Thundercats (1985) s01e18 Episode Script

018 - Spitting Image

Sand devil of the deep earth Mumm-Ra summons you.
Driller, emerge from the depths.
Mumm-Ra awaits you.
Obey my command, Driller.
You will be well rewarded.
You are prompt, dirtling.
But will you do my bidding? I will do business with you, evil one.
My services for your diamonds.
Such loyalty.
You shall have diamonds.
To the treasure room.
Here are your diamonds.
You shall have half your payment now the other half on completion of your mission.
Enough diamonds here to keep my drill points sharp for centuries.
Of course, if you fail in your task I shall recover these, and you shall have nothing for your trouble.
Then your drill points will grow dull and you shall stay locked under the earth forever.
Looks all clear out there, Lion-O.
We can secure the moat and call it a night.
The Thundercats sleep.
This one.
Bring me the one they call Panthro.
He is the one I want.
It will be difficult.
The walls are thick.
I'll need more diamonds to penetrate.
No more diamonds unless you succeed, Driller.
On your way.
Getting near.
Must use these smaller cutters for a silent approach.
Hey, what's going on? Hey, who are you? What are you doing here? You have done your job well, dirtling.
Here is the other half of your payment.
Now leave me to my work.
The mold is closed.
Now I shall be able to duplicate this Thundercat in every exact detail.
Now to bring this Panthro clone alive.
Hammerhand! Mighty leader of the Berserkers.
Agent of war and chaos.
Come to Mumm-Ra! Rise from your watery grave and enter the body of my Thundercat clone.
Fulfill your destiny of terror! Come to Mumm-Ra! Destroy! Destroy! Destroy! Bring life to my clone.
Bring terror to the Third Earth.
Come here, my deadly toy.
Come to your master.
You will obey my every command.
You will cut a path of evil and devastation through the Third Earth.
That is the purpose of your creation.
I will obey you, evil Mumm-Ra.
I will spread fear and suspicion wherever I go.
The creatures of this planet will blame the Thundercats for your evil work.
Then my rule shall go unchallenged forever.
You know what you have to do.
As for you, Thundercat, you are no longer needed.
With this mold I can make all the duplicates of you I choose to.
Ancient spirits of evil transform this decayed form to Mumm-Ra the ever-living! What? Where? Must be having a nightmare.
So you awaken, Thundercat.
You will witness your own destruction in the bottomless chasm.
- I can't find him anywhere.
- There's no sign of him on the scanners.
- Not in the storehouse.
- And I checked the ThunderTank.
I can't understand it.
Where could he? Lion-O.
The Eye of Thundera.
A Thundercat in danger.
Sword of Omens, give me sight beyond sight.
It's Panthro.
Mumm-Ra's got him! - Lion-O.
What happened? - I don't know.
Some kind of explosion.
I can't see anything now.
Something must be weakening the sword's power.
Prepare for your doom, Thundercat.
We'll just have to search for Panthro in all areas, inch by inch.
But where do we start? The sword is blocked by some kind of radiation and Lion-O, the Berbils' fruit fields are on fire! You do your work well, my clone of destruction.
Yes! Ravage the countryside.
Yes! Smash the fishing boats.
I shall bring the Third Earthlings to their knees.
My price for their survival shall be the destruction of the Thundercats.
I sense Mumm-Ra's evil hand in this.
- I'm going to find Panthro.
- I'm going with you.
- And me.
- No.
We can't all look for Panthro.
From the look of those screens, there's too much going on out there.
- Our friends need us.
- Lion-O's right.
We'd better find out what's happening.
Cosmic rays.
Got to time them.
Move between blasts.
Twenty-nine, 30.
Thirty seconds between blasts.
Have to move fast.
Hey, Snarf, look.
That's like the image I saw in the Sword of Omens.
- What is it? - Some kind of power that weakens our equipment.
Radiation maybe.
We better take a closer look.
Got to get out of here.
Twenty-one seconds gone.
Made it.
Twenty-eight seconds? That's foul play.
Panthro! You all right? What were you doing here? I'll explain.
Just need a little nap.
Come in, Lion-O.
- I'm here, Cheetara.
- The Wollos have been attacked.
- Someone's burning their homes! - On my way.
- What happened? - It's him.
The Thundercat! What's the problem? We're your friends.
Do friends set fire to people's homes? Uproot forests? Smash fishing boats? Burn crops? Is that what friends do? Me? You think I did that? You told me the Driller drugged you.
Maybe you weren't in control.
But I was trapped in the chasm.
I couldn't have done it.
Could I? Maybe you should take the ThunderTank back to the Cats' Lair.
I'll try to straighten this out.
You must believe me.
I did not do any of those things.
I would not have believed it of a Thundercat but I saw it with my own eyes.
Whatever caused it, we will help repair the damage.
I'm sorry, Lion-O none of us will ever trust you again.
Good work, clone.
Already the Thundercats are blamed for your work.
But the Wollos have brought the fires under control.
You have not destroyed their homes as I commanded.
I will complete the work.
Destroy the Wollos and their homes.
He has returned.
Now you can see for yourself.
The Thundercat is firing the forest.
Come on.
Let's go.
It can't be.
- Panthro? - It is.
He must be acting under some other power.
Together, the Thundercats may subdue Panthro without hurting him.
Thunder, thunder, thunder.
Thundercats, ho! Panthro, stop! You don't know what you're doing.
- Frightened, cub? - You're not yourself.
Don't force me to fight you, Panthro.
Jaga forbade us to fight amongst ourselves.
Jaga is gone, cub.
Now I serve a new master.
Panthro! And Panthro? - Panthro.
- Yeah, the real one.
How can I help you, Panthro? I can't tell the real you from the fake.
The sword, Lion-O.
Use the sword.
Not against a Thundercat, Snarf.
Our code expressly forbids it.
The sword will only harm the fake Thundercat.
Do it, Lion-O, or they'll burn! Look! Jaga, guide my hand and free Panthro.
Fools! Little do they know that with this mold I can produce more Panthro clones.
You have deceived the spirit of Hammerhand ever-living source of evil, evil, evil! You promised me destruction and devastation but you gave me no power to overcome the Thundercats.
You failed, clone.
And now I have no use for you.
No, I will take my revenge.
I will destroy! Destroy! Destroy! Wow, Lion-O, I can't believe the damage that clone did.
Yes, confronting that thing taught me just how strong we are.
But strength alone is never enough to succeed.
I guess I should have realized that clone could never have been the real Panthro.
No true Thundercat would have done all that.
How could you know? It even had me fooled.
Hey, imagine what would happen if one of us really did turn bad.
We just have to make sure we never do.
That's right, Panthro.
The Thundercat power gives us extra responsibility.
One thing's for sure, I'm glad you're one of the good guys.

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