Shark s01e19 Episode Script

Porn Free

??? Your resume is extremely impressive.
You know, my best skills aren't listed on there.
What makes you think you're qualified for this position? Trust me, Mr.
I'm qualified for every position.
High profile crime in the Valley.
Kind of an oxymoron.
DOA Tyson Shaw, 35, one in the chest while he was in the Jacuzzi.
Tyson Shaw? How do I know that name? Internet porn.
Guy's a zillionaire and major sleazebag.
Beat raps on extortion, racketeering.
Right, he came to me for representation on an embezzlement charge a couple years ago.
You turned him down? Guy made Larry Flynt look like Mary Poppins.
Even I have standards.
No sign of forced entry.
Place wasn't tossed.
SID is just pulling the body ??? Okay, so this is the part where you tell me the cops found the murder weapon.
Why don't we ever get the stupid murderer? WOMAN: Get your hands off me! Let me go STARK: Uh is there a problem here? Yeah! We have a 7:00 a.
call for Skin Divers Three.
Who's the new girl? I'm sorry.
I'm afraid there's been a change of plans.
We're flexible.
We just need to get changed and oiled.
There is a dead guy in the Jacuzzi.
Whoa!No one ever said anything about a dead guy.
That's going to be extra.
SHARK 119 yson Shaw used to produce softcore movies for cable TV.
Two years ago, he left his business partner high and dry Spoke to Vice.
Word is Shaw's people troll Union Station and the bus depots to find his "actresses," the younger the better.
Has he ever been prosecuted for abetting statutory rape? No.
Guy's smart.
"Barely legal" is still legal.
Anything from the crime scene? Lots of unmatched prints.
Ballistics says the slug pulled out of Shaw is from a .
Guard at the security gate made a black Honda speeding away just after the murder.
We got a partial plate.
Unfortunately, there's 193 cars in L.
County that match the profile.
So our suspect will include Shaw's pissed-off former business associates, the girls he exploited And their boyfriends.
Fiancé of one of Shaw's girls went after him at the Erotic Video Awards.
Shaw had to get a restraining order.
So, Raina, you and Madeleine.
See if he's got an alibi.
And get with LAPD.
Track that Honda.
Isaac, Shaw's phone records and finances.
And you, my friend, are about to become intimately familiar with Tyson Shaw's adult film library.
How come he gets porn duty? I'm going with experience.
Uh hello.
What, exactly, am I looking for? Anything that will help us figure out who whacked this guy.
If you ask me, whoever killed this lowlife did the world a favor.
What can I tell you? In this great country of ours, even dirtbags get justice.
hey Welcome back.
Your week off good? Yeah.
I wish I didn't have to be held hostage for 14 hours to get it, but Yeah, I meant to call you.
Don't worry about it.
I just wanted to talk to Shaw.
Looks more like you wanted to kick his ass.
After what he did to Gretchen, he had it coming.
What did he do? Gretchen answered an ad for calendar models.
Shaw smooth-talks her, gives her some wine, God knows what else and, the next thing I knew, a buddy e-mailed me a video of her ??? where were you last night? Why? Shaw say I came after him again? He's not saying anything.
He's dead.
Yeah, well, I can't say I'm sorry to hear it.
Where were you? I was with my new girlfriend.
You're welcome to give her a call.
We will.
Where's Gretchen? Last I heard, she was staying at some women's shelter off Cahuenga.
MAN: My little sister ran away from home.
That's why I decided to open this place.
Would you mind? A girl reaches out, we do everything we can, no questions asked.
You ever help a Gretchen McGuire, Mr.
Gilroy? Name doesn't ring a bell, but most of the girls don't use their real names anyway.
Wannabe model, fell into porn, her boyfriend kicked her out.
You know something? That's a pretty common story around here.
These girls come to L.
with big dreams.
Most of them get involved in drugs, prostitution, pornography.
They're desperate, you know? They're just trying to survive.
You know a guy named Tyson Shaw? Yeah.
By reputation, which, uh which wasn't good.
And, um I read about what happened.
Any of your girls have a problem with him? Hey, look, other than the basics, um, I don't like to ask too many questions.
The girls that come to New Beginnings, they come here to start over, focus on the future.
What happens to the girls when they leave the shelter? You know, I'd like to say that they all make it, but we've we've got a lot of repeat customers.
We're not miracle workers.
Oh, this one's nice, if you're 50.
What's with the earth tone fetish? I'm really not into bright colors.
Trust me, a major blast of Dolce will get you over that.
How was the fund-raiser? You know, no matter how big a check I write to Jessica's reelection campaign, I still get the same rubber chicken.
You guys building a bonfire? Oh Nice tie, Mr.
Brioni? Uh Good eye.
I need new clothes.
I've never seen you wear this stuff.
It's all about dressing for success.
This should be good.
We'll be going on college interviews soon.
First impressions.
You're the one who always says ??? before you even open your mouth.
And they say it never snows in L.
All right, put it on my card.
Just leave me a little something for the mortgage.
You're a genius.
We'll have him trained in no time.
Ladies and gentlemen, the poster child for Porn Freaks Anonymous.
Yeah, it was fun for the first ten hours.
Sounds like my marriage.
The older videos are pretty tame, but this Internet stuff is pretty raunchy.
And? The early stuff lists Turnabout Pictures as the production company.
It was a limited partnership between Shaw and Maya Snyder.
The porn star? Turned producer.
Only in America.
The company split, Shaw and Snyder started to sue the hell out of each other.
Apparently, it got pretty nasty.
So Madeleine and I are going to take a trip to Maya's production company.
CASEY: We understand you and Tyson Shaw didn't exactly part on good terms.
Tyson was a soulless bastard who would slit his own mother's throat, film himself doing it, and sell it on the Internet.
Rest in peace.
Why did your company split up? Creative differences.
Bump up her lips.
I'm strictly softcore.
Professional actors, HIV tests, not teenage runaways screwing up their lives.
When did you last speak to Shaw? About a year ago.
Cops are already checking my alibi.
Actually, we were hoping you could point us towards anyone else who may have a grudge against Shaw.
How much time you got? Hey, Maya, can you come here a second? Use these.
There was one guy who came by here a few months ago looking for Tyson.
Seemed pretty pissed off.
What happened? Well, we get a lot of nut jobs around here.
I told him Tyson didn't work here anymore.
About a week later, he's back.
I almost called the cops.
Do you remember his name? I think it was Gilroy? Brent Gilroy? Yeah.
Yeah, that's it.
RAINA: Shelter boy has a .
38 registered in his name.
Same caliber as the ??? Not enough for a search warrant.
At 3:04 a.
, Shaw placed a call to a pager registered to New Beginnings Shelter.
Better, but Gilroy will say Shaw was calling one of the girls staying there.
What's he going to say about the fact that his prints were all over the crime scene? Come again? Since minors come through New Beginnings, federal law required that Gilroy register his prints.
Those prints were at Shaw's house, which gets us a warrant for Gilroy's shelter and his home.
You genius.
I got Gilroy's gun.
Going to run it through ballistics.
What's with the DVDs? I found it in a box in Gilroy's closet.
They're labeled "masters," Dirty Boy Productions.
Shaw's Internet porn company.
Looks like Brent Gilroy isn't Mother Teresa after all.
Gilroy had till 5:00 to turn himself in.
That's 5:01.
I gave him a one-minute grace period.
I'm going soft.
By letting him surrender himself? Why even extend the courtesy? The press will be all over this case.
I drag him out of his shelter, the potential jury pool thinks I'm the bad guy.
But accommodate him, and he takes advantage, then it's on him.
You got it, weedhopper.
Hold it.
My client will make a brief statement.
For obvious reasons, we'll be unable to take questions.
Mitchell Latimer is his lawyer.
Oh, man.
On April 3, 2007, I went to Tyson Shaw's house.
I fired one shot from a .
38 caliber revolver into his chest and killed him.
What the hell? Tyson Shaw was a predator.
He emotionally and physically brutalized dozens of young women, and somebody had to stop him.
I'm proud of what I did, and I'm willing to pay the price.
A full confession.
We got him.
Actually, he's got us.
They're playing the hero card.
It's called vigilante justice.
They're going to argue that Shaw deserved to die and the jury is going to lap it up.
LATTIMER: Brent Gilroy's a hero to the women of this city.
No, we're not going to take any more.
I'm going to say it again.
Take your hand off of her.
How did you meet Brent? I was turning tricks.
Brent gave me a place to stay.
And how long have you been at the shelter? Three months.
Until I got my GED.
Brent even helped me study.
He even helped me get my first real job.
I owe him everything.
Does he ever get angry? No, he's so patient with us.
Never even heard him raise his voice.
We understand that you've been working with Brent Gilroy for a long time? 11 years.
I was a meth addict.
He got me off the street and into a program.
Now I'm giving back.
Are you two close? Close enough to know if Brent shot someone, the guy had it coming.
So you think he's capable of violence? I didn't say that.
Has Brent seemed troubled lately? Oh, if he was, he'd never let on.
People here depend on him.
He keeps everyone going.
Did he have a personal life? None of us do.
Running the shelter is a 24-hour commitment.
Did Brent ever get involved with any of the residents? He'd never do that.
These girls have been exploited, abused.
Brent's trying to break that cycle.
He's still a human being.
That's right.
And he tries to help people in trouble, rather than throwing them in jail like you.
Brent Gilroy is the best person I know.
The best person any of us know.
You should leave him alone.
STARK: To argue defense of others, Mr.
Gilroy must prove he killed Mr.
Shaw because lives were in imminent danger.
Our offer of proof includes testimony of women who felt their lives were in grave peril.
From what, G-strings? These were porn actresses.
We also offer statements from family members of seven young women who committed suicide or overdosed on drugs while working for Tyson Shaw.
There's no proximate causation between Mr.
Shaw's being a jerk and the deaths of these women.
That's a stretch.
But not unprecedented.
The people's motion is denied.
Gilroy may argue defense of others.
At least we'll have something to appeal.
One caveat, Mr.
Lattimer: If you fail to meet the burden of that defense by the end of your case, I'll instruct the jury to disregard any testimony relating to it.
You can't un-ring that bell, Judge.
Careful I don't ring your bell, Mr.
Hey, how'd the motion go? Don't ask.
Nicholas shot you down? He's up for re-election in a few weeks.
He doesn't want to be the judge who threw a hero in jail.
Defense of others is a joke; it'll never work.
Well, if the jury wants to believe it, it'll work just fine.
What do we know about Gilroy? Uh, trust fund baby from Marin.
BA from Berkeley, spent two years at a seminary school in Austin, opened New Beginnings with his own money.
I didn't ask for his press bio.
Where's the dirt? Everybody we talked to loves this guy.
Yeah, well, news flash: this case is about jury nullification.
12 people will ignore the facts, the law, even the brilliance of yours truly, if the defendant is sympathetic.
Which is why Gilroy's witness list is stocked with porn refugees, psychologists, social workers So we have to give the jury a reason to hate this guy? Exactly.
People who kill always have a personal agenda.
The trick is finding out what it is.
Maybe Gilroy really did kill Shaw to make the world a better place.
) That's God's job, and B.
) Altruism is not a viable defense to murder.
Where are we on the car leaving the crime scene? LAPD's got two teams of detectives on it.
Nothing so far.
I want to know who was driving that car.
The vice man cometh.
I watched the DVDs the cops found at Gilroy's place.
They're all rough cuts.
Somehow he got his hands on Shaw's unreleased porn.
Anything unusual? Just what you'd expect from Shaw: down and dirty-- young girls doing things you'd never dream of.
When you have a 16-year-old daughter, nightmare is a better word.
Three girls appear in every DVD.
Tawny Rivers, Simona Ravage and Clarissa Faith-- probably aliases.
You're a bloodhound.
Find them.
Find something.
Gilroy confessed.
It'd be nice if we could actually convict the guy.
You rang? Did you see the editorial about the Gilroy prosecution? I try not to read my own press.
I don't want to get a swelled head.
They are making this guy out to be the second coming.
Oprah, Ellen, they're all lining up to canonize him.
That's Lattimer working the media.
And what is it we're doing? We're putting together our case.
Look, there has to be a personal connection.
Can you prove it? Yeah.
Offer a plea.
Come on, you're just worried about bad publicity.
I'm worried about losing.
And yes, I'm up for re-election in two weeks.
It's a tight race.
Tossing Gandhi in jail is probably not gonna goose my numbers.
When we win the court battle, we win the PR war.
Well, that is catchy, except that no jury in L.
is going to convict Gilroy with the press he's getting.
He killed a guy in cold blood.
Then you'll be doing everyone a favor when you take him off the street.
I'm not asking, Sebastian.
Make a deal.
STARK: Manslaughter, eight to 15, take it or leave it.
You're kidding, right? FYI, Mitch, if I'm not smiling, I'm not kidding.
I'll tell you what.
You drop all charges and I won't turn you into public enemy number one for prosecuting my client.
The last time I lost a case where I had the murder weapon and a confession was, uh never.
Then why are you looking to deal? Because my boss believes a plea is in the public interest.
She also knows the polls say 73% of that same public believe charges should never have been brought.
You know damn well you can't win this.
Shaw paged your client the night he killed him, which makes this personal.
And when I put it all together for a jury-- and trust me, I will-- you will die in prison.
Address me, not my client.
Advise your client the deal will never get better than this.
Stark Brent, please.
No, I have something to say to you.
I know you think I'm some kind of a monster.
Well, you're wrong-- I'm a good person.
And if I were a priest, I would offer you absolution.
But I'm no priest.
And we both know you're no choir boy.
We finished going through Shaw's financials.
Found a number of $50,000 transfers into his account.
200 grand in the past eight months.
Subpoenaed the bank records, the transfers were from a non-profit foundation-- care to take a guess? New Beginnings Shelter.
STARK: Oh, man! There's more.
To avoid taxes, Gilroy and Shaw cosigned documents to verify the funds were for charitable purposes.
The bank officer remembers the two of them shook hands and everything.
I'm deeply in love with both of you right now.
But tell me why Gilroy would cut checks to a porn mogul he says he hates enough to kill? New Beginnings was a revolving door for a lot of these porn girls.
What if Gilroy was steering them to Shaw? Then why wasn't Shaw paying Gilroy instead of the other way around? Maybe he was, but then Gilroy figured out he could make a lot more money investing in Dirty Boy Productions than getting paid a small-time finder's fee.
Shaw screws over his business partner like he always does; Gilroy takes him out.
The saint and the porn king-- I smell Oscar.
And a life sentence.
This is an unusual case.
Why? Because you will not be asked to decide whether the defendant is a killer.
Brent Gilroy has admitted to shooting Tyson Shaw.
In fact, he is proud of it.
So the only question is, was that killing legally justified? It wasn't.
The victim, Mr.
Shaw, was not some random evildoer the defendant decided to usher from this world.
He was actually his business partner.
Do you find that shocking? Well, fasten your seat belts, because we will demonstrate how the noble Brent Gilroy plundered his women's shelter and used it to fund the porn empire of Tyson Shaw.
How this fraud steered the damaged young women who came to him for help, into the soiled hands of a shameless pornographer, and then murdered his partner in smut because the return on his investment didn't measure up.
Was Tyson Shaw a bad guy? Yes.
He most decidedly was-- but he's not on trial here.
The man who killed him is.
And that man is Brent Gilroy, and he's no hero.
Heroes don't murder people in cold blood.
Was Brent Gilroy sending Tyson Shaw money? Absolutely.
But he wasn't investing in Shaw's business.
He was paying him to stop exploiting girls from Mr.
Gilroy's shelter.
And for a while, it worked.
Until one day, when money was no longer enough to keep the wolf from the door.
And on that day, Mr.
Gilroy decided the suffering had to stop.
The law says that if someone poses a deadly threat to the safety of others, you can protect them, even if you have to kill to do so.
Tyson Shaw was responsible for the suicides and drug overdoses of young women.
He destroyed lives for profit.
He was a brutal parasite who had to be stopped.
Your sisters, your daughters, they could have been the victims of a predator like Tyson Shaw.
But mercifully, he's gone.
You can thank Brent Gilroy for that.
Keppler, you testified that actresses in adult films suffer from what you term a psychosis, correct? That's correct.
So are you telling this jury that all porn actresses commit suicide? Obviously not.
Every time Sebastian opens his mouth, the metrics trend down.
In other words, the mock jury hates him.
You know, these people are here because they answered an ad in the Times.
Which means they read the paper.
Yeah, they know Gilroy's story and they love him, just like the real jury will.
??? So let's find out how our real jury feels.
You ask me, the world's a better place.
No argument here.
You know, I've got an 18-year-old daughter.
An animal like Shaw ever got his hands on her, I'd shoot him myself.
I don't know, people killing other people for justice? Isn't that what the legal system is for? Well, yeah, but this guy Shaw You guys look smart.
You'll evaluate all the evidence and come to a fair decision.
Hey, it's Madeleine.
Yeah, jurors two and nine are going to be a tough sell.
Your Honor, the defense would like to mark as Exhibit 7B, the DVD of a film from Dirty Boy Productions called Gonzo Time.
Approach? Judge, Tyson Shaw is not on trial here.
He's busy being dead.
This is instrumental to our defense.
The jury must see the violence and brutality Mr.
Shaw inflicted on his victims.
No way, it's inflammatory, unduly prejudicial, misleading, should I go on? I'm going to allow it.
The defendant's theory of the case rests on a claim that lives were in imminent danger.
Please tell me you're kidding.
Step back.
If he's not smiling, he's not kidding-- just FYI.
The following is a sample of the films of Tyson Shaw.
Ah, the cavalry.
Whatever you got, it better be good.
We're getting killed in there.
We ran down the three girls that appeared in the DVDs that we found at Gilroy's house.
Simona Ravage and Clarissa Faith have no link to Gilroy.
But Tawny Rivers, akaKatie Paget from Riverside, stayed at New Beginnings Shelter twice this year.
RAINA: Unfortunately, we can't find her.
She's a newbie, no produced credits, no agency representation.
But her mom's coming in so maybe she can help us track her down.
Gilroy and Shaw were already connected by money.
If this Katie Paget's some kind of personal link between them, we're really getting somewhere.
So, um what did you want to talk to me about? About us.
What do you mean? You see, dating someone you work with, at the end of the day, someone wants out, someone doesn't.
Don't even worry about it.
You know, we're, we're friends.
We're colleagues.
Okay? Good.
Because, um I really like you.
A lot.
Me, too.
Yeah? O-Okay I'll be right there.
I, um, I gotta run.
All right, yeah, I'll see you back there.
Thanks for the coffee.
I don't know where she is Katie moves all the time.
That's what it's like for a struggling actress.
You said Katie left home when she was 17? I couldn't give her much.
Her dad was never in the picture.
Money's always been tight, so when Katie decided that she wanted to be Julia Roberts,who was I to stop her? Do you have a number for your daughter? No.
But she calls every other Sunday.
Always says she's going to help me out, make me proud.
MADELEINE: No phone number? No address? There's this place that I send her mail.
Uh, some swanky apartment complex that she stays at sometimes.
I've got a photo and address right here.
New Beginnings.
She says the building manager looks after her.
Brent something.
He's a real sweetheart.
It's nice to know that she has someone like that in her life.
Yeah, she's a lucky girl.
Bye, Dad.
Bye, sweetie.
Whoa! Whoa.
Where do you think you're going? I told you, Megan and I are hitting the mall.
Not dressed like that, you're not.
You're not serious, right? I got this stuff at Neiman's.
Perfect, they have an excellent return policy.
Okay, but Megan is waiting for me right outside.
Then you better change fast.
STARK: So Katie Paget's the link between Gilroy and Shaw? LOUIS: According to his bank statements, Gilroy paid 14 grand to Cedar's last November.
Yeah, we showed the nurse some pictures-- she says, uh, Katie and Gilroy came in together.
He had her appendix removed.
Gilroy footed the bill, didn't leave her side for a week.
Which the defense will say is consistent with his caring profile.
Except Gilroy was bringing her flowers, holding her hand So Gilroy plays Florence Nightingale to this girl from his shelter.
He has her unreleased porn videos.
He's sending money to the pornographer who made them, who he later kills.
Oh, man.
This this isn't a porn Gilroy loves this girl.
He was paying Shaw not to release Katie's videos.
Crime of passion gets us a conviction.
Yeah, but Lattimer's good.
If we switch theories mid-trial, he will crucify us.
We need conclusive proof that Gilroy and Katie Paget were romantically involved.
How's this? DMV says there's a black Honda registered to a Katherine Paget.
Partial plate matches our mystery car.
Katie Paget was at Shaw's that night? Car registration comes back to an SRO near Koreatown.
The saint, the porn king and the ingenue.
??? Katie Paget? We're from the DA's office.
Isaac! Katie! Wait, wait a minute.
Let me go! We're not gonna hurt you.
Okay? But you need, you need to come with us.
Why'd you run from us, Katie? I've got, like, a million unpaid parking tickets.
Is that what this is about? How well do you know Brent Gilroy? I stayed at his shelter a few times.
Why? When's the last time you saw him? Um a few months ago, I guess.
STARK: How about the night Tyson Shaw was killed? I don't understand.
Your car was spotted leaving the scene, Katie.
That's impossible.
You're a lousy liar,Katie.
We know that Gilroy and Shaw were fighting over you and the sex videos you were making.
But that's crazy.
I barely even know Brent Gilroy.
That's not what you told your mom.
I'm gonna make this simple.
You tell us everything you know about the night Tyson was killed, or I'm going to charge you as an accessory to murder.
I wasn't there.
Look, the girls in my building, we borrow each other's cars all the time.
You have to believe me.
Actually, I don't.
Hey, Jules.
Oh, no, no, no, no, no.
No, no, no, no, no.
You gotta be kidding me.
What are you doing? You want to explain this? You went through my stuff, Dad? This is such a violation! No, this is a violation.
You want me to cite the penal code? Oh, it's not that big a deal.
Wrong! Where did you get this? It doesn't matter! That's what you think.
You are done spending time with this Megan character.
Oh, right.
you're gonna say who I date.
Now you're gonna choose my friends? You don't get to decide that, Dad.
Maybe, but it's a moot point because you, young lady, are grounded for the next three months.
Okay, so you're telling me that you never smoked pot? That is irrelevant to this discussion.
Yeah, while we're talking about double standards, you spent 20 years defending people who sold that stuff, and worse! Enough! Katie's in lockup.
We're holding her as a material witness.
Maybe a couple of days on the inside'll get her talking.
Don't count on it.
She's scared to death.
Even if she won't cooperate, we can force her to testify, put her at the scene, establish she and Gilroy were somehow involved.
You study at the feet of the master, and yet you learn nothing.
Cardinal rule of testimony-- you never call a witness unless you know exactly what she's going to say.
LOUIS: Turn on Channel Six! Inches from a clean getaway.
We feel very strongly about the case.
We know we're in good shape.
My client is anxious to take the stand in his own defense and explain his actions to the jury in his own words.
Why the hell would Gilroy do that? Who cares? Now we can rip his head off on cross.
Lattimer's no dope.
He's winning.
He knows you never call a client to the stand, unless you need a Hail Mary.
He knows we have Katie Paget.
Maybe he's nervous.
Lattimer doesn't get nervous.
We're missing something.
And that, my friends, is a major problem.
Why did Katie Paget come to your shelter? Well, she was involved in pornography with Tyson Shaw.
She was in a downward spiral.
She needed help.
At some point did you begin dating Katie Paget, Mr.
Gilroy? Yes, I did.
LATTIMER: How did you try to help Katie? She thought the only way to survive was to degrade herself in Shaw's videos.
I tried to convince her she had other options.
Did she listen? No, she was terrified.
You know, Shaw had her all turned around.
So, um I had to do something.
If those videos had gotten out, they would have destroyed her life.
So what did you do? I paid him.
I-I started secretly paying Shaw not to release Katie's videos.
He's hanging himself.
In the early morning of April 3, did you receive a page from Mr.
Shaw's home number? Yes, I did, but I knew it was from Katie.
She'd been hanging out at Shaw's place a lot and, and so I'd given her my pager number, told her to call me if he ever hurt her.
What did you do after she paged you? I went over there right away, to Shaw's place, and I found them in the back.
Shaw was in the Jacuzzi, she was on the patio, he was threatening her.
She was scared to death.
What happened next? I told Katie that she was coming with me.
Tyson got very angry.
He said he would never leave her alone and that I could never save her.
I realized he was right, and I shot him.
Why are you admitting all this now? I don't want to live a lie.
And I'm not ashamed of what I did.
I was protecting the woman that I love, and I would do it again.
Jury's been out for three hours.
Shouldn't be much longer.
It's a slam dunk.
First call Katie Paget made after she was arrested Mitch Lattimer.
She and Gilroy share the same lawyer? That's totally unethical.
ISAAC: Well, you think that's bad, check this out.
Lattimer visited Katie Paget in lockup yesterday morning.
20 minutes later, he's with Gilroy.
And a few hours after that, we hear that Gilroy is going to take the stand.
Did you get to S.
? Yeah, they tested the gun for chemical residue.
It came back positive for chlorine.
Which would be present if somebody who got out of a Jacuzzi had handled a weapon.
Wait, so you're saying that Paget shot Shaw? Gilroy's been covering for Katie since day one.
He loves her, he's willing to protect her.
Even from a murder charge? Gilroy hears we got Katie, so he decides to take the stand, give up the affair, torpedo his own case so she doesn't go down.
Jury's back.
Which means they convicted Gilroy.
So unless we pull a rabbit out of the hat in the next five minutes, we just convicted an innocent man.
You just learned Ms.
Poe had exparte contact with two of the jurors in an elevator? I would have brought this to your attention sooner, Your Honor, wasn't in court until the closings, but my associate and she didn't know the jurors.
what she'd done, she came forward.
When she realized Well, it's still jury tampering.
The defense moves for an immediate mistrial.
Harmless human error.
Yeah, not according to the California Supreme Court.
Stark, this is an uncharacteristically principled admission on your part.
I'm sworn to protect the process, Your Honor.
Poe, if someone's wearing a juror's badge, you don't talk to them ever.
I was standing behind them, Your Honor, and by the time I saw their badges, it was too late.
One more accident like this and I will make it my personal mission to see you disbarred.
Yes, Judge.
I'm declaring a mistrial.
Way to take one for the team.
(quietly): That's why I've never been a team player.
I, uh, heard you had to shut down.
You don't have to talk to me now, but I'm granting you immunity.
Which means when we indict Katie, you're going to have to explain everything that happened that night.
I won't do it.
Look at me, Brent.
With you or without you, I got Katie for murder.
So if you're not there to put a sympathetic spin on what happened, she's going to grow old in prison.
You've done everything you can to help this girl, to protect her future, and that's exactly what I'm asking you to do now.
I never meant for anything to happen between us.
There was just something about Katie.
STARK: Tell me what happened.
All right.
I was scared.
I was afraid when I went over there.
I thought he was going to hurt her.
What did you see? Shaw and Katie on the patio, arguing.
He grabbed her by the arm, he was hurting her.
Dumb bitch.
going to release those videos.
You said you weren't You promised me! I didn't say anything.
I didn't promise you anything! He was angry, he was drunk.
I just wanted to get her out of there.
Ow! Get your hands off of her! What are you doing in my backyard? off of her.
Get your hands He wasn't having any of it.
So I pulled out my gun.
I'm not going to say it again.
Take your hand off of her.
What did Shaw do? Laughed at me.
You're a pathetic loser.
Hey, look at me.
Why don't you ask your little boyfriend there why you haven't become a star, huh? Then he told Katie that I'd been paying him not to release her videos.
Is that true? Yeah.
Was Katie angry? No I just wanted to protect you.
No, she looked at me.
She looked at me like she was seeing me for the first time.
You know how I feel about you.
She understood what I did.
Then she stopped me from shooting him.
STARK: So why didn't you just leave? Oh, we started to, but Shaw wouldn't let up.
???? Forget her, Romeo, you got your own problems.
You break into my house, point a gun at me? you're going to rot in jail for 20 years.
When I'm done with you, Your life is over.
No! I know you think Katie's a bad person.
She's made a lot of mistakes, but she killed Shaw so that I wouldn't have to go to jail.
When it counted, she protected me.
When it counted, (over tape recorder): she protected me.
It's over, Katie.
I know.
Now, if you tell the truth, I can ask the judge to go easy, so that you'll still have a life when you get out.
I know you're not used to trusting people, but I'm telling you, you can trust me.
I wanted to be an actress, but, um, I couldn't get any work.
Couldn't even pay for my head shots.
Then this guy offered me $500 to pose nude.
And you thought porn was your ticket out? Do you know how much money that was to me? How did you meet Tyson Shaw? He saw my pictures and said that he could make me rich.
But he didn't.
No, but I knew if people could see my videos, I could use them to get better work.
Then I could help my mom, maybe even pay for school.
There were other ways, Katie.
For you, maybe.
All I ever had is the way I look.
And the problem was, as I was using my looks, everyone else was using me.
Except for Brent.
He really believed in me, more than I did.
Then why did you let him take the fall? He wouldn't let me come forward.
He said that he'd never get convicted.
I never meant to hurt anyone, especially not him.
I gave Katie the names of a couple of really good public defenders.
Forget it.
I just called in a favor from one of my old partners.
He's going to handle it pro bono.
She really got to you, huh? She's just a kid.
Katie Paget's in custody.
She'll be indicted first thing tomorrow on manslaughter charges.
All's well that ends well.
Not really.
You know what? Advising that girl while representing Gilroy, a guy with a opposing interests-- not good.
I never officially represented Katie Paget, and her interests were protected every step of the way.
My client tried to take the rap for her, remember? She still should have had independent counsel.
Then maybe she could have gotten in front of this thing, - copped a plea.
- Katie's not my problem.
Brent Gilroy was my client, and I did exactly what he asked.
End of story.
I don't know whether to report you to the Bar or hire you myself.
Sebastian Stark lecturing me on ethics.
Rod Sterling should be popping up any time.
Look, if I were coming after you, Mitch, I wouldn't even be here.
I think you're a damn good lawyer, but you keep crossing that line and it's going to bite you on the ass one day.
Nobody knows that better than I do.
Isaac Look, I know it's late, but can you give me a minute? I haven't been honest with you.
I don't know; I think you made yourself pretty clear.
I, um I got engaged three years ago.
Olivia and I made all these plans, but then I made detective and we put everything on hold.
I began pulling double shifts, trying to work my way up.
But, uh one night, um I got a call.
It was a push-in at 2:00 in the morning.
Olivia fought back, but, uh the guy had a knife.
And the thing they found out when they arrested the son of a bitch was that he had been casing my place.
He knew I was never home.
I'm so sorry.
I'll never forgive myself for not being there.
It wasn't your fault.
That's what I told myself, but then my, uh my partner died.
And I wasn't there for him either.
Hey, it's Julie, please leave me a message.
Hey, Jules, it's me.
Sorry we haven't spoken in a few days.
I've been so swamped on this case.
Hey, listen, I didn't mean to blow up at you.
Let's talk when I get home, okay, honey?
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