Roswell s01e18 Episode Script

Tess, Lies and Videotape

- Previously on Roswell.
- Who are you? - I'm Tess.
- You're the new girl, right? - She's my friend.
- She's a stranger, Isabel.
- I saw Topolsky last night.
- There's a hunter.
An alien hunter.
- He's buried deep inside the F.
- What's he looking for? It's a communicator, and there's another one just like it.
I took it from the special unit evidence vault back in Washington.
I know they only work when they're together.
- I have been waiting for this my whole life.
- No one can know we have that! - Dr.
Margolin is a psychiatric specialist.
- She had a breakdown.
She's paranoid-delusional.
Nice job, Michael.
#[Man Singing.]
- Uh, miss? - Uh yes, sir? - Refill, please.
- Be my pleasure.
- God, do you have to do that? - What? Be so public.
I mean, it's kind of creepy.
Oh, um, hi.
Can I help you, Sheriff? Just the usual, Ms.
All righty.
Here you go, Sheriff.
Thank you.
You folks, have a nice night.
- He knows.
- What does he know? - He's got the orb.
- Which proves nothing.
- If you hadn't taken it out of the apartment - It's always my fault.
Blaming each other is not gonna change anything.
- Even though he has it, he doesn't know what it is.
- We don't even know what it is.
What what is? Oh, sorry.
I didn't mean to interrupt anything.
No, no, hey, we were just, um Why don't you join us? - Have a seat.
- Thanks.
So, what were you guys talking about? Um Um, can I get you something to drink, Tess? Oh, thanks.
Uh, cherry Coke with lime.
What's the matter? Do I have something in my teeth? What? No.
Let me help you.
- Max.
Look, I have to get back to work.
- Liz.
- I just really needed to do that.
- Okay.
Where'd you go? Did you have another flash? Yeah.
No, I'm fine.
I'm just tired, I guess.
- I'm sorry.
- It's okay.
Look, I gotta get back to work.
I'll see you later.
Yeah, I know.
She's a patient there.
Well, then get permission.
Look, put Dr.
Margolin on the phone.
This is important.
He'll know what it's about.
All right.
I'll leave a message.
SheriffJames Valenti, Roswell, New Mexico.
I have to talk to her.
- Tess.
Hey, Isabel.
- Hey, Alex.
He's got it so bad for you.
He's sweet.
Sweet as in nice guy, or sweet as in potential love connection? Sweet as in I don't know.
What about you? You've been here a couple of weeks.
- You must have somebody in your radar.
- Still soaking it all in.
Although I have to admit, I'm a little bummed your brother's unavailable.
I'm sort of into those serious, wounded guys.
Well, you can forget it.
He's a total goner.
You should hear him talk about "Liz is my soul mate.
I never felt like this before.
" It's enough to make you want to gag.
- That's weird.
I thought I felt him - What? Nothing.
I'm sure it was nothing.
When two or more chemical elements become easily aroused culminating in oxidation and eventually burning.
Since you're obviously so eager, Mr.
Evans I'd like you to come up and be Miss Harding's lab partner.
I'm sure with your help, she'll be caught up in no time.
#[Woman Singing: Pop.]
Max, you're on fire.
Oh, Max.
You're on fire.
Max? You're on fire.
Liz, Max was on fire.
No, Maria, it was an accident.
No, really, I did not like the way she was looking at him.
Max and I are together now, and I don't have anything to worry about.
- Michael, I'm worried.
- You should be.
It's not about Valenti.
It's about Tess.
Isabel's friend? I'm having these kind of daydreams about her.
- Daydreams.
- Yeah.
Where we're together, you know.
Guess you're only human after all, huh? Max isn't human.
What if Czechoslovakians can't resist temptation? Okay, so what you're saying is that this is not only a romantic problem now it's, you know, intergalactic? Come on, Maria.
Don't you get it? Max and I, we're really We're really happy together.
It's me.
I'm the problem.
Something is happening to me.
- Haven't you ever had a fantasy before? - This is different.
It's out of my control.
I can't stop it.
We'll work it out.
Thanks for the compassion.
Valenti has a communicator, and we need to do something about it.
This isn't the time for your sex fantasies.
I'm telling you, there's something weird about this.
It's like she knows something about me she shouldn't know.
I mean, who is she? Can you focus? I mean, focus on what's important here, Maxwell.
Forget about it.
Why did I think you'd be any help? Pass the ball.
Pass it.
Come on, man! - Come on, dude.
- [Phone Rings.]
Ohh! Yeah? Bethesda, Maryland.
Yeah, thank you.
[Phone Beeps.]
- [Woman.]
The news tonight out of Maryland is not good.
- Hello.
I was watching that.
I'm sorry.
This is important.
We're still on the scene of this tragic fire at the Bethesda Psychiatric Institute where six patients are confirmed dead.
Officials are still investigating the cause of the blaze and arson has not yet been ruled out.
We'll be keeping you updated throughout the night with more information from the local police and fire departments.
This is Thania St.
John reporting live.
[Phone Beeping.]
Margolin, please.
Yeah, I know about the fire.
This is an emergency.
[Phone Ringing.]
[Man On Radio: Indistinct.]
This is Dr.
Doctor, this is Sheriff Valenti.
- Who? - Jim Valenti, Roswell, New Mexico.
You called before.
What do you want? I'm trying to get in touch with Kathleen Topolsky.
I'm sorry, Sheriff but I'm afraid Kathleen Topolsky was one of the victims of the fire.
Doctor, has anything happened since our meeting last week that makes you think this fire might have been set to do her harm? - Our meeting? - Here in Roswell.
You came looking for Miss Topolsky.
Listen, Sheriff, I don't know who you are and I've never been to Roswell, New Mexico, in my life.
We're not open yet, Sheriff.
I think I know how you feel now.
What do you mean? Not having anyone to talk to.
Something tearing you up inside, not being able to get it off your chest.
Is that what you need to do, Sheriff? Last night there was a fire in a psychiatric hospital in Bethesda, Maryland where Kathleen Topolsky was being treated.
She was killed.
They say it was accidental.
You don't believe that.
Do you? You remember Dr.
Margolin, psychiatrist who came out to get her that night? I talked to him last night.
He didn't have the foggiest idea who I was.
Never been to Roswell in his life.
So who was he, Max? I mean, the guy who was standing right there in front of us.
Who was he? And how the hell did he look like a doctor who was 3,000 miles away? There's a crazy thing my father used to talk about called a shape-shifter.
Someone who could take on the form of another person.
- There's no such thing as a shape-shifter.
- What if there is, Max? What if everything Topolsky told us was true? I mean, the special unit of the F.
, Pierce, the alien hunter.
What if he just killed Topolsky and six completely innocent people? This is serious, Max.
People are dying.
That list Topolsky talked about? Liz Parker's on that list.
Your sister Isabel's on the list.
Michael, Maria, Alex.
I'm on the list.
You're not the only one in danger here.
We all are.
We need to help each other now, and you need to trust me.
'Cause somebody's out there right now and anywhere you turn, he could be watching you.
What the hell are you doing in here? I saw you sneaking in.
What are you doing here? Nothing.
Michael, if you want to be a couple, you gotta learn how to trust me.
That's how a relationship works.
No secrets.
Either give it to me straight, or you're not gonna be giving it to me at all.
- Fine.
I'm checking out the new girl.
- Tess? Why? - It's classified.
- Does this have anything to do with Max? Shh.
- I knew it.
- I'm just helping Max out.
It's not a big deal.
- I thought we were a team.
- What do you mean? We always investigate as a team.
Take it easy, Sherlock.
When I find something, I'll let you know.
[Thunder Rumbling.]
[Vehicle Approaching.]
[Door Opens.]
So, listen.
You know that assignment we have for bio lab? - Yeah.
- It was kind of left a little unclear whether Mr.
Seligman wanted you to be, you know, Tess's lab partner for the day or from now on.
I'm sure he didn't mean Because if you're gonna be her lab partner I am kinda stuck without a partner, so I need to know.
I guess we'll just have to ask Mr.
It's just that we had an even number of students.
Now that Tess is here, it's odd.
It's an odd number, so someone is gonna be stuck without a partner.
- Mathematically.
- Could we stop talking about Tess? Yeah, that's probably a good idea.
Can we talk? I'll be right back.
- She's a liar.
- Who? - Tess.
I went to her house.
- You went to her house? Why? I was passing by.
The point is, it was empty.
Not a single box.
They don't live there.
It's a cover.
She did just move in, Michael.
I can't believe I finally have a friend, and you assume she's out to get us.
- There were military people.
- Military people? Come on.
Two men with briefcases and suits, and one with an M-16.
They don't work at the cheese factory.
I'm sure there's a perfectly reasonable explanation.
- What? - Nothing.
- Maxwell.
- Valenti came to me this morning.
Topolsky was killed in a fire.
He thinks everything Topolsky told us could be true.
The alien hunter, everything.
- Why didn't you tell us? - I didn't know if it was true.
I didn't want anyone to panic and do something stupid.
I'm trying to figure out which problem to panic over.
You having secret meetings with Valenti, or your new girlfriend Tess bringing the army to town.
- You asked for my help.
- Not exactly the kind of help I was looking for.
#[Man Singing, Indistinct.]
Before you can expect someone to trust you you've gotta trust them first.
Whenever you're ready, Max.
You're just making new friends all over the place, aren't you, Max? - We need to do something about Tess.
- I'll check it out.
- Hi! Come on in! - Hi.
How are you? Oh, good.
Sorry about all the mess.
The movers finally got here.
We've been waiting for a week.
I'm so glad to get out of the Tumbleweed Inn.
This is incredible.
That's a landed Buddha from the republic of Miramar.
It's really old.
Over 300 years.
- I thought I'd help you out, honey.
- Thanks, Daddy.
He loves collecting all this junk from all over the world.
It isn't junk, sweetie.
So this must be the Isabel my Tessie's been raving about.
- It's nice to meet you, Mr.
- Oh, please.
" It makes me sound like my father.
It's the 21 st century after all.
Call me Ed.
Um, so what is it that you do that takes you to all these places? If I tell you, I'd have to kill you.
- He always says that.
He thinks he's so funny.
- I'm sorry, Isabel.
Every once in a while, I like to think of myjob as glamorous.
Daddy works for the army.
Tells them how to run things.
That's why we're here in Roswell.
I'm helping them convert their abandoned base facilities into storage units.
Glamorous it ain't.
Be careful with that! That's an antique.
Excuse me, girls.
Oh, let me show you where that goes.
- Here, I'll get this one.
- Put that down! I mean, you're my guest.
You certainly shouldn't be doing any heavy lifting.
Um, why don't I go get us a soda? Okay.
What is she doing here? She's my friend.
She showed up.
[Thunder Rumbling.]
What's going on, Max? I want to talk.
About what? Liz, a-about what Michael said before.
About Tess.
I just I want you to know that I don't I don't feel anything for her.
I look at you and I know you're the person I'm supposed to be with.
- I've always known it.
- [Thunder Continues.]
What happened here that day when you got shot and how that brought us together? It's fate.
Look at me.
You're the one, Liz.
The only one.
I could never be with anyone else.
! My car broke down.
Can you believe it? - No.
- No? No, I don't believe it.
- What are you talking about? - You planned this.
I planned what? To be out here.
Max, you sound a little crazy.
- You're doing something to me.
- Max, my car broke down.
I'm waiting for somebody to help me.
I didn't plan anything.
- I'm with Liz.
- I know you are.
- We belong together.
- I'm sure that's true.
I don't want anyone but her.
I'm sure you don't.
Who are you? - [Man On TV: Indistinct.]
- [Door Opens.]
What are you doing here? I'm in trouble, Michael.
I don't know what's happening to me.
- I'm not in the mood right now, Maxwell.
- I kissed Tess.
You what? It was like - It was like something was controlling me.
- What's wrong with you? - I'm telling you, it isn't me.
- First you talk to Valenti behind my back.
- Now you're kissing Tess behind Liz's? - You gotta listen to me.
You're the only one I can talk to about this.
- There's something else going on.
- Why come to me? - Go talk to your buddy Valenti about it, all right? - Would you leave it alone? He gave us back the orb.
Maybe he isn'tjust out to get us.
Sure, he's on our side.
Just tell him everything.
I didn't tell him anything.
Can't you understand? The thing I can't understand is that I used to admire you.
You were solid, someone I could trust even more than I could trust myself.
And Liz trusted you.
I don't know who you are anymore, Maxwell.
- Why don't you get the hell out of my house, all right? - Listen to me - Take your hands off me! - Listen to me! Listen to me! Michael.
What the hell is that? - [Max.]
It's definitely a camera.
- Someone's been watching us? - Valenti.
- It's not Valenti, Michael.
He's sucking you in, Max.
You don't even know it.
He's watching us, always has been.
Now he's using toys.
Expensive toys.
This would wipe out the budget for the Roswell P.
For the entire year.
Maybe it's Tess and her father.
If they're F.
, they'd have access.
We should check 'em out some more.
I already have.
Her house was empty because they were waiting for the movers.
They were staying at a hotel.
Their stuff hadn't come yet.
I saw the moving van.
I saw the boxes.
Her dad was totally normal.
A little dorky, but normal.
What about the army van outside her house, those guys in the suits? He's a consultant for the military.
"Consultant" is just a fancy word for "spy.
" - There's absolutely nothing suspicious? - No.
Well, there was one thing.
I picked up this box of photos to try to help out.
She grabbed it from me.
She got really weird.
- [Bells Jingling.]
- Hi.
Liz? What was that about? That guy's got bigger problems than Valenti and the F.
Put together.
- Liz.
- I saw you, Max.
Liz, it's not what you think.
How could you kiss her? I don't know.
I don't know what's happening.
You know all those things you said to me, Max? Were any of them true? Liz.
Liz, you've gotta believe me.
It wasn't me.
She was there.
She was waiting for me.
So it was her fault? Liz, something is going on with her.
I'm telling you.
- Something isn't right about her.
- Not right about her? What are you talking about? The way I'm drawn to her it's not just attraction.
It's something else.
Please, Liz.
You have to have faith in me, in us.
Have faith? Yes, until I figure out what's going on.
When I kissed her, I saw things.
I had a flash.
You had a flash when you kissed her, Max? Like when you kissed me? I guess I'm not so special after all, huh? [Sobbing.]
Are you okay? [Crying.]
No, not really.
Michael told me that you wanted to talk to somebody, that you needed a friend.
Max kissed Tess.
You're kidding.
You're not kidding.
No way.
I cannot believe that.
What a jerk! Liz, I'm sorry.
It's not even like him.
I just knew something was up with that chick.
No, but you're right.
That is so not like Max.
I'm so confused, Maria.
- [Crying.]
- What are you gonna do? I don't know.
Whatever you do, you know I've got your back, right? You know, it's like everything I see with my eyes tells me that he's cheating on me.
But everything I feel with my heart tells me that he's not.
I don't know if Max is lying or what, Liz.
I just I know that you usually go with your heart, so I've gotta find out what's going on.
- #[Rap.]
- All right.
Come check this out.
- Cool.
How'd you make that work? - It's a wireless system.
It's an integrated camera with a microwave transmitter.
- How do you know about all this stuff? - I love this stuff.
Listen, I don't mean to get all warm and fuzzy but I'm really glad to be able to use what I know to help out, you know with what we're doing.
Anyways, it's got a polarized high-grain antenna with an automatic iris and a built-in wide-angle lens.
That explains why my nose looks so huge.
- Hey, you guys.
What's up? - Nothin'.
Is that like porn or something? Ooh! I'm not as flat as I thought I was.
It's a wide-angle lens, so Oh.
So, you guys need that for for what? - We're using it to spy on Tess.
- Don't you think that's a little drastic? - We already know they kissed.
- No, we think it's much more than that.
- We think they're F.
- What? What happened to partners? What happened to even exchange of information, Michael? I lied.
You can't just break into someone's house and plant some camera.
I've already staked out a position in this abandoned warehouse that's in range.
No matter who you think these people are, you can't just break into their house.
You gotta be smarter than that.
If you're so smart, think of something better.
[Doorbell Chimes.]
- Liz.
- Hi.
Um can l can I come in? - Sure.
- Thanks.
Um we kind of just, uh, need to talk.
- About what? - About, uh, you know about Max.
Actually, um have you ever been in love, Tess? I've gone out with a lot of guys, but we move around too much for me to get serious with just one.
I'm in love with Max.
I'm sorry.
I don't know what that has to do with me.
I saw him kissing you.
I wish you hadn't.
Honestly, I don't know where it came from.
It surprised me as much as it did you.
The reason I came over here is because I just thought the two of us should you know, just talk about it and get it out in the open 'cause I know that you're friends with Isabel and that we would be seeing each other.
Liz, you're right.
I've just started to make friends here.
I like Isabel and I like you.
And the last thing I want to do is wreck that.
You see, it's just, like, he's never done anything like this before.
It won't happen again, Liz.
I wish I could believe that.
Can I get you anything? Water, a soda? Uh, you know, a cup of tea would be great.
Okay, the box is here.
I'm gonna go check it out.
- What are you doing? - Oh, um Um Mr.
! [Static Hissing.]
- What happened? - The camera's dead.
Oh, my God.
Oh, I'm sorry, Mr.
- I was just admiring it.
I didn't mean to, um - Accidents happen.
What was that? Oh, my God.
- Please, let me just help you clean this up.
- We'll get it later.
- No, really.
I insist.
- We'll get it later! We were getting ready to have dinner.
- Why don't you join us? - Um Please, I insist.
Dinner would be great.
Let me just call my mom.
We've gotta get over there.
- And do what? - Get her out.
You're the one who keeps telling us how dangerous these people are.
You wanna leave her there? He's right.
We've gotta do something.
We sent her in.
Are we supposed to just break down the door? What if everything is fine? Are you willing to take that chance with Liz's life? - No.
- Then let's go.
Promise me you are not gonna do anything crazy, put her life in danger.
I won't.
So if we get there and everything seems cool, let's let her play it out.
- Good idea.
- Wait.
What about Max? - [Phone Ringing.]
- Hello? - Uh, hi, Mom.
- Liz? Yeah, it's me, Liz.
Look, I just wanted to call and let you know that I'm over at Tess's house.
What are you doing at Tess's house? Mr.
Harding's insisting that I stay for dinner.
What's going on? Is something wrong? Oh, you know that thing we were talking about yesterday, Mom? You're right.
Liz, stay put.
I'll be right there.
- I won't let anything happen to you.
- That'd be great.
- I'll be right there.
- Thanks, Mom.
There she is.
- What are they doing in there? - Passing the mashed potatoes.
So, Liz what do your parents do? Um, they own a restaurant here in town.
- Liz works there too.
- Terrific.
- What's the name of it? - Um, the Crashdown.
What kind of food do they have? - [Tess.]
Alien specials.
- Ahh.
! - So do you believe in aliens? - It's just a theme.
So what do you do when you're not working at the restaurant, Liz? Um, uh, l I'm just busy with schoolwork mostly.
And is there a young man in the picture? - Uh, well - Dad! Surely a girl as pretty as you must have a boyfriend.
- That's very sweet of you.
- So what's he like? He's just, uh he's a guy.
What's his name? His name is Max.
Max! - How did you know we were here? - I didn't.
Liz called me.
- When did she call you? - We have to get her out of there.
- We can't go in there.
- Why not? - We could make things worse.
- How could they be any worse than they already are? If that really is the F.
In there, who knows what they'll do to her.
You go in there, we know what they'll do to you.
It's a chance I have to take.
Maybe I should go clean that up, huh? - Please, let me do that.
- It's okay.
Uh, no, really! I feel absolutely horrible about it! Um - Could I pay for it? - Don't worry.
Homeowner's insurance.
- No, please.
Let me - I said no! [Doorbell Chimes.]
- Hi.
- Hello.
- Max.
- Max? [Ed.]
Liz's Max? - [Tess.]
! - [Ed.]
How did you know Liz was here? Actually, I came to see Tess.
- But we have nothing to talk about.
- I think we do.
Look, whatever you think happened before was a mistake you made.
I think we both made a mistake.
Whatever happened, it's over now, so let's just go.
I want you to go so Tess and I can talk.
Max, Tess and I have already straightened everything out.
I'm not leaving without you.
I guess we should be going, then.
- The night's not over.
- Yes, it is.
We'll have to do this again sometime, Liz.
Are you okay? You know, that box it is full of pictures.
Pictures of Max.
Okay, let's go.
[Camera Shutter Clicks.]
You put yourself in danger.
Thanks for believing in me.
I went on faith.
A lot of it.
I know.
Yeah, but you still kissed her, Max.
I don't know if there'll ever be reason enough to explain that.
[Rustling Sound.]
- [Clattering.]
- Max.
Come look at this.
What's going on? I'm not sure.
What the hell? Oh, my God.

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