Ruby Ring (Ruby's Ring) (2013) s01e20 Episode Script

Episode 20

Ruby's Ring Are they chasing us? But why? If you don't want to die, be quiet.
She's not picking up? No, mother.
Oh, my goodness.
What's going on? Do you think something's wrong? Changgeun, this is terrible.
Sera might have been kidnapped.
Kidnapped? Here you go again.
If you don't know what's going on, just keep your mouth shut.
If she hasn't been kidnapped, why won't she pick up? She said, "I'm going to die," right? This has to be a kidnapping.
Remember that recent taxi kidnapping? This is awful.
Changgeun, shouldn't we contact the police just in case? Yes, Changgeun.
Something's not right.
Go on.
Geumhui! What do you think you're doing? At times like this, we must remain cool-headed and rational.
Let's take a deep breath to calm our nerves.
Stop it this instant.
This is no time to be fooling around.
Wait, mom.
I think Geumhui's right.
We need to think about this.
What? The press might catch wind of it, and we could end up in the gossip column.
There are many people who'd use that to tarnish the company's reputation.
We need to think about our company's public image.
What are we going to do? What do we do now, Changgeun? Changgeun.
Her phone hasn't been turned off, so we should keep trying to reach her until she picks up.
Na, are you okay? Are you hurt? I think I'm okay.
This is insane.
Hi, dad.
Are you okay? Are you alright? I'm fine.
She's fine, mom.
What a relief.
Ask her what happened.
What happened? Nothing.
I was on a roller coaster.
Did I scare you, dad? I'm going to be here a while longer, so don't worry about me.
See you later, dad.
So what was it? She was on a roller coaster.
What? Roller coaster? Oh, wow.
What fun.
I bet she's there with a guy.
Back in my heyday, I had guys chasing me left and right.
Be quiet, Auto.
Pardon? Auto? She's so talkative that her nickname is Auto Trap, so I shortened it to Auto.
My goodness.
I'll be with you shortly.
Table 5.
Table 5.
I'll be right back.
Soyeong's not back yet? She's totally disappeared.
Did you provoke her again? Gilja, I have better things to do.
Seriously Here.
Here you go.
Hey, Ko Soyeong, where have you been this whole time? Get to work.
It's crazy in here.
Hey, what's going on? You're as limp as a wet rag.
Let's go somewhere and talk.
Go where after such a fiasco? Aren't you hungry? I'm starving.
I'm just fine.
Who exactly are you? Have you taken out a private loan? Was the loan from a scary thug? Let's get this straight.
I didn't suggest taking my car.
You insisted.
So? You saw and experienced what came afterwards, so don't jump to strange conclusions.
But still, what about that black SUV? It's a personal matter.
No more questions, please.
Aren't you getting in? Go ahead.
In any case, thank you for saving me.
Let's go.
That wasn't cool, Jeong Runa.
I knew it wasn't enough to make him give up.
But I wanted to show him how much power and authority I had.
I wanted him to know that he'd never get away with messing with me.
There are two types of people.
Those who believe in love and those who do not.
Na Insu fell into his own trap because he was foolish enough to believe in love.
Poor Na Insu.
I can do it.
What's wrong? Eunsu, you jerk.
It's that guy, right? What guy? Tell me everything.
Come on.
We dated for two years when I was living in a tiny studio, working at a burger joint.
He dumped me as soon as he got into college.
I even helped pay his first-semester tuition.
You helped pay his tuition? You did? Yes, Dongpal.
You weren't thinking, were you? My situation must've been too dismal.
I was an orphan who had dropped out of school, barely getting by in a tiny, run-down studio.
I trusted him.
I trusted my love for him.
He was my first love.
I'd rip him into bits if he were here.
You even helped with his tuition, and yet he dumped you? It's just like they say.
All men are thieves and swindlers.
No, not me.
You, too.
All men are the same.
Don't cry, Soyeong.
Don't cry.
That's why I don't believe in love.
What a sad story.
And you're still so young It goes well with your skin tone.
How about this? Hey, doesn't this color suit me? What happened to Chuncheon's foremost fashionista? Why did her sense of style disappear in the wink of an eye, and we see before us this sorry mess? How may I help you? No.
We're actually doing some market research.
We're trying to see how our homeshopping network customers would respond to this product.
Our brand isn't meant for homeshopping shows.
If we did something like that, we'd use a different route with lower quality goods.
Excuse me.
I'm not done with that yet.
Let's just go.
Jeong Runa, what's the matter with you? Why are you holding me back instead of throwing a fit? She disrespected us.
That's enough.
Who would've ever imagined? You of all people.
You, Jeong Runa.
I'll stop because she's not worth it.
You look so much better with just a dab of lipstick.
Hey, call Mr.
Na right away.
You're ready for a date.
Date? Yeah right.
Yes? Did you check the revisions to the contract? We have to send it tonight.
I'm working on it.
Still? You're so thorough.
I know you're good, so I won't check it over.
If everything looks okay, send it off as is.
I think we should get going.
After the meeting with Mr.
Jerome, I'll go straight home.
See you tomorrow.
Hello? I ran into Runa at the department store.
How? I called her because I wanted to see her.
Why don't we have dinner? What? If you're busy, it'll just be Runa then.
Her friend Eunji is here, too.
It's me.
If you don't come, I'm divulging all your dirty secrets.
I'll be there.
Yes? You've worked on export contracts to Paris, right? Yes, but I'm not familiar with that account.
But you've done it before, so could you just finish this up? Ms.
This is maddening.
This has to go out today.
Seokho, have you done this before? La Spains is very picky.
What is Ms.
Jeong thinking? She's really gotten weird.
You don't say.
What do you want? I'm busy.
Could I get a ride? You totaled my car.
This is the least you can do, don't you think? What the It won't be easy to get to me from now on, Na Insu.
I got myself personal bodyguards.
This is the power of money.
The email's here.
Are you done? Almost.
I only cleaned up the formatting.
Shouldn't Ms.
Seo see it? She's in a meeting with Mr.
I bet she turned off her phone.
The recipient is unavailable.
Connecting to voicemail.
There's no time.
Just send it.
I have a bad feeling about this.
Your email has been sent.
Eight sacks of onions.
And leeks, too.
We need five bundles.
We'll take two boxes of potatoes.
Oh, Gyeongmin.
Hi, Gyeongmin.
I trust you're well.
But of course.
But what are you two doing here? Gyeongmin said he'd buy dinner, so here we are.
Why take business elsewhere? That's great, Runa.
And what business? It'll be our pleasure to serve you a great dinner.
Where's Ruby? She said she was coming, but she's not answering her phone.
I left her a message, so she should come soon.
Oh, we have a very important guest.
It's me.
Where are you? So it's not just chicken.
There are rice cakes and sweet potatoes as well.
Oh, Ruby.
Come sit down.
What took you so long? Gyeongmin's been waiting for you.
Why come here of all places? Hey, he did the right thing.
It's a great excuse to all see each other.
Oh, Insu.
How are you? Great.
But Welcome, Mr.
Your face Did something happen? I got into an accident on the way over.
Oh, my.
I may need to get myself personal bodyguards.
Bodyguards? Who were these thugs? Who did that to you? You should've called me.
One punch, and they'd be out cold.
Oh, come on.
You don't have the build.
That couldn't be further from the truth.
My dear Dongpal I mean, Mr.
Noh is very strong.
It's true.
When he took down those drunken jerks - Right.
- Chorim totally fell for him.
What are you talking about? You heard that? I can hold my own if need be.
But Insu, what really happened? The truth is, I fell down.
I tripped on part of the set.
You should've been more careful.
Now, now.
Let's all drink.
Chug, chug, chug.
Excuse me.
I have to use the restroom.
I can pay my medical bill, but you need to buy me a new car.
It may cost you a bit more than your bodyguards, but I'd like to enjoy the power of money, too.
There's a limit to what I can brush off as harmless fun.
Oh Shall I send your husband an invoice? The restroom's that way.
Oh, right.
I haven't thanked you properly yet.
Thank you for recommending us.
Oh, please.
And it's Runa you should be thanking.
I only recommended you for her sake.
You must care a lot about your sister-in-law.
What with the accident and all, I feel so bad for her.
She seems like such a nice person.
I should do whatever I can to help her.
Jeong Runa is a very nice person.
Very nice.
You'll be home early, right? Let's all have dinner together.
We'll be home early.
Changgeun, see you this evening.
And the same to you, Gyeongmin and Ruby.
I love you all.
Have a great day.
Thank you.
You're going to be late.
Run along.
We'll get going then.
See you.
Why are you acting all cute like a little girl? Isn't it nice? I love you, too, ma'am.
Good grief.
What an oddball.
My goodness.
Isn't it nice? Yup.
Ruby Isn't it a bit loud? I'll turn it down a bit.
I'm so tired these days.
Yes, Ms.
Where are you? Get over here this instant.
What's wrong, Jinhui? What were you thinking? The La Spains deal is ruined because of you.
Jeong Ruby, what on earth have you done? Didn't you check the clause on the per-unit price? They're annulling the contract because the per-unit price we proposed was too high.
What will we do with all the cosmetics? They're organic and will expire soon.
Paris was sneaky and included a clause on the per-unit cost without discussing it with us.
And Ms.
Jeong didn't spot it.
What is this, Jeong Ruby? What's going on with you? So what happened? Paris La Spains wants to annul the contract.
They inserted a clause stipulating that they reserve the right to annul the contract if they don't like the per-unit price.
In that case, what's the damage? Even just a rough estimate amounts to $8 million.
$8 million.
Why couldn't you do your job right? You should resign this instant! I appointed you vice president to expand the business, not to bring it to ruin.
How could you I'm sorry, dad.
I should've been more careful.
I'm home.
What's the matter, mom? Is dad angry? You haven't heard? No.
What's going on? You work at the same company.
How can you not know? We're in the same building, but they're separate companies.
So what happened, mom? You sister-in-law didn't review a contract thoroughly, so we sustained a huge loss.
There were hundreds of boxes of cosmetics on standby for export.
What? Can't we renegotiate the contract? It's not worth it if they ask too low a price.
It's better to sustain the loss.
Then we can sell the cosmetics.
It's too much for us to handle.
This is terrible.
It's all so sudden.
She must not be as smart as I thought she was.
No, Sera.
Just stay here.
Grandma, I'm part of JM.
I should know what's going on.
So how will you deal with this? We've made calls for a renegotiation.
And the probability of that is? Close to zero.
When it comes to a contract, unless both sides want to annul it, it's a lost cause for one side to insist on a renegotiation.
Worst-case scenario, it might even lead to a messy legal battle.
But we could redo the Don't beat a dead horse.
At times like this, you have to be rational.
False hope will only cloud your judgment and lead to a greater loss.
Dad, we need to acknowledge our mistake and find a way to minimize our losses.
I'll sell the whole lot, sir.
What are you talking about? How? Yeah.
How will you do that? There's a simple reason people buy luxury goods.
They give people the illusion that they're worth more than they are.
They feel rich.
They equate their self-worth with the high-end goods they buy.
Quality is secondary.
It all comes down to image.
All we have to do is create an image of luxury for our products while lowering the price.
Sell high-end cosmetics at an affordable price I know I can do it.
I have my reservations.
I think it might work.
So do you have a specific plan? Just give me one week.
I'll do my best to draft a great proposal.
I've never made any mistakes up until now.
I'll do a good job.
We have no alternatives anyway, so I'll put my faith in you.
Thank you.
And I'm sorry.
This will never happen again.
Lee Eunji, where are you? I have to see you right now.
Hello, we're from JM Group.
May we take a picture of this? Thank you.
Could you tell us what you like most about this product? Take a picture of this.
And this and this.
I'm not dumb.
I'm not vulgar, either.
I just never had the right opportunity.
I can do it.
I can totally do it.
You haven't left yet? How can I leave when my dear wife is still hard at work? Anything I can help you with? I created this mess, so I want to take care of it on my own.
This is the Jeong Ruby I know.
I've always been Jeong Ruby.
What are you talking about? This Jeong Ruby I see before me, this Jeong Ruby Do you know that you've been acting strange? I figured the accident was to blame, but I was flustered because you seemed so different.
But you're back, the old Jeong Ruby, working tirelessly to overcome a hurdle.
I love it.
I love it a lot.
Try the coffee.
Vice President Bae.
What are you all doing here? Ms.
Jeong, what do you take us for? This is our work, too.
Well, why don't we eat first? Sounds good.
Everything looks delicious.
Thank you for coming with us.
Thank you.
It's not easy finding an excuse to come to a place like this.
I've never been to a morning market.
You were never awake this early.
You would club until the wee hours of It's been so long.
The heat had kept me away.
You need to sleep well to have glowing, healthy skin.
Why are we doing this at the crack of dawn? We can shop at our local supermarket.
Why come all the way here? Aren't you the one who loves to cook? Doesn't it make you happy to see all these fresh vegetables? Yes, but I'm so sleepy.
Just $4.
No, I can't.
- Come on.
- No.
Thank you.
That leaves us with nothing.
Aren't you tired? No.
I'm happy.
This is the smell, or rather, the aroma of life.
I wonder if people who lie and cheat for fame and glory know what this aroma is like.
I'm sure.
But they choose to forget it.
Maybe those people are just being smart.
Maybe I'm the fool.
Let's go.
Which way? Gilja, is that you? Oh, my goodness.
Well, hello.
What brings you here? I woke up early, so I decided to come shopping.
You must be shopping for the restaurant.
Hello, Mrs.
It's so good to see you.
I heard you're doing much better.
And I'm working, thanks to you and your family.
Oh, this is I'm Jang Geumhui, Gyeongmin's maternal aunt.
Maternal aunt? I didn't know Gyeongmin had an aunt.
Oh, I'm her close hometown friend.
Thus, I'm Gyeongmin's aunt.
People call folks who work at restaurants and stores auntie or uncle, so given how close I am to Gyeongsuk, I could pass for being Gyeongmin's real aunt, right? I'd like you to think of me as Gyeongmin and Ruby's aunt.
I'm taking good care of Ruby as if she were my daughter.
I'm sorry, but you are Oh, right.
This is my daughter's fiance.
Nice to meet you.
I see.
You look so familiar.
I didn't know there was a cafe like this in the market.
It's so run down.
How are you faring? I'm sure you're not 100% there yet.
I've gotten a lot better.
What a relief.
Your family has been so generous.
I don't even know what to say.
I just hope Ruby and Runa don't cause your family or the company any Oh, so you've heard about the awful mess Ruby caused.
The company sustained a loss of $8 million because of Ruby.
Did Ruby make a mistake? Oh, no, no.
This wasn't just a mistake.
It was a huge debacle that cost a whopping $8 million.
She was only given a second chance because Changgeun's a sweetheart.
If I were him, I would have fired her on the spot.
No, strangled her.
What is the matter with you, Geumhui? Oh, no.
Did I slip up again? Oh, no.
I'm sorry.
I'm sorry.
I'm so sorry.
I don't know what this is about.
Don't worry.
Ruby's doing very well.
May I ask how the company came to sustain such a huge loss? Yes.
Please tell us.
We need to know.
The KOSPI slipped 2.
38 points, closing at 1923.
98, while KOSDAQ - You're back.
- Yes.
You should've known better.
Why don't you ever know when to keep your mouth shut? At home and outside, your foolishness keeps putting me in an awkward position.
I'm always a ditz, no matter where I am.
I always thought you were odd, even when we were young.
Once a ditz, always a ditz, right? Hey! My goodness.
Oh, my.
It's way too early for you to be raising your voices.
Looks like you, Auto, did something to upset her.
No, ma'am.
I'm the one who's been hurt.
What? Hurt? Superheroes.
It must be so frustrating for them to have to hide their true identities.
Like you said, I'm Auto, right? My trap is always on auto mode.
It's very upsetting to be told it should be on manual mode.
What are you talking about? Oh, you're giving me a headache.
Enough already.
Just hurry up with breakfast.
Good morning.
Where's your wife? She left for work early.
My dear nephew, good morning.
At the market this morning, we You ditz.
You boneheaded ditz.
Good grief.
Darn it.
A picnic isn't complete without kimbap rolls.
Who takes this to a picnic these days? I'm toiling away thanks to you.
You're not making these for me.
They're for Dongpal, who loves them.
You wretched thing.
What's the matter, Gilja? Is something wrong? No, Chorim.
I want a different producer.
I think you two would be a match made in heaven.
I told you, didn't I? I'll chase you to the ends of the earth.
Why didn't you leave me? Because you need me.
Chorim, tonight will be a historic night for us.
I always feel like I owe you.
I don't know.
I don't remember.
Father, give me the homeshopping section.
See you next time
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