Roswell s01e19 Episode Script

Four Square

- Previously on Roswell: - Who are you? - I'm Tess.
- You're the new girl, right? - She's my friend.
- She's a stranger, Isabel.
Max! My car broke down.
You're doing something to me.
I saw you, Max.
The way I'm drawn to her It's not just attraction.
It's something else.
Let go.
Someone's been watching us? [Michael.]
Maybe it's Tess and her father.
If they're F.
, they'd have access.
We should check them out some more.
Before you can expect someone to trust you, you've gotta trust them first.
Whenever you're ready, Max.
What is that, like porn or something? We're using it to spy on Tess, all right? - Max, Michael.
- What's going on? Oh, my God.
I'm finally ready to let someone in and I want him to be you.
I've been waiting to hear that, Isabel.
And I want to be the one for you because you're the only one for me.
Isabel, wake up.
She's moving around.
[Phone Touch Tones.]
[Cell Phone Ringing.]
- Hello? - [Isabel On Phone.]
Maria, are you up? - Yeah, we're awake.
- She's leaving now.
We're on it.
I knew you weren't really falling in love with her.
It's the truth, Liz.
You've gotta believe that.
I do.
And now we know it's really Nasedo.
Whoever Nasedo really is, it's using Tess's body to get to me.
- Right, to manipulate you.
- I can't control myself when I'm with her.
[Cell Phone Rings.]
Yeah, we're in position.
We got it.
She's in the parking lot, headed this way.
Okay, I'll take it from here.
I don't want you going in there alone.
Max, she still thinks I'm just your girlfriend.
She'll never suspect anything.
She's dangerous.
Don't ever forget that.
[School Bell Rings.]
Tess! I thought I saw you come in here.
Look, Liz, I thought we got everything straightened out last night.
- We did? - I mean about Max.
We're gonna try and be friends, right? - All of us.
- Right.
Then tell me, why is everybody following me? #[Rock.]
So she didn't hurt you or threaten you? [Liz.]
She acted totally innocent.
I'm telling you.
She has no idea that we found out about her.
- [Max.]
You can't trust anything she says.
- Maybe we should trust her.
This is the fourth alien we've been waiting for our whole lives.
I don't think anyone that would pretend to be a teenage girl to seduce Max is on our side.
Isabel's right.
It's a shape-shifter.
Who knows what other powers it has that we don't have? The three of us, no matter what we may discover about ourselves we were raised human.
Nasedo's an alien.
Nasedo has killed.
And judging from the way I felt when I was with Tess it definitely has some kind of power over us.
Yeah, I felt it too.
Like I was drawn to her for some specific reason, like I had to let her in.
- Isabel, you have to fight it.
- You too, Michael.
- You just wanna deny who we really are? - I want us to stay who we are.
Don't you? I'm the one least involved, the one she won't suspect.
- I'll get close to her.
- No.
Stay away from her, Alex.
Besides, we don't even know if Nasedo is Tess anymore.
It could be anyone at any time.
We can only trust each other.
Now more than ever.
We can't just sit around and wait for her to do something to us.
Max and Michael and I will find out all we can about her.
We won't give her the chance to surprise us.
Please, Alex, I don't want anything bad to happen to you.
What are you guys gonna do? We're gonna keep following her, hope she reveals more to us before she finds out we're on to her.
We've still got the camera in her house, remember? We've still got the camera in her house, remember? [Ed.]
But who? Who would plant this in my house? - You say you're new in town? - That's right.
- House have any previous occupants? - Brand-spanking-new, Sheriff.
You mind if I ask what line of work you're in, Mr.
Harding? Government consultant.
The boring stuff.
Facilities management, that kind of thing.
No special clearances, no matters of national security if that's what you're thinking.
You ever have any contact with the F.
? What? Oh, Lord, no, Sheriff.
I'm just a guy who's trying to do his job and get along in a new town.
Nobody's been in that house but me, my daughter and the movers.
Oh, and a couple of her friends from school.
I have heard some stories about unscrupulous moving companies in town staking out your place for future robberies, that sort of thing.
I'll tell you what.
You leave your information with my deputy outside.
I promise I'll get to the bottom of this.
Well, thank you, Sheriff.
I feel safe in your hands.
I'm on the Sunshine Committee this year, and we were wondering if we - The what? - The Sunshine Committee.
You know, kind of like the welcome wagon for new students.
Helps them get along and fit into a new place.
I've been here eight years.
I've never heard of a Sunshine Committee.
I know.
Isn't that terrible? A few of us thought it was time to start one up.
You can never have too much sunshine, don't you think? Anyway, there's a new student that just started here Tess Harding.
She's our first project.
So I thought maybe I could get some information about her from you her class schedule, something from her last school anything personal that might help us make her feel more at home.
Well, I'll have to get permission from the vice principal.
[Printer Humming.]
So that's it.
Science lab third period hallway between fourth and fifth and Gilley Field during P.
- I think that's all.
- And there was no other contact? She didn't even look at you? - Nothing.
- She's playing hard to get.
It's a classic move.
She ignores you, thinking it's gonna make you go to her.
- Well, are you still drawn to her, Max? - No.
Which only further necessitates the implementation of my plan.
What plan? Oh, "Operation Never Leave Max Alone For An Instant.
" That way, one of us is always around in case she works the voodoo on you again.
I don't need a babysitter.
You're right.
You need a bodyguard at all times.
- [Bell Dings.]
- I don't cook for myself, you know.
You know, Max, Maria's right.
We don't know what she'll do to you if she ever gets you alone.
I told you.
You don't have to worry.
I know.
Max, I'm not saying any of this because I'm jealous.
It's just that she's an alien, Max.
So am I.
Yeah, but what if she's The bad kind? One of the monsters people have been so afraid of since the crash? I can't help it.
You know, no matter how much I get to know you Tess, Nasedo, l - [Door Opens.]
- She scares me.
That's why we won't let her win.
So go change.
We'll go back to the garage and watch her on the monitor.
Isn't that against the law, Mr.
Evans? I wish you'd stop doing that hiding things from me.
Because, you see, I always know more than you think I do.
Ed Harding found that inside his house.
Now, I know you put it there, and I know it's special issue F.
Equipment so the question is, how did you get your hands on it in the first place? You know what it tells me? That Pierce and the alien-hunting unit of the F.
Are here in Roswell in force and they're paying special attention to you.
How am I doin'? I need you people to remember something.
All of you.
The more I know, the safer you'll be.
- [Door Opens.]
- Don't even think about it, Maxwell.
Oh, look.
- [Tess.]
This is, like, so funny.
- Wait.
Look at this one.
Oh, that is so cute.
Oh, gosh.
Oh, Izzie! Hi, honey.
Your new friend Tess stopped by, and I just got to chatting and the next thing you know I was telling stories about you and Max when you were little.
- What kind of stories? - Oh, the road trip to Florida.
And then Where is it? Oh, the time Max brought home that snake.
Do you remember that? Who could forget? Oh, and that silly clown show that the two of you used to put on for us.
Mom, that's, like, our whole lives.
You're so lucky to have such a wonderful family, Isabel.
- Oh, there's so many happy memories.
- Yeah.
Listen, I'm sorry I rambled.
I, uh I don't know.
I start looking at pictures the memories flood over me, and I can't stop talking.
- So, I gotta get to the market.
You two, have a good time, okay? - Okay.
- And, um, Tess, welcome to Roswell.
- Thank you, Mrs.
Oh, please, call me Diane, won't you? And know that you're welcome here anytime.
- Bye, sweetheart.
- Bye.
So, I didn't really see you in school today.
I know.
I saw you at the administration office, but I didn't have time to say hello.
Oh, God.
I'm sorry.
I didn't mean to make you nervous.
You don't.
You don't make me nervous.
I just want to be completely honest with you, Isabel.
I feel a closeness to you, you know like we share something special and that's why I want you to know the truth.
I just don't want you to hate me for it.
No, l I couldn't.
I have feelings for Max, Isabel.
Strong feelings.
I know, Max loves Liz.
That's what everyone tells me.
But don't you ever get signals from someone, Isabel? - Signals? - Moments when you connect with someone and there's no mistaking what's going on? Like, no matter who you may be with or what you may think that you and this other person are destined to be together? No.
Well, that's the way I feel about Max, and and those are the signals I've been getting from him.
Are you sure you've never felt that way about anyone? Pay more attention, Isabel.
There are signs all around you.
She really scared me, Max.
It was like I lost a few seconds of time, and when it was over I wasn't even sure if what I remembered had happened or not.
Is that what she did to you? Kind of.
It's like she could make my mind go places I wasn't taking it.
What about your body? I mean, did you feel like something inside of you was changing like, waking up? Something primal.
Something not human.
[Window Bursts Open.]
- What's wrong? - I don't know.
You tell me.
I called him.
I didn't think any of us should stay alone tonight.
- [Gasps.]
- [Gasps.]
- [Panting.]
- Michael, what is it? Isabel.
You okay? What did you see? It was only a dream.
It was only a dream.
- That's the one.
- Definitely.
And you're sure you both had the same dream? - The rock formation? The map on the ground? - Yeah.
Was there anything else? Anything unusual? I mean, what were you guys doing out in the middle of the desert? [Both.]
Nothing important.
There is one other thing.
When Tess was here yesterday, when she told me to look for signs she made that symbol out of sugar cubes.
So it means something.
If we just knew how to read this.
Tell him, Michael.
Tell me what? I thought I figured it out once, but - But what? - I was wrong.
What if you weren't? Michael used the "V" constellation to navigate the symbols.
How'd you know how to do that? I just knew.
But it didn't work.
But what didn't work? The night you were drunk, Michael and I went to the library.
That's where the symbol was supposed to lead.
We thought if Nasedo left us a signal at the cave then we should send one back to him.
Why didn't you tell me about this, Michael? - You mean, why didn't I get your approval? - Do you realize what you did? - That's why Nasedo is here.
You led him right to us.
- I thought that was the goal.
The goal is to stay in control.
It always has been.
Discovery on our terms, no one else's.
This whole search Didn't you ever think it could lead to this? Lead to what? An answer to every question we ever had? Maybe Nasedo is here to make things better.
Oh, I forgot.
What could be better than your comfortable life in Roswell, New Mexico? Why are you so scared of being alien? Why are you so scared to be human? That's enough.
! Both of you.
! Do you ever stop to ask how I feel? No, you're too busy deciding who's right to even notice that this is happening to me too.
Oh, God.
Whatever Tess did when she was here yesterday with the sugar cubes that I think she made me have that dream.
Let's just try to be prepared.
You never know when these dreams may come again.
Here it is.
Michael's been doing this all his life, you know? Always thinking he knows better than us, but just always getting us into more trouble.
Max, families can be hard.
I don't even know if that's what we are.
I mean, that's what we've pretended to be for so long but what if Nasedo tells us something different? Doesn't Michael even think about these things? You are who you choose to be.
Just like Just like you're with who you choose to be with.
I really want to believe that.
Let's go look it up.
Let's see.
It's the first sign of the zodiac.
"The key astronomical element in many ancient traditions involving spring, the equinox pagan ceremonies, even Indian fertility rituals.
" But it's not quite the same "V" shape you described.
Try creating a constellation pattern for today's date.
Um [Computer Processing.]
What was it like? Um, you know, kissing her? It was upsetting.
It made me feel things about myself I didn't like.
Like there was this whole side of me I never even knew about.
The alien side.
- [Computer Beeps.]
- Oh, wow.
It's Venus.
In the right place in the sky, it completes the 'V"shape.
It started moving into this formation after the last full moon.
About the time that Tess showed up.
Oh, my God.
What is she doing with Kyle? [Max.]
Whatever it is, it can't be good.
[School Bell Rings.]
Hey right back at ya.
I've been thinking.
Oh, great.
This usually involves me having to get my car towed.
- What? I'm talking about us.
- Us? - Yeah.
Our relationship.
- I've never heard you use that word in a sentence before.
- Can we get serious here? - Whoa.
Are you okay? I just I didn't sleep much last night.
- Because you were thinking about our relationship? - Yeah.
Hey, what is the emergency? - Alex, I've been thinking.
- Oh, this can't be good.
You know how I said I wanted to take things slow? The word "glacial" comes to mind.
- Maybe it's time to melt the ice.
- Whoa.
What? I'm ready for a relationship.
And I want it to be with you, not with anyone else I know.
- Well, there's someone else? - No.
No, absolutely not.
- Only you.
- Oh, wow.
I think we should only see each other.
As opposed to all the other relationships we're having with people? What do you mean by that? No, l-I mean that we already are only seeing each other, right? - Yeah.
So? - I mean, unless you've got someone on the side.
- N-No.
- Okay.
So, well, then if we're already doing it, let's make it official.
Official? Like going steady or something? - Going steady.
- [Laughs.]
I just don't want anyone to ever come between us.
You should have more of these tortured, sleepless nights.
Let's not talk about last night anymore.
This is, like Whoa, this is monumental.
I mean, w-w-we gotta go about this the right way.
You know, romance, uh-huh.
How about tonight? - How about right now? - Okay.
[Students Chattering.]
- Let's go in here.
- Okay.
Alex and I are together now.
Maria and I are going steady.
- Great.
- Great.
Must be something in the water.
Thanks for bringing me home.
Sorry you didn't get to finish your food.
That's okay.
I can have a Galaxy Melt at any time.
I know the cook, remember? Besides, that's what boyfriends are for.
Oh, I'm just so tired.
Well, you said you didn't sleep well last night.
- Maybe you're the one that's hungry.
- [Sighs.]
I couldn't eat right now if you paid me.
I just, I just need to lay down, you know just to take a little nap, that's all.
You're beautiful.
You know that? Sweet dreams.
[Door Closes.]
Where the hell are you? [Crickets Chirping.]
What does that mean? Where is it? You already know.
You've been there before.
Come on, come on.
What else? Okay, um, she has a 3.
0 average from one school, 3.
2 from What? She has a 3.
4 Okay, enough of the grade crap.
Any unusual evaluations? Like psych stuff? Oh, yeah.
Here it is.
She's really a shape-shifting alien also known as Nasedo.
You won't find anything wrong in that file.
Tess Harding is the perfect teenage girl.
Nasedo covers his tracks.
[Door Opens.]
Oh, he came.
Look, I gotta go talk to him about Tess.
He won't listen to you.
He might.
He trusted me once.
Did you listen to him when he warned you about Max? I can't let him just get sucked into this without trying.
Uh, thanks for coming.
Um, can we talk? About what? Well, I saw you with that new girl, Tess.
Oh, man, what a knockout, huh? Can't beat a blonde.
- Oh, sorry.
- No, she is, she's really nice.
- So, what were you guys talking about? - Why are you so interested? - Well, I've heard some things about her.
- Oh, yeah? What things? Just, you know, the way that she treats guys.
She, like, leads them on, and then she just drops them cold.
I guess it takes one to know one.
Well, just be careful with her.
You know, if I were you I would just stop seeing her altogether.
- What, is this like a jealousy thing? - No.
So it's just an "everybody deserves to be happy except Kyle" thing? No.
No, Kyle, it's not.
Please trust me, okay? I know it sounds strange but I promise you it's for your own good.
So it'd really bother you if I just spent more time with Tess? Say, like, if we happen to have a study date later tonight or something? - There's things about her you don't even know.
- I like what I've seen so far.
Just don't be alone with her, okay? She could be using you.
That's exactly what I had in mind.
But just in case you're right, what about the library? Hmm? Think I'll be safe there? - Public library? - [Chuckles.]
You really think she's using Kyle as bait just to get us to follow her here? It's the only thing that makes sense.
- If this is a trap, I want you to get out of here.
- But that's why I'm here.
LfTess tries any mind games, I'll be here to snap you out of it.
- It's them.
- Why Kyle? To make sure we'd notice.
Why hasn't Nasedo just come up to you all this time? Why doesn't the sheriff just come and pick us up, or the F.
? No one's sure enough about us.
Not even Nasedo.
The risk of exposure's too great.
- Okay, you go left.
I'll go right.
- Wait, Liz.
Max, you're the one she's after, remember? Here we go.
"Ancient languages.
" What's this have to do with our English assignment? - Absolutely nothing.
- I was hoping you'd say that.
There's just this one book I need for my history class.
Well, what do you say we start speaking the most ancient language known to man? I think it's on the top shelf.
Would you mind helping me up? [Indistinct.]
I've almost got it.
So what language is this? [Tess.]
It's a lost language.
Then no one will mind if we don't find it.
Time to go.
But, but wejust got here.
- What is it, Max? - Something about us.
She wanted me to see it.
That's why she brought us here.
- Pohlman Ranch.
- What? The four square symbol on the map.
That's where it is.
- I've never even heard of it.
- That's because the government took it over in 1947.
- Three guesses why.
- Close to the crash site? It was the crash site, Maxwell.
But it's not on any maps anymore.
It's like they erased any trace of it.
But I could find it.
The cave painting'll lead us right to it.
And you just figured this out all by yourself? Yeah.
Michael, if Nasedo is doing anything to you, you can't trust it.
Hey, I remembered it, okay? I had a flash.
You're not the only one who gets 'em.
So what happened at the library? - Nothing.
- What, she just took Kyle there for no reason? I said nothing happened! We'll talk to Isabel in the morning.
You better spend the night here again.
[Gasps, Panting.]
[Crickets Chirping.]
You've seen them too, haven't you? The dreams.
The rock formation, the symbol.
The two of us.
The baby.
I think it's all true, Michael.
I think I'm pregnant with your child.
How could this be? Something weird like this had to happen sooner or later.
No matter what Max wants to think we're not human, Isabel.
Oh, my God, Michael.
What are we gonna do? It's time.
You understand, don't you? Tell me.
Tell me what I'm feeling.
I'll show you everything.
Then you'll remember.
This is it.
This is what Michael saw in his hallucination.
We've all seen it.
We've all been here before.
What do you mean "we"? Hold me, Max.
You'll remember.
I remember you're a killer, starting from 1959.
- What? - William Atherton.
The one who wrote the alien book.
It was about you, wasn't it? He threatened to expose you, so you killed him, right? - What are you talking about? - Then who was next? Everett Hubble's wife? An innocent woman died just because she got in your way! I've never killed anyone.
What about the other handprint pictures Valenti told us about? And how many other victims will there be after tonight? Alex? Maria? Liz? Nobody has to get hurt, Max.
Sure, until you get what you want! It's not just what I want.
It's what's meant to be.
It's all in here, Max.
It's our destiny.
No! I am not like you! I live in this world.
It's all I know.
And I will not be a part of anything as evil as you.
Is that what you think I am? - [Gasps.]
- Show me who you really are.
- Don't hide behind this face.
- I'm not hiding, Max.
I said show me! Shape-shift! Show me what you really look like! What I really look like! Oh, God, Max.
That's not who I am.
That's not who I am! Think, Max.
You've seen my face before.
You know who I am.
You know who I am now, don't you? - You understand our destiny.
- [Vehicle Approaching.]
Hey, what the hell did you do to him? To all of us! Michael, stop it.
She's not Nasedo.
Then who is she, Max? She's one of us.

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