Bleach s01e20 Episode Script

The Shadow of Ichimaru Gin

1 Raise your eyes you can see shooting stars up in the night sky Raise your eyes you can see shooting stars up in the night sky One, two The sound resonates Into my heart, so hard and deep A field of stars spans endlessly And through it I carve a passageway In step with time as generations change Close your eyes and listen closely Shooting stars stream on silently until the goodbye Keep the light inside of you, never give up don't ever lose Transcend time and you will prove, there is a special place for you A blaze of glory is there, It's all a part of our estate; life is our story to create Raise your eyes you can see shooting stars up in the night sky Wishes speak from ages old by voice of light Throughout the age, never fade away A secret fire, a scream of light, voices calling through twilight Cast your thoughts to the wind, hang your wishes on the moon Live your life with all your strength for dreams will reach you very soon Raise your eyes you can see shooting stars up in the night sky Wishes speak from ages old by voice of light Throughout the age, never fade away Someday your dream will find its place somewhere Keep shining like a star Rukia Kuchiki is guilty of a first-degree offense and will be executed in 25 days at the Central Execution Grounds.
That is the final decision of the Soul Society.
You were very calm, Captain of Squad 6.
Well done, well done.
Such calm in the wake of your sister's execution You are indeed a role model for Soul Reapers, Captain.
Don't be ridiculous.
You and the Captain of Squad 9 are probably the only Soul Reapers who would fret over dying.
You think so? Now what would two Captains without their lieutenants want with me? Oh, we were justconcerned that the Captain of Squad 6 would be feeling low because his sister was about to be executed.
Our family lineage is none of your concern.
So you're not upset, right? Criminals are such a nuisance to nobles.
My, my how unusual for a commoner to understand the subtleties of the nobility.
Not really.
I've always been the sensitive since I was a kid.
How about this? Just to show my sensitivity, I'd even offer to chop off the criminal's head, before their execution day.
I wasn't aware that at your present level you could fell a person's head.
Want to try me? You want to? - Forgive us, Captain of Squad 6.
- Hey! Ichimaru! - I never intended to offend you in any way.
- Let go! Why you--! We'll be going now.
My regards to your sister.
H-Hey! Whoa! You're all right, Tessai! I mean, Mr.
I'm not all right! My glasses are in terrible shape! But you're okay, right? Oh well, keep those glasses on even if they're cracked.
The Boss drew his sword, and it's getting very interesting.
It would be a pity to miss this.
Not bad, even with that wisp of a sword! Oh, you flatter me! But that doesn't mean I'll go easy! Fine with me! Damn it! Hey! Wait a minute! Hold on a minute! I thought the Zanpakuto was the only sword that could kill Soul Reapers and Hollows.
He pulled that sword from his cane.
It can't be a Zanpakuto.
Then even if he did get me, it wouldn't hurt me-! You letdown your guard.
"He's not a Soul Reaper, so it can't be a Zanpakuto.
" "So I can't get hurt even if he cuts me.
" Right? You are so naïve.
Wake up! Benihime This is a real and authentic Zanpakuto.
Wake up, Benihime! Roar, Zabimaru! I knew it.
You don't even know your Zanpakuto's name.
The Zanpakuto'sname? Yes Each Zanpakuto has a name.
And this isher name.
Let's go Benihime! I compliment you for not running away and countering my sword with that broken one.
That's some courage.
However Benihime isn't so kind that she'd let a sword like that stop her.
Damn it! No way! No way can that be! He cut my Zanpakuto! Weren't you told? Your sword's just big.
That's all.
There's no concentration of spiritual energy in it.
It's just distended and holds its shape.
That's why I can cut it easily like that.
Now you don't have a sword.
Will you still attack me with that? C'mon, you just have to knock my hat off.
You can do it with that hilt.
However, it won't be just courage or guts that's necessary.
Let me just warn you If you still intend to fight me with that toy I will kill you! Huh?! I'm gonna die! I'll really be killed! Pathetic! What am I? Why am I running? Is that all I am? Is that the extent of my determination? Disgusting! I'm disgusted with myself! I'm so - helpless! - You are sohelpless.
Mister Why do you run, Ichigo? You haven't called me yet.
Look ahead, Ichigo.
You should be able to hear it now.
Fear is the only thing that's making you shut your ears.
There is only one enemy, and only one you.
What is there to fear? Hey, what's going on? Both of them stopped.
Abandon your fears! Look ahead! Go forward! Never stop! If you retreat, you'll only grow old.
If you fear, you will die! Call it out! My name is! Zangetsu! W-What was that? What's with that the Zanpakuto? There's no hilt or guard.
It's not even shaped like a proper sword! The other one was better! Well now Now that you have your Zanpakuto, shall we start Lesson Three in earnest? Sorry, Mr.
Urahara Be sure to dodge it completely What? I don't think I have it mastered yet! Wake up, Benihime! Without this Blood Shield I would have lost an arm.
Oh boy My hat's torn, too.
But I didn't think you'd do it in one swing Mr.
Kurosaki You are one dreadful child.
Lesson Three has been cleared! All right.
It's complete.
Thank you, Sensei.
You did it! Terrific, Sado! You did it! Great! You idiot! Know your limits! Look at the panic you've caused! Now run away from the back.
All right! But that was unexpected how they could awaken their powers in such a short time Sado has fallen down the stairs! What's going on? Aug 1, 6:30PM Aug 1, 6:30PM After completing my training at Urahara's Shop, Aug 1, 6:30PM Aug 1, 6:30PM I was told to stay at home while I was told to stay at home while they prepare to open the gate to the Soul Society, but And here we are at the long-awaited Fireworks Festival! You're so excited.
Of course! How can you not be?! Right, everyone?! Absolutely, young lad! Not only that, I have special seats that I've saved since seven this morning! Shall we go over there? No kidding! Right on! Terrific! Sometimes you're useful! And how about you cute ladies over there? We'll be there later.
All right! Let's all go! Let's go! Oh well I guess I'll join them.
Sorry it's always like this, Tatsuki.
You don't have to come if you don't want to.
I know.
Don't worry.
I'll catch up later.
Hurry and go.
Everyone is so energetic.
I'll say.
It's tiring sometimes.
Tatsuki, does your hand hurt? Huh? No, not at all.
Although, if I think about how this caused me to lose first place, it does hurt a bit.
But second place in the Inter-High Tournament means you're the second strongest high school girl in Japan! You're amazing, Tatsuki.
Oh, c'mon! Oh yesYou're amazing! It's been such a long time since we last came here.
We only come in autumn each year.
Have I told you? My brother had this knack for catching red dragonflies on his fingers.
He'd point his fingers to the sky and immediately, a dragonfly would land.
It was like magic and I loved to watch him.
That's why I wanted to be able to do that But I couldn't This time, I'll protect you.
You're visiting relatives next week? Huh? Yes.
Ichigo said he's going on a trip next week, too.
Oh, yes I couldn't be first Huh? But I've never regretted trying.
Even if it doesn't turn out well, there are things you discover just by doing your best.
Soso Once you make up your mind about something, just go forward and do it.
And in exchangeI’ll I'll be waiting hereso So Fantastic! Terrific! Look at the sky! It's so pretty.
9:00AM Let's see.
This should do it.
In seven days, at 1:00am, leave your window open and wait.
I'm getting bad vibes about this What a nice breeze W-What is that?! What's happening? Please come to the front of Urahara's Shop immediately.
W-What the hell is he doing?! This looks like a message left at a murder scene! I hope it washes off! What's this P.
? If you thought this looks like a message left at a murder scene or something basic like that.
You have no sense of humor! Shut up! See you later, Yuzu, KarinDad Good morning! Ichigo! By dodging that attack - it proves you are my son, after all.
- What the hell are you up to?! B-Before you leave, I wanted to give you this.
B-Before you leave, I wanted to give you this.
What's up with this shabby amulet? IMMORTAL How dare you call it shabby! Your mother gave it to me long ago! How dare you call it shabby! Your mother gave it to me long ago! It is filled with luck and divine grace! What are you thinking? I can't take this! Damn right! Who said I'm giving it to you?! Who?! I'm just lending it to you for your trip.
When you're done, give it back to me in person.
Here! What do you say?! IMMORTAL You better give it back, you hear?! I'll shave my beard if you lose it! Uh, Okay.
Uh, Okay.
All right, I'm going.
Right! I ama Soul Reaper.
Reaping a Hollow is not really killing it.
The one who killed your mother Wasn't it a Hollow? So many things have happened.
You're just a human! How dare you grab my brother's hem like that?! And now You will die anyway.
So stay there and live, even if for just one second longer.
I won't let it go and pretend like all of this never happened.
Oh, Ichigo! Right on time! Good, good.
Chadwhy are you doing here? Rukia Kuchiki once saved me.
I'm going, too.
Huh? What?! What? You didn't hear? Ishida?! I'm not letting those Soul Reapers have a win over me.
I'm going, too.
Huh?! Now we're all here.
Inoue! Looking forward to working with you! Huh?! Hey! What's going on?! Pretty slow on the up-take, aren't you? Mr.
Yoruichi! Kid, don't tell me you didn't notice the increase in the hidden powers of these three.
While you were training to regain your Soul Reaper power, these three were also training in their own way.
Instead of criticizing, bow your head and thank them.
A A talking cat! - He's not a cat.
He's Mr.
- It's a cat! It is shocking, after all.
It's his first time meeting him, I guess.
Yes, yes Let's end it there.
We can't keep talking outside.
Please come in.
Inoue What is it? How much do you know? I meanit's going to be dangerous.
I promised Tatsuki that I'd go with you.
And I promised to return.
W-Wow! All this space beneath the shop! This is so neat it's like a secret base! Really? What What a wonderful reaction! I, Tessai, am deeply moved.
Don't mention it.
All right, your attention please! Here we go! This is the gate that leads to Soul Society.
It's known as the Senkaimon, which is written, "Tunnel World Gate.
" Now listen very carefully.
Before that - He pops out so easily! - Hey, at least warn me before! So this Kurosaki is no longer inside that Kurosaki? Of course not! Don't talk like I'm not here! Let's continue.
This gate has a layer of Reishihenkanki, Spirit-particle Conversion Machine on top of a normal Senkaimon.
Spirit-particle Conversion Machine? Yes.
As you already know, the Soul Society is a world of spirits.
It is impossible to enter that world unless you have the form of a spirit.
However, only Ichigo, as a Soul Reaper, can cross through.
So we will use the Henkanki to convert you into spirits.
In other words We'll be able to pass without extracting our spirits, by going through this gate.
You will be able to enter the Soul Society like that.
Okay, got it! - Let's get! - However! - The time limit that we have - Ouch! To open the gate and connect it to the Soul Society is four minutes.
I-Its that enough time?! Normally, it would be impossible.
What?! It's a reckless idea to start with.
I'll do my very best and hold it for four minutes.
If you can't cross over in that time you will be trapped forever between the Soul Society and this world.
W-What should we do? Just go forward.
I told you that the heart and soul are connected.
The important thing is what you feel in your heart and the will to move forward.
I will be your guide.
Go forward Only those who can do that can follow me.
Are you babbling in your sleep or what? That's why we're here! You understand, kid, that if you fail, you cannot return.
So I just have to win, right? Exactly.
Are you ready? Run in the instant it opens.
Right! Let's do it! It's in your hands now Mr.
With much appreciation I send a rhapsody filled with treasured thoughts To the people who have always held me up Thank you for everything Thank you so much Wherever I may be I'll always be grateful for who you are I was casually walking through town Around the time dusk fell and the city was bathed in red It was an afternoon with crowds of people coming and going I don't know why but I just stood there and watched Then my cell phone started to vibrate and I made myself move hoping it could fill in this hole in my heart You're not alone You see, everybody We gotta hold each other up With much appreciation I send a rhapsody filled with treasured thoughts To the people who have always held me up Thank you for everything Thank you so much Wherever I may be I'll always be grateful for who you are W-What is that?! - It's a mountain.
- It's a whale! It's a mountain.
- It's a whale! - It's a mountain.
- It's a whale! It's a mountain.
- It's a whale! No, it's a giant goalie! No, it's a giant goalie! No, it's a giant goalie! No, it's a giant goalie! Well, there you have it.
Kurosaki, you handle him.
- Go for it! - Go for it! Go for it! Okay.
Huh? It's up to me! Squad Thirteen Captain, Jushiro Ukitake! School dress code says no long hair allowed! School dress code says no long hair allowed!
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