That's a fact.
Because if you're staying here, these weapons are coming off.
It is against our Code to be unarmed.
You should've thought of that before you got excited.
And we should have known better than to mix with other Colonists.
We will await transportation back to our ship in the docking lounge.
'Canaris Shuttle now ready for boarding.
Inter-Fleet orbit Beta.
'Docking at the Tauranian, Pisces, agro ship and the freighter Borella.
' This fool is of your blood.
I hold you responsible.
I accept the burden for Taba and vow we will bring the prey down.
Tell me something I do not know, Bora, like how a Borellian noman could break the Code by drawing his weapon without thinking.
Maga, I saw that jackal Captain Dimitri Your lack of discipline is disgusting.
You are a warrior of the Code - a noman! Our very name strikes like a scorpius at the heart of others.
For we alone survived in the land of the megasun and the endless sands and we alone shall survive this trek through the stars if we keep the Code.
I am sorry.
If you wish to apologise, Taba, do it after you've been punished.
If you survive.
I'll hover with these.
Everything above a half-pyramid wins.
Stick with me, buddy.
I'm telling you, this system can't lose.
- Evening's young, Starbuck.
- The trouble with you is a lack of faith.
No, just an overabundance of experience with your systems.
Build me, please.
I'll hover with this.
Build me.
I'll hover with this.
Pardon me.
I realise it's no concern of mine but the system you're playing has one flaw.
Flaw? The odds are 3-1 against the dealer holding a capstone.
But if she is, you can't win.
And your system doesn't consider that.
I thought you ought to know.
Capstone and full pyramid.
No winners.
- Can't lose, huh? - The system has one little flaw.
I'll work it out.
- Thanks - Chameleon.
I'm Starbuck and this is my conscience, Apollo.
You just saved me an early shuttle home listening to all the reasons why his system should've worked.
I'd be honoured if you officers would permit me to purchase a drink for you.
- I think I've got it figured out.
- That's a wonderful idea.
- Look - Come on.
What's wrong? Cash us in, OK? Patience, Bora, patience.
He can't stay in there forever.
Chameleon, I thought I was the one that discovered this system.
Lieutenant, I was using it on Caprica when you were still in swaddling.
Although I've never met anyone else who played it.
If it exists, Starbuck will play it.
Are you a professional wagerer? I was, long ago.
Now I'm a genetic tracer.
- I've never heard of that.
- Few people have.
It's rather a new science.
You see, the annihilation of our Colonies left thousands of nameless orphans.
My task is to unite them with blood relatives who've also survived.
But that's impossible.
Difficult, Lieutenant Starbuck, but not impossible.
If I have a reason to believe such a relationship exists, there are genetic tests to confirm or deny it.
You mean you can test everyone in the fleet and tell who's related to who? Theoretically, yes, but it would take thousands of yahrens.
The procedure requires taking neurological cells from both subjects and putting them through rather technical tests, it'sit's It's fascinating.
How did you switch from a professional wagerer to a genetic tracer? - They seem light yahrens apart.
- I did it out of necessity.
I was badly injured in one of the first Cylon raids on Caprica.
For five yahrens I was a traumatic amnesiac.
Upon recovering, I learned that my wife had been killed in that raid.
Evidently, my baby son had escaped.
I tried to find him.
Did you ever find him? No, Starbuck, I never did.
Well, er Just where and when did this raid take place? You've probably never heard of it.
It was near the Caprican thorn forest at an agro community called Umbra.
Lieutenant, what's wrong? I was orphaned in the raid on Umbra.
Were you? Well, to say the least, this is an incredible coincidence.
Chameleon Before you go on, let me say there were The chances of you being my son are astronomically low.
- Yes, but - There is a chance.
Starbuck, this is wonderful.
But don't get overenthused.
Apollo, this man could be my father! The key words, buddy, are "could be".
I know the odds are against it but we have a way of finding out.
- We can take the test.
- When a facility is available.
Our waiting list on the orphan ship is yahrens long.
I can't ethically put us ahead of those toddlers.
No, of course not.
However, we could do a haemotype and an iris cone count.
It's very crude and would match up hundreds, even thousands of people but it's a beginning.
I thought you said the facilities were overloaded.
To be perfectly honest, Captain, you may have the very equipment we need on the Galactica.
What are we waiting for? Let's go.
I'll order up the shuttle while you two finish your drinks.
Well, er Where do we begin? How about with your birth, or rather my son's birth? - Well, shuttle's on its way.
- Good.
This furlon is turning into one surprise after another.
What's the matter? I just had a run-in with some Borellian nomen.
Borellian nomen here on the Rising Star? One of them accidentally plucked one of those laser boles they carry and had to expend the energy on that column.
- Did you call security? - No.
I think it was accidental.
Anyway, they agreed to leave on the next shuttle.
- Well, they didn't.
- They what? They didn't leave.
They're still in the docking lounge.
I'm telling you, they're on a blood trail.
All right, you get security.
Let's go.
I gave you a chance and you're still here.
By what authority do you question us? Are we not humans? Are we not members of this fleet with equal rights and privileges? Yes, unless you abuse them.
This officer let you off lightly then you lied to him.
- He insulted you.
- If he had, he would be dead.
It is you who have insulted me.
Twice! You must answer to the Code.
Your name will be stricken from the roster of the nomen.
Do with him as you wish.
To me he no longer exists.
'Galactica Shuttle ready for boarding' Hold this man for a Security Council hearing.
I'll file the complaint.
You still haven't answered my question.
Why didn't you leave? We did not leave because the Canaris was full.
We're waiting for the next shuttle.
It is that simple.
You're not on a blood trail? We would not be returning to our ship if we were.
There is much we can learn from one another, not the least of which is trust.
- Have you ever smoked fumarellos? - No.
- Our shuttle's here.
- Be right with you, Starbuck.
Perhaps you're right.
In time.
I do not question, Maga, only ask enlightenment.
Taba broke our Code and must be punished but why at the hands of these weak Colonial warriors? Kill these warriors and others will follow to our ship.
We will fight them to the death.
They are weak but they are many.
In time.
But now we must have the patience of the scorpius.
And you forget, we are on the blood trail.
You speak wisely, as usual.
Our prey has found protection with the warrior called Starbuck.
What if he speaks of even the little he knows? He cannot, without incriminating himself.
No, he feels safe and so he will remain silent.
And that will be his death.
If we can get on board the Galactica.
We will get on the Galactica.
centon you enlist.
' 'If you want to be part of the team defending the fleet, 'request an open channel to Galactica Recruitment.
'We need you.
' I think it's wonderful.
After all these yahrens to finally find his father.
- It's a miracle.
- That may be.
All right, I'll get it Look, it didn't connect until I saw Chameleon with Starbuck but when that young noman plucked those laser boles, I could swear he was looking straight at Chameleon.
- What? - We'll explain it later.
- You think they're after Chameleon? - I don't know.
Even if the nomen were after him, he's safe now and I don't see what that has to do with him being Starbuck's father.
Maybe being Starbuck's father.
If he was running from the nomen, he'd need protection.
And we just escorted him off the Rising Star.
Siress Blassie seemed quite disappointed.
Naturally, when I explained the circumstances, she understood.
And you just met this Siress? Yes, why? - We've got to be related.
- Oh! Yeah! 'Galactica Shuttle from the Rising Star, you are cleared for landing.
' It's finished.
Yes? Well? Well, you're both from the same planet and from the same tribe.
You're at least related within ten generations.
Whoo-hoo! Starbuck, there are at least that could match you both on these tests, it's not conclusive.
Well, I'm happy for both of you.
- Can you do the genetic tests? - Yes.
If these two are up to it.
But I think Mr Chameleon could use some rest.
- No, let's begin at once, please.
- All right.
This way.
And you too, Starbuck.
This will be an informal council.
If anyone has anything to say, let them say it.
Apollo, what did Jolly tell you? He said the nomen got on the next shuttle.
What about the detained man? He insists it was an accident, just too much excitement and drink.
If these nomen were after Chameleon, why didn't he ask for protection? Maybe he couldn't for some reason.
All right, say he couldn't.
Say this whole thing is some sort of con.
Why is he so anxious to take this test? He'd want to delay it as long as possible so he could remain on the Galactica.
I'm beginning to feel like an equinus' atrum.
That makes two of us.
Has anyone checked out Chameleon's story? How do you check something that happened 20 yahrens ago on Caprica? You could ask Colonel Tigh to run a security check - with discretion.
I'm not sure Starbuck would understand.
- You don't share my concern, do you? - I wasn't there.
But if you believe he is using Starbuck then you must act on your belief.
Well I guess a security check is about all we can do.
Is that really necessary? You could always confront Chameleon.
- I'd be practically calling the man a liar.
- Not practically.
If he's telling the truth, he'll understand.
If he's not telling the truth, I wouldn't worry about his feelings.
Don't look at me.
I happen to believe the man.
I'd rather be on patrol but I'm with you.
Would you ask Colonel Tigh to run the security check? I will.
Welcome aboard the Galactica.
Most of you have never set foot on the deck of a battlestar before and it's normal to find it a bit overwhelming.
We don't want you lost on your first day so Flight Officer Omega will escort you to recruit quarters.
- Omega? - Follow me, please.
- This isn't going to hurt, is it? - My hero.
I just want to know what you're going to do.
I'm going to extract a neuro cell.
A brain cell? From my head? - And it isn't dangerous? - Only if there's nothing in there.
You won't feel a thing, I promise you.
This finite laser extractor will withdraw the image of a single neuro cell without breaking the epidermis layer on your head.
It still sounds dangerous.
- How's it going? - I'm just about ready.
Look, Cassiopeia, can you hold Starbuck here after the test? Boomer and I want a word with Chameleon alone.
What's going on? Nothing.
Just some routine questions.
You know I have more than just a medical interest in Starbuck.
Cassiopeia, there's a there's a chance that Chameleon is pulling a hoax.
We'd like to check it out.
Oh God, I hope you're wrong.
Cassiopeia reminds me of your mother.
Sorry - my wife.
Same eyes, same hair sense of humour.
Really? Is she a lot like her? Quite a lot.
Why? Well, I I never told this to anyone before, not even Apollo, but erCassiopeia is the only woman I ever considered the only one I ever considered getting sealed to.
I mean, someday.
When we find Earth.
- You know what I mean? - Yes, I know.
Find yourselves a bunk.
This will be your quarters during training.
We'll issue uniforms and start your tests after sleep period.
You're going to be very busy so try and get some rest.
Corporal Lomas has the watch in this department.
Now, if you have any questions, I'm here to assist you.
Yes? We have a friend, a warrior who saved our lives during the escape from the Colonies.
Would his quarters be near here? What's his name? Starbuck.
Lieutenant Starbuck.
Lieutenant Starbuck is billeted with the Blue Squadron but they're all on furlon.
Besides, as recruits you must stay in this area until you are cleared by security.
I'd be glad to get a message to Lieutenant Starbuck.
We would rather surprise him.
You thought I concocted a story about losing a son so I could get off the Rising Star with a warrior? I was in the Astro Lounge when that Borellian nomen plucked a pair of laser boles.
And it looked like they might be after you.
Yes, they may have been after me.
You see, they had a child they said was their nephew.
The genetic test I conducted proved them wrong.
- And they're after you for that? - I don't know but considering how volatile they are, it is possible.
But why didn't you report this to fleet security? Report what? They've done nothing to harm me.
Then you didn't feel the need for warrior protection.
No, not really.
ErChameleon, we're very sorry.
We er we were just concerned about Starbuck being used.
He must be a fine young man to have such wonderful friends.
To a positive match.
Yes? We need a room - to pray in.
Our Code requires that we pray in private.
A small room will do.
Recruits are restricted to quarters until cleared by security.
Are you denying us our religious freedom? No, but those are the orders.
If we do not pray, in private, it is an unpardonable sin.
I suppose you could use the supply compartment.
Any room will do, so long as it is private.
I don't know how you guys are ever going to make warriors.
We are warriors.
You seen my father? Yeah, we just left Chameleon in the Officers' Club.
Apollo, that security check on Chameleon just came through.
What security check? - Starbuck, let me explain.
- Explain? Sure, go ahead.
When we met this Chameleon on the Rising Star You threw ice water on the idea that he might be my father.
Hold it, Starbuck.
We had our reasons.
- You too, buddy.
- It's not Boomer, it's me.
I didn't know the man.
I thought it'd be a good idea.
Want to know your trouble? You only have faith in yourself! What is going on? The end of a friendship.
Captain, Lieutenant, I'll be with my father if you want to count the mess hall silver.
Otherwise, stay clear of me.
His father? There is a remote chance that Chameleon is Starbuck's father.
That is very interesting, because according to fleet records, this Chameleon doesn't exist.
- Then who is he? - Whoever he is, he's lying.
- What could he want? - Protection from those nomen.
- Where are they? - Recruitment quarters.
- Alert the crewman on duty! - Nomen on the Galactica? They came in the last batch of recruits.
Duty desk in recruit quarters doesn't answer.
Get security down there at once.
Find Starbuck and Chameleon.
Put them in protective custody until those nomen are located.
Can we help you crewmen? We're trying to find Lieutenant Starbuck.
- He's on furlon.
- No, he's back.
I saw him heading down to launch bay Alpha with some civilian.
Aux boost, main thrusters, and this is the switch to the laser generators.
When it's on, you press that little baby and you unleash millions of voltons of firepower.
I can only imagine what it must be like streaking through the stars with your own fate in your very own hands.
I tell you, that's something.
Ah, yes.
There's nothing quite like it in the universe.
I'll miss it.
What do you mean? I know the tests are going to be positive.
I'm going to make up for all the yahrens we've lost.
I should be saying that.
No, you spent your life trying to find me.
I owe you.
My dear boy, you really don't know anything about me.
That's why I'm resigning from the service.
Resigning? I want to get to know you.
We've got a lot of catching up to do and I can't do that if I'm shuttling over to the orphan ship.
But they need you on the Galactica.
They got a lot of hot pilots.
They don't need me.
Besides, it's time I did something meaningful with my life.
Meaningful? What could be more important than defending the fleet? Reuniting babies with their families.
Your work is so much more important.
You work with life, not death.
I want to help you.
We'll be a great team.
Son, you make me feel very proud.
You do.
And very insignificant.
Insignificant? Look, the truth of the matter is What's the hangar crew doing down here when the squadron's on furlon? They don't look like the hangar crew to me.
- What's going on? - Where is he? - Where is who? - The jackal, Captain Dimitri.
There's no Captain Dimitri here.
Just me.
I'll ask you once more, what's going on? A blood hunt, Lieutenant.
Laser, laser.
Son, hit the deck! Starbuck! Starbuck! You all right? No one but my father would be crazy enough to fire a laser in a launch tube.
They're in the launch tube.
What happened? Some nomen dressed like hangar crew came after me.
Better get some medtechs down here.
Don't ask me how but they survived.
They're on a blood hunt after some Captain Dimitri.
I don't know a Dimitri on the Galactica, do you? I'm Captain Dimitri.
Sort of.
In one of his various occupations, he discovered the nomen were hoarding everything from medicine to laser generators.
They had enough spare parts there to build a complete viper.
So he pretended to be Captain Dimitri.
- Of the livestock ship? - That's right.
They paid him to slip them enough livestock to live on for yahrens.
When they found out that he'd conned them, they went on a blood hunt.
That twisted Code of theirs.
And you were right.
He was just using me to get off the Rising Star.
Starbuck, we're sorry.
I'm the one who owes you both an apology.
I really wish he could've been your father.
Starbuck, we all do.
I'm a little old to start breaking in a father now.
Where's Chameleon? It's positive! The test results, they're positive! Positive? Positive.
I can't wait to tell Starbuck.
No, you've made a mistake.
It's negative.
No, I've got it all here.
It's positive.
Cassiopeia, it has to be negative.
If it isn't, Starbuck will give up everything he loves.
His career, his friends, even you! And for what? To try and recapture with an old fool who's never done a straight thing in his life, yahrens that are gone forever? For his sake, please, it has to be negative.
You're his father.
But if he doesn't know that, perhaps I can be his friend.
I can be a very good friend.
And after 20 yahrens, isn't that more important? But you will tell him, someday? Someday.
Maybe the day he gets sealed.
Starbuck, sealed? - Never.
- Oh, I'm not so sure.
We've been discussing what to do about you.
I suppose that could be a problem.
In a way, thanks to you, we've put an end to our internal problem.
- However - I could keep doing what I was doing.
I don't suppose I could.
Chameleon Is that your real name? Actually, well yes, it is.
We have been bombarded with messages from a Siress Blassie.
We've told her the situation but she's willing to accept all responsibility for your rehabilitation.
- ErCommander, I don't think - It is so ordered.
Chameleon You were in a tight spot.
You did what you had to do.
- No hard feelings.
- Thanks.
Thank you.
Look, I've grown kind of attached.
I wonder if I might see you now and then? Oh, sure.
Mind if I shuttle him back to the senior ship? You're still on furlon.
Thank you.
Thank you all.
I'm sorry for all the trouble.
- Thank you.
- Good luck.
About that betting system, are you sure the flaw can't be worked out? Positive.
Unless you cheat.
I once knew a three-handed dealer in Pinius 'Fleeing from the Cylon tyranny, 'the last battlestar, Galactica, 'leads a ragtag fugitive fleet 'on a lonely quest 'a shining planet 'known as Earth.
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