Ruby Ring (Ruby's Ring) (2013) s01e17 Episode Script

Episode 17

Ruby's Ring Well? Darn it.
Are you sulking again? I'm not a baby, okay? It's true that I don't like ice cream.
This is why I like you.
Oh, my goodness.
What are you doing? Hold still.
Why aren't you answering? It was just a telemarketer.
I see.
Say, what are you studying so intently? This Why should I explain myself to you? Why not? We're family.
I'm upset at you.
Why haven't you thanked me? Pardon? I didn't tell anyone that you were totally drunk that one time.
What are you talking about? You can't fool me.
I'm quick on the uptake.
Your secret is safe with me, but you owe me one.
By the way, where did you get your nose done? It looks so natural.
How much was it? Ms.
Jang? It's Auntie Geumhui.
Call me Auntie.
Yes, mother.
I swear Wow, money talks.
Cheap is never good.
If I'd seen an expensive plastic surgeon, I'd have a face like hers, too.
Should I redo my nose? Watch it.
I know a place you can go.
The nightclub in Chuncheon.
You were a regular there.
If you go there, you might run into people you know.
Hey there.
Wow, long time no see.
I cried myself to sleep every night because I missed you so much.
Are you clubbing elsewhere? Did you come alone? Do you know me? What's up with you? You're sorry since you haven't come by? It's okay, Oh Hyeyeong.
See? I even remember your name.
I'm not Oh Hyeyeong.
What's wrong? Oh, did you get some work on your face? You do look a bit different, but you don't have to worry about me.
It's not that Okay, okay.
In any case, your timing is perfect.
We have a lot of rich guys in the house.
You've hit the jackpot.
Over there.
See? That's the president of Uju-gukjang.
And the guy over there is the director of Handong Hospital.
Time out.
You don't like older guys, right? Okay.
Come with me.
- Come on.
N - What are you doing? Come on.
Hey, what's up with our waiter? He said he was bringing us hot girls.
Let's get out of here.
This blows.
Let's go.
Thank you, kind sirs, for your patience.
I've brought you this gorgeous lady.
They're VIPs, so knock them dead.
Who's this? So we meet again.
An unexpected reunion, isn't it? Oh Hyeyeong Wait.
That wasn't even your name.
Never mind.
Come here.
What are you doing? What am I doing? Don't act like a prude.
Hey, let bygones be bygones.
Let's really party it up tonight.
I can't drink.
It's okay.
Drink up.
I forgive you.
If you don't rip me off again, I'll forgive you for everything.
Shall we toast to reconciliation? Bottoms up.
Hurry up.
Chug, chug, chug.
I'm trying to be nice, okay? Hey.
Hey, mind your manners.
You should know better.
Miss, come and sit here.
He's not the most polite.
Easy does it.
Seeing you up close, you're a real doll.
This can't be.
I couldn't have been like this.
That isn't me.
We go to water parks and on vacation year-round, so a bathing suit isn't just for summer.
I look just as hot as her in a bikini.
Hey, I'm even hotter than Lee Hyori.
That's a bit of a stretch.
I'm serious.
When I was in high school, the owner of the hair salon I went to tried so hard to get me to enter the Miss Korea pageant.
I said no, of course.
I did.
You said you were poor.
Hair salon? Yeah right.
Poor people get their hair done, too.
Poor people get perms.
High schools forbid perms.
There you go again.
Soyeong, just let Chorim talk.
You always talk back.
Who wasn't a goddess back in her prime? Goddess? What I mean is, every woman says she was gorgeous once.
Ask any old lady on the street.
She'll say she was the greatest beauty.
I was quite fine myself, you know? And Chorim was so pretty back in the day.
So why's she still single? There were so many guys that she couldn't make a decision.
She's tall and slim.
She has everything going for her.
You've changed, Mrs.
Take what she said to heart.
It's all true.
Are you happy? Huh? Yes, I am.
Good grief.
It's raining hard.
Gilja, I'll do that for you.
Oh, where's Runa? Seeing the doctor and meeting a friend.
But she's running late.
Yeah? I hope her friends help her regain her memory.
It's raining quite a bit.
Could you call her? Shall I? Oh, my goodness.
You She's soaking wet.
She could've called us.
Just look at you.
Oh, my.
Have you had dinner? Mom.
What's wrong, Runa? Mom, I'm scared.
Scared of what? I'm scared of myself.
Did something happen? I'm just scared of everything.
Mom, maybe it's better if I don't remember anything.
It may be best not to get my memory back.
Why? Why would you think that? Mom, was I really that bad a person? Who says you were bad? Everyone.
Everyone I know.
Why don't we take this slowly? Be patient.
That's what the doctor said.
If you don't stress out over this, your memory will gradually return.
So don't force it.
And don't listen to what anyone says.
This is so noisy.
What's wrong? What do you mean? Why did you turn the music off? It was noisy.
It was giving me a headache.
I thought that you'd like hearing that song.
I do.
Of course.
Should I turn it back on? No.
It's okay.
Hi, Eunji.
What's up? A friend wants to see me about something.
What's this? What? I'm asking, why was this in the trash can? I threw it out.
It's so old.
It's just collecting dust.
I did knit it and give it to you, but it's time to toss it.
I'll buy you a nicer one.
But still It's dingy.
I'll get you a designer scarf.
I'm a rich man's wife now.
What? I don't know about you, but this means a lot to me.
I know, but Okay.
We'll keep it.
Have a nice day at work, Vice President Bae.
No hug? I love you.
Don't I get a response? Love you, too.
Oh, right.
Don't forget the piano recital tonight.
I won't.
Grandma, I'm off to work.
When are you making me one? Pardon? I've been knitting for years for my great-grandchild.
You're lying, grandma.
You sent the baby clothes you knitted to Africa.
I sent some things there, but I have a whole pile of baby clothes for my great-grandchild.
I've knitted more than 10 outfits.
You two heard grandma, right? Yes, dad.
Ruby, you should learn to knit, too.
I'll teach you.
You can knit baby clothes for the orphanage, Africa, and your own baby.
It would be great.
The orphanage I understand, but why Africa? Many newborns in Africa have trouble regulating their body temperature and die of hypothermia.
So grandma knits for them.
Mom, should I learn, too? Why not? It's for a good cause.
Ma'am, let's start a knitting club.
You know I'm good with my hands.
And knitting is supposed to prevent dementia.
Moving your fingers is very effective against dementia.
Jang, you keep mentioning dementia.
Last time, you went on and on about omega-3, and now, it's knitting? That, that, and that.
I'll take these.
And all these.
Is this all you have? Are you looking for something in particular? Well, something luxurious and special.
Something that's worthy of me.
Bring the dress that came in from New York yesterday.
New York? Yes.
It's limited edition.
Only 15 pieces.
It's made of the finest fabric by artisans with over 30 years of experience.
We carry the only piece in Korea.
I'll take a look at that.
But the price Do you know who I am? Of course.
You're the wife of the heir to JM Group.
Bae Jr.
Bae Jr.
I don't like it.
Then how about just Mrs.
Bae? Sure.
Why not? But of course.
This is the dress from Soho, the limited-edition piece.
There are heels that go with it.
You know the model Naomi Bell, right? They're the same pumps she wore.
Would you like to see them? Sure.
Hello, everyone.
We're at the nationally renowned Spicy Buckwheat Noodle Festival in Chuncheon.
You really were very nasty.
You seduced two of my boyfriends and made us break up.
Don't you remember? We were lovers.
You racked up $20,000 in credit card debt.
Mom and I ended up paying it all back.
You were a troublemaker at school and at home.
You lied shamelessly to rip off men.
Jeong Runa, that was you.
The Korean home shopping market posted sales revenue of $300 billion last year, This year's Q2 year-on-year growth was also 4 Enough.
Please turn on the lights.
I have one question.
What's the main message of this presentation? Sum it up in one sentence.
Um Well Can anyone tell me? One sentence is enough to get the point.
Okay, let's hurry.
Reconvene tomorrow at the same time.
If you disappoint me again, we may have trouble.
I heard the steak's no good since they changed chefs.
Word is that the chef had an affair with the owner's wife.
It's like a soap opera, isn't it? Oh, come on.
That piece of junk hit me? Are you okay? Are you hurt? Listen, buster, are you blind? Why were you speeding down this narrow road? Listen, old maid.
I don't like being called "buster.
" Oh, wow.
You really must be blind, completely blind.
Do you see an old maid here? I know your game.
You'll blame this on me because I'm a woman, right? Let's not act ignorant.
What? Ignorant? How dare you say that when you drive that piece of junk? Call your insurance company.
It was 100% your fault, right? Excuse me.
You were going the wrong way on a one-way street.
I was going to get rid of this car anyway, so I won't ask for the cost of repairs.
But if you want, you can call your fancy insurance company.
What? Seriously Hey.
Hey! Where are you going? Hey.
Mister! Hey! You! Hey! You jerk! How maddening.
Talk about rude.
Midday drinks? Why did you call? Spit it out.
I'm busy.
What a pretty dress.
Don't blabber.
Cut to the chase.
Ruby, I have a favor to ask you.
The thing is, I want to work for JM Homeshopping.
Can't you pull some strings? Homeshopping? Yeah.
Your father-in-law acquired a home shopping channel.
I heard JM is also looking to buy a comprehensive programming channel.
They say JM's got a lot more capital than meets the eye.
Didn't you know? Of course I did.
Right? Your husband basically owns JM, after all.
Since he'll inherit it all.
It would be so nice if Runa wasn't so out of it.
If your father-in-law buys a comprehensive programming channel, she could've gotten tons of work.
What a shame.
She's always had that star quality.
Do you really think so? Of course.
And it's not just Runa.
You have it, too.
You just had no chance to let it shine.
You look too cheap.
Jeong Ruby! That's exactly why I need your help.
I need you to build me up.
Enough blabbering.
Let's just drink.
You'll help me, right? Just have this one shot.
Why not, right? You won't get drunk off it.
Oh, hi.
Ruby, this is my boyfriend.
Nice to meet you.
He's an entrepreneur.
Couldn't you help him get a home shopping slot? Allow me to pour you a glass.
Eunji's told me so much about you.
I ask for your favorable consideration.
You have to treat us to the best drinks today, okay? But of course.
If there's anything I can do for you, please do not hesitate to ask.
I mean anything.
All I need is your help in getting a home shopping time slot to sell our products, and I'm at your service, ma'am.
It's so funny how small the world is.
I first met him at the club in Chuncheon.
Then I met him again at a club in Seoul.
It's fate, don't you think? But he first fell for Runa, not me.
She does have the look men go for.
I saw her again recently at that club.
I heard you're her sister.
I didn't want to bring this up, but you remember me, right? I came to your house because of Runa.
You don't remember me? What a relief.
But where did you say you saw Runa? At that same club in Chuncheon.
She was alone.
Alone Thank you.
Thank you.
Please come again.
Thank you.
Ruby, what brings you here? Ruby.
What are you doing here? Why aren't you picking up? I must not have heard the phone ring.
I heard you went to the nightclub in Chuncheon.
What? Club? What is she talking about? A nightclub? You're going back to your old ways.
I heard you asked to be set up with guys.
You'd better behave.
It's not what you think.
Mom, keep an eye on her.
What if she goes back to how she was? If my in-laws find out, I'll lose face.
Is it true, Runa? Did you go all the way to Chuncheon to party with men? My goodness.
That's not what happened.
I went to find out some things.
Find out what? I was an awful person, right? I racked up debt, and I was greedy and vain.
I ripped off guys left and right.
I was a real mess, right? Mom, was I really like that? Tell me.
Was I really like that? Is it true I was a bad daughter who always caused you grief? Runa, who told you such things? I couldn't believe it.
I just couldn't.
That's why I went.
I thought I'd meet someone who knew me well there.
I wanted to ask them about me and what I was like.
So how was it? Did you meet anyone you knew? I told you everything you needed to know.
Why won't you believe me? I'm your sister.
In any case, mom, keep an eye on Runa.
I don't want things like this happening.
It's stressful enough to have such a poor, low-class family.
How can I stand it if my only sister is acting like this? What? Low-class family? Oh, what's wrong with her? Is that really our Ruby? Aunt Chorim.
I'm sorry.
This ruckus is all my fault.
Multigrain shakes for everyone.
Let's go to the kitchen.
Come on.
The recipient is unavailable.
The recital will commence shortly.
Please be seated.
I'm sorry.
There was such bad traffic.
I'm out of breath.
Have you been drinking? No.
Let's go in.
We're late.
I was an awful person, right? I racked up debt, and I was greedy and vain.
Is it true I was a bad daughter who always caused you grief? I couldn't believe it.
I just couldn't.
I wanted to ask them about me and what I was like.
I told you everything you needed to know.
Why won't you believe me? I'm your sister.
Yes? I was about to come and talk to you.
What is it? It's about Ruby.
She was really rude, wasn't she? Who is she to tell Runa off? You don't say.
Runa may have been a bit wild, but how can Ruby tell her sick sister that she was a bad person? I was so mad.
I was going to give her an earful, but she just stormed off.
And I did smell alcohol on Ruby's breath.
Maybe it was a drunken rant.
Have you ever seen Ruby drink? You must be mistaken.
Her personality has changed so much.
Maybe the accident did something to her head.
Chorim, fried chicken is here.
Come out.
Let's go, Gilja.
Come on.
What's all this right before bedtime? Let's be bad and have a late-night snack.
We should do a cola toast, right? You, too, Runa.
Here you go.
To Yu Gilja's Grilled Chicken! Cheers.
Cheers, cheers.
So refreshing.
It'd be even better if this were beer, right? I don't care for alcohol, Aunt Chorim.
But fried chicken goes best with beer.
It's the perfect twosome.
Gilja, have a drumstick.
This fried chicken's famous.
Aren't you sick and tired of chicken? You marinate it all day.
I don't understand how you'd want to see more chicken.
I must have had a special bond with chickens in my past life.
You look just like a chicken.
You have that long neck, long body, and that pointy beak.
Hey, do you want to get it from me? She's not way off.
Good grief.
I'll be gracious tonight, though.
A drumstick for you, too.
You're still awake? I can't seem to fall asleep.
But you're a newlywed.
Shouldn't you give it your all in bed and then sleep like a baby? For an unmarried woman, you sure know a lot.
So? Are you happy? About what? Marriage, work.
Life in general.
I don't know.
Dreams and reality are always different.
Good night.
How's our "Save 10,000 Lives" charity drive going? The donations are going to children in 34 towns in 18 countries, including Honduras and Nepal.
Please ensure transparency in managing the funds so that our donors' goodwill is not tarnished.
Yes, sir.
Come in.
Something urgent has come up.
I'll get going then, sir.
What is it? We just got an email from Milan.
They don't want to work with us anymore.
Pardon? Why not? They gave us a number of reasons, but we think it's the contact person on our end.
What does Milan want? An apology from the president and an adjustment to the profit structure.
We can't give them either.
What's our alternative? It would've been different had Ms.
Jeong Ruby been here.
Pardon? Ms.
Jeong worked with Milan's agent ever since she first started at JM.
There was mutual understanding and trust.
I don't think that's got anything to do with what's happening.
Maybe on the surface, but the crux of the matter is precisely that.
The agent has been insisting on negotiating directly with Ms.
Jeong, and without the agent's help, we can't handle the crisis at hand.
The only person that agent is willing to work with is Ms.
Jeong Ruby.
I don't think that would be feasible.
Vice President Bae, I mean no disrespect, but the chairman has always prioritized recruiting the best talent no matter what it takes.
And the talent we need now is Ms.
Jeong, I mean, Mrs.
Please reinstate her, sir.
Good job.
Put your knees together.
Relax your arms.
- One more time.
N - Excuse me.
Hello? It's me.
It's been a while, right? I haven't called because I didn't want to intrude on newlyweds.
Who is this? Jeong Ruby, you've already forgotten about me? How much fun are you having? How can you not recognize my voice? Oh, hi.
I'll keep it short and to the point.
Come back to work tomorrow.
What? You remember Mr.
O'Neill, the Milan agent, right? You have to negotiate with him again.
He won't deal with anyone else.
I spoke to your husband about it, so see you tomorrow at the office, okay? Mr.
O'Neill? It's our baby.
Lovable, right? Mr.
Na, this is very awkward.
I'm sorry.
I don't know what I should do, either.
I just don't know.
How can you give Runa a job here without consulting me first? I thought you'd be happy that I gave your sister a job.
Please get my sister to quit.
Go abroad and study.
I'll pay for it.
Why are you trying to force me out of the country? Why are you trying to tear Insu and me apart? See you next time
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