Friday Night Lights s01e20 Episode Script

Mud Bowl

Your father was offered an amazing job at TMU.
We're moving again, aren't we? Okay, nobody in my family has gone past high school.
If you turn yourself around, you could get into a full four-year college.
They diagnosed me with a bipolar disorder.
It could be dangerous sometimes.
People get really depressed.
Bo tells me y'all been hanging out.
' Yeah.
He's a funny kid.
I'm sure you got your hands full.
Bo can never know.
When you tackled him, you had your head down.
I cannot believe this.
You said if we were going to sue anybody, it was gonna be the school, Dad.
I'm not gonna say that it was Coach's fault.
Let's just be really, really honest with each other right now, Jason.
Do you want to be engaged to me? I don't know.
I'm just not gonna be able to take this team any further.
You wanna play big, think big.
All right? I'm gonna show you how.
So what are the chances of Dad actually taking the job? I don't know, honey.
Well, I mean, is it like 50-50, 60-40? There's no point in looking at statistics like that.
We just don't know.
say, I'd say probably 80-20.
Eighty we're gonna stay in Dillon? Please don't worry.
It's not real yet.
It's not official yet.
There's no point in worrying, all right? It's gonna be okay.
I'd at least like to know where I'll be living.
I know.
I know.
And it just It sucks.
I can't even talk to Matt about any of it.
I know, sweetheart.
You've mentioned that.
I'm sorry.
' Two days to the Texas State semifinals, y'all.
Panthers are going.
We're gonna have to face a tough Brant Viking football team.
Now, if we can get by those guys, well, we just might meet West Cambria in the finals.
I'll tell you what.
That would mean playing our old friend Ray "Voodoo" Tatum.
Don't turn your body.
Just straight.
Just straight, Saracen.
You gotta keep your head up-field.
Keep your feet light.
Get back on the line.
I think I might maybe throw up.
What, you wanna go home, Saracen? I mean, if you wanna go home, I got a busy day, too.
I can go home.
I can pick up a paper.
Check in on Oprah.
Something wrong with Oprah, Saracen? No, Oprah's I like Oprah No, nothing is wrong with Oprah.
This team's defensive linemen, three of them run a 4-6-40.
So that makes them not only bigger than you, but faster than you.
They're gonna be in your chili all night and unless you listen to me, you're gonna be eating an awful lot of turf.
You want that? No, I don't wanna eat turf.
All right.
Then listen.
Keep your feet light.
Okay? As soon as I tell you where the pressure's coming from, stay on your toes, get it out quick so you don't get hit.
All right? Set! Hut! Backside pressure.
There you go.
There you go.
' I thought that Ray "Voodoo" Tatum boy went back to Louisiana to play football.
' Well, that's where we all thought he was heading, but I'm afraid he got a better offer in West Cam.
Y'all don't mind if I park here, do you? Hey, Coach, what do you think your chances are? Hey, Coach.
Setting up shop a little early, huh? No, not really.
They'll be lining up before 9:00 to buy tickets.
Can I interest you in a T-shirt? No.
How about a picture, Coach? Hey, Coach! That's spectacular, Buddy.
Looking good.
Morning, gentlemen.
Way to get after it.
Have a good day, yeah? All right, sir.
Yes, sir.
Hey, Coach Crowley.
What the hell's this? Check it out.
in five years.
The Panthers are a fine team.
It's gonna be an honor to play 'em again.
He's full of crap.
That's what he is.
He's full of crap.
Can I ask you something? What are you doing? I'm eating.
Is this your living room or something? You're sitting here eating.
You're spilling food all over the place.
Well, good morning to you, too.
You look out here lately? Looks like we're playing the damn Super Bowl.
Well, they're excited about it.
Well, I'm glad they're excited.
I wish they were as excited about winning as they are about making a buck.
Isn't everything awesome out there? Oh, yeah.
I mean, everybody is fired up.
Feels just like the old days.
Hey, that's the most fantastic logo I've ever seen.
Thank you.
I appreciate it.
That's an incredible-looking piece of art that you put outside there.
It's not art, it's just a logo.
Oh, that's incredible.
Listen, I need to talk to you about those sideline passes.
I got two big fleet-buyer customers coming in from San Antonio.
I told you It won't be near I'll just come back later.
No, you stay right there.
I got to talk to my quarterback right now.
Hey, Matt.
Good game this weekend.
Thanks, Buddy.
It's on you.
Think about that.
Thank you.
I will.
Thank you.
What? Um Where the hell did you get this? It was just in my locker.
I don't even know where it came from, but should I This is between you and me.
Don't worry about it.
I'll take care of it.
What the hell was that? I don't even see the point of us going to this settlement conference.
They're never gonna pay us what we need.
Maybe they will, Mom.
Maybe it'll be enough.
Honey, I'm sorry, but we gotta be realistic here.
We don't know your ability to support yourself in the future, and your father and I aren't gonna be around forever.
I'll go.
I'll listen.
But I'm skeptical.
' We are live on the scene of a train derailment that took place just a few minutes ago.
As you can see behind me here Hey, Dad.
Dad, check this out.
has jumped the track.
Now, I'm told by Oh! Yeah.
Yeah, that's near the school, isn't it? That's what I thought.
What? Again, there's been a chemical spill.
An evacuation may be necessary.
' Everybody gather around here! I don't wanna give you mixed signals, but we do have some reason for alarm.
Now, I have been talking to the police and they have informed me that until they get a handle on what's going on out there, we're gonna have to evacuate the school.
Now that means y'all are gonna be able to go on home.
Hold on! Wait a minute.
I want you to avoid that northeast sector.
Northeast of the football field.
We don't know how big this is.
Listen up, football players.
We will have practice today, you understand? Location to be determined.
Right now, y'all stay in touch with each other, let everyone know.
You understand? All right.
Go do what they're telling you to do.
What's this for? It's 'cause I love you.
Good morning, Tyra.
How you doing? Yeah, I'm gonna go.
I'll call you later.
Where is she going? She's going to the library.
She has some algebra final.
Going to the library? Yeah.
I'll let y'all talk or whatever y'all were doing.
Why are you looking at me so weird? Just curious where you're going.
I've gotta go, um You've gotta return some books? I freaked out a little bit.
Okay, don't worry about it.
You don't want to date a nut-job.
I get it, okay? You're off the hook.
Wave, I wanna make this work, on the real, but you gotta tell me I mean, where do we even start? Smash! Move along! Let's go! Look, I gotta Go.
You know, that's what I get for going out with the star running-back on the Dillon Panthers.
My boyfriend went off to Austin and got a tattoo from some girl and comes back and acts like nothing happened.
And it's absolutely clear that something happened.
How do you know that something definitely happened? Because it did.
He has a tattoo.
Are you listening to me? Yeah.
And the fact that I've called him four times and he hasn't called back kind of says something.
You know what's wrong with that story? That he hasn't called me back? No, the fact that you called him or anyone four times.
I mean, good God, girl.
Look at you.
So what do I do, then? Can we do this all day? Not bad, cheerleader.
Are both of these yours? No.
They're my dad's.
He collects them.
Okay, make sure you hold your hand kind of like further back.
Beats the hell out of making Rice Krispie treats.
That you? What are you doing here? Oh, nothing.
Just wishing I could, you know, build a time machine and go back and shoot whoever it is invented algebra.
Well That's for sure.
See, that's kind of a catch-22 though, because to invent that time machine, you may need to use algebra.
So You know, I already have a tutor, if that's You can just, yeah, run along.
You already have Okay.
Let me ask you one question, though.
Did your tutor teach Tim Riggins to read in about a day and a half? No? Okay.
Is your tutor the top of his calculus honors class? Shh! Okay.
Did your tutor score a 77 on his PSAT math portion? No? I just really think you need the A-Team on this.
And you got Mr.
T standing right in front of you.
And the "T" stands for "Tyra's algebra tutor".
Right? Seriously? I'm really good at math.
I'm out of here.
I have to go pick him up.
I'm sure Bo's the last kid there.
And he's probably scared out of his mind.
Thank you.
What? Tim picked me up.
Well, hey! School got cancelled.
Good for you.
I'm so glad.
I was worried about you.
Go in the break room and go do your homework.
There's cookies in there.
Oh, boy! Right around the corner.
Thank you.
That was very sweet of you.
No problem.
To do that for me, that's great.
It's probably not a good idea for you to come in here though, because Why? Well, because it's a small town and Hey, 33.
Better buckle up that chin strap.
I hear those Viking boys bring the wood.
Oh, you bet.
We got it covered though, sir.
No worries.
'Cause it's a small town Now, what do you want for dinner tonight? What? I know Bo likes pizza, so may as well grab some of that or something.
All right.
Sound good? Okay.
That's great.
This is ridiculous.
We're the freakin' Dillon Panthers.
Get him, Spivey.
Man, this is worse than Pee-Wee.
Think Coach T done lost his mind.
Hey, listen up.
Everybody form over here on the benches! Right now! Let's go! Come on! Let's go now! We got a lot to do today! Bunch of crybabies.
I don't want to hear this crap anymore.
Win a few games, think you're special.
Think you're too good to practice here.
I don't want to hear that crap anymore.
You know you You know who I'm talking about.
Matt Saracen found $200 in his locker.
Who else? Nobody else? Nobody? Not in your locker, not anywhere at school? Not at home? Nothing, anywhere, anytime? That must piss you off, Smash.
Come on, let's go.
Let's go.
Get them out there.
I think you're gonna want to hear this, Eric.
Hey, Mayor Rodell.
How you doing? I'm okay.
All right, ma'am? Yeah.
What's going on? Eric.
We just heard from the EPA and they are keeping the school closed while they investigate the accident.
Something about toxic fumes.
They have to evaluate the air quality, Buddy.
I know.
It's going to be at least a week.
Week? There is no way you're gonna have a home game this Friday.
This is a great facility.
It seats 12,000.
Six-month-old field turf, Coach.
Check out that state-of-the-art press box up there.
Coach, high-def if you need it.
We're gonna pass.
I'm sorry.
What? We're gonna pass.
You're gonna Y'all signed a deal.
We get a home game.
And you know damn well this is a lot closer to Brant than it is to Dillon.
A lot closer? You're just splitting hairs, aren't we, Coach? I'm not splitting any hairs.
This is 28 miles from Dillon.
Don't try to hustle me.
I saw the damn Vikings banner back there in the weight room.
I don't understand what the problem is I know you train here.
I imagine you practice here.
Play here.
Can I ask a question, too? Thank you.
Does your brother run the clock up there? Is that part of the deal? Coach, you know Don't make this a pride thing, Coach.
I said I'd split the rental 70-30.
Not here, gentlemen.
Eric? Not gonna be here.
Fine club seating, which would have been great for my VIPs and my sponsors.
You know, I'm real sorry that you lost your sponsorship.
Tell you what.
Why don't you go out to Herrmann Field and just buy that? Then you can just call it the Garrity Bowl.
Are naming rights available? Ad sales and ticket revenues.
That's what pays your salary.
My players have been receiving gifts.
Cash gifts, Buddy.
Is that right? You have to eat all that food by yourself.
Bye, Wave.
I'll see you later.
Call me, girl.
Hey, Lyla? Can I talk to you for a minute? Yeah.
Since when did you and Waverly get to be so friendly? You know, I've been cheering for you all these years and we've never said so much as a "hey.
" And now you see me with Waverly Grady.
Look, I'm just asking.
Better be careful.
She's a good shot.
What's that supposed to mean? We went shooting yesterday.
Two girls packing heat.
That's not a good idea.
What? Why? God, Smash.
You're not her father.
Lyla, it's not about She doesn't have to answer to you for everything She's bipolar.
What? Waverly's bipolar.
And she's not taking her meds, which means I don't even know what that means, but I'm damn sure she shouldn't be shooting guns.
I didn't know.
Now you do.
That's not answering the question.
Well, Eric, I don't think I understand the question.
You don't know anything about that, do you? Cash gifts? I don't think we should be focusing on that.
I think we need to focus on where we're gonna play the football game.
You have any idea where we're gonna play the football game? You got a plan B here for me? Come on.
Let's go get a beer.
Come on.
Okay, now, what do you got after you take off the top three? Okay, the square root of X equals seven.
How do you get rid of that pesky little square root right there? Square both sides.
You square both sides.
You know, if you love math so much, why don't you just start your own little math club? That way you can do math all day long.
You see, I did, but nobody showed up.
Yeah, that's shocking.
You know, all this bitterness that you're showing me really isn't helping.
You know, I appreciate the fact that you're talking to me and everything, but It's not really helping matters.
So could we just maybe solve for X? All right.
X equals 49? I'm just playing.
That's right.
Bastard! It's funny.
I hate you! That wasn't funny, was it? Good job.
You got it all by yourself.
If you're not doing anything on Friday, maybe we could get together Yes.
and study.
Study? Yeah.
It's a date, then.
Let's do the next problem.
Hey, hon.
TAMl: Hey, baby.
Phone's been ringing off the hook for you.
You need to come along with me.
You need to turn that off right now.
Where would people park? I don't know.
And how would you put lights in here? I don't know that either.
Where would people pee? Well, I don't know.
They could use cups for all I care.
I don't know.
The cows agree with me.
I don't see why you can't, too.
Sweetie, don't I'm not disagreeing The cows are more supportive than you are.
You know I'm supportive.
I'm just thinking.
You know I mean, you got a lot on your mind.
You got this TMU thing, you know, the lawsuit, I mean This may not have been the clearest thought that you've had in a while, I'm getting pressured into giving up my home field advantage right now.
You know, I'm getting players who are receiving gifts and I've got a damn town that's full of I don't know.
They're money-hungry.
I know.
The whole damn thing's I know.
I'm just All I wanna do is just Close your eyes.
Pretend you're ten years old again.
Just playing.
You're just playing.
I wanna play football.
I know.
Where you going? I'm gonna go to the truck to get some blankets.
You know Buddy Garrity's head's gonna explode! I love it! I love it! All right, listen up.
I need about 20 cans of orange spray paint.
I need about 20 bags of chalk.
All the dirt that you can find.
I want to get spades and some metal rakes.
Metal rakes.
Get two or three of those.
We'll start with that.
All right? What are we doing here? We're gonna build a football field, Saracen.
Quit asking questions.
Man, I can't believe this.
I'm supposed to be sleeping in.
Let's just embrace the suck for once, all right? Come on.
Hey, I don't like your attitude.
Okay? How you doing? Hey, Coach.
Can I give you a hand? No, sir.
No? No.
Thank you.
What you been up to lately? Nothing much.
Picking up some WD-40.
You know, highlight of my day.
Not much going on, huh? No, sir.
See you tonight at that settlement case? Yes, sir.
Sorry about that.
Hell, son.
Nothing to be sorry about.
Hell, it's the best damn news I've heard since this case began.
Lawyer said they might be able to settle it.
I'm happy about it.
I hope your folks are happy about it.
They'll be there, sir.
Well All right, then.
It was good to see you again.
You too, Coach.
Yeah? Hi.
We need to talk.
Can I have a glass of water? Yeah.
Just put it there.
Why haven't you called? I've been busy.
It doesn't look like you're busy.
It looks like you're watching TV.
I know it may be a lot to ask of you to call me so that I know whether or not we're engaged or boyfriend-and-girlfriend or just real good pals Get off my back, Lyla! What do I have right now, huh? I got a girlfriend who cheated on me, I got parents who are breaking up 'cause of some stupid lawsuit! I lost the coach, lost the team, lost my friends, lost the quad rugby! So I got nothing! So I'm sorry if I'm not being the perfect boyfriend right now, but I got a lot more on my mind than powder-puff and prom! And this cup is way too full.
I'll spill it! You know that! Now it's not too full! What the hell was that for? You think it's been easy for me to help you in and out of that chair? Well, no one's holding a gun to your head, Lyla.
You think it's easy? I do it because I love you, stupid! But now you're sitting here feeling sorry for yourself and acting like a jackass all the time! You want to play rugby? Find another team! You hate this lawsuit so much? Find a way to make it go away.
And next time you want a glass of water, say please.
There's our new Toyota Tundra.
I got 30 of those.
She's a real beauty.
Eric, just tell me what the hell is this all about.
What this is about? Yeah.
You know what this is about? Man, it's just about football.
It's about playing football minus the crap.
So is this about the other day? Is that what this is? About the cash in the envelopes? Is that what it is? You're trying to make a statement? Yeah.
That's great.
It's a statement.
You happy? You're right.
It's a statement.
Well, I don't think the semifinal playoff game is the time to make a statement, Eric.
Now, look.
I know that you're being courted by TMU.
If you're doing this so you can make history 'cause you're not gonna be here, I don't like that one bit.
Is that you over there snickering? Yes, she said date.
"It's a date.
" I know, I know.
But "it's a date," it's an expression.
It's like a colloquialism you would say anywhere.
Well, she said that expression.
What's the girl's name? Her name is Tyra.
And you know, I'm really just about tired of being a supporting actor.
I'm about ready to be a leading man, Matt.
You know, it's gonna be a big night for us, so you might as well just accept that.
I accept it's gonna be a huge night.
I mean, you're probably gonna square a lot of numbers.
Maybe figure out a quadratic equation or something like that? That's really cute.
I'm really laughing on the inside.
Oh, it's adorable what you're doing.
I know.
It is.
You know what, Matt? I'm gonna go and I'm gonna tell her how I feel.
I'm gonna declare myself to her.
Okay? And you need to just accept that.
Carl, not too tight, please.
All right.
I don't want to look all frayed when I go and see my lady.
I just hope I wasn't too harsh on him.
You need to let him know.
You know who's really good to talk to? Mrs.
The counselor.
She's great.
Did Smash talk to you? You told Lyla Garrity that I'm bipolar? I love you.
Okay? I love you.
Okay? And you're right.
I have no idea what you're dealing with.
But you're not helping me.
Okay? You tell me you're sick, but you're not taking your pills! And then you start acting a little crazy and now you're doing things to endanger yourself and everybody else around you! I'm the only one who knows about it and I can't tell nobody? No.
That's not fair.
Okay? I'd do anything for you but that's too much.
I think you need to talk to somebody.
Maybe your dad or No.
I can't talk to my dad.
Well, then what about my mom? Why? She's a nurse and she knows you.
She can help.
'Cause, baby, I don't think you're okay.
And you can stay mad at me if you want to, but it's not going to change my mind.
About anything I just said.
Where the hell you going now? Jackie's.
You're going over to Jackie's again? That kid calling you Daddy yet? Mmm-mmm.
Doesn't know anything about it.
I might not have a PhD in stupid like you do, but I'm gonna tell you right now, this is gonna turn out badly.
Hell, it's probably gonna end badly right around State.
The school district has immunity.
Okay? So when the court lets us out on summary judgment, all you're gonna have left is Coach Taylor, and I'll bet you can take everything he has and double it and it won't even cover your fee.
I don't care who pays us.
But I want you to have a good look at that boy right there.
Because when I put him on the stand in his wheelchair, and he tells his story, there is not a jury in Carr County that is not going to give us three times what it is we're asking for.
You know, is that all I am here? Huh? Just some cripple boy you can wheel out in front of a bunch of people to make some money off me? Jason.
You're talking about lost earning capacity like I'm some brain-dead idiot that's never gonna get a job again.
All right.
Mitch, we need to take a break here.
Seriously, Mom, Dad, I know it's been hard on you guys.
But we are not here to win the lottery.
So how about I just write down what I want and we call it a night? Takes care of the debt, right? Saves the house? Jason Jason, I just want you to be okay.
I just want you to have a good life.
I'm gonna be fine.
You just gotta have faith in me, okay? Can you do that? Okay.
I think we can live with this.
How you doing, Coach? Good to see you.
This is ridiculous.
I mean, and what's worse is you're actually serious about this.
Well, just let him read it to you.
Just go ahead and read it to him, will you? "Article One.
The field shall be a rectangular area "with dimensions, lines, goals and pylons "as shown in the diagrams in Appendix A.
" Now you can measure as many times as you want, but this is an official field.
I don't care what the damn book says.
We're not playing here.
It's a football field, Coach.
It's a joke! It's not a joke.
It's a damn well-built football field.
Look at this.
This is the State semifinals.
For God's sake, I got my fans to think about.
What are you worried about your fans for? I mean, it's a sell-out game.
We're gonna be able to get them all in here.
You've already made your money.
It's not about the money, Coach.
I'm not saying I wasn't saying it was about the money.
I'm just saying Well, I'm just curious about what the problem is, Brandon.
Typically, what goes along with a football game is a football stadium.
Yes, sir.
You know.
With good goal posts, and something that's not battery-operated for a scoreboard.
Oh, I see.
I understand.
You have a problem coming down here without your fancy stadium and your high-tech gear because you're gonna get your keisters beat.
What I'm saying is it's a football game.
What you need for a football game is a football field, Gentlemen, are we gonna make a decision sometime here today? Come on.
I tell you what, Coach.
It's obvious that you and your fine folks at Dillon are having a really rough time right now.
We are, and I appreciate your concern.
You're welcome.
Furthermore, my boys could kick your boys' butts in an ice-skating rink wearing nothing but socks if they had to.
So let me tell you, if you want to go ahead and play on this field, butch up, Sally.
'Cause you got a game.
Thanks, Coach.
Good evening, Panther faithful and welcome to the most talked about football game in the state of Texas.
We are playing this football game in a cow pasture for lease.
Not since the days of the leather helmet have we seen the likes of this here in Dillon.
And you know what? I'm dating myself, sports fans, but this has the feel of Woodstock out here.
And you know what? I half-expect to see the legendary Jimi Hendrix come out here to play the national anthem.
Yeah, I was supposed to have 50-yard line seats.
Tonight you get to sit anywhere you want.
It's a big, wide open space out there.
All right.
Thank you.
Nice field, Tex.
Your mama a goat roper? You can't even get in my head.
You can't even get in my head, baby.
Bring it on the field.
Dillon, call the toss.
He calls tails.
It is tails.
We want the ball.
' Oh, sweet Mary! Gainey's started with an onside kick! And Molina picks up the ball! Oh, he's hit! Fumble! He fumbles the ball! Brant picks it up! Oh, no! He is gonna go.
He's got the outside.
And he's got a posse going in.
Oh, my.
Touchdown, Vikings.
And the Panthers just get whacked right out of the gate.
Holy smokes! Sneaky, sneaky.
Brant lines up for the extra point.
There's the snap.
Oh, it's a fake! He runs right.
He's got Hicks in the end zone! Two points and bam! The Vikings up, 8-0.
Two trick plays.
The gauntlet has definitely been thrown down.
This should be one hell of a brawl.
Oh, my, folks! It is raining in Texas, and Coach Taylor's field of dreams may have just become a nightmare.
You've got to be kidding.
Don't do this to me right now.
Tonight you're gonna do this? Okay.
Oh, that's fine.
Thank you! ANNOUNCER.
' Slips and he goes down after a three-yard pick-up and another four sliding through the mud.
I tell you, folks, these people are Why aren't you at the game? Got an algebra exam next week.
Semifinals or no semifinals, you know what I'm saying? Boy.
I remember those days.
' Under four minutes left to go in the half, folks.
The storm is here and it is a real Texas toad-scrambler.
Our boys have been bogged down the entire half.
Hut! Hut! It's second and 14 from our own 40.
Saracen hands it to Riggins off the left side.
Oh, it's a fumble! Fumble! Pick it up! Come on! Come on! And there's a scramble! The Panthers are going for it! The Vikings have it! No! No, the ball goes out of bounds At the 30-yard line and Coach Taylor and the Panthers just dodged another bullet there, folks.
Shift! Left Chicago! Left Chicago! ANNOUNCER.
' The ball is tipped! Oh, no! Interception! Interception! Vikings have the ball.
Things have just gone from bad to worse.
What are you doing? You can't audible a slant against these guys! They're too big! What are you doing? Huh? Get your head together! Hey, Saracen! You got this, okay? Just remember what we talked about.
You gotta stay tall.
You gotta look over the line.
You're sitting back on your heels.
That's why you're throwing it short.
Get your head in it, baby.
Let's go, Blue! ANNOUNCER.
' It's fourth down and one yard to go for a first, folks.
And Coach Taylor is going for it here at the end of the half.
He needs something, down by eight.
Saracen over the ball.
He hands off to Riggins.
He's got the first down! He's got more and Oh, my! Riggins went down hard! I think Tim Riggins thought he was gonna carry that ball all the way to Mexico.
We have got ourselves a mud bowl here, folks.
And this crowd is loving it, and you know what? So am I! Under a minute to go in the half.
Right! Set! Hut! Saracen takes the snap.
It's a handoff to Williams up the middle, no! It's a great fake by Saracen.
He drops back.
He goes up high! Oh! He lays up a beautiful pass! Yes! Yes! Yes! He's got some room! He's near midfield, best I can tell! Inside the 40! Looks like he could go! There you go, baby! Smash Williams to the ten! He gets hit hard! A touchdown! Touchdown, Panthers! And Matt Saracen, despite the mud and the rain, has really stepped up and taken charge of his Panthers' offense.
Taylor's trying to tie this thing up, going for two.
And we are tied, folks! Panthers score! Let's roll! And Coach Taylor makes it even going into the half.
Coaches! I need Coaches! ANNOUNCER.
' The referee's calling for the coaches and the captains.
This cannot be good, folks.
I don't think we ought to play.
It'd be a real shame if they had to call this match.
This is a home field in the truest sense of the word.
This field was hand-built by Coach Taylor and these players so that these Dillon fans and this town could enjoy one last home game.
Coach, we wanna play.
Yeah, we wanna play, too.
You guys wanna play.
In 24 minutes, somebody's going to State.
Damn right, we'll play.
We're playing? We're playing.
' Yes! We got what we wanted and we are gonna play this game out.
Somebody on this field tonight is going to State.
What? Is he not coming? Yeah, it looks that way.
Drive safe out there.
It's pouring.
Appreciate it.
' The Dillon Panthers make a big defensive stop here, folks.
This game is still tied up at eight.
The Vikings line up for a field goal.
This could put the game out of reach.
Here's the snap.
Brant field goal He goes down! He goes down and the kick is no good.
Coach Taylor is gonna have one more shot to bring his Panthers back! Hey! You forgot your notebook.
No! Get in the truck! Get in the truck! Stop! Stop! You're gonna like this.
Stop screaming! Yes! Everything that has been asked of you this year and that you have asked of yourselves, gentlemen, comes down to this.
Blood, sweat and tears! It all stays right here on this field right now! This is our dirt! This is our mud! This is ours, baby! Clear eyes! Full hearts! Can't lose! Can't lose! Stop it! Stop screaming! I told you to stop screaming right now! Bitch! Don't let them breathe.
Do not let them breathe.
Take them down the field.
Go get it, baby.
' Saracen rolls right.
He's got Smash breaking on the skinny post.
Smash has the ball! He breaks to the inside! He's got some room! He's to the 40! He almost slips! You gotta get out of bounds, Smash! Come on, baby! Come on! Smash is not gonna get out of bounds! The clock is winding down on the Panthers' season.
Tyra! I'm so sorry.
My car wouldn't What are you doing out here? What are you doing out here? He tried to rape me.
Wait, who? ANNOUNCER.
' Nineteen seconds left on the clock.
This is it.
The clock's rolling! Matt Saracen bringing his team to the line of scrimmage.
Spike it! But Saracen trying to set up for a spike ball so he can stop the clock.
Very smart.
He has really shown a lot of poise here in the clutch.
Go! Saracen over the ball.
Hut! There's the snap.
Spike the ball! Let him go! Let him go! Wait a second! Wait a second! He's keeping the ball! Saracen has the ball! And he gets a huge block from Tim Riggins! Go! Go! Go! Go! Lift your feet! Touchdown! Touchdown, Dillon Panthers! And, folks, Matt Saracen has really shined tonight! He has stepped up and led these Panthers back! Our Dillon Panthers are going to State! Lord, we just thank you for the privilege of playing this game that we love, Father.
And to play true, God.
Tonight, in spite of the rain and the cold, you just allowed us to play with honor, pride and heart.
Lord, help us to press on forward knowing that no matter what, our destiny and our future is secure in your hands, God.
It's in the mighty and matchless name of Jesus that we pray, Lord.
Here we go, gentlemen! We're going to State, baby! I'll always love you no matter what happens.
Yo, Smash, baby.
What? Great game.
Hey, Mama! We going to State, baby! We're going to State, Mama! I get you wet? No, don't! I will stomp you! I will stomp you! We're going to State! Yes, we are.
Yeah! Are you sleeping over again tonight? Uh I know we're going to State.
You'll be all right.
West Cambria won tonight.
Looks like we got Voodoo in the final.
Go figure.
Matt Saracen, he was a He was a different quarterback tonight.
It was a good job.
He's a good kid.
He's a hell of a quarterback.
It was a good job.
You ever think about coaching?
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